They are inveterate scammers now. Inveterate swindlers (group). What age are your fans now?

37-year-old Sergei Amoralov, one of the lead singers of the group" Inveterate scammers", at the beginning of the 2000s he was considered the main sex symbol of domestic show business. Fans across the country went crazy for him, singing lines from the group's hit "Love Me, Love Me." However, now Sergei has disappeared from television screens, but, according to him, he continues to tour, writes songs and dreams of a big family.

“Nothing has changed for me since 1998, when it all began. Concerts, trips, recording songs, shooting videos. I’m not a fan of going to parties, it’s extremely difficult to get me there, and thank God that now is such a time, and you don’t need to do it on purpose. And before, you had to be there, if someone had a presentation, you had to go and “show off” for the camera, saying how great it is that I’m here in a celebrity party. And it always bothered me so much, it upset me so much. To be honest, we are such workers of an invisible workshop. We arrived, performed, lit up the people, and left. It’s much easier for me, and I very rarely agree to any kind of interview, because this is not really my topic,” Sergei told SUPER.


Sergei admitted that at concerts they are more often asked to perform old hits than new songs.

“We are slowly adding some songs, but 90-95%, of course, are hits. People come to relax, you don’t order a new song at karaoke that you don’t know. We want to sing something familiar, with good memories, with good emotions: “Girls are different,” “And by the river.” Our entire program is just hits,” he said.

“In general, it always bothered me when I was constantly guarded by 30-40 girls at the entrance, I had to run through the roof. My friend and I had two identical cars, he drove up and distracted them so that I could pass. This is not my story, I strive to be recognized. This is what glasses, caps, and hats are for. Everything that happened to us was just a pleasant coincidence. But I don’t have that to be bored and dependent on it. All star-dependent people - you see them on TV, these are people who cannot live without seeing their faces on TV. I’ll tell you about myself: if I’m shown somewhere on TV, I switch because I’m overwhelmed. We are self-sufficient, I feel very comfortable, and people also come to our performances,” he said.

As a child, Sergei wanted to become a pilot, but this quickly passed. Sergey is one of the lyricists and soloist.

Sergei's father works at a factory as a mechanic of the 5th category, his mother does not work.

At the age of seven, Sergei began training in the gymnastics section and even received the 1st adult category in gymnastics. Due to injury, Sergei had to stop playing sports. As a child, Sergei was interested in painting. According to people who had a chance to see his paintings, he painted quite well.

Music education does not have. When Sergei was in school, he wanted to become a historian, but his parents also wanted him to become a specialist in the field of electronics, like his father.

Then he entered the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, but then left. Sergei wanted to enter the Academy of Culture at the pop department (by the way, Garik also studied there), but then the desire disappeared.

Sergei did not forget to play sports and for this reason, if goes to TV football, or Formula 1, you simply can’t tear him away from the screen.

Sergei loves to drink Baltika Troika beer, but he simply cannot stand lemons and herring.

Sergey really likes to listen to the group "Prodigy", as well as rock music, in particular: "Cure", "Nirvana", "Garbage", "DDT", "Spleen", "Alice", "Kino", "Tequilajazz", “Zero”, “Beastie Boys”, “Portished” also respects rap, and in general listens absolutely different music. As a child, I really respected the Beatles.

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22 June 2016, 14:17

Sergei Amoralov was born on January 11, 1979. His father worked at a factory as a 5th grade mechanic, his mother was a housewife. Real name Sergei - Surovenko, nickname - Bully Philosopher.

As a child, he wanted to become a pilot, but this quickly passed. At the age of seven, he began training in the gymnastics section and even received the 1st adult category in gymnastics, but due to an injury, Sergei had to stop playing sports. Then he began to get involved in painting. According to people who had a chance to see his paintings, he painted quite well. He also did well at school, although he was not a “nerd” at all; once he even got into a fight with the labor teacher. He does not have a musical education, since at school he wanted to become a historian, and his parents wanted him to become a specialist in the field of electronics. As a result, he entered the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, from where he left without graduating. The desire to enter the Academy of Culture in the pop department also gradually passed away.


The official date of birth of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the group gave its first big concert in the city of Cherepovets at the "Dancing City" festival. The main ones met characters team much earlier. Sergei Amoralov and Garik Bogomazov have been friends since childhood and even lived in the same apartment staircase. The first money they earned was for chocolates by giving home concerts with their families.

True, the work of young artists was then too unpretentious: Garik with feeling, sense, and arrangement read obscene poems heard somewhere in the yard, and Seryozha shouted not quite decent songs in a bad voice. Around the same time, in the pioneer camp "Ogonyok" near Leningrad, there was an ensemble "Sinkopa", where two young musicians- Slavik Zinurov and Zhenya Orlov.

After finishing my shift with Zhenina light hand Slava went to music school, where he successfully completed the required number of years. Zhenya, meanwhile, delved into production matters, creating his first group “Neon Boy”. After serving in the army, Slava worked as a dancer there for five years, and after the breakup of the group, with the help of Zhenya, he became one of the first DJs in St. Petersburg. At the same time, Evgeny Petrovich began to think about creating a new project... The connecting link between all the musicians was Klava MC, well-known in the St. Petersburg crowd, who was dancing at that time in one of the largest night clubs in the northern capital.

She introduced Seryozha and Garik to Tom Chaos, the young hooligans showed Tom their text compositions, he quickly concocted a couple of simple tunes, and with all this creativity the trio headed to Evgeniy Petrovich. Using all his talent as a producer, Orlov plunged headlong into mental work, while Seryoga, Garik and Tom began writing their debut album, which was released in early 1997. Today it firmly occupies its niche in Russian stage for more than 11 years.

