Leeches in a dream are a prediction from famous dream books. Why do you dream of leeches: interpretation of dreams according to various dream books

The world of dreams is limitless and diverse: what we don’t see during sleep! Today we will learn how various popular dream books interpret leeches in a dream.

Why do you dream about leeches?: dream book "from A to Z"

Why do you dream about leeches? Enemies in dreams and in reality

Dreaming of leeches personify your enemies and ill-wishers, who are trying with all their might, as they say, to spoil your blood and harm you by any means. Therefore, having seen such a dream, you should gather your strength in order to give a worthy rebuff to spiteful critics. If you dream of leeches at the time of their use for medical purposes, then a serious and long-term illness of someone is possible. If a leech has attached itself to you, then you should exercise caution and prudence, since there is a risk that you will soon be in some danger.

Why do you dream about leeches?Hints received in a dream

If you dreamed of leeches, then there is an increased risk that someone from your inner circle will try to use you to achieve their own goals. If in a dream leeches stick to your body, then perhaps you are losing vitality. This could either be a consequence of an illness that you are not yet aware of, or the actions of friends or relatives aimed at your financial ruin.

Why do you dream about leeches?old English dream book?

If you dreamed of a seriously ill person who had leeches placed on his body, then such a dream is a harbinger of a long and serious illness for one of your relatives or close friends. If you were bitten by a leech in a dream, then expect a serious insult that will cause you great offense and make you suffer for a long time.

If a girl dreamed that she caught a leech, then there is a high probability for her to become pregnant in the near future.

Leeches in a dream: dream book of the Dream Master

This dream book interprets a dreamed leech as an image of some annoying person who is real. If a healthy person dreams that a leech has attached itself to his body, then there is a possibility of a serious illness, which will most often be associated with exactly the place where you saw the leech in the dream. If a sick person dreams of such a dream, then this indicates his speedy recovery. If in a dream you saw other people using leeches for medical purposes, this is a symbol of an impending quarrel between your close friends or relatives.

Dream Interpretation Online Leeches

Uninvited and hardly expected guests often visit the kingdom of Morpheus. Many of them bring hope, love and warmth, while some are destined for a different role in the form of hostility, greed and anger. Why do you dream about leeches? This representative of the fauna does not evoke warm associations in us, although it has healing, sometimes even miraculous properties. We draw a parallel with persistent and annoying people, sort of energy vampires who absorb vital forces with every second. Are black creatures really centers of deceit? The dream book will explain the reason for their appearance.

What does the interpreter say?

What do these not very pleasant, but certainly useful creatures portend? The events that we see in the dream world are not a direct reflection of real events. They have a symbolic basis and require appropriate interpretation.

Be an observer

If you dreamed of a leech

What does silent observation of such ambiguous creatures reflect? Remember under what conditions you happened to see leeches in a dream.

  1. Leech on a sick person. It is necessary to take care not only of your own health, but also of the well-being of your loved ones. During this period, the disease may strike your best friend or one of your relatives.
  2. Floats in the water. Even if her presence was limited to a small area of ​​water, expect an obvious loss. But don’t despair, because this may be a small failure before a big success.
  3. Sealed in a jar. Did you dream about the creatures on the counter? A harbinger of the fact that you will soon have to share with accomplices or other persons what you have acquired through backbreaking labor.
  4. Swims in an aquarium. You are putting too much pressure on your own children. Give them freedom of choice within reasonable limits, allow a little more liberties.
  5. Passed away. The death of a living being will force you to make concessions. You will have to make compromises and provide help to those people who do not arouse your special sympathy.
  6. Lots of leeches. You are tired of human injustice. Greed, envy and stupidity of the people around us deprive you of energy and vitality.
  7. Wriggling, big. Pay close attention to your surroundings. You are surrounded by envious people and intriguers who intend to prevent the implementation of your plans.

