NLP for beginners. Psychology of Success! Shiny

Do you want to quickly win over any person? Womanjournal talks about NLP techniques that will instantly attract anyone!

NLP techniques

Sympathy is not a simple thing. We like some people at first sight, while we cannot stand others from the very first minute. What's the trick? And how to become everyone's favorite?

In NLP (or neurolinguistic programming), sympathy is scientifically called “rapport” - this is a feeling of connection with another person, a feeling of reciprocity, a feeling of trust.

Fortunately, rapport can be created in any person, and quite quickly. The main secret is that we subconsciously sympathize with people who are somewhat similar to us and have something in common with us. And vice versa. If you want to win someone over, you need to find and discover some similarity between you and the other person.

Pay attention to how easily compatriots get along when they find themselves in a foreign, unfamiliar country. And if you came for an interview and found out that your employer graduated from the same university as you, relaxed and trusting communication will most likely be established between you. Brunettes are especially quick to become interested in brunettes. Blondes often prefer blondes. And what a pleasure it can be for people to communicate in line to see a doctor. “Friends in misfortune” instantly take a liking to each other.

In a word, one of the postulates of NLP says: people want to communicate with others like themselves. Firstly, people who obviously have something in common have something to talk about, and they will always be able to understand each other. Secondly, meeting someone who shares your position in some way usually strengthens your confidence in your own rightness. (“Are you a vegetarian?! Me too! Isn’t it true that without meat in your diet you start to feel much better?!”).

Thus, when you come to a new team, first of all you can seek support from “your own kind”: women with a similar build, clothing style, hair color, position, etc.

But what if you need to win over a person who has nothing in common with you? For example, a pretentious employer in an Armani suit or an old professor-examiner with a beard down to his navel. By the way, in NLP there are simple and universal techniques that will work on any person and will help you win over anyone.

NLP techniques

So, you are faced with a task: to quickly charm a person. What to do? If you have something in common (car brand, diploma, profession, problem) try to play on it. Sometimes it’s enough just to drop one remark that indicates your similarity for a person to like you. For example: “I am not a Muscovite myself. Came from N-sk.” If your interlocutor is also not a Muscovite, he will instantly feel the rapport. However, if you have nothing in common and nothing to cling to, try the following technique:


It is "the process of mirroring another person's physical behavior." When you meet someone you need to charm, first simply take the same pose as him. This is called mirroring. He sits cross-legged, sit the same way. He bows his head slightly - repeat this gesture unobtrusively. You can mirror anything: posture, gestures, facial expressions. In most cases, your interlocutor will not notice that you are mirroring him, but he will feel rapport. In life, we ourselves often unconsciously mirror each other. For example, when you are chatting with a friend, you most likely unwittingly copy her posture or head tilt. When you start communicating with people of a different circle and cultural level, you involuntarily adopt their manner of communication and vocabulary. So mirroring is a very simple and effective way to win over a person. The main thing is that your mirroring does not look like an imitation or a parody. To do this, repeat gestures and poses not immediately, but with a delay of several seconds. Aerobatics is to mirror the breathing of your interlocutor. That is, adjust your breathing to the pace, rhythm and depth of breathing of another person. It's not easy, but it brings amazing results.

NLP techniques

This technique is a little more complicated and subtle. When performing an attachment, you first need to determine which perception model is typical for your interlocutor. You probably know that all people in the world are divided into 3 groups, corresponding to three main personality types or ways of perceiving the world. The first group is visual people, or people whose senses are dominated by vision. The second group is auditory learners, or those who perceive the world by ear. And the third group is kinesthetics, people of feelings and sensations. The trick is that representatives of each of these types speak their own language. Visual language involves a lot of descriptive words: “You you see,what beautiful I made the deal. With my points of view This brilliant victory. On my sight This obviously! Auditory learners will have their own auditory vocabulary: “ Heard,what loud Did I make a deal? Honestly, This deafening success. I just I was speechless when I heard that everything worked out." And finally, kinesthetics usually say, based on their sensations: “ Can you smell it?, which tough Did I make the deal? I feel waiting for us dizzy success!"

Your task is to listen to the speech of your interlocutor and understand whether he is a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner. And having understood, switch to his language. Of course, this requires certain skills and practice. But at least try to return his own words to him first. For example:

    I I do not see you in this position.

    Then maybe you describe, what kind of person do you need, and I, in turn, will try show, what I am capable of as a professional.

Even if this technique is a little more complicated, it will allow you to win over even those who were initially not very friendly.

The development of modern practical psychology makes people think about what techniques may be useful in everyday life. One of them is neurolinguistic programming. Many people want to know how to learn this popular technology in order to reach heights and make the right connections. First, it is important to understand what NLP is and how it works.

NLP will help you achieve success in life

The essence of neurolinguistic programming

NLP is one of the areas of practical psychology. She sets herself the task of developing applied techniques, modeling techniques for their subsequent use in everyday life. As a basis, neurolinguistic programming uses the positive experience of specialists in various fields of psychology.

At the current time, materials from the following fields of science are used to develop NLP methods:

  1. psychotherapy;
  2. hypnosis;
  3. linguistics;
  4. psychoanalysis;
  5. Gestalt psychology.

Neuro-linguistic programming reworks behavior patterns, life practices of successful people and scientific findings, making them publicly available. With the help of this modern and constantly developing field, the methods of practical psychology can be independently applied in everyday life.

All those who are interested in the direct study of NLP should remember that this field is not a science. Another important fact is that the creators of this trend did not set themselves the goal of creating a scientific theory in its classical sense. Their priority was to find techniques that everyone could use. And they achieved this by revealing complex and incomprehensible techniques for beginners that have become famous in psychology.

Areas of application of NLP

History of the development of the technique

The formation and development of this area began in the 60s of the 20th century. Several specialists from the University of California began working together.

The following famous psychologists worked on the works and research of:

  1. Gregory Bateson;
  2. John Grinder;
  3. Frank Pucelik;
  4. Richard Bandler.

The basis of the research of these people included work from such areas as family therapy, Ericksonian hypnosis and Gestalt therapy. In 1975, their study yielded results. They were published the same year. Literally a year later, the second book by this group of specialists was published. It contained expanded materials from past research.

A book was also published, co-authored with Virginia Satir, a well-known specialist in the field of family therapy.

As a result of the research work carried out, a meta-model was formed, which is used in many lessons, courses and trainings. Also, this created model became the foundation for many subsequent studies. These works formed a separate field called neurolinguistic programming.

Areas of use

Training in the methods of such programming implies teaching a person to understand, influence himself and the environment with the same effectiveness as experienced masters of communication techniques and psychotherapists. This leads to the widest range of application of those skills that are developed by proper training and constant practice.

