Nominations for teachers for the last call of the medal. On Teacher's Day: funny competitions, fun games and comic nominations

Teacher's Day is the best occasion to congratulate dear teachers on their professional holiday in an original and beautiful way. In addition to traditional wishes in poetry and prose, bouquets and cards, you can also congratulate teachers with a concert performed by children. Most often, such an event on Teacher's Day is based on cool competitions, games and nominations. Moreover, these can be both active options that are ideal for the gym or street, as well as quiet games at the table. And so that after fun entertainment you can arrange for them to please your favorite teachers with unusual gifts comic nominations with funny names and awards. Below we offer you examples of competitions, games and nominations that are ideal for celebrating Teacher's Day at school.

The funniest competitions for Teacher's Day - very funny ideas for teachers and children

Both teachers and children love cool competitions for Teacher's Day with funny tasks. Such comic competitions always lift the spirits of all participants and spectators and help make the festive event dynamic and interesting. Options cool competitions There are a great many for Teacher's Day. These can be either team competitions between teachers and students, or individual competitions, where everyone is for himself. As for the subject matter, it is very diverse. Can be used exclusively school theme, or you can choose original competitions for creativity, speed, ingenuity, etc. The main condition is that competitions should be fun, short and varied. You can also prepare small cool prizes for teachers for participation.

Ideas for cool and funny competitions for Teacher's Day performed by children

"Tongue Twisters"

A very simple competition - you need to clearly pronounce a tongue twister the fastest. First, the presenter asks the teacher participants fairly simple examples, gradually reading more complex options pure talk. The teacher who has better diction wins.

"School program"

The presenter asks the participants tricky questions from school curriculum different items. The task of each participant is a short time give maximum amount correct answers.

"We do what we want"

Each teacher is given a set of markers and sheets of paper. The presenter reads out the definition of an object and the participants must quickly depict something similar. For example, the assignment might ask to draw something black, round and heavy, and teachers should draw a rock or something similar.

"No emotions"

A very simple and funny competition in which both teachers and children participate. The teacher’s task is to sit with a stony expression on his face and not give in to emotions, just like at an important test work. At this time, the students are trying in every possible way to make the teacher laugh, making funny faces. The winner is the teacher who remains calm longer than his colleagues.

"He did not decide"

The presenter takes turns asking funny questions to which the participants must answer. In this case, you cannot answer “yes” or “no” and anyone who violates this basic rule is immediately eliminated from the competition. The questions can be very different, but the main thing is that they should encourage you to give an unambiguous answer and they need to be read out quickly.

Fun and active games for Teacher's Day for children and teachers - examples and ideas

Both children and teachers can participate in fun and active games on Teacher's Day. Usually they are divided into two teams that compete for victory among themselves. But you can also split by class or by boys/girls principle, if there are a sufficient number of men among the teachers. As a rule, such active games are played outdoors or in the gym. Among the most popular options are sports relay races. Also adapt to school holiday You can also adapt traditional fair games: tug of war, running in sacks, pulling apples out of the water with your teeth, etc.

Examples of fun and active games for Teacher's Day for children and teachers

Active team quests can also be cited as examples of fun games. The format of the quests is very simple: participants are divided into teams, tasks are given in stages (a new one after completing the previous one), tasks must be based on ingenuity and speed. For example, if the holiday takes place over a large area, then you can give small riddle tasks, the answers to which should be hidden in secluded places. This game is best played outdoors, for example in a park.

If we talk about the more traditional format of celebrating Teacher’s Day - a school concert, then you can introduce Interesting games. For example, you can play a little in everyone’s favorite folk games: handkerchief, bell, stream, etc. Surely many teachers will be pleased to feel carefree again, like in childhood. This also includes hopscotch, tic-tac-toe, rubber bands - games familiar and adored by more than one generation. And to make them more suitable for this event, they can be slightly modified for competitions.

