Why is the auditor a comedy with anger and salt. Lesson by N.V. Gogol. The Inspector General is a social comedy with anger and salt. Technological lesson map

Lesson topic. N.V.Gogol. “The Inspector General” is a social comedy “with anger and salt.” The history of the creation of the comedy and its first production.

Purpose of the lesson: to study Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General” and answer the question: what is a social comedy “with anger and salt”? What kind of “anger and salt” are we talking about in the comedy?

Lesson objectives:

Educational: know the content of the comedy, its main characters.

Developmental: be able to expressively read fragments of a work, transform into heroes, characterize heroes, see the shortcomings of each official, enter into dialogue, build reasoning, work in groups.

Educators: cultivate the desire to fight everything “bad in Russia.”

Lesson type: improving knowledge, skills, abilities.

During the classes.

Organizational moment.

I want to start our lesson with an epigraph written on the board:

“I decided to collect into one

a bunch of bad things in Russia, what am I like then?

knew... and at the same time laugh at

everyone... Through laughter... the reader heard


(N.V. Gogol)

What work were these words spoken about?

(These words were said by N.V. Gogol about the comedy “The Inspector General.”)

Right. Find the keywords in the epigraph.

(bad things in Russia, laughter)

Find synonyms for the word “bad”.

Bad - bad, ugly, ugly, bad, nasty, unpleasant, worthless.

N.V. Gogol called his comedy a comedy “with anger and salt.”

Why? (show the vices of society)

Formulate a problematic question?

(Let’s try to figure out what “bad” Gogol showed in the comedy “with anger and salt”, what he laughs at)

Open your notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

Formulation of the problem.

Is it really possible to learn something from Gogol’s officials?

I want you, after today’s lesson, to have a desire to fight “everything bad in Russia.”


Gogol dreamed of a comedy “with anger and salt.” He succeeded. What kind of “anger and salt” are we talking about in the work? We will try to answer this question during the lesson.

Who are the officials and what is their role in the city?

(“An official is a civil servant who has a rank, official title.”) entry in notebooks.

Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, judge

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry. Trustee of charitable institutions

Luka Lukich Khlopov. Superintendent of schools.

Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin. Postmaster.

Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky. Mayor.

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, landowners.

Your attitude to the news of the arrival of the auditor.

How officials try to hide the shortcomings of their work.

Meeting Khlestakov.

Finally, the time has come to meet Khlestakov, Osip will tell us about him. (Timofeev Ivan)

Tell me, Khlestakov, what is he doing in this city?

(he is passing through, lives in a tavern, he has no money)

Staging. Meeting of the mayor with Khlestakov. (Davletov Almaz, Khusainov Iskander)

How did the mayor’s meeting with Khlestakov take place?


Why is this situation funny? (there is no understanding between the characters, they are afraid of each other)

What is Khlestakov afraid of? (that he will be taken to prison)

What is the mayor afraid of? (thinks that he was reported, is frightened by Khlestakov’s behavior)

What feeling motivates them? (fear)

Creating a cluster:

Fear: 1) makes you blind

2) makes you deaf

3) deprives one of reason

Summarizing. Solving a problematic issue.

What did Gogol want to achieve by creating a comedy “with anger and salt”? (show the vices of society, shake human hearts with laughter)

List these vices.

(irresponsibility, greed, fraud, bribery)

What vices of modern society can you name?

(greed, drug addiction, irresponsibility, alcoholism...)

Is Gogol's comedy relevant today?

Is Gogol's comedy relevant today? Why?

What lesson can we learn for ourselves?

(Takes his responsibilities seriously)

What are your responsibilities today? (do homework, acquire knowledge...)

Homework: characterize Khlestakov.

Summary of a lesson on literature on the topic ““The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol as a social comedy “with anger and salt.”

