Questionnaires and assessment forms for interviews. Interview and interlocutors. Technique for assessing information during an interview

Determining the personal characteristics of a candidate for a vacant position is one of the main tasks of the interviewer. And one of the difficult ones is that applicants try to exaggerate their advantages and hide their disadvantages.

Sometimes it is very difficult to analyze and select a candidate for the position in question. Therefore, when conducting an interview, it is necessary to ask questions, the answers to which will help us accurately and correctly assess the candidate’s personal qualities.

The most important characteristics of a person for work are responsibility, determination, enterprise, independence, stress resistance, leadership, planning, and organizational skills. For each characteristic, we present a series of questions that will help identify and evaluate it.

To determine how responsible a candidate is, ask the following questions:

Can you take responsibility for failures and defeats?
. How do you feel about help?
. when was the last time you helped someone? What?
. How did the result of your previous work influence the company and its employees?

Determination can be assessed by asking the following questions:

Can you overcome difficulties?
. What do you do when obstacles arise: do you continue to act, achieve results, or do you prefer to retreat?
. can you handle a lot of failures?
. what are your latest achievements?
. What did you fail to achieve? Causes?

To determine the degree of entrepreneurship, get answers to the following questions:

Do you know how to find a way out of difficult situations?
. will you act under unfavorable factors?
. What difficulties did you encounter in your previous job? How did you solve them?
. How did you get your first job?

Independence can be assessed by the following questions:

When did you earn your first money?
. where did you spend the first money you earned?
. When did you start living separately from your parents?
. when did you start living on your own?

How stress-resistant an applicant is can be determined by the following questions:

Can you make adequate decisions under time pressure, uncertainty, pressure?
. What conditions should the company provide you for productive work?
. Under what conditions will you resign?

Communication characteristics are assessed using the following questions:

Do you keep in touch with former colleagues?
. What personal qualities do you value in people?
. How often do you become involved in conflict?

By asking the following questions, you will identify the candidate's organizational skills:

How do you distribute responsibilities among employees?
. How do you supervise your employees?
. What questions do your subordinates most often contact you about?
. What do you fine for and what do you give out bonuses for?

To determine the ability of strategic and tactical planning, you should obtain answers to the following questions:

Can you multitask?
. How many ways do you usually have to solve a problem?
. who makes your plans?
. How do you plan your day? Working hours?
. describe what you planned a year ago? What was achieved and what was not achieved?
. do you know about time management?

The following questions will help determine how much a candidate has leadership qualities:

Have you been a class leader, a group leader, or a team captain?
. Have you noticed your ability to influence other people?
. What qualities do you value in your boss?
. What qualities do your subordinates value?
. What negative qualities of yours would your subordinates place in the top three?

By asking the above questions, analyzing the answers, comparing them, you will determine how sincere and truthful the interlocutor is. By assessing the applicant’s personal characteristics, you can quickly and easily decide whether he is suitable for the vacant position.

The main goal of the HR manager’s activity is the formation of such personnel, the company’s interaction with which will be mutually beneficial.

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The employer will receive interested, qualified employees who are able to work efficiently and fruitfully, while the employees will receive opportunities for personal and financial growth.

Tasks and goals

To ensure that the best candidate fills a vacant position, the HR department carries out a selection process that includes several stages.

In identifying the degree of compliance of applicants with the stated requirements, they are assessed according to the following parameters:

  • level and profile of education;
  • skills and abilities;
  • experience in this field;
  • personal qualities.

HR specialists have at their disposal a wide variety of personnel assessment methods that study applicants from all angles.

Some are used everywhere, others - due to labor intensity and high cost - only when selecting top managers.


The methods used to select candidates have a serious drawback - they are carried out by people. There is always a possibility that the final result will be influenced by the subjective opinion of a company employee.

The manager may not like the appearance or manner of speaking of the applicant, and, other things being equal, he will make a choice in favor of another candidate who is more attractive to him.

The main task of the employer is to minimize the influence of the human factor on the selection and assessment process.

