Characters from Harry Potter: Descriptions, pictures and interesting moments from their lives. Fantastic Beasts: Unraveling Secret Harry Potter References Family & Friends

In the tale of Beedle the Bard, Death tricked the wizard brothers into taking the lives of them, inviting them to choose one gift each. The eldest asked for a powerful wand, the middle one for a resurrection stone, and the youngest for an invisibility cloak. Thus the Deathly Hallows were born.

Fans believe that Voldemort, Severus Snape and Harry Potter are the embodiment of the three brothers, and Dumbledore is Death. It all adds up: the Dark Lord was selfish and power-hungry. Having obtained the elder wand, he lost his life. Snape grieved for Lily Potter and dreamed of being reunited with her. Harry had an invisibility cloak, which helped him out more than once.

What does Dumbledore have to do with this? And despite the fact that the headmaster of Hogwarts was the owner of all the deathly gifts. Moreover, it was he who gave them to the wizards. Some will object, because the Dark Lord stole the elder wand from Dumbledore. This is not entirely true. Do you really think that the greatest headmaster of Hogwarts would allow Voldemort to take possession of a powerful artifact?

And all three died because of Dumbledore. Harry killed the Dark Lord, but he couldn't have done it without his teacher. Snape sacrificed his life by trusting the professor. And Potter accepted death consciously, meeting Death as an old friend.

The theory is slightly spoiled by the fact that Harry Potter received both the Invisibility Cloak and the Resurrection Stone. But who are we to destroy such a beautiful metaphor for the tale of Death. Moreover, this is one of the loved ones JK Rowling's theories.

2. Professor McGonagall - Death Eater

This is definitely a crazy theory. It's hard to believe that the strict but fair McGonagall is a Death Eater. However, a user under the nickname miss DW considers the professor a traitor and treats her with distrust.

Let's start with the fact that McGonagall spoke rudely about Muggles in Philosopher's Stone. She called them "not completely stupid." Quite a harsh remark for a wise old witch. We know that the professor teaches the ideal art for a double agent - transfiguration. This craft is based on changing matter and hiding one's self.

The most interesting thing is that the professor is not very concerned about the safety of Harry Potter. Sending a child to the Forbidden Forest, inhabited by terrible creatures, is a very radical punishment.

But the most questions are raised by the details that lie in completely unremarkable things. Remember the troll scene in Philosopher's Stone? Snape and Quirrell appeared in the toilet, which is quite logical, as well as McGonagall. How did she know where to find Harry? Look at the photo of all members of the Order of the Phoenix together. Someone is missing from it. But McGonagall was close to Dumbledore, at least after the war with Voldemort.

In books and films you can find many small details that confirm this theory, but we will not pay attention to them. Still, Minerva McGonagall does not look like an evil Death Eater. Moreover, in the Battle of Hogwarts, she fought without hesitation with all the Dark Lord’s minions.

3. Harry Potter made it all up

The saddest and creepiest theory, worthy of a separate film in the style of Martin Scorsese. Its supporters are sure that Harry Potter never left the dark closet under the stairs, never received a letter from Hogwarts, and never fought Voldemort. Some fans believe that he simply fell asleep and did not wake up, remaining in the magical world forever.

JK Rowling herself knows about Harry's theory of madness. In one of the interviews, the writer admitted that the wizard is much like her. They had equally unhappy pasts. It can be assumed that the world of magic and wizardry is a reimagining of JK Rowling's childhood. That's probably why she didn't deny the idea.

4. Harry Potter became immortal

One of the pillars on which the conflict between Harry and Voldemort rests is prophecy. It reads: “One of them must die by the hand of the other, for neither can live in peace while the other lives.” In Rowling's interpretation, Harry must kill the Dark Lord or die by his hand. But the words of the prophecy can be understood in another way: the one who remains will never die, because there will be no person capable of killing him.

Voldemort confirms this theory with his endless quest for immortality. If you remember, he divided his soul into several parts. This allowed him to stay alive when his physical body was destroyed. Perhaps Harry will live forever, watching his loved ones and friends die one after another.

5. Dumbledore is Ron Weasley from the future

This red-haired guy with the stupid hair is a Hogwarts teacher? It's hard to believe, but there are some similarities between the two heroes. They are both red-haired, love chocolate frogs, and Dumbledore confessed his love for Bertie Botts sweets, although there were none in his youth. In addition, the professor's dream of knitted socks as a gift is very similar to Ron's attempt to apologize to his mother for being so dismissive of her handmade gifts.

