Odessa words. Jokes - pictures, video jokes, funny stories and anecdotes. Modern Odessa prose

Odessa slang (jargon, dialect)

Let's talk about Odessa? In films about Odessa and Odessa residents, the most touching thing is Odessa slang. “Oil painting” or the expression “What do you want from under me?” - will certainly make you smile.

Repeat “As they say here in Odessa”, “Talk over here” - try to duplicate Odessa slang. I have something to tell you...

27 bright phrases of Odessa slang

  1. Are you leaving, thank God? Or are you staying, God forbid?
  2. Now I’ll make a scandal for you and you’ll have fun.
  3. You're stopping me from being impressed!
  4. I wish I had forgotten you as much as I remember you!
  5. Your foot is across my throat.
  6. Don't hit so hard! You'll sweat!
  7. It's on you to throw it away! He took it and died in the midst of full health!
  8. What do you want from my life?
  9. Don't ask questions.
  10. Don't run so fast, or you'll give yourself a heart attack!
  11. Maybe you had a fight with your brains?
  12. Smile! Tomorrow it will be even worse.
  13. Remove the opinion from your face!
  14. You will buy? Or should I forget for you forever?
  15. Man, why are you pushing ahead of me?
  16. What a wonderful hip composition! (compliment to a lady)
  17. The place where the back ends its noble name.
  18. You are telling this here in all seriousness, without risking anything.
  19. I'm definitely starting to like you!
  20. The man got married. Well, I feel sorry for him, of course.
  21. How much seven eight will be depends on whether we are selling or buying.
  22. If you think that you are not late, then I will tell you that you are.
  23. Don't try to persuade me, otherwise I'll agree.
  24. Bikitser, this bodega has good wine.
  25. They attacked with all the gamuz.
  26. Take a break from this thought!
  27. So this is a completely different matter! Two big differences!

Only some examples of Odessa slang need explanation, and only because they appear in the text without reference to action. That is, there is a need to explain when there is no clarity. And where there is a scene with characters, Odessa slang is completely and absolutely understandable.

  • Stop these things for me!
  • Listen!
  • What is this? (What's the big deal, exactly?)
  • Breathe through your nose! (don't be nervous and keep quiet)
  • I am ready to listen for your request.
  • You weren't standing here.
  • Let the steamer move. (let me pass)
  • Are you in a hurry faster than us?!
  • Panties for swimming. (Swim trunks)
  • Won't you feel nauseous? (Aren't you taking on too much?)
  • I respect you, although I have already forgotten why!
  • I'm wildly sorry! (polite insolence)
  • Does this ass have something to tell me?
  • I can't hear you because I can't see you.
  • Get off the wheel! (Don't point it out to me)
  • Close your mouth, the fillings will fly out!
  • Everyone who is hot in the head, unite!
  • Fima, don't get on my nerves!
  • Scared the cat with a sausage.
  • Don't need these details!
  • Get your goat out from under my window!
    - Is it bad for her to graze there?
  • I’m not interested in walking around Odessa alone with you!
  • You are a figure there, but in Odessa you are a nobody.
  • Why are you yelling so loudly in the middle of the street?
  • Oto CementoVoz. (There's a police car over there)
  • Mentality. (police department)
  • Some impudent guy was touching me with all his hands here!
  • And where are these hands now with him?
    - It's already gone.
  • Speak for the poor. (idle chatter, chatter)
  • Why is there a foreign body in the house? (about an uninvited guest)
  • I didn't understand! So what do you propose?
  • Arrogant, like a traffic cop from a prestigious intersection.
  • Don't play around!
  • Kill yourself with a broom! (Who do I see!)
  • Do I know? (I doubt)
  • Don't give me a pregnant head!
  • Can you still be adopted?
  • Right now, I've run away! (I do not want)
  • I know it for myself, but you think about it.
  • You will laugh, but our country has suffered a heavy loss! (about the magnificent funeral of the national leader)
  • Well, look at this patriot at my expense!
  • And you will get a profit. (luck)
  • How do you feel? (how do you feel)
  • I didn’t understand something! I need it? (extreme bewilderment)
  • Why are you rummaging through sausage scraps? (Hint of your complete incompetence)

Odessa joke in Odessa slang

The Bundes is full of tsimes! Firstly, I receive three benefits: as an unemployed person, as a refugee, as a descendant of Holocaust victims. I wish you lived like that! Secondly, there is a good climate, beautiful shiksa and tasty, although not kosher, food. Thirdly, mit compote, I have a wonderful job - I work in a crematorium. Naumchik, we are burning the Germans! And yesterday I watched a program - the countries of Benny Lux. This Odessa Jew managed to buy up half of Europe!

From the dictionary of Odessa slang

  • Shiksa - blonde
  • Same Tsimes of the situation (Essence; in principle, can mean any thing)
  • Potz (bad boy, fool)
  • Bikitzer (in short)
  • Gamuz (crowd)
  • Bodega (basement inn)
ANTON in thieves' jargon a long time ago it meant "janitor". In the Odessa language it has a completely different, lower-class meaning. Among the Odessa residents at one time there were people with the names Khuna and Srul, but not Anton. Among my many acquaintances in our city there is only one Anton by passport. When we meet, this seventy-year-old man introduces himself as Tosik.