The reliability of the data obtained can only be discussed if a number of criteria are met:

  • an integrated approach (not only the candidate’s compliance with the requirements of the position is assessed, but also the company’s ability to satisfy the specialist’s needs in terms of development and career growth);
  • objectivity (no one’s private opinions are taken into account);
  • reliability (the result is not affected by external factors, be it the weather, mood or well-being of any of the participants in the process, and repeated diagnostics are guaranteed to give the same results);
  • predictability (the candidate’s potential is analyzed - what kind of work and at what level he is capable and ready to perform);
  • clarity of wording (selection criteria must be clear to all participants in the process);
  • reliability (the real level of skills and abilities is assessed).

Stages of the selection process

On the way to the coveted vacancy, applicants undergo several tests.

Stage number Name The essence
1 Preliminary It is carried out by the personnel service, the line manager or, in small organizations, by the director himself. Aimed at personal acquaintance with the candidate, clarifying his education and previous experience. May take the form of a telephone interview if there are too many applicants for the position.
2 The questionnaire helps to obtain more complete information about applicants. It contains, among other things, questions about the functionality at the previous place of work, personal achievements, and the reason for dismissal.
3 Tests can be used both to identify professional competencies, abilities and potential of a person, and to reveal certain personality traits.
4 Interviewing The interview can be structured and free. In the first case, questions are asked one after another according to a pre-planned plan. In the second, only the range of topics is defined, and the communication between the HR employee and the applicant is similar to a casual conversation.
5 Checking references At this stage, a company representative contacts the people listed in the candidate’s resume as recommenders and clarifies information about the applicant’s work experience, achievements and successes in his previous position, and also collects feedback about him as a person.
6 Medical checkup () As a rule, candidates applying for a position with increased health requirements undergo a medical examination.
7 Decision-making The director compares the test results of candidates who have reached the last level and selects the one who is most suitable for this position.

The path from submission to decision is not always that long. In most cases, the verdict is announced after the interview.

Going through all stages, as a rule, is provided only when recruiting personnel for management positions in large companies.

Methods for assessing candidates when hiring

The assessment of candidates for employment is based on a set of the most popular methods.

Their use makes it possible to obtain the most accurate and objective information about applicants.


The method is popular, but controversial.

HR staff outline the most important personal and professional qualities of an employee for a particular position.

Based on them, several tests are selected that reveal these qualities.

Conventionally, tests are divided into several categories:

  • for professional suitability;
  • intellectual;
  • personal.

Depending on what goals the HR specialist pursues, they are applied separately or in combination.

Aptitude test

Determines the candidate’s compliance with the requirements of the position and his ability to perform a particular activity.

The subject is asked to answer a series of questions regarding future work.

They help establish the level of knowledge, mastery of terminology, and understanding of production processes.

Ability Assessment

This testing is aimed at analyzing the overall level of development of the applicant, as well as the characteristics of his memory, attention and intelligence.

In particular, the method reveals a person’s ability to learn, master new skills and knowledge.

Personality tests

This diagnosis evaluates non-intellectual manifestations of personality: will, motivation, emotions. Predicts possible behavior in different situations and features of interpersonal relationships.

The difficulty of the tests is to correctly carry out the procedure and evaluate the results.

This should be done by a qualified diagnostic psychologist. Interpreting the data received, he focuses not only on the candidate’s answers, but also on his behavior during the testing process: how quickly he works, whether he asks for help, whether he easily adapts to new conditions.

Sometimes such observations provide much more information about a person than a hundred questions.

Biography Study

This method is based on an analysis of the candidate’s life path.

Sources of information can be a resume and a questionnaire, as well as former colleagues. During the analysis, everything is taken into account: frequent job changes, large gaps between dismissal and employment in a new place, reasons for leaving the previous employer.

If fresh entries appear in the applicant’s work book every six months, it is obvious that he will not stay in this company for long.

In this case, management will give preference to a more permanent applicant.


A business assessment method that allows you to obtain maximum information about a person’s professional qualities and experience and draw a conclusion about his compliance with the requirements of the position.

The most popular subtype is the case interview. The candidate is offered several real situations regarding the upcoming work and is asked to tell what he would do in this or that case.


An angry customer calls - the goods were not delivered to him at the agreed time. The delivery date was coordinated by another employee who is not on site at the moment. Your actions?

