Useful and medicinal properties of figs. Dried and fresh figs: beneficial properties and contraindications

Figs are one of the earliest fruits that humans began to grow. It is this fruit that people prefer to eat, among the many sweet fruits in warm countries of the world. Unfortunately, it is not available fresh all year round. We buy most of our fig trees in dried form. But in this article we will talk about fresh figs, their beneficial properties and benefits for the human body. Let's look at the possible harm, how to select and store. Still, in the fall, fig or fig fruits can be bought fresh.

How and where figs grow

Everyone knows figs. But few people have seen it in person in its fresh form. Unfortunately, it does not tolerate frost and does not always take root in our climate. True, it is possible to grow it in home greenhouse conditions, which significantly increases the degree of its beneficial qualities for the human body.

These sweet fruits appear thanks to the so-called fig tree (in botanical circles it is also called a fig tree or simply a fig). It belongs to the genus Ficus and the mulberry family.

India and the Mediterranean countries are considered the true homeland of this plant. That is, areas with a subtropical climate. True, some believe that it still comes from Egypt, where it was grown before our era.

Externally, the fig tree is a strong tree with smooth, light gray bark (it grows up to 10 meters) or a spreading shrub (usually its height is about 8 meters).

As a ficus genus, the fig tree is distinguished by large, rigid leaves (they are arranged alternately), which are dark green above and grayish below. In addition, they are always pubescent.

In the leaf axils there are inflorescences called syconia. They are hollow, pear-shaped and have holes at the top. Such holes are necessary for osblastophages, which pollinate trees. All inflorescences are divided into male (caprifiga) and female (fig).

Juicy and sweet fruits appear only from female inflorescences. They are characterized by a length of 8 centimeters, a width in a radius of up to 5 centimeters and a total weight of about 70 grams. Inside the fruit there are small seeds-nuts.

Regarding size and color, they directly depend on the variety. The most common types include yellow-green, dark blue, black, purple and yellow fruits.

A tree or shrub blooms quite often - up to three times a year. Inflorescences belonging to the male genus are formed from spring to late autumn. But for women - exclusively in summer and autumn.

Figs can be seen growing wild in India, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Afghanistan, Iran, Asia Minor, on the Black Sea coast and in the Krasnodar Territory.

In mountainous areas, figs prefer heights. Therefore, it can grow at altitudes from 500 to 2 thousand meters above sea level, on slopes and along the coastal line of high-mountain rivers.

Today it is common to cultivate the fig tree widely. There are fig plantations in Greece, Turkey, Italy, Tunisia, America, Portugal, as well as the European southern part of Russia. The main thing is that the temperature does not drop below -12 degrees.

When growing, it is customary to use light, even “poor” soil (not black soil) and water the plant abundantly.

Figs are planted by seeds or petioles. You can try grafting it onto other fruit trees with sweet fruits. This option will additionally help prevent damage from pests and plant diseases.

It also became possible to plant figs in wide, deep pots. Thus, the tree will perform a decorative function, grow no more than 3 meters in height, and begin to produce fruits from the fifth year of life. In general, from a small tree you can get at least 90 fruits per year; it will delight the owner for up to 60 full years. True, for inexperienced gardeners there is a danger of wasp nests appearing on such trees, which are often formed in caprifages.

Figs beneficial properties and composition

Figs, the fruit of the fig tree or fig tree, have been known since ancient times for their beneficial properties. Avicenna also described its effect on the human body in his works. And all this thanks to its composition. Such a food product, although it contains a large number of sugars, is still characterized by an excellent balance of various beneficial vitamins and microelements, including:

  • Protein fractions (naturally of plant origin);
  • Small amount of fat;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Pectins;
  • Fiber (or insoluble dietary fiber);
  • Retinol (vitamin A);
  • Beta carotene;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • B vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine, niacin);
  • Minerals: sodium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, calcium, magnesium and iron.

In addition, fresh figs are a good dietary product. The total calorie content of fresh fruit is only 49 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Therefore, it is advisable to consider it low-calorie.

Since figs are rich in vitamin C, it helps strengthen the immune system and helps protect against viruses.

Like many other fruits, this fruit contains many antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants play a very important role in maintaining health: they reduce the risk of vascular and heart diseases, inflammatory diseases, tumors and many other diseases.

Iron improves blood composition and oxygen delivery to all organs and cells of the body.