For 8th grade students

MBOU "Muskatnovskaya School"

Prepared by: Murugova Alina Vladimirovna

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Technological lesson map

Information about the teacher: Olga Filippovna Frolova, first category, declared - highest, MBOU Lyalshurskaya secondary school, Sharkansky district, Udmurt Republic

Subject: Russian literature

Textbook (UMK):

Lesson topic: N.V. Gogol. “The Inspector General” as a social comedy “with anger and salt.” The history of comedyii and herfirst production. “The Inspector General” in the assessment of contemporaries

Lesson type: lesson on learning new material.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen;

Characteristics of the educational capabilities and previous achievements of students in the class for which the lesson is designed:

Students speak

subject UUD:

recognize the concepts of “epic, dramatic, lyrical work”;

Regulatory UUD:

cognitive UUD:

communicative UUD:

adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks; speak oral and written language; construct a monologue contextual statement

personal UUD:

Lesson objectives as planned learning outcomes, planned level of goal achievement:

Type of planned learning activities

Learning activities

Planned level of achievement of learning outcomes


Acquaintance with the history of the creation of the comedy “The Inspector General” and its first production;

Able to use knowledge about the features of a dramatic work in practical activities

Level 3 - reproduction of knowledge


Formulate questions independently

Plan their own activities, determine the means for their implementation

Level 3 - independent action of students based on the learned algorithm of actions


Level 3 - build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships


Level 3 – construct a monologue statement, adequately use speech means to solve various communicative problems.


Lesson stage, stage time

Stage tasks

Methods, teaching techniques

Forms of educational interaction

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formed UUD and subject actions

Motivational-target stage

To provide students with emotional experience and awareness of the incompleteness of existing knowledge;

Arouse cognitive interest in the problem;

Organize independent problem formulation and goal setting

Crossword (interactive whiteboard) according to the laptop program.

Creating a problematic situation of doubt



Invites children to remember

Gogol's work by solving a crossword puzzle.

Vocabulary work: who is he? auditor?

How is this word connected to the writer’s work?

Reports that the writer has succeeded in another genre of literature and suggests thinking about and justifying the answer to question: in what genre, lyrical or dramatic, did N.V. Gogol succeed? When did Gogol's interest in theater arise? What facts from the writer’s biography indicate his interest in the theater?

Informs the topic of the lesson, writes on the board “N.V. Gogol’s Comedy “The Inspector General”” and suggests formulating the problem of the lesson. What problem is posed in a dramatic work?

Guess the crossword puzzle

display the word “Inspector”.

Suggested answer: auditor - an official who carries out an audit (inspection).

Expressing your points of view on an issue orally.

Formulate questions that need to be answered during the lesson.

Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

Subject UUD:

reproduce knowledge orally.

Communication UUD:

expressing and justifying your point of view.

Personal UUD:

realize the incompleteness of knowledge, show interest in new content.

Regulatory UUD:

determine and understand the goals of educational activities.

Indicative stage

Organize independent planning and selection of research methods from those already known to students


Invites us to think about what tasks we need to set for ourselves, given that this is the first lesson on the work. Create a lesson plan.

Discuss in groups and name the research methods known to them, determine the sequence of actions.

1. The history of comedy.

2. The first production of the comedy, responses from contemporaries, impressions of the author himself.

3.Features of a dramatic work.

4.First acquaintance with the text of the work.

Regulatory UUD: plan ways to achieve goals;

Communication UUD:

take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

Cognitive UUD:

select the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions

Personal UUD:

ability to conduct dialogue based on equal relationships and mutual respect and acceptance

Search and research stage

ABOUTorganization process independentcomprehension students of new material (missing knowledge).

Reproductive teaching method.

Oral communication, report

Individual form.

Collective form.

He suggests listening to the messages and making notes in a notebook.

1.Message “The history of the creation of the comedy “The Inspector General”.

2.Message “The first production of the comedy “The Inspector General”.

3. Why is it important to know about the features of a dramatic work? (To understand the work, its content and main idea, i.e. conflict)

What helps you learn about the hero of the play and characterize him? (The hero’s speech, intonation, remarks from other heroes about him, gestures, facial expressions, remarks).

The student makes a report on the topic “The history of the creation of the comedy “The Inspector General.” Students listen and take notes in their notebooks.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Communication UUD:

build a monologue contextual statement

Cognitive UUD:

carry out an advanced search for information using library resources and the Internet;

Practical stage

Preparation for the perception of the work,

arousing interest in reading the comedy “The Inspector General”

ABOUTorganization actions consolidation knowledge about the features of a dramatic work in the process of solving specific practical problems

Group form

Group assignments:

1. Read the “Characters” page. How many characters are there in the play? What social position do they occupy? What does this mean? What do the names of the characters say?

