There is no point in crying too much in a dream. Cried in a dream - what could this mean?

Most often, dreams in which I had to cry a lot, on the contrary, carry positive information. To get a more accurate and expanded interpretation, you need to try to remember other details of the plot and those experienced.

Why do you dream about crying a lot?

Many dream books agree that such a dream indicates the end of a “dark” streak in life. Soon all problems will be solved, disappointments will pass, and you will enjoy life. Another similar dream may indicate a desire to receive support and love from others. If you had to cry a lot in a dream, it means you can count on making a serious profit, and this will come in handy. In addition, there will be a great chance to advance your career or expand your business. The reason for the tears was resentment - this is a good sign indicating that you can count on the respect and recognition of others.

If you had to cry a lot in a dream because of the actions of another person, the dream book interprets such a plot as a warning that others can do harm. A night vision where a person sobs at a grave indicates that the decision made in reality will radically change something in his life. It can also symbolize the beginning of a new stage. If you dreamed that someone was crying a lot, it means that you will soon receive news that will have a positive impact on your life. A night vision where you cry, and everything is accompanied by strong sobs and hiccups, prophesies in all endeavors. The dream book says that with a little perseverance you can achieve even incredible goals.

Crying very hard in a dream while sitting on the bed means you should prepare for serious problems. For a girl, a night vision where a child was crying promises disappointment in her loved one. If the baby was able to be calmed down, then everything will end well.


Tears in a dream are a fairly common image. Crying is usually a reaction to events in real life. You may be holding back your emotions, not giving yourself the opportunity to be happy or sad openly and wholeheartedly. What does such a dream portend? Well-known dream books will help you interpret night dreams.

Interpretation of the image according to various dream books:

  • Zhou-guna - if you cried together with another person, a cheerful celebration, congratulations and gifts await you;
  • Tsvetkova - something or someone will comfort you;
  • Martyna Zadeki - for joyful events;
  • esoteric - you have an excess of emotions, stop holding back your feelings, otherwise they will spill out on their own in a quarrel or hysterical laughter;
  • Loffa - determine why you cried, this triggering event will be your key to solving the dream;
  • Egyptian - to big profits;
  • small Velesov, Muslim and ancient Russian - you will rejoice;
  • the sorceress Medea - recently you have been worried and worried a lot, but very soon everything will get better;
  • modern and Apostle Simon the Canaanite - to prosperity and pleasant events in the family;
  • medium Hasse - unexpectedly you will learn good news.

Tears in a dream often foreshadow joyful events

What time of year you had the dream is also important:

  • in the spring - you will rejoice;
  • in the summer - if you cried your eyes out, in reality you will show violent emotions: cry or laugh with all your heart;
  • in the fall - to joyful moments in life, fun.

For women, tears in a dream are more significant, and a dream is usually prophetic. The thing is that usually the fair sex does not hold back and in real life allows themselves to cry bitterly or laugh heartily. For men, such an image may simply be an opportunity to throw out accumulated emotions.

They cried themselves

Crying in a dream is usually a good sign. Tears foreshadow liberation, relief. Especially if in the dream you cried loudly, bitterly, sobbing.

Chances are you've been having a hard time lately: you've been working overtime, or straining yourself in a relationship, or caring for a sick relative. You had to hide your emotions, hide them deep inside so that worries and fatigue would not interfere with your daily duties. Now you can breathe out. There is joy and carefree fun ahead.

In ancient times, tears were considered not just an opportunity to express sadness, but also an important part of rituals. For example, it was not for nothing that “mourners” were invited to funerals. They believed that the unmourned dead could become a bloodthirsty vampire.

Tears in a cemetery are quite natural. Even in life, when we grieve for departed people, we often cannot contain our emotions. Such an image in a dream foreshadows the beginning of a new life. Incredible changes await you. Either circumstances will develop in such a way that you will inevitably have to rebuild your usual way of life to accommodate them, or you yourself will decide to take steps towards irrevocable changes. A dream where you shed tears at a grave also testifies to fateful decisions. Crying at a funeral means joyful events.

Crying in a cemetery - the beginning of a new life

Did you dream that you were crying at a wedding: yours or someone else’s? Think again before making important decisions. Perhaps you are going to throw in your lot with a person you don’t love. Most likely, you don’t see an alternative and feel hopeless. Don't rush, this union will not bring you happiness. Wait a little longer, and you will meet your soul mate, with whom you will build a full-fledged harmonious relationship.

Tears of joy in night dreams foreshadow happiness in real life. Events await you that will delight you so much that you will not be able to control your emotions. Remember what made you cry in your dream. These are your true desires, follow them.

Since ancient times, during weddings, brides cried not only from happiness. It was part of the wedding ritual. Thus, the girl said goodbye to her home, father and mother, and girlish freedom.

If you cried in church, you will be invited to the celebration as an honored guest. This could be a wedding where you will be a witness or witness, or the birthday of your godson. Either way, you'll have fun and have a great time.

Unpleasant events are foreshadowed by crying in two cases: you shed tears because of a person who is now far from you, or while sitting on the bed. Such a plot means sorrow in real life.

