The benefits of aerobics. What do aerobic exercises do? What is aerobics? Concept, exercises for weight loss

Step aerobics is a low-impact cardio workout that is based on simple choreographic movements on a special hill (step platform). Step aerobics is a very popular class in group classes due to effective and at the same time gentle on the joints load.

Step aerobics is equally suitable for both beginners and advanced. At the same time, you can do step aerobics not only in the fitness room, but also at home. To do this, just purchase a step platform and choose a suitable video training for yourself. Let's figure out what the benefits of step aerobics are and how to do it correctly.

Step aerobics: what is it?

History of creation and benefits

If you want to get a healthy and beautiful body, then be sure to do cardio training on a regular basis. This is a great way get a good figure, train the heart muscle and develop endurance. There are many different types of aerobic workouts that will help you keep your heart rate up and burn calories over the course of an hour of exercise, but one of the most popular cardio options has become step aerobics.

Step aerobics was created in the 80s of the last century coach Gene Miller during the period of growing popularity of aerobics and fitness. While recovering from a knee injury, Jean, on the advice of an orthopedic doctor, worked on her joints by stepping on a small box. Successful rehabilitation gave her the idea to create training using elevated walking. This is how a new sports direction appeared - step aerobics, which very quickly became popular all over the world.

Research has shown that step aerobics can help prevent osteoporosis and arthritis. This is also a great way to train your cardiovascular system and burn up to 500 kcal in 1 hour of exercise. Step aerobics has a comprehensive effect on the body, with especially high quality the shape of the legs, buttocks and abdomen is corrected. Exercises on a step platform help eliminate particularly difficult problem areas, which are located on the outer, back and inner thighs.

What is the essence of step aerobics?

So, step aerobics usually consists of a set of basic steps, connected into combinational links. The level of difficulty of steps and links depends on the specific lesson. The workouts are accompanied by rhythmic music and take place at a fast pace. For classes, special plastic platforms with a non-slip surface are used. Step platforms have adjustable heights, so you can increase or decrease the difficulty of your workout.

Typically, step aerobics classes begin with a warm-up and basic steps. Gradually basic steps become more complex and combined into bundles . If you have chosen a lesson for beginners, then the combinations will be simple - no more than 2-3 steps in combination. Intermediate and advanced classes include not only more intense movements, but also higher tempos and more complex versions of the exercises. Therefore, at first it may not be easy for you to repeat the movements in sync with the trainer.

Step aerobics workout usually lasts 45-60 minutes. The lesson is continuous and of increasing difficulty; as a means of rest and recovery, you will periodically return to walking on the spot. If you have not had physical activity for a long time, then it is better to start with regular walking without step to avoid poor health or even heart problems. Some trainers sometimes include exercises for the arms and abdomen at the end of the class to balance the load, since step aerobics mainly loads the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Step aerobics experienced its peak in global popularity in the late 90s. New trends in group fitness (HIIT, plyometrics, crossfit, TRX) have slightly displaced step aerobics classes. However, even now step classes remain in demand among many lovers of cardio training. Walking on a platform is more gentle load than impact jumping programs, so in terms of safety they will give a head start to many other types of aerobic exercise.

Types of step aerobics

If a group lesson is called “step aerobics”, then this assumes a classic lesson for approximately an average level of training. It is assumed that you can make the activity easier or more difficult by changing the platform level. However, always It's better to take a trial lesson to understand what the program is, as this often depends directly on the coach's vision.

If we talk about the types of step aerobics, we can highlight the following:

  • Basic Step. Training for beginners, where basic steps and simple combinations are learned.
  • Advanced Step. Training for advanced practitioners who have already had experience with step. As a rule, it includes complex ligaments and jumping exercises.
  • DanceStep. A class for those who love dance choreography. In this program, steps are combined into dance sequences, which will help you not only lose weight, but also develop flexibility and grace.
  • Step-combo. Step aerobics, in which you will find many complex combinations of movements, are therefore suitable for coordinated people. But the intensity of this activity is higher.
  • Step Interval. The workout is done at an interval pace, with explosive intervals and calm recovery intervals. Ideal for quick weight loss.
  • DoubleStep. A workout that uses two step platforms to increase the effectiveness of the workout
  • Power Step. A workout that also uses strength exercises to tone muscles.

Advantages and disadvantages of step aerobics

Step aerobics has a number of advantages that have made it one of the most popular classes in group classes. But step exercises also have a number of disadvantages and contraindications, so they are not suitable for everyone.