Participate in the dream

Often we have to be not only witnesses, but also take direct part in dreams. To make the interpretation as accurate as possible, remember all the circumstances and details that awaited Morpheus in the arms.

What did you do with the leech?

Eating a leech is a good sign

By remembering this nuance, you can prevent yourself from possible troubles in real life.

  1. Treat with leeches. It wouldn’t hurt for those close to you to get examined by a doctor. Some of them may be struck down by an illness that has not manifested itself for a long time.
  2. Catch. A sign of the beginning of a new life. Perhaps you or your beloved spouse are expecting a child.
  3. Eat. Your health will improve, and vital energy will simply overwhelm you.

What did the leech do to you?

What consequences will this representative of the fauna have in this case?

  1. Bites. Some unfamiliar people will try to inflict mental trauma. Try not to take other people's words to heart.
  2. Sits on the face or legs. The bloodsucker in this case is an unkind sign. You are in real danger, so do not consider it in vain to once again play it safe and exercise caution.
  3. Stuck in the water. Whether it is a calm river or a noisy swimming pool, it is a symbol of the beginning of difficult times. Overcoming problems will require a lot of strength and energy.

Freud believed that leeches personified the image of a child, talking about possible pregnancy or the desire to have children.

Other interpretations

Why do you dream about leeches according to other sources? They are a many-sided symbol, so for a clear answer you should turn to Miller’s predictions and other interpretations.

Miller's Dream Book

many leeches - many ill-wishers

The psychologist claims that leeches themselves personify ill-wishers and malicious enemies who will try with all their might to hinder success.

According to Miller's prediction, the use of black creatures for medicinal purposes indicates the existing ailments of your relatives. But if other people use them in medicine, conflicts and misunderstandings with friends are expected.

Seasonal dream book

The moment at which time of year such a dream visited you is also important.


You have a hidden enemy who is ready to betray you at any moment. It is likely that he is in the guise of his best friend. Take a closer look at your surroundings for imaginary and deceitful people.


The dream book claims that soon a person will appear in your life who will require full-fledged care. This could be either a close relative who has temporarily lost his ability to work, or an uninvited guest who, by the will of fate, finds himself in someone else’s house under your care. In any case, he will depend on you not only spiritually, but also materially.


Such a rainy season will bring a measured pace of life to a person who will be quite problematic to exclude from it. The personality will be incredibly obsessive and will do everything possible to deprive you of energy and strength.


The dream book encourages you to turn your attention to the work sphere. A serious conversation with your superiors awaits you, as a result of which you will receive either a severe reprimand or a new leadership position.

Despite the fact that leeches are not harbingers of good events, trust your intuition and follow your heart.

Your mark:

For a long time, leeches have been very valuable for both traditional and folk medicine. They are used to treat diseases and in cosmetology. Despite all the benefits of these creatures, humanity’s attitude towards them is negative; they evoke feelings of disgust, disgust and disgust. And for most people, encountering them in a dream is just as repulsive as in reality. The very word leeches personify people who are annoying, annoying and arrogant. How can you understand why you dreamed about leeches? Are they as useful in a dream as in reality? To understand this, you need to remember all the details of your dream, the emotions and feelings you experienced. All this will help you find the correct interpretation in the dream book, and our article will help you with this.

Star dream book

Why do you dream of leeches - your love relationship can lead you to serious danger.

Home dream book

Why do you dream of leeches attached to you - one of your loved ones or friends is blatantly taking advantage of you, you need to stop this.

Big dream book

  • Why do you dream of leeches in water - you will lose to someone, because of this you will be completely disappointed. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of leeches attached to your body - you will have to go through many unpleasant life situations, from which you will feel exhausted and lose faith in yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation “why do you dream of leeches in a jar” - you will need to give away something that is personally yours, you will not be happy about it.
  • Dream Interpretation “kill a leech” - such a dream means that you will face an unfair attitude towards you from your loved ones, this will be a serious blow for you.