A little boy approaches a very fat man on the street. - Uncle, your pants are unbuttoned. You can already see Anton! - Say hi to him, kid. I haven't seen him for six years.


The plans of the party are the people's grandmothers!
Back then doctors knew how to treat in the same way as today they can only take lave.

BANDERSHA- the owner of a brothel.

The client turns to the bander: - Madam, I would like to use the services of your establishment in an unusual way. - We just have a girl for this part. Rosette! Accept the client. A minute later, from behind the door of Rosa’s room, her heart-rending scream is heard: “A-ah-ah... Not this!” - and the frightened girl flies out of the room. - Rose, is there really anything impossible for you? - the bander asks in surprise. - Madam, he wanted to... Oh, it’s scary to repeat this... - Be brave, Rosochka, be brave! - He wanted... on... on credit!

BINDYUSHNIK a man who was once engaged in cargo transportation on a huge steam-horse cart called a “bindyug”. Currently, B. is synonymous with a rude, uneducated person.

Fedya Trapochka was the last of the binders in Odessa. After the war, he worked part-time and with him this profession died forever.

I beg you, what kind of professor is this? The binder is even better at swearing.

BO- because; otherwise.

Yanka! How many times have I told you: don’t eat shit in the yard, because I won’t give you dinner. Is this your dog or a chocolate factory?

MORE WHOLE- so many.

-Where are you whipping so much? There will be nothing left for the guests. Put down the bottle! - There’s even more left intact. And in general, do they come here to congratulate me or drink?

VALUTCHIK- reseller of currency.

Instead of becoming, like the other boys, a speculator, a bottle collector, a grocery store director, or some other respected person, like a second-hand salesman or even a currency dealer, this disgrace of our yard went to a factory, where he is now striving to receive last year’s salary.

In those years, becoming a foreign exchange trader was as dangerous to health as drinking tap water today.

VASYA- a name that is not in any demand among parents of Odessa babies for several reasons. The first, but far from the main one, is the catchphrase from grandfather Krylov’s fable “And Vaska listens and eats.” The second is based on the now outdated (in connection with a significant change in the ethnic group of the city) oath: May my name be Vasya! There is no need to even remember the tons of jokes about the exploits of the illiterate and limited Vasily Ivanovich, as well as the expression “naked Vasya” (see NAKED VASYA). In addition, the dry cargo ship “Peter Vasev” was called Petin Vasya even before its collision with the “Admiral Nakhimov”, which resulted in the largest tragedy in the history of navigation on the Black Sea. Despite the fact that the tragedy claimed over four hundred human lives, Odessa remained true to itself, immediately spreading a joke around the country: In connection with the entry of the cargo ship Petin Vasya into the Mediterranean Sea, the Seventh American Fleet hastily left these waters.
Abram brought the cat home. - Sarah! Look what a beautiful cat, he will live with us. - What should we call him? - Moishey. - You, mishigene, is it possible to call an animal by a human name? - OK. Let there be Vasya.

TAKE UNDER PROTECTION An ancient Odessa term that is translated into modern Russian as providing a roof. It can also mean basic extortion.

Monsieur Pavlovsky, terrible doubts are swirling among my brain convolutions. Are there really idiots in Odessa who are tired of living with their heads on their throats in order to do things in your gamazine, when everyone knows who took you under protection?

VUYKO S POLONINY The term was coined by E. Simonenko. Odessa is a synonym for such common expressions as Zapadenets, that is, a resident of Western Ukraine, or even a Banderaite. V.S.P. is the character of many old jokes, and to this day they often strike not the eyebrow, but to the point. The long-standing philosophical views of V.S. P. are reflected in some modern Western Ukrainian publications. Such as “Nationalist”, “Naskorana nation”, etc.

Vuiko descended from the meadow to the city. He returned to the village with the black boy. - Vuiko, what kind of guy is this? - I adopted him. - So he’s a black man. - But there is a guarantee that he is not a Jew or a Muscovite.

Vuiko from the meadow waters the flower garden with oil. - Vuiko, what are you doing, the flowers will disappear. “I do what I want, my flowers,” Vuyko answers, and he himself thinks: “The flowers may disappear, but the machine will not rust.”

In Lviv, nationalists are discussing the project of a monument to Petliura. They had already decided that he should be ten meters long, with a saber in his left hand and a noose in his right. But here opinions are divided. Some say that a Jew should hang in the noose, while others want a Muscovite to take his place. Vuiko from the meadow says: - Guys, why are you arguing? Let a Jew hang for one day, and a Muscovite for one day.

WHERE Where.

Where are you going?

GOLD STAR a world-famous corporation in whose fate Odessa played a fatal role. - What did you conjure up for the Kristall company two days before the ruin? Could it be advisable to make a deal with these businessmen from Gold Star? They deliberately attached the name to a well-known company and are fooling the fraters. Are you cutting off friars, not our clients, Madam White Witch? It was necessary to warn Kristall: this distributor is not so much Golden Star as old Goldman with his habits. - What is it? - the white witch raised her voice. - Golden Star was also my client. And he asked for some vital energy to conclude a deal with Crystal. - By the way, “Crystal” paid us grandmas. “Yes,” the white witch answered calmly. - But Golden Star paid more. And then “Crystal” is just as much a swindler as Goldman. There can be no complaints against us. It all came down to timing: which of them would fool the other first. As it should be in business. Is it our fault that Golden Star is a more powerful corporation than Kristall?? ■ For reference. A year after the events described, the non-Odessa company “Gold Star” was forced to change its name and is now called “LG”.