Tears at a wedding mean that you can connect your life with a person who will not bring you happiness.

Another person cried in a dream

Did you dream about another person crying, but you don’t know him in reality, or does he not belong to your circle of relatives? This image has several interpretations:

  • learn important news;
  • your loved one is in danger, but you are able to prevent trouble, take a closer look at who from your immediate circle needs help;
  • If the crying person bares his teeth, you will face a tough confrontation with a competitor or rival.

A crying man portends pleasant events

For interpretation, it is also important who cried in your dream:

  • unfamiliar guy - you are very kind and inclined to empathize with others, but dishonest people want to take advantage of your kindness;
  • acquaintance - it’s time to talk to him, this person needs support;
  • man - to good news and pleasant events;
  • beloved - a quarrel is possible between you due to a careless statement;
  • an attractive girl - good news;
  • a young lady who looked repulsive - you will learn something that will not make you happy;
  • unfamiliar woman - to interesting acquaintances;
  • friend - soon this lady will have a prosperous period;
  • girlfriend - there is a person in your environment who hides his real intentions towards you;
  • bride - to failures in your personal life;
  • rival - you will prevail over this woman.

Were there several people in tears? A joyful event will happen to your friends. This image can also portend a happy wedding.

Tears of a child: yours or someone else's

A baby you have never seen in real life sobbing in your arms portends good news. You will either receive long-awaited news or pleasant news from the person you miss.

The tears of an older child are interpreted in dream books not so rosy. Most likely, something will disappoint you in the near future. Perhaps a certain person will not act as you expect from him, or events that will unfold differently than you planned will upset you. You didn’t see the baby, but only heard the baby cry? Get ready for a pleasant meeting.

It is also important what gender the child in tears was:

  • boy - if you have small children, you are just a little tired of caring for them; if not, you will fuss and worry about something;
  • girl - it’s time to pay attention to yourself, rest, relax, otherwise the body will react to your indifferent attitude towards it with illness or apathy.

Did you dream that your own son was crying? Now he needs your support. The child does not dare to reveal his problems to you, but really needs wise advice or just encouragement. Take time to talk to him in a relaxed atmosphere.

If you saw your daughter in tears, she might have problems. Your intuition told you that something was wrong, but the girl was in no hurry to tell you about the difficulties. Also, this image may foreshadow certain events that will change your life.

A crying boy dreams of troubles

What if a relative cried

In a dream, did you see the tears of a loved one? The interpretation depends on who exactly it was:

  • father - you are frightened by the unpredictability of the world around you, perhaps you are tormented by fear of the future and do not allow you to take any steps towards your goal; you have to change your outlook on life;
  • mom - think about your lifestyle, perhaps it’s time to put an end to some bad habits, improve relationships with others and put your personal life in order;
  • brother - to renew lost connections with relatives;
  • sister - be careful, you may be drawn into a meaningless conflict;
  • husband - your family may be under threat, be more attentive to your spouse, most likely he is very upset about something right now, and he needs your support;
  • wife - there are unexpected difficulties at work ahead, perhaps the paperwork you need to receive will take a very long time, however, these are temporary difficulties;
  • ex-wife - most likely, you will have a chance to renew the relationship or at least smooth out the bitterness of separation;
  • ex-husband - if you broke up with a scandal, it will soon become clear that the cause of the conflict was an unfortunate misunderstanding;
  • grandmother - they will treat you unfairly, perhaps they will unfairly accuse you of something.

Tears are often likened to raindrops. The ancient Slavs called for rain, conjuring the mythical Makarka to shed tears.

I dreamed of a crying ex - find out the true reason for the breakup

Crying dead man

The tears of a dead man foreshadow a serious conflict. The quarrel will most likely be provoked by you with some of your words or actions. Try to be more tactful and tolerant, otherwise you may ruin your relationships with others or have a long quarrel with a loved one.

The deceased cries and disappears? Such a dream is a good sign. Prosperity and a harmonious life in abundance awaits you. The same interpretation has a dream in which a dead person moves away from you with tears.

Did you dream about how a deceased relative cried? The interpretation depends on who it was:

  • father - it’s time to put your thoughts in order, improve relationships with relatives and colleagues;
  • mom - you are too pessimistic about everything, it’s time to look for the good in any event, learn to think in a positive way;
  • grandmother - to a quarrel;
  • grandfather - to news from distant relatives.

In any case, if you dreamed of a deceased person whom you knew well, crying, remember him. Go to the temple, light a candle for the repose of your soul, thank him for everything.

Comfort someone who is crying

In a dream, you not only saw a crying person, but also consoled him? This image has favorable symbolism. Some of your loved ones will rejoice, and this will affect you too. The dream books don’t tell you how, but in any case you can share happy moments with a friend or relative.

Crying in a dream often foreshadows joyful events. Everything will work out in your personal life and at work, you will have fun and celebrate. Tears in a dream also provide an opportunity to emotionally discharge, at least in night dreams, if you don’t allow yourself this in reality.

