Inequality arguments from literature. Literary arguments for writing an essay in the Unified State Exam format. Text from the Unified State Examination

  1. A. S. Pushkin."Eugene Onegin". A person sometimes passes by without noticing his happiness. When the feeling of love arises in him, it becomes too late. This happened with Evgeny Onegin. At first he rejected the love of a village girl. Having met her a few years later, he realized that he was in love. Unfortunately, their happiness is impossible.
  2. M. Yu Lermontov."Hero of our time". Pechorin's true love for Vera. His frivolous attitude towards Mary and Bela.
  3. And S. Turgenev."Fathers and Sons". Evgeny Bazarov denied everything, including love. But life forced him to experience this true feeling for Anna Odintsova. The stern nihilist could not resist the intelligence and charm of this woman.
  4. And A. Goncharov."Oblomov." Lyubov Oblomov Olga Ilyinskaya. Olga's desire to pull Ilya out of a state of indifference and laziness. Oblomov tried to find the purpose of life in love. However, the lovers' efforts were in vain.
  5. A. N. Ostrovsky. It is impossible to live without love. Proof of this is, for example, the deep drama that Katerina, the main character of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm,” experienced.
  6. I.A. Goncharov."Oblomov." The great power of love is a theme of many writers. Often a person is able to change even his life for the sake of his loved one. However, this is not always possible. For example, Ilya Ilyich, the hero of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", for the sake of love, abandoned many of his habits. Olga, having experienced disappointment, leaves Oblomov. The mutually enriching development of their relationship did not work out, because the desire to vegetate “creeping from one day to another” turned out to be stronger for Ilya.
  7. L.N. Tolstoy. Love is a great feeling. It can change a person's life. But it can bring a lot of hope and disappointment. However, this condition can also transform a person. Such life situations were described by the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace". For example, Prince Bolkonsky, after life’s hardships, was convinced that he would never experience happiness or joy again. However, a meeting with Natasha Rostova changed his view of the world. Love is a great power.
  8. A. Kuprin. Sometimes it seems that poetry and the magical beauty of love are disappearing from our lives, that people’s feelings are diminishing. A. Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet” still amazes readers with faith in love. It can be called a moving hymn of love. Such stories help to maintain the belief that the world is beautiful, and that people sometimes have access to the inaccessible.
  9. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The influence of friendship on the formation of personality is a serious topic that worried I. A. Goncharov. The heroes of his novel, peers and friends, I. I. Oblomov and A. I. Stolz, are shown almost according to the same scheme: childhood, environment, education. But Stolz tried to change his friend’s sleepy life. His attempts were unsuccessful. After Oblomov’s death, Andrei took his son Ilya into his family. This is what true friends do.
  10. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". In friendship there is mutual influence. Relationships can be fragile if people are unwilling to help each other. This is shown in the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The apathetic, difficult-to-rise nature of Ilya Ilyich and the young energy of Andrei Stolts - all this spoke of the impossibility of friendship between these people. However, Andrei made every effort to encourage Oblomov to do some kind of activity. True, Ilya Ilyich could not adequately respond to his friend’s concern. But Stolz’s desires and attempts deserve respect.
  11. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Friendship is not always strong, especially if it is based on the subordination of one person to another. A similar situation was described by Turgenev in the novel “Fathers and Sons.” Arkady Kirsanov was at first an ardent supporter of Bazarov's nihilistic views and considered himself his friend. However, he quickly lost his conviction and went over to the side of the older generation. Bazarov, according to Arkady, was left alone. This happened because the friendship was not equal.
  12. N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba” (about friendship, camaraderie). It is said in N. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” that “there is no holier bond than comradeship.”

Literary arguments for an essay - reasoning. Unified State Examination, Russian language.

1) What is the meaning of life?

1. The author writes about the meaning of life, and Eugene Onegin in the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin comes to mind. Bitter is the fate of those who have not found their place in life! Onegin is a gifted man, one of the best people of that time, but he did nothing but evil - he killed a friend, brought misfortune to Tatyana who loved him:

Having lived without a goal, without work

Until twenty-six years old,

Languishing in idle leisure,

No work, no wife, no business

I didn't know how to do anything.

2. People who have not found the purpose of life are unhappy. Pechorin in “Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov is active, smart, resourceful, observant, but all his actions are random, his activity is fruitless, and he is unhappy, none of the manifestations of his will has a deep purpose. The hero bitterly asks himself: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born?..”

3. Throughout his life, Pierre Bezukhov tirelessly searched for himself and the true meaning of life. After painful trials, he became able not only to think about the meaning of life, but also to perform specific actions that require will and determination. In the epilogue of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel, we meet Pierre, carried away by the ideas of Decembrism, protesting against the existing social system and fighting for the just life of the very people of which he feels himself a part. According to Tolstoy, this organic combination of the personal and the national contains both the meaning of life and happiness.

2) Fathers and sons. Upbringing.

1. It seems that Bazarov is a positive hero in I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” He is smart, brave, independent in his judgment, a progressive man of his time, but readers are confused by his attitude towards his parents, who love their son madly, but he is deliberately rude to them. Yes, Evgeny practically does not communicate with old people. How sad they are! And only Odintsova he said wonderful words about his parents, but the old people themselves never heard them.