GOP STOP robbery in the street. Not a single self-respecting criminal before 1917 humiliated himself to undress people. Only gopniks once did this, hence the name. Nowadays, this type of robbery, as a rule, is also carried out not by people who deliberately became “under the law”, but by young lovers of easy money, who do not at all dream of turning into professionals, judging by their further sincere confessions, caused by deep remorse in the investigators’ offices.

Three people stop a lone passerby late at night. - Life or wallet? - Give me your wallet, to hell with your lives. For reference. After this dialogue, which took place on one of the Odessa streets, the once catchphrase “Life or wallet” disappeared forever from the lexicon of robbers


The most polite form of one of the many Odessa good wishes. May God grant our Prime Minister to live on my pension and not deny himself anything.

MAKE MONEY- an innate skill of most Odessa residents, absorbed with the milk of Odessa-mother.

This thickhead didn't know how to do anything, not even money. No, can you imagine this? If his dad knew what kind of shit it would be, he would cum on the wall, and his mother would still run for an abortion just in case.

TO THE FUCK BROWN EYES An expression of absolute indifference. Corresponds to the phrase “Neither warm nor cold” in Russian.

- I don’t care, who will remove the trash from the premises? - Shura asked curiously. - And I have brown eyes until my ass! I came to work here as a clerk, not as a sweeper.

"WILL I LIVE UNTIL THE MORNING?" name of a group of homemade food products. Advertised by the sellers themselves, in accordance with the consumer protection law.

Pies, meat pies! Pies “Will I Live Until Morning?”

BE FRIENDLY WITH HOMES (FAMILY) This seemingly harmless phrase is actually one of the most powerful curses not only addressed to the interlocutor, but also to all his relatives and friends. D. D. is just part of a sentence: - Let's be friends at home. You will come to us for name days, and we will come to your funeral.

INSANE a person whose soul hurts for his work; experiencing anxiety, suffering, worries about the fate of all progressive humanity.

My heart bleeds and my soul ache so much for our brothers from Mozambique that I have no time to go to the doctor.

ZAMKOMPOMORDE Now an obsolete term. This is how the position of deputy commander for maritime affairs was once officially called in the USSR. Z. is just one term from the Newspeak of the twenties of the last century, which aroused great admiration among all Odessa linguists.

“Let's see how you will command after the deputy commander,” is the most harmless of all paraphrases using the expression Z.

BORROW The direct opposite of the interpretation of this word in Russian. Borrow something from someone, but mostly money.

- Rabinovich, borrow a hundred rubles. - Fine. And from whom?

HELLO! the weakest degree of disturbance.

On Privoz. - Young man, why was it necessary to slaughter such a small rabbit, there is almost no meat in it. - Did I hit him? Hello! He himself died.

GOLD (GOLD) The term is derived from the now obsolete expressions “golden company”, “golden miners”, which were often used in a figurative sense already at the beginning of the twentieth century. They, in turn, originated from the word “golden man” - a sewer man. So, if in Odessa they start calling you a “golden man”, “a master of golden hands”, or they give a compliment to your offspring, like: “Gold, not a child”, do not be too happy.

Go to your mother, my darling, because you’ve already taken the illness.

No, my mother-in-law is not gold for me, but real gold. Just like a cousin... And the safest way to store gold is deep underground.

ZUSMAN cold; a surname that was once common in Odessa.

It's five degrees outside as said by Zusman.

AND a connecting conjunction, which in the Odessa language is often placed at the beginning of a sentence.

And when will you stop peeing in the water?

And in order to go crazy, you could come up with something cheaper than getting married.

And these are my children?! Then what are fascists?


One of the most powerful insults. Translated into Russian it means: “It’s time for you to return to where you come from, because people like you have nothing to do in this city.” In recent decades, the phrase has become outdated, as life itself has convincingly proven: long ago, Odessa residents themselves had nothing to do in their hometown. –
Are you talking about sirniki matches, you thieves? And to splurge for life with all its hospital consequences? Go throw your head into the manure before I pull my hands out of my pockets!

FUCK YOU Hello (mockingly).
Shred you through the window. Where do you dry your clothes? On the rope, near the oven, so that the thieves don’t smear?

HAVE the most common term in the Odessa language. In colloquial speech it should be used very carefully, since the word I. often serves as a synonym for the overly specific concept of “live.” If you say: “I have a woman from Kaluga itself!”, then everything is clear with your sexual-geographical orientation, but by saying the phrase: “I have a dog,” you can put yourself in an awkward position, unless of course you are a bestiality.

Young man! Why are you bothering me with these kopecks? Have shame! I'm not asking for bread, but for vodka..

KEEP IN MIND don't bet on anything.

I had you in mind and close-up!

HOW TO DRINK GIVE certainly. The expression was filled with new meaning in 1941, when the defenders of the besieged city, experiencing a shortage of drinking water, divided it into sips.

