Polyglot Russian language from scratch in 16. Polyglot. English language. Basic course

(video material)

English in 16 hours online with Dmitry Petrov

All languages

"Polyglot. English course"– the first season of an intellectual reality show on TV channel "Russia - Culture" broadcast from January 16 to February 9, 2012. Dmitry Petrov's program, broadcast on one of the main television channels in the country, teaches all viewers and participants to quickly master the language, which can be used immediately after the first lesson.
Dmitry Petrov- an expert in more than 30 languages ​​of the world, an excellent psycholinguist, simultaneous translator, and methodologist for quickly introducing language into students’ heads. His book “The Magic of the Word” has long broken circulation records for educational books. His technique really gives excellent results in a short time. Comfortable learning a new language for Dmitry Petrov is the main priority in the presentation of material. He teaches ordinary expressions and words, and then reinforces complex figures of speech in a foreign language.
There are 8 students in the group. All students either do not know the language they are studying at all, or, at best, they have vague memories of the school curriculum. Already in the first lesson they begin to communicate in the language. With mistakes, with long pauses, with tension, but progress is noticeable immediately.
Anyone can watch lessons and learn - both a child who goes to primary school and a pensioner sitting at home. Your main task for yourself Dmitry Petrov
considers not only machine learning, but also memorization for many years.
The program consists of 16 episodes, each episode lasts about 45 minutes - this is quite a long time for a lesson, so you need to pay very close attention to every minute of this precious and intelligent show. TV viewers notice progress literally from the second or third program. Each subsequent lesson reinforces the material covered and gradually moves on to new grammatical and lexical material.
Dmitry Petrov about the success of my students: “During the intensive course that I offer, I try to create in students a fireproof stock of knowledge, which, at the maximum, can serve as a good basis for further studies, and at a minimum will ensure that the language will never again be perceived as foreign , will evoke positive emotions and, if you return to it even after some time, you will not have to start learning it again from scratch. But, of course, to use it effectively, additional regular training will be required.”
Watch and learn at home and for free.

This publication is an initial English language course developed by Dmitry Petrov. The printed version of the course contains exercises, basic pronunciation rules and information about verbs. With the help of sixteen lessons using Dmitry Petrov's methodology, you will be able to master the basic algorithms of the language, apply them in practice and bring them to automation.
“Freedom comes before correctness: first you need to learn to speak a foreign language, and then learn to speak correctly,” Dmitry Petrov is convinced.

Translate into English. Check if you made any mistakes.
I love. He lives. I don't work. She doesn't see. Am I opening? He closes? I knew. I will come. He will go?

Translate into Russian and write down the following phrases.
Do you love?
Not loved.
We didn't want.
Will they want?

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book 16 English lessons, Beginning course, Petrov D.Yu., 2014 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • English language, Basic training, Petrov D.Yu., 2013 Books on English
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  • English language, Basic training, Petrov D.Yu., 2016 - The book outlines a basic English language course using Dmitry Petrov’s method, adapted for self-study. Each lesson contains a large... Books on English
  • A manual in English for electrical and radio engineering universities, Modern electronics and electronic devices, Goluzina V.V., Petrov Y.S., 1974 - This manual consists of 10 sections. Sections 1-7 contain 20 basic texts with commentaries and exercises for them. IN … Books on English

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  • English for children, Derzhavina V.A., 2015 - The proposed book is a complete reference book on the English language, primarily intended for primary school students. The manual contains the most... Books on English
  • English colloquial joking, 100 jokes for all occasions, Milovidov V.A. - The textbook, aimed at those improving their ability to learn English, is based on modern English-language jokes and funny stories. While studying with benefits,... Books on English
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- This manual will help you master lively spoken English. Each section of the book is devoted to one of the ways to make language richer and more imaginative. ... Books on English
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  • An intellectual reality show on the TV channel “Culture”, an intensive educational video course “Polyglot” consists of 16 lessons - English lessons, the goal of which is to learn to speak English. The developer of this unique system, as well as the teacher during all classes, is Dmitry Petrov, a well-known linguist in Russia, translator, polyglot, who speaks thirty languages.

    Polyglot. English in 16 hours.

    The classes are attended by eight students (who are media persons - TV presenters, directors, actors) who practically do not know English, except at the level of first-graders in high school. But by the end of the course, they will already be able to communicate in English using complex and correct expressions. Here's what Petrov himself says about this interactive course:

    To master the English language perfectly, even a lifetime is not enough. To learn to speak professionally, you also need to spend a lot of time, effort and energy. But in order to simply learn to understand people, to be understood, and most importantly to get rid of the fear that many people have that inhibits any desire and opportunity to express themselves in language, this requires no more than a few days. What I offer you, I have experienced on myself and on quite a large number of people. I am a professional translator, linguist, I do professional translation in a number of languages, and I teach it to others. And, gradually, a certain approach and mechanism was developed. It must be said that there is such a progression - each subsequent language requires less effort and time. A week is enough for any language. What is language? – Language is a new look at the world, the surrounding reality. It's the ability to switch, to make a click. And just like in a receiver, we change one program to another, tune in to a different wave. What is required on your part is motivation (the desire to travel, something related to the profession, learning and communication, it could be friendship or love)

    Watch all Polyglot lessons. Learn English in 16 hours for free on the Fascinating English website:

    Polyglot is an educational reality show that was broadcast on the Culture channel. The idea of ​​the show is to study foreign languages. While watching the program, you have the opportunity to learn to speak a foreign language in 16 hours - 16 video lessons.

    The class is taught by a polyglot teacher, Dmitry Petrov (knows about 50 languages), who also works as a simultaneous translator and is a psycholinguist by training. Interestingly, he teaches groups of eight people, many of whom are famous people. The participants do not know the language at all, or they learned it at school a long time ago. Children begin to communicate in English from the first lesson, which is a plus, because... From the first lesson, speaking training begins, and not just grammar and reading, as is usually customary.

    An interesting fact is that in any language, 90% of a person’s speech consists of only 300-400 words. This course is based on the study of these words. The main advantage of "Polyglot" is the ability to teach how to speak and express your thoughts more confidently in a short amount of time. At each lesson, what has been covered is consolidated and new topics are started at the request of the students. By the end of the course, it is planned that students will freely use in their speech the grammatical patterns and phrases learned during their studies. The course will be of greatest benefit to those who do not know the language at all, or simply do not remember most of the words they have learned throughout their lives.

    In the first lesson, Dmitry talks about the basic forms of past, future and present tense and the rules for their use in accordance with pronouns. On the second, the group learns the rules for constructing interrogative sentences. Next, topics such as seasons, weather, days of the week and months will be studied. Subsequent lessons are devoted to various situations.

    Thus, with the help of this course you will be able to master basic phrases, words and communicate freely at an everyday level in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian. To successfully master a language in such a short time, it is very important to motivate yourself, not to be lazy and devote at least 5-10 minutes a day to repeating and learning new words! And of course, don’t forget to constantly practice, talk with friends, watch movies and videos, read adapted literature.

    The application "Polyglot TV - English in 16 lessons" includes 16 lessons:

    Now all 16 lessons! Which include more than 70 thematic training sessions.

    Application features:

    • Voice responses
    • Response statistics
    • Auxiliary table
    • Vocabulary for training
    • Complete summary of 16 lessons from the TV show
    Grammar Topics:
    • Personal, possessive, reflexive, indefinite pronouns
    • Verb Basic Scheme
    • Tenses: simple, continuous, perfect
    • Verbs: all forms
    • Verb to be
    • Passive voice
    • Prepositions
    • Adjectives: degrees of comparison
    • Time options
    • Incentive and imperative sentences
    • Conditional sentences, conjunction "to"
    • Modal verbs: can, should
    • Ordinals
    Conversational topics:
    • About myself, what I do
    • Etiquette: greetings, farewells
    • Sensory states
    • About the weather
    • and many others
    • "Memorizing words and phrases"
    • "Writing proposals"
    • "Oral mode"
    • "Free training"

    Polígloto 16 - English

    La aplicacíon Políglota representa una metodología única de aprender inglés en poco tiempo. Elaborada por el linguïsta ruso Dmitry Petrov la metodología ofrece una oportunidad de aprender la estructura de la lengua y empezar a hablar sin dificultades.

    Dmitry Petrov es psicolinguïsta con fama internacional. Gracias a su propio metodología de enseñar lenguas extranjeras él mismo habla más que 30 idiomas. Trabaja como intérprete simultáneo y profesor de lenguas extranjeras en muchos países por todo el mundo. Su metodología también ha sido reconocida e incluida en el sistema de eneñanza estatal en algunos paises.

    La metodología explica cómo se combinan palabaras en una frase inglesa. Es un método combinatorio que ayuda a construir numerosas frases usando pocas palabras.

    El método consiste en 2 etapas. Al principio los estudiantes llegan a saber una estructura inglesa y luego la practican en los ejercicios.


    Now ALL 16 lessons! Over 60 workouts!

    An effective technique with grammatical explanations gives 100% RESULT.

    Polyglot TV - will be very useful to everyone who watched the popular reality show "Polyglot. Let's learn Spanish in 16 hours!"

    • Voice responses
    • Response statistics
    • Auxiliary table
    • A clear visual cue
    • Oral mode, memorization mode for words and phrases
    • Full notes
    • Built-in grammar description for each training session, for each sentence
    • About myself, what I do
    • Etiquette: greetings, farewells
    • "Memorizing words and phrases"
    • "Writing proposals"
    • "Oral mode"
    • "Free training"
    • Trainings are completed sequentially
    • To voice answers, you need a good Internet connection
    • Oral mode is available after completing the training
    • For help, use the "quick help" - question icon at the bottom left
    • To cancel the selected word - tap the sentence
    • To change a sentence, swipe the sentence line from right to left

    Russian language

    Polyglot 16 Russian language. Official application from Dmitry Petrov. For Russian language learners.

    The Polyglot 16 - Russian application will help you study Russian with ease.
    After 16 lessons you will master the basic Russian grammar and remember more than 500 Russian words. Effective exercises will help you practice grammar and vocabulary.

    Dmitry Petrov is a linguist, who knows 30 different languages ​​and does professional simultaneous interpretation in 8 of them. He is an author of some rapid language learning methods, including parallel learning of several languages.

    • 16 units, more than 60 practice exercises for various topics
    • Answers synchronization
    • Thorough explanation of the Russian grammar
    • Vocabulary practice exercises
    • Results record
    • Various learning modes