From which bird did Guidon save the swan princess? From whom did Prince Guidon save the Swan Princess? Free homework help

The title of this tale is: The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful Swan Princess. The Tale of Tsar Saltan.". Fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “About Tsar Saltan.” The rescued swan princess helped the prince and then became Guidon's bride.

Most questions are answered within 10 minutes. Log in and try adding your question. There, Prince Guidon was constantly helped by the Swan, who turned out to be a beautiful girl bewitched by an evil sorcerer. Trying to feed his mother, Prince Guidon hunts birds, and one day at sea he sees a kite attacking a beautiful swan. The tale of how one red maiden turned into a white swan is called “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”

Pedagogical project “Communication of the Swan Princess with Prince Guidon”

He protects the weak (he saved the Swan Princess from a kite), rules fairly in the city on the island of Buyan, and hospitably welcomes merchants sailing by. Boyan, brethren, is not 10 a falcon for a flock of swans in the forest, and his things are simple for living strings in stock; They themselves are the prince, glory to the roar.” And they themselves rumbled glory to the princes. The swan is not only a sorceress, she also has the power to command the sea heroes.

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Or help others with the answer! There is no desire to move to an active position in searching and processing information, satisfying one’s own cognitive activity. 1. Cognitive and research activities: introduce children to the biography of A. S. Pushkin and his creative activities. 2. Musical and artistic: acquaintance with the works of A. S. Pushkin, forming a value-based attitude towards his fairy tales, identifying their significance in human life.

Based on the illustration, the children recited an excerpt from the fairy tale and named its name. We read the fairy tale “About Tsar Saltan” and chose a micro-theme for the project. We usually call this work The Tale of Tsar Saltan. The young prince saves the swan from an evil kite, for which the swan is extremely grateful to him, but this swan is not just a bird, but a beautiful queen.

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Pushkin's statements on language issues are numerous and varied. Pushkin also refers to the experience of constructing other literary languages. Defending the use of that in his language in the meaning of “like, like what,” Pushkin writes: “The particle that, instead of the rough as, is used in songs and in our common vernacular, so pure and pleasant.

Already in the first lines of the poem, the swan is likened to poetic inspiration: “Remember more, speech, the first times of strife

This tale has been published many times since Pushkin wrote it. And all the artists who had the opportunity to illustrate it did so in the Russian, sweepingly colorful style, which, by the way, did not raise any objections from Alexander Sergeevich himself. He sometimes talked about himself: Oh yes Pushkin, oh yes son of a bitch! The names Saltan and Gvidon were compiled by him from words of the Russian language. But not the language that we are speaking now.

The swan has power over the elements, and this is power on a completely different level, divine

During the time of Pushkin, England was the leading manufacturer of textiles (linen) in the world. It is known what role they played in the fate of Guidon - the Russian language. Alexander Sergeevich strongly disliked the dominance of English and French speech in the life of Russian society. The same girl who ultimately gave birth to a hero to the Tsar is the Soul of the Russian People. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

In the Lay, the falcons did not torment the swans, and they do not sing their death song, “falling into the darkness.” It is more about a ritual game: the falcons caught up with the swans and then they sang a joyful song - “glory”

Then send 10 falcons into the flock of swans: the one who came before, the one who preceded the song of the belt to the old Yaroslav, the brave Mstislav, who stabbed Rededya before the Kasozh whips, the red Romanov Svyatoslavich. It would seem that the poet retold the same thing, but there is still a difference, and a very significant one. The singer Boyan did the same thing, who did not tear the strings with his fingers, but only lightly touched them, and they themselves “rumbled.” This means that a swan can sing not only glory, but also insult, that is, a sorrowful song. But such bird maidens are well known to us: Alkonost sang joyful birds, and Sirin - sad ones.

The very name of the fairy tale clearly indicates the author’s reverently loving attitude towards its main characters - Tsar Saltan, Prince Guidon and the Swan Princess. In The Word, three symbols were always nearby: Falcon, Arrow and Swan. On the applique, we completed the work “The Swan Princess in the Waves.” In German, swan is “swan”. The swan is a divine bird. Therefore, the falcons in the Lay do not beat swans, because these birds are symbols of female beauty.

