Tefi laureates. The Tefi Award ceremony ended in the capital. Category "Evening Prime"

The annual ceremony of presenting the main Russian television award “TEFI” was held in Moscow at the Rossiya Theater. Initially it was supposed to take place in early summer. But for technical reasons, it was decided to postpone it to mid-autumn. Many awards were quite expected, but some came as a surprise to many.
Unfortunately, the autumn cold (in Moscow it was only five degrees Celsius) did not give the TV personalities the opportunity to show off their luxurious outfits on the red carpet laid out at the entrance to the theater. True, some people still risked taking off their outerwear just before entering the path and posing for photographers in all their glory.
The organizers of the ceremony, as well as champagne and light snacks, awaited all guests in the theater lobby.

Daytime broadcast

The TEFI Award ceremony is traditionally divided into two parts. In the first, the award is given to TV presenters and programs that air in the morning and afternoon. The first award went to the Good Morning crew of Channel One. Its presenters became the best in the “Morning Program” nomination.

Only people who love their work can get up at three in the morning to be in the studio by five o’clock and say: “ Good morning, friends!” said the presenter of the program, Ekaterina Strizhenova, thanking for the award.

By the way, she had to go on stage twice. The best “Daytime talk show” was recognized as the First Channel’s program “Time will tell”, which Katya hosts together with Anton Sheinin and Anatoly Kuzichev.

One of the first to congratulate Strizhenova on her awards was her husband Alexander, who came that day to support his life partner.
“Military Secret” by Igor Prokopenko (REN-TV channel) was named the best in the “Educational Program” nomination. Literally on the eve of the award ceremony, another program by the same author, “The Most Shocking Hypotheses,” was aired. The theme of the show, that our Earth is flat, excited the entire public and caused negative reviews. But, nevertheless, the rating was ensured high.
During the presentation of the Golden Orpheus in the category “Program for Children and Youth” (here the best was the TVC program “ABVGDeyka”) Tatyana Vedeneeva unexpectedly recalled one of the episodes in her life:

Tatyana Vedeneeva (Aunt Tanya) still remains one of the most popular presenters

I led one of social events, and then a bearded man, two meters tall, suddenly stood up in the hall and shouted: “Aunt Tanya! I have loved you since childhood! I then thought: “Wow, the guys have already grown so much!”

Let us recall that in Soviet time Tatyana Vedeneeva led two of the most popular programs: « Good night, kids! and “Visiting a fairy tale.”

Main intrigue

A few hours after the daytime broadcast awards were presented, the second part of the ceremony took place - the most interesting and exciting. And the main intrigue was: who will receive the award for the program “Let Them Talk”? The project was presented in the category " Fun show prime time." Let us recall that the main television sensation of the summer was the departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One to the rival “Russia”, where he began to host “Live” instead of Boris Korchevnikov. Main question evening was who would go to receive the award if, after all, “Let them talk” becomes best show. And when it was announced that it had become one, the whole hall froze!
The General Director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, personally took the stage to receive the statuette.

“Let Them Talk” has been on the air for 16 years, and a lot of people make it,” Konstantin Lvovich said from the stage, accepting the award from Yuri Nikolaev. – But I want this prize to be given to Andrei Malakhov - in memory of Channel One

Dmitry Borisov and Maxim Galkin with awards

A little later, Dmitry Borisov, the new host of the “Let Them Talk” program, admitted that the channel did not discuss in advance who should come forward to receive the award.

Of course, we didn’t rehearse or plan anything like that,” Dmitry told us. – We weren’t sure that “Let Them Talk” would receive a statuette...

Borisov himself that evening also received an award as “Host of an information program” - although Dmitry has not been one since August.

You know, when I received the award, something clicked inside me,” Borisov shared with us. – There are no former news presenters! So I think there's more to come!

It must be said that Andrei Malakhov himself appeared at the TEFI award that evening. Together with Boris Korchevnikov, he led the final part of the ceremony. But Andrei was only fulfilling his duties as a presenter, and did not say a word about such an unexpected “gift” from his former boss. But, obviously, assuming that the journalists would try to get some comments from him on this sensitive issue, Malakhov immediately after the end of the ceremony hurried to leave through the service exit.

