Knives made of spring steel. Elastic properties and main characteristics of springs and leaf springs

The elastic properties of spring suspension are assessed using force characteristics and a stiffness coefficient or a flexibility coefficient (flexibility). In addition, springs and springs are characterized by geometric dimensions. The main dimensions (Fig. 1) include: the height of the spring or spring in a free state without a load H st and the height under a load H gr, the length of the spring, the diameter of the spring, the diameter of the rod, the number of working turns of the spring. The difference between Hst and Hgr is called spring deflectionf. The deflection obtained from a load lying quietly on the spring is called static. For leaf springs, for more convenient measurement, the deflection is determined by the dimensions H St and H Gr near the clamp. Flexible properties of springs are determined by one of two quantities:

  • flexibility factor(or just flexibility);
  • hardness coefficient(or just toughness).

Rice. 1 - Main dimensions of springs and springs

The deflection of a spring (spring) under the influence of a force equal to unity is called flexibility f 0:

where P is the external force acting on the spring, N;

f - spring deflection, m.

An important characteristic of a spring is its stiffness and, which is numerically equal to the force causing a deflection equal to one. Thus,

and= P/f.

For springs in which the deflection is proportional to the load, the equality is true

P= and f.

Rigidity- the reciprocal of flexibility. Flexibility and rigidity of springs (springs) depend on their main dimensions. As the length of the spring increases or the number and cross-section of sheets decreases, its flexibility increases and its rigidity decreases. For springs, with an increase in the average diameter of the coils and their number and with a decrease in the cross-section of the rod, the flexibility increases and the rigidity decreases.

Based on the stiffness and deflection of a spring or spring, a linear relationship is determined between its deflection and the elastic force P = and f, presented graphically in (Fig. 2). The operation diagram of a frictionless cylindrical spring (Fig. 2, a) is depicted by one straight line 0A, corresponding to both the loading of the spring (an increase in P) and its unloading (a decrease in P). The rigidity in this case is constant:

and= P/f∙tg α.

Springs of variable stiffness (aperiodic) without friction have a diagram in the form of line 0AB (Fig. 2, b).

Rice. 2 - Diagrams of operation of springs (a, b) and springs (c)

At leaf spring operation friction arises between its sheets, which contributes to the attenuation of vibrations of the sprung vehicle and creates a calmer movement. At the same time, too much friction, increasing the stiffness of the spring, worsens the quality of the suspension. The nature of the change in the elastic force of the spring under static loading is shown in (Fig. 2, c). This dependence represents a closed curved line, the upper branch of which 0A 1 shows the relationship between the load and the deflection of the spring when it is loaded, and the lower branch A 1 A 2 0 - when unloaded. The difference between the branches characterizing the change in the elastic forces of the spring during its loading and unloading is determined by friction forces. The area limited by the branches is equal to the work spent on overcoming the frictional forces between the spring leaves. When loaded, friction forces seem to resist an increase in deflection, and when unloaded, they prevent the spring from straightening. In carriage springs, the friction force increases in proportion to the deflection, since the forces pressing the sheets against each other increase accordingly. The amount of friction in a spring is usually estimated by the so-called relative friction coefficient φ, equal to the ratio of the friction force R tr to the force P creating elastic deformation of the spring:

The magnitude of the friction force is related to the deflection f and spring stiffness and, due to its elastic properties, dependence

Spring steel is used for the production of elastic products, which are characterized by the ability to restore their original shape after twisting and significant bending.

  1. Why do we need stainless and regular spring steel?
  2. Spring steels according to GOST 14959–79
  3. Other requirements for spring steels according to GOST
  4. Features of spring steels

1 Why do we need stainless and regular spring steel?

In many modern mechanisms, units and machines, springs and springs, as well as other elastic parts, perform very important functions. Such elements are subject to variable, repeated loads, which leads to their deformation. It is clear that for normal operation of the mechanism it is required that after such influences the part returns to its original state (that is, it must restore its original geometric dimensions and shape).

For the manufacture of parts that do not experience residual deformation under significant shock and static loads, spring steels are used.

A number of requirements are put forward to them. Firstly, they must resist stress relaxation and have high rates of fluidity, elasticity and endurance. Secondly, such alloys must qualitatively resist the phenomenon of brittle fracture and be characterized by a sufficient level of ductility.

The required yield strength of various grades of spring steels is obtained by hardening them, which is supplemented by tempering (this is usually performed at temperatures from 300 to 480 degrees). The choice of this particular temperature range is not accidental. It has been proven that in this case the elastic limit of steel becomes as high as possible. And this is exactly what is required for spring alloys.

The steel grades we describe are used for the manufacture of elastic products with high wear resistance:

  • feeding and clamping collets;
  • flanges;
  • brake bands;
  • the already mentioned springs and springs;
  • bearing housings;
  • friction discs;
  • thrust washers;
  • flanges;
  • various gears.

2 Spring steels according to GOST 14959–79

By such alloys we mean medium and high carbon steels. as well as steels with low alloy levels. State standard 14959 includes the following grades as alloyed compounds: 70С2ХА, 65С2ВА, 60С2ХА, 50ХГФА, 50 ХФА, 50 ХГА, 60С2Г, 60С2А, 55С2А, 70Г, 60Г, 60С2Н2А, 60С2ХФА, 55С2ГФ, 55ХГР, 50ХГ, 70С3А, 60С2, 55С2, 65Г. Carbon steels are listed below: 65, 80, 70, 85, 75.

The first two digits in the marking indicate, in fractions of a percent, the mass fraction (average) of carbon in a particular alloy. The letters after the numbers indicate what alloying additives are present in the composition, and the numbers after them indicate the content of elements. Moreover, if its amount is less than 1.5%, the number is not given; if the content of the alloying component is more than 2.5%, the number 3 is given; from 1.5 to 2.5% - number 2.

