The customs of the peoples of the Caucasus are their historical origins. Customs and traditions of the Caucasian peoples

The Caucasus is a region where several dozen representatives of various nationalities live. Thanks to their mixing, today it is possible to get an approximate picture of the life and traditions of the Caucasian peoples as a whole.

Basic family traditions

Family customs in the Caucasus are respected by everyone - both old people and young people. The head of the family is, naturally, a man. The eldest member of the family has great authority - absolutely everyone is obliged to listen to grandfathers and it is strictly forbidden to contradict them. In general, Caucasians generally believe that if you honor and respect your elders at a young age, your life will be happy and successful. At the same time, many believe that showing such respect is the secret to the longevity of the inhabitants of the Caucasus. It is worth noting that in houses where people of different blood relationships live together, the rooms are located in such a way that they do not meet each other. Even by chance, a daughter-in-law and father-in-law, for example, cannot collide in a home. If an elder or a representative of the fair sex is present nearby, the man should modestly stand aside.

Traditional hospitality

Everyone knows how hospitable the peoples of the Caucasus are. Even if some random traveler wanders into the house, in most cases he will be offered food and shelter for the night. For guests expected in Caucasian families, either a separate house or a room must be prepared in advance. Guests are treated with due respect and protected if difficult relationships arise with other family members. At the holiday, the head of the family takes the leading place in the center of the table.

Facts about marriages in the Caucasus

Surprisingly, for girls, the appointment of a betrothed occurs at a very young age - at 9 years old. A young man gets married when he turns 15. The marriage ceremony is secured by a special contract, before signing which the bride and groom never see each other in their lives. After the conclusion of the marriage contract, the wedding celebration itself begins. Many people know that wedding festivities in the Caucasus last not just one day, but much longer. A huge number of guests are invited. After marriage, absolutely all household chores fall on the wife. A man is obliged to keep his family wealthy, to work and feed his wife. If a couple gets engaged without having their own home, the husband must rebuild it as quickly as possible.

The Caucasus is the homeland of many nationalities. Dagestanis, Karachais, Adygs, Circassians, Abazins - this is not the entire list of those who are considered the original inhabitants of this beautiful region, which abounds not only with the riches of nature, but also with ancient Caucasian traditions, among which family, wedding and culinary traditions stand out, which are still relevant in the current 21st century.

Family traditions of the Caucasian people

The basis of family organization in the Caucasus is the superiority of men and the unquestioned authority of elders. Many associate the secret of longevity in the Caucasus with respect for the older generation.

It is worth noting that, despite the obvious dominance of elders, the somewhat free behavior of young people, who always had their own gathering places, was also considered normal at all times.

Caucasian customs and traditions. Caucasian hospitality

Far beyond the Caucasus, the hospitality of local residents is known. Members of any family here know that the guest must be respected, protected, provided with shelter, etc.

But such a tradition should not be overestimated, because its roots go back to ancient times, when people showed hospitality in order to prevent independent actions by outsiders within the community.

The phenomenon of hospitality in the Caucasus is the allocation of a separate house or room to accommodate a guest.

Traditions at a Caucasian wedding

Residents observe wedding traditions and rituals most zealously rural areas. And in wedding rituals, respect for elders is clearly shown. For example, in the Caucasus it is not at all accepted that younger sister or a brother gets married before his elder.

Oddly enough, at a Caucasian wedding the bride and groom perform a rather symbolic role. After all, the newlyweds do not even see each other in the first days, since they celebrate this event, as a rule, not only separately, but often in different houses. They do this in the company of their best friends and acquaintances. This tradition is called “wedding hiding” in the Caucasus.

IN new house the wife must enter with right leg, always with a covered face. The bride's head is usually sprinkled with sweets or coins, which should ensure financial well-being.

The main tradition at a wedding, which is strictly observed, is gifts prepared for each other by families that have become related. A very curious and symbolic gift that is still given today is a pair of warm, beautiful woolen socks for the groom. This gift indicates that his young wife is a good needlewoman.

It is quite natural that new Age made his own adjustments to the celebration of the Caucasian wedding. Naturally, registration with the registry office is now a mandatory procedure. Caucasian brides also liked white Wedding Dress, which gained great popularity in the 20th century and gradually pushed aside traditional Caucasian bridesmaid dresses.

CulinaryCaucasian traditions

Caucasian cuisine is a mixture of cuisines different nations world: Georgian, Azerbaijani, Armenian, Kazakh, etc.