For the children

In nomination " Entertainment"became the best" Blue bird" ("Russia"). The presenter of the project, Daria Zlatopolskaya, stood up together with the participants of this project to receive the award. The TV personality became emotional and even shed a little tears.

Children are so sincere! — the TV presenter shared with us. “We sat next to them, waiting for the results to be announced. They crossed their fingers and repeated like a spell: “Blue bird! Blue bird!" It was so touching and immediate! Sometimes we need to remember that children make us better. And don’t forget that we ourselves were like that. And I wish Maxim Galkin, who also works with children in the “Best of All!” program, to win in the next nomination. I also want to say thank you to my husband Anton Zlatopolsky for making me so happy!

As Daria predicted, Maxim Galkin won in the “Entertainment Program Host” category.

If I had known that victory would go to me, I would have brought the children with me,” Maxim joked. – Thanks to my children. After all, it was with them, even before the transfer, that I completed the “young fighter course”!

Other awards

The best “Television serial comedy” was the series “Olga” (TNT) with Yana Troyanova in leading role. Everyone came on stage to receive the award. film crew. After the presentation, Yana admitted to us:

Producer of the series “Olga” Artem Loginov and leading actress Yana Troyanova

To be honest, I was waiting for this award and was sure that we would get it. We make the series with love. I know that many people like him. I'm in in social networks A huge number of fans write - they ask what will happen next to my heroine. But how can I tell about this? It won't be interesting to watch. And I’ll tell you a secret: there will be a third season! They're writing the script now

The series “Molodezhka” was also noted STS TV channel— in the category “Television film/series”. “Best actor in a television film/series” went to Mikhail Efremov for his role in “Drunk Firm” (TNT), and the actress went to Chulpan Khamatova, who played in “Mysterious Passion” (Channel One). True, both actors were unable to attend the ceremony, and the producers took the rap for them. The TEFI ceremony ended with the traditional appearance of all the winners on stage with awards.

Former Russian Minister of Culture Mikhail Shvydkoy, General Director of Channel One Konstantin Ernst and producer Denis Evstigneev

MOSCOW, October 3 - RIA Novosti. The winners of the TEFI television award in the "Daytime Broadcast" category, among others, were "Good Morning" on Channel One, the children's "ABVGDeyka" on TV Center, the show "Boys" on "Friday", as well as presenter Yulia Vysotskaya (NTV), reports RIA Novosti correspondent from the award ceremony.

Ceremony The award ceremony took place on Tuesday at the Rossiya cinema.

TEFI is an industrial television award awarded for the highest achievements in the field of television arts. The award was established by the Academy Foundation Russian television"December 21, 1994 and different years included a varying number of nominations. Since 2014, the organizer of the award is the Industrial Television Awards Committee. The winners are traditionally awarded a bronze statuette "Orpheus" by Ernst Neizvestny.

“I would like to remind you that participation is more important than any award, and the very opportunity to enter the top three is already recognition of colleagues... All nominees are already winners,” said Mikhail Shvydkoy, Chairman of the Founding Council of the Industrial Television Awards Committee, opening the ceremony.

He called on everyone to feel lucky and emphasized that if the Internet ever suddenly wants to take revenge on television, everyone present will still work there, because they are the ones who make up the “amazing content.”

The ceremony was conducted and bronze figurines were presented by Elena Malysheva, Evgeny Dodolev, Tatyana Vedeneeva, Sati Spivakova, Oscar Kuchera, Dmitry Dibrov, Svetlana Khorkina, Viktor Gusev, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Arkady Mamontov, Olga Skabeeva, Anastasia Chernobrovina.


The winner of the award in the Morning Program category was Good Morning on Channel One, and the best presenter morning program Yulia Vysotskaya ("Eating at Home", NTV) was recognized.