Rolled steel of spring class (sheets, stainless strip, hexagon, square, etc.) are divided into different groups according to the following characteristics:

  • by chemical composition: high-quality, high-quality stainless steel sheets. and also standardized according to indicators (in the latter case, rental is further divided into 14 categories - from 1 to 4B);
  • by processing option: hot-rolled strip with a ground or turned surface, rolled stock with special finishing, calibrated, hot-rolled and forged.

Spring steels contain from 0.25 (carbon and medium alloy alloys) to 1.2 (60S2KhFA, 50KhGA and others) percent chromium, from 0.5 to 1.25 percent manganese, from 0.17 to 2.8 percent (70S3A) silicon, from 0.46 (50ХГ) to 0.9 (85) percent carbon. Residual nickel in rolled springs (sheet steel) should be no more than 0.25%, copper - up to 0.20%.

Let us note that any ordinary and stainless steel from which elastic elements are made is checked and standardized according to their chemical composition. But other characteristics for some categories are not standardized. For example, a band of categories 1, 1A and 1B is not standardized for the indicator of the decarbonized layer, hardenability, mechanical values ​​​​on samples that have undergone heat treatment (quenching and tempering).

3 Other requirements for spring steels according to GOST

Relative contraction of rolled products varies from 20 (65S2VA, 60 S2A) to 35% (stainless steel 50 HGFA), relative elongation - from 5 to 10%, tensile strength - from 980 (steel 65) to 1860 (65S2VA) MPa, limit fluidity - from 785 (60G) to 1665 (65S2VA) MPa.

Forged and hot-rolled wire, strip and rods must be cut. In this case, bending of the rolled product and burrs are not allowed. In cases where cutting is performed under hammers or on presses, the strip and rods may have minor crumples at their ends. However, the consumer has the right to demand that this defect be eliminated.

General decarbonization in depth can be as follows:

  • for silicon-alloyed alloys – 2.5% (for thickness or cross-section of rolled products less than 8 mm), 2% (more than 8 mm);
  • for the rest – 2 and 1.5%.

Without a decarburized layer, hot-rolled round bars are produced.

Spring steels 55S2 and 55S2A, 50KhGA, 50KhG and 50KhGFA, 60S2A and 60S2 are examined for austenitic grain index. According to Gosstandart 5639, it should be no higher than the fifth number (for 50HGFA - no higher than the sixth).

The consumer may require that the steel we describe (grades may be different) be produced:

  • with regulation of martensitic areas;
  • with controlled microstructure;
  • with reduced minimum and maximum carbon content;
  • with fatigue testing;
  • with the establishment of the elastic limit;
  • with limited indicators of contamination of alloys with non-metals.

4 Features of spring steels

High- and medium-carbon grades of such steels are strengthened through plastic cold deformation, which involves the use of water-abrasive and shot-blasting technologies. With this type of processing, compressive stress (residual stress) is applied to the surface of the product.

Almost any spring steel (stainless, without special anti-corrosion properties) must undergo a hardenability procedure using a through method. Due to this, the finished product will have a troostite structure throughout its entire cross-section.

Quenching in oil at a temperature of 820–870 degrees, combined with tempering at 400–480 degrees, ensures an increase in the elastic limit - the most important performance characteristic of the steels described. Isothermal hardening is often used, which guarantees not only high elasticity, but also increased ductility, strength and toughness of the material.

Stainless steel strip and wire made from 70 and 65 steels are most often used to produce automotive springs. In the transport sector, silicon spring rolled grades are also actively used - 60С2А, 70С3А and 55С2. In principle, they are prone to decarbonization, which reduces their elasticity and endurance. But due to the addition of chromium, vanadium and some other elements, all these potential threats are neutralized.

  • springs for various mechanisms and installations in the machine, tractor and automotive industries - 55S2, 50HFA, 50HG, 50HGA;
  • heavily loaded springs - 60 S2G, 60S2A, 60S2, 60S2N2A, 65S2VA;
  • wear-resistant flat and round springs (a strip is used), operating at high vibrations - 80, 85, 75.

Let us finally add that the steel grades we described have two disadvantages:

  • poor weldability (in fact, any type of welding does not give the expected results when it comes to spring steels);
  • complexity of cutting (the operation can be performed, but the machinability of springs and other elements in this way is minimal).

Manual pipe bender TR and other brands - we consider the types of this device

In this article, we will look at various mechanical pipe benders that can be used by hand, using only muscle.

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Band saw machine (band saws)

Non-ferrous metals and alloys

Structural steels and alloys

  • Spring steel grades, classification and applications

    The main difference between this type of metal product and its analogues is the increased (and significantly) yield strength. This feature of spring steel makes it possible for all samples made from it to restore their shape after eliminating the causes that caused the deformation. Let's look at the grades of spring steel and the specifics of its use.

    Specifications for spring steel products, assortment and a number of other parameters are determined by the relevant GOSTs. For rental - No. 14959 from 1979, for springs - No. 13764 from 1986.

    Steel designation

    It is quite complex, with some reservations regarding individual brands. For example, by the total mass of the residual parts of the components. But in general the marking is as follows:

    Positions (from left to right)

    • The first is the mass of carbon, expressed in hundredths of a percent (2 digits).
    • The second is the alloying element (one or more letters).
    • The third is its share, rounded to a whole value (digit). Their absence indicates that this figure does not exceed 1.5%.

    Classification of spring steels

    Brands and specific application of spring steel

    50ХГ (ХГА) – springs, springs of all types of transport, including railway.

    • 50ХГ FA – for special-purpose products.
    • 50ХСА - mainly for clock springs.
    • 50HFA – measuring tapes; parts exposed to increased heat (up to +300 ºС); structural elements that meet high requirements for fatigue strength.