2.Characters and costumes. Have you ever seen such a description by the author of his characters in any play? Why do you think the author needed this?

3.Read the first lines of the first phenomenon. What role does the first phrase of the comedy play? What role does the passage occupy in the compositional structure of the work? (tie).

Create an imaginary mise-en-scène. Think about how you would position the characters at a certain moment in the action, imagine their position, facial expressions, gestures, movements.

Communication UUD:

adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks; master oral speech; construct a monologue contextual statement;

Cognitive UUD:

master the basics of learning reading.

Reflective-evaluative stage

Aanalysis schoolchildren's own actions, identifying successes and shortcomings in work, program definition subsequent correctional actions (to eliminate shortcomings) and educational actions (to “build up” knowledge).

Individual or group

So, let's draw conclusions from the lesson.

I remembered…

I found out….

I could not get…

I will have to…

Communication UUD:

carry out communicative reflection as awareness of the reasons for one’s own actions and the actions of a partner

Regulatory UUD: independently set new educational goals and objectives

The plot of the comedy "The Inspector General", as well as the plot of the immortal poem "Dead Souls", was presented to Gogol by A.S. Pushkin. Gogol has long dreamed of writing a comedy about Russia, making fun of the shortcomings of the bureaucratic system, which are so well known to every Russian person. The writer was so captivated and captivated by the work on the comedy that in a letter to Pogodin he wrote: “I am obsessed with comedy.” In The Inspector General, Gogol skillfully combines “truth” and “anger,” that is, realism and bold, merciless criticism of reality. With the help of laughter and merciless satire, Gogol exposes such vices of Russian reality as veneration, corruption, arbitrariness of the authorities, ignorance and bad education.

In “Theatrical Travel,” Gogol wrote that in modern drama, action is driven not by love, but by money capital and “electricity.” “Electricity rank” gave rise to that tragicomic situation of universal fear of the false inspector.

The comedy "The Inspector General" presents a whole "corporation of various official thieves and robbers" blissfully existing in the provincial town of N.

When describing the world of bribe-takers and embezzlers, Gogol used a number of artistic techniques that enhance the characteristics of the characters.

Having opened the very first page of the comedy and learned that, for example, the name of the private bailiff is Ukhovertov, and the name of the district doctor is Gibner, we get, in general, a fairly complete picture of these characters and the author’s attitude towards them. In addition, Gogol gave critical characteristics of each of the main characters. These characteristics help to better understand the essence of each character. Mayor: “Although he is a bribe-taker, he behaves very respectably,” Anna Andreevna: “Raised half on novels and albums, half on the chores in her pantry and maiden,” Khlestakov: “Without a king in her head. She speaks and acts without any consideration.” , Osip: “A servant, as servants of several older years usually are,” Lyapkin-Tyapkin: “A man who has read five or six books, and therefore is somewhat freethinking.” Postmaster: “A man who is simple-minded to the point of naivety.”

Vivid portrait characteristics are also given in Khlestakov’s letters to his friend in St. Petersburg. So, speaking about Strawberry, Khlestakov calls the trustee of charitable institutions “a complete pig in a yarmulke.”

The main literary device used by N.V. Gogol in his comic portrayal of an official is hyperbole. As an example of the use of this technique, the author can name Christian Ivanovich Gibner, who is not even able to communicate with his patients due to complete ignorance of the Russian language, and Ammos Fedorovich and the postmaster, who decided that the arrival of the auditor foreshadows the coming war. At first, the plot of the comedy itself is hyperbolic, but as the plot action develops, starting with the scene of Khlestakov’s story about his life in St. Petersburg, the hyperbole gives way to the grotesque. Blinded by fear for their future, officials and clutching at Khlestakov like a straw, the city merchants and ordinary people are not able to appreciate the absurdity of what is happening, and the absurdities are piled on top of each other: here is the non-commissioned officer who “flogged herself,” and Bobchinsky, asking to bring to the attention of His Imperial Majesty that “Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky lives in such and such a city,” etc.

The climax and the denouement immediately following it come abruptly, but

    Gogol’s skill had a great impact in their creation and bright life characters are represented by Gogol in the images of the mayor’s wife and daughter. Before us are typical Provincial fashionistas, primps, coquettes. They are devoid of any social aspirations...