Sure enough, he'll be late.

CANTOR In the Catholic Church - a choirmaster, in the Protestant Church - a teacher; choir conductor; organist, in the synagogue - the main singer. Since in Odessa there were not only Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox and other churches, but also mosques, kenas, synagogues and other charitable institutions, in order to eliminate misunderstandings of the term K., citizens and atheists belonging to different religious denominations began to call the cantor the scales.

My Rosochka had such a good cantor. Until she stood on him.

- Zyama, you look like something straight out of an office. Why did you eat such a face? It's hard to get through doors with her. - I'm blowing on you. I'm on a diet now. Every day I go to the doctor, I sit down with the cantor and he says that everything is going well. - So why are you so upset? - Because of the diet. I almost died of hunger. Then I gave the doctor a couple of kopecks and he allowed me to eat as much as I wanted.

KARLA MARKS The creator of the Ghost of Communism, which wandered slightly throughout Europe and quickly moved to Russia for permanent residence. K.M. highly valued Odessa; he wrote that without St. Petersburg and Odessa, Russia would turn into a giant with its legs cut off. Odessa responded to K.M. in return.

- Dad, who is Karla Marx? - Economist. - How is Aunt Tsilya? - Mishigene, Aunt Tsilya, senior economist!

I SWEAR a word used in only one single phrase.

I swear on the health of my neighbors' children!

BY THE WAY, ABOUT BIRDS By the way, about anything except birds.

By the way, about the birds. When we lived in the Soviet Union, Eisenstein’s film “Battleship Potemkin” was one of the ten best films of world cinema. And now the place of “Battleship” in it is taken by “Earth” by Dovzhenko. By the way, about the birds. Do you have any idea what will happen tomorrow regarding the main masterpieces of cinema?

BUY YOURSELF A ROOSTER! don't fool me! Part of the popular Odessa phrase “Buy yourself a rooster and twist his balls.”

A visitor asks an Odessa resident: - Tell me how to get to Sadovaya Street? - So, go a block forward, there is a bookstall, Tanya with a fat ass is working on it, I fucked her last year. You turn right, walk two blocks, you will see Rozochka, who sells pasties, I fucked her too, and you go further and take any tram. When you get to Privoz, you’ll buy yourself a rooster there. - Why do I need a rooster? - So you will fuck his brains and twist his balls, not me. We are standing on Sadovaya Street. This is of course a joke. Because on the houses of Sadovaya Street there are signs with its names. Like on other streets, but only in the very center of the city. As soon as you move a little away from Deribasovskaya, you will find yourself on streets where old signs were removed from houses in the last century, but new ones have not yet been hung. It is clear to Kose that someone wanted to rise up in the production of new, beautiful, metal signs (see RISE), but for some political-economic reasons they could not. For which ones, either guess for yourself, or buy yourself a rooster.

Languages. During the 19th century, the influence of the Yiddish language increased, due to the growth of the Jewish population. Thanks to the media and the stage, the specific Odessa accent and local expressions became known outside of Odessa.

In Odessa they speak predominantly Russian, but it has features associated with the influence of other languages, so we can talk about the existence of a special Odessa dialect. Words most often were not borrowed completely; they changed both the verbal form and the semantic content.


Humorous dictionary of the “Odessa language”

Modern Odessa prose

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    See what "Odessa jargon" is in other dictionaries: GOP stop

    - 1. robbery. Criminal jargon 2. Street attack with the purpose of stealing property, using violence or under the threat of violence. And we warm the big-eared sucker to the gop stop. Criminal jargon 3. Robbery in the street. No one… … did you get screwed? - What's happened? The expression clearly demonstrates how the Odessa language was forged. “Vus” from Yiddish goes well with the Ukrainian word “trapylos”. Did you get dirty on the ship? Epidemic on the stomach? It’s been two hours since we left the raid, and the cologne... ...

    Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang Anton - What's happened? The expression clearly demonstrates how the Odessa language was forged. “Vus” from Yiddish goes well with the Ukrainian word “trapylos”. Did you get dirty on the ship? Epidemic on the stomach? It’s been two hours since we left the raid, and the cologne... ...

    - In thieves' jargon a long time ago it meant “janitor.” In the Odessa language it has a completely different, lower-class meaning. Among the Odessa residents at one time there were people with the names Khuna and Srul, but not Anton. Among my many acquaintances in our... ... mishpuha - What's happened? The expression clearly demonstrates how the Odessa language was forged. “Vus” from Yiddish goes well with the Ukrainian word “trapylos”. Did you get dirty on the ship? Epidemic on the stomach? It’s been two hours since we left the raid, and the cologne... ...

    - 1. family, company Odessa jargon, Translation from Hebrew 2. social circle, company. Criminal jargon... anyhow - What's happened? The expression clearly demonstrates how the Odessa language was forged. “Vus” from Yiddish goes well with the Ukrainian word “trapylos”. Did you get dirty on the ship? Epidemic on the stomach? It’s been two hours since we left the raid, and the cologne... ...