    51HFA - the same as for the analogue of the 50 series. In addition, the production of spring wire with a cross-section of up to 5.5 mm; tapes and wire rods.

    55С2 (С2А, С2ГФ) – springs, springs and the like.

    55KhGR – strip steel for springs from 3 to 24 mm thick.

    60G – any spring-type parts that must meet high requirements for wear resistance and elasticity.

    60С2 (С2А, С2Г, С2Н2А, С2ХА) – friction discs, springs and springs of the “high-load” category.

    60S2FHA - similar parts, the material for the manufacture of which is large, calibrated steel.

    65 – for parts that experience significant vibrations and are subject to friction during the operation of mechanisms.

    • 65G – for structural elements not subject to shock loads and high wear resistance.
    • 65GA – heat-treated wire (1.2 – 5.5 mm).
    • 65S2VA – highly loaded parts (springs, springs, etc.).

    68 (GA) – similar to 65GA.

    70 (G) – similar to 60G.

    • 70G2 - the same; in addition, it is often used in the manufacture of knives for earth-moving mechanisms.
    • 70С2ХА (С3А) – see 65С2ВА.
    • 70FGFA - see 65GA.

    75, 80, 85 – springs of various configurations (flat, round), to which increased requirements are imposed on the main parameters - wear resistance, elasticity, strength.

    SL, SH, SM, DN, DM - for spring products that are used under conditions of both static and dynamic loads.

    KT-2. This type of spring steel is used in the production of cold-rolled wire, from which springs are made without hardening, but with cold winding.

    The author draws attention to the fact that the information provided is of a general nature, since the use of such steels is not limited to the manufacture of springs, friction elements and springs. The range of applications is wider. For example, piano strings. In addition, this steel can be not only in the form of wire, but also in sheet form. For more detailed information about these products, please refer to the specified GOSTs.

    Spring steel knives

    When choosing knife It is very important to consider the material from which it is made. After all, to perform various functions, the blade must not only be sharp, but also durable. In addition, you need to pay attention so that the blades do not become dull or bend under light load. These properties depend on the material from which they are made knives. Depending on the tasks that the knife must perform, whether it is a cutting knife, a hunting knife or a tourist knife. The characteristics of the material also differ.

    Knives from springs. undoubtedly, they were the most popular among people who had anything to do with cars. They were actually made from springs of old cars, since it was one of the most affordable materials. In this case, knives were used as in the kitchen For cutting products. as well as for domestic needs.

    Nowadays, spring steel is not losing its position and is quite common in the production of knives.

    Why a car spring?

    Firstly, thanks to “ideality9raquo; our roads, this element of the chassis often fell into disrepair, which is why it was famous for its availability, and it could often be found on the roads and in the garages of ordinary citizens.

    Secondly, in design springs Multiple sheets of carbon steel are used. Many knives could be made from these sheets at home.

    Third, spring steel has high elasticity, so its processing is possible for anyone with a minimum set of tools and equipment.

    What is special about a knife made from a spring?

    Here, first of all, it is necessary to mention the features of the steel from which the blade is made. In production it is called structural spring steel 65G, and, as the name implies, it is used in the manufacture of springs, spring springs, washers and other parts that operate without shock loads. It is considered one of the cheapest brands of carbon become, however, it has good flexibility and toughness, which makes it easier to process. In addition, this type of material has good hardness, which plays an important role when choosing knife .

    The presence of silicon, manganese, chromium and nickel in steel ensures high elasticity and hardening. Galvanization is used as anti-corrosion protection. However, in practice this is not enough, and the biggest disadvantage of this material remains its high susceptibility to corrosion. Yet steel 65G has great advantages and is widely used in the production of various tools for which wear resistance is an important feature.

    Application of spring steel

    Due to its versatility due to the characteristics of steel, knife It is made from springs both at home and in series. These can be kitchen knives that are great for cutting food and butchering meat, army knives, travel knives, and survival knives. capable of opening a can of canned food or sharpening a stake.

    All-metal machetes and axes are also produced from 65G steel, since their blades are excellent For cuttings A sword can be forged inexpensively and quickly from leaf springs, and many reenactors use this steel in their hobby. Unfortunately, spring steel is prone to rust, so it is not suitable for scuba diving.

    Kitchen knife

    The spring knife is widely used in the kitchen. Back then, many had access to this material and tried to use it as much as possible. Good mass-produced knives were sometimes beyond the means of an ordinary family, but expensive devices were not required for cutting food. Therefore, universal knives were made from springs and with a variety of homemade handles made of epoxy resin, wood or ordinary electrical tape. Such knives are not famous for their outstanding characteristics, but they do their job perfectly.

    Tourist knife

    A spring knife is perfect for use in wild conditions. Usually the load on it is small. But, it is worth considering that if the steel was not hardened enough, the blade will become dull at the very first tin can. Sharpening a stake is not a problem for such a knife, but you should be careful of moisture - spring steel is susceptible to corrosion.

    Army knife

    The excellent properties of spring steel make it possible to create good tactical knives. Due to the strength of this metal, they cut ropes and fabric without any problems, and can be used for household purposes, as well as for rescue work. But still, in military conditions, preference is given to stainless steel knives.

    Axe, machete, sword

    As for more impressive tools, their manufacture requires both sheet steel and specially purchased steel. 65G steel has such strength that it is used in buckets of bulldozers, scrapers and other equipment. It is clear that the thickness of the material also affects the strength, so for the manufacture of larger tools you will need a spring from a truck or specially ordered at the factory.

    With proper processing and proper care, spring steel makes excellent axes, which are useful on the farm for chopping small objects. From a long sheet you can make such an exotic weapon as a machete. which can easily handle branches or bushes. Thanks to the good toughness of 65G steel, even the most advanced machete can be made at home, straight, curved or serrated. The making of a sword occurs in the same way.