Advantages and benefits of step aerobics

1. Step aerobics is one of the most effective types of cardio exercise for losing weight and getting rid of excess fat. In 1 hour of exercise you can burn 300-500 kcal.

2. Step aerobics classes are much more safe for joints than, for example, running, plyometrics, jumping rope. With comparable results and energy costs, you will get a relatively low impact on the leg joints.

3. This is an excellent workout for the lower body, which is the most problematic for the fair sex. You will tone the muscles of your thighs and buttocks, tightening and improving their shape. Moreover, steps on the steppe help precisely dry your feet and reduce them in volume.

4. Step aerobics classes are suitable for the prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis, which is especially important for those who lead sedentary Lifestyle.

5. During step aerobics, you force your heart and your lungs work more efficiently and make them healthier. Such training reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases several times.

6. Regular step aerobics will help you maintain healthy weight, avoiding problems associated with excess body weight: diabetes, stroke, metabolic disorders, joint pain, heart problems.

7. Step aerobics will help you develop endurance, which is useful not only during training, but also in everyday life. For example, when climbing stairs to a high floor, during long walks, or climbing uphill. Step aerobics also develops coordination, agility and a sense of balance.

8. You can independently adjust the difficulty of the workout by changing heights step platforms. The higher the platform level, the stronger the load you will receive.

9. Step aerobics consists of weight-bearing exercises that are ideal for increasing bone density and preservation of bone tissue. This will not only make you more mobile, but will also help prevent bone disease in adulthood.

10. You can do step aerobics not only in special classes, but also at home. There are also free video lessons for beginners, thanks to which you can learn the basics of aerobics on the steppe.

Disadvantages of step aerobics

1. Step aerobics uses combinations of steps and sequences that can take time to learn. During the first lessons, those who study frequently get confused in steps and they can’t keep up with the trainer, which discourages them from doing step aerobics.

2. Step classes are less impactful on the joints than running and jumping, but if you are worried about your knee joints, then this type of fitness can solve this problem aggravate. In this case, it is better to pay attention to Pilates classes.

3. Step aerobics is very diverse and practically does not have a single template. Each instructor brings his own characteristics to the teaching of lessons, so not all classes are equally effective and of high quality.

4. Exercises on the steppe include the muscles of the legs and buttocks, while the muscles upper body will receive less workload. In addition, step aerobics must be supplemented with strength training to comprehensively improve your body.

5. Step aerobics puts stress on the Achilles tendon, which is located just above the heel of the foot. If proper technique is not followed, platform steps can cause injury or rupture of the Achilles.

Contraindications for step aerobics:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Diseases of the joints of the legs
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • High blood pressure
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Large excess weight
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period (3 months)
  • A long break from fitness activities (it is better to start with regular walking of 5-7 km per day)

If you have other medical conditions that may prevent you from exercising, it is best to further consult with your doctor.

The effectiveness of step aerobics for weight loss

Is step aerobics effective for losing weight? Before answering this question, let's remember the basic principle of losing excess weight. Your body begins to lose weight when you consume fewer calories than the body can use. Regardless of training, if you eat less than your daily calorie intake (), then your body begins to use fat from its reserve reserves for energy.

Cardio exercise is a great way to burn calories, so step aerobics effective for weight loss. In one hour-long session you can burn one full meal, which means it will bring you closer to your desired goal faster. In addition, step aerobics tones muscles, affects subcutaneous fat by increasing blood circulation, gives energy and relieves stress (which will help avoid overeating).

Of course, there are more energy-intensive workouts that will help you burn more calories in an hour of exercise than during step aerobics. But you need to understand that they will probably be more impactful and traumatic than step classes. In addition, step aerobics is reduces volumes and dries out the lower body rather than weighing it down.

Step aerobics for beginners

If you have never done step aerobics and are just planning to start, then be sure to look at the features of the classes, basic exercises from step aerobics and recommendations for clothing and shoes for training.

Step aerobics for beginners: 10 features for practicing

1. Be sure to remember the correct body position while performing step aerobics exercises: knees slightly bent, back straight, stomach tucked in, buttocks tense, shoulders back, gaze directed forward.

2. Steps must be taken with the entire foot on the platform so that the heel does not hang down.

3. In step aerobics there are no steps for two counts - a minimum of four. This is due to the fact that you not only need to move along the floor, but also climb onto the platform.