Sometimes we see dreams that make us fear that what we see will come true. Usually a dream book helps you calm down: crying in a dream does not mean that you can actually wipe away your tears soon. On the contrary, such a dream most often foreshadows happiness and joy. And what exactly awaits you in the future - the details of the dream will help you figure it out.

Sometimes in dreams we see unpleasant events - psychologists say that this is absolutely natural for our body, this is how our subconscious is cleansed. Dream interpretation of dreams

The most popular meanings of sleep

A dream in which you cry has exactly the opposite meaning. In the most popular dream books, crying in a dream means the following:

  • Soon an event will happen in your destiny that will make you rejoice and have carefree fun;
  • If you have serious things planned at the moment, then you can be sure that success awaits you;
  • Soon successful events at work await you, the situation will be resolved in your favor;
  • Soon you will meet your dear friend;

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

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Hello. Please tell me how to interpret dreams if all dream books have different meanings? Somewhere the meaning of one item can be positive...

  • Soon things will get better for your family;
  • If people cry in church, it means there will soon be a wedding to which you will be invited. Perhaps as a witness or toastmaster.
  • Tears in a dream are a sure sign that your negative premonitions are in no way justified;
  • Your own tears also foreshadow a significant improvement in matters on the love front. In the near future, you will find your soulmate, and if you already have one, then your relationship will go uphill.
  • If you cry a lot, it means that you will soon feel the peace, joy and liberation that you have been waiting for.

In some cases, tears in dreams are interpreted as something negative - it depends on the circumstances of the dream. Please read this article carefully to clarify these details.

Interpretations of different dream books

Many popular dream books interpret tears in a dream in different ways. We’ll find out how exactly further. Dream Interpretation: cry in a dream.

  • The English dream book promises a happy fate after a tearful sleep. Unheard of success in your career, success in your plans and undertakings, as well as family joys await you. In the near future, troubles and troubles will pass you by, and everything you plan will work out. Bitter crying is a clear harbinger of a happy fate; the stars of luck have converged above you, which will accompany you for a long period.
  • If you saw one of your relatives crying, it means success and good luck await them, and you will share the joy with them.
  • Spring dream book. Tears bring relief and calm.
  • The modern dream book foretells family joys;
  • An old Russian dream book. Fate is preparing happiness and consolation for you;
  • Autumn dream book. Predicts fun or celebration in reality;
  • Esoteric dream book. According to him, a lot of negative emotions have accumulated in you, which you will soon be able to get rid of. This will happen either through a negative event, where you throw out all the negativity, or through an extremely positive one. In addition, according to the esoteric dream book, tears can indicate a warning: if you intend to drink alcohol in the near future, this may have a negative end.
  • If someone cries bitterly in a dream, the dream book promises you emotional news soon;
  • Chinese dream book. If you cry with someone, then celebration, success or good fortune will soon await you along with these people. Crying loudly and sobbingly is a happy event in the near future. This dream book also predicts two negative interpretations. If you cry while sitting on the surface, then you will face great disappointment and adversity. Tears with bared teeth

    teeth - to rivalry and enmity.

  • The dream book of birthday people from January to April, as well as the Muslim dream book, promise happiness and success;
  • The Eastern dream book predicts joyful events and good luck for those who cried in a dream;
  • Psychoanalytic dream book. Tears in a dream work as a call from the subconscious; they speak of an event or news in the near future.
  • Summer dream book. If you cry bitterly - longing for a lost friend. Sad tears dream of the appearance of vivid emotions in reality.
  1. Dream Interpretation of Hasse. If you cry, then expect a big event, joy, welcome news. If one of your relatives or loved ones is crying, then soon you will do something nasty to him or something unpleasant.
  2. Loff's dream book interprets tears in a dream as a response to actions performed by people around them. People cry in their sleep, experiencing bright emotions - pity, compassion, condolences. Thus, our subconscious is cleansed of the unpleasant, dark emotions accumulated in it. A positive effect is observed if you feel relief in a dream after crying.
  3. Dream book of Tsvetkov. Predicts a joyful event, peace, consolation.
  4. Schiller's Dream Book. Promises joyful events in family life, normalization of the emotional background in relations between spouses, improvement of relationships, smoothing out troubles and conflicts if they have occurred recently.
  5. Dream book of Simon Canonite. Tears - normalization of family relationships or a joyful, long-awaited event in family life; improving marital relationships. Sometimes - to a long-awaited child or normalization of the financial situation.
  6. Solomon's dream book said that tears are seen in those who will soon experience balance in family relationships. You can be sure that in the coming times no quarrels, bitterness or resentment are expected in your family, and possible misfortunes will recede.
  7. Small Velesov dream book. Tears guarantee joy, peace, consolation, resolution of conflicts, grievances, and adversity.
    If you hear a pitiful, crying voice, expect positive news or pleasant events in the near future. In addition, if this is the voice of your loved one, it means he is sad and misses you.
    If you wipe away tears for yourself or a loved one - to calm, consolation.
  8. Dream book of Prince Zhou Gong. Crying with someone means meeting a joyful event together, celebrating. Grief and tears for a distant person - to sad news, sometimes - to a mourning event. Crying while sitting on the bed means bitter misfortune and misfortune. If someone cries, looking at you and baring his teeth, he is harboring resentment and anger towards you; such a dream means rivalry and enmity.