For another similar example of this assessment option, see the video:

Analysis of the answers provides a lot of information about a person’s business qualities and demonstrates the likely model of his behavior in a non-standard situation, for example:

  • ability to react quickly;
  • stress resistance;
  • ability to resolve conflict;
  • responsibility (is he ready to solve the problem himself or will he shift the blame to an absent colleague).

Also, during selection, a stress interview is often used, designed to assess the endurance and composure of applicants.

Other techniques

Some employers include non-standard methods in the selection procedure, such as:

  • physiognomy;
  • handwriting analysis;
  • astrology;
  • palmistry;
  • lie detector.

The reliability of these assessment methods is questionable, but they are also used quite rarely.

Possible problems

They joke that a person is never as close to perfection as when writing a resume. Research shows that 24% of job seekers mislead potential employers during interviews by embellishing and exaggerating their successes, merits, personal qualities or experience. How to determine who is really in front of you? Take a few quick questions that will help you look at the applicant from a new perspective.

I find out whether a person knows what is the product of his work

Boris Petrov,
General Director of Petrocomplex, St. Petersburg

I usually interview candidates for top positions: technical director, deputy general director and financial director. Conversations usually last no more than 15 minutes. I'll tell you what I pay attention to during a meeting.

  • Language of the body. During a conversation, I monitor the candidate’s behavior - this way you can find out whether he is telling the truth or being disingenuous. For example, according to my observations, when a person tells a lie, he hides the palms of his hands (presses them between his knees, places them on the table), does not look into the eyes, and scratches his ears. If an applicant for a top position does not look the potential manager in the eyes even once during the interview, this says a lot. It happened that for these reasons I ended the conversation after only five minutes: if I see that a person is not frank with me, then I will not waste time finding out what exactly he is hiding. I would rather devote my energy and time to working with employees.
  • How does the applicant answer the question “What were you paid for at your previous job?” Another variation of this question is “What is the product of your work?” In my opinion, every employee - from an ordinary employee to a general director - produces one or another product, for which he receives a salary: for some it is a piece of hardware, for others a document... But it is important to take into account one nuance: just a piece of hardware or a document is not enough - To complete the case, they need to be exchanged for something of value to the company. Then the job is done. For example, an accountant can prepare reports without errors and on time, but if he does not submit them on time to the Federal Tax Service and does not receive a mark that they have been accepted, then such reports are worthless.

Surprisingly, I didn’t hear any answers from the candidates! Let’s say the first question is answered like this: “For coming to work,” “For fulfilling my job duties.” Why do I need such leaders? However, there was a case that I remember - I recommended to the head of the department to immediately hire that candidate. True, he applied for an ordinary technical position. A young man came for an interview; he was 23 years old. It would seem that he should not have expected much: he simply did not have enough time to gain experience. Nevertheless, when asked about the result of his activities in the company, he answered: developed software installed in an industrial controller, tested functionality of the entire system and put the automated control system into operation at the customer.

Niyaz Latypov,
CEO and owner of Cuper, Kazan

I don’t have one single question that helps to understand a person instantly. I just take a certain approach.

  1. I assess the candidate’s level of competence. The lowest level is when the employee needs to chew everything over (“Go to such and such street, house number five, third floor, office 314, find Marya Ivanovna there and give her this paper personally”). The next level - the task can no longer be so specific; it is enough to just name the address, room number, name. I need people who, having received a task, are able to determine their own intermediate goals and draw up an action plan. The level of competence is easy to identify: the most advanced are those who can quickly make decisions, and the same ones that I myself would make in a similar situation. Questions about a person’s experience, his past problems and methods for solving them help me understand this. For example, I might ask what goals management set for him, whether the scale of the tasks changed over time, how the candidate approached solving them, and how much time he usually needed.
  2. I analyze whether the applicant can think outside the box and is ready to gain new knowledge. If a person lacks knowledge, then he should not be ashamed to admit it and fill the gap - take literature on the topic and study the issue. To find out whether a candidate has these qualities, I ask what the most interesting problems he has ever solved (whether at work or in his personal life); how familiar he was with the topic at the time the problem arose, what was the action plan, did he need to learn anything additional. The essence of the tasks and the approach to solving them very well demonstrate whether a person knows how to approach any task creatively.
  3. I find out if this is a passionate person. I am interested in what the candidate does in his free time, what his hobby is. Once, the habit of talking about this with everyone (not just at interviews) helped me find an excellent technical director, and the person had not even thought about changing jobs before meeting me. And the fact that he agreed to accept my offer was proof of his passion. He was the mayor of a small town (about 100 thousand inhabitants), to the administration of which work affairs brought me. We got to talking: it turned out that during the day he served as an official, and in the evening he became an inventor, spending all his time in the laboratory that he set up in the garage. This self-taught person (he had no specialized technical education) has already received several patents! I convinced him that you shouldn’t waste your life on boring work - you need to devote yourself to what your soul is about.