But how could this happen? Very simple. In the world of Harry Potter, they are not considered something unusual. Just remember the time turner from Prisoner of Azkaban.

Fans believe that there is a parallel timeline in which Voldemort won, killed Harry and Dumbledore and created hell for humanity.

In a parallel universe, there are separate resistance cells, one of which includes Ron. Supposedly, he found an unusual time turner and went back in time, becoming Dumbledore.

If you think a little, there will be many questions for the Hogwarts headmaster. Of course, he was a shrewd man, but throughout the story there is a feeling that Albus knows everything in advance. It is unlikely that Dumbledore could have sent Harry to certain death with the Basilisk if he had not been confident in the boy.

Another good idea for a film adaptation. Relying on this theory, you can look at all the director’s actions from a different perspective. But JK Rowling refuted it in 2005, which is a pity.

6. The Dursleys didn't like Harry because of the Horcrux.

The Dursleys are definitely unpleasant people. But what if there is another explanation for their disgusting behavior? It is known that one of the Horcruxes was in Harry. We all know how this artifact affects those around us. Ron almost went crazy because of him, and Weasley was a wizard. It is unknown how the artifact affects ordinary people.

It turns out that the Dursleys lived next to the Horcrux for 11 years. No wonder they treated Harry so badly. This theory does not exclude the possibility that the Dursleys did not like the Potters, but even the most heartless adoptive parents could not abuse a child like that. Perhaps the effect of the artifact fueled their dislike for the wizard family and caused real hatred.

7. Wizards lost the war with humans

JK Rowling described in detail the modern world of magic and wizardry. Sometimes she turned to his historical past, but we never learned about many events. For example, why wizards hide from Muggles. Fans had to find the answer themselves. A Reddit user under the nickname Celeritas365 came to the conclusion that wizards fought with Muggles and lost.

The Ministry of Magic is more like a department than a full-fledged government. Remember how the Minister of Magic in Goblet of Fire said that he had to inform the Prime Minister of England about the dragon. Although wizards never initiated ordinary people into their affairs and secrets.

Dumbledore disliked the Ministry quite rightly, because it is thoroughly imbued with the spirit of bureaucracy.

Ministers hush up high-profile cases, deny negative consequences and hide behind the law, like ordinary officials. The Ministry building also raises some questions: why are there so many elements from the Muggle world in its architecture? Why do wizards even need elevators when they have a teleporter?

The answer is simple. A long time ago, there was a conflict between wizards and Muggles, in which the latter emerged victorious. In this case, Voldemort's desire to destroy the human race seems completely justified. The Dark Lord hated people because he knew the truth and wanted to save purebred wizards from slavery.

General information

Name: Harry James Potter (middle name in honor of his father, James Potter)
Date of birth: July 31, 1980
Parents: James Potter and Lily Evans Potter
Body type: thin
Special features: a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on the forehead, round glasses and a scar on the cheek that appeared after the fourth year
Unusual abilities: wizard, parselmouth
Study at Hogwarts: 1991-1997
House: Gryffindor
Favorite Subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Quidditch: Seeker (1991-1996)
Wand: holly and phoenix feather, 11 inches long
Broom: Nimbus 2000 (1991-1993), Lightning (since 1993)
Wife: Ginny Weasley
Children: eldest - James Potter, middle - Albus Severus Potter (named after the last two heads of Hogwarts school: Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape (in English versions of the book - Snape), youngest - Lily Potter
Best friends: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Rubeus Hagrid, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood


Infancy (1980-1981)

Harry James Potter was born on July 31 (the same day as JK Rowling) 1980, to parents Lily and James Potter. James Potter's best friend, Sirius Black, became Harry's godfather. Sirius, James and Lily were part of the Order of the Phoenix, a group of wizards who fought desperately against the Dark Lord Voldemort. They were not outnumbered, but continued to fight despite numerous losses. James and Lily managed to escape death at the hands of Voldemort three times.
Before Harry was born, a prophecy was made that at the end of July a boy would be born who would either be able to defeat the Dark Lord, or the Dark Lord would kill him. Harry Potter, born on July 31, and Neville Longbottom, born on July 30, met the conditions of the prophecy. Lord Voldemort heard part of the prophecy from his supporter Severus Snape and decided to destroy the child. Voldemort chose Harry as his victim. James and Lily learned that Voldemort was planning to kill Harry, and in October 1981, they used the Loyalty Charm to hide from the Dark Lord. Unfortunately, at the last moment, James Potter's best friend Sirius Black convinced the Potters to choose Peter Pettigrew as Secret Keeper instead, who turned out to be a traitor and spy for Voldemort and revealed their location.