    Making a knife from a spring at home

    As already noted, due to the availability and ease of processing, spring steel knives can be made at home. At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this, but you still need to know some features that affect the quality of the output product. On the Internet you can find many videos describing the process of forging, hardening the blade and making the handle.

    In general, spring steel can be used to make both professional edged weapons with remarkable characteristics and elegant shape, as well as ordinary knives for household needs, which are not inferior in durability and strength.

    First you need to decide for what purposes and what exactly will be done. If it's a kitchen knife, any sheet will do. And if you want to make a machete, sword or ax, then it is better to choose a spring from a truck. Of course, to make knives with the best characteristics, it is better to purchase steel from a manufacturer. For household purposes, old used material is useful. The leaf spring can be from 5 to 8 mm thick, depending on the car. Truck steel is traditionally stronger, so it should be used for long, strong blades.

    The next step may be the usual sharpening of one or both edges of the spring. If you need to make the product thinner, coarse sandpaper or a sharpening stone will be suitable for this task. Of course, this procedure will take a lot of time, but the result is worth it.

    Forging creates the shape of the knife and changes its width. Hardening steel improves the quality of the material, heating it in oil gives it a black color (blued), which also provides additional protection against corrosion. In addition, blued steel knives look very impressive.

    Spring steel for knife allows you to easily engrave or create grooves on the blade. If desired, you can make the blade with one-sided or double-sided sharpening. Another very important part of a knife is the handle. It should be comfortable for the hand and can be made of epoxy resin, wood, metal and bone.

    Even with the shortcomings spring steel 65G, it has not lost its popularity and allows you to make knives for various needs, which are famous for their strength and durability.

    « Spring steel knives" read 35229 times

    Making a knife from a car spring

    If you have a little free time and an unnecessary spring from a truck or other car, then you can make a rather beautiful and unique knife with your own hands. It may not be completely perfect the first time, but the main thing is that it was made with your own hands. The main charm of this homemade product is that the knife can be of almost any shape, you just need to use a little imagination.

    Materials and tools for homemade work:
    spring from a truck;
    needle file;
    epoxy resin;
    linseed oil.

    Knife making process
    Material for the blade can be obtained at any car market; sometimes cars can lose springs right in the middle of the road. In this case, a spring from Kamaz is used. You can take it from another car, in which case the thickness of the blade will be smaller, and it will be unnecessary to reduce it manually.

    Step 1. Preparing the material
    Using a grinder, the author cut it into three parts. Since the part has different thicknesses and a rounded shape, it is necessary to choose the optimal part for this type of knife. That part of the spring that is ideal for the blade is sawn in half again, as a result there are two identical blanks.

    Step 2. Knife Shape
    You need to take the workpiece and approximately divide it into two parts in half, the knife blade itself will be made from one half, the second half will go inside the handle. The part that will be in the handle needs to be trimmed a little on both sides so that it becomes smaller and can fit in the handle.

    Since the spring has a thickness of approximately 8 mm, and there are practically no such knives, it takes a long time to sand down the thickness to the desired one. Then you need to shape the blade on the machine, preferably with a fine-grained stone, otherwise the knife will look rough and a little sloppy.

    Step 3: Creating the Handle
    You need to take a small block of wood (pay special attention to the choice of wood for the handle) and carve the handle into the desired shape; in this case, you need to use your imagination and imagine what you want your future knife to look like. Using a drill and a file, a place is prepared for the part of the blade that should be in the handle. For better fastening, you can use epoxy resin.
    The author decided to make a combination handle using rubber, birch bark and birch burl.

    We cut off the excess and sand it.

    After completing all procedures, you need to treat the handle. You will need linseed oil, heated in a water bath to a temperature of 70-75 degrees. In this case, the knife must first be hidden in the freezer for 30 - 40 minutes. When a cold knife and warm oil are combined, bubbles begin to run along the handle, thus the air leaves the wood, and this place is filled with linseed oil. This procedure must be done several times. After this, the knife handle is placed in oil for at least a day.

    Step 4. Making the sheath
    You will need a small piece of leather; you need to make a pattern according to the shape of the knife. Using an awl, holes are made (since leather is a very hard material), and then the parts are sewn together with regular strong thread.

    A car spring can make a very beautiful and high-quality knife. In order for the blade to cut well, you need to make the cutting edge angle about 35 degrees, in which case it will work well with wood and chop various small objects.

    Since the knife is made of heavy metal, its weight is not small, but in use this is rather a plus. You don’t need to make a primitive handle, you can show a little imagination and give it an unusual shape, so it immediately becomes clear that the blade is truly unique and made by hand. This knife is ideal for hiking.

    Spring from Moskvich. does it make sense to forge?

    Nalchanin 14-08-2010 14:52

    Hello, dear ones! Help me decide: I have a “humpbacked” Moskvich spring, is there any point in forging it on itself or annealing it, leveling it, etc. Sheets are a full package, do they differ in quality (short-long) With respect and gratitude to those who responded!

    Leonid Arkhangelsky 14-08-2010 17:52

    The springs, as I understand it, were running? Then there was information on this topic that in tired springs there are microcracks that are undetectable by the eye. Total - straightened, forged, hardened, burst. Do you need it?
    On the other hand, in the production of “sergeant’s” katanas, the Japanese considered monometal, boiled on itself a couple of times, to be of higher quality than the same “simply forged.”
    On the third hand, for “just knives” anything will do.

    dismal stranger 14-08-2010 17:58

    for leuku. That's for sure

    samsam83 14-08-2010 18:05

    Good material. 65G, I think. it will definitely work. And about the cracks. Well, he can really weld it with him and forge it thoroughly.

    Udod 14-08-2010 18:09

    Old Muscovites had 65G. For indestructible knives (Leukku, Kukri) - this is it. But for delicate cutting, IMHO, not very good.

