Description of the human skeleton with the names of the bones. Human skeleton. Growth, bone change. Musculoskeletal system How many bones are in the human body

Human skeleton - a set of bones, part of the musculoskeletal system. Serves as a support for soft tissues, a place for muscle attachment, a container and protection for internal organs. The human skeleton consists of two hundred or so individual bones, and almost all of them are connected into one whole with the help of joints, ligaments, tendons and other joints.

The skeleton changes throughout life. During intrauterine development, the cartilaginous skeleton of the fetus is uniformly replaced by bone. This process also continues for a couple of years after birth. A newborn baby has almost 270 bones in its skeleton, which is much more than that of an adult. This difference arose due to the fact that the children's skeleton contains a huge number of small bones, which grow together into large bones only at a certain age. These are, for example, the bones of the skull, pelvis and spine. The sacral vertebrae, for example, fuse into a single bone ( sacrum) exclusively at the age of 18-25 years.

Do not directly relate to the skeleton 6 special bones ( three on each side), located in the middle ear; The auditory ossicles are connected only together and participate in the functioning of the hearing organ, transmitting vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear.

Hyoid bone- the only bone not directly connected to the others, is topographically located on the neck, but usually refers to the bones of the facial part of the skull. It is suspended by muscles from the bones of the skull and connected to the throat.

The longest bone in the skeleton is the femur, and the smallest is the stapes in the middle ear.

In addition to the mechanical functions of maintaining the shape of the body, ensuring the ability to move and protecting internal organs, the skeleton is also the site of hematopoiesis: the formation of new blood cells occurs in the bone marrow. (One of the most common diseases affecting the bone marrow is leukemia, often, without looking at healing, it leads to death.) In addition, the skeleton, being the repository of most of the calcium and phosphorus of the body, plays an important role in the metabolism of minerals.

The human skeleton is structured according to a principle common to all vertebrates. The bones of the skeleton are divided into two groups: the axial skeleton and the accessory skeleton. The axial skeleton includes the bones that lie in the center and form the skeleton of the body; these are all the bones of the head and neck, spine, ribs and sternum. The accessory skeleton consists of the clavicles, shoulder blades, upper limb bones, pelvic bones and lower limb bones.

All bones of the skeleton are divided into subgroups:

Axial skeleton
Scull - the bone base of the head, is the seat of the brain, as well as the organs of vision, hearing and sense of smell. The skull has two sections: the brain and the facial.
Rib cage - has the shape of a truncated compressed cone, is the bone base of the chest and a container for internal organs. Consists of 12 thoracic vertebrae, 12 ribs and a sternum.
The spine, or spinal column, is the main axis of the body, the support of the entire skeleton; The spinal cord runs inside the spinal canal.

Additional skeleton
Upper limb belt- provides attachment of the upper limbs to the axial skeleton. Consists of paired shoulder blades and clavicles.
Upper limbs - very adapted to perform work activities. The limb consists of three sections: the shoulder, forearm and hand.
Lower limb belt - provides attachment of the lower extremities to the axial skeleton, and is also a container and support for the organs of the digestive, urinary and reproductive systems.
Lower limbs - adapted for moving the body in space.

Male and female skeletongenerally built according to the same type, and there are no fundamental differences between them. They consist only in a slightly changed shape or size of individual bones and, accordingly, the structures that include them. Here are some of the more obvious differences. The bones of guys' limbs and fingers are, on average, longer and thicker. Women have a wider pelvis, also a narrower chest, less angular jaws and less pronounced brow ridges and occipital condyles. There are still a huge number of smaller differences.

The once common worldview that a man has one less rib than a woman is incorrect. The biblical legend of the creation of Eve from Adam's rib is not reflected in reality and occurred due to an error in the translation of the Hebrew word "tselya", which has the meaning of both "rib" and "side". The skeleton of both men and women has 24 ribs, or 12 pairs.