4. In step aerobics, unlike classical aerobics, there are no reverse steps.

5. The first time you take a step aerobics class, you will probably feel difficult to repeat exercises after the instructor. You may even get lost and confused in your steps. This is absolutely normal, after 3-4 lessons you will feel much more confident.

6. The higher the step platform is located, the more intense the load. Beginners should choose a height of 10-15 cm. More experienced practitioners should choose 20 cm. Gradually, the height of the projectile can be increased. It has been established that every plus 5 cm added to the height of the step platform will give additional 12% load.

7. You can make your step workout more challenging by using dumbbells or weights on your legs or arms.

8. Half an hour before training, drink a glass of water and be sure to take a few sips of water every 10 minutes during class.

9. If your gym offers step aerobics of several difficulty levels, then it is better to choose a class for beginners, even if you have good physical fitness from other workouts.

10. Remember the movements first with your “legs” and only then with your “hands”. Engage your arms only when the lower body has fully mastered the movements.

Basic exercises from step aerobics

To make it easier for you to master step aerobics, we offer you several basic step aerobics exercises in visual pictures.

1. Basic Step

Step onto the step platform with both feet alternately. Performed in four counts.

2. V-steps or V-steps

Step one step at a time with both feet on opposite corners of the step.

3. Step with shin overlapping or Curl

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform and swing your left foot back. The heel should touch the left buttock. Then do it on the other side.

4. Step with knee lift or Knee up

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform, bend your left knee and pull it towards your stomach. Then do it on the other side.

5. Step with leg lift or Kick up

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform and throw your left foot forward. Then do it on the other side.

Standing in the middle of the step platform, alternately touch the floor with one foot and then the other.

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform, and take your left foot as far back as possible, without bending it at the knee. Raise your arms synchronously with raising your legs. Then do it on the other side.

8. Leg abduction

Step your right foot onto the step platform and take your left foot to the side without bending it at the knee. Move your arms to the side synchronously with raising your legs. Then do it on the other side.

More complex step aerobics exercises

We also offer you examples of more complex exercises that trainers can add to programs for advanced practitioners:

4. Jumping in place

As you can see, in advanced classes, trainers can also include jumping exercises. If you have discomfort while jumping, then it is better not to jump, but to perform a low-impact version of the exercise (just walking).

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the gifs Jenny Ford.

Clothes and shoes for step aerobics

In step aerobics it is very important to choose comfortable sports shoes. It is better to exercise in sports sneakers with non-slip shock-absorbing soles, which reduce the load on the joints. Shoes should fit tightly on the foot and support the arch of the foot, this will help protect the feet from injury. If you have a predisposition to varicose veins, you can wear tight tights to class.

There are no special requirements for sportswear. The most important thing is that it is comfortable and does not restrict movement. It is better to choose high-quality breathable material. Please note which is better don't wear long pants loose cut: there is a risk of injury when stepping onto the step platform.

Step aerobics at home

Is it possible to do step aerobics at home? Of course you can! If you don’t have the opportunity to go to group classes or your gym simply doesn’t offer step aerobics, then you can train at home.

What do you need to do step aerobics at home?

  • Step platform
  • Some free space
  • Comfortable sports shoes
  • Suitable music or ready-made video workouts

Everyone will find sports shoes and a small square of space in the room; free music and ready-made video workouts with step aerobics are freely available on YouTube. The step platform can be replaced suitable subject 10-20 cm high (for example, a small bench). If you don't have anything to replace it, you can purchase a step platform.

The step platform is sold in sports stores. Its average cost is from 1500 to 5000 rubles. The price depends on the quality of the material, strength, coating, stability. Also, the price of a step platform depends on the number of levels: usually there are two-level and three-level ones (i.e. you can set 2 or 3 heights, respectively).

Let's look at examples of step platform models.

Step platforms up to 2500 rubles

Step platforms from 2500 to 5000 rubles

Step platforms from 5000 to 8000 rubles

Reebok Step Platforms

The optimal dimensions of the step platform: length 0.8-1.2 meters, width 35-40 cm. The height of the step is usually 10-15 cm with the possibility of increasing the height to 30-35 cm. The first 2-3 weeks of training at home is better Set the step to the minimum height to master the basic exercises and adjust the correct position of the feet. Gradually increase the step height and increase the difficulty level of training.

When purchasing a step platform, pay attention to its surface. It is important that it is non-slip preferably with a rubberized top. In step aerobics, movements are performed quickly, so with any awkward movement on a sliding surface, you can simply fall.

