Why did Karen Ace become disabled? Karen TUZ: biography, what happened to him, why is he in a wheelchair? Real name, facts from life. Tragedy in the life of a star

Hobbies: kickboxing, exotic travel, cooking delicious food.

Horoscope: Leo, gen. in the year of the Dog.

Favorite strong drink: 60% water :).

Favorite color: black.

He has been studying music since early childhood: at the age of 5 he entered a music school to study violin. After completing it, he himself learned to play the guitar and, at the age of 13, began his professional musical career - in the ensemble of the Intourist restaurant as a bass guitarist and vocalist.

While serving in the army, in the special forces, he also created his own group, and around the same time he began to write his first songs.

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After the service, he entered a music school to study guitar, and then, having decided to get a higher technical education, he successfully entered a university. In parallel with his studies, he continues to compose his own songs, working both with the institute group and on dance floors and in restaurants in Moscow. Having gathered a group of like-minded people, he begins to successfully perform “underground” concerts in the Moscow region and in other cities, performing exclusively songs of his own composition, and after the government decree was issued banning this type of concert activity, he works in many other professional groups. Having completed his studies and received a higher education, in order to make his dream come true and earn money to record his own songs, he begins to work as a concert administrator, while still performing in the first department (“opening up”) for pop stars. He worked in programs with Zhanna Aguzarova, Marina Zhuravleva, Irina Allegrova and many other artists, and toured the country a lot.

Then the “studio period” of work begins. For several years in a row, until 1995, Vladimir worked as a professional arranger and sound engineer - first in Moscow studios, and then abroad, fully mastering all the intricacies of these musical professions. During this time, under different pseudonyms, he released five of his solo albums, which were released by well-known recording companies: “Zvuk”, “J.S.P”, “Soyuz” and “Polygram”, created more than a thousand arrangements in various musical styles, his songs began to be performed (and still performed) by many pop stars, incl. Honored and People's Artists of Russia.

After a forced break from creative activity, in 1997 he began working on his new project, which he called “Ace of the Cross”. (The name was invented by chance, based on the first card of the deck that he bought at one of the Moscow train stations). This name became the “calling card” of the singer-songwriter Vladimir Kozyrev.

In 1998, the first album of “Ace of the Cross” was released, which, despite the crisis that gripped the country at that time, immediately became one of the best-selling albums in the genre.

Today "Ace of the Cross" is one of the most popular and sought-after projects in the chanson style. Thirteen official albums have already been released (as of 2006) (not counting numerous “pirated” ones). Songs from them were included (only according to official data) in more than 350 collections, and on many of them the songs of “Ace of the Cross” are the title songs. A large advertising campaign was carried out for the album "Champion" on radio, TV and other media. Based on the results of sales of audio media, "Cross Ace" is consistently included in the leading group of the best performers of the genre.

The uniqueness and main advantage of the project is that Vladimir, combining several musical professions at once, is the ONLY PERFORMER-AUTHOR IN THE GENRE, who, without involving a single (!) outsider in the production process, does everything completely himself, starting from the idea verse and song, and ending with arrangement, sound engineering, recording and mixing of voices, instruments, as well as digital mastering and design of the finished CD, while playing everyone, incl. and “live” instruments in the author’s own studio, completed by him, constantly updated and equipped taking into account all the most modern requirements.

Vladimir's songs are very diverse - they include patriotism ("Soldier", etc.), and sports themes ("Champion", "Fight without Rules", etc.), and lyrics, and humorous songs (the series "New Russian Cat" etc.), but the greatest fame and popularity were brought by songs of social orientation, colloquially called songs “for life”, which enjoy the constant love of listeners. :)

And each of these songs contains a piece of the author’s soul and heart...

Vladimir Kozyrev was born on August 21, 1958. Since childhood, he was fond of music, from the age of five he studied violin at a music school, and at the age of 13 he was already playing in a band at the Intourist restaurant, playing bass guitar. At the same time, he began writing his first songs. In the army he served in special forces, but during his service he created his own group, played and composed songs. Then, having already entered college, he continued to play in many professional groups, performed in the same programs with Zh. Aguzarova, I. Allegrova and many other artists, and toured the country a lot. He dreamed of recording his songs... To earn money for recording, from 1987 to 1995 he worked as an arranger, concert administrator, and also a hand-to-hand combat instructor in a security structure... Then he had to go through something that many would later talk about from his songs... In the summer of 1997, Vladimir began working on his new project, which he called “Ace of the Cross” (based on the first card in the deck, which he bought at the Yaroslavl station in Moscow...). Vladimir just needed to take up the remaining space on the tape with something - so that the tape would have the same playing time on each of the two sides, and he wrote the theme of this comic song in literally 20 minutes... Subsequently, it became a hit. And now a whole series has already been released about the adventures of this funny character. You can always find out more detailed information about the “Ace of the Cross” project on the official website of Vladimir Kozyrev: http://www.ktuz.info

(This creative biographical information includes exclusively stages of musical activity and does not contain information about other activities, works and facts from personal life).