2. In general, the problem of “fathers” and “children” is typical for Russian literature. In A.N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm,” it takes on a tragic sound, since young people who want to live by their own minds emerge from blind obedience to the domostroy.

And in the novel by I.S. Turgenev, the generation of children represented by Yevgeny Bazarov is already decisively going their own way, sweeping away established authorities. And the contradictions between two generations are often painful.

3) Impudence. Rudeness. Behavior in society.

1. Human incontinence, disrespectful attitude towards others, rudeness and rudeness are directly related to improper upbringing in the family. Therefore, Mitrofanushka in D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” says unforgivable, rude words. In Mrs. Prostakova's house, rude language and beatings are a common occurrence. So mother says to Pravdin: “ I scold, now I fight; This is how the house holds together.”

2. Famusov appears before us as a rude, ignorant person in A. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.” He is rude to dependent people, speaks grumpily, rudely, calls the servants names in every possible way, regardless of their age.

3. You can cite the image of the mayor from the comedy “The Inspector General”. A positive example: A. Bolkonsky.

4) The problem of poverty, social inequality.

1. With stunning realism, F.M. Dostoevsky depicts the world of Russian reality in the novel “Crime and Punishment”. It shows the social injustice, hopelessness, and spiritual impasse that gave rise to Raskolnikov’s absurd theory. The heroes of the novel are poor people, humiliated by society, poverty is everywhere, suffering is everywhere. Together with the author, we feel pain for the fate of the children. Standing up for the disadvantaged is what matures in the minds of readers when they get acquainted with this work.

5) The problem of mercy.

1. It seems that from all the pages of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” disadvantaged people ask us for help: Katerina Ivanovna, her children, Sonechka... The sad picture of the image of a humiliated person calls for our mercy and compassion: “Love your neighbor ..." The author believes that a person must find his way "to the kingdom of light and thought." He believes that a time will come when people will love each other. He claims that beauty will save the world.

2. In maintaining compassion for people, a merciful and patient soul, the moral height of a woman is revealed in A. Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryonin’s Dvor”. In all the trials that degrade human dignity, Matryona remains sincere, responsive, ready to help, capable of rejoicing in the happiness of others. This is the image of a righteous woman, a keeper of spiritual values. Without her, according to the proverb, “the village, the city, the whole land is not worth it.”

6) The problem of honor, duty, feat.

1. When you read about how Andrei Bolkonsky was mortally wounded, you feel horror. He did not rush forward with the banner, he simply did not lie down on the ground like the others, but continued to stand, knowing that the cannonball would explode. Bolkonsky could not do otherwise. He, with his sense of honor and duty, noble valor, did not want to do otherwise. There are always people who cannot run, remain silent, or hide from danger. They die before others because they are better. And their death is not meaningless: it gives birth to something in the souls of people, something very important.

7) The problem of happiness.

1. L.N. Tolstoy in the novel “War and Peace” leads us, the readers, to the idea that happiness is not expressed in wealth, not in nobility, not in fame, but in love, all-consuming and all-encompassing. Such happiness cannot be taught. Before his death, Prince Andrei defines his state as “happiness”, located in the intangible and external influences of the soul - “happiness of love”... The hero seems to be returning to the time of pure youth, to the ever-living springs of natural existence.

2. To be happy, you need to remember five simple rules. 1. Free your heart from hatred - forgive. 2. Free your heart from worries - most of them do not come true. 3. Live a simple life and appreciate what you have. 4.Give more. 5. Expect less.

8) My favorite work.

They say that every person in his life must raise a son, build a house, plant a tree. It seems to me that in spiritual life no one can do without Leo Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace. I think this book creates in the human soul the necessary moral foundation on which a temple of spirituality can be built. The novel is an encyclopedia of life; The fates and experiences of the heroes are relevant to this day. The author encourages us to learn from the mistakes of the characters in the work and live a “real life.”

9) Friendship.

Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov in Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” are people of “crystal honest, crystal soul.” They constitute the spiritual elite, the moral core to the “marrow of the bones” of a rotten society. These are friends, they are connected by liveliness of character and soul. Both hate the “carnival masks” of high society, complement each other and become necessary to each other, despite the fact that they are so different. Heroes seek and learn the truth - such a goal justifies the value of their life and friendship.

10) Faith in God. Christian motives.

1. In the image of Sonya, F.M. Dostoevsky personifies the “man of God”, who has not lost his connection with God in a cruel world with a passionate desire for “Life in Christ”. In the scary world of the novel Crime and Punishment, this girl is a moral ray of light that warms the heart of a criminal. Rodion heals his soul and returns to life with Sonya. It turns out that without God there is no life. So Dostoevsky thought, so Gumilyov later wrote:

2. The heroes of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” read the parable of the resurrection of Lazarus. Through Sonya, the prodigal son, Rodion, returns to real life and God. Only at the end of the novel does he see “morning”, and under his pillow lies the Gospel. Biblical stories became the basis for the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, and Gogol. The poet Nikolai Gumilyov has wonderful words:

There is God, there is peace, they live forever;

And people's lives are instantaneous and miserable,

But a person contains everything within himself,

Who loves the world and believes in God.


1. True patriots in Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace do not think about themselves, they feel the need for their own contribution and even sacrifice, but do not expect rewards for this, because they carry in their souls a genuine holy feeling of the Motherland.