Dream book of healer Akulina

Why do you dream of leeches in a dream - such a dream warns you to be careful, your ill-wishers will try to destroy your plans and ideas.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream of black leeches - to diseases, troubles, misfortunes.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

  • Why do you dream of leeches on your body - you are in serious danger, you need to be more vigilant and careful.
  • Dream interpretation of “leeches” - your business involves people who are dishonest.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

  • Dream interpretation “interpretation of a leech” - dreaming of leeches brings you a warning, your enemies want to harm you and your affairs.
  • Dream interpretation “black leech” - someone close to you will become seriously ill.
  • “Leeches” Miller’s dream book warns you that seeing leeches that are used for medical purposes portends a serious quarrel between the dreamer and his friends.
  • Dream book “leeches have stuck” - the dream book warns you to be careful, you are in danger.

English dream book

Dream Interpretation “leeches on the body” - they will inflict a terrible insult on you, which will cause you a lot of mental anguish.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Why does a woman dream of leeches - to unforeseen expenses, losses, loss of money.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Interpretation of dreams “leeches” - you should not lend money or at interest, you risk losing it.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

Dream interpretation “leeches in the water” - such a dream speaks of your desire to have children.

Wanderer's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of white leeches - a person will appear in your life who will greatly annoy you.
  • Why do you dream of leeches on your legs - you are at risk of a disease associated with your legs. (cm. )
  • Why does a patient dream of leeches under the skin? For a person suffering from a certain disease, such a dream portends a speedy recovery. (cm. )

Azar's Dream Book

If you dreamed of leeches on your body, this means a situation that will cause you a lot of trouble.

Leeches on the body according to various dream books


As a rule, leeches symbolize troubles, but even if you are frightened by the interpretation received from the dream book, do not forget that you should not blindly wait for the blows of fate, do everything to avoid them and turn them in your direction. If you are also worried about the dream you had, you can still resort to the old and proven method. Write down your dream on a piece of paper, burn it and wash it off with water. Your thoughts are material, don’t forget that.

Have you ever wondered what leeches mean in dreams? Let's try to interpret this dream. Most often, dreaming of leeches means a bad characteristic, and sometimes they also indicate people’s relationship to the sleeping person or the sleeping person has acquired bad habits. To accurately interpret a dream, you need to try to remember it in detail. That is, remember the plot, what emotions you felt, the meaning of the dream, and it is also necessary to connect everything and find the meaning of the dream in the dream book.

The interpretation of what leeches mean in dreams is different. According to Hasse's dream book- you don’t need to take out a debt obligation or borrow money at interest, it can turn against you. If in a dream the leeches are large and fat, then expect financial losses or beware of scammers.

If in a dream leeches are on the body, then an unpleasant and difficult situation awaits you. To accurately determine why leeches are dreamed of, you need to remember on what part of the body you saw the leech.

If body area turned out to be a hand, then there will be a slight deterioration of the situation by a person who wants to seriously harm the person who saw the dream. It is possible that this person may be someone you trust.

Why do you dream of leeches on your feet? In a dream, leeches on your feet mean a hopeless situation that someone who sees leeches will end up in through no fault of their own. It will not be possible to avoid or run away from this problem, you just need to gain strength and face and overcome the difficult situation with all your might.

If a leech has attached itself to the dreamer’s body and this person is a woman, then the interpretation of this dream means an imminent pregnancy. But you need to understand that a dream can come true if a girl really wants children. for males it’s the other way around; such a dream means a reluctance to have children for fear of competition!

If in a dream Leeches are used as medical procedures, then you need to prepare for the deterioration of health and poor health of a person close to you.

Seeing in a dream large, shiny and mobile leech indicates danger. If a large number of leeches in a dream, then the person who saw them in a dream is most likely tired physically and mentally, he is tired of fighting the intrigues and envy of the people around him. if you eat leeches, then expect an improvement in your health, and if you catch them, you will trip up the enemy.