At the current moment in time, the following areas of human activity can be identified in which the skills and abilities being developed will be extremely useful:

  1. writing and journalism;
  2. oratory;
  3. jurisprudence;
  4. management and governance;
  5. sales;
  6. acting skills;
  7. education;
  8. time management;
  9. psychotherapy.

Exercises in this area help a person develop communication skills that are applicable in any life situation. Also, studying NLP helps in personal development. Training and subsequent practice allow you to learn to correctly understand your emotional state, develop behavioral flexibility and a diverse perception of the world.

With the help of more advanced techniques, you can overcome phobias, eliminate psychological trauma, maintain performance at a high level and maintain good mental shape.

How the theory and practice of NLP will help

According to the basic postulates, everyone is able to learn on their own all the skills and techniques that neurolinguistic programming uses. There are several ways to do this.

Quite often you can find advertisements from centers conducting special training sessions. They almost always offer three training course options, namely:

  1. Practice course: covers the main issues, explains basic skills and helps you learn how to apply them in practice;
  2. The master course offers a more in-depth study of methods, techniques and skills;
  3. Trainer course: a complete study of theory, practical application of skills in working with an audience and teaching programming techniques to other people.

However, people often find that such NLP trainings are quite expensive, and the duration of training is several weeks. This can stop a person. But at the current time, attending face-to-face courses is not the only opportunity to learn how to control your condition and model your life.

Special literature, of which quite a lot has been published, can be an effective teaching tool. You can also use the lessons for self-study.

Books on NLP for beginners

Before studying books, it is worth clearly deciding for what purpose you need to study the methodology. As already stated, the use of his techniques is useful in many areas of human activity. Therefore, defining the main goal is the first step with which you need to begin your path to learning new skills.

For beginners, it is best to start your knowledge with literature that is recognized as the best in terms of applying programming skills in a particular area.

When choosing literature for yourself, you should make your choice thoughtfully, carefully and carefully.


The art of ruling and managing has always been dynamic and demanding. Therefore, in the modern world it is simply impossible to do without the knowledge and ability to apply the skills of this programming.

  1. To work on your management skills, a beginner will find the following works useful:
  2. R. Dilsts. "Modeling with NLP", a simple and clear explanation of the principle of this field in psychology.
  3. A. Pligin “How to turn the ghost of failure into the aroma of success in life”: the experience of one of the consultants, telling real stories of real people.

After everything in this literature becomes clear, and the skills begin to be applied as if on their own, you can move on to studying more complex sources of information. It’s not for nothing that they say that there is no limit to perfection.

Books on NLP for beginners

Area of ​​self-knowledge

The skills acquired are most difficult to apply to yourself. Through hard work and self-improvement, you can achieve a level of complete control over your emotional state and mood.

The following literary sources will help you understand and accept all sides of your character:

  1. R. Bandler, D. Grinder “Use your brain to change”: the book contains new progressive techniques with which it becomes possible to change your consciousness on your own;
  2. R. Bandler, D. Grinder “Turtles to the very bottom”: with the help of this book and the non-standard methods described in it, a person has the opportunity to reveal his genius abilities and develop them.

Using this literature as a self-instruction manual, it is worth remembering that studying the theory will not bring drastic changes to a person’s life with the wave of a magic wand. Practical application of acquired information is the key to achieving success in self-knowledge and self-improvement.


Salespeople who have experience know that they can increase sales by using special tricks and skills in working with clients. Using this programming, you can get ways to help develop relationships with customers based on mutual benefit and create a motivating basis for purchasing a certain product.

Those who are just beginning their journey of knowledge in this area are recommended to work with the book “Reframing”, written by R. Bandler and D. Grinder.

By using this book as a guide, you can develop the skill of influencing a specific part of the subconscious. You can subsequently use it not only in sales, but also in other life situations.

Career advancement

In the modern world, it is no longer enough just to know your responsibilities well and fulfill them in the same way. An employee who can move up the career ladder must be sociable, versatile and must be able to exert his motivational influence on the organizational process in the team and advertise himself.

Knowledge of the basic skills offered by neurolinguistic programming and the ability to apply them in practice provides a special advantage in relation to other employees. You can form a base based on the following books:

  1. R. Bandler, D. Grinder “From frogs to princes.” This book is considered the best for those who have just begun their study of this modern and constantly evolving field of psychology. The authors of the book consider many human conditions and describe ways to influence them.
  2. G. Older, B. Heather “NLP. A complete practical guide." With the help of life situations used as examples, the authors of the book allow the reader to become closely acquainted with the human psyche.

Having studied the information, a person is able to draw a number of useful conclusions. And based on them, work on changing yourself and the life around you.

Knowledge of NLP techniques will help in career advancement

Online lessons

In addition to studying books and visiting training centers, there are publicly available means of learning NLP. To use them, all you need is the desire of the person himself, access to the Internet and a device from which you can view pages of interest.

Such lessons contain theoretical information on the basics of this programming. The same material is covered during entry-level training.

In addition, such lessons contain special exercises that allow you to consolidate the acquired knowledge and take the first step towards the correct application of what you have learned.

Also, the developers of such online courses offer their users additional materials that go beyond the scope of the lesson course, but may be useful to people who are interested in this practice. This is due to the wide application of knowledge and skills, as well as the constant increase in methods, views and approaches to neuro-linguistic programming.


In 2018, in order to understand your emotional state and change it to benefit, it is not at all necessary to sign up with a psychotherapist and undergo long and sometimes painful courses of therapy. Practical psychology, which is actively developing, offers its own methods of overcoming such situations that every person can do. As practice shows, the availability of methods and literature in this area allows you to begin your path to self-improvement and changing your life when necessary.

Neurolinguistic programming, like any effective model of “adjustment” of thinking, emotions, behavior of a person, group, masses, has its own tools, that is, a set of specific means of influence. The founders of NLP did not create a fundamentally new teaching or science: they only analyzed the experience of psychotherapists, psychologists, and hypnotists; identified the key factors for their success in communication; integrated the main psychological theories (psychoanalysis, Ericksonian hypnosis, humanistic psychology, etc.); added the results of their own research and observations of the behavior of other people in the communication process, in other words, the founders of neurolinguistic programming did not invent, but most likely noticed and emphasized the original effective tools of psychological influence and means of influencing a person on a person.

Having summarized the theoretical and practical developments of Western ones (S. Andreas, S. Bavister, K. Burton, B. Bodenhamer, R. Brody, A. Vickers, D. Delozier, R. Dilts, B. Seidl, L. Cameron-Bendler, D. Malden, D. O'Connor, G. Alder, R. Ready, V. Satir, D. Seymore, T. Steele, P. Hutchinson, B. Heather, S. Heller, M. Hall, P. Young, etc.) and Russian (A. Bakirov, N. Vladislavova, D. Voedilov, T. Gagin, S. Kovalev, S. Ukolov) NLP specialists, two groups of techniques (methods) of influence can be distinguished: non-linguistic and linguistic.