The most popular dishes of Caucasian cuisine are all kinds of pilafs and kebabs, kutaba, baklava, sherbets, lula kebab, etc.

It should be noted that the cuisine of the Caucasus is mainly open fire. Vegetables, fish, meat and even cheese, according to Caucasian cooks, are fried over hot coals on a spit.

Frying for vegetable oil and is practically not used in deep-frying, and only as an exception a little fat of animal origin is used, which is used to lubricate a baking sheet or frying pan.

Also, according to Caucasian culinary traditions, it is not customary to grind meat using any special equipment (for example, a meat grinder). Real chefs of the Caucasus chop, whip, cut, and grind it by hand, immediately before starting to prepare dishes.

It must be said that there are currently many different talk shows on television about Caucasian traditions, which can be watched in order to more clearly imagine life in the Caucasus, its customs and traditions.

The Caucasus is a harmony of different nationalities. One could go on and on about the list of nationalities that populate the Caucasus and are its indigenous inhabitants. This region is rich in nature, food, traditions, customs and much more. Moreover, in some aspects, traditions of each nationality may change. The most memorable traditions are weddings, family traditions, and culinary traditions. Moreover, most of these traditions have survived to this day.

Based on Caucasian family traditions lies in the fact that the man is in charge, and the elders represent authority. It is deep respect and veneration for the older generation that, according to many, is the secret of longevity. Although the elders represent a strong authority, the youth have always been allowed some liberties. For example, in terms of our own gathering places. This is considered absolutely normal.

Absolutely everyone knows about the hospitality of Caucasians. Locals The Caucasus has firmly taken a leadership position in this issue. Everyone here knows that the guest must be treated with respect and respect, protected, provided with shelter, etc. But one should not over-glorify such a tradition. The tradition itself comes from ancient times. But in those days, such hospitality was shown with the aim that the guest within the community would not do anything unauthorized.


In the Caucasus, such widespread hospitality is manifested in the allocation of an entire house or room for a guest where he can stay.

Wedding traditions of the Caucasus

The most strict admirers of wedding traditions in the Caucasus are representatives of villages and hamlets. Wedding rituals are no exception in terms of honoring elders. So, for example, in the Caucasus, the wedding of a younger brother or sister will not be celebrated until the eldest child in the family has celebrated the wedding.

Separate wedding

No matter how strange it may sound, at a wedding in the Caucasus, the bride and groom do not celebrate the wedding together. The first days they don’t even see each other, but celebrate the wedding separately in different houses. The celebration takes place with their friends. A similar Caucasian tradition is called “wedding hiding.”

entrance to the house

When a wife enters a new house, her face should be covered and she should step on her right foot. To ensure that the family and home live in financial prosperity, the bride is sprinkled with coins and candies.

Are there traditions that must be observed?

Yes, there is such a tradition - it is the exchange of gifts between families that have become related. This tradition is strict. An interesting gift is presented to the groom, it is quite symbolic, but very cozy and homely - these are warm woolen socks. Such a gift indicates that his wife is an excellent needlewoman.

Wedding in the Caucasus now

IN modern world There were also a number of changes in terms of the wedding celebration. Now it is mandatory to register with the registry office. The wedding attire has also changed. If earlier girls got married in traditional bridesmaid dresses, now it is a white wedding dress, which is so loved by modern brides.

Culinary Caucasian traditions

Caucasian dishes

Everyone who travels to the Caucasus should heed one valuable piece of advice: be sure to try the local cuisine. The cuisine of the Caucasus is a mix of different cuisines: Georgian and Kazakh, Armenian and others. The most favorite Caucasian dish is undoubtedly kebab - juicy, tasty, aromatic. Also popular dishes in the Caucasus are: pilaf, baklava, lula kebab, kutaba and others.

What is the main and main point in the process of cooking among the Caucasian people?

Caucasian cuisine is based on open fire. After all, most dishes are cooked over an open fire - be it fish or vegetables, meat and cheese. Caucasian cooks prefer charcoal and spit.


If we talk about dishes fried in vegetable oil, you will hardly find them here. If we're talking about When frying, animal fat is used - it is used to lubricate the dishes in which the dish will be fried.

Meat grinder and kitchen appliances

Caucasian cooks never use meat grinders or other similar innovations. Real chefs can do without this - they do it themselves. They can perfectly cut and grind meat without special equipment.


Caucasian cuisine is recognized as one of the most delicious cuisines in the world. One has only to look at these juicy and bright dishes, which have a stunning aroma, which attract even the most sophisticated, culinary plan, sight.


Caucasian traditions very interesting and original. It is very interesting to learn about these customs because... they did not disappear over time, but remained almost unchanged. And the best way to study the culture of a people is to be close to these people. To learn about hospitality and wedding traditions Caucasus - you need to go to the Caucasus. It would be better to try the cuisine of this people there.

Traditions of the Caucasus


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher professional education

"Volga Region State Social and Humanitarian Academy"

Department of History and Theory of World Culture

Family and family life of the peoples of the Caucasus

Completed by: 3rd year student

Full-time education

specialty Culturology

Tokarev Dmitry Dmitrievich

Checked by: Doctor of Historical Sciences,

Professor Head Department of History and

theories of world culture

Yagafova Ekaterina Andreevna


The Caucasus is one of the most interesting regions Globe- has long attracted the attention of travelers, scientists, and missionaries. We find the first mentions of the ancestors of the peoples of the Caucasus in Greek and Roman authors of the 6th century BC - 1st century BC, who described social life And economic activity peoples The character and morals of the mountaineers can be explained by the primitive state in which these people were until recently; and as we would say briefly: most of the current inhabitants of the Caucasus are only the remnants of peoples who died or settled, who once managed to escape in these mountains.

Despite the difference in languages, centuries-old neighborhood and joint struggle against foreign invaders for their independence brought these peoples together into one friendly family.

Without a comprehensive study and knowledge of these customs and traditions it is difficult to understand national character, psychology of the people. Without this, it is impossible to solve such a problem as the implementation of the connection of times and continuity in spiritual development generations, moral progress, it is impossible to form historical memory people.

The purpose of my work is to conduct family research, how social institution and family life of the peoples of the Caucasus.

To do this, it is necessary to set the following tasks:

· To highlight what was the usual order of life for the family

· To study how economic relations were distributed in the family

· Find out how children were raised

In conducting my research, I used the works of Johann Blaramberg, who had a penchant for research work and collected ethnographic material about the peoples of the Caucasus. Also Maxim Maksimovich Kovalevsky is a Russian scientist, historian, and an outstanding figure in the Institute of Law. As well as the works of other authors acting in the interests of my topic.

Normal family life

As always in a patrilocal marriage settlement, the head of the family was the eldest man. At the head of a simple small family was the father of the family. In large families, it happened that after the death of the father, the eldest brother voluntarily renounced his rights in favor of the other brother. It happened (among the Circassians, Ossetians, Karachais and Balkars) that the mother became the head of a large family.

The life of a family as an economic and consumer unit was largely determined by its type. In a big family everyone married couples offspring lived together: among some peoples - in different rooms of the same house, among others - in different buildings, located in the same yard. The household was run jointly under the leadership of the eldest and eldest, who were in charge of the male and female parts of the family, respectively. The division of labor among different peoples and even territorial groups had its own characteristics. For example, among the Ossetians in the lowland regions, men were busy with all types of earthwork - plowing, sowing, harvesting, even caring for the garden; They also bore the bulk of the responsibilities associated with keeping livestock; The following crafts that still survived were also men's work: processing wood, horns, etc. Men did the most difficult work around the house, in particular preparing firewood. Women were responsible for cooking and storing food for future use, delivering water, cleaning the house and yard, sewing, repairing and washing clothes; They were rarely involved in field work, and their participation in cattle breeding was limited to milking dairy cattle and cleaning barns. In mountainous areas, women participated in threshing and harvesting, processing wool, leather, etc.

The division of labor in the Adyghe and Balkar families was similar. Among the Karachays, women, more than among other peoples, took part in cattle breeding, including transhumance. The division of labor between the sexes was very strict. It was considered the height of indecency for men to interfere in women's affairs, and women in men's affairs.

Children, including adults, were entirely under the authority of the head of the family and had to obey unquestioningly, but also behave emphatically respectfully towards him. You weren’t supposed to argue with your father, or even speak to him first; it was forbidden to sit, dance, laugh, smoke, or appear casually dressed in ego’s presence. The mother of the family also exercised power over the children, and especially over the daughters. Among some peoples, such as the Chechens, she even had a decisive vote in marrying off her daughters. If she was the eldest big family, then her daughters-in-law were subordinate to her, obligated to obey and obey her in the same way as their parents.

It would be a mistake to see in a patriarchal Caucasian family the arbitrariness of elders in relation to those who were considered younger. All relations were based solely on mutual respect and recognition of the individual rights of each.

Indeed, neither adats nor Sharia deprived the female half of the house and younger family members of certain rights and privileges. The mother of the family was considered the mistress of the house, the manager of the female household and household supplies, and among most peoples, in particular among the Circassians, Ossetians, Balkars and Karachais, only she had the right to enter the pantry. Men were charged with caring for women and protecting them from harm; mistreating a woman, much less insulting her, was considered a disgrace. Highlander women enjoyed exclusive rights and respect, love and reverence, were a symbol of kindness and tenderness, and guardians of the family and hearth.

Food, table manners

The basis of the diet of the peoples of the Caucasus is meat and dairy products. From milk they obtained butter, sour cream, cheese, and cottage cheese.

In the diet of highlanders great place borrowed bread. It was baked from barley, millet, wheat, and corn flour.

Meat was consumed mostly boiled, usually with corn bread or porridge with seasoning. After boiled meat, broth was always served.

A traditional intoxicating non-alcoholic drink is buza.

Compote of fresh and dry fruits has taken a strong place in the diet of the peoples of the North Caucasus. Currently, the range of everyday food is expanding due to new dishes borrowed from neighboring peoples.

Table - Holy place. It is not customary to mention dogs, donkeys, reptiles or any animals.

Grandfather and grandson, father and son, uncle and nephew, father-in-law and son-in-law, and siblings (if there was a significant age difference between them) did not sit at the same table.

If guests come outside of the holiday, then the owner of the house, regardless of age, sits down with the guests at the table.

You cannot come to the feast already obviously drunk.

You cannot leave the feast without notifying your elders.

Smoking at the table is a sign of disrespect for others. If you can’t bear it, you can always (after three toasts) take time off from your elders and go out for a smoke.

On the table for the occasion national holidays They do not serve fish or chicken. All meat must be made from lamb or beef. During official holidays there should be no pork on the table.


Many archaic customs that influenced the features public life and existed in the 19th century, are characteristic of the highlanders. This was, in particular, the custom of hospitality.

“Happiness comes with a guest,” say the Kabardians. The best of what is in the house is reserved for the guest. For example, among the Abkhazians, “every family tries to save at least something for unexpected guests. So, in the old days, thrifty housewives hid it. . . wheat flour, cheese, sweets, fruits, bottled vodka... and chickens walked in the yard, jealously guarded from their relatives.” Before the arrival of a guest and in his honor, some kind of domestic animal or bird was always slaughtered. The Circassians, like a number of other peoples, had “the custom of sowing part of the field for guests and keeping a certain number of heads of cattle especially for them.” Related to this is the idea, also widespread, that in any household there is a “guest’s share” that rightfully belongs to him. The guest “has his share in my house and brings abundance into the house,” said the Georgian mountaineers.

Each highlander had a special room for guests (the so-called kunatskaya.) The guest house was also a kind of club,

where young people gathered, music and dances were performed, news was exchanged, etc. For some Adyghe nobles and princes, the table in the kunatskaya was constantly set in anticipation of a random guest, and the dishes were changed three times a day, regardless of whether guests came or No. The Kabardians kept a tray of meat and cheese in the kunatskaya, and it was called “the food of the one who comes.” According to the Abkhazians, what is hidden from the guest belongs to the devil

Compliance with the laws of hospitality was considered one of the most important duties of a person; children absorbed hospitality with their mother’s milk as an immutable law of life. Lawbreakers were punished. For example, in Ossetia, for this they threw people with their hands and feet tied into the river from a high cliff. When the duties of hospitality collided with the obligations of blood feud, preference was given to the former. There are known cases when the persecuted person found salvation in the house of his blood relative, for violation of the sacred laws of hospitality was considered a greater sin than failure to fulfill the custom of blood feud.

Among the mountaineers, a guest is considered an inviolable person. I could take advantage of the hospitality and completely stranger It was not customary to inquire where the guest was coming from and where, or how long he intended to stay in the house. In the living rooms of representatives of the upper classes there was everything necessary for guests. The doors to this room were never closed. A guest who arrived unnoticed by the owners could leave the horse at the hitching post, enter and remain in this room until the owner became aware of his presence. If the arrival of the guest was known to the owners in advance, then they went out to meet him. The younger members of the family helped the guest get off the horse, and the older owner took the guest to the living room. If there were women among those who arrived, then women also came out to meet. They were taken to the women's half of the house.

Hospitality in the North Caucasus was the most stable and widespread custom. The custom of hospitality was based on well-known universal categories of morality, which made it very popular far beyond the borders of the Caucasus. Anyone could stay as a guest in any city dwelling, where he was received with great cordiality. The mountaineers, even the poorest, were always glad to see a guest, believing that good things came with him.


The family was formed on the basis of marriage and gave rise to new marriages. One of the main purposes of marriage was children. IN peasant life The number of working hands and care for parents in old age depended on the presence of children, and especially sons. With the advent of children, the father's social position also strengthened. “There are no children - there is no life in the family,” the Circassians said. All the peoples of the North Caucasus attached great value raising children, in equally boys and girls. The upbringing of a real mountaineer or mountain woman required comprehensive physical, labor, moral, and aesthetic development.

Of those vaccinated for children moral qualities They attached particular importance to a sense of duty and family solidarity, discipline and politeness, and the creation of male dignity and female honor. A person of good reputation could not be imagined without knowledge of customs and rules of etiquette. In addition to a thorough knowledge of the norms of relationships between older and younger relatives, the teenager had to thoroughly understand the rules of behavior in in public places. He had to remember that every adult resident of the village had the right to ask him for a favor and could not be refused. He needed to know that he couldn’t talk to adults first, overtake him, or cross his path. You must walk or ride a horse slightly behind an adult, and when meeting him you must dismount and let him pass while standing.

The teenager also had to perfectly study the laws of hospitality and its etiquette.


After the child was named, the atalyk went with gifts to the parents of his future pupil. The latter were not supposed to visit their child and interfere with his upbringing in the new home. A boy usually grew up in an atalyk's house until he came of age, a girl - until marriage. Atalik fed, clothed and raised his pet for free, caring for him even more than his children.

After the child reached one year, a celebration was held to show him off to the residents of the village or town who had given him gifts. And after some time, they organized a holiday in honor of the first step, identifying the pupil’s inclinations, placing various objects nearby - from books to weapons - and observing what attracted him most. From this they concluded who he would be when he grew up.

The main responsibility of the teacher was to train his named son to be a good warrior, therefore, from the age of six, the child was taught shooting, horse riding and wrestling, taught to endure hunger, cold, heat and fatigue. The pupil was also taught eloquence and the ability to reason sensibly, which was supposed to help him gain due weight at public meetings.

From an early age, girls were introduced to the rules of etiquette, taught how to manage a house, knit, cook, taught gold and silver embroidery, and other skills. manual work. Raising the girl was the responsibility of the atalyk's wife.

At the end of the period of education, the atalyk gave the pupil ceremonial clothes, a horse, weapons and solemnly returned him to his home in the presence of relatives. native home. The girl was returned home with the same solemnity. The pupil’s family organized big celebrations on this occasion, presented the atalyk and his family with expensive gifts (weapons, horses, cattle, land plot etc.)

Until his death, Atalyk enjoyed great respect from the entire family of his pupil, and he was accepted as one of the family members. Kinship by atalism was considered closer than blood.


family Caucasus atalychestvo life

The life of the family was subject to the harmonious laws of life of the mountaineers. The eldest took care of material well-being and food, the others helped him in this, unquestioningly carrying out orders. Therefore, the time was occupied with work and raising children. Of course, most of it was occupied by household and agricultural work. In the minds of the people, this way of life was consolidated for centuries, processed, discarded everything unnecessary and took shape in a more suitable form.

A certain amount of time in the normal course of family life was occupied by raising children. It was necessary to instill in them a sense of duty and family solidarity, discipline and politeness, the creation of male dignity and female honor.

Hospitality in a Caucasian family is considered almost the most important rite. Ancient custom Caucasians continue to practice hospitality today. There are many sayings, parables and legends dedicated to this wonderful custom. Old people in the Caucasus like to say: “Where a guest does not come, grace does not come.”

This is the traditional family life of the peoples of the Caucasus. It is important to continue research into the internal way of life of peoples friendly to us.


1. Blalambert I., Caucasian manuscript. URL:<#"justify">4.Chomaev K.I. Pre-revolutionary features of the ethnic psychology of the mountain peoples of the North Caucasus 1972.P.147