Pierre Bezukhov gives his money, sells his estate to equip the regiment. True patriots were also those who left Moscow, not wanting to submit to Napoleon. Petya Rostov is rushing to the front because “The Fatherland is in danger.” Russian men, dressed in soldier's overcoats, fiercely resist the enemy, because the feeling of patriotism is sacred and inalienable for them.

2. In Pushkin’s poetry we find sources of the purest patriotism. His “Poltava”, “Boris Godunov”, all appeals to Peter the Great, “slanderers of Russia”, his poem dedicated to the Borodino anniversary, testify to the depth of popular feeling and the power of patriotism, enlightened and sublime.

12) Family.

We, the readers, arouse special sympathy for the Rostov family in L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” whose behavior reveals high nobility of feelings, kindness, even rare generosity, naturalness, closeness to the people, moral purity and integrity. The sense of family, which the Rostovs take sacred in their peaceful life, will prove historically significant during the Patriotic War of 1812.

13) Conscience.

1.Probably, the last thing we, readers, expected from Dolokhov in L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” was an apology to Pierre on the eve of the Battle of Borodino. In moments of danger, during a period of general tragedy, conscience awakens in this tough man. Bezukhov is surprised by this. We seem to see Dolokhov from the other side and one more time we will be surprised when he, with other Cossacks and hussars, frees a party of prisoners, where Pierre will be, when he has difficulty speaking, seeing Petya lying motionless. Conscience is a moral category, without it it is impossible to imagine a real person.

2. Conscientious means a decent, honest person, endowed with a sense of dignity, justice, and kindness. The one who lives in harmony with his conscience is calm and happy. The fate of one who missed it for the sake of momentary gain or renounced it out of personal egoism is unenviable.

3. It seems to me that issues of conscience and honor for Nikolai Rostov in L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” are the moral essence of a decent person. Having lost a lot of money to Dolokhov, he promises himself to return it to his father, who saved him from dishonor. And one more time Rostov surprised me when he entered into an inheritance and accepted all his father’s debts. This is what people usually do with honor and duty, people with a developed sense of conscience.

4. The best features of Grinev from A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”, conditioned by his upbringing, appear in moments of severe trials and help him get out of difficult situations with honor. In conditions of rebellion, the hero maintains humanity, honor and loyalty to himself; he risks his life, but does not deviate from the dictates of duty, refusing to swear allegiance to Pugachev and make compromises.

14) Education. His role in human life.

1. A.S. Griboyedov, under the guidance of experienced teachers, received a good initial education, which he continued at Moscow University. The writer's contemporaries were amazed by the level of his education. He graduated from three faculties (the verbal department of the Faculty of Philosophy, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics and the Faculty of Law) and received the academic title of candidate of these sciences. Griboyedov studied Greek, Latin, English, French and German, and spoke Arabic, Persian and Italian. Alexander Sergeevich was fond of theater. He was one of the excellent writers and diplomats.

We consider 2.M.Yu. Lermontov to be one of the great writers of Russia and the progressive noble intelligentsia. He was called a revolutionary romantic. Although Lermontov left the university because the leadership considered his stay there undesirable, the poet was distinguished by a high level of self-education. He began to write poetry early, drew beautifully, and played music. Lermontov constantly developed his talent and left his descendants a rich creative heritage.

15) Officials. Power.

1. I. Krylov, N. V. Gogol, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in their works ridiculed those officials who humiliate their subordinates and pander to their superiors. Writers condemn them for rudeness, indifference to the people, embezzlement and bribery. It’s not for nothing that Shchedrin is called the prosecutor of public life. His satire was full of sharp journalistic content.

2. In the comedy “The Inspector General,” Gogol showed the officials inhabiting the city - the embodiment of the passions rampant in it. He denounced the entire bureaucratic system, portrayed a vulgar society plunged into universal deception. Officials are far from the people, busy only with material well-being. The writer not only exposes their abuses, but also shows that they have acquired the character of a “disease.” Lyapkin-Tyapkin, Bobchinsky, Zemlyanika and other characters are ready to humiliate themselves before their superiors, but they do not consider simple petitioners to be people.

3. Our society has moved to a new level of management, so the order in the country has changed, the fight against corruption and inspections are underway. It is sad to recognize in many modern officials and politicians emptiness covered by indifference. Gogol's types have not disappeared. They exist in a new guise, but with the same emptiness and vulgarity.

16) Intelligence. Spirituality.

1. I evaluate an intelligent person by his ability to behave in society and by his spirituality. Andrei Bolkonsky in Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” is my favorite hero, whom young men of our generation can imitate. He is smart, educated, intelligent. He is characterized by such character traits that make up spirituality as a sense of duty, honor, patriotism, and mercy. Andrey is disgusted by the world with its pettiness and falseness. It seems to me that the prince’s feat is not only that he rushed with a banner at the enemy, but also that he consciously abandoned false values, choosing compassion, kindness and love.

2. In the comedy “The Cherry Orchard,” A.P. Chekhov denies intelligence to people who do nothing, are not capable of work, do not read anything serious, only talk about science, and understand little about art. He believes that humanity must improve its strength, work hard, help those who suffer, and strive for moral purity.

3. Andrei Voznesensky has wonderful words: “There is a Russian intelligentsia. Do you think no? Eat!"

17)Mother. Motherhood.