Interpretation of sleep details

Tears in a dream are often a separate part of the overall plot of a dream. Try to remember under what circumstances the crying occurred, its reasons, how it felt and the surroundings.

Every time you see a dream, try to remember as many of its circumstances and details as possible. This way you can give the most accurate interpretation.

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Cry over death

You can cry in a dream for the deceased, sometimes in your dreams you see yourself at the grave of the person you lost. Often this is a reflection of the real state of affairs. Most likely, you were unable to let go of the person you tragically lost. Remember that in the Christian world this is not welcome - it is recommended to go to church and light a candle for the repose. If you dream that a person is dead and you cry for him, this predicts a long and happy life for the deceased, and joy and peace for you.

Cry because of resentment

It is very important to remember all the details of the dream and find out why you cried.

This is a clear prediction of a happy and joyful event.

  • If in a dream you are offended by a specific person with whom in reality you have a good relationship, then soon happy news or celebration awaits you together.
  • If you dream of tears because of resentment towards a person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time, it means that you will soon make peace with him and this will be accompanied by some kind of
  • a positive event or good news.
    If someone else cries with you out of resentment, then a noisy celebration awaits you soon.
  • If you cry bitterly while sitting, be wary of sleep. Perhaps you will soon face some stormy events in your life.
  • If you cry, regretting being offended by someone, then it’s time to make peace with him.

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Cry over a guy

  • A young girl who is already in a relationship dreams of such a dream as a prediction of an imminent quarrel with a young man.
  • If a girl is lonely and sees such a dream, it means that in the near future she is destined to meet her soulmate.
  • If you cry because of a man with whom you recently broke up, it means that you cannot let him go, you need to throw out your emotions.
  • If a man cries in a dream because of his girlfriend, it means that he feels a sense of guilt, grief towards her, and repents of his actions.


Whatever your dream means and whatever events it predicts, remember that tears in a dream are always better than tears in reality.


If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

Interpretation of sleep Cry in the dream book: Dream Interpretation Sonan‎

Cry in my sleepSeeing a woman crying in a dream- meeting new people.
Seeing a child crying in a dream means empty troubles.
Did you cry for a specific reason, or was it just a release? What did you feel when you cried: a feeling of lightness or vice versa? By identifying this event, you can understand your dream in more detail.
The bitter cry that other people cry in a dream foreshadows a very happy marriage.
For unmarried girls, seeing themselves crying in a dream means happiness in your personal life, some important, big and beautiful event, perhaps an imminent wedding ceremony or engagement.
If other people were crying in your dream- you can be sure that happiness will come to your friends’ house, which you will share with them. such a dream is a harbinger of the imminent marriage of someone you know.
If you dreamed that you were crying- this is a good dream, promising you quick release from hardships and worries, cheap relief and joy.
If you dreamed that you were crying in your sleep, don't cry! This is a favorable dream. Loud crying and sobbing in a dream can symbolize liberation. Unpleasant emotions, fears and concerns will disappear from your life, clearing the way for new joy.
If you dreamed that you were crying over a dead person, it means that in reality you will have to take care of someone.
If you dreamed that you were crying and, upon waking up, realized that you were actually crying, it means that what you had in mind will soon come true.
If you dreamed that you wanted to cry, but at the same time you were ashamed of it, it means that in reality you will soon have to overcome many difficulties.
If you dreamed that someone was crying, it means that some joyful event awaits you.
If you cried in a dream, it means that some experiences or disappointments await you.
If in a dream you cry for no apparent reason, simply because you feel sorry for yourself, think about your attitude towards yourself, are you too selfish? Your excessive self-love will only bring pain to the people who value and respect you.
If in a dream you saw a dead person crying, this means squabbles with friends and family.
If you see in a dream that one of your loved ones is crying, then soon luck and joy will come to this person. Moreover, this joy will be shared by you.
If you cry bitterly and hopelessly in a dream, it means that in reality you will have a very good reason for unbridled fun and sincere joy. After such a dream, you can safely take on something new - the matter will be crowned with success. You shouldn’t rely only on fate; you need to make considerable efforts yourself.
If you cried for a long time and bitterly- great joy and an event awaits you that will change your life in a good way. You will be successful in all matters and areas of life, so you can safely implement any of your wildest ideas.
If you cry not alone, but surrounded by loved ones and friends, this means that a big holiday or fun is expected soon. The wedding of a close relative or the birth of a child.
If you show ingenuity and enterprise in your work and affairs, you can safely expect material and moral satisfaction.
If you are free from the bonds of the hymen, then crying in a dream can mean a quick and happy marriage.
If you hear someone crying bitterly in a dream- this may mean that a good event will soon happen in the family of your relatives or loved ones, which will bring a harmonious and prosperous period.
If a woman dreams that she is crying about her fate, this is a bad sign: in reality she may break up with her loved one.
If it is not you who is crying, but a complete stranger, someone unfamiliar to you, such a dream suggests that friends, acquaintances, and relatives will help you with your problem. Their help will be completely disinterested, which they will offer themselves.
When you see a dead person crying in a dream, get ready for quarrels and squabbles in your family.
However, in other cases- Crying in a dream - means an unexpected stressful situation, serious problems that will make you very nervous.
However, crying in a dream may not always promise anything. It may be the result of spilled emotions.
Cry with someone- such a dream means celebrating an important event with loved ones or participating in a gala event with the presentation of gifts.
Cry with someone in a dream- to new interesting acquaintances. No matter how dejected you may feel when you see someone else (or your own) crying in a dream, know that this is a good sign. Such dreams fall into the category of those that should be interpreted the other way around.
Cry in my sleep- this is a good sign.
Crying in a dream at a funeral- to get rid of old problems, to move forward.
Crying in a dream from physical pain- to health.
Crying in a dream and in reality are absolutely different. You just feel a feeling of compassion, mercy and pity for a certain situation, namely the one you are dreaming of. In that case, you just need to follow the dream. Such a dream has a beneficial effect, the psyche is cleared, so you should use such a release at every opportunity. The important point in such a dream is that you need to identify the event that could influence you in this way, which caused such emotions. Who or what made you cry?
Crying is a common human reaction to certain actions in a dream.
A crying man dreams of trouble.
Crying in a dream sometimes speaks of the internal release that our subconscious has produced. After all, not all people in real life can afford the luxury of crying sincerely and heartily.
Sleep is bad when a person cries while sitting on the bed. This may be a warning of upcoming misfortunes or unpleasant situations. A dream in which a deceased person close to you cries foreshadows a big quarrel.
The results of your work will exceed all your greatest expectations. All your problems and difficulties will be resolved in the most unexpected and easiest way.
Tears in a dream also indicate that soon you will meet a good and interesting person on your way who will become your close friend.
A dream in which you calm a person with tears in your eyes warns you that the new business you are planning to do requires more detailed and thoughtful preparation. By paying due attention to the details, you will make a good profit.
A dream that a man had and he was crying there speaks of internal depression, a large number of negative emotions that sit deep in the soul. During sleep, the body tries to unload from all these problems.
A dream in which a person imagines himself crying, especially out loud, is a harbinger of joy and great fun. All existing problems will gradually be solved, and in the near future he will begin to be lucky. New businesses and projects started will definitely be successful. Businessmen can expect profit growth. Therefore, it is necessary to direct all efforts to achieve the goals. You can’t be afraid to take risks and try yourself in a new and interesting business.
Often such a dream brings joy.

