The benefits of visiting museums and art salons. Essay on why museums are needed. What does visiting museums give?

Museums and galleries are a great opportunity to learn a lot of new and interesting things, see amazing works and have a great time. Absolutely everything becomes an exhibit today: historical costumes, paintings contemporary artists and even plastic windows. Everything that is worthy of attention finds its place in this kind of establishment. The fashion for visiting museums has returned over the years, and it is quite simple to explain.

Museums as a way to spend time

As children, many of us think that museums are not interesting. It must be said that in in this case The fault of this is either in the guide, who makes visiting a fascinating place a boring routine, or in the fact that the theme of a particular museum does not suit a particular person.

The museum is a wonderful opportunity to please your aesthetic taste. For example, if you love fashion, then one of the costume museums will be a wonderful place for you. Well, if you love history, then you yourself understand how limitless your possibilities are in this case. There are ethnographic, archaeological and even anatomical museums. Some are dedicated to individual outstanding personalities, and their main goal is to enrich our understanding of life and creativity this person. The main thing is to take into account your interests and preferences when choosing a museum, and then visiting it will provide you with a lot of positive emotions.

An important mission of various museums is to preserve objects of the cultural and historical heritage of society that are of certain value for a particular city, region, country or even the whole world. It is especially interesting to visit museums while in other countries. What could be more exciting than completely immersing yourself in the customs, culture, traditions and beliefs of another country?

As you can see, there can be many reasons why people like to visit museums, and they are different for everyone. Fortunately, the variety of such establishments makes it possible to choose what will suit a particular person.

How often do you go to museums? Museums are real storehouses of emotions, feelings, and knowledge. Let's be clear right away: art museums exist for you - yes, for you. Not just for school kids on field trips, not just for seniors with season tickets, not just for snobs, scientists or erudites. They exist for you. For all. You have one hundred percent right to be there. No ifs, ands or buts. Read these tips to ensure you get the most out of your trips to museums and galleries.

Art is magic

Research has shown that viewing art stimulates, among other things, the motor cortex - the part of your brain that controls the movements of your body. When you look at an art object, you don't just see it or think about it, you feel it with your whole being. Literally:

You respond to a work of art with all your soul and all your cells, it affects your feelings, mind, emotions and even your physical body.

Go to art gallery- it's like teaching a lesson in a crowded classroom: every child demands your attention; everyone wants you to listen to what they have to say. And all the pictures want to tell about a million things: about love, about religion, about prosperity, power, status, technical virtuosity and the ability to show off, about deep spiritual struggles and failures, about fantasy, magic, light, shadow, perspective, despair, and about much, much more.

So here you go simple tips, which will help you fall in love with paintings, museums and galleries.

1. Choose the right time

Use Google Maps to find out when the museum is least crowded. To do this, find the desired museum in the maps and scroll to the “Popular Time” section. This is, for example, what the distribution of people in the Louvre looks like on Sunday.

Get there by 9am and you'll have the entire Louvre to yourself, without the hustle and bustle. Just for fun, find on the map a museum in your city where you want to go.

2. Read the signs

As you probably know, most museums have signs on the walls that give basic (and sometimes detailed) information about what you're looking at. You can find out the year the painting or sculpture was created, the history of creation and the meaning.

3. Take an audio guide

Many museums offer audio tours so that you can listen to information about the works of art as you walk through the museum. You may want to go through the exhibit twice: first by reading the signs on the walls or listening to the audio guide to gain information, and the second time by using your newly acquired knowledge to better understand what you see. Or first get a pure, direct impression of art, and then reinforce it with the acquisition of new knowledge.

The point is that no the right way. Do what you think is right.

4. Just stop

Every time you go to a museum, choose one or two rooms and admire each painting a little longer before moving on to the next. You can enter the halls almost at random. No need to worry about choosing the best or most interesting pictures, because gradually you will get around everything. You have as much time as you need.

Just stop in front of a picture, look at it for at least one minute and try to understand how you feel.