1. With trepidation and excitement, A.I. Solzhenitsyn remembered his mother, who sacrificed a lot for her son. Persecuted by the authorities because of her husband’s “White Guard” and her father’s “former wealth,” she could not work in an institution that paid well, although she knew foreign languages ​​perfectly and had studied shorthand and typewriting. The great writer is grateful to his mother for doing everything to instill in him diverse interests and give him a higher education. In his memory, his mother remained an example of universal moral values.

2.V.Ya.Bryusov connects the theme of motherhood with love and composes an enthusiastic praise to the woman-mother. This is the humanistic tradition of Russian literature: the poet believes that the movement of the world, humanity comes from a woman - a symbol of love, self-sacrifice, patience and understanding.

18) Labor is laziness.

Valery Bryusov created a hymn to labor, which also contains the following passionate lines:

And the right to a place in life

Only to those whose days are in labor:

Glory to the workers only,

Only for them - a wreath for centuries!

19)Theme of love.

Every time Pushkin wrote about love, his soul became enlightened. In the poem: “I loved you...” the poet’s feeling is anxious, love has not yet cooled down, it lives in him. Light sadness is caused by an unrequited strong feeling. He confesses to his beloved, and how strong and noble his impulses are:

I loved you silently, hopelessly,

We are tormented by timidity and jealousy...

The nobility of the poet's feelings, tinged with light and subtle sadness, is expressed simply and directly, warmly and, as always with Pushkin, charmingly musical. This is the true power of love, which resists vanity, indifference, and dullness!

20)Purity of language.

1.During its history, Russia has experienced three eras of contamination of the Russian language. The first happened under Peter 1, when there were over three thousand marine terms of foreign words alone. The second era came with the 1917 revolution. But the darkest time for our language is the endXX- StartXXIcenturies, when we witnessed the degradation of language. Just look at the phrase heard on television: “Don’t slow down – grab a snicker!” Americanisms have overwhelmed our speech. I am sure that the purity of speech must be strictly monitored, it is necessary to eradicate clericalism, jargon, and the abundance of foreign words that displace beautiful, correct literary speech, which is the standard of Russian classics.

2. Pushkin did not have the opportunity to save the Fatherland from enemies, but he was given the opportunity to decorate, elevate and glorify its language. The poet extracted unheard-of sounds from the Russian language and “hit the hearts” of readers with unknown force. Centuries will pass, but these poetic treasures will remain for posterity in all the charm of their beauty and will never lose their strength and freshness:

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God grant that your beloved be different!

21)Nature. Ecology.

1. I. Bunin’s poetry is characterized by a caring attitude towards nature, he worries about itcprotection for purity, therefore his lyrics contain many bright, rich colors of love and hope. Nature feeds the poet with optimism; through her images he expresses his philosophy of life:

My spring will pass, and this day will pass,

But it's fun to wander around and know that everything passes,

Meanwhile, the happiness of living will never die...

In the poem “Forest Road,” nature is the source of happiness and beauty for humans.

2.V. Astafiev’s book “The Fish Tsar” consists of many essays, stories and short stories. The chapters “Dream of the White Mountains” and “King Fish” talk about the interaction of man with nature. The writer bitterly names the reason for the destruction of nature - this is the spiritual impoverishment of man. His duel with the fish has a sad outcome. In general, in his discussions about man and the world around him, Astafiev concludes that nature is a temple, and man is part of nature, and therefore is obliged to protect this common home for all living things, to preserve its beauty.

3.Accidents at nuclear power plants affect the inhabitants of entire continents, even the entire Earth. They have long-term consequences. Many years ago, the worst man-made disaster occurred - the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The territories of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia suffered the most. The consequences of the disaster are global. For the first time in human history, an industrial accident has reached such a scale that its consequences can be found anywhere in the world. Many people received terrible doses of radiation and died painful deaths. Chernobyl contamination continues to cause increased mortality among people of all ages. Cancer is one of the typical manifestations of the effects of radiation. The accident at the nuclear power plant led to a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in mortality, genetic disorders... People must remember Chernobyl for the sake of the future, know about the dangers of radiation and do everything to ensure that such disasters never happen again.

22) The role of art .

My contemporary, poet and prose writer Elena Taho-Godi, wrote about the influence of art on people:

You can live without Pushkin

And without Mozart's music too -

Without everything that is spiritually dearer,

Without a doubt, you can live.

Even better, calmer, simpler

Without absurd passions and worries

And more carefree, of course,

But how can this deadline be met?..

23) About our little brothers .

1. I immediately remembered the amazing story “Tame Me,” where Yulia Drunina talks about an unfortunate animal trembling from hunger, fear and cold, an unwanted animal in the market, which somehow immediately turned into a household idol. The whole family of the poetess joyfully worshiped him. In another story, the title of which is symbolic, “Responsible for everyone I have tamed,” she will say that the attitude towards “our smaller brothers,” towards creatures who are completely dependent on us, is a “touchstone” for each of us .

2. In many of Jack London’s works, humans and animals (dogs) go through life side by side and help each other in all situations. When you are the only representative of the human race for hundreds of kilometers of snowy silence, there is no better and more devoted assistant than a dog, and, moreover, unlike a person, it is not capable of lies and betrayal.

24) Homeland. Small homeland.