The dream came true 413 times

If a person dreams that someone or something made him cry in his sleep, then such a dream is not without reason. A similar plot comes in order to free the dreamer from the accumulated negativity that prevents him from moving forward. Crying bitterly in a dream, according to the dream book, portends joy, fun and good news. All started projects will be successfully completed, and wishes will come true. If you have to cry with someone, it means gifts and holidays. So, why see yourself crying in a dream, and also wake up in tears? Let's try to figure this out.

Cry in your sleep

Crying loudly in a dream

If the dreamer dreams that she is crying a lot with tears, then you need to pay attention to the following details in the dream:

  • sitting on the bed– great grief is expected;
  • together with someone - for gifts and congratulations;
  • one- soon everything in life will return to normal, and all troubles will leave the house for a long time.

If in a dream you have to swear, scream loudly, sob tears out of resentment, then this may reflect events happening in life. In this case, you should not take such a dream too seriously and expect various misadventures, because this is a subconscious emotion and reaction to an incident or event.

Cry in your sleep and wake up in tears

If the dreamer cries a lot in a dream and wakes up all in tears, this means a psychological reboot of the body due to problems, grievances and breakups in reality. As indicated in Freud's dream book, waking up in tears means in reality:

  • a woman's readiness to become a mother;
  • trouble;
  • loneliness;
  • depression.

Crying in a dream at a funeral

According to the dream book, seeing yourself crying bitterly at a funeral means that in reality you should expect the onset of good events. Such a dream means that the dreamer has already experienced all the troubles and sorrows and cried all her tears. It's time to enjoy life, give joy and love. You just need to relax and enjoy life.

Cry over the grave- one should expect changes in life. You need to bury all doubts and grievances. Fortune is on the dreamer’s side, and fate will give her a chance to realize all her plans.

If you dream about the funeral of not one person, but several, and at the same time the dreamer cries very much, then you should expect quick changes, which will become an important stage for the formation of personal and professional achievements. You should not be afraid of possible difficulties, as they will lead to a better life.

Crying in a dream at the funeral of a loved one or husband- in reality a new round in relations is expected. You will be able to forget all misunderstandings and grievances and look at your life with the right perspective. At the same time, your sex life will improve, which will give you new sensations thanks to renewed passion.

If the dreamer cries bitterly in a dream over the grave of a person unknown to her, then, according to the dream book, she will have a new pleasant acquaintance. A new friend will help a person’s personal and intellectual development.