I analyze whether a person can draw conclusions from his mistakes

Evgeniy Demin,
CEO and co-owner of Splat, Moscow

I interview all candidates for vacancies in the main office and for key positions in the regions and other countries. I try to personally consider as many candidates as possible, since the values ​​of each employee must coincide with the company’s values: when you select like-minded people, you don’t need to waste time convincing them. I try to conduct a meeting with the applicant quickly (it takes from 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the position). This is what I find out during the conversation.

Vladimir Saburov,General Director of the company “Glinopererabotka”, Bryansk
I personally conduct interviews with candidates for the positions of chief specialists, heads of departments and services. The meeting lasts from 10 minutes to half an hour. During this period, it is necessary to assess the candidates’ desire to work and ability to achieve their goals. At the same time, I ask a lot of questions, but don’t give time to think: this way you can learn more about a person. These are the topics that help me figure out what is important to me.

  1. Where the applicant’s immediate relatives (wife or husband, parents, children) work (or study), their age. Based on the answers, you can understand whether a person has an incentive, whether it is customary in his environment to work hard, to treat the matter with interest and responsibility.
  2. Please prioritize in descending order when choosing a job: career, money (benefits), psychological climate in the team, independence, intensity of work, proximity to home, prestige of the company, acquisition of experience and knowledge, complexity of the tasks.
  3. Your manager has assigned you work that is not part of your job responsibilities. What will you do? If he refuses, then this is not our man. Such people, as a rule, do not strive for development; problems will constantly arise with them. If you hire such people, then only in the accounting department.
  4. I take the candidate (if he is applying for a position in the production service) around the workshops. After the tour, many people leave immediately, as they expected to work in an air-conditioned office.
  5. I ask what a person is generally interested in in life. Once we were hiring a head of purchasing and logistics service (purchases for production, communication between a manufacturing enterprise and a trading house, arranging logistics for shipments). A young applicant (23 years old) with an economics education came to us for an interview. During the conversation, it turned out that he is actively involved in sports, and also trains children. This means that he must have firmness, endurance, and the ability to plan time, which will be useful in his work. Despite the candidate’s age, I invited him to work - and I was not mistaken. Over the course of a year, he managed to achieve global positive changes in the work of the service: he created a system for monitoring suppliers, a coherent scheme of interaction between the company’s services, as a result, we significantly reduced the costs of purchasing components and transporting finished products.
  6. Honesty check. The question goes like this: “You have plans for the evening - you are going to go somewhere with your family (girlfriend, boyfriend), but you receive an urgent task, for which you will have to stay late at work. This will result in the cancellation of personal plans. What will you do? I'm waiting for a truthful answer. There is always a sense of falsehood here. Another question: “You are faced with unfair reproaches from management against you. How will you react? I rate the answer the same way.
  7. What is the candidate's self-esteem? To understand this, I ask the following provocative question: “You did a lot of work, spent a lot of time and energy, but the results turned out to be unclaimed (everything you did was put on the shelf). How will you feel, what will be your reaction? A person with low self-esteem will feel like they have wasted their time and effort and that no one appreciates them.
  8. Can he lead? I ask a question: “The subordinate did not complete the task on time. Your actions?". If the answer is “I’ll do it myself in the interests of the company,” then you can immediately refuse to cooperate with such a candidate, and it doesn’t matter what he adds to what was said (for example, that he will punish a subordinate). There was once an applicant for the position of chief engineer who answered exactly like that - I didn’t even continue the conversation. A manager should not do the work for his subordinates.
  9. Is he a tough leader? The question is: “Your subordinate was rude to you. What will you do?” If the candidate answers “I will educate and explain that the rude person did wrong,” this is not our person. Such an answer is a reason for refusing applicants for positions of middle managers who work directly in production. There must be strict discipline; employees must be ready to obey unconditionally. I expect an answer: “I will stop it harshly and impose penalties; If it happens again, I’ll fire you.” There should be no liberalism in production.
  10. Is there any interest in what the plant is doing? We make cat litter, so I always ask if the candidate has a cat. I am sure that the cat owner will try to do everything perfectly, because his beloved pet will use our products.
  11. Do the candidate’s life principles correspond to those promoted by our company? For example, once during an interview with a candidate for the position of production director, I did not ask him about what he understood by production culture. At our enterprise, maintaining cleanliness and order is one of the most important factors on which wages depend. Also, production culture implies honesty in work. So, the new director showed good results, knew how to communicate with people, and organize them. But he had a drawback - secrecy, constant attempts to hide flaws in his work. And what was most depressing was that the workplaces in the workshops were always in chaos. I struggled with this until one of the employees, having visited his home, said that it was also a mess. I concluded that it was useless to raise him, and we had to separate. After all, if everything in the production premises is upside down and there is no cleanliness, this leads to injuries, equipment breakdowns, and additional costs. And the workers treat the enterprise completely differently if they are surrounded by order and they themselves maintain it.