Each of us has our own small homeland - the place from which our first perception of the world around us begins, the comprehension of love for the country. The poet Sergei Yesenin's most cherished memories are associated with the Ryazan village: with the blue that fell into the river, a raspberry field, a birch grove, where he experienced “lake melancholy” and aching sadness, where he overheard the cry of an oriole, the conversation of sparrows, the rustle of grass. And I immediately imagined that beautiful dewy morning that the poet encountered in his childhood and which gave him a holy “feeling of homeland”:

Woven over the lake

Scarlet light of dawn...

25) Historical memory.

1. A. Tvardovsky wrote:

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,

But pain calls to people.

Come on people, never

Let's not forget about this.

2. The works of many poets are dedicated to the people’s feat in the Great Patriotic War. The memory of what we experienced does not die. A.T. Tvardovsky writes that the blood of the fallen was not shed in vain: the survivors must maintain peace so that descendants live happily on earth:

I bequeath in that life

You should be happy

And to my native land

Thanks to them, the war heroes, we live in peace. The Eternal Flame burns, reminding us of the lives given for our homeland.

26) Beauty.

Sergei Yesenin glorifies everything beautiful in his lyrics. Beauty for him is peace and harmony, nature and love for the homeland, tenderness for his beloved: “How beautiful the Earth is and the people on it!”

People will never be able to overcome the feeling of beauty, because the world will not change endlessly, but what pleases the eye and excites the soul will always remain. We freeze with delight, listening to eternal music born of inspiration, admiring nature, reading poetry... And we love, idolize, dream of something mysterious and beautiful. Beauty is everything that gives happiness.

27) Philistinism.

1. In the satirical comedies “The Bedbug” and “Bathhouse” V. Mayakovsky ridicules such vices as philistinism and bureaucracy. There is no place in the future for the main character of the play “The Bedbug”. Mayakovsky's satire has a sharp focus and reveals the shortcomings that exist in any society.

2. In the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov, Jonah is the personification of the passion for money. We see the impoverishment of his spirit, physical and spiritual “detachment.” The writer told us about the loss of personality, the irreparable waste of time - the most valuable asset of human life, about personal responsibility to oneself and society. Memories of the loan notes he had with himWith such pleasure he takes it out of his pockets in the evenings, it extinguishes the feelings of love and kindness in him.

28) Great people. Talent.

1. Omar Khayyam is a great, brilliantly educated man who lived an intellectually rich life. His rubai is the story of the ascent of the poet’s soul to the high truth of existence. Khayyam is not only a poet, but also a master of prose, a philosopher, a truly great man. He died, and in the “firmament” of the human spirit his star has been shining for almost a thousand years, and its light, alluring and mysterious, does not dim, but on the contrary, becomes brighter:

Be I the Creator, the Ruler of the heights,

It would incinerate the old firmament.

And I would pull on a new one, under which

Envy does not sting, anger does not scurry around.

2. Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn is the honor and conscience of our era. He was a participant in the Great Patriotic War and was awarded for heroism shown in battle. For disapproving statements about Lenin and Stalin, he was arrested and sentenced to eight years in forced labor camps. In 1967, he sent an open letter to the USSR Writers' Congress calling for an end to censorship. He, a famous writer, was persecuted. In 1970 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The years of recognition were difficult, but he returned to Russia, wrote a lot, his journalism is considered to be moral sermons. Solzhenitsyn is rightly considered a fighter for freedom and human rights, a politician, ideologist, and public figure who served the country honestly and selflessly. His best works are “The Gulag Archipelago”, “Matryonin’s Dvor”, “Cancer Ward”...

29) The problem of material support. Wealth.

Unfortunately, money and the passion for hoarding have recently become the universal measure of all the values ​​of many people. Of course, for many citizens this is the personification of well-being, stability, reliability, security, even a guarantor of love and respect - no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

For people like Chichikov in N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls” and many Russian capitalists, it was not difficult to first “curry favor”, flatter, give bribes, be “pushed around”, so that later they themselves could “push around” and take bribes, and live luxuriously .

30) Freedom - non-freedom.

I read E. Zamyatin’s novel “We” in one breath. Here we can see the idea of ​​what can happen to a person and society when, submitting to an abstract idea, they voluntarily give up freedom. People turn into an appendage of the machine, into cogs. Zamyatin showed the tragedy of overcoming the human in a person, the loss of a name as the loss of one’s own “I”.

31) Time problem .

During his long creative life, L.N. Tolstoy was constantly short of time. His working day began at dawn. The writer absorbed the morning smells, saw the sunrise, awakening and... created. He tried to get ahead of his time, warning humanity against moral catastrophes. This wise classic either kept pace with the times, or was one step ahead of it. Tolstoy’s work is still in demand all over the world: “Anna Karenina”, “War and Peace”, “The Kreutzer Sonata”...

32) Morality.

It seems to me that my soul is a flower that guides me through life so that I live according to my conscience, and the spiritual power of man is that luminous matter that is woven by the world of my sun. We must live according to the commandments of Christ in order for humanity to be humane. To be moral, you need to work hard on yourself:

And God is silent

For a grave sin,

Because they doubted God,

He punished everyone with love

So that in pain we learn to believe.

33) Space.

Hypostasis of T.I.’s poetry Tyutchev is the world of Copernicus, Columbus, a daring personality reaching out to the abyss. This is what makes the poet close to me, a man of the century of unheard-of discoveries, scientific daring, and the conquest of space. He instills in us a feeling of the boundlessness of the world, its greatness and mystery. The value of a person is determined by the ability to admire and be amazed. Tyutchev was endowed with this “cosmic feeling” like no other.