    “The Inspector General” is a famous comedy by N.V. Gogol. Its events take place in a small county town. The ideological meaning of the comedy, indicated in the epigraph, is most clearly revealed in the images of officials. They are depicted as vicious, in general they represent one social...

    In "Dead Souls" the theme of serfdom is intertwined with the theme of bureaucracy, bureaucratic arbitrariness and lawlessness. The guardians of order are in many ways akin to the landowners. Gogol draws the attention of readers to this already in the first chapter of Dead Souls....

    In 1839, in an article about “Woe from Wit,” having condemned Griboedov’s comedy “from an artistic point of view” (which, as he wrote in a letter to V.P. Botkin dated December 11, 1840, was the hardest thing for him to remember), Belinsky enthusiastically greeted the "Inspector". His...

    Gogol’s poem with the mysterious title “Dead Souls” tells about Chichikov’s fantastic scam - the purchase of audit souls. It is difficult for a modern reader, 160 years removed from those events, to imagine what the revision soul is. According to the current...

Topic: Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. A short story about the writer, his attitude to history, a historical theme in a work of art.

"Inspector". Comedy "with anger and salt." The history of the creation and history of the production of the comedy.

Lesson Objectives: 1) repeat known information about Gogol as a satirist writer; 2) give an idea of ​​a dramatic work; 3) reveal the ideological concept of the comedy.

Theory: drama, comedy.

Vocabulary work: posters, acts (actions), phenomena (scenes), monologues, dialogues, remarks, remarks.

I. Teacher's word. Gogol is one of the significant figures in the literature of the 1st half of the 19th century.

Gogol is a lonely “star” of Russian literature, a unique literary personality. The “secret”, the “mystery” of artistic talent has been debated for over a century and a half. You and I will also try to discover something new for ourselves and realize that the work of the great writer is a living phenomenon of our time.

Which works of Gogol are you familiar with? “The Night Before...”, “Sorochinskaya Yarm.”, “May Night...”, “Taras B.”, “The Tale of How One Man 2...”, “Wild Landowner”.

Name the lit. heroes.

II. Textbook. Page 245

  1. What career did you dream of in your youth?? (« I simply thought that I would curry favor and that all this would be provided by the public service.”)

  2. What trait of hara-ra, what skill, developed in his early youth, helped him become a writer?? (I came up with everything funny that I could think of..., I had the ability to “ guess a person and suddenly make him look like he’s alive with a few features…»)
Who had a serious influence on G. on the development of his writing talent? (A.S. Pushkin “ made me take things seriously»)

What facts from G.’s biography indicate his interests in theater? (Father, Vasily Afanasyevich, was a famous Ukrainian playwright. He became a recognized home theater director on the estate of the retired nobleman D. P. Troshchinsky)

If he blessed Pushkin as his literary successor Derzhavin, then the boy Nikolai Gogol’s talent was first noted by the Gogol-Yanovskys’ neighbor on the estate V. V. Kapnist, author of the sharp comedic pamphlet “Sneak,” directed against the government-bureaucratic apparatus of Russia. For this comedy, banned for a long time, Kapnist almost paid with exile to Siberia.

The young talent, who received Kapnist’s blessing, seemed destined to become satirist.

And the play " Auditor" was subsequently perceived Also, How once upon a time " Snitch».

Having entered Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences, young Gogol immediately showed his acting inclinations. One of the first letters (January 4, 1824) to parents contains evidence of the future playwright’s hobbies: “... I humbly ask you,” the schoolboy addresses his “dearest parents,” “to send me comedies...: “Poverty and nobility of the soul,” “Hatred of people and repentance"(plays by A. F. Kotzebue, translated from German)

IN gymnasium performances the future writer took an active part - both as an actor and as a graphic designer. The whole of Nizhyn was talking about the gymnasium production of Fonvizin’s “The Minor,” and the audience was especially amazed by the performance the role of Mrs. Prostakova as a pupil N. Gogol-Yanovsky. K.M. Basili, his friend at the gymnasium, later wrote in admiration: “ Not a single actress succeeded in the role of Prostakova as well as the then 16-year-old Gogol played.».

Arriving in the northern capital, a Nizhyn graduate strives to join the troupe of the Imperial Alexandrinsky Theater. The auditions were successful, Gogol made friends among the actors, but he never became an actor. Fate decreed...