From whom did Guidon save the Swan Princess, 7 letters?

    From a sorcerer.

    You are the prince, my savior,

    My mighty savior,

    Don't worry about me

    You won't eat for three days

    That the arrow was lost at sea;

    This grief is not grief.

    I will repay you with kindness

    I will serve you later:

    You didn’t deliver the swan,

    He left the girl alive;

    You didn't kill the kite,

    The sorcerer was shot.

    Guidon and the Swan Princess are characters from Pushkin's Tale of Tsar Saltan. The fair and brave Tsarevich Guidon saved a swan from death by killing a kite that was not hunting. Was in the guise of a kite Sorcerer.

    You didn't kill the kite, you shot the Sorcerer. So the correct answer to this question is the word Sorcerer. You can be convinced of the correctness of this answer if you carefully re-read this fairy tale by Alexander Sergeevich.

    In the fairy tale by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin called The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Prince Guidon was able to save the Swan Princess from an insidious sorcerer. Word SORCERER and will be the correct answer to this question, since it contains exactly seven letters.

    The tale of Tsar Saltan was written in poetic form by A.S. Pushkin.

    From the very name of the fairy tale you can guess who the main characters are.

    There is an episode in this fairy tale when Prince Guidon saves the beautiful Princess Swan from an insatiable kite - the evil Sorcerer.

    In The Tale of Tsar Saltan written by A.S. Pushkin.

    Tsarevich Guidon saves the princess when she was in the form of a swan and was being chased by a kite. And when Guidon shot him, the swan turned into a princess and told the prince that he had not killed the kite, but himself. SORCERER shot.

    In one famous fairy tale, The Tale of the Tsar Sultan, which was written by the world famous famous Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, there are the following characters: Guidon the Hero and the Swan Princess whom he saved by killing the evil SORCERER.

    The correct answer to the question - from whom did Guidon save the Princess - the Swan?

    This word - SORCERER.

    The hero of Pushkin's fairy tale about Tsar Saltan, the sorcerer turned into a kite, pursued the Swan Princess, and Guidon killed him and freed the princess, for which she promised to thank him with kindness.

    Correct answer - sorcerer. It was from the sorcerer that Prince Guidon saved the Swan Princess in the famous fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin, The Tale of Tsar Saltan. That is, he saved a swan from an evil kite, but in the end the kite turned out to be a sorcerer, that’s why it’s a fairy tale. The word sorcerer has 7 letters.

    In the famous fairy tale about Tsar Saltan, Guidon saves the Swan Princess from the sorcerer. The sorcerer in this fairy tale was called a black kite, who was very evil. This answer sorcerer is definitely correct and consists of 7 letters.