34Favorite city.

In the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva, Moscow is a majestic city. In the poem “Over the blue of the groves near Moscow .....” the ringing of Moscow bells sheds a balm on the soul of the blind. This city is sacred for Tsvetaeva. She confesses to him the love that she absorbed, it seems, with her mother’s milk, and passed on to her own children:

And you don’t know what will dawn in the Kremlin

It’s easier to breathe than anywhere on earth!

35) Love for the Motherland.

In S. Yesenin’s poems we feel the complete unity of the lyrical hero with Russia. The poet himself will say that the feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in his work. Yesenin has no doubt about the need for changes in life. He believes in future events that will awaken dormant Rus'. Therefore, he created such works as “Transfiguration”, “O Rus', Flap Your Wings”:

O Rus', flap your wings,

Put up another support!

With other names

A different steppe is emerging.

36) Historical memory.

1. “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy, “Sotnikov” and “Obelisk” by V. Bykov - all these works are united by the theme of war, it bursts into an inevitable disaster, dragging into a bloody whirlpool of events. Its horror, senselessness, and bitterness were clearly demonstrated by Leo Tolstoy in his novel “War and Peace.” The writer’s favorite heroes realize the insignificance of Napoleon, whose invasion was only the entertainment of an ambitious man who found himself on the throne as a result of a palace coup. In contrast to him, the image of Kutuzov is shown, who was guided in this war by other motives. He fought not for the sake of glory and wealth, but for the sake of loyalty to the Fatherland and duty.

2. 68 years of the Great Victory separate us from the Great Patriotic War. But time does not reduce interest in this topic; it draws the attention of my generation to the distant years at the front, to the origins of the courage and feat of the Soviet soldier - a hero, liberator, humanist. When the guns thundered, the muses were not silent. While instilling love for the Motherland, literature also instilled hatred of the enemy. And this contrast carried within itself the highest justice and humanism. The golden fund of Soviet literature includes such works created during the war years as “Russian Character” by A. Tolstoy, “The Science of Hate” by M. Sholokhov, “The Unconquered” by B. Gorbaty...

Each of us is a member of society, the only difference is in activity: someone willingly participates in the lives of other people, someone avoids them. However, we are all part of one big association, so it is important to find a common language with its other elements. But too much influence from this system of relationships can harm us and deprive us of our individuality. As a result, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to find a middle ground between the two extremes of relationship with society. Since this is difficult to do, it often happens that a person finds himself outside of society, that is, he is superfluous in its hierarchy and cannot find a place for himself in it. This collection presents arguments from the literature for the final essay in the direction of “Man and Society,” illustrating examples when a person is alienated from his circle and breaks all ties with it.