    - If only, if only, if only. 1. And in our time... cleaners go to bed early so as not to miss the morning regulars. (A. Chekhov. “Conscientious”) 2. On the tram. – Tell me, when will “Chikalova” be on? - Not “Chikalova”, but “Comrade Chkalov Street”! -... ...- The mother of a certain Benya, who simultaneously lives on different streets of Odessa. A hospitable woman, capable of welcoming and warming everyone who is sent to her. 1. The enemies began to send Cossacks to Benin’s mother from the Hospital. 2. At that time... ... - What's happened? The expression clearly demonstrates how the Odessa language was forged. “Vus” from Yiddish goes well with the Ukrainian word “trapylos”. Did you get dirty on the ship? Epidemic on the stomach? It’s been two hours since we left the raid, and the cologne... ...

    pale appearance and rosy cheeks- A terrible look, in which it is no longer possible to act in a horror film because of the face that is clearly over-made with fists. 1. From that visit he had impressions all over his body, and you can tell - he looked pale and had rosy cheeks. 2. Look what... ... - What's happened? The expression clearly demonstrates how the Odessa language was forged. “Vus” from Yiddish goes well with the Ukrainian word “trapylos”. Did you get dirty on the ship? Epidemic on the stomach? It’s been two hours since we left the raid, and the cologne... ...

    drive the wave- Deceive. 1. How do I know, the Cat drove the wave, how did it come about? 2. Don't drive the wave, it's not a storm yet. But take off your glasses just in case. 3. Our press attaché will kick the suckers to task through their favorite entertainment – ​​TV. Odessa jargon... - What's happened? The expression clearly demonstrates how the Odessa language was forged. “Vus” from Yiddish goes well with the Ukrainian word “trapylos”. Did you get dirty on the ship? Epidemic on the stomach? It’s been two hours since we left the raid, and the cologne... ...

    I'm just starting to like you!- Everyone is already quite tired of your speeches! Are you telling this here in all seriousness? Without risking anything? No, I'm just starting to like you! Odessa jargon... - What's happened? The expression clearly demonstrates how the Odessa language was forged. “Vus” from Yiddish goes well with the Ukrainian word “trapylos”. Did you get dirty on the ship? Epidemic on the stomach? It’s been two hours since we left the raid, and the cologne... ...

    where are you?- You cannot create worthy competition; you have nothing to do here. 1. Where are you, Sofa, when the house manager himself comes to see Mani? 2. Where are you in our market with this Nescafe classic? This is such a classic, I have the happiness of yours... ... - What's happened? The expression clearly demonstrates how the Odessa language was forged. “Vus” from Yiddish goes well with the Ukrainian word “trapylos”. Did you get dirty on the ship? Epidemic on the stomach? It’s been two hours since we left the raid, and the cologne... ...

Young lady, can you tell me what time it is?
- Oh, you know, I forgot my watch at home, come to my place and we’ll see!

Are you leaving, thank God, or are you staying, God forbid?

I don't know how to say it, but I want to.

There is a crush on the Odessa tram:
- Man! I'm already all under you! Do it, so that I remember this route pleasantly...

In what fireproof closet have you hidden your shame?

Mom, he's old!
- What about you, are you new?

Don't be fooled by the place where the back ends its noble name!

I'm blowing you away, buy yourself a tractor and shoot yourself for the change!

A sign on the Odessa tram: “I hope you got as far as you paid for...”

Bora, you just went to look at the moon, and now you take cheese with these same hands.

Well, I’m not a chervonet to please everyone.

Please, what should I sit on to get to Deribasovskaya?
- Sit down on your ass, you are already on Deribasovskaya!

Syoma, iron your shirt, otherwise they will say that I don’t do anything for you.

He is a great master at predicting the weather for yesterday.

Senya, eat borscht, lest you die, you must get better!!!

Do you eat fish with a spoon or with a fork?
- Oh, I don’t care, as long as yes!

Good evening, Sara Abramovna! How's your headache?
- Oh, I went to play cards...

Madam, your beautiful eyes make me forget the cases.

There is a crush on the Odessa tram:
- Man, your foot is already across my throat!

Oh, such a familiar face, I've seen you somewhere...
- Oh, don’t remember me, otherwise I’ll remember you!

What do you use to iron thin women's underwear?
- By hand.

Moses Abramovich, what kind of holiday did you have yesterday?
- Sarochka celebrated the tenth anniversary of her fortieth birthday.

Tell me, doctor, are you by any chance a gynecologist?
- No, but I can look!

Don't put your eyebrows on your forehead.

Sonya, don’t shake the sofa: you’ll burst all the springs!

Oh, you know, Izy has such grief, such grief!
- What grief?
- He did die!

Sarah! Sarah! Your son is eating from the trash heap!
- Abrash! Don't eat much, it's lunch soon!

How much does it cost to bury? And without a dead man?

About a too open dress with a deep neckline: “Madam, your heart is in the yard!”

Why are you going broke without a penny of money?

Either I have feelings for the girl, or the girl is not worth me.

I have a couple of questions to ask...

Sarah! A chiryak jumped out at me!
- Shaw, really?
- No, nearby.

Man, I understand everything. You are so charming, but not to the same extent!

Where is this boy's crazy mother? He is still here, she - no one knows where, but he will grow up and leave, and then where can she return all this?

Shout from the top floor of the brothel down:
- Madame Zosia! Order the stokers to stoke less! The client sweats and slips!