It is clear that there are a huge number of diseases of the skeletal system. Many of them are accompanied by limited mobility, and some can lead to complete immobilization of a person. Malignant and benign bone tumors pose a serious danger to life and health, often requiring constructive surgical treatment; Usually the affected limb is amputated. In addition to bones, joints are also often affected. Joint diseases are often accompanied by significant impairment of mobility and severe pain. With osteoporosis, bone fragility increases and bones become brittle; This systemic skeletal disease in most cases appears in pensioners and women after menopause.

Primary sources:

  • Abstract on the topic “Human skeleton”
  • The importance of the musculoskeletal system. Structure and growth of bones. Human skeleton
  • Interesting anatomy
  • Wikipedia article on the skeleton.
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    • Why does a person need a skeleton?

      The human skeleton is a collection of bones, part of the musculoskeletal system. Serves as a support for soft tissues, a place for muscle attachment, a container and protection for internal organs. The human skeleton consists of two hundred or so individual bones, and almost all of them are connected into one whole with the help of joints, ligaments, tendons and other joints. The skeleton changes throughout life. During intrauterine development of the cartilaginous...

    Why do you need a skeleton?

    “A skeleton is needed because without bones you can’t live; if you don’t have bones, you can’t straighten up.”

    states Andrey V., 3rd grade

    Bone growth

    As a person grows, bones grow in length and thickness. Bone growth in thickness occurs due to the division of cells in the inner layer of the periosteum. Young bones grow in length due to cartilage located between the body of the bone and its ends. Skeletal development in men ends at 20-25 years, in women - at 18-21 years.

    The formation and destruction of bone matter occurs throughout life. With the help of labeled atoms, it was established that bone substance is replaced twice in a person during the year.

    The qualitative composition of bone changes depending on the composition of food. The outstanding Russian anatomist P.F. Lesgaft performed an interesting experiment. He fed four groups of puppies different foods: dairy, meat, mixed and vegetable. In the bones of puppies fed milk or meat, the ratio of inorganic substances was approximately 1:1. There is significantly less inorganic substances in the bones with a mixed diet and especially with a plant diet, where this ratio is expressed as 1:2. The different composition of bones also explains their strength. Animals that feed on milk have stronger, larger, and heavier bones. Puppies fed a plant-based diet have softer and less developed bones. They are more likely to experience bending and fractures of their limbs.

    All these changes are similar to those that occur with rickets. The basis of this disease is a lack of lime and phosphorus salts in the bones. Salts are not absorbed due to lack of vitamin B and sunlight. As a result, in rachitic bone the ratio of inorganic to organic salts is 1:4, while in normal bone it is 3:1. The bones of a child with rickets are soft, the bones of the skull, pelvic girdle, chest, and lower extremities are deformed.

    Bone is a complex living organ, and its life requires certain conditions of nutrition and movement.

    Change bones

    P.F. Lesgaft and his students accumulated many interesting facts about differences in the structure of bones determined by work. Examining, for example, the corpse of a person with the consequences of paralysis suffered in childhood, P.F. Lesgaft discovered that the thickness of the layer of dense substance of the femur of the paralyzed leg was 4 mm, and that of the healthy leg was 7.5 mm.

    The location of the cancellous struts in the bone is influenced by loads. X-ray examination of the skeleton of athletes indicates an increase in the amount of dense substance under the influence of increased physical activity.

    Special experiments have proven that the bones of animals that have been given great physical activity have more developed, dense bone substance. Under these conditions, deep microscopic changes also occur: special plates turn out to be more developed, which form in the bone tissue, as it were, a system of cylinders, dressed one on top of the other.

    A vision of the human skeleton in the future

    There is no reason to doubt that the existence of man as a species will last. He will live for hundreds of millions of years. Hence the natural question: how will evolution affect the anatomical structure of descendants? Since the past history of vertebrates over many millions of years led to the emergence of man, some scientists suggest that future man will become as different from the present as modern man is from his ancestors.