The main non-linguistic technologies are as follows:

1) method of operating audio paterns: creating, by adjusting to breathing, modulation, and intonation play, an additional image that would emphasize, highlight, and, if necessary, refutes and crosses out the image that is formed verbally;

2) technique of using visual archetypes: speculating that the human subconscious contains a certain (inherent to the nation, gender, region, etc.) archetype (symbols are all emotionally perceived equally positively or negatively), a manipulator for promoting a politician, the formation of his positive image of the fight against the latter puts him in the video series ( say, in advertising) next to the archetypes corresponding to the goal;

3) text marking technique: highlighting in the main text (in bold, different size, etc.) several words or letters that, if you read only them, have their own meaning. When reading the main text, the marked one immediately reaches the unconscious level and stimulates the necessary reaction (for example, the inscription on the walls of the perestroika era: “CPS is our helmsman!” - Where the last two letters in the abbreviation CPSU resembled German SS shoulder straps from the Second World War);

4) method of using submodalities: using the features and characteristics of an image or sound to create the necessary positive or negative emotional background, the formation of certain tendencies towards activity or passivity at the subconscious level, which would make it possible to control the emotions of objects of manipulative influence of various submodalities;

5) method of using catalepsy (freezing of a person in a certain position; action associated with a disorder of the musculoskeletal system). This situation can also be caused artificially. Using this technique, politicians try to hold their partner's hand during a handshake. If a partner or opponent does not pull his hands out in this situation, this means that he transfers the initiative to the opponent and is ready to follow him in everything;

6) age regression technique: deliberate display of pictures or images of the past, during which a person, group or mass is seized by a slight trance of nostalgia (in the process of regression, the consciousness and subconscious of the objects of influence are ready to perceive political ideas, images, ideals that the manipulator wants to “connect”)

7) method of destroying (replacing) templates: achieving the changes necessary for the manipulator in the worldview and actions of a person, group or masses by changing (replacing) habitual, proven algorithms (patterns, stereotypes) and imposing Other models of behavior;

8) method of assessing behavior as a result of positive intention: drawing a clear line, recognizing the differences between intentions, which, according to the NLP classic V. Satir, are always positive, and real behavior, which may not correspond to moral standards. Based on the manipulative use of this technique, one can, for example, state: “Yes, Stalin destroyed millions of people with the Holodomor,” the Great Terror,” yes, he carried out collectivization in a barbaric way, yes, he eliminated the flower of the national elite, but he had a noble goal - the creation of a powerful Soviet state";

9) method of playing for association or dissociation: an attempt by the manipulator to evoke in the object of influence, depending on the need (goal), an associative memory that brings such acute experiences of past experience that all this is happening now, or a dissociated memory, during which the person plays the role of a spectator, simply watches a video recording of events involving another person . An associated position evokes strong feelings that create motivation for changing behavior, while a dissociated position allows you to obtain more information and make it easier to remove the object of influence from a demoralized state and mobilize all his creative resources to solve the problem;

10) adjustment method: adjustment (non-verbal and verbal) to a person, group, masses for the purpose of psychological manipulative influence. The technique is implemented according to the formula: adjustment - gaining trust, penetration into the subconscious - leading. If we interpolate the classic phrase “it is impossible to destroy the mafia, you can only lead it” to the political sphere, then we can conclude that in order to fight a certain political force of manipulators, you first need to become “one of our own” for it, penetrate its ranks, and only then “from within” “stimulate the necessary behavior, activity, change.

Linguistic technologies. By resorting to these technologies, political manipulators use:

1) technique of changing the focus of attention in temporary space: blocking thoughts about the past, focusing a person, group, masses on a positive result (solving a pressing problem) now and in the future, shifting the focus of the object of influence from attempts to change the behavior of others to what he can do on his own to improve the situation;

2) reception of imperative perseveration (lat. Persevere - stubbornly doing): repeated repetition of a certain statement in a harsh, hypnotic voice. In the political sphere, slogans and promises are most often used ("when my political force comes to power, then in the first month we will do..."). This technique is based on speculation on the tendency of a significant part of people to obey the parental will, which is imitated by the manipulator with a confident voice and intonation;

3) reception of "communication": artificial embedding of the necessary information, the necessary video sequence into a positive or negative context, depending on the goal that the manipulator sets for himself. In NLP language, this process is called “anchor positioning through introduction to a synonymous series”;

4) “promotion” technique: intentionally changing the level or scope of consideration of an issue or controversy. This technique is one of the most common technologies in neurolinguistic programming, an effective way to work with the semantic space of a person, group, mass. When it is used, the subject in question (situation, activity, problem, etc.), depending on the goals of “promotion,” is reduced, increased, or transferred to a parallel plane in order to narrow or expand the “map.” This allows the initiator of the influence to obtain the necessary reaction (activity or passivity).

In neurolinguistic programming, three types of “promotion” are used, which are capable of activating the activity of a person, group, masses: a) “upward promotion”, which allows you to sharply, towards higher values, increase motivation for change (the impetus may be the question: “If you achieve this, what can you do?”); b) “downward promotion”, which helps to identify specific obstacles and ways to accomplish what is planned (“What are the existing problems?” “How to get things moving?”); c) “promotion of the side,” which makes it possible to use an analogy, someone else’s experience to solve a problem (“Let’s think about how others get out of a similar situation?” “What do they see as the resources for a breakthrough?”);

5) technique of reframing (changing) context: stimulating the ability of a person, group, masses to look at behavior or an event from a different angle; changing the context to one in which what is associated with the problem acts as a certain positive value. This technique is based on the fact that a specific experience, behavior, event has the ability to acquire different content and cause unequal consequences in accordance with the context. It is based on clarifying the question of when and in what situation such behavior or event can be qualified as positive. Political manipulators use the technique of context reframing in a wider range than psychotherapists: depending on political expediency, they can place information about behavior (event) not only in a positive, but also in a negative context. For example, the title of an article in the opposition press is “The construction of miners is a form of active and effective struggle for their social rights” in contrast to the official publication (after a certain reframing of the context) - “Another strike of miners is a devastating blow to the country’s economy due to the growing crisis”;

6) technique of content reframing: changing the meaning of the content of behavior, events without changing the context. Let’s say, depending on what political force the source of information represents, a significant replenishment of party C with youth can be qualified as “the faith of the younger generation in the ideals of this party, the formation of a reliable launching pad for a breakthrough in the upcoming elections” or as “a manifestation of the decline of party C, from which real professionals and mature politicians turned away due to the inconsistency and contradictory nature of the implementation of the party platform";

7) reception of equality: refusal to communicate through the struggle for dominance, submission and transition to the principle of equality. This powerful technique, which works effectively in family psychotherapy, is often used by political manipulators in a unique way, almost the other way around. Since equality and agreement are promoted by complete, objective information and demonstration of the common interests of the participants in a communication contact, the manipulator sees his task in: a) extremely narrowing the channel of reliable Information;

b) spread deformed, false messages; c) emphasize as much as possible the differences between communication partners or opponents;