Well, go ahead, make mom an orphan.

Sarochka! You look absolutely beautiful today!
- Ha! I still feel bad!

Don't get on my nerves - there are still ways to get on my nerves!

Moishe, when you are not at home, the neighbors say such things about you!..
- Oh, when I’m not at home, even if they beat me!

Don't fool me, honeybees.

You're driving mom into a coffin and even deeper!

Chaim, how could you take such an ugly wife?
- You know, she is internally beautiful...
- Shlimazzle, why don’t you let her turn inside out?!

Can you tell me how much this meat costs?
- Why don’t I tell you?! Did you and I quarrel?

Why are you warming up like mice on a farm.

The elevator doesn't go down.

Fima, what you say is offensive!

I'll show you where the chicken's tits are...

I'm not as stupid as your father's children.

Or do you think that you are not late? So I'll tell you, yes.

Don't give me my Faberge!

The inscription on the monument: Here lies the famous Odessa dentist Boris Rafailovich Kats. And his son Monya receives him in his office on Prokhorovskaya, 21.

If you agree for me to fry eggs in your lard, I will allow you to cook your meat in my soup.

Sarochka, this is not all about you and turn off the radio altogether...

Bora, come out of the pestilence!

What does little mean? Sarah also shouted: “Not enough!” - and then she nursed seven bandits, not counting the girls!

Mom shouts to her son who climbed a tree:
- Monya, either you’re going to fall and break your neck, or you’re going to get off and I’m going to punch you in the face!

Don't get pregnant with my brains!

He married Rose with a veranda and hot water...

Well, go, you're tearing my heart out!

I had that nail on which the portrait of your grandfather hung.

Tell me, if I walk along this street, will there be a train station there?
- You know, he will be there, even if you don’t go there!

These are two big differences.

I wish you lived as if you were poor!

Or do you have something to sing?
- We have something to drink, this is a store, not a conservatory!
- Or do you have something to drink so you can sing?

Don't give me a pregnant head!

So will you buy or should I forget you forever?!

Two Odessa residents are talking in the middle of the street. A third one approaches them. He listens silently for a long time, turns sharply and, leaving, says:
- Oh! Don't fool me...

Should you go to Deribasovskaya? Where will you be from, not from Mariupol, it’s a pity, it’s somewhere over there or over there, go wherever you want, you’ll gradually find where it goes!

Schaub You lived like that, I laughed at it.

Shut your mouth.

Tell me, do you know where Deribasovskaya is?
- I don’t know where Deribasovskaya is? I don’t know where Deribasovskaya is! I wish you were dead if I don’t know where Deribasovskaya is!

You make me laugh.

Yesterday I saw crayfish for three rubles, but they were big. But for three rubles. But big, but three rubles each, but very big. Today there were two, but small, but two, but small, but two each, but small, but two each. And yesterday - three, but very large, but three.

It’s not interesting for me to walk around Odessa alone with you.

Tell me, was it you who pulled my Abramchik out of the hole yesterday?
- Yes...
- And can I ask - then where is his cap?

Syoma, look at these calloused hands! This man doesn’t want to work with his head at all!

Don't get on my nerves!

I don’t have the talent to say it beautifully, so I’ll say it from the heart.

Fima, close your mouth on that side, let the doctor calmly make his opinion!

Odessa computers are loaded with the inscription “Do you have business or are you just poking?!”

Schaub, I saw you on one leg, and you saw me with one eye!

Don't wave your arms, you'll catch a cold.

If you happened to be born in Ukraine, then, thank God, in Odessa!

Grandma, I'm bored...
- Right now I’ll make a scandal for you, and it will be fun!

Don't tear your tonsils, you'll catch a cold, it takes a long time to heal.

Tsilya, can you hear what my new perfume smells like?
- Well, of course! Do you think I'm blind, or what?

Mom, what is the correct spelling for mine - “flask” or “flikonchik”?
- Oh, write “pizurok”, and that’s it!

Senya, don’t run so fast, otherwise, God forbid, you’ll catch up with your heart attack.

Tsilya! Why don't you ask how I live?
- Rose, how are you living?
- Oh, Tsilya, don’t ask!

Monya, do you live by the law or by your conscience?
- I beg you, depending on the situation, of course!

Advertisement: “I’m still looking for a woman who loves fishing and has a boat! A photo of the boat is a must!!!”

Semyon Markovich, you're wearing such a suit! Nowadays they don’t even bury people like that.

Borya! Don't hit Izya so hard! You'll sweat!

Oh, no need to persuade me, I’ll agree anyway!

Stop getting on my nerves!

Two Odessa women are arguing:
- Oh, you old whore!
- What does age have to do with it?!

Tell me, in honor of what today are tomatoes not a ruble, but one and a half, in honor of what?
- In honor of our meeting with you, madam.

You know, Abrasha, today I saw a line where people stood for a drink. So they had such eyes as if they were ready to kill!

What will I get from this?

And where is your horse?
- What are you saying, what kind of horse, I’m selling chickens, where are you looking?
- I'm looking at the price...

What do you already know that I haven’t told you yet?

On Privoz:
- Mila, are the tomatoes already good, or will they be cheaper later?