    For example, the famous French astronomer S. Flammarion wrote that for the science of the 276th century, our skeletons will represent “instances of an extinct race, rather rude and cruel, but already possessing the rudiments of culture and civilization and distinguished by a certain inclination to engage in science...”

    Some scientists suggest that a person will have one cervical, one thoracic, one lumbar vertebra and two or three sacral vertebrae. The bones of the shoulder girdle will disappear. It is possible to reduce the number of fingers. The skeleton of a future person seems unusually ugly when compared with the present. A person appears to be a toothless, weak creature of small stature, with a huge head and a short body.

    However, the versions expressed are unconvincing. A person's past history cannot be transferred to the future. His emergence from the animal world took place in a severe struggle for existence. In human society, where social laws operate, completely different living conditions arise. Modern science has accumulated a large number of facts that show that many deviations from the norm in the structure of the skeleton have nothing to do with evolution either in the past or in the future.

    Since the laws of evolution of the animal world do not apply completely to humans, predictions of the structure of the future person are unscientific. Science has proven that the skeleton of a person who lived 50,000 years ago was no different from the skeleton of modern people. For 50,000 years, no new feature arose in the skeleton that would give the right to talk about a new stage of human development. Further improvement of a person is connected only with the development of his intellect, the harmonious development of spiritual and physical forces.


    (from the Greek skeletos, lit. - dried), a set of hard tissues in an animal body that serve as support for the body or department. its parts and (or) protecting it from mechanical damage. damage. Some invertebrates S. external, usually in the form of a shell or cuticle. Cuticular S. is characteristic of many. worms and especially for arthropods, in which it is represented by a chitinous shell, sometimes soaked in lime. Colonies of hydroids are covered with a common skeletal shell - perisarcoma. Massive calcareous S. madreporous corals, forming the basis of tropical coral reefs. seas, also external, although the ectoderm secreting it forms folds that extend deeply into the body. Int. In simple cases (in sponges), the structure of invertebrates is represented by calcareous or flint needles - spicules. The calcareous S. of echinoderms lies in the connective tissue layer of the skin and is formed by the mesoderm. Cephalopods have internal cartilaginous C, which protects the brain and eyes. In lower chordates (cranial) internal. S. is represented by a chord. In vertebrates internal S. is extremely complicated and is divided into the S. of the head (skull), the axial S. of the torso (notochord, vertebrae, and ribs), and the S. of the extremities. In cyclostomes and some fish, the notochord is retained for life, but in most vertebrates it is replaced by vertebral bodies during ontogenesis. Int. The cartilage of cyclostomes and cartilaginous fishes remains cartilaginous for life, while in bony fishes and terrestrial vertebrates cartilage remains cartilaginous during ontogenesis b. or the m. is completely replaced by bone, forming almost the entire S. in bony fish, reptiles, birds and mammals. In cartilaginous fish, internal S. is supplemented by an external one, consisting of placoid scales. In bony fish and terrestrial vertebrates, the scales of the head and anterior part of the body are transformed into dermal, or overhead, bones of the skull and shoulder girdle. The dermal bones of the skull are fused with the internal bones. skull and in higher vertebrates partially replace it. Remains of scaly cover are preserved on the body of legless amphibians, and in the form of the so-called. abdominal ribs - in hatteria and crocodiles. Bone scales, or plates, arise in the skin of terrestrial vertebrates and secondarily; they are well developed in crocodiles and certain lizards, and in turtles and armadillos they form an external bony shell, which in turtles fuses with the vertebrae and ribs. Bones and cartilage can be connected to each other movably (joints) or immobile (sutures and fusions). Basic The structural plan of the vertebrate muscles is very conservative, although the adaptation of organisms to existence in a variety of environmental conditions may be accompanied by variability. This especially applies to the muscles of the limbs, which are adapted to different methods of movement (walking, running, jumping, digging, climbing , swimming, flying, etc.). In this case, the limbs may disappear completely (for example, in legless amphibians, snakes, the front ones - in whales), dep. their bones may disappear or merge with neighboring ones and, conversely, their number may increase (see BRUSH, FOOT, Fig. at Art.,). S. contains more than 200 bones. In structure it is close to S. of great apes, from which Ch. differs. arr. the structure and greater capacity of the skull, the shape of the bones of the limbs, spine and pelvis, which is due to the intensive development of the brain and upright posture. Compared to women, S. men are characterized by more massive limb bones, a wider chest, and a narrow pelvis. (see SKULL, SPINE, SHOULDER GIRL, PELVIC GIRL, LIMB) and other articles about the department. elements of the skeleton. Skeleton in paleoanthropology - basic. source for studying morphological human evolution and physical reconstruction. the appearance of his ancestors. Naib, early and therefore, transformations of S. in the process of anthropogenesis are associated with the development of upright walking. Changes in the S. of the lower limb, which allowed the transition to movement on two legs, took shape no later than 3-4 million years ago (australopithecus, early representatives of the genus Homo). The evolution of the hand is more poorly represented in paleoanthropology, but based on the available data it can be assumed that modern the type of human hand developed in the later stages of anthropogenesis; the same seems to be true for the skull. Peculiar morphological. features of C, associated primarily with an increase in its massiveness, were possessed by many. paleoanthropes (Neanderthals). The study of S. is also of great interest for illuminating certain aspects of the life activity of the fossil predecessors of modern times. person. Thus, according to osteology data, the following are possible: indirect assessment of the state of certain functions. body systems, e.g. its hormonal status (paleoendocrinology), judgment about the characteristics of age dynamics (rate of development of C, teething, premature and physiological aging) and reproductive function (“paleoobstetric” studies), ideas about diet (protein deficiency, the presence of certain microelements, grows, pigments, etc.), as well as about diseases.

    .(Source: “Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary.” Editor-in-chief M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial Board: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected . - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


    A frame made of hard tissue that provides the body with support, movement and protection of internal organs. Most invertebrates have an external skeleton, in the form shells, shells, cuticles. Sponges (calcareous, silicon spicules), echinoderms, cephalopods (shell remains or cartilaginous skeleton) and chordates (notochord or spine) have internal skeletons. The vertebrate skeleton has 3 sections: the head skeleton ( scull), axial skeleton ( chord, spine, ribs, sternum) and the skeleton of the limbs. Basic elements of the skeleton - bones, cartilage And ligaments. Bone connections can be fixed (sutures, fusions) or mobile ( joints).
    The human skeleton has more than 200 bones, varying in shape and size. The bones of the skull (with the exception of the lower jaw), fused vertebrae of the sacrum, and pelvic bones have a fixed connection. The ribs and vertebrae are less rigidly connected. The bones of the limbs are the most mobile due to the special structure of the joints and the presence of ligaments. The skeleton of the upper limb consists of the bones of the shoulder girdle, upper arm, forearm and hand, the lower limb - of the pelvic girdle, thigh, lower leg and foot. The skeleton of men is characterized by more massive limb bones than women, a wider chest and a narrow pelvis.

    .(Source: “Biology. Modern illustrated encyclopedia.” Chief editor A. P. Gorkin; M.: Rosman, 2006.)