8) reception of pseudo-elections: creating an artificial situation that allows the manipulator to avoid the stage of agitation and persuasion. A trivial question: “Who will you vote for: the leader of party A of party 6?” - Eliminates other “critical questions”: “Are there alternative approaches to parties A and B?";

9) reception of assumption, implications (lat. Implico - closely connect): forming an opinion in such a way as to skip the point of proof. Sample election promise: “After the elections, representatives of our party in parliament will definitely do everything to ensure that the road (factory, library) you are asking for now is built in your area (city, village)” (they state as if this political force already in parliament) sample of an advertising campaign poster: “What do we like about leader X?” (turns out we already like him)

10) the technique of “laying a mine” in a subordinate clause: formulation and positioning of thoughts aimed at the subconscious, not in the main, but in a subordinate clause, followed by consolidation (after a pause) in the next few sentences. For example: “If you decide to go vote, then, in my opinion, the party leader most matches your views / 7 - Well, I don’t like him, there are many others... Also honored, also famous... But did you notice what a beautiful mustache from the party leader D, how proudly he says...";

11) reception of built-in presuppositions: the organic interweaving of a certain statement (Presupposition) into the context of a sentence does not change its content even if this sentence is reformulated as negative: “It’s good that you support politician A”; "It's bad that you support a politician"

12) technique for creating “psychic viruses”: “mental virus” is information that exists in people’s minds, can significantly influence the course of certain events and has a tendency to self-reproduction, self-reinforcement and self-propagation. The simplest “mental viruses” include rumors, dreams, myths, and anecdotes. The motivation for their spread is the simple exchange of emotions in communication to create a situation of interest. Religions and ideologies are complex “psychoviruses”;

13) technique of shifting the focus of attention: transferring the attention of the listener (listeners) from the main problems to the details in the process of communication. It seems that the problems “seem to be resolved,” and this is perceived as something that is beyond any doubt. For example, a politician states: “After the elections, our political force will still choose with whom to create a coalition, because although we are a small party, we will take it with a “golden share.” In this statement, the listener is forced to believe that the party represented by the political speaker will undoubtedly be in parliament; the focus of attention has shifted to its future prospects;

14) acceptance of truisms (English) Truth - truth): the use of a technique that makes the interlocutor want to agree, which sharply reduces his ability to consciously resist and makes an impact on the subconscious; instilling under the “sheep’s clothing” the truism of an idea necessary for the manipulator (“I heard that many in the regions support Party N”, “Probably, representatives of Party N quickly solve the socio-economic problems of the population”, “Taking this into account, perhaps those who who supports party N ")

15) reception of a specific image: in order to establish contact (establish a report), an experienced manipulator during communication most often resorts to words, terms, and evaluations that are ambiguous in meaning; when control over the object of manipulation has already been established, the speech of the initiator of influence becomes more categorical and specific: “If we do not make this decision, then children, women, old people will suffer” (and not just “people”) “Our faction advocates that in the following In 2018, an additional 10,000,000 hryvnia were allocated for the needs of your region in the social sphere (“10,000,000”, not just “money”)

16) technique of repeated repetition and highlighting of the key thesis: replicating and emphasizing the basic thesis of the speech in order to fix it in the minds and memory of the interlocutors. Key phrases of the reception: “As I already noted...”, “Once again...”, “So, besides me, there are still a lot of people in our party who are convinced that...”;

17) receiving command words: speculation (game) on the opponent’s pride, his attempt to demonstrate his professionalism and competence. The main command words are “you know”, “you understand”, containing a challenge: the interlocutor, if he respects himself, must be sufficiently informed. Phrases from which, as a rule, the key elements of using the technique begin: “You probably know that...”, “I am convinced that you understand that...”, “I have no doubt that you as a specialist, you understand the possible consequences of the process...";

18) the technique of using quotes that target and program: the use at the right moment of a popular expression that confirms the opinion of the manipulator; pronouncing the necessary idea, concept after vague words: “I don’t remember who said this, but these words have a certain value...”; “I remember the words of one outstanding figure...”, etc.;

19) method of using metaphors and parables: direct movement of the information necessary for the manipulator into the subconscious of the object of influence using a specific medium - a metaphor or parable. A metaphor is a figure of speech, a figurative expression of a concept, the use in a figurative sense of a figurative expression or word to describe an object or phenomenon that is similar to it in certain characteristics. If a metaphor is a figurative expression, then understanding its essence and content is associated with the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain, and ensures that the content and expression flow directly to the subconscious of the object of influence. Metaphor and metaphorical statements are often the basis of parables, which are actively used in neurolinguistic programming. A parable is a short allegorical story that contains moral or religious teaching (wisdom). The advantages of metaphors and parables are: a) brevity, which allows you to briefly convey a significant amount of complex information; b) ease of perception, due to clarity, simplicity, emotionality; c) a holistic, vivid described image. That is why religions and spiritual teachings are preached in a simplified and metaphorical language that is understandable to everyone.

For a political manipulator, a metaphor (parable) is important as a means of conveying the necessary opinion (slogan, command) directly to the subconscious of a person (group, masses); a catalyst capable of stimulating the necessary action or behavior. After listening to a metaphor, a parable, the recipient of the manipulative influence “quite independently” (at least he is convinced of it) draws a conclusion (makes decisions) programmed by the manipulator;

20) technique of artificially restricting choice: imposing on a communication partner or opponent a maximally limited, but comfortable for the manipulator, “alternative” choice of a path of imperceptible but significant reduction in the number of possible solutions to the problem. For example: “What do you like more about leader X: charisma or tolerance? -;

21) reception of displacement of temporary predicates: transferring a problematic issue (situation) to the past, and positive prospects from the future to the present. The use of the past tense separates and distances a person, group, masses from a certain event or situation, and the use of the present tense closely connects them with them. A reminder of unsuccessful actions or decisions in the past tense indicates that “everything was bad” (“In the work of the government, parliament, etc. was there are many mistakes, but we have drawn conclusions..."). NLP experts recommend starting a description of a possible new behavior in the future tense and gradually moving to the present, hinting that it has already begun to be implemented in modern conditions ("I think soon our government, parliament, etc. will be able to adequately and professionally respond to the challenges of the time.. We are already seeing the first shoots of something new during this discussion..."). In the process of applying this technique, views and beliefs regarding existing cause-and-effect factors are reformatted. connections;

22) accentuation technique: conscious and purposeful emphasis on key words that need to be conveyed to the object of manipulation;

23) artificial ordering technique: attempts by accented enumeration (firstly, secondly, thirdly...) to create in a communication partner or opponent the illusion of order, consistency, logical connection where they actually do not exist;