Figs benefits for the body

The benefits of consuming fresh figs were known to ancient healers. Modern medicine, based on existing records, has somewhat classified all the benefits of the application. Now wineberry is recommended for the following purposes:

  • Increased vitamin deficiency in the body;
  • Strengthening the skeletal system;
  • Giving the body vital energy and strength;
  • Removing toxins;
  • Improving immunity;
  • Cure coughs and colds;
  • Additional therapeutic treatment for kidney and liver diseases;
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system (lowering cholesterol levels, giving elasticity to blood vessels, stabilizing the work of the heart muscle);
  • Increasing male potency and combating sexual impotence;
  • Losing body weight and combating obesity;
  • Improved brain activity;
  • Quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger;
  • Need to replace chocolate.

According to ancient legend, the Greeks used figs as a natural aphrodisiac. It was considered a sacred fruit that could improve reproductive functions. From a scientific point of view, this is easily explained: it contains minerals such as zinc, manganese, magnesium, which increase libido.

Medicinal properties of figs

This tasty fruit has not only purely gastronomic uses. It has been used for more than 5,000 years to treat various diseases. Fig fruits have good:






properties. It is traditionally used to treat:





Eating 5-6 pieces of fruit will help normalize blood pressure and the functioning of the heart muscle.

Unripe fruits contain a substance called ficin, similar to milk. After squeezing this milk out of the fruit, it is used to lubricate calluses and is used to heal wounds, cuts, ulcers and other skin lesions, as it has antiseptic properties. By smearing your teeth with it, you can get rid of plaque.

To increase hemoglobin, eat 10 figs daily.

Fresh figs can help cope with toothache. To do this, cut the fruit in half, remove the pulp and apply it to the gums for 5-7 minutes. Repeat this 3-4 times and the toothache will gradually go away.

Eastern women use these fruits to whiten tooth enamel. To do this, you need to burn 2-3 large fruits over an open fire, collect the ashes and mix with glycerin. Use the resulting paste to brush your teeth 2 times a day. After a week, as a rule, the enamel becomes several shades whiter without any chemicals.

Fresh leaves of the tree are applied to burn wounds or to stop bleeding.

Fig tree decoction helps with gastritis and constipation. It is used to gargle for sore throats and colds.

A decoction of figs with milk is a proven remedy for treating coughs in children and adults. To prepare such a decoction, pour milk over several pieces of fruit and boil. Leave for 3 hours and drink warm.

In addition, the juice of fresh fig tree leaves is used in cosmetology, adding it to various cosmetics. It has excellent antiseptic properties and helps fight premature aging.

Figs during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and feeding a child with breast milk, fresh fig tree fruits play an important role not only in the life of the mother, but also of the baby.

And this importance lies in the following positive characteristics:

How to eat figs correctly

For many consumers, fresh figs are not available. But even when it becomes possible to eat non-dried fruits, it is necessary to follow certain rules and not forget that unripe fruits are not eaten due to the presence of a poisonous and caustic milky milk called ficin.

In addition, the maximum daily number of fruits should not exceed three pieces. Otherwise, the rules are the same as for all other fruits, vegetables and berries. Before you eat figs, you need to wash them.

But most often, fresh figs are used to prepare various desserts, salads, as a filling for baked goods, and when cooking meat. Compotes, preserves and jams are made from these fruits, including in the form of preparations for the winter.

Fig jam is not only tasty, but also healthy. This jam will come to the rescue during colds.

For those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, prepare a delicious mousse with cottage cheese and figs.

How to select and store figs

Due to the fact that we do not often come across a fresh fig tree, it is very important to understand how to choose such a fruit correctly.

Therefore, when purchasing, you should give preference to:

  • Soft light yellow fruits (although it all depends on the variety);
  • Large fruits of the same size;
  • Fruits with sweet pulp (sourish pulp indicates immaturity or expiration date);
  • Figs packed in separate cardboard cells (so they won’t get wrinkled);
  • Fruits with smooth skin and without various types of damage (so they rot faster).

It is not customary to store fresh figs long time. The maximum period is two days (this is permissible, since the harvest is often harvested). When purchasing it, it is best to leave it in a cool, dark place or place it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. But it’s better to eat it right away or make jam from it.


No matter how beneficial fresh figs are, unfortunately, doctors limit their consumption to the following categories of people:

  • Figs are prohibited for those diagnosed with gout;
  • Those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should treat the fruit with caution;
  • Despite recommendations for consumption during pregnancy, figs are excluded from the diet of those women who are rapidly gaining weight;
  • It is not recommended to eat figs if you have diabetes.

Individual intolerance to the fruit is also a contraindication for consumption in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

Fig or fig tree, fig is healthy for most people and can provide great benefits to the body. When it’s in season, and here we sometimes sell fresh figs in the fall, buy this fruit. It will help cleanse the body, give tone, and simply be a pleasure to consume.

The benefits of figs for weight loss

Figs can be eaten both fresh and dried. High amounts of calcium, iron, potassium, along with high protein and low fat content make it one of the healthy foods. It can be added to yogurt, cottage cheese, smoothies and other dishes.