Quiz on “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by A.S. Pushkin (with answers) “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by A.S. Pushkin surprises with the melodiousness and beauty of the verse. It was first published in 1832. The plot of the tale is full of interesting events. Where did the sisters do needlework? (In the room.) 1. How many girls were sitting under the window late in the evening? (Three) 2. What were the girls doing under the window in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”? (They spun.) 3. What did the first maiden want to become for the king? (Cook.) 4. What did the second girl want to become for the king? (Weaver.) 5. What did the third maiden want to do for the king? (Give birth to a hero.) 6. 7. Why did the king take the third maiden as his wife? She promised to give birth to a hero. 8. 9. 10. How tall was the king’s son born? (One arshin.) 11. Who brought the bad news to the king? (Messenger.) 12. Where was the king going? (To war.) 13. What kind of island was on the way to Saltan’s kingdom? (Brawler.) 14. On what type of vessel did the young queen and her travel across the sea? Where did the king stand, listening to the girls’ conversation? (Behind the fence.) At what time of day did the king get married? (That same evening.) son? (Barrel) 15. Which bird attacked the swan on the seashore? (Kite) 16. What was the name of the young prince? (Prince Guidon) 17. What did the shipbuilders of Prince Guidon’s guests trade? (Sables, silver foxes.) Who did the white swan turn Prince Guidon into? (At a mosquito.) 18. 19. What did the squirrel do in the fairy tale? (Sang songs.) 20. What was the name of the guy with whom thirty-three heroes came out of the sea? (Chernomor.) 21. How many seeing eyes did the weaver, the cook, and her in-law Babarikha have left after they were bitten by Prince Guidon in the form of insects? (Four.) 22. What glitters under the scythe of the Swan Princess? (Month.) 23. What color was the distance in which Tsar Saltan’s fleet appeared? (Azure) 24. What did Tsar Saltan do with the weaver, the cook, and his matchmaker Babarikha when they confessed to what they had done? (Sent me home.) 25. What was the name of Tsar Saltan’s wife? (The name is not mentioned in the fairy tale.) 26. What unites Tsar Saltan and Prince Guidon? (Father and son.) 27. Why did the sisters try to harm the queen? (They were jealous of her.) 28. Why did the queen and her child end up in a barrel in the ocean? (Because of deception.) 29. How did they manage to escape? (The wave threw the barrel ashore.) 30. What unusual happened to the boy while swimming on the ocean? (It grew very quickly.) 31. What was the first miracle when you came ashore? (New city with a palace.) 32. Name the second miracle. (The squirrel sings songs.) 33. Who came out of the sea? (33 heroes.) 34. Who walked ahead of the heroes? (Uncle Chernomor. ) 35. What was the name of Saltan’s son? (Prince Guidon.) 36. What weapon did the prince make? (Luke.) 37. What bird did he save from the kite? (Swan.) 38. What was the first gift to the prince from the swan bird? (City.) 39. Why was Prince Guidon sad after the merchants sailed? (I wanted to see my father.) 40. What insects did the swan turn the prince into so that he could visit his father? (Into a mosquito, into a fly, into a bumblebee.) 41. What did Gvidon dream of moving from the forest to his city? (The miracle worker and the singing squirrel.) 42. What material did the prince build the squirrel’s house from? (Made of crystal.) 43. Who did the swan send to guard the city? (His brothers33 heroes and Chernomor.) 44. What did the princess look like when she turned from a swan? Very beautiful, the moon glitters under the scythe.) 45. Did Tsar Saltan visit the wonderful city of Prince Guidon? (Yes.) 46. Who was against the king’s trip? (Babarikha, cook and weaver.) 47. Who were they for the princess? (Sisters.) 48. What was Tsar Saltan most happy about when visiting the miracle city? (That his wife and son are alive.) 49. What happened to the queen’s sisters and Babarikha? (They were forgiven and sent home.) 50. How did the heroes celebrate their joyful meeting? (They had a feast.) 51. From whom did Prince Guidon save the Swan Princess? (From the sorcerer.) 52. Who is Baba Babarikh’s matchmaker to Tsar Guidon? (My own grandmother." And although the prince is angry, his old grandmother.") 53. What was the name of the island on the way to the kingdom of the glorious Saltan? (Buyan Island.) 54. Name the squirrel’s favorite song? ("Is it in the garden: ") 55. With what words did the swan princess greet Prince Guidon by the sea? (“Hello, my beautiful prince! Why are you as quiet as a stormy day? Are you sad about what?”) 56. Where did the bumblebee bite the in-law Baba Babarikha in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”? (On the nose.) 57. On what island did Guidon, the son of Tsar Saltan, build his palace? (On Buyan Island.) 58. King Dadon is a character from which fairy tale? (“Tales of Tsar Saltan”) 59. What miracles were overseas in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”? (The squirrel was gnawing golden nuts, 33 heroes, the Swan Princess.) 60. Who says this: “Hello, my handsome prince!” Why are you as quiet as a stormy day? Why are you sad?” (The Swan Princess.) 61. The barrel with the wife and son of Tsar Saltan floated………to the west. 62. Prince Guidon made himself a bow from……..oak. 63. What words does the fairy tale end with? (“I was there; I drank honey, drank beer and just wet my mustache.”)

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