II. From biographical information We know about Gogol that in the 30s. In the meantime, he is seriously thinking about Russian comedy. Continued the creative achievements of his predecessors D. I. Fonvizina, A. S. Griboedova. The writer contributed to the development of this genre. He believed that comedy will fulfill its purpose only when the idea of ​​the work is revealed in system of images, in composition, in plot, and not in direct verbal edifications, moral teachings with the punishment of vices in front of the audience.

So in the 30s. Gogol is working simultaneously on two comedies from modern life: “The Players” and “Grooms” (later reworked into “Marriage”).

ІІІ . Now remember whatkind of literature does it refer to comedy? To the drama. ( Interactive poster)

What is the difference between drama and epic and lyric poetry?? It stands at the junction of two arts - literature and theater).

What genres does drama fall into?? (tragedy, comedy, drama in the narrow sense)

What are the distinctive features of comedy?? (poster, acts (actions), monologues-dialogues, aside remarks, stage directions, speech of the characters. In the play no description of appearance hero, author's narration, direct expression of the author’s attitude to events and characters, his feelings. The author is hidden behind the actions and speeches of the characters)

The success of a dramatic work in the theater depends not only on director, (actors, artists-decorators who embody the writer’s intentions)

Flip through the play. How many acts are there in it and from how many phenomena does each(5 actions from 6 to 16 phenomena each)

Open the poster and meet the characters. (25 specific actors of different ranks and positions and a multitude of guests, merchants, townspeople, petitioners without names.) Even reading the poster makes it possible to assume that the comedy gives a broad critical life of the surrounding reality and a peculiar anatomy of the county town:

  • Here is the head of administration - mayor

  • And his "ministers":

  • Superintendent of schools

  • Judge,

  • Trustee of charitable institutions,

  • Chief of Police,

  • District doctor

  • Police officials

  • Landlord ranks,

  • City landowners

  • And respectable persons in the city,

  • And merchants

  • And the townspeople,

  • And city ladies

  • And servants.

  • There are 2 people standing outside the city. Who are they? (Khlestkov, Osip)
Russian comedy has never seen such a broad view of official life..

We will return to this image of the city (in a promising sense).

І V. He began work on “The Inspector General” when he was already a famous writer, whom A. S. Pushkin appreciated and friendly supported.

It is known that in one of the meetings in October 1835. Pushkin gave Gogol the plot of “The Inspector General”. « Do me a favor, writes the aspiring playwright, give me some kind of plot, at least something funny or not funny, but a purely Russian joke. My hand is trembling to write a comedy in the meantime. If this doesn’t happen, then my time will be wasted, and I don’t know what to do then... Do me a favor, give me a plot, the spirit will be a comedy of 5 acts, and, I swear, it will be funnier than the devil.”

In one of the next meetings, Pushkin told Gogol “ Russian joke" He told Gogol an incident in the Novgorod province, where some traveler, posing as an official from the ministry, robbed the residents. Besides, Pushkin himself, going to Orenburg to collect material for the history of the Pugachev uprising, he soon learned that local authorities had received a warning from “well-wishers” that the collection of historical information was only a pretext, and the real goal of the visitor was to conduct a secret audit of the official activities of Orenburg officials. These 2 cases became the basis of Gogol's comedy.

Gogol worked on the text of the comedy for 17 years. Although the 1st draft edition was already written by December 1835. Rough sketches to “hone” the work. So a year before his death, in 1851, he made the last changes to one of the replicas І Vactions. The final edition is considered to be the text of 1842. There were 3 lifetime editions: 1836, 1841, 1842.

V. Message “The ideological concept and compositional features of the comedy “The Inspector General.”

IN " The Inspector General,” Gogol later recalled, I decided to collect in one pile everything bad in Russia that I knew then, all the injustices that are done in those cases where justice is most required from a person, and at once laugh at everything».

The comedy deals not with a love affair, not with events in private life, but with phenomena of social order. The plot is based on the commotion among officials awaiting the auditor, and their desire to hide from him “ your sins».

Thus, it is a socio-political comedy. It doesn't have a central character. The mass of bureaucrats became such heroes. This bureaucracy is given primarily in official activities, which entailed the inclusion in the play of images of merchants and philistines.