Tell me, does this tram go to the station?
- It’s coming, but now it’s moving in the opposite direction - at least sit facing there.

Is it true that you are marrying off your Simochka?
- Of course, we give it out... a little at a time

Stop warming your ears!

Why are you making eyes at me?
- So, should I build you a cooperative?

Schaub I knew, but I don’t know.

I'll just iron the laces.

There is no need to make surprised movements with your hands.

And why are you asking me how I’m doing? Ask my neighbor, he knows better...

Now you'll have something to listen to.

Let's visit each other. You come to us for a name day, and we come to you for a funeral!

Listen to my words with your ears.

Is it true that in Odessa they always answer a question with a question?
- Who told you this?!

Well, why are you messing around with her? We already have enough to do with our tonsils!

Doctor, will I live?
- What, you can’t do without this?

Why not when yes?

Tell me, where can I see old Odessa?
- At the cemetery.

Stand there and listen here.

Mom, you gave birth to an idiot!

Citizens swimming, be careful in the water. Yesterday citizen Kudryashova drowned, and only selfless actions managed to save her.
- Oh, I saw this scene. They did everything, but from the wrong side! A! This is CPR from the wrong side. She laughed like crazy.

Abram, what is fate?
- Oh, what if you’re walking down the street and a brick falls on your head!
- What if it’s past?
- Means no luck.

I saw you walking along Deribasovskaya...

Oh, what do you know... this is such a rich woman, so rich... You should have seen what kind of carpet she wanted to buy!

At the pharmacy: “Young man, I accidentally gave you potassium cyanide instead of calcium chloride! Add another 45 kopecks to the cash register!”

Wash your feet first, and then do a pedicure!

Go to the import store, buy a rooster and give him a fight...

Ah, Odessa

For the wonderful dictionary - thanks to Ela Myers (I don’t know who the author is, but I found it from her)

Yes, yes!(as a statement) Yes, yes?, Yes, yes!(as a negation) - a universal phrase, the meaning depends on the intonation of pronunciation
Let me pass! — Let the steamboat move!
(by the way, it’s a well-known trick to walk through a crowd screaming hysterically: “be careful, boiling water” or something like that
Not the same thing - Two big differences
Watch out! — Legs!!!
Note! — Moment!
Take it please - Here you go!
Sad facial expression - lemon face
Drunk - Gas-filled
Knife - Rezhik)) (I like this most)
Well, you turned down the price!!! — Won't you feel nauseous?
For free - On the ball
Expression of surprise - " Hello to you!”
Don't consider me a sucker - Don't take me for a fool!
Shut up! — Breathe through your nose!
I don't agree - "Why yes?"
Stop doing that! — Stop these things for me!!!
You weren't in line! — You weren't here!
Stop telling me! — Get off the wheel!!!
I am a participant in the Orange Revolution - I was on the Maidan
What do I have to do with it?! — No need to ask questions!
I won't even move from my spot! — Right now, I’ll just iron the laces on my slippers!!!
I'm a little tired of you - I'm just starting to like you!
Stop talking! — Close your mouth, the fillings will fly out!
I'm sorry! — I'm wildly sorry!
Taxi - headlight
Zaporozhets - Charlik
Client - Patient
Listen - Listen here!
Problem - Gembel
What is the price - How much money?
I do not understand! — At least shoot me in the head!
Microphone - swearing
Are you the smartest one to climb ahead of everyone?! — Make way, sea, shit is floating
What exactly is the matter? — What is this?
Holy simplicity - Blue naive

A is the first letter of the alphabet, which in Odessa often becomes the last...
Bora, come out of the pestilence! (meaning, from the sea)
In addition, the letter<<А>> often begins phrases with a negative connotation.
Ah, the weather! (bad)
IS IT NOT HOHO? —<<Больше ты ничего не хочешь?>>
AND WHAT IS THIS is the most convincing argument in the dispute.
ADIYOT - idiot, short form - ADYA.
And ITSIN TRACTOR - I imagined.
ANTON (aka APPARATUS) is the male reproductive organ.
ARTEL<<НАПРАСНЫЙ ТРУД>> - work performed by the Sisyphus team.

BANANA (same as Anton, see)
BANANA FOR YOU - a delicate form of expression<<Банан тебе в грызло>>
PREGNANT HEAD - swollen from unnecessary conversations.
TAKE AN EXAMPLE ON ME - instruction.
BLADIKI - not what you thought, but 1) a dance evening; 2) date.

YOU WASN'T STANDING HERE - a polite warning about a possible conflict.
VIEW TO THE SEA AND BACK - depends on the intonation: either bad or good.
VITAMIN DE - money
VITAMIN CE - products: salce, beer, vince, myasce, etc.
TAKE YOUR EYES IN YOUR HANDS - look more carefully.
GIVE EVERYONE - THE BED BREAKS - a saying, like<<самому мало>>.
THE YEARS TORN OUT are troubles.

GAVRIK - subordinate.
GAS HURRICANE - severe intoxication.
GELEMTER-MOLODETS is an incompetent whose hands grow from the wrong place...
GESHEFT - deal, business. GESHEFTMAKHER is a businessman.
GEC is a hot-tempered person.