On the evening of October 31, 1981, the Dark Lord appeared in Godric's Hollow and attacked them. James tried to protect his family, but died. The Dark Lord was going to spare Lily, but she stood in his way, protecting the child. Then he killed her too. This self-sacrifice of Lily turned out to be a vital circumstance for Harry, as it was an ancient witchcraft that protected the child. When Voldemort cast Avada Kedavra and it hit Harry, Lily's sacrificial defense deflected the spell and caused it to backfire. The reflected spell almost killed Voldemort (knocked his soul out of his body), but left a lightning-shaped scar on Harry's forehead. Thus, Harry stopped Voldemort for several years.
The battle between the Potters and Voldemort left the house in ruins. The good wizard Albus Dumbledore, director of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, sent the half-giant Hagrid to Godric's Hollow, who managed to save Harry before the Muggles began to investigate what had happened. At the Potter's house, Hagrid unexpectedly met Sirius Black, who asked that Harry be given to him as the boy's godfather. Hagrid did not agree because he was following Dumbledore's orders. Sirius lent Hagrid his flying motorcycle so that he could take Harry to where the boy would be safe.

Hagrid and Harry were still on the road in the 24 hours following the incident. Dumbledore apparently provided security at Privet Drive. The next evening, Minerva McGonagall met Dumbledore at Privet Drive, and Hagrid soon appeared on a flying motorcycle with Harry. The three left Harry on the doorstep of number 4, the home of Harry's last relatives, Vernon and Petunia Dursley.

A decade of mistreatment (1981-1991)

For the next ten years, Harry's life was full of abuse and hardship. His Aunt Petunia, Lily's sister, and his Uncle Vernon loved their son Dudley madly, who was spoiled in every possible way, and Harry was kept in a closet, fed scraps, forced to wear Dudley's old clothes, which were much larger in size, yelled at, insulted and beat. Dudley bullied Harry mercilessly, using the support of his parents, as well as his physical strength (Dudley was six times larger in size and fat, while Harry was thin and bespectacled).

Three times during these years, the Dursleys were visited by Uncle Vernon's sister, Marge. She took great pleasure in telling Harry off. She gave Dudley expensive gifts and gave Harry something terrible or completely forgot about him. She often took her beloved bulldog Sinister with her. When Harry was nine, she allowed the dog to chase the boy into a tree, where he had to remain until midnight until Marge called the dog away.
In addition, his uncle and aunt decided to suppress the magical principle in him. They never talked about his true origins. He was told that his parents died in a car accident, which is where the scar on his forehead came from. The first rule in the Dursley house was "don't ask questions." Their goal was to keep Harry subjugated and oppressed in the hope that he would not develop what they considered to be an abnormal tendency towards wizardry. They sent him to the same school as Dudley, who continued to bully him there. Dudley's friends joined in the bullying, and other schoolchildren, afraid of Dudley and his friends, avoided communicating with Harry.

Despite the efforts of the Dursleys, Harry managed to demonstrate magical abilities. When Aunt Petunia got annoyed with Harry's messy hair one day and cut it off with kitchen scissors, Harry woke up the next morning with his hair growing back. Another time, Dudley and his friends were chasing Harry, who suddenly found himself on the school roof. Harry dyed his teacher's wig blue and shrunk Dudley's ugly sweater beyond recognition so he wouldn't have to wear it. And also, when they went with the whole family to the zoo, he began to talk to the snake and it attacked Dudley from the aquarium. After that, Harry was imprisoned in the closet of the Dursley house.
By the age of ten, Harry had grown into a thin, useless boy with always disheveled black hair and a narrow face. His eyes, like his mother's, were emerald green. He wore taped-up glasses, broken in constant fights with Dudley. Harry was unusually fast, a skill developed in constant attempts to avoid being beaten by his cousin.

His life changed dramatically in the summer of 1991. Harry Potter began to receive strange letters that frightened his uncle and aunt. They destroyed the letters, preventing Harry from reading them, but the letters continued to arrive in ever-increasing quantities. In an attempt to avoid the letters, they ended up hiding in a hut on a cliff surrounded by the sea. During the night of a violent storm, Harry looked at his sleeping cousin's watch, counting down the minutes and seconds until his eleventh birthday. Just as Harry's birthday arrived, Hagrid burst into the hut to be surprised to learn that Harry had no idea about his magical heritage. Hagrid told the boy all about his past and on the morning of July 31, 1991, he took Harry to Diagon Alley to buy everything he needed for school. A month later, on September 1st, Harry boarded the Hogwarts Express and arrived at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry "Hogwarts".