Seeing yourself in a dream sobbing over the mother's grave– in reality means a strong desire to have your own child.

Cry at a wedding

If the dreamer cried in her dream at a wedding out of bitterness and resentment, then in reality there is an unworthy person next to her. It is quite possible that a person is trying to deceive himself, convincing himself that this is true love. The dream book advises you to think and analyze your own life, deciding who from the environment you really need.

Crying with joy at a wedding means you should expect love and success. The dream book promises that the other half will support the dreamer in everything and make his life as happy as possible. If you dream of a wedding within church walls, then in reality you should expect a quick celebration. It is likely that such a celebration will be directly related to the dreamer’s activities.

If you see yourself crying at the wedding of one of your relatives and experience depressing feelings at the same time, then such a dream speaks of a feeling of envy or misunderstanding towards this person. It is necessary to let go of the situation and get rid of negative emotions, because this can worsen the dreamer’s health and mood.

Cry for my husband

There are several interpretations of such a dream. Crying over your ex-husband and waking up in tears means you need to get rid of the past and start your life from scratch. Former relationships do not lead to tears, so the dreamer must learn to live in such a way that losses from the past do not interfere with present or future happiness.

Seeing yourself crying in a dream because of your dead husband means that in reality all the extra people will leave. It is quite possible that the dreamer will worry about this, but after a while she will understand that it was necessary.

Shedding tears because of your husband’s betrayal - such a dream indicates empty experiences. All worries are groundless and should not interfere with your life and work. The dreamer's other half is a faithful and loving person.

Crying bitterly because of a quarrel with your husband means that in real life you will have a joyful meeting. You can expect the arrival of a relative or friend whom the dreamer has not seen for a long time. In addition, this foreshadows a new successful acquaintance.

Cry with tears

If you have a dream in which the dreamer cries with tears, then Miller’s dream book warns of an impending conflict in the family. During this period, it is best not to take everything to heart and not to overreact to emerging situations.

If you dream that you have to cry with tears, and someone wants to relieve the dreamer’s pain, then, according to the dream book, in reality there is an ill-wisher who is planning something bad. You should not trust strangers and you should not tell anyone about your plans.

As indicated in the Modern Dream Book, if you see a dream with tears, then this is a sign of an approaching joyful event. The more tears there are in a dream, the more joy will happen in real life.

Why do people dream about crying?

If you dream that someone is crying, then in reality this means that friends or relatives are in dire need of the dreamer’s help. If you had a dream in which you have to console a crying person, then in reality one of the dreamer’s loved ones will receive great joy, which will directly or indirectly affect her.

Why do you dream of a crying person? Such a dream is interpreted differently depending on who dreamed it:

  • if a child cries– to disappointment, hearing only a child’s cry – to a pleasant meeting or good news;
  • man crying- to a joyful event or news;
  • husband is crying– relationships or family well-being are at risk;
  • ex-boyfriend shedding tears- soon the disagreement will be resolved on its own;
  • a beautiful girl is crying - good news, if she is an exhausted person - disappointing news;
  • woman crying– to new and interesting acquaintances.

Thus, many are interested in the question: if I cry in a dream, why do I have such a dream? Is this a good sign or a bad one? This is usually a favorable dream. It gives you a chance to think about your life and allows you to prevent numerous events from happening. You need to enjoy life and love each other, and then all problems will pass by.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why do you dream about crying in your sleep?

Crying a lot - the dream is interpreted the other way around - in life you will be given many reasons for fun.

Crying heavily to other people in your dream is a sign of a happy wedding.

Crying tears with someone means happy events, gifts, congratulations.

Crying tears over a person who is far from you means something bad could happen to him.

Why do I dream that I cry - especially if loudly - to joyful events in life.

Why do I dream that I am crying in my sleep - there could be such a dream as an quarrel, a scandal that will really end in tears.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream about crying in the fall?

Crying for some reason in a dream means rejoicing in reality.

Cry bitterly - Cry bitterly in a dream - have fun in reality.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about Crying, interpretation of sleep:

Crying in a dream - Rejoicing, consolation; crying, hearing a pitying voice is joy, news // they are sad for you; wiping away tears is a consolation.

Ancient Russian dream book

Why do you dream about Crying, according to the dream book interpretation:

In a dream, it foretells joy and consolation in reality.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do you dream about crying in your dreams?

Comfort; someone is crying - good news.

To joy.

Crying bitterly - Crying bitterly in a dream is a sign of relief.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

What does it mean to dream about and how to interpret Crying?

Cry yourself - Your worries will soon dissipate. In reality, good news awaits you. See someone crying - Trouble may happen to a person from your close circle, but you have the power to prevent it. Take a closer look at who needs your help

Muslim dream book

Why dream of Crying over the Holy Quran and Sunnah:

Crying in a dream means joy, and laughing in a dream means heavy thoughts and sadness.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff

Why do you dream about crying?