  1. In Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" the hero becomes disillusioned with Famus's society and intends to break off relations with him. Alexander Andreevich, although he is a full member of this chosen circle by birthright, does not find understanding in him. His value system is fundamentally different from what the Skalozubs, Repetilovs and Molchalins worship. For example, he does not want to serve, that is, to achieve career heights through hypocrisy and sycophancy. He is also not satisfied with the conservatism of the Moscow elite, which does not shy away from cruel treatment of peasants and meanness in the service, but is afraid of positive changes and progressive views. Thus, Chatsky was faced with a choice between remaining faithful to his ideals and communicating with a vicious society. He chose to live outside his circle to protect himself from its harmful influence.
  2. In Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace, Andrei Bolkonsky flees from the noble salons to the battlefield, just so as not to hear any more hypocritical speeches and idle chatter. The effeminacy and aimlessness of the lives of people from his social circle are alien to him. The hero is bored even with his wife, who shares their way of thinking. He did not find a common language with his surroundings due to the fact that his father raised him differently. Bolkonsky Sr. was a stern and efficient person who did not tolerate idle talk. He was rarely known for his hospitality and did not visit guests himself. But he worked hard and devoted time to raising his children. Thus, we can conclude that the rejection of traditional social values ​​originates in the family, where the personality was formed under other influences.
  3. In Sholokhov's epic novel Quiet Don, Grigory goes against the conventions of his community. The Cossacks always had family ties as a priority: children obeyed their parents, younger ones obeyed their elders, wives were faithful to their husbands, husbands to their wives, etc. They all worked on the land, and family unity was the key to survival, because so much work could not be done by one person. So, Melekhov violated centuries-old traditions by refusing to live according to his father’s will: he cheated on his wife with a married woman, and after a series of scandals he left the village altogether, leaving the family. All this happened because the hero was an independent and freedom-loving person with an extraordinary mind. He realized that the traditions of his grandfathers and fathers could be wrong or unfair. He also doubted his father’s authority and society’s right to condemn his choice. Of course, the hero made many mistakes, but one cannot deny him the opportunity to achieve personal happiness without the gossip and opinions of the crowd. Here is an example of how an individual can rebel against society and very successfully.
  4. We can see an example of an extra person in Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.” Pechorin, with his individuality, found himself outside of society with its limitations and mediocrity. He did not want to try on any of the popular social roles, so he always looked for opportunities to become an exception to the rule. So, he plays with the destinies of other people, putting himself in atypical circumstances, having fun. Either he convinces himself of his love for Bela, then he plays courtship in front of Marie, then he sets off after Ondine. In pursuit of new experiences, he ignores the moral standards and interests of his fellow travelers, becoming dangerous to society. Gregory's exceptionalism was aimed not at creation, but at destruction, destructive, immoral, frightening. His rebellion against his environment was senseless and without mercy, but for what? He was still unhappy and sick with his alienation. In this case, society could teach a person a lot, save him, if he listened to the voice from the outside. He didn’t listen, so not a single person from one circle or another could help Grigory, be it Bela, Maxim Maksimych or Dr. Werner.
  5. In Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, the main character was forcibly separated from society. It cannot be said that the Master was an ardent oppositionist and somehow criticized the political system, but he was not understood, and, therefore, not accepted. Critics humiliated the author and his work, editors refused to publish, a neighbor wrote a denunciation, and it all ended with imprisonment in a mental hospital. The entire world around him, except for one single Margot, turned his back to the hero. However, in the process of reading, we understand that this persecution was necessary for a real artist so that he would not become as mediocre and tame as the graphomaniacs on chains in power who slandered him. Therefore, in this case, a person had to be outside of society in order to understand his true purpose.
  6. In Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" the hero was captured and languished in prison far from his homeland. The dissolution of family ties with the society of which he was a member by birthright deeply wounded his soul, depriving it of peace and happiness. The young man was homesick, for the people who were close to him. He did not want the loneliness to which he was doomed. And not in vain, because we understand how much Mtsyri could do for his country. It was there that he could realize his potential and warm someone with the fire of his heart. From this example we can conclude that alienation from society is not always liberation from evil or the ultimate dream of a talented person. It may also be the tragedy of a prisoner who is tenderly attached to kindred spirits outside the prison where he is imprisoned.
  7. In Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons, Bazarov is an extra person. He does not find a place for himself in the existing class system. Therefore, he demonstratively despises the nobles and reaches out to the people, in whom he sees more of his characteristic traits. However, he is hopelessly far from the common people, because his education and categorical nature are not understandable to the ignorant and conservative peasants. So he finds himself outside of society with his progressive ideas and scientific thinking. Loneliness and alienation torment him, but this is revealed only at the end of the novel, when he lies on his deathbed and laments his restlessness. Thus, isolation from people does not make a person happy; on the contrary, it often brings suffering.
  8. In Bunin's story "Mr. from San Francisco", the hero deliberately alienates himself from society, because arrogance does not allow him to be on the same wavelength with those around him. He measures everyone by the size of their wallet, and does not notice those whose wealth is less than his. To him, they are just service personnel, not worthy of attention. It seemed that such a stratification of society was natural, the rich and the poor would not find a common language, but the author, in the symbolic name of the ship (“Atlantis”), hints that such a “natural” way of life leads us all to disaster. This is how it turns out in the finale: the gentleman dies, and his body, which no longer promises a tip, is put away in a soda box. The moral catastrophe that has already occurred is obvious, which has led all passengers to general indifference towards each other. No one expressed regret, no one stopped the fun and dancing, although nearby lay the corpse of the one who had been so thoroughly pleased just recently. This example shows that the conflict between the individual and society is not always beautiful and romantic. In real life, it can lead to tragedy for all participants.
  9. In Bulgakov's story “The Heart of a Dog,” the professor is outside society, since he is a representative of the intelligentsia in the country of the victorious proletariat. The majority of people, due to propaganda from above, hate his “bourgeois” way of life and do not understand his values. Preobrazhensky, in their opinion, takes up an undeserved amount of space in the house and enjoys unaffordable luxury, inaccessible to ordinary people. Shvonder and others like him do not recognize the merits of the scientist. They are ready to tear the hero to pieces out of envy of his intelligence and position. But Philip Philipovich does not give in to provocations. He manages to abstract himself from the majority and preserve the best qualities of the past: spirituality, nobility, erudition. Against the backdrop of a rude and vulgar crowd, the professor looks like Gulliver among the Lilliputians. Society will never be able to see the scale of such a brilliant personality up close; this takes centuries.
  10. In Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, a person goes against society. He belittles him in his eyes, calling himself a judge and “having the right.” The hero literally becomes ill with the idea of ​​his superiority and, in a fit of “justice,” destroys two lives. The reason for this spiritual ill-health and subsequent events is the fact that Raskolnikov dropped out of society for some time: he was expelled from the university, abandoned part-time work, and was far from his family. Lack of communication and understanding led him to a mental state that only people could dispel. Finding understanding in the person of Sonya, Rodion recovers and returns to the society from which he excluded himself. Gradually he realizes that love for others is the true calling of any soul.
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Hello everyone! This article is devoted to the most pressing topic - social inequality in modern Russia. Who among us has not wondered why some people are rich and others are poor; Why do some people subsist from water to compote, while others drive Bentleys and don’t care about anything? I am sure that this topic worried you, dear reader! It doesn't matter how old you are. There is always a peer who is luckier, happier, richer, better dressed…. etc. What is the reason? What is the scale of social inequality in modern Russia? Read on and find out.

Concept of social inequality

Social inequality is unequal access of people to social, economic and other benefits. By good we mean that (things, services, etc.) that a person considers useful for himself (a purely economic definition). You must understand that this concept is closely related to the term that we wrote about earlier.