Candidates must know exactly what the company can give and what the company will give them

Dmitry Fedoseev,
owner and general director of the company “Aibolit Plus”, Moscow

I conduct five to seven interviews a week (with veterinarians, managers, promoters), not only in Moscow, but also in the regions. For me, this is not work, but pleasure (albeit useful). All meetings last for three hours: I’m not used to rushing, so I approach the choice without haste. What do I expect from candidates?

  1. The desire to work and earn money. Favorite questions “Why do you need us” and “Why do we need you” help to identify it. The answers provide the best insight into the candidate and sometimes open up new opportunities. For example, there was such an illustrative case. For several months in a row, a girl contacted us who wanted to get a job as a call center operator. The first time I told her that a vacancy appears or does not appear from the 1st to the 5th of the month. And she called for four months in a row, and on the fifth, I, surprised by her persistence, asked why she wanted to work for us (I was already beginning to think that this was the machinations of competitors) - I asked the question “Why do you need us?” The girl answered directly that what she likes most is a flexible schedule and remote work, she lives next to our office (if necessary, you can appear there without wasting time on the road). She also liked that we suggested calling monthly instead of just telling her there was no vacancy. This answer surprised me, and I asked how she could be useful to us (“Why do you need us?”). It turned out that she has experience in HR, but due to the desire to work from home and on a flexible schedule, she is considering other vacancies. And just before this, I read about a company that hires a freelancer to search for personnel - this saves money and allows for a better selection of employees. And I decided that we should try this too. Therefore, within two days we added the position of a recruiter to the staffing list and hired the persistent girl. By the way, with her help we have already filled several vacancies.
  2. Is the person ready to look for new opportunities? I recently went to the opening of our veterinary center in Novosibirsk and conducted several interviews there with applicants for the position of manager. One of them decided to express herself by starting to criticize our strategy and approaches to work: she stated, for example, that a Moscow company has nothing to do in the region. Apart from criticism, I heard nothing, although I asked why the applicant thought this way and what he was offering. The conclusion is this: the applicant saw only the bad (as it seemed to her), but did not offer options on how to do better. This indicates that a person will always find reasons why the plan is not fulfilled and the branch does not develop. Needless to say, I didn’t hire her?
  3. Integrity and adequacy. I love asking provocative questions. For example, I offer a candidate a higher position (my deputy, not the manager of the clinic), noting that such and such an employee is currently working in this position. If the candidate asks where I will put the current deputy, I answer that I will make a castling. I look at the reaction: will he be happy about the opportunity to get into a high-ranking position in the company and help someone else? Will he doubt his availability of the necessary experience - after all, he was applying for another position? Will he ask what his responsibilities will be, what tasks he will have? This says a lot: can I trust a person, what principles does he follow in life, does he adequately assess his capabilities.
  4. Real experience. I also have one more provocative proposal in stock for candidates for managers: if a person becomes a nightingale talking about his achievements at his previous job, I ask if he is ready to start working on a project tomorrow (opening a clinic in a new location). A braggart will immediately find thousands of excuses why it won’t work out now.
  • Why ask a person the same thing several times?
  • How not to fall under the spell of beautiful girls who came for an interview
  • Four correct criteria for assessing applicants

Successful leaders face an “invisible barrier” when the pace of personal development slows down and soon stops altogether. Such slippage threatens the loss of everything you have achieved over the years of hard work.