Hobbies: kickboxing, exotic travel, cooking delicious food.

Horoscope: Leo, gen. in the year of the Dog.

Favorite strong drink: 60% water :).

Favorite color: black.

He has been studying music since early childhood: at the age of 5 he entered a music school to study violin. After completing it, he himself learned to play the guitar and, at the age of 13, began his professional musical career - in the ensemble of the Intourist restaurant as a bass guitarist and vocalist.

While serving in the army, in the special forces, he also created his own group, and around the same time he began to write his first songs.

After the service, he entered a music school to study guitar, and then, having decided to get a higher technical education, he successfully entered a university. In parallel with his studies, he continues to compose his own songs, working both with the institute group and on dance floors and in restaurants in Moscow. Having gathered a group of like-minded people, he begins to successfully perform “underground” concerts in the Moscow region and in other cities, performing exclusively songs of his own composition, and after the government decree was issued banning this type of concert activity, he works in many other professional groups. Having completed his studies and received a higher education, in order to make his dream come true and earn money to record his own songs, he begins to work as a concert administrator, while still performing in the first department (“opening up”) for pop stars. He worked in programs with Zhanna Aguzarova, Marina Zhuravleva, Irina Allegrova and many other artists, and toured the country a lot.

Then the “studio period” of work begins. For several years in a row, until 1995, Vladimir worked as a professional arranger and sound engineer - first in Moscow studios, and then abroad, fully mastering all the intricacies of these musical professions. During this time, under different pseudonyms, he released five of his solo albums, which were released by well-known recording companies: “Zvuk”, “J.S.P”, “Soyuz” and “Polygram”, created more than a thousand arrangements in various musical styles, his songs began to be performed (and still performed) by many pop stars, incl. Honored and People's Artists of Russia.

After a forced break from creative activity, in 1997 he began working on his new project, which he called “Ace of the Cross”. (The name was invented by chance, based on the first card of the deck that he bought at one of the Moscow train stations). This name became

In 1998, the first album of “Ace of the Cross” was released, which, despite the crisis that gripped the country at that time, immediately became one of the best-selling albums in the genre.

Today "Ace of the Cross" is one of the most popular and sought-after projects in the chanson style. Thirteen official albums have already been released (as of 2006) (not counting numerous “pirated” ones). Songs from them were included (only according to official data) in more than 350 collections, and on many of them the songs of “Ace of the Cross” are the title songs. A large advertising campaign was carried out for the album "Champion" on radio, TV and other media. Based on the results of sales of audio media, "Cross Ace" is consistently included in the leading group of the best performers of the genre.

The uniqueness and main advantage of the project is that Vladimir, combining several musical professions at once, is the ONLY PERFORMER-AUTHOR IN THE GENRE, who, without involving a single (!) outsider in the production process, does everything completely himself, starting from the idea verse and song, and ending with arrangement, sound engineering, recording and mixing of voices, instruments, as well as digital mastering and design of the finished CD, while playing everyone, incl. and “live” instruments in the author’s own studio, completed by him, constantly updated and equipped taking into account all the most modern requirements.

Vladimir's songs are very diverse - they include patriotism ("Soldier", etc.), and sports themes ("Champion", "Fight without Rules", etc.), and lyrics, and humorous songs (the series "New Russian Cat" etc.), but the greatest fame and popularity were brought by songs of social orientation, colloquially called songs “for life”, which enjoy the constant love of listeners. :)

And each of these songs contains a piece of the author’s soul and heart...

The young man was born on August 11, 1989. His homeland is Armenia. The singer and at the same time a sports lover was born in the glorious city of Tashir. It is not surprising that Karen’s zodiac sign is Leo, because this is felt in his character, perseverance, and fortitude. He is known to his circle as an assertive and purposeful person. His full name is Movsisyan Karen Arturovich. He is not the only child in the family and has an older sister.

2001 turned out to be a difficult year for the guy, because it was during that period that the eleven-year-old teenager left his native country with his family. His new home was Kaluga in Russia.

From a very young age, the guy was passionate about sports and led an exceptionally healthy lifestyle. In addition, Karen had another hobby - hip-hop. One of Ace’s favorite performers was 2Ras. It was his work that gave impetus and inspiration for writing Movsisyan’s first songs, which he performed exclusively with family and friends. Tracks were recorded at that time on tape recorders and nothing more. In 2005, when Karen was already in 9th grade, he decided to take music seriously and devote himself to hip-hop culture.

Tragedy in the life of a star

In the same year, a real test of fate awaited the star. He suffered a serious injury that confined him to a wheelchair. Due to a fracture of the cervical vertebrae, Karen's legs gave out. But, despite the terrible diagnoses, the guy does not give up, undergoes treatment and believes in the best.