  • Cry – We often cry in our sleep.
  • Crying, as a rule, is a person’s response to the influence of images or people appearing in a dream. Crying in a dream, you are not crying in the literal sense of the word, as in reality. You are simply overcome with a feeling of compassion and pity for the touching scene unfolding before your eyes.
  • In this case, follow your sleep. Emotional release has a cleansing effect on the psyche, so try to take advantage of this release at every opportunity. However, you must identify the TRIGGER EVENT that triggered the relevant emotion.
  • Who made you cry? Did you cry for a specific reason or was it just a general release of emotional tension? What did you feel after crying: relief or heaviness?

Modern dream book

If you dream of Crying, what does this mean these days?

Family joy

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of Crying, why?

Unexpected news, great joy; to see people crying - you will do a dirty trick on a loved one.

Esoteric dream book

Why cry in dreams, interpretation:

Your emotions require an outlet and you have to throw them out: there is a quarrel or a scandal with tears ahead, or laughter until hiccups; the drinking party will end sadly.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

To see Crying in a dream, why do you have a dream?

  • If you cry in a dream with someone, the dream foreshadows celebration, congratulations with gifts.
  • Dress in mourning clothes. - It foretells an appointment, not a position.
  • You cry out loud. - Foretells a joyful event.
  • Grief and tears for a person from afar. - Foretells misfortune.
  • You cry sitting on the bed. - Portends great misfortune.
  • A man is crying, baring his teeth. - There will be rivalry, litigation.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about Crying in a dream book?

Seeing Cry in Autumn – Family Joy

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about crying in the summer?

Crying bitterly - Crying bitterly in a dream - to the manifestation of violent emotions.

You will cry - Comfort and joy

Cry bitterly - Cry bitterly in a dream - sad about a lost friend.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about crying in spring?

Crying out loud - To the disease of the bloodline.

Crying out loud - To the catch.

lass=»szag»>Dream book of O. Adaskina

To dream that someone is crying or to cry yourself is a sign of trouble that is inevitably approaching you. Perhaps this will be unpleasant news or a rather tangible loss for you (if you see a deceased relative in tears). A dream in which you see a stranger crying means that you will not find consolation for your grief in anyone.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

Dreams with the presence of a crying person are so diverse that in order to draw correct conclusions about why a crying person is dreaming, you need to know additional fragments of the dream. There are several ways to interpret a dream.

What if you dream of a crying person?

In order to interpret the dream in more detail, it is necessary to note some points. For example, what were the tears, joy or grief. After all, a person can cry not only from grief, but also with great joy. Thus, if a person cried bitterly out of grief, for example, if it was the presence at the funeral of a close friend, relative, etc. Then in this case, in reality, fate will present him with great joy and good health.

If the reason for tears is the loss of a loved one, but in fact he is awake, then longevity is expected in life, and the person seeing the dream will have festive fun. Often shedding tears in a dream promises a joyful event. For example, the birth of a baby, a fun celebration at a wedding, anniversary.

If you see in a dream how other people cried, distraught with grief, then the dream means that joy will soon visit not only the person who had this dream, but also his friends. Basically, this prediction concerns directly the participants in the dream.

If you cry with happiness, then this dream, on the contrary, promises a test; big problems in the family are coming. To see how a mother greets her son from the army and tears of happiness roll down her face, then this dream foreshadows a temporary illness, illness. If you see in a dream how a person cries and suffers from pain, then in reality there will be litigation or a rival will appear. I dreamed of a crying woman; for a man this is a sign that he will soon have to console his beloved. If, on the contrary, you dreamed of a man who was quietly crying, then the dream warns of possible financial difficulties. Therefore, if you see men’s tears in a dream, then you should pay attention to this and, if possible, take all necessary measures to protect yourself from bankruptcy.

What does it portend?

If a small child cries in a dream, then this dream suggests that the family will soon present an unexpected and joyful surprise. To see a young man crying on the bank of the river - such a dream symbolizes the upcoming wedding. If you see a dead person in a dream and at the same time mourn him, then the dream should be interpreted as a sign sent from above. For example, if a dead person has actually been lying in the grave for a long time, but was dreamed of years later, this means that he thus reminds of some upcoming joyful event. If a person died recently, and not even forty days have passed since the day of his death, then the dream carries a bad sign. Thus, the deceased reminds himself of himself in order to say that he was dissatisfied with something.

Mourning a deceased person in a dream means that something went wrong during the funeral. In order to correct this situation, it is worth visiting the church and lighting candles. It is also recommended to consult with the priest about this dream.

To correctly predict a dream, you should answer several questions that will help you find out the meaning of the dream. Such questions should be based on those dream fragments that were most important. The answers to these questions will help you better interpret the dream in which you had a crying person.