When assessing applicants, directors and HR managers, as a rule, put the personal qualities of the applicant, the scope of his knowledge and skills, in the first place. However, this approach is wrong, according to the authors of the book “Hiring Without Mistakes,” Patrick Valten and Alexey Fateev.

Here are the correct criteria for assessing applicants during an interview:

  • it is necessary to evaluate the person’s focus on results;
  • a desire to work;
  • knowledge;
  • personal qualities.

How to correctly evaluate a candidate during an interview

1. Focus on results. The results of an American study showed that the external attractiveness of candidates greatly increases the chances of getting a job.

Recruiters more often invite attractive boys and girls than ugly ones, unconsciously considering the former to be smarter and more positive. In order not to fall under the spell and objectively evaluate the applicant, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • does the resume contain measurable results of the applicant’s activities, can he provide recommendations confirming his successes;
  • does a person voice numbers or other indicators of his achievements in any field during an interview;
  • does he give a specific solution to the case proposed to him?

Also, make a list of questions that you will ask applicants and write the ideal answers to them. By studying the recordings of conversations, you can choose the right candidate, and not just the one you liked.

2. Desire to work. When asked about the most common reasons for dismissals, only 9% of employers named inability to perform job duties. Almost 70% indicated reasons related to their attitude to work (absenteeism, etc.). This is what will help assess the candidate’s desire to work.

First, the applicant gives examples of work situations where he had to show a positive attitude.

Secondly, the candidate demonstrates a willingness to answer all questions and responds positively to your comments.

3. Knowledge. Never trust diplomas and certificates; Thus, more than 70% of employers who hired graduates note their lack of basic skills: young people write with errors.

To assess knowledge, simulate several situations that a person might encounter in your company. For example, ask a candidate for a sales position to conduct a telephone conversation with a “dissatisfied customer” (one of your colleagues can play his role).

  • Personnel management that will only benefit

4. Personal qualities. To force the applicant to show his true self, challenge him (ask him several times about the same thing, asking for confirmation of the story) and watch his reaction. A person will show his true essence: he will remain calm, goodwill and restraint, or he will get nervous and lose his temper.

Hiring without mistakes. A handbook for owners and managers: how to find and retain good employees. Patrick Walten, Alexey Fateev M.: Pero, 2014. – 274 p.

As soon as the door slams behind the candidate, without putting it on the back burner until the fresh impressions evaporate, evaluate him. After the form below has been filled out (and pre-printed according to the sample), place it in the candidate’s personal file.
This candidate evaluation form will be useful if you followed the recommended interview pattern. It will allow you to compare the qualities, skills and capabilities of the candidate required by the vacancy with his objective qualities, skills and capabilities, that is, to compare what is desired and what is actual.
Candidate Evaluation Form
FULL NAME. candidate: ________________________________________________ ________________
Job title: _____________________________________________________ ________________
Date of interview: “_________ »____________200__
Set interview start time ___________________________________ ________________
Actual time of arrival of the candidate (if late, indicate the reason for the delay)_________________________________________________ ________________
№ _____________________________________________________________ _________
Characteristics of the “Ideal” candidate (the desired qualities are entered in this column in advance after the examination of the vacancy) __________________________________________________________
Relevant data of the candidate (the actual qualities of the candidate are entered in this column) __ _______________________________________________________________ _____________ _

    1. Floor _____________________________________________________________ ________________
    2. Age __________________________________________ _______________ _____________
    3. Family status ______________________________________________ _____________
    4. Names of educational institutions where the candidate could obtain the knowledge necessary to successfully perform his functional duties. His wish
      specialization and additional education _________________________________ _______________________________________________________
    5. Names of possible positions held by the candidate._______
    6. Profile and names of companies where the candidate could obtain and master the skills necessary for the vacancy.
    7. Minimum work experience.
    8. List of job responsibilities that the candidate was required to perform.
    9. Proficiency in office equipment (PC, copier, fax, etc.), knowledge of software products.