    Nalchanin 14-08-2010 18:21

    THANK YOU! Please write a few words about proper reforging for yourself! Best regards,

    Leonid Arkhangelsky 14-08-2010 21:04

    Correctly, this is not here, this is to Kuznetsov. And so, if it’s stupid from experience, then boiling it twice (a couple of dozen layers) is more than enough. Well, pull the blade back without overheating, if you’re not too lazy.

    Burchitai 14-08-2010 21:32

    Steel 50HGA

    Udod 14-08-2010 21:49

    quote: I looked in the book for Moskvich 407/403.
    Steel 50HGA

    This is probably a legend about old Muscovites. Or maybe they mean Moskvich 400\401.

    Serjant 14-08-2010 22:47

    Since 65G was born, they don’t put car springs on them.
    65G is used for small things, which the spring does not belong to.
    there are collets, small springs, and other trinkets.

    Udod 14-08-2010 22:54

    quote: Since 65G was born, they don’t put car springs on them.

    Characteristics of material 65G

    Brand: 65G
    Substitute: 70, U8A, 70G, 60S2A, 9HS, 50HFA, 60S2, 55S2
    Classification: Structural spring steel
    Application: springs, springs, thrust washers, brake bands, friction discs, gears, flanges, bearing housings, clamping and feed collets and other parts that require increased wear resistance, and parts operating without shock loads.

    Serjant 14-08-2010 23:23

    this is all very cool.
    there's only one thing to eat there.
    quote: working without shock loads.
    this does not apply to springs.
    there are blows, mom, don’t worry about work.
    and it is not yet indicated that the part should be small in size..
    this is the practice of life.
    problems there with TMO.
    there is no stability of the result. hardness floats as it wants. waves and steps.

    handhand 14-08-2010 23:25

    quote: Originally posted by Udod:
    Old Muscovites had 65G. For indestructible knives (Leukku, Kukri) - this is it. But for delicate cutting, IMHO, not very good.

    dru029 15-08-2010 09:45

    quote: Originally posted by handhand:


    with good compaction, quote: Originally posted by handhand:


    Knife maker 15-08-2010 19:47

    I believe that the biggest myth about springs is that they are made from 65G steel. Almost everyone understands this, spring = 65G.
    And in order to find this same 65G in the springs, you’ll have to “run around”!

    Knife maker 15-08-2010 19:53

    Oh, yes, on topic - of course you can forge!

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  • Spring steel, grades of which are applicable in the manufacture of tight products, characterized by restoration of the original shape, with strong bending and significant twisting.

    The most important parts in the production of mechanisms that experience variable, repeated loads, under the influence of which severe deformation occurs. As soon as the load stops, these elements return to their original shape. There is a feature in the operation of these parts that does not allow residual destruction; it must only be elastic. Excessive production requirements are placed on spring steels. Let's figure out what kind of steel springs are made of?

    Why is spring alloy produced?

    Both alloy steel and carbon steel can be used to produce parts; they have increased elasticity, toughness, endurance and ductility. Due to the properties of these types of steel, elastic destruction is limited.

    Spring steels are affordable, technologically advanced, and have a high limit of relaxation resistance.

    Interesting: to obtain high-quality products from carbon and alloy steel, it is hardened at a temperature of 420-520 degrees, which produces the effect of a troostite structure.

    Spring steels resist fragile fracture and are characterized by increased ductility. They are used to produce products with high wear resistance, for example:

    • clamping collets;
    • brake rolling;
    • edges;
    • springs and leaf springs;
    • thrust washers;
    • bearing torsos;
    • friction discs;
    • gears.

    Steel grades according to GOST 14959–79

    These are steels with a high carbon content, but with low alloying. Gosstandart 14959 means alloyed alloy of the following grades:

    • 3K-7 - used in the production of cold-drawn wire, from which non-hardening springs are made;
    • 50ХГ – produce springs for cars and springs for railways. compositions;
    • 50HGA - purpose in production as in the previous brand of spring steel;
    • 50HGFA – produce special springs and spring parts for cars;
    • 50ХСА – special-purpose springs and small parts for watch mechanisms;
    • 50HFA - they produce parts with increased load, with the requirements of the highest stability and strength, which operate at high temperatures - up to 300 degrees.
    • 51HFA – for spring wire;
    • 55С2 - for the production of spring mechanisms and springs used in tractor construction, mechanical engineering, for railway rolling stock;
    • 55С2А – produces auto springs, springs for trains;
    • 55S2GF - for the production of very strong springs of a special type, autosprings;

    • 55KhGR – produce spring strip steel, the thickness of which varies from 3 to 24 mm;
    • 60G - for the production of round and smooth springs, rings and other spring-type products with high wear resistance and elasticity, for example, staples, bushings, tambourines for braking systems used in heavy engineering;

    Interesting: torsion steel, grade 60C2 - high-load springs, friction discs, spring washers;

    • 60С2А - produce the same products as from the previous type of steel;
    • 60S2G – type of spring steel from which tractor and auto springs are produced;
    • 60С2Н2А – produce responsible springs with a high load on the alloy;
    • 60С2ХА – for the production of highly loaded spring products subject to constant load;
    • 60S2HFA is a round steel with calibration elements, from which springs and spring plates are produced with high responsibility;
    • 65 – produce parts with increased strength and elasticity, which are operated under high pressure, high static loads and strong vibration;
    • 65G - produce parts that will work without shock loads;
    • 65GA – hardened wire for springs;
    • spring steel grade - 65S2VA, highly loaded leaf springs and springs;
    • 68A – hardened wire for the production of spring devices with a caliber of 1.2-5.5 mm;
    • 70 – parts for mechanical engineering that require increased wear resistance;
    • 70G – for spring elements;
    • 70G2 - produce digging knives and springs for various industries;
    • 70С2ХА – spring elements for watch devices and large springs for special purposes;
    • 70С3А – springs with high load;
    • spring steel grade 70HGFA – wire for the production of spring elements with heat treatment;
    • 75 – any spring and other parts used in mechanical engineering that are subject to heavy vibration loads;
    • 80 – for producing flat parts;
    • 85 – wear-resistant parts;
    • SH, SL, SM, DN, DM – machine springs operating under static loads;
    • KT-2 – for the production of cold-drawn wire, which is wound without heat treatment.