24) technique of using contrasts: narrowing of possible alternative solutions due to the use of the “either-or” principle in order to exert “logical pressure” on the opponent and subordinate him to his argumentation. This technique is one of the most effective because it creates the impression of an absolutely logical proof. For example: "You support party A or B." Formally, this argument is logical: if not this, then that. However, the “either-or” choice principle into which the manipulator is pushed hides a fatal mistake: the illusion is artificially created that only named alternatives exist;

25) reception of speech ligament: interweaving into an overly emotional, rapid, sometimes even chaotic speech content remarks such as: “Do you agree with me?”, “Isn’t that so?” - That the purpose of demoralizing the partner (opponent), his confusion, reducing the level of criticality of perception of information, then there is the establishment of psychological observation of the interlocutor’s behavior;

26) M. Erikson’s “triple helix” technique: sequential retelling of three stories that interest the audience. At the same time, the first and second stories are interrupted, and the third, containing the most important thing for NLP technologies - navyazuvani settings - is told to the end. After this, the first and second stories are completed and the logic of the connection between them is explained. As a result of the influence of the “last word (edge)” effect, the first and second stories are well remembered and analyzed, and the third is taken “on faith”;

27) receiving a hidden hint building a communication model according to a scheme in which first there is a sentence of uncertainty (even with imitation of despair), followed by a sentence in which the hint of the desired action is heard (programmed), and in the next sentence they imitate objectivity, which provides neutral care to the initiator of the manipulative influence. For example: “I don’t even know who I will vote for in the next elections, since almost all parties have completely discredited themselves lately.... Unless the party N... Although she also has many shortcomings...";

28) “mind reading” technique: verbal demonstration by the manipulator to the object of influence of his ability to guess (know) thoughts, motives, intentions, etc. another man; actualization, hidden pushing to the desired decision manipulator when the opponent is in a state of uncertainty. The phrase symbolizing the process of hypnotic “mind reading” sounds something like this: “I know (feel, am convinced) that you wanted to express a certain opinion (carry out a specific action) now.” When a manipulator says such a phrase, he distorts the real opinion of the communication partner (opponent); hiddenly programs, pushes him to make a decision that suits the initiator of the manipulative influence. For example: "You sure, that our political force will not be able to..."; "I am sure that you know that... and, "Our political opponents do not think about the future...", "Believe me, I know how you feel, I I know what you are thinking about now.. "," I see that although outwardly you are still in doubt, deep down you have already made the right choice ";

29) the technique of “false cause-and-effect relationships”: attributing to a certain subject (object) the manipulative influence of all sins for problems, miscalculations in the actions, deeds, decisions of the manipulator (“We were unable to implement our social program due to opposition from the opposition...”,” “We had a wonderful plan for overcoming the political crisis , but the LG party interfered, “If leader A had been less ambitious, we would have found a compromise”)

30) reception of a complex equivalent: association of facts that are not related to each other and do not have a clear cause-and-effect relationship, but are combined only by a predictable pre-existing logical connection; equating part of the experience (contemplation of external behavior) with a general meaning (assessment of the internal state). When constructing complex equivalents, phrases like “is”, “this means”, “the same as” and others are used. This technique is a classic NLP pattern of linguistic distortion, during which the behavior of a person (group, mass) is attributed to the experience of certain states based on external signs. For example, the slogan “Only honest people choose party L / G does not reveal or explain why “only honest people” do this. Manipulators do not need this, since logic should work, which sends meta-messages to the subconscious: “If I choose party A /, I am an honest person." Other examples: "There is noticeable excitement in the crowd, obviously they are preparing for active action...";" Politician on talk show And suddenly turned pale when he was asked a question..., it probably demoralized him ", "Politician B is never late for meetings with voters, apparently something happened...", "Political bloc C won, which means...";

31) acceptance of conceptual assumptions: distortion of the content of a communicative act through the use of certain statements that are perceived as true without evidence. The key words when applying this technique are “when”, “if”, “because”, etc. (“If you support the Well party in the elections, you will soon live better”, “When the leader of VO becomes president, radically” positive “the nature of our country’s international relations will change”, “Since the opposition is not in power, it absolutely cannot influence the economic policy of the state”)

32) acceptance of general quantifiers: a general quantifier is a set of words with the help of which a universal generalization is carried out. Through such a generalization, the impression (feeling) that concerns a single fact or one person is transferred when assessed to the entire behavior of a person (group, mass). General quantifiers include words such as “everyone,” “everyone,” “everyone,” “always,” and “nobody.” For example: "All politicians take bribes"; "Representatives each parties at heart hate their electorate, on which their future depends"; "Opposition Always interferes with the government", "Under such current conditions, no one can offer a real way out of the political crisis";

33) technique of using the SCORE model: a detailed analysis of the real state of affairs and the conditions for achieving the desired result through the prism of five key elements - symptoms, causes, results, resources and effects. The authors of the technique are R. Dilts and T. Epstein. The abbreviation SCORE is formed from the initial letters of the English correspondence of the main elements of the model:

o symptoms (symptoms). We are talking about the first, external signs of a certain problem that needs to be solved. The leader of one of the parliamentary factions may say: “We have not been able to form a parliamentary coalition for a long time.” This is a statement, a characteristic of the current state of affairs, containing a problem that requires an urgent solution;

o reasons (causes). They stimulate and trigger symptoms. The reasons are not always obvious (“On the one hand, we cannot agree on a solution to the issue..., on the other hand, perhaps one of our potential political allies” is bargaining “and is counting on certain positions”). They are also part of the current situation;

o results (outcomes). This is the desired state (“For a compromise, we are ready to take not a step forward (“put forward our contenders”), but a step back (“give up something for the sake of strategic success”). This is new behavior, new approaches and visions that can significantly change the situation stupor to bring positive dynamics to the existing situation;

o resources (resources). These include means and techniques used to eliminate the causes (“Our political force both in parliament and in the regions is ready to support the activities of a possible new coalition.”) At this stage of the reconversion speech, almost any NLP technique can be used (“anchoring”, changing views and so on.);

o effects (effects). These are the long-term consequences of achieving results and elements of the desired state (“For long-term unity with our potential coalition allies, all state problems will be much easier to solve”).

If most NLP techniques are linear ways of solving problems by moving from the current state to the desired one while following a certain procedure, then the SCORE model is flexible and non-standard, which allows you to start influencing from any place (part) depending on the content of the problem and how a person imagines this problem (scale, complexity, possible negative consequences in case of failure to solve it, etc.).

SCORE can be used both as a powerful positive transformational factor and as an elegant manipulative maneuver if it is used as a means of achieving one’s own victory, rather than public consent, consent;

34) reception of modal operator / in: the use by a manipulator for the purpose of psychological influence of modal operators that define the boundaries (boundaries) of the model of the world and the model (method) of human action. Experts identify several categories of modal operators: necessity, possibility, impossibility, authority, identity, choice, etc. The most important are the modal operators of necessity (“should - should not”) and possibility (“may - cannot”, “able - not” capable"), which determine the rules of behavior and the ability to take real action. A person who uses the terms “should”, “capable”, “necessary”, “forced”, “want”, etc., in fact, describes details ( contours) of his own model of the world. Having studied, understood and taken into account the specifics of the modal operators of the partner (opponent) in the communicative act, the manipulator can easily achieve the desired goal, since he knows the real limits of the necessity or possibility of actions of the object of manipulative influence;

35) reception of the lost performative: statements of a value judgment without indicating its subject or sources of information. The hidden advantage of this technique is precisely the vague evaluative opinion, the lost performative, which directs or pushes a person, group, masses to actions (behaviors) in the way desired by the political manipulator direction. For example: “No one should judge others”, “Serious politicians should not fall into despair”; “In any case, it doesn’t matter”, “What you are doing is a clear demonstration of political helplessness”;

36) reception of simple deletions: conscious exclusion from the process of communication of information about a person, an object, etc. As a result, the listener begins to look for his own answers to the questions he has. Thus, in the statement “It is inappropriate to publish our political plans today,” the fundamental information is removed: “It is inappropriate for who?", "Why inappropriate?", "A Is it advisable tomorrow?", "Publish how?", "What political plans?" . For an experienced political manipulator, the use of this technique is a hint to an individual, group, to the masses on hidden power, the resources, etc. of the political force to which he is currently based are not known to the general public works;

37) acceptance of incomplete comparisons: the use of comparison when expressing value judgments without indicating what or with what standard the comparison took place. In linguistics there are incomplete comparisons (deletion), which cover varying degrees of comparisons (better, better, more, less, better, worse, richer, poorer, worse, etc.). For example: "Politician A is the best in parliament"; "Party C turned out to be the weakest during this year", "Draft political platform of the bloc R - worst *. In the practice of a manipulator, the use of this technique is an effective way of attaching and assigning to a certain object the necessary political label in the range from “best” to “worst”;

38) acceptance of the absence of a reference index: the use of an indefinite noun (in NLP - a referential index) to designate a person, an object, which are objects (subjects) of influence and describes the verb in the statement. In the process of applying this technique, non-specific (indefinite) categories “who”, “they”, “nobody”, “this”, etc. are most often used as substitutes for the real initiators of influence. ("Somebody may think that the authorities have problems...", "They will never understand our political line", "No one is safe from political scams"). This technique is often used to relieve oneself of responsibility for an unsuccessful political course: “No one could have imagined then... they became a hindrance..., besides somebody launched a gossip in the media that destroyed everything...";

39) technique of using indefinite verbs: the use of verbs in the communicative process that do not provide an idea of ​​a specific method of action. Lexemes like “control”, “analyze”, “succeeded”, “harm”, “demonstrate” do not make it possible to create in the mind a clear picture of the process that is ongoing. For example: “The authorities do not care about ordinary citizens”; “I was surprised by the behavior of politician S on the talk show”; "We managed to overcome the political crisis." In political manipulation, this technique is used to replicate (program) the necessary thoughts, ideas and slogans;

40) technique for establishing anchors: “tying” individual signals (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) to certain models of experiences and states, which can later be artificially induced. This technique, which traces its origins to Pavlov’s classical concept of “stimulus-response,” is one of the key ones in NLP. "Anchors" can arise naturally and be installed specifically. In NLP, “anchors” are distinguished based on the nature of their impact:

a) positive, determining the resource situation (pleasant experience)

b) negative, causing a problematic situation (unpleasant experience). According to their influence on representative systems, “anchors” are divided into visual (symbols, pictures, colors, shapes, etc.), auditory (sounds, melodies, words, sentences, quotes, dialects, logical stress, etc.), kinesthetic (movements, gestures, postures, touches, tastes, smells, etc.). The main conditions for effective “anchoring” are:

o intensity (the “anchor” must be set at the peak intensity of the expression of emotions)

o optimal timing (the “anchor” is fixed at the moment of the culmination of the emotional experience)

o clarity (the more unique the stimulus, the more reliable the “anchor” is established)

o repetition (the more often and more uniformly (i.e. in the same way) the “anchor” is used, the more active and effective its impact).

The advantage of the technique is that in the case of its professional use, in particular in the technique of integrating “anchors,” it is possible to simultaneously mobilize and direct all channels of sensations of a person, group or masses. A classic example is torchlight demonstrations organized by fascists in support of Ptler’s ideas and activities, in which all types of “anchors” were involved - visual (swastikas on red flags; thousands of torches, etc.); auditory (pronouncing speech in a high register and with clear logical stresses; sounds of bravura marches, etc.); kinesthetic (a non-standard greeting in terms of hand movement, because during the day a person must sharply raise his hand at exactly this angle, the feeling of an elbow walking next to him, the smell of torches, etc.);

41) technique of collapsing “anchors”: simultaneous activation of positive and negative “anchors”, which would overlap each other. When a person simultaneously experiences two different emotional states (activity - passivity, oppression - joy), they seem to be mutually neutralized. A side (and for a political manipulator, often the main) effect of the collapse of “anchors” for a person, group, masses is an unpleasant feeling of uncertainty, temporary disorientation and loss of reference points, demoralization, internal conflict that is constantly growing;

42) method of transformation of beliefs: changing a single thought (belief) by manipulating the differences between submodalities, that is, the features of sensations within each representational system. Among the methods of transforming (changing) beliefs is the widespread model of R. Bandler, which covers the following stages:

o actualization of a belief that the manipulator wants to change;

o identifying submodalities associated with this belief;

o emphasizing the idea that no one has the right to the truth, that is, there may also be doubts about this belief;

o using comparative analysis techniques to identify differences between the “old” belief that the manipulator is trying to change and doubt;

o posing a question to a person, group, masses: “What new belief instead of the old one would you like to have?” NLP theorists and practitioners believe that when proposing new beliefs, one should: a) formulate them positively; b) direct them to the future or at least to the present; c) take into account or simulate taking into account real public interests;

o changing the old belief to the question (using the “stopping the film” technique). Enelpists recommend at this stage not to force events and transform only one or several significant differences, and also to change, in the process of perceiving and reproducing this belief in the mind, a dynamic film into a static photograph;

o transformation of the content of an old belief into a new one using changes in submodalities (retouching photographs, frames). After careful and active editing by the manipulator of the perception process, changing the characteristics of sensations within each representative system, the basis for changing beliefs is prepared;

o changing doubts based on conviction by transforming submodalities (launching a corrected (retouched) film). That is, the initiator of the Enelli influence changes the old static photograph to a new dynamic film, which becomes new beliefs;