Figs, on the one hand, even fresh, not to mention dried, are a nutritious product. But recently, nutritionists have been taking a closer look at it and recommending it in weight loss diets. Why? There are several reasons:

It is rich in fiber - soluble dietary fiber;

Contains several vital vitamins and minerals;

Good source of calcium;

Helps strengthen the immune system;

Removes harmful substances from the body;

It contains antioxidants.

All this together helps, first of all, to survive the purely psychological aspect of losing weight, when a person is forced to give up the usual food and the usual portions of food. Many people become depressed during this period and, as a result, “break down.”

The second reason is the composition of the fruit. Indeed, during a diet, which often consists of monotonous foods, and there are those who like to “sit” on mono-diets, figs can replenish the body with the necessary elements. In addition, fresh figs are not high-calorie foods.

Elena Malysheva talks about the benefits of figs, also known as figs or wineberries.

Figs are a healthy southern berry with a unique sweet taste. Most often used in dried form. But at the end of summer, fresh fruits appear on sale for a short time. What are the benefits of figs? What are the properties and uses of fig tree fruits?

Botanical description

It grows in southern countries and regions - in Egypt, Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, Georgia, and on the Crimean peninsula. It is a tall tree up to 13 meters. The foliage is tough, large, palmate-lobed. The fig tree is considered one of the most ancient crops. People call it wineberry, fig, fig tree, fig.

Ripe fruits are valuable. In alternative medicine, the leaves and roots are used to prepare medicinal decoctions. The fruit is pear-shaped, with many seeds. There are varieties of different colors. The most common figs are green figs with a yellow tint. It is eaten raw, made into jams and preserves. Black figs make delicious dried fruits. After drying, the berries acquire a lighter shade. White figs taste similar to black ones.

You should not eat unripe fruits. Their milky juice causes poisoning when ingested. It is used as an external remedy to treat acne and remove warts.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The fig tree spoils quickly, but is sold dried all year round. During the drying process, the fruits do not lose their beneficial properties - the concentration of valuable substances even increases. The table shows data on the nutritional value of fresh and dried berries.

Table - Nutritional value of dried and fresh figs

Calorie content also changes - fresh fruits contain only 74 kcal, dried fruits - 257 kcal. The concentration of nutrients also varies. Data on vitamin content are given in the table.

Table - Vitamin content in fresh and dry figs

Vitamin content per 100 gFresh, mgDried, mg
A7 7
E0,11 0,3
IN 10,06 0,07
AT 20,05 0,09
AT 50,3
AT 60,11 0,08
AT 90,006 0,021
RR0,4 0,7

The chemical composition includes valuable elements - calcium, potassium, magnesium. Phosphorus, iron, sodium are present. Figs contain natural enzymes, organic acids, and pectins. The beneficial properties of figs are enhanced by the content of phytosterol, Omega-3, Omega-6 acids, and glyceric acid.

Moderate amounts of figs are beneficial during pregnancy. It contains the necessary substances for the proper intrauterine formation of the fetus. A balanced combination of vitamin B9 and iron prevents anemia. During breastfeeding, fig berries are used to enhance lactation.

Effect of fruits on the body

Dried or dried figs are often used for treatment. It does not lose its beneficial properties for a long time during storage. Fresh fruits are available only a few months a year.


The medicinal properties of dried figs have been known for a long time. This is an effective restorative, tonic, immunomodulatory, and anti-cold remedy. Its most common use is in ten cases.

Treatment with fresh figs is no less effective. It is used in the treatment of all the diseases listed above. But fresh fig tree fruits also have additional medicinal properties.

  • Kidney and bladder diseases. It has a mild diuretic effect, improves kidney function, and relieves inflammation.
  • Dermatological diseases. The juice of a fresh fig tree is used to wipe the skin for acne and inflammation of surface tissues.
  • Fungus. Fig contains substances that have an antifungal effect.
  • Rheumatism. Berry compresses relieve pain from rheumatism, arthritis, and other joint diseases.

Fig tree leaves contain furocoumarins, organic acids, essential oil, steroids, tannins, and flavonoids. For diarrhea, flatulence, poisoning, colitis, bronchitis, you can brew tea from fig leaves to alleviate the patient's condition.

Benefits of figs

The fig tree benefits the male and female body, having different effects on it. At the same time, the effect of strengthening the immune system and improving general condition is achieved.

For women

For women, the benefits of figs include getting rid of common diseases and having a beneficial effect on appearance. When used correctly and regularly, the fig tree has the following effects on the female body.