Thanks to his inner core and strong will, the guy, having gathered his strength after the tragic incident, continued his business with music. And already in 2009 one could hear about the beginning of Karena Tuza’s solo career. The celebrity did not choose her pseudonym by chance. It was precisely because Ace is the highest value in a card deck that the guy decided to use it.

Participation in competitions

2010 is a crucial period for the rising star. It was this year that the guy took part in the “Music of Our City” show. Here he was able to become a finalist of this grandiose project. The show took place in seven Russian cities, after which a collection with the same name “Music of Our City” was released. After completion, the finalists of this project were given the opportunity to go live on the Kaluga radio station Hit FM.

Karen Movsisyan did not stop at this achievement and in March 2011, the young and ambitious hip-hopper decided to take part in the International Hip-Hop Festival for Youth. He managed to win the audience award, and also became the “Discovery of the Month” on the Internet portal “Kaluga Sale”. Another victory for the young hip-hop artist was a certificate, which was presented personally by the general producer of “First Wave” Maxim Tereshkin. Today, Karen Tuz plans to release her first solo album, and is also filming a video with famous rap artists.

The singer's personal life

On September 5, 2017, many fans were shocked by the news that Karen had married his beloved Anahit. Today the guy has a second meaning in life besides playing his favorite music - this is his family, his beautiful wife, with whom he is happily married. Videos filmed during the couple's fairy-tale wedding have already spread all over the Internet.

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Biography, life story of the group "Cross Ace"

He has been studying music since early childhood: at the age of 5 he entered a music school to study violin. After completing it, he himself learned to play the guitar and, at the age of 13, began his professional musical career - in the ensemble of the Intourist restaurant as a bass guitarist and vocalist.

While serving in the army, in the special forces, he also created his own group, and around the same time he began to write his first songs.
After the service, he entered a music school to study guitar, and then, having decided to get a higher technical education, he successfully entered a university. In parallel with his studies, he continues to compose his own songs, working both with the institute group and on dance floors and in restaurants in Moscow. Having gathered a group of like-minded people, he begins to successfully perform “underground” concerts in the Moscow region and in other cities, performing exclusively songs of his own composition, and after the government decree was issued banning this type of concert activity, he works in many other professional groups.

Having completed his studies and received a higher education, in order to make his dream come true and earn money to record his own songs, he begins to work as a concert administrator, while still performing in the first department (“opening up”) for pop stars. He worked in programs with Zhanna Aguzarova, Marina Zhuravleva, Irina Allegrova and many other artists, and toured the country a lot.

Then the “studio period” of work begins. For several years in a row, until 1995, Vladimir worked as a professional arranger and sound engineer - first in Moscow studios, and then abroad, fully mastering all the intricacies of these musical professions. During this time, under different pseudonyms, he released five of his solo albums, which were released by well-known recording companies: “Zvuk”, “J.S.P”, “Soyuz” and “Polygram”, created more than a thousand arrangements in various musical styles, his songs began to be performed (and still performed) by many pop stars, incl. Honored and People's Artists of Russia.


After a forced break from creative activity, in 1997 he began working on his new project, which he called “Ace of the Cross”. (The name was invented by chance, based on the first card of the deck that he bought at one of the Moscow train stations). This name became the “calling card” of the singer-songwriter Vladimir Kozyrev.

In 1998, the first album of “Ace of the Cross” was released, which, despite the crisis that gripped the country at that time, immediately became one of the best-selling albums in the genre.

Today "Ace of the Cross" is one of the most popular and sought-after projects in the chanson style. Thirteen official albums have already been released (as of 2006) (not counting numerous “pirated” ones). Songs from them were included (only according to official data) in more than 350 collections, and on many of them the songs of “Ace of the Cross” are the title songs.

A large advertising campaign was carried out for the album "Champion" on radio, TV and other media. Based on the results of sales of audio media, "Cross Ace" is consistently included in the leading group of the best performers of the genre.

The uniqueness and main advantage of the project is that Vladimir, combining several musical professions at once, is the only author-performer in the genre who, without involving a single (!) outsider in the production process, does everything completely himself, starting from the idea verse and song, and ending with arrangement, sound engineering, recording and mixing of voices, instruments, as well as digital mastering and design of the finished CD, while playing everyone, incl. and “live” instruments in the author’s own studio, completed by him, constantly updated and equipped taking into account all the most modern requirements.

Vladimir's songs are very diverse - they include patriotism ("Soldier", etc.), and sports themes ("Champion", "Fight without Rules", etc.), and lyrics, and humorous songs (the series "New Russian Cat" etc.), but the greatest fame and popularity were brought by songs of social orientation, colloquially called songs “for life”, which enjoy the constant love of listeners.

And each of these songs contains a piece of the author’s soul and heart...