43) nominalization technique: purpose (characteristic) within the framework of an information message of continuous processes or processes that continue as completed. Nominalization is an attempt at generalization, as a result of which the process (verb) takes on a static form and turns into a noun. For example: evaluate - self-esteem, balance - balance, interpret - interpretation, etc. Nominalization can be a word used to denote a process, movement, action or idea, concept, as well as categories such as “memories,” “rules,” “principles,” “values,” and “beliefs.” From a linguistic point of view, nominalization is a change from a process at the deep structure level (movement, action, etc.) to a static event at the floor structure level. When using this technique, as a rule, a significant part of the information is hidden (released). Examples of nominalization include the following statements: “In our political power of understanding (hidden verb - explain yourself) with party S... To a large extent this is due to the fact that this political force has inflated self-esteem (hidden verb - value). That is why, I think, in the near future we will not find a common language (hidden verb - negotiate) "",

44) acceptance of denomination: lexical and essential restoration in the opposite direction of the chain “result - action - intention”. According to enelpistiv, nominalization deforms events and processes, stating their completeness, which misleads a person. As a way to combat this phenomenon, they propose denominalization, which is implemented according to the following scheme:

o identify the fact of nominalization, that is, the transformation of a verb into a noun. NLP theorists are convinced that you just have to ask yourself, you can see, hear, feel it. This procedure, in their opinion, makes it possible to find verbs hidden “under the guise” of nouns. Given this, the expression “compromise victory” makes sense, but “compromise pencil” does not, since the noun “victory” in this context is organically transformed into the verb “to win”, but the noun “pencil” is not;

o find the verb hidden in the nominalization. For example, inside the noun “motivation” is the verb “to motivate”, “deception” - “to deceive”, “treason” - “to change”, etc.;

o restore the verb and the idea (intention) that were hidden behind it (it was possible to return it to its verbal form and restore representations of action, movement and process; what prompted this action: what the persons were guided by did it).

The use of this technique can be artificial and manipulative. For example, with the nominalization “treason” comes the verb “to betray” with different (ambiguous) interpretation by different political forces of the main reasons or motivation for this action;

45) method of using and changing the meta-program: recognition, adjustment, and, if necessary, change of meta-programs, which, in accordance with the practice and theory of NLP, control and determine the model, style and mode of human thinking. Metaprogram - mental (perceptual) programs for sorting stimuli and focusing attention on them; Perceptual filters target and regulate attention. They act in the mind like a computer operating system and have their own specifics. their key features are:

o representational systems (visual - pictures, images; auditory - sound, volume, tone; kinesthetic - sensation, feeling, movement);

o value orientations (future possibilities; certainty and reliability of the past; anti-values, repulsive)

o style of information selection (empiricism, pragmatism, sensory perception or imagination, rationalism, internal knowledge)

o functioning style (spontaneity or following rules, consistency)

o response style (passivity or activity);

o filter of advantages, main interests (people (who) - pleasure from communicating with others; places (where) - search for the most appropriate environment; objects () - orientation to objects and tasks, types of activity (how) - sorting in search of the optimal impact for achieving the desired result, time (when) - a high level of perception of the importance of the time factor).

This technique is a potentially powerful attribute of manipulative influence. Its implementation basically has two phases: 1) thorough diagnosis and analysis of the style of receiving and processing information by the target; “packaging” and transmitting the necessary words, ideas and proposals using the client’s meta-program; 2) changing the meta-program of the object of influence by “anchoring” new reactions, designing a new meta-program for the future, etc. The manipulator uses the second phase when the first does not give the desired result.

So, NLP has a powerful arsenal of psychological influences that can be used to correct the thinking, emotions and behavior of both an individual and a significant number of people. NLP techniques in the political sphere can be used as: a) a tool for realizing positive intentions (instilling faith in one’s own strengths, hopes for a better future; blocking thoughts (mentions) about tragic or demoralizing moments (events), etc., which is important for mobilization of public resources and forces for progressive development, stimulating promising social changes for the better), b) a powerful means of manipulative influence with negative intentions (suggestion of certain thoughts, ideas, images with the aim of total demoralization; adjustment of thinking at the subconscious level, formation and imperceptible imposition of artificial motives making decisions and ensuring the behavior of the object of influence necessary for the manipulator, etc.).

Neurolinguistic programming or NLP is a direction in psychology, the foundation of which is the copying of verbal and non-verbal human behavior. NLP was created in the 60–70s of the twentieth century and is used in psychological training.

Official psychology does not recognize NLP: sometimes the direction is called pseudoscience. This is explained by the fact that most of the methods he uses are not scientifically substantiated and are ineffective, although there are research results proving the opposite.

Neurolinguistic programming explores the experience of psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, linguists, and hypnotists in order to make the techniques they use publicly available. NLP is:

  • Possession of the skill of clearly setting goals. The ability to see obstacles on the way to a goal and eliminate them.
  • Attentiveness and sensitivity to what is happening inside oneself and in the outside world. The skill is needed to control one’s own activities in the process of implementing the plan.
  • Flexibility in actions on the way to achieving a goal, the ability to change actions until the result appears.

The "Neuro" part of the name indicates that in order to represent human experience, one must be competent in the area of ​​brain activity responsible for processing, storing and disseminating information.

The importance of language in displaying the structure of behavior, thinking, and interaction between people is demonstrated by the word “Linguistic”.

“Programming” - involves the exact sequence of stages in promoting a goal. This is a systematic pattern of conclusions and behavior.

Neurolinguistic programming is a combination of skills that help to quickly change a person’s thinking (manipulate) in order to influence him. Such an effect on the psyche is not realized by the object and is carried out for the purpose of liberation from problems, development, or as a therapeutic agent.

The foundation of NLP is interaction with human consciousness. In the process of working with people, blocking of the conscious is used in order to release the unconscious.

The history of neurolinguistic programming

The development of neurolinguistic programming began in the late 60s of the last century at the University of California by scientists led by anthropologist Gregory Bateson. The study was designed to identify patterns of effective communication between some psychotherapists and patients.

Richard Bandler and John Grinder studied methods, techniques, techniques, methods of interaction, analyzed them, observing the work of psychotherapists with their clients. Methods used by Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson, and Fritz Purzl were monitored.

Later, the methods studied were organized as types and shown in the form of models of how people interact with each other. The conclusions of the study are presented in the works “The Structure of Magic. Volume 1" (1975), "The structure of magic. Volume 2" (1976). Together with Virginia Satir, the book “Changes in the Family” was written in 1976.

The result of the research was a metamodel, which served as the basis for continued study. This is how practical psychology arose, or rather a separate direction called “neurolinguistic programming.”

In the early 80s of the twentieth century, each of the creators of NLP began to follow a separate path, which led to the emergence of several associations with unique approaches by the end of the 80s. At the same time, NLP came to Russia. The first Russian scientists from Novosibirsk, they were taught by John Grinder himself. He taught with almost all Russian trainers, and conducted seminars in Russia twice: in 1997 and 2004.

Using NLP

Neurolinguistic programming teaches you to understand yourself and the people around you, observation and influence using communicative and psychotherapeutic methods. NLP is used by people in the following areas of life:

  • Oratory.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Journalism.
  • Management.
  • Studies.
  • Commercial activity.
  • Acting skills.
  • Law and law, jurisprudence.
  • Organization of time and its effective use.

Mastering NLP practices helps improve communication skills, determines personal growth, treats fears and phobias, maintains mental health and performance at a normal level.

How to learn it

NLP techniques are available to anyone. It won't be difficult to master them. This is evidenced by the main provisions of the doctrine.

There are three main stages of training:

  • The standard NLP Practitioner course is preferable if you are interested solely in communication skills and consulting. “NLP Practitioner” is also recommended for beginners. The duration of this course is 21 days. Graduates receive the qualification of NLP practitioner, which indicates mastery of the technique and the ability to apply it when conducting practices for beginners. “NLP Practitioner” is a basic educational course, the training in which is structured according to the principle from simple to complex.
  • If you want to deepen your knowledge, work with persuasion and modeling, the NLP Master course will help.
  • “NLP Trainer” will teach you how to work with an audience and introduce you to the features of teaching neurolinguistic programming.

Trainings and face-to-face courses last for months, and you have to pay a tidy sum for training. But not everything is so sad. Most techniques can be learned on your own.

To do this, you need to read special books on NLP and diligently apply the learned techniques in practical activities. The continuous use of acquired knowledge and skills in life will allow you to improve your skills in neurolinguistic programming.

The developers of NLP, while modeling the techniques of famous psychotherapists, applied several laws that these professionals used. All laws are connected into a system of presuppositions - axioms-tools that make the techniques used effective.

More than one book has been written on neurolinguistic programming: there are a great many of them. Often, such books do not contain as much useful information as we would like, and it is pointless to read them expecting an impressive result. The best in this field, the most famous and useful are the following books:

And "NLP practitioner". The book was written by Bob Bodenhamer and Michael Hall. The book contains the most interesting materials. Includes general information, descriptions of methods, techniques, exercises, examples. “NLP Practitioner” is equally highly rated by people who first became interested in the teaching, as well as by those who already had some knowledge in this area and wanted to improve it.

B The book “From Frogs to Princes” by Richard Bandler and John Grinder is intended for specialists in the field of psychology (psychotherapists, sociologists, psychologists), as well as for everyone who is interested in the psychology of interaction between people. Familiarizing yourself with the contents of the book will be useful for beginners in NLP training.

In “State of Solved Problems” - a book by S. Jacobson, which describes a universal model. It can be used by people to solve problems in any area of ​​life. The foundation for the model was the laws of thinking, life and activity.

G “Reframing. Personality orientation using speech strategies” - authored by Richard Bandler. The book examines the psychology of reframing, that is, changing thinking and perception in order to get rid of unfavorable mental patterns. Not only an active practitioner or specialist will read the work with interest; the presented models and application methods can be successfully used by ordinary people.

Manipulation and NLP

Any active interaction between people is manipulation. When communicating with each other, people on an unconscious level want to get the reaction of the interlocutor. If there are goals that are impossible to achieve alone, manipulation during communication is observed in 100% of cases.

You can manipulate other people openly or covertly, the difference is that in the first case a person voices his goal or what reaction he wants to see.

Psychology has determined that human consciousness can be manipulated using special methods:

  • Hypnosis and trance.

Hypnosis has been known to mankind since ancient times; currently, a similar method is used as a means of treating addictions, ailments and phobias. Each person falls into a trance state naturally: the point of concentration of attention shifts, and immersion in one’s own thoughts occurs. Everything that people mastered happened when the brain switched to a different mode of operation and was in a state of trance (state of altered consciousness). Deep trance (hypnosis) is considered the most vulnerable state for manipulating consciousness: a person perceives information through the senses, logic is turned off, and there is no criticality.

Psychology has developed techniques on how to achieve your goals. NLP is a competent systematization of all the best. The methods of cognitive psychology, Gestalt psychotherapy, behaviorism and others are combined here. The techniques that psychology has collected in NLP can easily be turned into a manual for manipulating human consciousness. Moreover, such actions can be detected by those who themselves own such techniques.

  • Psychotronic weapons.

It is impossible to find information about such weapons in open sources. There is not even irrefutable evidence that it actually exists, since the information is classified. Psychotronic weapons are directed waves, through which the behavior of a person or a crowd is manipulated (wave fluctuations make people panic, run or stop). The foundation for the creation of weapons was what psychology studied as a science.

NLP institutes and courses are informal, since psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry do not officially recognize neurolinguistic programming. This is explained by the fact that the technique is not theoretically justified and does not have scientific evidence of effectiveness. However, all the methods used to influence human consciousness and thinking are based on laws, regulations, rules, developments of psychology and psychotherapy confirmed and proven by science.


Learning NLP methods and exercises takes some time. You can start practicing on your own, or together with a master. Having a teacher will speed up getting results and help avoid mistakes. But in any case, you will have to make an effort and regularly perform exercises, observe yourself and people.

To master the basics of NLP, start reading books. For beginners, the following works are recommended: Richard Bandler, John Grinder “From Frogs to Princes.”; Andrey Pligin, Alexander Gerasimov "NLP practitioner"; Joseph O'Connor, John Seymore "Introduction to NLP"; Alexander Lyubimov "Communication Mastery"; Gil Anderson "Think, Try, Develop"; Richard Bandler "Time for Change". It is important not only to familiarize yourself with these books, but also to follow all the suggestions exercise. Skills will appear after you start practicing them in life, and not just accumulating theoretical data.

You can read not books, but articles, of which there are a lot on the Internet. They often contain effective techniques rather than theory. Of course, to become a specialist, you will have to study all aspects of NLP, but sometimes you need to start with something practical, get results, and then just move into the depths of this science. Articles will only help you superficially learn something about human behavior, but this is also enough to change your life.

Today there are a huge number of webinars for training NLP. Many aspiring authors hold a class to gather listeners to build a name for themselves. Famous masters also practice this form of training, but they ask for some payment. This is a convenient way to master NLP, since you don’t need to leave home, you just need to have a computer or tablet and a stable Internet connection.

The maximum effect can be achieved through NLP training. This is an opportunity not just to observe actions, but to participate in the learning process. You can immediately try all the techniques on living people, learn how to use them as effectively as possible, and therefore get results instantly. To change your life, it is enough to undergo one training or seminar, but during this lesson it will be impossible to master all the methods. To gain more tools, seek knowledge from different teachers.

Learning Neuro Linguistic Programming takes patience. You need to understand how a person thinks, how he behaves and what he expects. By his gestures, phrases, tone of speech, you can understand his aspirations, and based on these factors you can make your proposals. This works great when speaking in public, when selling some goods and services, as well as during psychological counseling.