Step aerobics: video lessons for beginners and advanced

You can do step aerobics at home using ready-made videos that are available on YouTube. For example, a very good video channel with a wide variety of workouts offers JennyFord. This trainer specializes in step aerobics, so on her channel you can find programs for both beginners and advanced.

There is also an excellent video channel for home fitness - thegymbox. They also have program options for different skill levels (see link to playlist with step aerobics). Music for step aerobics can be found on the channel Israel RR Fitness.

1. Jenny Ford - Beginner Step Aerobics Fitness Cardio (30 minutes)

2. Step Aerobics Beginner Workout with Dana (30 minutes)

3. Step (25 minutes)

4. Step aerobics: entry level in Russian (30 minutes)

5. Step aerobics: intensive training in Russian (30 minutes)

6. Music for step aerobics Step Aerobics Music (55 minutes)

Step aerobics for weight loss: reviews from our readers

Masha: “A friend invited me to step aerobics classes six months ago. I went without much enthusiasm, I read it on the Internet, but I wasn’t impressed. But how wrong I was!! The lesson lasted 1 hour, but it flew by as if we had been doing it for about 10 minutes. The muscles on my legs were very burning the next day, although I am not a beginner. I’ve been going to the step for six months, 2 times a week, My legs stretched a lot, the riding breeches zone went away, the inside has lost weight, and even the fat above the knees is practically gone!! Now I’m thinking about buying a step machine for home so that I can do my favorite aerobics at home.”

Olga: “In group classes like step aerobics, a lot depends on the coach. I've moved frequently over the last few years and tried step aerobics in 4 different gyms. Everywhere a completely different approach! I liked the step aerobics in the first room the most, but I don’t have the opportunity to go there now. There was nothing in the third either. But in the second and fourth... Collective farm, sorry. No normal music, no load, no interaction between the trainer and the gym. So take your time choosing a section.».

Julia: “Thanks to step aerobics lost 4 kg in 3 months, but what is especially important for me is that my legs have lost weight (I’m a pear), which generally have a hard time losing weight. But literally a week ago I switched to CrossFit - I wanted more intense exercise.”

Ksyusha:“I did step aerobics for a year and a half in the gym, for the last six months I bought a platform and I study at home. I mostly get programs from YouTube... I like videos from Jenny Ford. Thanks to the step, I lost a lot of weight after giving birth, my stomach went away, my hips and sides were deflated... I lost a total of 8 kg in 1.5 years of training, I didn’t particularly infringe on myself in terms of nutrition, although I try not to eat junk food...”

Catherine: “I honestly tried to get into step aerobics, but not my thing at all. All these steps, connections, sequences are very difficult to remember. And when there is such a choice of other cardio workouts around, there is absolutely no motivation to learn step aerobics. Now I do cycling and functional training, I sweat and get tired several times more, without having to memorize complex movements.”

Veronica: “For me, step aerobics is the rescue. I don’t really like treadmills and ellipses, I quickly get bored and uninterested from monotonous walking and running, so I wanted to choose a more varied cardio for myself. During step aerobics classes, I like cheerful music and unusual movements, and group exercises are somehow motivating. The first 2-3 lessons I was confused in the movements, but then I got into the swing of things and now I can do many of the movements automatically. Although our instructor always tries to update the exercises. I like".

Aerobics classes are now offered to visitors in almost every fitness club around the world. They are very popular among both men and women, due to their availability, effectiveness and the enormous benefits that such activities bring to the body.

Aerobics is a whole set of exercises that includes a variety of movements. This includes running, walking, jumping, and all kinds of flexibility and stretching exercises. In general, the name of this set of exercises translated from Greek means “airy”, “using air”, “living in the air”. From this we can conclude that in these sports activities, not only body movements are important, but also breathing exercises. In aerobics, proper breathing is one of the most important and important points.

People noticed the benefits of aerobic exercise for the human body many centuries ago. And in our country the concept of “aerobics” began to be used at the end of the last century. In the mid-80s, special sets of exercises began to be broadcast on television. Thanks to this, people could do aerobics at home, without leaving their TV screens. And a little later, various sports clubs throughout the country began to offer similar training.