10. Degree of foreign language proficiency_______________
11. Professional knowledge and skills required by the candidate.

    1. Availability of a car, driver's license indicating category, driving experience.
    2. Availability of housing, desired place to live.
    3. Psychological qualities that will help you successfully cope with job responsibilities and master new skills.
    4. Psychological qualities incompatible with work in this position
    5. Psychological characteristics that allow achieving compatibility with employees directly related to the future employee and corresponding to the corporate culture of the organization.
    6. Psychological qualities incompatible with working in this company
    7. Additional requirements.

Brief information and the opinion of the official who conducted the initial interview (i.e., your informal assessment of the candidate) is also very important. Below is a form on which you can evaluate the applicant. To fill out this form, circle the appropriate number (your, if possible, objective opinion about the candidate) number on each line. Calculate the overall score, the maximum score is 60, the minimum is 12. The optimal score will be obtained if the candidate scores no more than three Cs, provided that the remaining marks are 4 and 5.
When assessing, do not confuse appearance with the cost of clothing and the candidate’s personal taste, in the column externalview This means neat hairstyles, adequate makeup and manicure (if the person in front of you is a woman), clean, tidy clothing appropriate for the occasion, and unobtrusive accessories. In addition to the timbre of the voice, you need to pay attention to the pace of speech, possible defects in sound pronunciation, vocabulary, and the use of slang words. In the column physical condition Evaluate women and older people especially carefully. It is also necessary to distinguish between the qualities required when entering a job and those that can be quickly acquired during the process of adaptation to the workplace (criticality of conditions).

    1. Untidy
    2. Carelessness in clothing
    3. Neat
    4. Pays special attention to his appearance
    1. Harsh, annoying
    2. Unintelligible
    3. Nice
    1. Clear, understandable
    2. Expressive, energetic


    1. Unpleasant, unhealthy appearance
    2. Low energy, apathetic
    3. Good physical shape, good appearance
    4. Cheerful, energetic
    5. Very energetic, in great shape
    1. Nervous
    2. Shy
    3. Mannered
    4. Tense
    5. Embarrassed
    6. Calm
    7. Adequate
    8. Extraordinarily seasoned


    1. Shy
    2. Arrogant
    3. Consistent, evidence-based
    4. Quite self-confident
    5. Straightforward
    6. Shows confidence
    7. Unusually self-confident
    1. Illogical
    2. Uncertain
    3. Unclear
    4. Scattered over trifles
    5. Expresses clearly, words are adequate to their meanings
    6. Convincing
    7. Logical
    8. Extraordinary ability in the logic of thought


    1. slow-witted, slow-thinking
    2. Receives what is said with indifference
    3. Attentive and expresses his thoughts clearly
    4. Smart, asks relevant questions
    5. Unusual mental acuity, perceives complex ideas


    1. Lethargic, unambitious
    2. Lack of interest in self-development
    3. Demonstrates a desire for self-development
    4. Determines future goals, wants to succeed
    5. High ambitions, self-development


    1. Not suitable for the position
    2. Not relevant, but useful
    3. Compliant
    4. Higher than required
    5. Particularly suitable
    6. Continues to study and level up


    1. Immature, impulsive
    2. Stubborn
    3. Reasonable, mature
    4. Cooperative
    5. Responsible
    6. Mature, self-sufficient


    1. Vividly negative
    2. Shows dissatisfaction
    3. Avoids direct questions
    4. Expresses a positive attitude
    5. Demonstrates positivity, objectively evaluates “+” and “-”


    1. Expresses extreme embarrassment or aggression
    2. Visibly nervous
    3. Does not express discomfort, does not seek to continue the conversation
    4. Demonstrates a calm demeanor and continues dialogue
    5. Reacts adequately, looks for ways to continue the conversation

Decision made: “Accept” (), “Refuse” ()