In the "Daytime Talk Show" nomination, "Time will show" (Channel One) won, and the best "Documentary project" was the project "Naina Yeltsina. A Love Story" ("Russia 1").

The best reality show on domestic TV was “Boys” on the “Friday” channel. In nomination " Television project about sports" won "Alexander Karelin. A duel with yourself" (Match TV).

Sergei Gimaev ("Youth World Hockey Championship. Russia-USA", "Match TV") was recognized as the best sports program presenter/sports commentator. The award was presented posthumously. For his father, his son received the statuette. All those present paid tribute to the memory of Gimaev, who passed away in March 2017 at the age of 62.

In the “Investigative Journalism” category, the “Blind Mules” project (REN TV) won. The winner of the award in the category "Entertainment program "Lifestyle" was "Rules of Life" on "Russia K". The best educational program was recognized " A military secret"on REN TV.

In the “TV Game” nomination, “Own Game” on NTV won, and in the “Program for Children and Youth” nomination, “ABVGDeyka” (TV Center) won.

Serial film "Hotel" last hope" (TV Center) received a bronze "Orpheus" as the best "daytime television series". The best in the nomination "on-air/non-air television promotion" was the project "REN TV and Vasily Lozhkin present."

On Tuesday evening, TEFI awards will also be presented in the “Evening Prime” category.

Konstantin Ernst and Dmitry Chernyshenko, Alexey Zemsky and Timur Weinstein, Vyacheslav Murugov and Arthur Dzhanibekyan, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov and Andrey Dobrov, Yulia Menshova and Anatoly Malkin, Eduard Sagalaev and Lera Kudryavtseva, Maxim Galkin and Ernest Matzk came to while away the “Evening Prime” at TEFI 2017 Javičius , Aurora and Alexander Akopov, Dmitry Borisov and Valery Fadeev, Kirill Kleimenov and Yuri Nikolaev, Yuri Aksyuta and Dmitry Kiselev.

Mirrors and chandeliers in the renovated Rossiya Theater created a majestic atmosphere for the ball. Of course, after the ceremony you can find out who rules the roost on domestic TV.

“Information program” is traditionally the first evening nomination. Choose between "Today", "News" and "Time". "Orpheus" is presented by Mikhail Gusman. TV academics voted for "Time". Kirill Kleymenov makes his way onto the stage through a series of handshakes and pats. He is without a tie. “Straight from the control room,” jokes Mikhail Gusman, as he hands out prizes in the information block.

“The presenter of the information program”... The camera habitually focused on the face of Dmitry Borisov. By the way, he was nominated for hosting the Evening News program. With him in the top three contenders for “Orpheus” are Elena Spiridonova (the “Today” program) and Andrei Kondrashov (“Vesti”). The cameraman and director of the ceremony made right choice- Dmitry Borisov received another TEFI.

I miss you very much.... It turns out to be a whirlpool of events. We finished filming at two o'clock, I left the house at eight, looked at last year's "Orpheus" and thought that there are no former news workers. The news is my big family,” Borisov said.

“News of the Week” (VGTRK) won in the “Information and Analytical Final Program” category.

“We make television with meaning and are grateful to those who appreciate and feel it,” said Dmitry Kiselev. He emphasized that their information school, of course, came out of the “Time” program. Today, their program throughout Russia is carried out by 20 thousand people - Kiselev cites this figure and also says: “We are one family.”

"Leading information and analytical final program." The presenters of this block - Ernest Matskevichyus and Maria Sittel - remember Valentin Zorin, Alexander Bovin and others from whom today's presenters took the baton.

Irada Zeynalova, Valery Fadeev, Sergey Brilev, Andrey Dobrov - these four are in the nomination. “Dobrov on Air” wins.

Increased attention is always focused on the “Interviewer” nomination. But this year the choice of nominees for the “three” is strange: Yulia Menshova is nominated for the program “Alone in Everyone,” which stopped airing, although Yulia’s work in it was impeccable. Next to it is the program “At Work Noon”. And "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov." Soloviev - with "Orpheus".

“Do we really not know who in our profession is really worth what? We know - we make the best television in the world. Everyone is on their own channel, everyone is in their own program... And when we come to any country in the world and watch TV on different languages, we are surprised how much better we are,” said the presenter.

Nomination: “For the best monologue at the ceremony,” jokes Guzman.

In the “Socio-Political Talk Show” category, “60 Minutes” became the best. “First Studio” and “Red Project” were not named laureates.

“This program is the quintessence of the Rossiya1 channel,” says producer Alexander Mitroshenkov. “It would not have been possible without the participation of Oleg Dobrodeev and Anton Zlatopolsky. It was achieved through suffering.”

The best hosts of a socio-political prime time show were Olga Skabeeva and Evgeniy Popov. And also Roman Babayan from “Voice Rights”. Artem Sheinin from First Studio was left without Orpheus.

Another nomination that always stands out from the rest is “Reporter/Cinematographer”. Alexander Rogatkin and Dmitry Rogalev receive a statuette for the project “Storm of Mosul” (channel “Russia1”).

“On December 25, 2016, our colleagues died in a plane crash,” recalls Maria Sittel. A minute of silence...

In the category "Entertaining Prime Time Talk Show" receives the "Let Them Talk" award. But Andrei Malakhov is not at the ceremony at this time. Intrigue - who will take the stage? Konstantin Ernst! It is he who congratulates the “Vzglyad” program on its 30th anniversary. And then he says:

“There are a lot of people making programs that have been out for 16 years. However, this prize, I think, should remain in memory of Channel One for Andrei Malakhov.”

The winner in the “Entertainment Program” category is “Blue Bird”. Many predicted “Orpheus” to be the show “You’re super!”, and “The Best of All!”, as they say, is beyond competition. However, even though there is no exclamation mark in the name “Blue Bird”, luck smiled on her. On stage are children and the charming Daria Zlatopolskaya. “I sat with them, they don’t know any of this. Channel One... Russia... all these second meanings... They were just waiting to see whether they would win or not,” says Daria Zlatopolskaya.

Children dream of hugging Yakubovich and meeting Maxim Galkin. Hugs with the host of "Fields of Miracles" take place right on stage.

“The host of an entertainment program” - these are the people whom television viewers know best. Maxim Galkin deservedly receives another TEFI. Vadim Takmenev, Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov from " Comedy Club“until they make room on the shelves for figurines.

“Just the inscription “Galkin.” "The best!" acted subconsciously,” the presenter joked when receiving the award.

"Orphea" in the category "Best humorous program/ show" received the "Comedy Club". Producer Arthur Janibekyan put on a bow tie on this occasion and said the following:

“For 12 years we were among the laureates without winning prizes. The television community did not pay attention to us. After 12 years, you paid attention to us. Something is wrong with us! We will change it!”

In the block dedicated to movies on TV, “Television serial comedy/sitcom” is the first nomination. The series "Olga" won. Yana Troyanova, who had not previously been seen on the red carpet, suddenly appeared in the hall.

“Molodezhka” beat “Mysterious Passion” and even “Optimists” in the “TV film/series” category. And “Major 2” defeated “Drunk Firm” and “Anna Karenina.” Nomination - "Director of a television film, series."

The series "Drunk Firm" achieved recognition in the person of Mikhail Efremov. He received a TEFI as the best actor in a TV film/series.

Chulpan Khamatova received a TEFI from the hands of Vasily Lanovoy for the role of Bella Akhmadulina in “Mysterious Passion”. Marina Alexandrova and Anna Banshchikova remained among the nominees. The award is like a gift for Chulpan Khamatova’s recent birthday.

The most influential nomination is television producer of the season. Nominees were Ilya Krivitsky for the show “Best of All!”, Alexander Akopov - “Ekaterina. Take Off”, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov - “Dancing”. Ilya Krivitsky became the best.

After this Andrei Malakhov appeared. On stage in the already familiar “duet” with Boris Korchevnikov. They held the final block of the “Event of the TV Season” ceremony.

And in this nomination, where “KVN 55 years. Anniversary issue”, the series “Sofia”, the Finale in the Kremlin “You are super!”, “ New Year V live on Red Square" won the Channel Five project dedicated to graduates, "Scarlet Sails".

But then more special prizes were awarded. There are three of them.

One went to 60 Minutes.

Another - to the television series "Sofia" with the wording "for the best embodiment national history". And - the show “You are super!” Finale in the Kremlin.

The TEFI award is presented in Moscow. There is absolutely nothing left before the announcement of the winners in the Evening Prime nominations. At these moments, the nominees and guests of the ceremony arrive on the red carpet.

For the participants, the TEFI ceremony begins not on the red carpet, but on Pushkin Square, where TV viewers have gathered to warmly greet their idols! But here it is not only, as they say, faces from the TV, here are also those who are behind the scenes responsible for the magic of the screen. From presenters, correspondents, actors to producers, directors and, of course, heads of TV channels. Those who prepared the most delicious dishes TV season.

The current ceremony is given special poignancy by the events that took place in the off-season - in the summer. When loud and even scandalous transitions of presenters happened. Without exaggeration, the whole country followed them.

Andrei Malakhov left Channel One, he long years broadcast on First. Since 2005 - the “Let Them Talk” program. In the fall, Andrei appeared on VGTRK. At the same time, “Let Them Talk” was nominated for TEFI as an entertaining talk show on “Evening Prime”.

And, of course, the question arose, who will go up on stage if the Channel One show wins? But since the award takes into account merit in the previous season, the bronze Orpheus for “Let Them Talk” can deservedly go to Malakhov. This is truly the intrigue of the evening.

Channel One will root for Dmitry Borisov; he moved to the “Let Them Talk” studio from the chair of the “Evening News” presenter. That is why he was nominated as the host of an information program.

Channel One journalist Konstantin Panyushkin will also compete for TEFI among reporters. He will not be on the red carpet - he is currently on a business trip, covering the recent referendum on the separation of Catalonia from Spain. TEFI exhibited his report on the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro.

Also in “Evening Prime” information program"Time", final broadcast " Sunday time"and its presenter Valery Fadeev.

We wish good luck to Yulia Menshova, colleagues from the First Studio and “Evening Urgant”. By the way, another surprise at TEFI. For the first time in the last few years, TV award record holder Ivan Urgant is not represented in the entertainment program presenter category. He already has 10 bronze Orpheus, and on the sidelines they joke that it’s time to give way to his colleagues. In this nomination, Channel One will present Maxim Galkin with his children’s talent show “Best of All.” It is also exhibited as an “Entertainment Program”.

And, of course, the series “Mysterious Passion” is one of the brightest events of the TV season on First, a film adaptation last novel writer Vasily Aksenov.

Well, some of the nominees no longer need to worry. Three hours ago the awards ceremony in the “Daytime Broadcast” category ended. And Channel One congratulates all colleagues from different TV channels who received a bronze Orpheus.

“We are used to it in any weather, at any time of the day or night, we go out without a hat, without mittens, waking people up,” says Sergei Babaev, host of the Good Morning program.

“And this is our strength. We are all-weather, all-season presenters,” adds Olga Ushakova, host of the Good Morning program.

Many contenders for the bronze Orpheus came, as they say, from the fields - from filming, from studios. Sergey Babaev and Olga Ushakova at the ceremony literally from the live broadcast of “Good Morning”. Tatyana Vedeneeva once worked in this program. Therefore, it was especially pleasant to announce the winner in the Morning Program category. Also in the year of the 30th anniversary of “Good Morning”.

“People who really love their work, love themselves on TV and really love the TV viewer, can get up at three in the morning to be in Ostankino at four, put on makeup and at five in the morning say: “Good morning, friends!” - said Channel One presenter Ekaterina Strizhenova.

Ekaterina Strizhenova left the stage for a short time. The best daytime talk show is “Time will tell” on Channel One. The broadcast coincided with the ceremony, so the male co-hosts remained in the studio, and delegated a colleague to TEFI.