  • Varicose veins. Figs reduce swelling, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thin the blood, and eliminate heaviness and pain in the legs.
  • Cramps. During pregnancy, after wearing high heels for a long time, women sometimes experience cramps in their calf muscles. The fig tree compensates for the lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium and eliminates the unpleasant symptom.
  • Skin cell regeneration. Internal and external use of fig improves skin condition.
  • Weight loss . Wine berry helps in weight loss by removing excess fluid from the body and has a mild laxative effect. Figs normalize metabolism, enhance intestinal motility, and remove waste and toxins. To achieve weight loss, fig trees should be consumed in moderation, replacing one of your meals with two to three fruits.

For men

Even in the Ancient East they knew how beneficial figs were for men. The sweet berry was used to strengthen male power. Now the range of uses of the fig tree has expanded.

  • Prevention of heart attack. Figs strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stabilize the emotional state, improve blood circulation, and normalize blood pressure. All this is a powerful prevention of early heart attack.
  • Increased potency. Due to its rich chemical composition, the fig tree reduces the manifestations of erectile dysfunction.

A whitish coating forms on dry fruits. This is not mold, but glucose crystals that make dried fruits especially sweet and tasty.

Possible harm and contraindications

For a number of diseases, the fig tree will not alleviate, but will aggravate the patient’s condition. Carefully study the list of these diseases before starting treatment with dry or fresh fruits. Let's consider the contraindications of figs.

  • Pancreatic diseases. If the pancreas is inflamed, it cannot cope with large amounts of sugar.
  • Diabetes . Figs cause an increase in blood sugar levels due to the high concentration of glucose.
  • Bleeding disorder. Figs thin the blood and are contraindicated for people with low blood clotting ability.
  • Gout. The fig tree contains oxalic acid - it aggravates the condition of gout.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Consumption of figs is contraindicated for gastritis, ulcers, colitis due to the large amount of fiber.

In these cases, the harm of figs will outweigh its benefits. Even healthy people should not overuse the fig tree. A large amount of sweet fruits eaten will lead to diarrhea and bloating.

Medicine prescriptions

Depending on the disease, medicines from figs and their leaves are prepared according to different recipes. The table shows the necessary ingredients, method of preparation, indications for use.

Table - Medicines from figs

MedicineIngredientsPreparationIndications for use
Leaf decoction– Dried leaves;
– water
– A tablespoon of raw material is poured into a glass of water;
– boil for 5 minutes
– Kidney diseases;
– dermatological diseases (externally)
Fruit decoction– Figs;
– water
– 3–5 fruits are poured with a glass of boiling water;
– Boil for 5 minutes over low heat;
– grind into a homogeneous mass
- Stones in the kidneys;
– thyroid disease
Leaf infusion– Dried leaves;
– water
– 3 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water;
- insist for 5 hours
- Bronchial asthma;
– diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys
Figs with milk– Dry fruits;
- milk
– 2-3 crushed fruits are added to a glass of milk;
– boil for 2 minutes;
- insist for an hour
- Cough;
- a sore throat;
– elevated temperature
Laxative– Figs;
- raisin;
– ground ginger;
- nutmeg
– 100 g of dried fruits are passed through a meat grinder;
– add half a teaspoon of spices;
– knead the mass, form balls
Constipation (eat two balls on an empty stomach)
Fig syrup– Fruits of the fig tree;
– water;
- sugar;
- ginger;
– lemon
– 8 fruits cut;
– pour a glass of water, boil for 20 minutes;
– take out the berries, add a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of spicy root, and lemon juice to the broth;
– boil for 5 minutes, pour into a bottle
- Cough;
- flu;
– digestive problems
Decoction of leaves in milk- Dry leaves;
- milk
– 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into 200 ml of hot boiled milk;
- leave until cool;
– filter
– Sore throat (gargle);
– boils

Figs are good for the spine. For osteochondrosis, it is recommended to eat a mixture of dried fruits before going to bed for a month and a half. Portion for each meal: one fig, one prune, five dried apricots. Additionally, you can make a decoction of fig fruits.

You can eat figs with or without the peel - the skin does not contain harmful substances. The fruits are dried unpeeled - it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to remove the peel from a dry fruit.

Drying and storage rules

It’s easier to buy ready-made dried fruits, but some people prefer to dry figs at home. The fruits are pre-sorted, washed and dried. There are several drying methods.

In the sun

Description . Traditional way of making dried fruits. When dried in the sun, the fruits do not lose their beneficial properties. The only problem is that the sweet smell attracts insects.


  1. The prepared fruits are cut in half and placed on a wire rack with the cut side up.
  2. Wrap in gauze to protect against insects.
  3. Leave in the sun for four to six days.
  4. The fruits are strung on a thread and hung in a shaded place until completely dry.

In the oven

Description . Figs are dried in the oven at a minimum temperature to preserve as many valuable substances as possible. The fruits are constantly monitored - they will burn if they are not turned over for a long time.