    The first numbers indicate the average carbon content in a particular steel and indicate it in percentage terms. After the numbers there is a letter indicating the specific alloying additives added to the alloy, and the last number is the content of the additives. It is worth noting that if the alloying binder is less than 1.5%, then the number is not written, a content of more than 2.5% is indicated by a three, an intermediate value between the first two values ​​is written by the number 2.

    Spring rolled products, whether non-corrosive strip, sheets, hexagons or squares, are divided into groups with certain characteristics:

    • chemical composition – first-class stainless steel sheet, which is standardized according to values ​​from 1 to 4B;
    • processing method - hot-rolled strip, the surface of which is turned or ground, calibrated rolled products, forged, specially finished rolled products.

    Steel 60s2a spring

    Stainless spring steel is cheap, has great elasticity, wear resistance, and does not have temper brittleness. This alloy does not deform under mechanical loads. It is used effectively at high humidity, as it has a stainless steel coating. It is used at a temperature of no more than 250 degrees, and is used for the production of rolled metal products.

    Stainless steel is used to produce equipment in the marine industry, medicine, and food production. Its use in these industries is due to the corrosion-resistant alloy.

    Interesting: stability is associated with a high content of molybdenum and chromium. The alloy has good resistance to cracking under heavy loads.

    This grade of stainless, heat-resistant steel is used in the production of rolled thin sheets, seamless pipes and various tools for the food and chemical industries.

    Specifications of spring alloys

    High- and medium-carbon types of these alloys are strengthened by fine cold destruction, allowing the introduction of shot blasting and water-abrasive methods. With this type of impact, residual compression forces are applied to the plane of the products.

    In fact, any spring steel (non-corrosive, without special anti-corrosion properties) must undergo a high-heat operation using the through-hole method. Therefore, the finished metal product will have a troostite structure in its cut.

    Oil hardening at a temperature of 830–880 degrees, combined with tempering at 410–480 degrees, guarantees an increase in the elasticity limit - the most important working property of the above steels. Isothermal hardening is often used, which provides not only high elasticity, but also increased plasticity, stability and viscosity of the substance.

    Non-corrosive tape and wire made from alloys 70 and 65 are most often used to create machine springs. In the automotive industry, silicon spring steels of the spring rolling grade – 60С2А, 70С3А and 55С2 – are also dynamically used. They are prone to decarbonization, which reduces their elasticity and endurance characteristics. But due to the additives of chromium, vanadium and certain components, all these possible dangers are neutralized.

    Areas of application for spring rolling of the most popular steel grades:

    • springs for any devices and assemblies of the machine and automobile construction areas - 55S2, 50ХГ, 50ХГА;
    • heavily loaded springs - 60 S2G, 60S2, 65S2VA, 60S2N2A;
    • wear-resistant springs are round and flat (a strip is used), operating at high vibrations - 80, 75.85.

    In conclusion, a little about the disadvantages

    • poor weldability;
    • difficulty cutting.

    Kazan State Technical University named after. A. N. Tupolev

    Institute of Aviation, Land Transport and Energy

    Department: “Materials science and structure of formative technologies”

    Discipline: “Materials Science Part 2”

    Course work

    Topic: “Spring steels”



    Yelabuga, 2009


    1. Description

    2. Application

    3. Marking and main characteristics

    4. Feature of spring steel rolling

    5. Basic requirements for spring steel

    6. Characteristics of material 68A

    7. Literature


    Spring steel - steel intended for the manufacture of elastic elements (springs, leaf springs, etc.)

    The operation of springs, springs and similar parts is characterized by the fact that they use only the elastic properties of steel. The large total amount of elastic deformation of a spring (spring, etc.) is determined by its design - the number and diameter of turns, the length of the spring. Since the occurrence of plastic deformation in springs is not allowed, the material of such products is not required to have high impact strength and high ductility. The main requirement is that the steel has a high elastic (yield) limit. This is achieved by hardening followed by tempering at a temperature in the region of 300-400 ° C. At this tempering temperature, the elastic (yield) limit receives the highest value, and the fact that this temperature lies in the range of development of type I temper brittleness, due to the above-mentioned circumstance doesn't matter much.

    Springs, springs and similar parts are made from structural steels with a high carbon content (but, as a rule, still lower than that of tool steels) - approximately in the range of 0.5-0.7% C, often with the addition of manganese and silicon For especially critical springs, 50HF steel is used, which contains chromium and vanadium and has the highest elastic properties. Heat treatment of springs and springs made of alloy steels consists of hardening from 800-850 ° C (depending on the steel grade) in oil or water, followed by tempering in the region of 400-500 ° C to a hardness of HRC 35-45. This corresponds to st = 1304-1600 kgf/mm 2.

    Sometimes such heat treatment is applied to structural parts of long length and with thin walls, which must have high springing properties. In this case, ZOHGS steel is used; after quenching and tempering at 250° C, it will have a strength (a c) 160 kgf/mm 2, but viscosity (a d) only 5 kgf-m/cm 2, and ductility (b) 7% and (f.) 40%. Springs are often made from polished cold-drawn wire (so-called silver wire). Hardening (hardening) from cold drawing creates high hardness and elasticity. After winding (or another manufacturing method), the spring should be released at 250-350°C to relieve internal stress, which will increase the elastic limit. For the manufacture of silver steel, ordinary carbon tool steels U7, U8, U9, U10 are used.

    The quality and performance of the spring is greatly influenced by the condition of the surface. In the presence of cracks, caps and other surface defects, the springs become unstable in operation and are destroyed due to the development of fatigue phenomena in places where stress is concentrated around these defects. In addition to ordinary spring materials, there are also special ones that work in specific conditions (elevated temperatures, aggressive environments, etc.).

    General characteristics: spring steel, insensitive to flocking, prone to temper brittleness with Mn content ≥1%, not used for welded structures. Density at 20°C - 7.81x10³kg/m³. The normal elastic modulus at 20°C is 215 GPa. Specific heat capacity at 20-100°C - 490 J/(kg °C)

    They work in the area of ​​elastic deformation of metal under the influence of cyclic loads. Therefore, they must have a high elastic limit, yield strength, endurance, if necessary, ductility and high resistance to brittle fracture.

    Spring steels contain C = 0.5 - 0.75%, Si up to 2.8%, Mn up to 1.2%, Cr up to 1.2%, V up to 0.25%, Be up to 1.2%, Ni up to 1.7%. In this case, grain refinement occurs, which contributes to an increase in the steel’s resistance to small plastic deformations, and, consequently, its relaxation resistance. Silicon steels 55S2, 60S2A, 70S3A are widely used in transport. However, they can be subject to decarburization and graphitization, which sharply reduces the elasticity and endurance characteristics of the material. Elimination of these defects, as well as an increase in hardenability and inhibition of grain growth during heating, is achieved by additionally introducing chromium, vanadium, tungsten and nickel into silicon steels. For the manufacture of springs, cold-drawn wire (or tape) from high-carbon steels 65, 65G, 70, U8, U10, etc. is also used. Special purpose springs are also used from martensitic steels 30Х13А, maraging-aging 03Х12Н10Д2Т, austenitic-martensitic 09Х15Н8У and other steels and alloys Steels are hardened at temperatures of 830 - 880°C and tempered to trostite (380 - 550°C).

    They have a high yield strength. The ratio of yield strength to tensile strength is 0.8−0.9. For leaf springs and suspension springs, silicon and manganese steels 50KhG, 50G2, 05G, 55S2, etc. are used. For torsion shafts, steels 45KhNMFA, G0C2A, 70SZA are used.

    To increase the fatigue strength of parts operating under high oscillatory loads, it is necessary to ensure the creation of residual compressive stresses in the surface layer. For this purpose, bonding of springs, bonding and chasing of torsion shafts, rolling in rollers, plastic upsetting and shot blasting of leaf springs are used. Alloy spring steel, heat treated to a hardness of HRC 45-50, has a torsional fatigue limit of 190 MPa. After shot blasting, the fatigue limit increases to 350 MPa (3500 kgf/cm2).


    Springs, springs, thrust washers, brake bands, friction discs, gears, flanges, bearing housings, clamping and feed collets and other parts that require increased wear resistance, and parts that operate without shock loads.

    Types of products supplied: in a hot-rolled state (without heat treatment) with a hardness of no more than HB285; in a highly tempered state - no more than HB241

    Markings and main characteristics:

    Spring steel grades:

    Basic mechanical properties of spring steel after special heat treatment.

    steel grade Recommended heat treatment mode Mechanical properties
    σt,kgf/mm2 σв,kgf/mm2 δ5, % φ , %
    Quenching temperature, °C Quenching medium Holiday temperature
    No less
    65 840 Oil 480 80 100 10 35
    70 830 » 480 85 105 9 30
    75 820 » 480 90 110 9 30
    85 820 » 480 100 115 8 30
    60G 840 » 480 80 100 8 30
    65G 830 Oil 480 80 100 8 30
    70G 830 » 480 85 105 7 25
    55GS 820 » 480 80 100 8 30
    50С2 870 Oil or water 460 110 120 6 30
    55С2 870 Same 460 120 130 6 30
    55С2А 870 » » 460 120 130 6 30
    60С2 870 Oil 460 120 130 6 25
    60С2А 870 » 420 140 160 6 20
    70С3А 860 » 460 160 180 6 25
    50ХГ 840 » 440 110 130 7 35
    50HGA 840 » 440 120 130 7 35
    55ХГР 830 » 450 125 140 5 30
    50HFA 850 » 520 110 130 8 35
    50HGFA 850 » 520 120 130 6 35
    60S2HFA 850 » 410 170 190 5 20
    50ХСА 850 » 520 120 135 6 30
    65S2VA 850 » 420 170 190 5 20
    60С2Н2А 880 » 420 160 175 6 20
    60С2ХА 870 » 420 160 180 5 20
    60SGA 860 » 460 140 160 6 25

    Feature of spring steel rolling:

    The peculiarity lies in the sequence of heat treatment of such steels. Thus, when winding springs, the rod is in an annealed state, which ensures ease of operation. The spring is then hardened. The last stage is low release (130...150 degrees), it is also called spring.

    Basic requirements for spring steel:

    The general requirement for spring steels is to ensure high resistance to small plastic deformations (elastic limit) and relaxation resistance (stress relaxation resistance). These characteristics ensure the accuracy and reliability of the springs and the constancy over time of such operational properties as torque and power parameters. Spring steels in the form of wire and tape are strengthened by cold plastic deformation and martensite hardening followed by tempering. Finished springs are subjected to stabilizing tempering.

    Structural carbon or high-carbon steel includes spring steel. To give it highly targeted properties, it is doped in small quantities with 2-3 elements, for a total of up to 2.5%. But the use of these steel grades is not limited to the manufacture of springs. This group is called that because the name most strongly reflects their main feature - elasticity.

    Characteristics of spring steels

    Spring steels are characterized by increased yield strength (δ B) and elasticity. This is the most important characteristic of metal - to withstand mechanical loads without changing its original shape. Those. a metal subjected to tension or, conversely, compression (elastic deformation), after removing the acting forces from it, must remain in its original shape (without residual deformation).

    Types and scope of spring steel

    Based on the presence of additional properties, spring steel is divided into alloy (stainless) and carbon. Alloy steel is based on carbon steel with a C content of 65-85% and is alloyed with 4 main elements, all or selectively, each of which brings its own characteristics:

    1. chromium;
    2. manganese;
    3. silicon;
    4. tungsten.

    Chromium - at a concentration of more than 13%, works to ensure the corrosion resistance of the metal. With a chromium concentration of about 30%, the product can work in aggressive environments: acidic (except sulfuric acid), alkaline, aqueous. Corrosion spring steel is always alloyed with a second accompanying element - tungsten and/or manganese. Operating temperature up to 250 °C.

    Tungsten is a refractory substance. When its powder gets into the melt, it forms numerous crystallization centers, crushing the grain, which leads to increased plasticity without loss of strength. This brings its advantages: the quality of such a structure remains very high during heating and intense abrasion of the surface. During heat treatment, this element retains its fine-grained structure and eliminates softening of steel during heating (during operation) and dislocation. During hardening, it increases hardenability, as a result of which the structure becomes homogeneous to a greater depth, which in turn increases the service life of the product.

    Manganese and silicon usually participate in mutual doping, and the ratio always increases in favor of manganese, up to about 1.5 times. That is, if the silicon content is 1%, then manganese is added in an amount of 1.1-1.5%.

    Refractory silicon is a non-carbide-forming element. When it enters the melt, it is one of the first to take part in crystallization, pushing carbon carbides to the grain boundaries, which accordingly leads to strengthening of the metal.

    Manganese can be called a structure stabilizer. By simultaneously distorting the metal lattice and strengthening it, manganese eliminates the excessive strength of silicon.

    In some steel grades (when the product is operating in high-temperature conditions, at temperatures above 300 ºC), nickel is added to the steel. It eliminates the formation of chromium carbides along grain boundaries, which lead to matrix destruction.

    Vanadium can also be an alloying element, its function is similar to that of tungsten.

    Spring brands specify the element copper; its content should not exceed 0.15%. Since copper, being a low-melting substance, concentrates at the grain boundaries, reducing strength.

    Spring brands include: 50HG, 3K-7, 65G, 65GA, 50HGFA, 50HFA, 51HFA, 50HSA, 55S2, 55S2A, 55S2GF, 55HGR, 60G, 60S2, 60S2A, 605, 70, 70G,75, 80, 85, 60С2ХА , 60S2HFA, 65S2VA, 68A, 68GA, 70G2, 70S2XA, 70S3A, 70HGFA, SH, SL, SM, DM, DN, KT-2.

    Grades of such steel are used for the manufacture of not only springs and leaf springs, although this is their main purpose, which characterizes the main property. They are used wherever there is a need to provide the product with elasticity, ductility and strength at the same time. All parts made from these grades are subject to tension and compression. Many of them experience loads that periodically replace each other, and with a huge cyclic frequency. This:

    • bearing housings that experience compression and tension at each point with high frequency;
    • friction discs experiencing dynamic loads and compression;
    • thrust washers, most of the time they experience compression loads, but a sharp change in tension can also be added to them;
    • brake belts, for which one of the main tasks is elasticity under repeated stretching. With this dynamic of increased aging and wear, stronger steel (with less elasticity) is susceptible to rapid aging and sudden failure.

    The same applies to gears, flanges, washers, collets, etc.


    Spring-spring steels can be grouped by position:

    • unalloyed with a carbon content of 65-85% - inexpensive general purpose steel;
    • manganese-silicon - the cheapest with high physical and chemical properties;
    • chrome-manganese - stainless steel, works in aggressive environments at t -250 +250 C;
    • additionally alloyed and/or tungsten, vanadium, boron - they are steels with an increased service life due to their homogeneous structure, an excellent strength-to-ductility ratio due to fine grains and can withstand high mechanical loads. They are used on such objects as railway transport.

    Marking of spring steels is carried out as follows. Let's look at the example of 60S2HFA:

    • 60 - percentage of carbon in tenths (carbon is not indicated in a letter value);
    • C2 - letter designation of silicon with index 2, indicates a 2-fold increase in the standard content (1-1.5%);
    • X - presence of chromium up to 0.9-1%;
    • F - tungsten content up to 1%;
    • A - the added letter index A at the end of the marking indicates the minimum content of harmful impurities of phosphorus and sulfur, no more than 0.015%.


    Depending on further processing and the final type of part, steel is supplied in sheets, wire, hexagons, and squares. High performance qualities of the product are ensured by 2 components:

    1. the structure of the metal, which is determined by the chemical composition and subsequent processing;
    2. the presence of non-metallic inclusions in the structure, or rather the minimum quantity and size, which is eliminated at the stage of smelting and casting;
    3. the shape of the part (spiral, arc) and its dimensions, which is determined by the calculation method.

    When a spring is stretched, the inner and outer sides of the coils experience different degrees of stress: the outer ones are less susceptible to stretching, while the inner ones experience the greatest degree of deformation. The same applies to the ends of the spring: they serve as attachment points, which increases the load in these and adjacent places. Therefore, steel grades have been developed that are preferably used for compression or tension.

    Thermo-mechanical treatment

    Without exception, all spring steels are subjected to thermomechanical treatment. After it, strength and wear resistance can increase 2 times. The product is shaped in an annealed state, when the steel has the maximum possible softness, after which it is heated to 830-870 C and cooled in an oil or water environment (only for grade 60 CA). The resulting martensite is tempered at a temperature of 480 ºC.