"Dirty Rotten" has 17 video clips and 6 albums. The group toured half the world. In 2005, Sergey Amoralov and the famous St. Petersburg DJ Repa (aka Andrey Repnikov, author of many “inveterate” songs) created a new music project"Bootlegs". In parallel with their “inveterate” activities, Amoralov and Turnip are promoting their own dance compositions, created with the help of old ones, to everyone famous songs and melodies.


Zodiac sign - Capricorn.

By eastern horoscope- Goat.

Height is approximately 1 meter 75 cm.

Hair color: brunette, now bleached.

Eye color - blue.

Dream: jump with a parachute.

Sergei has not forgotten about playing sports, and that’s why if there is football or Formula 1 on TV, you simply can’t tear him away from the screen. Sergei loves to drink Baltika Troika beer, but he simply cannot stand lemons and herring. Sergey really likes to listen to the group "Prodigy", as well as rock music, in particular: "Cure", "Nirvana", "Garbage", "DDT", "Spleen", "Alice", "Kino", "Tequilajazz", “Zero”, “Beastie Boys”, “Portished” also respects RAP, and generally listens to completely different music. As a child, I really respected the Beatles. Sergey loves tall people fashionable girls, two heads taller than himself. He believes that without psychological compatibility no long relationship cannot be: The longest love story lasted 3 months, although, as Sergei assures, he doesn’t even know what love is. Despite this, he is already talking about what he wants his future children to be like (although he does not intend to have them in the next 10 years). “If a guy is born, let him be the same as me,” says Sergei. (old information)

Now Sergei is married. His chosen one is Masha, with whom he has been together for more than 4 years. The couple met at a club, where Sergei came to relax with friends, and Masha was celebrating her birthday best friend. The acquaintance was marked by a walk through the central park and a trolleybus ride through Moscow at night.

The lovers chose their wedding day “08.08.08” together six months ago. For Masha, this step was especially exciting, because she had never been to a wedding, and did not even know that the groom should not see Wedding Dress bride - Sergei himself warned her about this. Following traditions, for solemn ceremony he specially ordered a formal suit. True, immediately after the registry office he changed classic shoes on sneakers.

Masha chose an ivory dress and an original absolutely round bouquet for the ceremony. Known for his hooligan antics, Amoralov even ordered Symphony Orchestra, reported by Paparazzi. The ceremony took place in the Moscow registry office No. 4, where the bride and groom arrived in a luxurious white limousine. The “fraudster,” unusually dressed in a black suit, tried as best he could to cheer up the visibly nervous bride. But as soon as the guests entered the building, Sergei himself began to get seriously nervous. At the moment when registration was supposed to begin, the bride and groom... remembered that they had forgotten the most important thing - their passport and wedding rings that remained in the car. Sign? It’s unlikely - he’s “inveterate.” In addition, Masha almost tore her veil.

The girl got caught on the rough wrapper of the bouquet. The apotheosis was the shouts of Amoralov’s bandmate Tom House. The fact is that Tom was supposed to get married on the same day with Sergei - but his relationship broke down and the wedding did not take place. Upset Tom decided to ruin his friend’s holiday and shouted: “Sergey, don’t get married, don’t make a mistake!” But it was too late to rush around. After the registry office, the newlyweds went to the “Bear” restaurant, which resembles a hunting lodge and is located in the forest. True, this place ceased to be quiet and calm immediately after the arrival of the “immoral” guests. Congratulations immediately began - from Dirty Rotten colleagues Garik and Tom, the producer of the "swindlers" Evgeniy Orlov, Dominic Joker and other guests.



WITH 2005

Sergei Aleksandrovich Surovenko was born on September 11 1979 of the year. His father worked as a mechanic at a factory, and his mother was a housewife. As a child, Sergei dreamed of becoming a pilot, but this desire quickly passed away.

From the age of seven he was seriously involved in sports and received his first adult rank. But after a serious injury I had to forget about sports. Sergei has a new hobby - painting. People who saw his work believed. That Sergei has a talent for painting.

Sergei Amoralov never studied music, and his parents dreamed of seeing their son become an electronics engineer. After graduating from school, he went to study at the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, but soon dropped out with the intention of studying at the Academy of Culture at the pop department. But this desire quickly passed away.

The group "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" was formed on December 8 1996 of the year. On this day the group's first concert took place in the city of Cherepovets. Amoralov and Garik Bogomazov were friends since childhood and lived next door. Somewhere at the same time, near Leningrad, in the pioneer camp "Ogonyok", there was an ensemble "Sinkopa", which included two young musicians Evgeny Orlov and Slava Zinurov.

WITH 2005 year, Sergey Amoralov, together with St. Petersburg DJ Repa (or Andrey Repnikov), is working on the “Bootlegs” project. Andrey Repnikov is the author of many songs performed by the group "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels". They create musical compositions using famous old melodies and songs. In parallel with the new project, Amoralov continues to work in the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” group.

Sergei Amoralov's musical preferences include music completely different directions– these are the groups “Prodigy”, “Nirvana”, “Cure”, “DDT”, “Garbage”, “Spleen”, “Kino”, “Alice”, “Tequilajazz”, “Beastie Boys”, “Zero”, “Portished” ".

Sergei did not like long-term relationships with girls. His longest romance lasted three months. But life forced him to change his views. 8 August 2008 year, Sergei married his girlfriend Masha Edelweiss, whom he had known for about four years.

Currently, Sergei is actively touring, is the author of many songs for "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", and participates in various television shows.