  1. The washed and dried fig fruits are placed on a wire rack.
  2. The oven is turned on to the minimum temperature, the door is left ajar.
  3. Dry for two to three days with breaks at night, periodically turning the fruits over.

In an electric dryer

Description . The most delicious dried fruits are obtained in the dryer with little time. They acquire a beautiful color and retain all vitamins and nutrients.


  1. Cut the figs in half and place them on a cloth napkin.
  2. Half the fruits are evenly placed on electric dryer trays.
  3. Medium-sized fruits are dried for about ten hours, large ones - longer.

The correct way to store a fig tree is in paper or fabric bags. In jars they cake, become damp and moldy. It is better to keep the package of dried fruits in a shaded, dry, well-ventilated place.

To add more sweetness to dried fruits, figs are pre-boiled in sugar syrup. Pour a glass of sugar into three glasses of water, dissolve it, add figs, and cook for seven to ten minutes. The berries are placed in a colander, the liquid is allowed to drain, and dried in any convenient way.

Cooking recipes

Sweet desserts and salads are prepared from figs. It goes well with poultry and meat – giving them a unique exotic aroma. Pork is stewed with fig tree fruits and turkey and duck are stuffed with them. It is no coincidence that figs received the nickname wine berry. In southern countries it is often used to make sweet, aromatic wine.


Description. To prepare compote, use fresh or dried fruits. They are pre-washed and dried. Figs can be combined with other fruits, adding spices.

List of ingredients:

  • figs – 300 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • water – 2.5 l.
  1. Water is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil.
  2. Add figs, sugar, and boil for ten minutes.
  3. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the figs into jars.
  4. Fill with syrup and roll up.
  5. The jars are turned upside down and wrapped in a towel.


Description . Fig jam can be used as a dessert or a remedy for colds and weakened immunity. Below is the basic recipe. If desired, it can be supplemented with spices and other dried fruits.

List of ingredients:

  • dried fig fruits – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – one and a half glasses;
  • citric acid - a pinch.

Cooking sequence

  1. The figs are washed, dried, and punctured with a toothpick.
  2. Boil water and cook figs for ten minutes.
  3. The fruits are taken out, washed with cold water, and dried.
  4. Boil thick syrup. Place berries in it and simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes.
  5. Five minutes before readiness, add citric acid.
  6. Place the jam in sterile jars.

Using figs for coughs, colds, constipation and other illnesses is a pleasant and safe way of treatment. If there are no contraindications, fig tree fruits will be beneficial if included in your daily diet.

Contrary to the stereotype, ripe figs are not only dark blue (blue-violet), but also green - this is a separate variety of fig.

General information

Figs are an extremely controversial product. Despite the fact that it does contain a lot of useful microelements, including carotene, pectin, iron and copper, these fruits contain a large amount of sugar, in some varieties its content reaches 71%. For this reason, this fruit is not recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes.

The calorie content of raw figs is 74 kcal per 100 g, and dried figs are 257 kcal.

The maximum amount of sugar can be found in overripe fruits, which most often end up on store shelves during the off-season. Now, in the fall, fig lovers have the opportunity to enjoy not only the taste, but also the benefits of this berry. You need to choose fruits that are dense and elastic, without dents or cuts. Remember that figs are a perishable product, so it is recommended to store them fresh for no longer than three days, then they begin to lose both their taste and benefits. If you still have figs in your refrigerator, we recommend using them in cooking; we’ll tell you exactly how at the end of the material.

Benefits of figs

  • Figs have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, so they are recommended for colds, sore throats and other similar diseases.
  • In folk medicine, figs are known as a faithful assistant in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular system. Of course, we do not recommend basing your treatment only on these fruits, but we advise you to support the main course. Figs contain an impressive amount of potassium, which will have a beneficial effect on overall health, and in particular on blood vessels.
  • Having already mentioned the cardiovascular system, we add that figs, thanks to the enzyme ficin contained in them, promote the resorption of vascular blood clots and also help normalize the heart rate.
  • Figs are also rich in fiber, which quickly fills you up and satisfies your hunger for a long time. These fruits can be an excellent mid-workday snack.
  • It is believed that figs help fight a hangover, reducing all the symptoms associated with this condition - nausea, thirst, headache and general weakness. This is due to the high content of three elements important for our body - potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Harm of figs

There are few contraindications to eating figs, and they are associated primarily with the high sugar content in this berry. Fresh figs are not recommended for people with diabetes and those suffering from acute gastrointestinal diseases. The same applies to dried figs, because the percentage of sugar content in them only increases.

What to cook with figs

Figs make very tasty preserves, jams and syrups; they also look very good in compotes and lemonades. In some eastern countries, all kinds of tinctures are even made from it, but most often figs are used in the preparation of desserts, which is in principle logical, given the amount of sugar it contains. However, this does not mean that you should not experiment with this fruit and not try to add it to main dishes. It also goes well with meat and goes well (especially with red), the main thing is to find the right proportions.

Cottage cheese casserole with figs


Cottage cheese – 500 g
Sour cream – 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar – 7-9 tbsp. l.
Eggs – 2 pcs.
Dried figs – 150 g
Melted butter – 40 g
Wheat flour – 150-200 g
Vanillin to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, eggs, vanillin and melted butter.
  2. Add flour to the curd mixture. Stir in finely chopped figs.
  3. Take a baking dish that is not too deep and grease it with sunflower oil.
  4. Place the mixture in a mold and bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. You can eat it either warm or chilled. Serve with syrups and sour cream.

Toast with figs


Whole wheat bread
Goat cheese

Cooking method:

  1. Spread the bread slices with cheese (some people prefer to microwave the sandwiches a little so that the cheese melts a little, but this is optional).
  2. Drizzle some honey over the cheese. Top with fig slices and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Baked figs with mascarpone


Dry red wine – 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
Dried figs – 170 g
Walnuts – 2.5 tablespoons
Mascarpone cheese – 2 tablespoons
Balsamic vinegar to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix wine, vinegar and sugar in a saucepan and cook over moderate heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Don't forget to stir.
  2. Cut the stems off the figs and add them to the pan. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the wine syrup with figs into a baking dish, sprinkle with toasted walnuts and place in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees.
  4. Bake for about 30 minutes until the figs have absorbed most of the liquid.
  5. Remove the figs from the oven and let them cool slightly (no more than 15 minutes).
  6. Place a couple of spoons of mascarpone on a plate, place warm figs on them, pour over the remaining syrup.

The fig tree or fig tree is one of the first plants whose value was recognized and glorified by people. Sweet, quickly satisfying hunger, figs, whose beneficial properties did not leave healers of Greece, Rome, the Middle East and Asia indifferent, were repeatedly described in the greatest literary sources, depicted on canvases and sculptures by masters of antiquity and the Renaissance. And today, when the biochemical composition of fresh and dried fruits has been fully studied, figs have not lost their popularity.

Over the past four hundred years, fig trees have significantly expanded their growing area. Figs are cultivated not only in their historical homeland, in the Middle East and northern Africa, but also on the American continent. The heat-loving culture has also taken root on the Black Sea coast of Russia. But due to their short shelf life, fresh fruits around the world are mostly dried and processed.

Calorie content of figs

And only picked wine berries and dried ones are tasty, nutritious and contain many bioactive substances. However, the calorie content of figs and its nutritional value in this case are different.

100 grams of fresh figs contain:

  • 1.5% proteins;
  • 0.4% vegetable fats;
  • 4.9% carbohydrates;
  • 12.5% ​​ash;
  • 1.4% moisture.

Fruits, rich in fiber, accumulate a significant amount of sugars as they ripen, which determines the dessert taste and high nutritional value. A few fresh berries perfectly satisfy hunger, but 100 grams of fruit account for only 74 kcal.

As a result of drying, the beneficial properties of figs are completely preserved and even increased. But along with the loss of moisture, the concentration of carbohydrates increases.

What are the benefits of figs?

Like other products of plant origin, fig fruits contain vitamins and mineral salts, sugars and organic acids, fiber and other compounds that can affect human well-being. Therefore, the benefits and harms of figs for the body are determined by its biochemical composition. Fresh and especially dried fruits contain a lot of:

  • vital B vitamins;
  • micro- and macroelements, including magnesium and iron, potassium and calcium;
  • Fiber is indispensable for active digestion.

Although figs cannot be called a source of ascorbic acid, the rutin contained in its pulp helps in the absorption of this vitamin. This same component, together with flavonoids and natural antioxidants, strengthens blood vessels and is responsible for regeneration and cellular rejuvenation.

Coarse fiber, which leaves most of the fig fruit, perfectly cleanses the intestines and activates its work, fights the accumulation of toxins and resists the development of pathogenic microflora.

Useful properties of figs

The main areas of medicinal use of the properties of figs are gastroenterology, cardiology and neurology. Plant raw materials are used for the manufacture of laxatives, capillary strengtheners and cosmetic preparations.

What are the benefits of figs when consumed on their own? The introduction of its fruits into the diet will be as beneficial as possible:

  1. Fresh fruits are used in the treatment of diseases of the vascular system, including hypertension, thrombophlebitis, and varicose veins.
  2. Figs are an excellent laxative. It quickly and gently cleanses the intestines, stimulating its work and removing accumulated waste and toxins from the body. At the same time, the disinfectant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects of the fruits are manifested.
  3. Having diaphoretic properties, fig fruits help relieve fever.
  4. When used externally, the pulp softens and nourishes the skin. The beneficial properties of figs help relieve redness and irritation.

Today, doctors are studying the effect of the fruit on cancer cells, as well as the possibility of using figs for inflammatory liver diseases.

If you have a hangover, after household poisoning or other intoxications, figs relieve the condition and speed up recovery, beneficially and without harm to the body.

Figs with cough milk: recipe and application features

The soft, fibrous pulp has long been used in folk medicine as a sputum thinner and expectorant. To do this, prepare a decoction of dried fruits in milk. Warm medicine effectively soothes an irritated throat, reduces pain and speeds up recovery. Both adults and children really like the sweet taste of the decoction.

The recipe for figs with cough milk is very simple. For a glass of drinking milk, take 2-3 figs, which are first thoroughly washed with hot water. Place the ingredients on low heat and cook, stirring, until two-thirds of the original volume remains in the container.

In order for the cough remedy to be as beneficial as possible, it should be wrapped and left to infuse for several hours. The decoction is taken warm three times a day, 100–150 ml at a time. This way the beneficial properties of figs will be revealed in full force.

Figs during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Figs contain an abundance of dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements that will be useful for a woman who is expecting a baby or is already breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, the growing fetus puts pressure on the digestive organs. As a result, constipation is possible. A small amount of fresh or dried fruits as a dessert or light snack will help to cope with them and prevent new disorders.

At the same time, you need to remember that you should not get carried away with figs during pregnancy due to the high sugar content. You can include fruit in the menu only after making sure that it does not cause allergic or other negative reactions.

Contraindications to eating figs

Like many other products of plant origin, figs have both beneficial properties and contraindications for consumption. Those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage should take this fruit with particular caution. You should not include figs in your diet if you are prone to diarrhea.

Diabetics and people with allergies due to individual intolerance to exotic fruits will have to avoid eating figs. The last risk category includes pregnant and breastfeeding women. During breastfeeding, figs are introduced into the menu very carefully, monitoring not only the reaction of the mother’s body, but also the child’s.

A high concentration of organic acids in fresh fruits can cause exacerbation of gout, pancreatitis and urolithiasis. Only if you follow the rules of personal safety, delicious sweet fruits will give you a lot of pleasure and will not cause harm to your health.

Video about the benefits of figs for the body

Many have heard the name of the fruit “fig” and tried this sweet product. Its size is not very large - like a medium-sized apple. The fruits grow on a very tall tree, reaching twenty-two meters in height. The tree is strong and powerful. The tree lives and bears fruit for up to four hundred years. The plant is unpretentious and can bear fruit without the slightest care. This is a real miracle. The medicinal properties of figs have been well studied.

Only fig fruits are used for food. The bark and leaves of the tree are also used for medicinal purposes. The fruit grows in countries with warm and mild climates. There are about five hundred different varieties of figs, which differ in shape, color, and juiciness of the fruit.

Many other names are known - fig tree, fig tree, wineberry. Mention of the wineberry is found in the Bible, and our ancestors covered themselves with the fig leaf. Fresh fruit does not last very long, so it is most often consumed dried or dried. In cooking, figs are a real delicacy that is used in many desserts and baked goods.

What are the benefits of fresh wine berries:

  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver;
  • helps increase hemoglobin;
  • treats diseases of the female genital area;
  • helps relieve an attack of bronchospasm;
  • helps overcome colds and infectious diseases.

Dried fruit is also no less useful:

  • cleanses the intestines of harmful toxins;
  • as an auxiliary therapy for colds;
  • indispensable for the liver;
  • helps with anemia and helps increase hemoglobin levels;
  • proven remedy for tachycardia;
  • antitussive effect.

Composition of the wineberry fruit

Figs have a pleasant taste in any form. The fruit does not lose its beneficial properties either in dried or dried form. The sugar content in dried fruits is slightly higher than in fresh ones. The fruit differs from many fruits in its chemical composition.

Figs are rich in the following minerals and elements:

  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin A;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • folates.

What are the benefits of viburnum berries?

Benefits of figs for the human body

Figs are not only very tasty, but also have many medicinal properties. By consuming one fruit per day, you can cover your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals. The fruit is a real salvation for people with low immunity. The main benefits of eating figs can be identified:

  • the contractile function of the heart and cardiac muscle improves;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • the risk of developing thrombosis and thrombophlebitis is reduced;
  • cholesterol plaques in blood vessels dissolve;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is improved;
  • effective in the fight against helminths;
  • has expectorant ability;
  • effective in additional therapy of asthma and bronchospasm;
  • prevents the occurrence and development of cancer;
  • has anti-stress capabilities;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • has wound healing ability;
  • useful during pregnancy;
  • will help with painful menstruation;
  • an excellent product for dietary nutrition;
  • helps strengthen bones;
  • helps cope with age-related eye diseases;
  • essential for men's health.

How to eat figs

In the market, among the abundance of fruits, you need to be able to choose the right fig. Pay attention to its color, size, correct shape and softness.

Unripe fruit will not give you gastronomic pleasure. Overripe fruit will also be tasteless. If you nevertheless bought a not quite ripe fruit, you need to bake it with honey and nuts. Or you can add honey and put it in the refrigerator to prepare the filling for cakes.

If you have no contraindications for eating figs, you can safely introduce them into your diet. The fruit copes well with the feeling of hunger and can replace sweets. Since figs are not transported fresh, we most often receive them in the form of dried fruits. Before use, it is recommended to let them stand in water and swell a little. Figs are ready to eat. You can use it when baking pies and preparing desserts, making infusions or adding it to dough for a variety of confectionery products.

Fig leaves

Fig leaves are indispensable for therapeutic purposes. The acids and essential oil they contain make them very useful. All summer and until half of autumn it is recommended to dry the leaves of the fruit in a dark, ventilated place. The leaves must be protected from getting wet and ensure that they do not dry out. If it dries out, many beneficial properties are lost. Leaves can be stored in a dry place for two to three years.

What are the benefits of stewed cabbage?

The prepared decoction or infusion is very effective for scabies, inflammatory skin diseases, ulcers, and colds. When rubbed into the scalp, you can stop the process of hair loss. For fresh wounds, compresses from the leaves are used. Wounds heal quickly, even in the presence of purulent processes. Fig seeds are effective for constipation. If you take ten to fifteen seeds for three to four days, you can get rid of constipation.

Treatment of diseases with fig fruits

The fruit ranks second in potassium content. This allows the fruit to be used to support people with serious cardiovascular diseases. Figs are also used in the following situations:

  • in case of poisoning and intoxication of the body;
  • for digestive disorders;
  • as a remedy against chronic fatigue;
  • with hyperthermia, especially in children;
  • during vitamin deficiency;
  • for thrombophlebitis and blockages of blood vessels;
  • for colds;
  • for nephropathies;
  • with baldness;
  • for obesity of all degrees;
  • with a debilitating, whooping cough.

The fruit is not always available, but it is possible to obtain its beneficial substances at any time. The pharmacy sells fig syrup, which has useful properties:

  • activates appetite;
  • helps with rheumatism;
  • overcomes inflammatory manifestations on the skin;
  • has a beneficial effect on women's health.

Dried pieces of wine berry can completely replace even the most delicious sweets.

All women want to be beautiful, and the fig tree helps them with this if it is added to masks and lotions:

  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • moisturizes and tones the skin;
  • cleanses the skin from inflammation and rashes;
  • strengthens nails and hair;

Benefits of the product for children

If the child’s body is prone to constipation, then introducing figs into the diet will help cope with this problem. Rational consumption of figs in baby food is the prevention of a large number of diseases:

  • anemia;
  • digestive dysfunctions;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • activates the brain and mental functions.

Contraindications for eating fruit

Contraindications to consuming figs should be discussed in detail. There are many more indications for consuming figs than contraindications. But they also exist. Figs can be harmful for the following diseases:


An overdose of fruit consumption can lead to digestive upset, provoke allergic reactions or cause tooth decay. If a person is scheduled for surgery, they should avoid eating figs the day before. Substances contained in the fetus can thin the blood and cause bleeding.

Figs are the oldest fruit that man has ever heard of. There are many interesting facts, here are some of them:

  • mentioned in biblical myths;
  • the trees that produced the most delicious fruits were called by human names;
  • figs are the only tree that lives for hundreds of years;
  • the fruit was always at hand for soldiers on military campaigns;
  • trees are able to survive even under the most unfavorable conditions;
  • has a huge supply of vitamins and microelements;
  • capable of dissolving atherosclerotic plaques;
  • in Ancient Greece, exporting a plant outside the state was equated to treason;
  • The shelf life of fresh fruit is no more than five hours;
  • the aroma of tree bark is actively used in perfumery and forms the basis of some world-famous brands;
  • figs are a symbol of family happiness and the inviolability of the union; it was believed that the presence of a plant in the bedroom guarantees peace and tranquility in the family;
  • The more seeds inside the fruit, the higher its beneficial properties.

Wineberry is a unique and healthy fruit, and if you do not have diseases for which it is contraindicated, you can enjoy the taste and benefits of this fruit to the fullest!