    See what "SKELETON" is in other dictionaries:

      skeleton- SKELETON, SKELET a, m. squelette f., German. Skelett gr. skelotos skeleton, skeleton + skello drying, drying up. 1. Bones that make up the solid skeleton of the human and animal body, in their natural arrangement; such a skeleton, reproduced by ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

      SKELETON, skeleton, husband. (Greek skeleton dried body, mummy). 1. A set of bones that represents the solid basis of the body of animals, the skeleton. Human skeleton. Mammoth skeleton. Skeleton of a bird. || used in comparisons to denote extreme thinness... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      - (Greek: dried body). The bone skeleton of a human or animal body, freed from all soft parts and in its natural position. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SKELETON Greek. skeleton,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      Cm … Synonym dictionary

      SKELETON- (from the Greek skeletos dried) animals is a system of relatively dense formations that make up a more or less durable skeleton of the animal or its parts. On the one hand, skeletal formations protect more delicate tissues and organs... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

      Skeleton- (human): 1 skull; 2 collarbone; 3 spatula; 4 shoulder; 5 spine; 6 pelvic bones; 7 thigh; 8 foot; 9 tibia; 10 brush; 11 ulna and radius bones; 12 ribs; 13 sternum. SKELETON (from the Greek skeletos, literally dried out), the totality of... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Why does a person need a skeleton?

    Beneath the skin and muscles in our body are bones. There are more than 200 of them. They make up the skeleton. Without it, we would be like a jellyfish pulled ashore.

    The skeleton serves as a support for the body and its organs, and muscles are attached to it. The skeleton also performs other functions, such as protection. Thus, the skull protects the brain, and the chest protects the heart and lungs.

    Human skeleton consists of three departments: skeleton of the head, torso and limbs. The bones are attached to each other. Where they do not move, the connection is rigid and motionless. Most of the joints, for example in the hands and fingers, are movable or semi-movable.

    Movable joints are called joints. They provide our body with ease of movement and mobility. The joints allow the bones to rotate, and we can run, jump, walk, and sit freely.

    During childhood, the bones of the skeleton grow. To speed up this process, you need to eat right: often eat dairy products, especially cottage cheese. Bones also need substances found in fish and various cereals.

    What helps us move

    Whatever a person does: walk, run, write, drive a car - he performs all these actions with the help of muscles. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tendons. By contracting and relaxing, muscles move bones, and our body performs one action or another.

    In order to take just one step, the coordinated actions of 20 muscles are needed. There are more than 600 muscles in our body. Together with the skeleton, they hold the body in an upright position. The abdominal muscles protect the internal organs. The activity of blood vessels, stomach, and intestines is also associated with muscle function. The skeleton and muscles form musculoskeletal system.

    Muscle work

    In order for a person’s body to be healthy and beautiful, it is necessary to train the muscles, give them work - do physical exercises every day for up to 30 minutes. Muscle development requires nutrition and energy. Therefore, it is important to eat meat, dairy, fish products, and eggs.

    Depends on the skeleton and muscles posture. This is the position of the human body. And your gait, how you sit, how you breathe, how your heart works depends on it.

    Posture is developed from childhood, when children's bones are still flexible. To ensure correct posture, observe the following: rules:

    – sitting at the table, place your feet on the floor or a special bench;

    Posture at the table

    – sit up straight, tilting your head slightly;

    – keep the book at the right distance from your eyes. It can be checked by placing your elbow on the table and touching your temple with your index finger;

    – the distance between the chest and the table should be equal to the size of your fist;

    – when walking, keep your back straight, do not slouch;

    – when carrying heavy objects, distribute the load evenly in both hands. If this is not possible, change hands more often;

    – do physical exercise and sports.

    The skeleton serves as a support for the body and its organs, and muscles are attached to it. Posture—the position of the human body—depends on the skeleton and muscles.


    1. How are bones connected to each other?

    2. What is the significance of the skull; muscles?

    3. What is posture?

    4. How does posture affect human health?

    5. What can lead to the formation of incorrect posture? Look at it and tell me which child is sitting incorrectly.

    Human bones are very strong and can withstand heavy loads. For example, the large femur can withstand a weight of up to 1500 kilograms.

    The weight of an adult human skeleton does not exceed 7–8 kilograms, since the bones are light and many of them are hollow.

    One of the strongest muscles of the leg is the calf muscle; it can withstand loads of up to 1600 kilograms.

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