Society is structured in such a way that people have unequal access to goods. The reasons for this state of affairs are varied. One of them is the limited resources for the production of goods. There are over 6 billion people on Earth today, and everyone wants to eat deliciously and sleep sweetly. And in the end, food and land become increasingly scarce.

It is clear that the geographical factor also plays a role. Russia, despite its entire territory, is home to only 140 million people, and the population is rapidly declining. But for example in Japan - 120 million - that's on four islands. With wildly limited resources, the Japanese live well: they build artificial land. China, with a population of over a billion people, also lives well in principle. Such examples seem to refute the thesis that the more people there are, the less benefits and there should be greater inequality.

In fact, it is influenced by many other factors: the culture of a given society, work ethic, social responsibility of the state, industrial development, development of monetary relations and financial institutions, etc.

In addition, social inequality is strongly influenced by natural inequality. For example, a person was born without legs. Or lost legs and arms. For example, like this individual:

Of course, he lives abroad - and, in principle, I think he lives well. But in Russia, I think, he would not have survived. Here, people with arms and legs are dying of hunger, and social services don’t need anyone at all. So the social responsibility of the state is extremely important in smoothing out inequality.

Very often in my classes I heard from people that if they get more or less seriously ill, the company they work for asks them to quit. And they can't do anything. They don’t even know how to protect their rights. And if they knew, then these companies would “get” a decent amount of money and next time they would think a hundred times whether it is worth doing this to their employees. That is, legal illiteracy of the population can be a factor of social inequality.

It is important to understand that when studying this phenomenon, sociologists use so-called multidimensional models: they evaluate people according to several criteria. These include: income, education, power, prestige, etc.

Thus, this concept covers many different aspects. And if you are writing a social studies essay on this topic, then reveal these aspects!

Social inequality in Russia

Our country is one of those in which social inequality is manifested to the highest degree. There is a very big difference between the rich and the poor. For example, when I was still a volunteer, a volunteer from Germany came to us in Perm. For those who don’t know, in Germany, instead of serving in the army, you can volunteer for a year in any country. So, they arranged for him to live with a family for a year. A day later, the German volunteer left there. Because, according to him, even by German standards, this is a luxurious life: a luxurious apartment, etc. He cannot live in such luxurious conditions when he sees homeless people and beggars begging on the streets of the city.

Plus, in our country, social inequality manifests itself in an extremely large form in relation to different professions. A school teacher receives, God forbid, 25,000 rubles for one and a half times the rate, and some painter can receive all of 60,000 rubles, the salary of a crane operator starts from 80,000 rubles, a gas welder - from 50,000 rubles.

Most scientists see the reason for such social inequality in the fact that our country is experiencing a transformation of the social system. It broke down in 1991, overnight, along with the state. But no new one has been built. That is why we are dealing with such social inequality.

You can find other examples of social inequality. That’s all for today - until new publications! Don't forget to like!

Best regards, Andrey Puchkov

In this statement, I. Scherr raises the problem of the naturalness of social inequality. In other words, the author considers the state of society to be absolutely organic, in which some individuals have greater access to benefits than the rest of society.

I completely agree with this thesis. Indeed, society consists of many social strata, distinguished through the process of social stratification.

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There are many criteria for dividing society into layers, but it is necessary to remember, first of all, the four main ones - income, power, education and prestige.

In addition, there are historical types of stratification, many of which perpetuated social inequality for centuries. Mainly there are four of them. The first type - the slave system - is characterized by the fact that a certain part of society (slaves) were the “thing” of other people. The second type - the caste system - was based on religious principles and traditions and secured hereditary membership in a caste without any opportunity to take advantage of the social elevator (to gain service in war, to marry a representative of a higher caste). The next type - the class system - had the coercive apparatus of state power as its support, securing the legal status of a particular class in official documents. This type allowed, in exceptional cases, to “increase” the privilege of one’s status.

Fortunately, social progress has led us to an open system of stratification - class. In this system, individuals were able to freely move to another social stratum. The basis of the division between classes is the form and amount of a person's income. Therefore, they distinguish the class of proletarians (hired workers receiving wages) and the bourgeoisie (class of entrepreneurs who receive profit, including from the exploitation of hired labor). As we see, even in open stratification systems there is social inequality: individuals who put a lot of effort into working with social elevators (education, career, service) are higher on the social ladder than less active members of society. It should be mentioned that the intensity and speed of social mobility in modern societies is much higher than in the historical types described above.

Examples of social inequality can easily be found in classical literature. For example, in Jack London's novel Martin Eden, the main character makes an extensive journey up the social ladder from a poor sailor to a rich writer, simultaneously helping his poor friends increase their income. Having received “a ticket to high society,” the hero understands that rich people are not always complacent and people with poor incomes were much kinder to him. This is also a kind of “stratification by morality,” but it is already outside the scope of the social studies course.

Sometimes social inequality reaches society-threatening proportions. The Russian Reporter newspaper recently published an analytical article about the country of Zimbabwe, showing dismal economic indicators. It is worth noting that this country has withdrawn its national currency from circulation. The high level of corruption and crime allows officials and some businessmen to receive fabulous incomes, while more than half of the people are officially listed as unemployed. This example shows us that even the natural state of society, manifested in inequality, needs to be controlled so that society does not turn into chaos.

Thus, the problem of the naturalness of social inequality is relevant to this day, having a scientific and factual basis. And I hope that society will be “unequal” where it needs to be!

Updated: 2017-07-10

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