Aerobics also has a second name – rhythmic gymnastics. Experts advise doing aerobics not only for weight loss, but also for health purposes and to prevent all kinds of diseases. Regularly performing this type of exercise allows you to lose excess weight, constantly keep your body toned and in excellent shape, train muscles and skin, rejuvenate your body, as well as harden and heal it. The benefits of aerobics for humans are obvious.

You can do rhythmic gymnastics at any age. Currently, a huge number of different sets of aerobic exercises have been developed, among which every person can find one that is suitable for themselves. Aerobics classes can be done both in the gym or on the street with a group, or independently at home.

To achieve visible results, exercises should be performed regularly. Frequency of classes: 2-4 times a week. One workout will take from 1 to 1.5 hours, no less. Often a person, wanting to quickly lose weight and get in shape, starts doing aerobics too intensely - 6-7 times a week. In fact, such exercises will not lead to the desired results; moderation is needed in everything. It is better to immediately allocate several specific days a week for your aerobics classes and always start doing exercises at the same time. Training can take place both in the morning and in the evening. The choice of time depends only on when it is convenient for the person involved to devote time to the sport.

You cannot do aerobics only if a person has recently suffered some kind of injury (dislocation, fracture, bone crack, etc.). There are no other indications for such activities. Aerobics is beneficial for both children and adults and even the elderly. The main thing is not to start immediately with long training and intense exercise.

You should get used to the exercises gradually. But it is still worth keeping in mind that, for example, the body will begin to burn fat only 25-30 minutes after the start of the workout, so it makes little sense to exercise for less time, especially if the ultimate goal of the exercise is to lose weight. Therefore, in the first week of training, training should ideally last 30 minutes, and then you can add another 5-10 minutes to this time every week. It is important during this period to closely monitor your well-being and not overload the body. After training, your body should feel pleasantly tired. And, of course, you can’t do without nagging muscle pain. It will go away after a few regular workouts.

What does aerobics give to a person? The final result largely depends on the type of aerobics

Step aerobics. In this case, a set of exercises is performed using a special device - a step platform. This allows you to give the body additional stress. In this case, the thighs, buttocks and calves are especially trained. Such exercises allow you to burn a huge amount of calories, quickly and effectively get rid of fat, as well as strengthen the musculoskeletal system and even eliminate some diseases associated with it. This type of aerobics is especially popular among the fair sex.

Dance aerobics. Great for helping you lose weight and become slimmer. Practicing with fun, fast music is not only useful, but also very pleasant. Such activities not only improve your overall figure, but also lift your mood and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. As a result of dancing aerobics, immunity increases, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, and the body becomes more flexible and lighter.

Cardioaerobics. This type of aerobics not only helps you lose weight, but also develops the body's endurance, trains the heart and blood vessels, and helps it resist a variety of diseases. True, one such lesson should take at least an hour. During training, oxygen is supplied to all organs. As a result, carbohydrates and fats are broken down.

And finally, water aerobics, how is it useful?

Such training is allowed to absolutely everyone. Water aerobics is recommended even for people with disabilities and pregnant girls. With such exercises, you can not only lose weight much faster than during training in the gym or at home, but also improve the condition of your skin. Water seems to massage the entire surface of the skin, and, in addition, creates additional resistance and thereby increases the effectiveness of exercise.

For yourself, you can choose one of the types of aerobics or combine them all together.

It is best to do aerobics in the morning, about 2 hours after breakfast. In general, for training to be effective for your figure and body, you should not eat food for two hours before any workout, and it is also better not to eat for an hour after exercise.

As a result of regular training, the first positive effect on your well-being and figure will be noticed within the first month, and after six months aerobics will help you achieve an ideal figure. In addition, the condition of the entire body will improve over time. The functioning of the heart, lungs and liver will improve. A person will be less tired as a result of physical and mental stress. Immunity will increase. And your mood will improve significantly after the first couple of workouts.

It is also worth noting that aerobic exercise on the body allows you to preserve youth and beauty longer. The skin will remain toned for a long time, become smooth, elastic and beautiful. In addition, your complexion will also improve, because the whole body will be saturated with oxygen thanks to aerobics.

If possible, aerobics can be done by the whole family. This will not only allow you to spend more time together, but will also improve the health of all family members and provide them with an attractive and flourishing appearance.

The founder of aerobics and the developer of aerobic exercises is considered Kenneth Cooper-doctor. Jane Fonda, in turn, made aerobics popular by appearing on television with her own developed program of exercises, which were performed to musical accompaniment. This happened in 1982, but aerobic exercises are still popular, and the benefits of aerobics for the female body are confirmed by many modern experts.

First, let's find out what is aerobics. In normal, human language, it can be explained this way - aerobics is a certain set of various exercises: running, walking, jumping and various jumps, and also includes strength exercises aimed at strengthening muscles, developing strength, flexibility, and plasticity. All exercises are performed to rhythmic music. The benefits of aerobics with regular exercise it is obvious - physical fitness and general condition of the body improve significantly, endurance develops. The main advantage of aerobics classes is their accessibility to people of different ages and with different levels of physical fitness.

Let's look at what exactly the benefits of aerobics are. This type of training was developed for the comprehensive health of the female body. Quite often they choose aerobics classes to fight extra pounds, in combination with a diet, it gives amazing results. But the effectiveness of aerobic exercises does not end there.

The benefits of aerobics also include increased lung ventilation, leading to the fact that oxygen begins to flow in large quantities and the activation of oxidative and reduction processes occurs, which are so necessary for the smooth functioning of the female body. Muscles that actively work during aerobic exercise need an increase in oxygen flow, for this the heart begins to contract more often so that blood flow increases. This action stimulates the increase in existing capillaries, as well as the appearance of new ones. The changes taking place lead to significant increasing the efficiency of the entire cardiovascular system: the efficiency of the heart muscle increases, as well as its size, the capillary network expands, a decrease in blood pressure is ensured, an increase in venous circulation is achieved, and, accordingly, the risk of various heart diseases is reduced.

The benefits of aerobics for improving work performance are obvious. endocrine system, stimulation of the activity of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands, normalization of water-salt, fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism in the body.

Besides, aerobics classes increase and improve mood, give excellent well-being, allow you to relax, contribute to the development of strength and endurance of the female body, and accelerate metabolic processes.

You can do aerobics in a specialized sports center, or you can do it at home, in front of a computer monitor or TV screen. You can find many training courses on the Internet , online classes with experienced trainers. You can choose a program to suit your taste - strength aerobics, dance, step or any other. Benefits of doing aerobics at home is to choose a convenient time, because you will be able to train when it is convenient for you, without wasting time on the road to the sports center. But training with a trainer also has its advantages - an experienced trainer will correct you if you are doing this or that exercise incorrectly, give practical advice, recommendations on the selection of daily exercises, and tell you what exactly you should pay attention to in your case.

Aerobics classes at the sports center are mainly conducted in groups of 7-12 people. An experienced trainer who performs exercises together with group members monitors not only the correctness of their execution, but also the condition of each student. Duration of classes ranges from 40 minutes to one hour, the number of classes per week is from 1 to 5. If you set yourself the goal of maintaining your physical shape in excellent condition, then it is enough to attend training 2-3 times a week.

The exercises are alternated, the pace of their execution changes, a warm-up is required at the very beginning and stretching at the end. After the first classes, muscle pain is possible - this means that they are working, the desired effect has been achieved, and, therefore, the benefits of aerobics are already evident. Aerobic exercises will help you rest and relax after a hard day at work, and will give you a boost of vigor and energy.

It should be understood that training is carried out at a fast pace, and this circumstance makes appropriate clothing requirements. Elastic shorts and a top, T-shirt or T-shirt are best suited for aerobics; you can also purchase a special swimsuit. It is important that your suit does not restrict your movements, that you feel comfortable and comfortable in it. Check in advance if you are attending classes at the sports center whether you need to take a mat with you. They are often given out during training. But it’s better to bring a towel from home. Bring a bottle of water as well; it is quite possible that you will get thirsty during training.

Despite the fact that the benefits of aerobics are obvious and proven, not everyone can do it, there are certain contraindications, which should definitely be taken into account when deciding to start classes. We list these contraindications:

The presence of certain diseases (hypertension, varicose veins, cardiovascular);

Existing problems with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;

Problems with the spine.

There are no age restrictions for those involved in aerobics; because of its health-improving effects and benefits for the female body, training is recommended equally for both young women and older women.

Fitness is not a sport. This is a whole area of ​​health-improving gymnastics, which allows you to maintain the body in good physical shape. Fitness fashion came from America in the mid-80s. Doing simple exercises to music is much more fun than doing regular gymnastics. In addition, over 40 years, many types of fitness have appeared, from which everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves in terms of physical fitness and even temperament.

First of all, fitness is useful because it trains the whole body. Whatever you do - aerobics, shaping, Pilates, yoga, Zumba - any type of training primarily contributes to the overall health of the body. The benefits of fitness are obvious:

  • improving blood circulation, supplying cells with oxygen;
  • strengthening the spine, correcting incorrect posture;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes, fat burning;
  • improving skin condition, getting rid of cellulite;
  • active cleansing of the body from waste and toxins;
  • removal of excess fluid, elimination of swelling;
  • development of flexibility, improvement of coordination of movements;
  • increasing physical strength and endurance;
  • strengthening the immune system, preventing a number of diseases.

Regular exercise will not only allow you to say goodbye to extra pounds and make your figure slim and toned, but will also relieve insomnia, improve your mood and overall tone of the body.

An additional benefit of fitness for women is that regular exercise will help significantly delay the onset of menopause, maintaining the natural hormonal levels of the body.

How to exercise to lose weight

Those who doubt whether fitness helps you lose weight should try it first. But you shouldn’t expect fantastic results after the first workout. You can sum up the results no earlier than after a month of regular, high-quality classes. Success largely depends on how many times a week you exercise.

If the training is very intense (step aerobics, crossfit, etc.), then 2-3 classes per week will be enough. More relaxed types of fitness (yoga, Pilates, etc.) can be done even every other day.

The basic rules for doing fitness are simple, remembering and following them will not be difficult, and the effectiveness of the exercise will increase several times:

The duration of the workout is also important. There are no general recommendations on how much time you should study. It all depends on the chosen type of fitness and the level of physical fitness of the body.

For beginners, a 30-40 minute workout is enough, and then you can increase its duration to 45-60 minutes. You should not exercise for more than an hour - this can lead to overwork of the body.

More than one article has been written about the benefits of fitness, but for some reason everyone stops at only a few beneficial factors of this sport. We decided to figure out how useful fitness is and why aerobics as part of fitness brings more results.

First you need to understand one important process - what are the benefits of aerobics. Since aerobics is not strength endurance exercise, but just exercises that help burn calories faster. During such exercises, you must inhale and exhale air correctly - this is the basis of aerobics. If you are working on endurance and you experience shortness of breath, it means that you are doing something wrong or that you are not doing fitness aerobics, but strength exercises.

Benefits and fitness aerobics

  1. Burning calories
  2. Strengthening the body
  3. Improved muscle condition
  4. Fitness strengthens the spine
  5. Skin condition improves

Burning calories.

The big advantage of fitness aerobics is that this sport burns calories several times better, even compared to regular running. Working out at the gym three times a week will help you get into shape faster than other activities.

Endurance is naturally best trained by aerobics. During exercise, your lungs and heart work faster, and your endurance improves. This means that any hike, if you have done at least a little aerobics, will be possible for you.

Strengthening the body.

This is an important argument in favor of fitness aerobics. And any other sport will only help improve the general condition of the body. If you exercise regularly, your body receives more oxygen and becomes more resilient. He is not afraid of any infections or diseases, as he is always ready for challenges.

The condition of the muscles improves. During the exercises, all muscle groups are involved in work, and a beautiful relief is formed. If you train three times a week and stick to proper nutrition, you will quickly achieve the body of your dreams. The main thing is the relationship between proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Benefits and fitness aerobics video

Fitness strengthens the spine.

If you have a sedentary job or spend the whole day on your feet, then you definitely experience back pain from time to time. Moreover, they can appear even during sleep. The best and most effective remedy for pain in the spine, joints, and knees is fitness aerobics.

Skin condition improves.

Yes, fitness aerobics has a direct bearing on the condition of your skin. Since in the normal lifestyle of any person who does not engage in sports, the metabolism slows down, food begins to be poorly processed, and the body’s lymphatic drainage system gradually begins to work poorly. And aerobic exercise gives all this a big boost, each cell begins to be enriched with oxygen, digestion improves, and in just a few weeks you will see how your appearance will improve, and your skin will become elastic and beautiful.

Fitness prolongs life. This is an indisputable fact. People who exercise regularly live longer than those who prefer to lie down on the couch at home. Because during fitness, the heart pumps more blood, more oxygen enters, all organs work at an increased pace and can easily withstand even difficult trips.
By the way, it is very important to note that fitness aerobics is even allowed for asthmatics and most people who have problems with the respiratory tract. People with diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc. are not allowed to exercise. But these are only general recommendations. It is better to ask your doctor and he will tell you whether you can resort to fitness training or not.