YES - with Odessa intonation, probably not.
TWO ASSHOLES IN THREE ROWS - a pair of idiots whose idiocy has no equal
TWO RUBLES? YOU WANT IT WELL! — a dispute at the market.
TO MAKE SOMEONE FUN is to cause trouble.
DOLPHIN - a corpse found in the sea.
UNTIL THE FUCKING BROWN EYES - complete indifference.

JEWISH HAPPINESS is the opposite of happiness.
GOING is the traditional readiness of Odessa residents.

ZAY A MENSH -<<будь человеком>> (Spanish -<<будьте любезны>>, <<прошу Вас>>)
SHUT YOUR MOUTH - stop talking.
BORROW - borrow.

FROM -<<из>>but maybe<<с>>…
OR - otherwise!
HAD TO HAVE - a delicate form of obscenity.
YOKALAMENE - among cultured people it is used when you want to say
specific words, but you have to be content with only individual letters.

KABYZDOKH is a popular pet name.
EVERYONE - anyone.
HOW DO YOU LIKE IT - what do you say to that?
JUST THAT CASE - you will wait a long time.
SAUSAGE TRIMs are a reproach for professional unsuitability.
RUNNING AROUND - in the end.
TWISTING BUTTONS - being self-willed.

LEMON MUZZLE is a sour face.
CATCH WOOF - yawn.
PEOPLE! — a cry from the heart, intended for everyone.

MAMA BENIN is a hospitable woman, capable of welcoming and warming everyone she
they send her.
DEAD BJOLI DON'T HONK - equiv.<<тяжелое алкогольное опьянение 3-й тяжести>>
MY ENEMIES LIKE LIFE WITH THAT MELIHA -<<хорошо>> lives in our
YOUNG MAN - referring to a man aged 18 to 70 years.

ON MEDICATIONS is a threat.
FOR A MINUTE -<<ничего себе!>>
OUR MAN is a Jew.
I DON'T SEE TICKETS! - pay for travel.
DON'T PISE IN THE COMPOTE - THE TOMATOES WILL SOUR - don't dig a hole for someone else, you'll fail yourself.
WELL! —<<и вы мне еще об этом рассказываете?>>

ABOUT! - one of the most Odessa words, can include almost any
feeling and experience.
WHAT WE SEE ABOUT is the result of life observations.
OYC is a tragedy in life.
OTSYM-POTSYM (OTsN-POTSN) - inopportunely, suddenly. An expression indicating
extreme irritation.
OTSYM-POTSYM, TWENTY-EIGHT - the next, stronger degree of otsim-potsym.

STOP SAYING - and don't speak; don't talk nonsense.
THE FLOOR STANDS ON END UNDER HIM - he can barely stand on his feet.
LOST (AY) - a rude curse word.

WORKING ON THE TOILET is a job from which the earnings are only enough for food.
SPREADING THE PORridge means talking a lot in vain.
CRAPEASTS - shrimp.
ROGOMET - comes from a village.

SAM - one.
FREE EARS - grateful listener.
SIT-ROLL - approximately,<<расслабься, и не мешай серьезным людям заниматься
TITS AND PUSSIES - Meat pies or pasties, for making which
minced meat was used from beef selected for these purposes.
DRAIN THE WATER! - stop unnecessary conversation.
SPECIALIST - portac.
A QUESTION IS ASKED - a question arises.
AMONG HERE - in this place. Opposite - IN THE MIDDLE OF THERE.

SO ON SO - for no reason.
TAKI is an intensifying particle.
GOODS TO THE HOMELAND - return the items.
To vomit on your nerves - to reprimand.
THIRD TOAST - traditional.<<за тех, кто в море>>.

GET KILLED WITH A BROOM! - pleasant surprise.
ALREADY OR ELSE - a traditional question at the market, means: you have already reduced the price,
it is taken into account that the day ends, or the product costs the same as
in the morning.

WASTE WITH MONEY - waste it.
A POUND OF RAISINS is a unique measure.

HA - you will tell me.
COLD PHOTOGRAPHER - shooting on the street.
WELL LITERATE - smart, businesslike.
WANTING WELL is wanting too much.

CENTRAL LAUNDRY - any complaint can be sent there, bypassing the authorities
structures, the result is the same.
CIRCUS is funny on the one hand, and sad on the other.

THROUGH WHY - because of what?
WHAT WILL I HAVE FROM THIS? is the fundamental question of philosophy.
Just so you know, cut it on your nose.
SO THAT YOU DIE - a universal Odessa wish.
SO YES, SO NO - not entirely true.

SHA! - quiet!
CATCH SHAMIL - drink to the squirrel.
SHANETS is a chance, but a small one.
WHAT IS THIS? - What’s all the noise, but there’s no fight?
NECK WASHED - readiness No.1.
I KNEW SO I DON'T KNOW - I don't have the slightest idea.

RIGHT NOW! —<<разбежался!>>…

Y is a letter that many Odessa residents cannot pronounce.

EXPRESSIONISM - express train Odessa-Moscow, on which<<сионисты>>went to
the capital of Russia to fly from there to Israel.
a big man, and in Odessa...

I BEG YOU - 1) don’t worry; 2) there would be something to talk about (ironic)
I FOUND YOU out - I found out everything about you
I KNOW? - I find it difficult to answer.