Life at Hogwarts

Harry Potter went to Hogwarts at the age of 11 and spent 6 years there, with the exception of summer holidays. There he found new friends such as Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley and others. He also found new enemies - Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Voldemort.

Further fate

After defeating Voldemort, Harry headed the new Auror department at the Ministry of Magic and married Ginny Weasley. Harry and Ginny have three children: James (eldest), Albus Severus (middle) and Lily (youngest).

Sometimes we miss the wonderful world of wizards from Hogwarts a little. Then one of the actors appears on the screen, and we wonder what they are doing now.

Daniel Radcliffe

Harry Potter

At the end of the Potter series, Radcliffe turned out to be one of the most notable British actors. But, by the way, in order to stand out in this company, you need to beat the most high-class colleagues. Only seven years have passed since the end of Harry Potter, and he already has a voluminous list of leading roles played in films, each more surprising and unexpected than the other. Role in the film " Victor Frankenstein"quite an ordinary thriller, but in a wonderful film" The man is a Swiss Army knife"Daniel plays the role of the corpse with verve. IN " Illusions of Deception 2"He's a billionaire, in" Jungle"is an extremely resilient traveler. He also has a theatrical role - Rosencrantz in the play "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead."

Emma Watson


The young, beautiful and intelligent actress actively acts in films, while giving preference to complex roles and avoiding films for mass audiences. She willingly gives interviews and talks about women's rights. In general, I didn’t let Hermione down. Now she has excellent work in the film “ The perks of Being a Wallflower", the roles of brave girls going against the system, in " Colonies Dignidad" and in " Sphere", as well as the wonderful image of Belle - in " Beauty and the Beast».

Rupert Grint

Ron Weasley

Grint admits that he chooses roles that will help him move away from his Potter image. He played the guitarist of The Dead Boys in the film about the New York punk scene " Club "CBGB"", a God-fearing teenager who runs off with an older actress to a theater festival in " Driving lessons", a professional killer's apprentice in " Wild thing" He shows a clear penchant for comedic roles, as in " Lunar scam"and the TV series "Due to Sickness" and "Big Jackpot". Rupert also dreams of playing a villain. By the way, as a child he really liked the role of Draco Malfoy.

Tom Felton

Draco Malfoy

A terribly sweet young man: grew up in the countryside, enjoyed fishing, is sentimental, posts on Facebook like “Merry Christmas to everyone who believes in love” and admits that he is reconsidering “ Diary" She doesn’t worry one bit about the role of the nasty Draco Malfoy, she loves genre cinema, so in January 2018 the film “ Ophelia", where Tom played Laertes, the brother of the main character. However, Felton devotes most of his time to music: releasing albums and traveling around the world with small concerts.

Matthew Lewis

Neville Longbottom

The clumsy boy grew up to become a handsome man, but it seems like most Potter children, Matthew is haunted by his old role. He is still trying to get rid of the image of an unsightly boy and often appears in various photo shoots with a naked torso. He works mainly in the theater, as Alan Rickman once advised him, but he is not against starring in a Bond movie. True, so far he gets small roles in films.

Robert Pattison

Cedric Diggory

Robert became famous for his vampire role in " Twilight", and only then did the public remember that he had previously played the handsome and brave Cedric Diggory, who dies dramatically during a competition in the film " Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" His current work in cinema does not bring him the same fame, but, nevertheless, they are worthy of attention: “ Dear friend», « Lost City Z», « Life», « good time" Excellent dramatic roles.

Evanna Lynch

Luna Lovegood

Of all the child actors, Evanna is perhaps the most devoted Potter fan. She is now one of the consultants for The Harry Potter Alliance. These are fans of the magical world who do charity work, say, collecting books for a school library in Uganda. She continues to occasionally act in films, but she does not get any significant roles.

Robbie Coltrane

Rubeus Hagrid

Without having a spectacular appearance, Robbie Coltrane, even at the peak of his career, starred mainly in television projects and shows. He was always a comedian, and even the role of Haggrid was comic. After the end of the “Potter” series, he starred in a couple of episodic roles in dramas and voiced cartoons. His latest role was in the miniseries “National Treasure” about a former comedian who finds himself at the center of a sex scandal.