Comic and funny nominations for teachers for Teacher's Day - the best options

As part of the celebration of Teacher's Day, comic and cool nominations for teachers. Usually at the end of the event, the student presenter announces an award ceremony for teachers for their professional success. One teacher wins in each category and is awarded comic medal and a certificate indicating its category. As a rule, absolutely all teachers participate in the ceremony, as well as the director, head teacher, psychologist, speech therapist and other members of the teaching staff.

The main feature of such a ceremony is comic nominations, which are important to choose individually for each teacher. Also, do not forget that names should be funny, but not offensive. It is good to complement the nomination with solemn music, balloons and other attributes of the festive award ceremony.

Cool options for comic nominations for teachers for Teacher's Day

As for the names themselves, here you can use your imagination to the fullest! Here are a few examples that are relevant for the class teacher: “Well, very cool lady", "The coolest teacher", "First-class man of the year", etc. Here are a few more options for nomination names for different teachers:

  • director - “Queen Mother”, “Tsar Father”
  • head teacher - “Miss Marple”, “Sherlock Holmes”
  • mathematics teacher - “Queen/king of integrals”
  • history teacher - “Keeper of Knowledge”
  • Physics teacher - " Best friend Ohm and Newton"
  • teacher of Russian language and literature - “Great and Mighty”
  • teacher in English- "Representative of the British Empire"
  • chemistry teacher - “Mendeleev’s biggest fan/admirer”
  • biology teacher - “Loyal follower of Darwin”

Competitions, games and nominations for Teacher's Day are funny and cool entertainment for children and teachers that make the holiday truly fun and joyful. Particularly fun is the awarding of teachers in comic categories, the names of which are invented by the students themselves. Active competitions in nature or in the gym always help create a friendly atmosphere, and intellectual games at the table help participants develop and get to know each other better!

Here we continue nominations for teachers and school staff, without even changing the numbering.

Nominations for teachers and staff.

  1. Teacher of Economics and World artistic culture wins in the category “Bunny! To the blackboard!" - for a friendly attitude towards children, careful attitude to world culture and a philosophical approach to the national economy.
  1. The teacher wins the “Mon cher” category French- for smiling, easy-going, and also for the ability to pronounce the phrase “My dears!” with truly French chic.
  1. The nomination “Grower of Kinder Surprises” goes to the teacher of Russian language and literature, the first teacher of some of today’s graduates - for growing these same kinders from 1st grade to the last.
  1. The nomination “You need this first” takes away classroom teacher such and such class, teacher of Russian language and literature, counselor and head of the school theater studio– for the ability to creatively combine four in one and for the skill of clearly announcing the last thing to students Chinese warning, which immediately entails the correct prioritization in their heads.
  1. Deputy director of educational work, a mathematics and economics teacher wins in the “My Children!” - for his incredible ability to treat students as his own children with all the ensuing consequences (from requiring a school uniform to bringing bright examples plebeianism).
  1. A math teacher is awarded the “Mrs. X” nomination for her ability to teach children to reduce X and Y (X and Y) to a common denominator.
  1. In the category “Hey, hello, Newton!” The physics teacher wins - for his communication skills beyond rank and time, as well as for being demanding not only of his students, but also, as we believe, of the forefathers of physics.
  1. In the category “What are you doing there under your desk?” the chemistry teacher wins - remembered by the 2014 graduates as a competent, cheerful, principled teacher, as well as with the legendary phrase “So, whoever is wearing jeans, sit on the bucket.”
  1. The physical education teacher wins in the double nomination “Don’t kick the ball, don’t step over the line” for his good spirits, careful handling of physical education equipment and sincere educational approach to children (“Whoever loses will do push-ups”).
  1. The winner in the “Corrected with London” category is the English teacher for his principled approach to teaching and attention to detail.
  1. The nomination “Themis Smile” goes to the teacher of social studies and law - for cheerfulness, openness and optimism.
  1. The math teacher wins in the “You are our gifted!” category. — for boundless optimism in assessing students’ abilities and the fairness of grades for proving theorems.
  1. In the nomination “Around the world for academic year“The winner is a geography teacher and a library employee - for their ability to talk about the seas and countries in such a way that you want to escape from class and immediately start traveling.
  1. A teacher of biology and ecology is awarded the nomination “There is no doubt” - for the ability to convincingly present new topic and just as convincingly demand fulfillment homework. Darwin is proud of you.
  1. The Strictly Greenwich nomination is awarded to an English teacher for her inherent punctuality, almost English restraint and tact.
  1. The clear winner of the “Give me a ski track!” nomination - Physical education teacher. For skillfully preparing children for ski competitions. Even in the absence of snow.
  1. Nominations “My wonderful lady“A fitness teacher is awarded for grace and beauty in teaching her subject.
  1. Nominations "Lady" Light hand“A school nurse is awarded for her ability to make injections and vaccinations so pleasant that sometimes you even want to skip a test because of them.
  1. The nomination “Mrs. Muscle” goes to…. employees technical staff- for maintaining cleanliness and order in the school. What would we do without you!
  1. “Queen of Pies and Buns” - this nomination is awarded to a school canteen worker for saving starving students every hour.
  1. A library employee wins the “Lord of the World” category: if you own the information, you own the world. Where can I find it at school? more information than in the library? The question is rhetorical, because there is nowhere.
  1. “A person close to the emperor” - this nomination goes to... guess who? Secretary - for faithful service home school, regardless of the change of reigning persons.
  1. The deputy director for schoolchildren's health wins in the "Always on Guard" nomination - for vigilant control and constant concern for the health of students. Even against their wishes))
  1. The accountant takes away the nomination “Grey Cardinal” - for his shadow influence on the financial capabilities of the school, not covered by the parents’ money.