2) page 342 (2-6 questions)

3) What is the plot?

Make a sign about the officials of the county town

Official name

The area of ​​city life that he is called upon to lead

Information on the state of affairs in this area

Characteristics of the hero according to the text

Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky

Mayor. General police management, ensuring order in the city, its improvement

He takes bribes, connives in this matter with other officials, the city is not well-maintained, public money is stolen

"Speaks …"

1st production

Alexandrinsky Theater. Petersburg. The hall was full. In the boxes and seats in the stalls are ministers and the St. Petersburg nobility. In the royal box - Nicholas 1 with his heir. There are many acquaintances of Gogol in the theater:

Zhukovsky, to whom Gogol read “R.” in a palace,

Poet Vyazemsky.

Even old man Krylov came. For him, the new Russian comedy is an event during which you won’t be able to sit at home.

Only in the gallery are spectators from a non-aristocratic circle crowded together.

At first they laughed willingly. After all, comedy is funny.

Already after the 1st act, bewilderment was written on all faces, which increased with each act. The audience is knocked out of all theatrical expectations and habits.

However, in this play there were features and phenomena filled with such vital truth that general laughter was heard twice. Something completely different happened in Act 4: laughter at times still flew from one end of the hall to the other, but it was some kind of slave laughter, immediately disappeared;

Applause there was almost none;

But tense attention, convulsive, Sometimes dead silence showed. That the thing that happened on stage was passionate captured the hearts of the audience.

By end of act 4 the previous bewilderment degenerated into general indignation, which was completed by Act 5.

Many later called out the author for writing a comedy, others because talent was visible in some scenes, the common public for laughing, but common voice, heard on all sides of the selected audience was: “ This is an impossibility, slander and farce ».

Tsar there's a lot at the show laughed And applauded, probably wanting to emphasize that the comedy is harmless, it should not be taken seriously. He understood perfectly well that his anger would be another confirmation of the veracity of Gogol’s satire. However, left alone with his retinue, the king could not stand the cunningly conceived role to the end and lost his temper: “ What a play! Everyone got it, and I got it more than anyone else

High-ranking officials of St. Petersburg were offended when they saw in the play “ an intolerable curse against nobles, officials and merchants", in general to Russia.

But most of all Gogol was shocked by the accusation that he - enemy of Russia , that the tone slandered her in the comedy.

However, Gogol also had well-wishers. Rich Demidov, who established an annual prize of 20,000 rubles. and having transferred the right to award it to the Russian Academy of Sciences, on May 11, 1836, wrote a letter to the secretary of the Academy with a request to crown Gogol with a full set of gold medals. But the Academy was imperial. Demidov was refused. The prize was awarded to Bobinsky for his “Horse Riding Course.”

Gogol was upset. Irritated. Suffered. And he went abroad for treatment in June 1836. Slide 10 Portrait of I. Zherin

The face is pale, as if greatly outraged by what happened. The left eyebrow raised in surprise, the eyes are bold to the point of insolence, but the circles around them betray suffering, the lips are pursed offensively. The artist successfully positioned Gogol: his back is turned to us, only his head is energetically turned towards the viewer. This is a gesture of stern farewell, emphasizing Gogol’s alienation, the gulf between the writer and Nikolaev Russia, which opened at the 1st performance.

Lesson 2. Topic: 1 action

“Unpleasant news: an auditor is coming to visit us”

Lesson Objectives: reveal the vital basis of comedy; understand the circumstances that brought officials to their fatal mistake; awaken attention to Gogol's text.

Vocabulary work:

Incognita- under a fictitious name, without revealing your own.

Arbitrariness– self-will, autocracy;

Embezzlement- robbing the treasury and the state.

Fraud– unseemly, fraudulent actions with selfish goals.

During the classes

I. K. S. Stanislavsky advises reading the play simply, but with a good understanding of the essence, the main line of its internal development. Let us follow his advice: “to trace how the conflict arises and develops in it, for what and between whom the struggle is being waged, which groups are fighting and in the name of what.”

Gogol, creating a portrait of society and showing the imperfection of man, deprived of the moral law, finds a new type dramatic conflict. Gogol's innovation lies in the fact that in comedy there is no hero-ideologist who would express a true understanding of duty and honor, no conscious deceiver leading everyone by the nose. Officials are deceiving themselves, literally imposing on Khlestakov the role of a significant person. Increasing fear, clouding the mind forces us to accept " icicle, rag", "helipads"for the auditor.