Jason Isaacs

Lucius Malfoy

Jason, recognized as an excellent performer of villainous roles even before Potter, now works mainly for television projects. He played leading roles in a couple of TV series: “Awakening” and “Excavation.” The show had interesting concepts, but they didn't last more than one season. Jason is currently involved in the series " Star Trek: Discovery"as Captain Lorca. And the most notable appearance in cinema was the comedy “ Death of Stalin", where Isaacs played Marshal Zhukov.

Gary Oldman

Sirius Black

The role of Sirius Black boosted Gary Oldman's career, which by 2004 began to show noticeable failures. But after that came great work in the films “ Batman Begins», « The Dark Knight», « The drunkest county in the world», « Spy, get out!», « Planet of the Apes: Revolution" This year, the actor finally received a well-deserved Oscar for his role as Winston Churchill in the film Dark times».

Michael Gambon

Albus Dumbledore

frame: Warner Bros. Pictures

Michael Gambon, despite his 77 years, continues to work quite actively in television films, mini-series, voice acting and occasionally appear on the big screen. You can catch him in episodes in the films " Lady in the Van", where Maggie played an eccentric London old woman, she was even nominated for a Golden Globe in 2015. She would have been invited to continue filming, but health problems no longer allow her to work as intensively.

Ralph Fiennes


frame: Warner Bros. Pictures

Ralph Fiennes did well after the end of Harry Potter: his character is a hotel administrator in the film Grand Budapest Hotel" - received critical praise and many nominations for various awards, he was called to play M instead of Judi Dench in the latest Bond film " 007: SPECTER", and then everything somehow faded. In 2017, he did not have any serious work. And in January 2019 the film “ Holmes and Watson", where Fiennes plays Moriarty.

Alan Rickman

Severus Snape

frame: Warner Bros. Pictures

Alan Rickman's last work was released in the late spring of 2016 - in the film " Alice in the Wonderland“he voiced the wise caterpillar. The actor died in January 2016, just five weeks before his 70th birthday.

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On the one hand, the story takes place in the same reality - with wizards and their miracles, on the other - the plot has moved all the way to a new continent, to a different time, and there is not a single familiar hero in the film. And we have never even seen such creatures before. The only thing we know is that Newt Scamander wrote a book about fantastic animals, which Harry and his friends learned from at school.

Everything is new, but there are subtle connections between the new film and the old story that promise to result in a new mythology. The closest analogue that comes to mind is the second and first trilogy " Star Wars».

And be careful - here the spoiler is on the spoiler and the spoiler is driving.


Warner Bros. Queenie Goldstein claims that Ilvermorny is the best school of magic in the world. Salamander objected that in fact the best - Hogwarts

. But he is so delicate that he did not insist, and the name of the British school of magic was mentioned only in passing.


Warner Bros.

At Hogwarts, Newt Scamander was a Hufflepuff student. We understand this when at customs he opens his suitcase, and there is a neatly folded Hufflepuff scarf in yellow and black colors. The distinctive features of the students of this faculty are considered to be hard work, perseverance, loyalty and honesty.

Albus Dumbledore

Young Dumbledore and Grindelwald Warner Bros. Only in one phase was the name of Albus Dumbledore heard, when Graves is surprised at Newt, “What did Albus Dumbledore find in you?” And much later, at the very end, when Graves takes on his true guise as Gellert Grindelwald, we understand that he knew Albus well. Gellert Grindelwald

Warner Bros.

Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore were good friends for some time. They even searched for the Deathly Hallows together, but the future headmaster of Hogwarts abandoned this idea in time. And we know from the book "

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

", that in 1945, 19 years later, a duel will take place between them, as a result of which the dark magician will be defeated, go to prison, where Voldemort will finish him off, and Dumbledore will receive the elder wand - one of the Deathly Hallows. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Leta Lestrange

Bellatrix Lestrange Warner Bros.

Warner Bros.

Graves in the first film gave Credence a chain with symbols well known to us: a triangle, a circle and a straight line. This is a sign of the Deathly Hallows that Harry collected in the last episodes of his story: the invisibility cloak, the resurrection stone and the elder wand.

1926 Tom Riddle is 11 years old Warner Bros. And this is perhaps the most interesting: the action of the first film about “

Fantastic Beasts

"Occurs in 1926. This is the year of birth of Tom Riddle, better known to us as Voldemort. What this non-random coincidence means, we will find out in the sequels. Marauders' Map Still from "Harry Potter" Warner Bros.

By the way, Newt Scamander visited Hogwarts when Harry was studying there. On the Marauder's Map in the movie "

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban