Nikolai Krymov winter evening. Description essay based on the painting by N.P. Krymov "Winter Evening"

// Essay-description based on the painting by N.P. Krymova " Winter evening»

The painting “Winter Evening” was painted by N. Krymov in 1919. The painting shows winter village. Looking at the picture, warm feelings of harmony and peace arise.

In the foreground is a frozen river. The snow reflects its blue tint on it, and it seems turquoise to us. Shrubs that were able to survive the frost grow on the river bank. Crows sit between the black bushes, ruffling their plumage, trying not to freeze.

In the central plan is a small village drawn in brown colors. The roofs of the houses are dusted with snow, and warm light emanates from the windows.

On the path in front of the houses we see the inhabitants of this village coming from the river. The residents are depicted warmly dressed; their clothing shows that the frost was especially severe. There is a shadow coming from the residents, which means it will soon get dark. They are rushing home to quickly warm up on this cold winter evening.

The presence of people in the picture adds a Russian flavor to life and everyday life. common man. They walk along a path that seems like a thin thread among a snow-covered meadow. The clearing in front of the houses looks airy and fluffy; you can imagine how snow covered this ground in large flakes.

At the same level as the village, two haystacks and horses are depicted, which people brought out to feed. They are depicted in black miniature. We cannot see their faces and figures, which emphasizes the typical nature of the overall picture.

In the background you can see the dome of the church and the barn, which are hidden in the black branches of the trees.

The overall colors of the picture are calming. Looking at the canvas, you want to return to childhood. This village resembles an image of the Russian hinterland and its inhabitants.

The sky is depicted in green and yellow tones; in contrast, the forest stands out behind the village like a black cloud.

The painting is painted in realistic colors to convey the natural beauty of nature. The picture itself smells cold and chilly. We can assume that January is depicted. It is in January that the frost is the most severe.

The colors of the sky predict an imminent pink sunset, which will fill the picture with other colors.

The great painter wanted to show an ordinary evening in the village, so that people would see that such beauty is present in life every day, you just have to look at it. Winter is conveyed masterfully: the contrast of the river and the sky, black tree branches, huge snowy glades. The picture reminds us of a landscape from a traditional Russian fairy tale.

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Topic description: It’s winter and quite cold when it’s outside severe frost, and the windows of the houses let through a cozy warm light. Artistic description Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”.

Simple essay

In front of me is a painting by N. Krymov “Winter Evening”. I look at it, and everything depicted on it seems familiar to me.

In most of the painting, the artist depicted snow. Fluffy, thick, snow lies everywhere: on the ground, on the roofs of houses, it almost hides small bushes and weeds in the foreground. It seems to me that it was important for N.P. Krymov to emphasize the abundance of snow, because snow is the main sign of the Russian winter.

The artist depicted a winter evening in his painting. At sunset, the snowy expanse no longer shines, the colors are muted. The sun disappears behind the horizon, its last rays change the color of the snow. In the shade it is bluish, and you can clearly see how deep and lush it is. Where the sun's rays still reach, the snow looks pinkish. Paths trampled in the snow are noticeable from afar. Their depth shows us that winter has already come into its own; it had been snowing for quite some time before.

In the central part of the canvas we see a picture familiar to village life: people return home, trying to get into their homes before dark. Along a narrow path, two adults are walking with a child to the village; a little behind, another person is moving in the same direction. On the road to the village, two horse-drawn sleighs are traveling, loaded with large haystacks; the horses are driven by a driver. The figures of people are not clearly drawn, they are small and almost shapeless, because people are dressed in winter clothes and are not located in the foreground.

Black birds sit on the border of evening light and shadow. They probably don’t fly in such cold weather to save their energy. I can well imagine their rare cries; in the winter silence they can be heard far away.

Essay on Krymov's painting winter evening 6th grade

In front of me is a painting by the famous Russian landscape artist N.P. Krymov “Winter Evening”. This canvas depicts a small village in winter. Looking at the picture, the viewer has a feeling of peace, calm and warmth, despite the fact that the author depicted winter.

In the foreground of the landscape, the artist depicted a frozen river. It is clean and transparent, the ice on it is smooth and snowless. Near the shore of the reservoir, islands of shallow water peek out from under the ice, and bushes grow on the shore itself. Several small birds settled at the edge of the ice and on a bush. We can assume that the picture was painted by an artist from the opposite bank. At this moment Krymov was on a hill.

In the background of the canvas, the painter depicted a winter village. Behind it is a forest consisting of oaks or poplars. It stands out as a dark mass against the background of a light, greenish-yellow sky. It is low and clean. Based on its color, one can assume that the sunset will be pink. In front of the houses there is a huge expanse of snow. The artist masterfully uses a color palette to convey different shades of snow: from dark blue diagonal shadows to the purest white snow on the roofs of houses. But in general, the entire snow mass appears soft bluish. The village is one of the main objects of the canvas. This is a small group of buildings drowned in dense snowdrifts. Reflections of the sun are visible in the windows of one of the houses. On the left, a little away from residential buildings, you can see the dome of the bell tower. There is a barn adjacent to one of the houses. Two carts of hay are heading towards him. In front of the buildings they walk along a narrow path local residents.

The author uses in his work various shades white for the image of snow. Turquoise color the ice on the river is colored. The artist conveys the color of the evening sky using light greenish and yellow tones.

I think the main feeling that the painter wanted to evoke in the viewer was a feeling of peace and tranquility. " The amazing is nearby! – I could choose such an epigraph for the painting by N.P. Krymov. The artist admires the evening twilight. He wants to show how beautiful our Russian nature is! I really like his canvas, it evokes the warmest feelings.


Nikolai Petrovich Krymov is a Russian landscape artist. He was fascinated by the discreet beauty of his native Russian nature. He especially loved snow, frost, and the calm majesty of winter. Although the painting is called “Winter Evening,” it is very bright, apparently the evening is just beginning. That's probably why the sky that occupies most paintings, bright green. Agree, you rarely see a green sunset. And most of all there is snow in the picture. It looks like the winter is very snowy and the snowdrifts are high. It's amazing what colors the artist uses to depict White snow. This is gray, and blue, and light blue, and pure white on the roofs. These different colors convey the feeling of frost, coldness and purity of snow covering the entire earth.

Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” is a landscape, but it not only depicts nature and beautiful view. This is a landscape with the presence of people, their homes, and therefore it exudes a special warmth. In the middle ground we see a thin path, trodden in the snowdrifts, along which a line of people is walking. These are the peasants who live in wooden huts nearby. Among the muffled figures one can also discern children, to whom such a winter probably brings joy. There are several dark dots in the foreground; village children can also be seen in them - children are sledding down the hill. Soon it will get dark and their mothers will call them home.

On the left side of the picture, a dirt road crosses diagonally; two horse teams with haystacks are moving along it. The day is approaching evening and people need to finish their work before dark. The trees and houses look dark, almost black, but it is still not black, but a dark brown warm color. These houses are sure to be warm and cozy. On the slope you can see the dome of the church, this is a symbol of light, goodness, hope. It is clear that the artist painted the picture with great love.

For 6th grade

These poor villages
This meager nature -
The native land of long-suffering, the land of the Russian people!

F. I. Tyutchev

From the first glance at the painting “Winter Evening” by N.P. Krymov, we understand that its author is a master of harmonious landscape. His landscape of central Russia is distinguished by its realism and subtle ability to display the natural colors of nature. The artist accurately recreated both nature and the very life of the peasantry. “Winter Evening” is not only a picture of nature, but also a “portrait” of Russia, which the painter saw in a modest, ordinary landscape.

Winter nature in the picture Krymova is quiet, as if asleep. It seems that everything around is sleeping until spring. The impression of complete peace is disturbed only by moving female figures and a pair of horses harnessed to a sleigh carrying hay. One involuntarily recalls Pushkin’s lines:

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow...

The everyday picture of the life of a peasant village looks peaceful, and the life of people under the author’s brush seems unhurried and measured. We see people, each busy with their own business.

In the foreground of the picture is a river covered in ice. We see bushes along the river and a flock of ducks that have come in search of a hole.

Women walk along a frozen river along a well-trodden path towards the village. And on the left side, a pair of sleighs, accompanied by a man, are moving along the road to the huts. Long shadows from human figures indicate that it will soon get dark, as happens in winter.

In the center of the picture are peasant huts with courtyards, sheds and other buildings. All buildings are wooden. There are drifts of snow on their roofs. In general, deep snow lies everywhere. In the background of the picture - huge trees, and on the left side of the canvas you can see a church between the trees.

It can be assumed that the artist depicted January - the snow is white and deep, the ice on the river is blue, and the sky is greenish. We usually see this landscape in January. The colors of the painting are cold - this is how the artist conveys the January cold.

Short essay

Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” depicts people slowly walking along a thin path home. They make their way through the snowdrifts, but it’s still a long way to go home. A little further away we see houses that are located at a decent distance from each other. They exude warmth and comfort, but this comfort still needs to be achieved. And in the distance you can see two carts transporting hay. Overall, the picture is kind and a little idealistic. Everyone just knows that winter has many faces. She can pat a traveler in a terrible snowstorm, and then reassure him with the mild rays of the winter sun.

The artist has chosen a good combination of colors, which shows that a winter evening can be beautiful. Crystal clear, white snow sparkles in the rays of the setting sun. And all this beauty is watched by an ideal, fantastic sky, which only happens to be like this special days. True, there are several dark spots in the picture - these are trees. They are clearly drawn with dark colors, since they have not yet received new outfits.

Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” gave me a slight feeling of sadness at the passing of time, which cannot be stopped. Although the creator of this magical painting managed the impossible - he made time obey him.

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Link: https://site/sochineniya/po-kartine-krymova-zimnij-vecher

In front of me now is a reproduction of the landscape painter Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”, on which I need to write an essay. In the picture, the author depicted a real Russian winter, which is already in full swing, enveloping the entire village in its blanket of snow.

Krymov Winter evening

The main part of the canvas in the foreground is snow, which covered the field with its snowdrifts, hiding the autumn grass under a lush snow-white blanket. And only occasionally the tops of small bushes are visible. Birds are sitting on one of them. Either they are hiding from predators, or they have found a hot spot there where they can get their fill of berries. The snow does not shine in the sun, and this is understandable, because the sun no longer shines brightly, it is already low above the horizon.

In Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening,” among the snowdrifts, one can see well-trodden paths along which villagers walk every day. It was on one of the paths that Krymov depicted a small group of people, including a child. They probably went to evening walk to get enough fresh air before bed. Someone strayed from the group, staring at the setting sun.

In the background, Krymov depicted the beginning of the village in the painting “Winter Evening”. We see old small wooden houses, in the windows of which the light is already burning, or maybe it’s the glare that is cast sunlight. The roofs of the houses are covered with snow-white snow. It seems as if they were wearing snow-white hats at home.
There is a barn next to the houses. Two carts, fully loaded with hay, are heading towards him.

Near the village, a little to the left, there is a deciduous forest. The crowns of the trees are lush, it is clear that this forest is many years old. A bell tower peeks out from behind the trees, from where the ringing sounds on holidays, calling all the villagers to the service.

Working on Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” and its description, I would like to say about my emotions that the painting evokes in me, and they are pleasant, even though I don’t like winter itself. In the painting “Winter Evening” you can see that there is no wind, which means that even in frost, it is pleasant and good outside. Looking at the work, you feel the crunch of snow under your feet and hear the chirping of birds. Nature gradually plunges into the abyss of the night, so there is a sense of calm and tranquility.


Description of the painting by Nikolai Krymov “Winter Evening”

“Winter Evening” by Krymov is a quiet abandoned village with a low temple nearby. Here people walk slowly through the endless snow. Someone even stopped to look at the majestic beauty of nature. Most of the picture is a white sea of ​​snow: on the ground and on the houses. It's a stunningly beautiful Russian winter. “Winter Evening” exudes warmth and comfort, as if we are watching this familiar picture from the window of our same low house. The snowy shades are surprisingly elegantly conveyed - from the dark blue close to us to the bright and blinding white. And of course, Krymov could not help but capture the power and stateliness of the Russian forest visible in the distance. But very close we notice a frozen river. Winter covered her with a thin layer of ice. Near the river there are bushes with birds sitting on them.

Evening is approaching imperceptibly and smoothly: the sun has almost disappeared, painting the sky in yellowish-blue colors; the birds froze lonely in their places; people can barely move to their homes. Yes, this is how the evening comes, light, unobtrusive, calm. In the distance, either the sun is still illuminating nature a little, or the light has already turned on in one of the houses. Here, in this incredibly wonderful picture, winter reigns. We hear people rushing to get into their homes to warm up with hot tea or sit down to delicious dinner. They are dressed in down jackets that protect them from the cold evening. The snow creaks deftly underfoot. And on the other side, a horse-drawn sleigh approaches the village. They are probably transporting large bales of hay to the barn. The Russian artist Krymov managed to convey not the ferocity and cold of the Russian winter, but its calm, tenderness and warmth. Winter seems like a dear guest about whom everyone worries and worries. She is beautiful in her deep snow. And we feel safe.

The famous Russian landscape artist Nikolai Krymov has many beautiful landscapes in his work, among which the painting “Winter Evening” created by the author in 1919 stands out for its winter coloring. The painter depicts a small Russian village located in one of the Russian outbacks. As we see, it is covered with snow and there is not a single beaten road. Perhaps this is what gives it some kind of mythical appearance. The snow-covered expanse and frozen river are like something out of some old Russian fairy tale. It seems that in a little more time we will see Emelya going to the river to fetch water on the stove.

The winter days are short and the lights are already on in the windows, although the sun is not yet in a hurry to hide behind the horizon and its rays still illuminate the roofs of the houses, on which the silvery-white snow sparkles so brightly. But the artist depicts the snow, which is already in the shadows, in a whole range of shades from sky-azure to light purple.

In front of the viewer, in the foreground of the canvas, an icy river is displayed, on which islands of shallow water are visible, and bushes grow on the very shore. The ice on the river looks pale turquoise in almost horizontal sunlight.

Several crows sit on the shore like dark specks, ruffled. They carefully watch the movement of two carts loaded to the brim with hay. Birds hope to find dropped crumbs or a few grains on the road or near houses, because the winter turned out to be very snowy and cold.

Beyond the river, in the untouched snowdrifts, there is a narrow winding path along which the villagers hurry home before it gets completely dark to return home. Among the singing people one can distinguish several children who snowy winter only for joy. You can go sledding and skating, build a snow town, build a snowman, and you never know how many different winter activities have been invented in Rus'.

Cozy houses are located in groups. When we see this winter landscape, it seems to us that they are huddled together, as if trying to keep warm.

As you might guess, in this winter landscape the artist does not depict a village, since in Russia, villages were small in number and churches were not built in them. According to custom, parishioners gathered from surrounding villages to the nearest village. Here, too, in the distance you can see a small church with a bell tower, on the gilded dome of which the sunset rays are reflected.

The somewhat salad-sandy sky of this winter evening creates a soft contrast with the trees surrounding the village illuminated by the setting sun. And this entire winter landscape with small genre scenes shows the majesty and beauty of Russian nature. The canvas evokes peace and tranquility. And the combination of cold and warm tones on the snow cover and the pre-sunset sky creates the impression of extraordinary freshness and light frost. Such a sky can often be a harbinger of a bright purple sunset and folk signs foretells a strong wind the next day.

Krymov gives the snow fluffiness and airiness, which creates a special charm for the discreet beauty of Russian nature. We know very well that winters are different: there are snowstorms and severe frosts, and frequent thaws. The artist shows us a snowy but kind winter, choosing incredible combinations of shades to depict a beautiful winter evening.

Currently, Nikolai Krymov’s canvas “Winter Evening” is on display at the Kazansky State Museum fine arts.