II. Once again with the poster, slide 13 Time and place of action. (The district town is a replica of the mayor, removed from the center: “Even if you gallop from here for 3 years, you won’t reach any state.” Time period: 1831

  1. Reading 1, 2 yav. Gradually, from small details and lines, an image of the city appears before us. From the characters' remarks we can draw some conclusions about the features of this city.

  2. Since all sides of the administration are represented, we can already say from Act I that things are not going well in all areas.

  3. But the worst thing that the people living in this city are completely don't suspect, that you can live differently.

  1. Why in 1 Jan. Officials are named by their first and patronymic names, and the mayor is called the mayor? Gogol emphasizes that for all those present Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky is not a private person, but an official, a boss, an important person. This highlighting of the mayor as the most significant person is reflected in the construction of dialogues. The mayor leads the main melody, and the others echo him.

  1. Reading 1- x 3 replicas. The remarks of the judge and the trustee in the text look the same. But are they pronounced the same? Find the correct intonation of the characters, consistent with the comments. Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin Tyapkin slowly, importantly, perplexedly, as if saying: “ What kind of auditor is this? What else is this?» Logical stress is on the word How.

  1. Strawberry Artemy Filippovich is also surprised, but he doesn’t need to explain who the auditor is. The subtext of the phrase is: “No, really, auditor? Really? The remark sounds abruptly, emphatically interrogative.

  2. In the following remarks from officials, their condition is expressed more openly. Judge discouraged by the surprise.

  3. Strawberries Artemy Filippovich He immediately realized that things had taken an unpleasant turn, he was very upset.

  4. And the last one (he didn’t dare before) speaks Khlopov Luka Lukich.What's in his voice? ? (Fear, horror).

  5. Instructions of the mayor to Luka Lukich- With. 257, below.
Khlopov only makes excuses helplessly and timidly complains about his unfortunate lot, revealing a simple-minded fear of the impending appearance of the auditor.

  1. Strawberries Artemy Filippovich takes instructions more cheerfully. He understands perfectly well what the mayor wants from him, and completely agrees with him: nothing should be radically changed, it is only necessary that the appearance be decent. Therefore, Strawberry, with relief, even with some pleasure, agrees with the mayor. " Well, that’s nothing, the caps can probably be put on and are clean" - With. 255, above.

  2. The judge perceives the mayor’s message and his advice differently Lyapkin-Tyapkin Ammos Fedorovich.

  • C in importance philosopher begins to make the most incredible assumptions about the causes of the “misfortune.” Find it. (255 pages)

  • Why is the judge's speech comical?? The significance of his remarks is funny: “ Anything for a reason“, he says, combining in one phrase unconnectable. « No wonder" - the word indicates the specific cause of the incident. But instead of this reason, L.-Tyapkin slips in an indefinite “ anything».

  • Why does Gogol give the judge such a ridiculous surname?? Reflected the principle of attitude towards official matters (“clunker”),
Mental clumsiness, incompetence, slowness.

  • Replicas judges comical: after many efforts, painful verbal labors" (Stanislavsky) he lays out nonsense, his inevitable "blunder": " is there any betrayal somewhere?"(p. 255)

  • What does the mayor say and how does his answer affect Lyapkin-Tyapkin? The caustic objections of the mayor make the next remark of the judge completely amorphous: he is not able to argue his thoughts. Only at the end of the sentence does his phrase become coherent: “ No, I’ll tell you, you’re not that... you’re not... The authorities have subtle views: even though they are far away, they are shaking their heads" (255)

  • Page 252-253 – speech with old watch.

  • Conclusion: the intonation of the speeches of Gogol’s characters reveals their character.

  • Comical incongruity between the manner of speech and the feelings of the judge. With all his " profundity"and the judge is very tongue-tied proud And touchy.

  • It’s unbearably hard for him to listen to the mayor’s comments about the abundance that is indecent for a public office.” geese with little goslings” that scurry around under your feet" - With. 256. And Lyapkin-Tyapkin tries to interrupt the mayor with seductive offers (“ And I’ll order them all to be taken to the kitchen today. Would you like to come and have lunch?»).