Why do you dream of leeches floating in ponds or reservoirs?

The dream book interprets this dream as a struggle against temptation, which may be lost. If you dreamed of dead leeches, you will help a friend in trouble.

The meaning of the dream about Bloodsuckers (interpretation by Georgy Ivanov)

Leeches - someone from your environment will make a lot of claims against you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Leeches from your dream

Attached to sensations in the body - to illness (usually associated with this place of the body), for the patient - to recovery.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about a Leech?

Leeches - Leeches in a dream foreshadow ill-wishers who want to harm you. If you use leeches for medical purposes, someone in your family will become seriously ill. Seeing others resort to leeches foretells friction between friends. If leeches stick to your body, it means that you are in some kind of danger.

Leeches - Leech. – Portends the loss of material values ​​for a woman.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a leech mean in a dream?

Leeches - Leeches seen in a dream are a harbinger of failure in business.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Leech in a dream?

Dreamed of leeches - Leeches seen in a dream foreshadow enemies who seek to harm your interests. If you use leeches for medical purposes, someone in your family will become seriously ill. To see others resorting to leeches foretells friction between friends. If leeches have attached themselves to your body, this means that you are in some danger, and you should pay serious attention to this dream as a warning.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Leech as an image in a dream

Leeches - Beware of loan sharks.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does a leech mean in a dream?

Leech - For men - an insidious wife - for women - a dangerous lover.

Leeches - Beware of loan sharks.

Leech according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

Leech - Catch it, grab it - you'll get pregnant.

Seeing a Leech, what does it mean (Astrological dream book)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book: Leech is a danger from partnerships.

Home dream book

Leech in a dream

Leeches - you are being used by relatives or employees.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream of a Leech in a dream?

Leeches - Seeing leeches floating in a pond in a dream means a loss, from which you will come to indescribable despair. If leeches stick to you while swimming, this portends troubles in life, from which you will emerge pretty battered and demoralized, having lost faith in your capabilities. Seeing leeches in a pharmacy floating in a large glass jar suggests that you will have to give up part of what is entirely yours. Squashing leeches in a dream means that for some reason the people you love will treat you unfairly, causing you deep emotional trauma.

European dream book

What does it mean to see a Leech in a dream?

Leeches - Enemies can ruin your plans. Imagine that storks fly in and peck all the leeches.

I dreamed of a Leech (interpretation according to the Ancient Russian Dream Book)

Leeches - It is difficult to get out of it - to feel bound by family duty. The room is covered in cobwebs on all sides - a feeling of obvious uncleanness of the soul and a dirty way of life. The yard is covered with cobwebs, the forest is covered in cobwebs and giant spiders - longing for the past, turning life towards memories. A tunnel or hole covered with cobwebs is something connected with the organs of love. Seeing leeches is a disease; failures, there are them – to health.

Great modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Leech


Leeches - You saw leeches in a dream - this dream means that near your business, among others, unworthy people began to feed; since you became famous for your successes, you have acquired admirers who are ready to praise you at every crossroads; but you would be amazed if you could find out the thoughts of your “admirers.” It’s as if you are using leeches for medical purposes (putting them on a person) - one of your loved ones will get sick; When treating it, folk remedies will not be superfluous. You dream that someone uses leeches for medical purposes - either your friends will quarrel among themselves, or you will quarrel with your business partner; after such a dream, any quarrel will have bad consequences. It’s as if the leech has attached itself to your body - you are in great danger in reality.

Everyday dream book

What does Leech mean - if bloodletting with leeches, the one who sees it is familiar with the one who does it to him, then his wealth will disappear.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Leech mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of a leech attached to your body - to an affectionate person from whom you will have difficulty getting rid of.

If in the summer you dreamed of a leech attaching itself to your dependents.

In the fall, what does a leech dream about - a hidden enemy who thirsts for your blood.

In winter, why do you dream of a leech - an annoying person, a person is an energy vampire.