Short speech by students

upon completion of nomination

Our dear teachers and all nominated school staff! Please treat everything that you have just heard with great humor!

The nominations are humorous; we played with your favorite words, phrases, habits and character traits that we were able to notice.

No matter how each nomination sounds, know one thing - we love you all, especially today.

And that some nominations were shorter, others longer – well, that’s how it happened. In the end, you need to give future graduates the opportunity to tell you something interesting next year.

Bow, applause, move on to the next point in the script.


With the best wishes from the nominees for their nominations,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

P.S. The numbering was still wrong, and I couldn’t start it from point 17.

All teachers are always serious and this is sometimes scary. But on Teacher's Day, you can and should laugh, especially at teachers, at their seriousness. Comic nominations for teachers on Teacher's Day will help you organize a mini holiday that can be called the school Oscar! Comic nominations will help give each teacher a prize, and they, in turn, will think about why they gave me this nomination and then, perhaps, they will reconsider their academic policy.

It will tell you when to organize these nominations. And they will help make your demanding audience laugh even more.

To the chemistry teacher:
Chemise? We are all for it!
For this, the reward has found you!

The award is presented to the master of flasks and test tubes!

To the mathematics (algebra and geometry) teacher:
You taught us to count
And now don’t deceive us!
We'll definitely count the change,
And if necessary, we’ll shortchange it ourselves!

The award is given to the best accountant for the time on the accounts!

To the teacher of Russian language and literature:
She knows all the rules
He always puts a comma and a full stop!

The award is given to an expert in all the rules of the Russian language, the master of suffixes and endings, the best word analyzer by composition, and so on.

To the astronomy teacher:
She showed us another world,
And now we never sleep at night!

The award is presented to the main star of our school!

To the biology teacher:
In her class there is all natural beauty,
I invite a biology teacher!

The award is given to a person who knows first-hand what a pistil and stamen are and what they serve!

To the English teacher:
She speaks simply and easily
Knows what each word means!

The award is given to the person who understands Psaki without an interpreter!

To the physical education teacher:
Once the whistle blows, we run.
Two whistles - and we stand.
We tumble on the mats,
There is no better lesson than physics!

The award is presented to the Hercules of our time!

Physics teacher:
The lesson will go with a bang,
If you study physics!

The award is given to the person who personally tested Newton's law of gravity with the help of an apple growing on a tree.

To the history teacher:
He knows all the fights and battles,
And even who was Napoleon afraid of!

The award is given to the best “unearther” of the past, who does not need a time machine to return to the past.

To the class teacher:
She is always responsive and kind,
She helps us and helps us out!

The award is presented to our most important teacher, who cannot be evil by definition, because she is our school mother!

To the director:
She always knows everything
Who received two and when.
Who got sick and who skipped
Who didn't pass the test?

The award is given to the main head, main eyes and main ears of the school!

Teacher's Day is one of the most revered professional holidays in our country. On this day and the day before, teachers are surrounded by well-deserved attention for their difficult and so necessary work for everyone. The most traditional congratulations are flowers, sweets, cards and various necessary or simply pleasant little things. Some schools also have a wonderful tradition of organizing a general congratulations, which is prepared by students or parents; we offer one of the scenarios - “Comic nominations for Teacher’s Day”, written with good humor and respect for the heroes of the occasion. This scenario would be a good addition to school amateur performances.

Presentation of nominations for Teacher's Day

Participants: teachers, students, two presenters (a high school student and a high school girl).

Props: prizes and gifts for teachers, for example, homemade figurines reminiscent of Oscar and.

A musical theme plays.

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests! Good evening, not a school one, but a festive one!

Leading: We are pleased to welcome you to the first and only “School Oscar” award ceremony dedicated to the celebration of Teacher’s Day!

Presenter: Finally, the day that everyone has been waiting for has come - today our teachers will be awarded for their hard work.

Leading: And even if this Oscar is not entirely real, we truly appreciate and respect our teachers. But let’s not wait too long and let’s get started! In each nomination, the winning teacher is awarded a statuette and a diploma, pleasant words about this person.

Presenter: Our first nomination, very honorable, sounds like this: “Accuracy is the politeness of kings”! And he wins it... Math teacher (name and patronymic)! Come to us for your Oscar. In our age of digital technology, mathematics is the true engine of progress!

Leading: And the next nomination is called “Inspiration is not for sale.” And the winner in this nomination is the teacher of literature and Russian language (name and patronymic)! The future Pushkins and Nekrasovs are poring over essays in his (her) classes today.

Presenter: “Caravan of Stories” is the name of another nomination for today! I think many have already realized that the winner is... History teacher (name and patronymic)! His every word is inscribed in world history.

Leading: Continues our “Darwin Mission”! Here the primacy is given... Of course, to the biology teacher (name and patronymic)! Everything that grows and moves is under his supervision!

Presenter: In the “Beauty will save the world” category, the jury unanimously awarded the prize to the art teacher (name and patronymic)! Who knows if his students will soon create a second “Black Square”?

Leading: And now we present to you the most mysterious nomination - “The Phantom of the Opera”. And the victory in it goes to our singing teacher (name and patronymic)! New pop and theater stars are raised by this talented man.

Presenter: And we move on to other nominations. The next one is called “Movement is Life.” Here the jury recognized the winner as the favorite of the girls' half of the school - the physical education teacher (name and patronymic)! Only in his classes you can run, jump and fool around as much as you like!

Leading: The next nomination is “Patience and work will grind everything down”! And here is the real intrigue... The victory in this category was shared between the girls' labor teacher (name and patronymic) and the boys' labor teacher (name and patronymic)! It is thanks to these people that our children learn how to manage things, and it is to these people that parents are most grateful!

Leading: Nomination with the terrifying name “Cybersurprise”. And the prize goes to the computer science teacher! This teacher secretly admitted to us that some students have already surpassed him in some ways!

Presenter: And we have come to the most exciting nomination - “Our service is both dangerous and difficult.” These words may be suitable, in general, for each of the teachers, but to a greater extent - for one person. Who is this? This...

Together: School principal (name and patronymic)! You can come up with even more nominations if the holiday framework allows, for example, “ An ordinary miracle"for a chemistry teacher, " Parallel Worlds"for a drawing teacher, "Golden Globe" for a geography teacher, "Another's soul - darkness" for a psychologist, "Small and brave" for a teacher primary classes etc., you can dilute the awards with concert performances.

Leading: There are no more Oscars today. But that's not the main thing.

Presenter: The main thing is not awards, but our grades in exams! Happy holiday, dear teachers!

Together: We love you! The students perform a song.

Musical congratulations on Teacher's Day

(singing to the tune of the song “What They Teach at School”)

1. The bell will ring in the morning,
It's time to run to class
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Here the teacher is coming to us
And gives out assignments
Everything is more difficult, and more difficult, and more difficult!
(repeat last two lines)

2. Day and night we cram,
And we don’t sleep and we don’t eat,
We read everything, and decide, and count!
To be ten years older
To avoid going to school
We dream, and dream, and dream!

3. The teacher tells us:
Childhood will fly by quickly
Let's grow up, let's grow up, let's grow up,
Just stop loving school
And forget forever
We won't be able to, we won't be able to, we won't be able to!
(repeat last two lines)

Scenario #1

Dear teachers! On this special day, we want to thank you all and present awards in several categories.
So, in the category “Titanic Work” the school administration is awarded: director Tatyana Nikolaevna Zimina and her deputies.

Through storms and fogs
Lead the ship day and night -
This is the captain's task,
Conquering the distance.
You took care of our happiness,
And hope and dream.
Let all misfortunes be avoided
Our school is a mile away.

Primary school teachers are awarded in the “Our Second Mother” nomination:
 Yakhlakova Lyudmila Andreevna
 Byakova Elena Nikolaevna
 Kasatkina Lyubov Borisovna
 Vikhareva Elena Borisovna

You are our second mothers,
We love you - the kindest ones,
Understanding, skillful,
Smart, affectionate and brave,
And on all earthly paths
Forever close and dear.

In the category “Master of Integrals” the teacher of algebra and geometry, Marina Aleksandrovna Nikitina, is awarded.

Scientists move science forward
Inspired by experience and knowledge,
But practice is ahead of everyone
A wonderful science is mathematics.

Physics teachers Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Novoselova and Olga Leonidovna Lezhepekova are awarded in the “Inexhaustible Source of Energy” category.

Your soul cannot be measured
In any dimensions,
After all, we always knew how to believe
You are your disciples.

In the category “For expanding our horizons,” the geography teacher Nina Evgenievna Stebenkova is awarded.

As long as the earth turns,
We all need teachers
That all the paths and paths
They helped us find it in life.

Chemistry teacher Lyudmila Sergeevna Klabukova is awarded in the “Best Experimenter” category.

No secrets in the world
They won't hide from you
No tests
Will not dull the shine of your eyes.

In the nomination “Hero of Our Time” the teacher of biology and life safety is awarded to Lyubov Georgievna Klestova.

Bio is life, which means
You taught life, you taught to live.
We wish you a lot of happiness and good luck,
To teach wisdom for a long time.

For all teachers of the science and mathematics cycle, our musical gift.

We continue with the award ceremony. In the nomination “Ray of Light in dark kingdom"The teacher of Russian language and literature, Valentina Mikhailovna Mamaeva, is awarded.

Probably everyone knows this
The most precious thing is light in darkness.
Without this faith there is no happiness,
And you are that light for us!

In the “Vyatka Ladies” category the following English language teachers are awarded:
 Klabukova Anna Anatolyevna
 Vishnevskaya Galina Mikhailovna
 Kassina Galina Sergeevna

Thank you for your kindness
For your thoughts height,
For modesty of thoughts and needs,
For the humanity of your souls.

In the category “Keeper of Antiquities” the teacher of history and social studies Yulia Pavlovna Podshivalova is awarded.

The years fly by, century after century passes...
Everything created in the world by man
Historians preserve for all people,
People thank you for this.

In the nomination “The most worldly and cultural teacher”, Natalya Nikolaevna Russkikh, a teacher at the Moscow Chemical Conservatory, is awarded.

Beauty saves the world
And, of course, kindness
So you must understand -
You will have to save the world!

Music teachers are awarded in the “Heart Lighters” category:
 Kuznetsov Igor Nikolaevich
 Baranova Irina Vitalievna
 Vorobyova Svetlana Sergeevna
 Toropova Tatyana Alekseevna
 Kislitsyna Evgenia Sergeevna

Your soul is rich in dreams,
And in the head there is a chamber of the mind,
And your hands are worthless,
We bow to you.

For all teachers of the humanities cycle, our next gift.

Our awarding continues with the nomination “The Lord of the Rings... and the Uneven Bars.” As you guessed, the winner is the teacher physical culture Timkina Lyudmila Sergeevna.

It's not easy to survive in life,
In search and struggle,
Your endurance is an example to us,
Self confidence.

Technology teachers Eleonora Viktorovna Gudina and Nikolai Veniaminovich Beznosikov are the winners in the “Golden Hands” nomination.

Requires a lot of costs
Life and lifestyle,
So your lessons are for you,
It is very important to remember in life.

Our librarians Galina Desanovna and Zinaida Nikolaevna win in the “Source of Knowledge” category.

Thank you for being on earth,
That you have chosen a difficult calling,
After all, a book is also a path in the darkness,
And without it the road to knowledge is more difficult.

In the category “He will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut,” the school's caretaker, Alexandra Vasilievna Rubleva, is awarded.

The caretaker does not place obelisks anywhere,
And how much terrible risk there is in their work,
All the time he is in worries, here and there...
Thank you for your wonderful work.

Medical and psychological services are awarded in the Golden Heart category. This is Lyudmila Alekseevna and Olga Sergeevna.

Always, driving away fatigue,
Are you ready to help people?
We thank you for this,
And again we say thank you.

Our canteen workers are awarded in the “Hunger Fighters” category.

You cooked skillfully
And the food was very tasty.
And it's a big deal of yours
Everyone was attracted, fed, warmed.

In the category “The First Vyatka Rimbaud” the security guard Vladimir Aleksandrovich is awarded.

Sometimes it’s almost impossible without security,
And our security is strong and reliable.
We wish you happiness and true friends,
Good luck in your difficult work.

Our awards ceremony has come to an end. But we also cannot help but say about the people without whom this holiday would not have taken place - these are our parents.

We live well or we live poorly,
There is one thing that always caresses and warms,
And, of course, this parents' house,
There is nothing dearer, nothing dearer.

Thank you for everything. And in conclusion, we once again thank all the teachers and school staff for your wonderful work. Congratulations to you!

Final song.

Scenario #2

Alina: Dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and give you this concert program.

Denis: Oh, how many smart, kind, wise,
Beautiful women sit here,
And how many wonderful discoveries
We still have to deal with them.

Alina: There are a lot of talents at our school:
Singers, dancers and readers
And for beloved teachers
There will be many kind words.

Denis: But first, a riddle for all of you: What is the most common name among school teachers?
(9 teachers at school named Natalya).

Alina: And this is the name of the cool mother of our first-graders.

Six months ago you came to first grade,
Natalya Sergeevna met you.
Finish school, years pass -
You will never forget her!

Denis: Students of grade 1B are speaking.

* * * * * * Kharms.

Alina: Excellent teachers teach our second-graders.

Denis: Elena Nikolaevna - you are the most wonderful,
You are known throughout the school for your kind smile!

Alina: All children love Valentina Ivanovna,
And they consider her the wisest in the world.

Denis: 2nd grade students performing.

* * * * * * “Three Mothers.”

Alina: In the third class there are also incomparable masters of their craft.

Denis: Lidia Ivanovna is the pride of our school,
There is no one in the world who is smarter or more beautiful.

Alina: Lyudmila Ivanovna is so elegant,
Plus a sea of ​​culture, plus a sea of ​​talent!

Denis: Elena Alexandrovna is sensitive, active,
And the elementary school is the most athletic!

Alina: Natalya Filippovna – Kind fairy,
With her next to her, it’s calmer, my heart is lighter!

Denis: 3rd grade students are performing.

* * * * * Yakimova - dance.

Denis: And now another mystery: what is the second most common name? (Second place was shared by Tatyana and Lyudmila - 8 teachers each). And among Lyudmil there are two fourth grade teachers.

Alina: Lyudmila Nikolaevna was awarded the title
Honorary worker education,
But, most importantly, this, of course, is not a title,
And the fact that school is her calling.

Denis: Lyudmila Vladimirovna is energetic
And it works just fine with the class!

Alina: In a responsible matter, of course, there is no equal
In everything, the incomparable Galina Petrovna.

Denis: Marina Vasilievna – kind, gentle,
And the love in her heart for children is boundless.

Alina: 4th grade student Nastya Gulyaeva sings for you.

* * * * * Gulyaeva Nastya.

Denis: from the teachers primary school They have good helpers in their responsible work.

Alina: Svetlana Sergeevna is the muse of the museum,
She lives good, eternally sowing.

Denis: And in Hard time helps us
Psychologist Zinaida Nikolaevna!

Alina: Galina Desanovna! Zinaida Nikolaevna!
From the most important to the smallest -
Everyone at school loves and appreciates and honors you.
For your noble and creative work.

Denis: 4th grade student Sergei Kalinin is playing for you.

* * * * * Kalinin

Alina: A lot good words teachers of Russian language and literature deserve.

Denis: Valentina Mikhailovna - intelligence, honor and conscience,
It's time to write a story about her...

Alina: Let's send a telegram to the president,
What should this story be included in the program?

Denis: A worthy example for everyone - Lyudmila Petrovna,
Her love for school and children is enormous!

Alina: Tatyana Vladimirovna is respected,
She surrounds everyone with her care!

Denis: We were lucky with Tatyana Borisovna -
Great teacher, bringing warmth!

Alina: Natalya Nikolaevna - Miss Charm,
How much cordiality she has, how much charm!

Denis: Evgenia Baeva reads poetry for all teachers of Russian language and literature.

Alina: From 1st to 11th grade, physical education teachers are with us.

Denis: Lyudmila Arkadyevna is very sincere,
She brings joy to everyone every day!

Alina: Very proud of Lyudmila Sergeevna
The whole school - and this is no secret for a long time,
We were able to achieve a lot in sports,
And we look forward to even more victories in the future!

Denis: Svetlana Veniaminovna is so elegant,
Beauty and intelligence are a successful combination.

Alina: Trefilova’s student Anna will perform an acrobatic sketch for you.

* * * * * * acrobatic sketch

Denis: There are wonderful history teachers at our school.

Alina: Tatyana Nikolaevna is a worthy person
And you can rest assured about the school in the future.
Denis: He will tell you the whole truth about the past,
Zinaida Alexandrovna,
And in the present too,
She will help you figure it out.

Alina: We praise Tatyana Gennadievna without flattery
She is an example of nobility and honor.

Denis: Olya Shastina sings for history teachers.

* * * * * * Olya Shastina

Denis: And again - a mystery. What is the most common name among those teachers of our school who also graduated from the forty-eighth school at one time? (This is Olga: Olga Alexandrovna, Olga Mikhailovna and Olga Viktorovna).

Alina: And we continue our congratulations. Teachers help us create beauty with our own hands visual arts and technology.

Denis: Olga Alexandrovna is loved and appreciated by everyone,
The school shone with her in all its glory.

Alina: We can all be proud of Svetlana Nikolaevna,
Her paintings are wonderful, they are even available abroad.

Denis: Galina Nikolaevna is a miracle worker,
There is so much to learn from her!

Alina: Irina Anatolyevna is a great example for us:
Not every school has a living millionaire!

Denis: For teachers of fine arts and technology, students of grade 11A perform.

* * * * * * Podium

Alina: Valentina Alekseevna shines with humor,
Galina Sergeevna is not inferior to her.
And with a funny joke from them light hand,
Their graduates are moving through life.

Denis: Galina Mikhailovna needs to be honored
Because she is not indifferent in everything!

Alina: Tatyana Vyacheslavovna - sweet and modest,
But he shows great love for the work.

Denis: Natalya Yurievna radiates charm,
He will not bypass you with care and attention.

Alina: With Natalya Leonidovna the heart is always light,
It’s easy to warm your soul in the rays of her warmth.

Denis: For teachers foreign language Natasha Bedareva sings.

* * * * * Natasha Bedareva

Denis: Listen to one more riddle. There are more than 60 teachers working in our school, but there are only 16 different names. Question for teachers: which methodological associations do not have namesakes?... (this method is an association of teachers of fine arts and MO mathematics)

Alina: And now we are turning to teachers educational field“Mathematics”, that is, for teachers of algebra, geometry and computer science.

Denis: Marina Alexandrovna is worthy of respect,
And in life, as in algebra, it will tell you the solution.

Alina: Larisa Nikolaevna - wonderful man,
You will never meet a kinder and more caring person!

Denis: And now again a mystery: what is the most common middle name among teachers in the educational field “Mathematics”...
Let's check it now!

Alina: Without Rimma Viktorovna at school
You can't live even five minutes.
She deserves a better life
But they won't give her peace.

Denis: And Olga Viktorovna has children
They can safely admit that
That her gaze is like a ray of light,
What illuminated our school house.

Alina: Natalya Viktorovna is with us
Not so long ago, but everyone will say
What computer science has revealed
In front of the children in all its glory.

Denis: Sports dance performed by students of grade 11B.

* * * * * Sports dance

Denis: And again a riddle: Which methodological association is the most titled?... These are teachers of the natural cycle.
Alina: Out of 7 teachers natural sciences 2 honored teachers, Soros laureate, city and regional competitions best practices. 43% of teachers in this cycle have highest category, and the total teaching experience for seven is 200 years.

Denis: Nina Evgenievna shines with light,
You can learn good things from her.

Alina: It will give you deep knowledge
Elizaveta Georgievna -
The main creator of the Code of Conscience
And she is a model of nobility.

Denis: Olga Leonidovna is smarter than all physicists,
Who in Europe can be placed next to her?

Alina: Elena Alexandrovna is beautiful and smart,
And she is talented in various endeavors.

Denis: Lyudmila Sergeevna has no equal here,
In any matter, she will give wise advice.

Alina: Many people in the city envy us,
What Lyubov Georgievna teaches us!

Denis: Olga Mikhailovna at school in three persons,
Teacher, Parent and Alumna.
And all this is written with a capital letter,
After all, she does everything in life with her soul.

Alina: 10th grade student Oksana Semenishcheva sings for you.

Denis: And now a riddle: what subject are there the most teachers in school?.. Music teachers, or rather teachers musical instrument. And they are all very talented!

Alina: It's time to go on tour to Italy
With students Tatyana Vitalievna,
And to Spain or Holland
Lyudmila Rafaelevna and Anetta Nikolaevna.
To France - Larisa Vyacheslavovna,
Tatyana Alexandrovna and Galina Ivanovna,
Young geniuses are not inferior either
Valentina Evgenievna and Natalia Evgenievna.
Denis: The artists from Carnegie Hall are on vacation!
School No. 48 is on stage!

* * * * * Piano duet, 9a.

Alina: In addition to individual instruments, the school teaches choral singing, vocals, solfeggio, musical literature. But the teachers of these subjects are talented not only in art, but also in everything else.

Denis: We know that everything will be fine at school,
If Elena Ivanovna is on duty,
And if Tatyana Ivanovna is paired with her,
Then you can wait for the ideal order.

Alina: Svetlana Sergeevna is a star lady,
And her work is in each of our victories.

Denis: All the children love Tatyana Alekseevna in the choir,
After all, with her they are always in a positive mood.

Alina: Natalya Alekseevna has a lot of advantages
She is smart, talented and a musician from God.

Denis: Always sincere and stylish on stage
Everyone's favorite Natalya Vasilievna.

Alina: Svetlana Leonidovna is always kind with children
And it’s high time to give her the Order of Mercy.

Denis: The 2 A class choir sings for all teachers.

* * * * * Choir

Denis: It’s not only thanks to the teachers that the school exists. We want to thank all the women who work in the office and on shift, in the wardrobe and dining room, ensure cleanliness and order, and take care of our health.

Alina: All the women of the school are congratulated by male teachers.