14 nominations for “Daytime Broadcast”. The best presenter of the morning program is Yulia Vysotskaya, “Eating at Home”, NTV. Nomination “Lifestyle” - program of the TV channel “Culture” “Rules of Life”. Everything new is well forgotten old, this is about the nomination “Program for Children and Youth”. Here the victory went to the famous “ABVGDeyka”, it is now airing on TVC.

The best educational program is “Military secret of the REN TV channel.” He also received Orpheus for “Best Broadcast Promotion” of RenTV and Vasily Lozhkin. And in the “TV Game” nomination TEFI from NTV – “Own Game”.

“Thanks to everyone who is watching this, thanks to those who play, because you understand, without them nothing would have happened,” thanked the host of the “Own Game” program Pyotr Kuleshov.

VGTRK has the best documentary project “Naina Yeltsin - a love story.” The jury also appreciated the TV channel “Friday” for the reality show “Boys”. The jury recognized Sergei Gimaev as the best commentator. The famous Soviet hockey player and coach passed away in March. His son received the Bronze Orpheus.

There are 33 nominations in total. In the most different genres: from information analytics to broadcast promotion. Sitcoms, documentaries, series. And TEFI is like a finger on the pulse of the entire current Russian television industry.

“TEFI certainly provides an opportunity to sum up the results of the season and TEFI is an attempt to unite us all, and I hope that this attempt will be successful,” said the first deputy general director, general producer Channel One Alexander Fayfman.

So, “Evening Prime”. 19 nominations. Channel One is represented in almost all nominations!

October 3, 2017 at concert hall"Russia" hosted the awards ceremony for the industrial television award "TEFI-2017", which is awarded for the highest achievements in the field of television arts. The series "Molodezhka" of the STS TV channel, "Optimists" of the TV channel "Russia 1" and "Mysterious Passion" of the First Channel were nominated for the title of Best Television Film/Series. As a result, the coveted award went to Molodezhka.

The ceremony is divided into 2 parts: “Orpheus” was awarded in the “Daytime Broadcast” and “Evening Prime” categories.

Full list TEFI-2017 laureates:

Nomination: Morning program

"Good morning"

Also nominated:

"Friday Morning"
Manufacturer: “Studio FRIDAY”. Broadcast channel: Friday
"RUssia morning"

Nomination: Morning program presenter

Julia Vysotskaya “Eating at Home”
Manufacturer: Studio Eat at Home. Broadcasting channel: NTV

Also nominated:

Elena Lander, Andrey Petrov “Morning of Russia”
Manufacturer: TPO "Russia 1". Broadcast channel: Russia 1
Olga Ushakova, Sergey Babaev “Good morning”
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Nomination: Daytime Talk Show

"Time will show"
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Also nominated:

"Meeting point"
Producer: Central Television Studio. Broadcasting channel: NTV
« Natural selection»
Manufacturer: "NEW COMPANY AVANTGARDE PLUS". Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Nomination: Entertainment program “Lifestyle”

"Rules of life"
Producer: M-Production Media. Broadcasting channel: Russia K

Also nominated:

"One day"
Manufacturer: STORY PROJECT. Broadcasting channel: NTV
"Scampish notes"
Manufacturer: Tourist agency"Travel Tips." Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Nomination: Educational program

"A military secret"
Manufacturer: "Military Secret". Broadcasting channel: REN TV

Also nominated:

“Miracle of Technology” with Sergei Malozyomov
Manufacturer: STV (Stereovision). Broadcasting channel: NTV
"Grand opera"

Nomination: TV game

"My own game"
Manufacturer: "Studio 2B". Broadcasting channel: NTV

Also nominated:

"One Hundred to One"
Manufacturer: "Studio 2B". Broadcast channel: Russia 1
"What? Where? When?"
Producer: TV company "Igra-TV". Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Nomination: Documentary project

“Naina Yeltsina. Love story"
Manufacturer: Studio Workshop. Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Also nominated:

"Sasha Sokolov. The last Russian writer"
Manufacturer: " Central television" Broadcasting channel: Channel One
"The Holy Sepulcher - opening main secret humanity"

Category: Investigative Journalism

"Blind Mules"
Manufacturer: "ACCEPT". Broadcasting channel: REN TV

Also nominated:

"Emergency. Investigation" "Mummers"
“Wild money. Dmitry Zakharchenko"
Manufacturer: IP Pankratova N.V. Broadcasting channel: TV Center

Nomination: Reality TV

Manufacturer: A PLUS COMEDY IP (CYPRUS) LIMITED. Broadcast channel: Friday

Also nominated:

"Secret Millionaire"
Manufacturer: UIP. Broadcast channel: Friday
"Orchestra of the Future"
Producer: State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Culture". Broadcasting channel: Russia K

Nomination: Television project about sports

"Alexander Karelin. A duel with yourself"
Manufacturer: KB-Production. Broadcasting channel: Match TV

Also nominated:

“Anniversary evening of Tatyana Tarasova”
Producer: Az Art TV. Broadcasting channel: Channel One
“Everyone for football!”

Nomination: Sports program presenter/sports commentator

Sergey Gimaev “Youth World Hockey Championship. Russia-USA"
Manufacturer: Match TV. Broadcasting channel: Match TV

Also nominated:

Vladimir Stognienko “Russian Football”
Manufacturer: VGTRK, ESMI RIK "Russia 24". Broadcasting channel: Russia 24
Dmitry Guberniev “World Biathlon Championships. Relay race. Men"
Manufacturer: Match TV. Broadcasting channel: Match TV

Nominated: Daytime television series

"Hotel of Last Resort"
Producer: Swell Film. Broadcasting channel: TV Center

Also nominated:

"Father Matvey"
Producer: Film company "Russkoe". Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Nomination: Program for children and youth

Manufacturer: "ABVGDeyka". Broadcasting channel: TV Center

Also nominated:

"Nation's Gold"
Producer: White Media. Broadcast channel: Russia 1
"Voice. Children"
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Nomination: On-air/non-on-air television program promotion

"REN TV and Vasily Lozhkin present"
Manufacturer: "ACCEPT". Broadcasting channel: REN TV

Also nominated:

“Squirrels. New Year"
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One
Promotional video "Blue Bird"
Producer: TV channel "Russia 1". Broadcast channel: Russia 1


Nomination: Information program

Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Also nominated:

Manufacturer: NTV Television Company. Broadcasting channel: NTV

Nomination: News program presenter

Dmitry Borisov “Evening News”
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Also nominated:

Elena Spiridonova “Today”
Manufacturer: NTV Television Company. Broadcasting channel: NTV
Andrey Kondrashov “Vesti”
Manufacturer: VGTRK. Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Nomination: Reporter/cameraman

Alexander Rogatkin, Dmitry Rogalev “Storm of Mosul”
Manufacturer: VGTRK. Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Also nominated:

Valeria Alekhina “Ukraine: linguistic genocide”
Manufacturer: NTV Television Company. Broadcasting channel: NTV
Konstantin Panyushkin “The tragedy underground has become a common misfortune for St. Petersburg residents”
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Nomination: Information and analytical final program

"News of the week"
Manufacturer: VGTRK. Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Also nominated:

"Sunday Time"
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One
"Dobrov on air"
Manufacturer: "ACCEPT". Broadcasting channel: REN TV

Nomination: Presenter of the information and analytical final program

Andrey Dobrov “Dobrov on air”
Manufacturer: "ACCEPT". Broadcasting channel: REN TV

Also nominated:

Irada Zeynalova “Results of the week with Irada Zeynalova”
Manufacturer: NTV Television Company. Broadcasting channel: NTV
Valery Fadeev “Sunday Time”
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One
Sergei Brilev “News on Saturday with Sergei Brilev”
Manufacturer: VGTRK. Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Nomination: Interviewer

Vladimir Solovyov “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov”
Manufacturer: M-Production Group. Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Also nominated:

Nailya Asker-Zadeh “On a working afternoon”
Manufacturer: "TV port". Broadcasting channel: Russia 24
Yulia Menshova “Alone with everyone”
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Nomination: Prime Time Entertainment Talk Show

"Let them talk"
Producer: Directorate of Special Projects of Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Also nominated:

"Million Dollar Secret"
Producer: "Talk Show". Broadcasting channel: NTV
“Frankly” with Oksana Bayrak
Manufacturer: M-Production. Broadcasting channel: TV Center

Nomination: Socio-political prime time talk show

"60 Minutes"
Manufacturer: VGTRK. Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Also nominated:

"First Studio"
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One
"Red Project"
Producer: M-Production Media. Broadcasting channel: TV Center

Nomination: Host of a prime time socio-political talk show

Olga Skabeeva, Evgeny Popov “60 minutes”
Manufacturer: VGTRK. Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Also nominated:

Artem Sheinin “First Studio”
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Category: Entertainment program

"Blue bird"
Manufacturer: M-production. Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Also nominated:

"You are super!"
Producer: White Media. Broadcasting channel: NTV
"The best!"
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Nomination: Entertainment program host

Maxim Galkin “The best!”
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Also nominated:

Vadim Takmenev “You are super!”
Producer: White Media. Broadcasting channel: NTV
Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov “Comedy Club”
Producer: Comedy Club Production. Broadcasting channel: TNT

Nomination: Humorous program/show

"Comedy Club"
Producer: Comedy Club Production. Broadcasting channel: TNT

Also nominated:

Manufacturer: VGTRK. Broadcast channel: Russia 1
« Evening Urgant»
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Nomination: Television serial comedy/Sitcom


Also nominated:

"Hotel Eleon"
Manufacturer: VBD Group. Broadcasting channel: STS
Producer: Good Story Media. Broadcasting channel: TNT

Nomination: Television film/series


Also nominated:

Producer: “Production Company of Valery Todorovsky.” Broadcast channel: Russia 1
"Mysterious Passion"

Nomination: Director of a television film/series

Nikolay Bulygin, Maxim Polinsky “Major 2”
Manufacturer: PC "Sreda". Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Also nominated:

Gregory of Constantinople "Drunken Firm"
Karen Shakhnazarov "Anna Karenina"
Manufacturer: Cinema Concern "MOSFILM". Broadcast channel: Russia 1

Nomination: Best Actor TV movie/series

Mikhail Efremov “Drunk Firm”
Manufacturer: "World Russian Studios". Broadcasting channel: TNT

Also nominated:

Denis Nikiforov “Molodezhka”
Producer: Art Pictures Vision. Broadcasting channel: STS
Evgeny Tsyganov “Sofia”

Nomination: Best TV Movie/Series Actress

Chulpan Khamatova “Mysterious Passion”
Manufacturer: "Red Square", Studio "Russian Project". Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Also nominated:

Marina Alexandrova “Ekaterina. Takeoff"
Anna Banshchikova “Wings”
Producer: Mars Media Entertainment. Broadcasting channel: TV Center

Nomination: Television Producer of the Season

Ilya Krivitsky “The best!”
Manufacturer: Channel One. Broadcasting channel: Channel One

Also nominated:

Alexander Akopov “Ekaterina. Takeoff"
Manufacturer: COSMOS studio. Broadcast channel: Russia 1
Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov “Dancing”
Producer: Comedy Club Production. Broadcasting channel: TNT

Nomination: Event of the television season

"Scarlet Sails"
Producer: TV and Radio Company "Petersburg". Broadcasting channel: Channel Five

Also nominated:

Producer: Moskino Film Company. Broadcast channel: Russia 1
“New Year Live” on Red Square
Manufacturer: TV Center. Broadcasting channel: TV Center
“KVN is 55 years old. Anniversary issue"
Manufacturer: TTO "AMIK". Broadcasting channel: Channel One
"You are super!" Final in the Kremlin
Producer: White Media. Broadcasting channel: NTV