  • But today, on the eve of the arrival of the auditor, the mayor is incorruptible, as if not noticing the judge’s remarks, he continues to instructively lecture Lyapkin-Tyapkin: p. 256, below.

  • Why Gogol helped us notice in courtarapnik ? (p. 256) the arapnik is an excellent symbol of justice of that time

  • Unable to withstand the discovery of “disturbances,” which was offensive to his pride, the judge went on the offensive, saying that “ sins are different", and objects to considering greyhound puppies, which he takes openly, as bribes (p. 257)

  • Why bribes with greyhound puppies are not a sin for the guardian of justice? (Bribery has assumed enormous proportions and greyhound puppies, among other abuses, seem like a trifle to the judge.)

  • Moreover, Lyapkin-Tyapkin is not harmless: if the mayor tells the auditor about the riots in court, he, the representative of the law, can remember a fur coat worth 500 rubles, and a shawl for the mayor’s wife, and about many other things, which were not at all flattering for the head of the city. This threat has a stronger effect on the mayor than an invitation to dinner, and he says conciliatoryly: p. 257, below. " However, I only mentioned the district court; but to tell the truth, it’s unlikely that anyone will ever look there…»

  1. Which officials are most concerned about the possible arrival of an auditor and why?? (mayor)

  1. He has the most sins

  2. He is also the most insightful and dexterous person among them.
Prove 1) The 1st remark gave the exposition tension and swiftness: officials were directly faced with the need to act

  1. How are officials different from him?? (Stupid, clumsy. They make ridiculous assumptions.)
They are wasting their time and have even forgotten about the danger that threatens them.
Officials are accustomed to impunity and console themselves with the fact that the mayor has bigger “sins”.

  1. The mayor is not like that. Knowing that revisions are usually superficial, he gives instructions that do not require fundamental changes (clean caps, write above the bed;
geese with goslings;

the assessor is a drunkard - let him have garlic;

  1. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky interrupts the frivolous postmaster, who is ready to forget about the auditor for the sake of a playful letter. Page 260 " Well, there's no time for that now…»

  2. What lines end 1-2 episodes?? (The mayor about the damned incognito that sits in his head.)

  3. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky becomes even careful in expressions, which rarely happens to him in normal circumstances.

  • TO to the postmaster: « Listen, Ivan Kuzmich, ... print a little and read"...Afraid to express himself definitely and cautious" print it out a little” covers the official “incoming and outgoing"(p. 260, top)

  • THE CITY OFFICER IS NOT FREE FROM PETTY PRIDE. Reading Chmykhov’s letter, he begins with an address: p. 254. " Dear friend, godfather and benefactor..."(In this situation, this appeal is completely uninteresting for officials, but the mayor cannot miss it: it flatters him. Anton Antonovich wants to show everyone how respected he is)

  • How and why the mayor talks about 2 unusual rats that he dreamed of? P. 254 (It would seem that the situation is so acute that there is no time for interpreting dreams. The mayor, quite seriously, as if we are talking about a real event, says: “Really, these kind of people ... away” - one can see in these words not only superstition, but also the desire to discover your foresight, instinct, intuition.

Bottom line. 1. It was uh composition.

2 . Gogol has no unjustified trifles.

3 . Shchepkin believed that Gogol did not have a single insignificant phrase: “We were rehearsing “The Inspector General” for the actor re-entering the play. Shchepkin. Then already a very old man. I sat in the smoking room and waited for my exit. In one of the acts of the play, the mayor has a few words that he says behind the scenes. Chernevsky, whose responsibility was to monitor the exits and remarks, decided not to disturb the resting Shchepkin and shouted the line for him. The old artist, who heard the words of his role spoken by someone else, became agitated. He called Chernevsky over and asked him sternly: “ Isn't itYou today you are playing mayor? The embarrassed young man replied: “ Have mercy, Mikhail Semyonovich, I didn’t want to bother you over trifles.” "Remember, - Shchepkin said hotly, - firstly, Gogol has no trifles, secondly, I’m here precisely to worry" (Shchepkina-Kupernik T. L. “No. From memories of the Russian theater”)
D. z. read action 2

2) From what moment does the action begin to develop faster?

3) page 344 (4, 5)
Lesson 2