Cry in my sleep - Seeing a woman crying in a dream- meeting new people.
Seeing a child crying in a dream means empty troubles.
Did you cry for a specific reason, or was it just a release? What did you feel when you cried: a feeling of lightness or vice versa? By identifying this event, you can understand your dream in more detail.
The bitter cry that other people cry in a dream foreshadows a very happy marriage.
For unmarried girls, seeing themselves crying in a dream means happiness in your personal life, some important, big and beautiful event, perhaps an imminent wedding ceremony or engagement.
If other people were crying in your dream- you can be sure that happiness will come to your friends’ house, which you will share with them. such a dream is a harbinger of the imminent marriage of someone you know.
If you dreamed that you were crying- this is a good dream, promising you quick release from hardships and worries, cheap relief and joy.
If you dreamed that you were crying in your sleep, don't cry! This is a favorable dream. Loud crying and sobbing in a dream can symbolize liberation. Unpleasant emotions, fears and concerns will disappear from your life, clearing the way for new joy.
If you dreamed that you were crying over a dead person, it means that in reality you will have to take care of someone.
If you dreamed that you were crying and, upon waking up, realized that you were actually crying, it means that what you had in mind will soon come true.
If you dreamed that you wanted to cry, but at the same time you were ashamed of it, it means that in reality you will soon have to overcome many difficulties.
If you dreamed that someone was crying, it means that some joyful event awaits you.
If you cried in a dream, it means that some experiences or disappointments await you.
If in a dream you cry for no apparent reason, simply because you feel sorry for yourself, think about your attitude towards yourself, are you too selfish? Your excessive self-love will only bring pain to the people who value and respect you.
If in a dream you saw a dead person crying, this means squabbles with friends and family.
If you see in a dream that one of your loved ones is crying, then soon luck and joy will come to this person. Moreover, this joy will be shared by you.
If you cry bitterly and hopelessly in a dream, it means that in reality you will have a very good reason for unbridled fun and sincere joy. After such a dream, you can safely take on something new - the matter will be crowned with success. You should not rely only on fate; you need to make considerable efforts of your own.
If you cried for a long time and bitterly- great joy and an event awaits you that will change your life in a good way. You will be successful in all matters and areas of life, so you can safely implement any of your wildest ideas.
If you cry not alone, but surrounded by loved ones and friends, this means that a big holiday or fun is expected soon. The wedding of a close relative or the birth of a child.
If you show ingenuity and enterprise in your work and affairs, you can safely expect material and moral satisfaction.
If you are free from the bonds of the hymen, then crying in a dream can mean a quick and happy marriage.
If you hear someone crying bitterly in a dream- this may mean that a good event will soon happen in the family of your relatives or loved ones, which will bring a harmonious and prosperous period.
If a woman dreams that she is crying about her fate, this is a bad sign: in reality she may break up with her loved one.
If it is not you who is crying, but a complete stranger, someone unfamiliar to you, such a dream suggests that friends, acquaintances, and relatives will help you with your problem. Their help will be completely disinterested, which they will offer themselves.
When you see a dead person crying in a dream, get ready for quarrels and squabbles in your family.
However, in other cases- crying in a dream means an unexpected stressful situation, serious problems that will make you very nervous.
However, crying in a dream may not always promise anything. It may be the result of spilled emotions.
Cry with someone- such a dream means celebrating an important event with loved ones or participating in a gala event with the presentation of gifts.
Cry with someone in a dream- to new interesting acquaintances. No matter how dejected you may feel when you see someone else (or your own) crying in a dream, know that this is a good sign. Such dreams fall into the category of those that should be interpreted the other way around.
Cry in my sleep- this is a good sign.
Crying in a dream at a funeral- to get rid of old problems, to move forward.
Crying in a dream from physical pain- to health.
Crying in a dream and in reality are absolutely different. You just feel a feeling of compassion, mercy and pity for a certain situation, namely the one you are dreaming of. In that case, you just need to follow the dream. Such a dream has a beneficial effect, the psyche is cleared, so you should use such a release at every opportunity. The important point in such a dream is that you need to identify the event that could influence you in this way, which caused such emotions. Who or what made you cry?
Crying is a common human reaction to certain actions in a dream.
A crying man dreams of trouble.
Crying in a dream sometimes speaks of the internal release that our subconscious has produced. After all, not all people in real life can afford the luxury of crying sincerely and heartily.
Sleep is bad when a person cries while sitting on the bed. This may be a warning of upcoming misfortunes or unpleasant situations. A dream in which a deceased person close to you cries foreshadows a big quarrel.
The results of your work will exceed all your greatest expectations. All your problems and difficulties will be resolved in the most unexpected and easiest way.
Tears in a dream also indicate that soon you will meet a good and interesting person on your way who will become your close friend.
A dream in which you calm a person with tears in your eyes warns you that the new business you are planning to do requires more detailed and thoughtful preparation. By paying due attention to the details, you will make a good profit.
A dream that a man had and he was crying there speaks of internal depression, a large number of negative emotions that sit deep in the soul. During sleep, the body tries to unload from all these problems.
A dream in which a person imagines himself crying, especially out loud, is a harbinger of joy and great fun. All existing problems will gradually be solved, and in the near future he will begin to be lucky. New businesses and projects started will definitely be successful. Businessmen can expect profit growth. Therefore, it is necessary to direct all efforts to achieve the goals. You can’t be afraid to take risks and try yourself in a new and interesting business.
Often such a dream brings joy.