If the museum is large, take a plan of the exhibition, select several paintings that you definitely want to see, and plan a route so that you can see each of them in turn. Fortunately, on the way from one Really Famous Painting to another you will pass many, many amazing works̆ and you can enjoy them too. Bonus!

5. Trust yourself

Only you can know whether a work of art affects you. Only you know what you like. Only you know what brings you pleasure. Only you know what makes you think, feel and see.

Trust yourself. Trust your feelings. Trust in your ability to shape and nurture, develop and create your own taste.

Have the courage to articulate to yourself what you like and don't like. Have the courage to challenge yourself and expand your horizons. And ultimately, have the courage to be your own tastemaker. Even if you don't have the words to explain why you like what you like, you are training your brain to like what it likes and to know what it likes. And you can only be praised for this!

6. Put yourself in the artist's shoes

Imagine being able to call anyone using a magical videophone. Anyone at all. Living or dead. Celebrity or recluse. Smart, funny, dreamy, crazy. And you could ask this person what life was or is like for him. How he saw the world. And everyone you call and ask will answer you.

They will tell and show you what it is like to be them, they will reveal their very essence to you. Do you know what is described here? Contemplation of works of art. When you look at someone's creation, you see the reality of the person who created it. Think about it, and you will have no doubt: this person was as real as you are.

Stand in front of a work of art and think about how the artist saw things, how he perceived the world. Reflect on his personal experiences and how they became a painting or sculpture.

This may seem very strange, but it is useful. Sometimes, instead of looking at paintings, it is interesting to look at people looking at paintings. Next time you are in a museum or some other place where people admire works of art, take a step back and observe for a while.

Pay attention to the ages and types of people you are attracted to different genres visual arts. Take a closer look and you will see that everyone behaves differently in the museum: walking, stopping, starting to move, slowing down, standing, squeezing through. Who stops and looks at the picture for a long time? Who seems to look at nothing at all? Who looks at their phone more often than at paintings? Who can't shut up? Who's running ahead? Who's trailing behind?

Observe, but don't judge anyone. Everyone is different, and that's not a bad thing. If someone quickly passes the hall, this does not mean that he does not have his own wonderful experience of interacting with art. Think about what is important to you personally when encountering art.

8. Listen to conversations

Among the visitors may be: a) guides, b) professionals in the field of art, c) individuals with unusual views and tastes. And the conversations of all these people standing in front of the painting next to you are very interesting and entertaining. Once I wandered into the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, and near one painting I heard the guide describing why this painting was amazing. I would not have stopped near her for long; she seemed ordinary to me. But the guide said: “What kind of sky do you see? It's green." “It’s really green, how could I not notice it?!”

Many beautiful paintings hang on the walls. Right now. Let art penetrate your eyes and leave an imprint on your brain. Start seeing beauty, and joy will fill your heart little by little.

  • upload a photo from a museum, park or estate confirming your visit?
    On the My Museums page in your personal account, opposite each museum that is added to the My Museums list, there is a window for attaching a photo.
  • can I get assignments?
    Assignments for museums and estates are issued on site by staff.
    You can download assignments for the parks yourself from the park page. Detailed information information on how to download assignments on parks and how to submit answers can be found on the page How to submit answers on parks.
  • Are the results published?
    On the My results page in your personal account.
  • can I find the criteria for checking work?
    On the Work Review Criteria page.

What to do, if...

  • no results from the museum, although I was there more than two weeks ago?
    You should write to the organizers by email [email protected] indicating the participant code, full name, name of the museum and date of visit. It is advisable to indicate whether the form was downloaded from the website or received at the museum.
  • lost your traveler animal?
    Choose new animal and write to the organizers by email [email protected] with photographs of old and new toys, as well as the participant code.
  • I would like to know for which questions exactly the points for the visited object were given incomplete points?
    If it's a park, you can see detailed scores in the My Park Answers section.
    If it is a museum or an estate, then in the My appeals section in your personal account you should select the topic “Request for details”, then the name of the visited object and fill in the necessary fields with a request to send details.
  • do not agree with the points awarded or the reason for the rejection of the photo confirmation of the visit is unclear?
    In the My Appeals section in your personal account, you should select the appropriate topic and the object visited, then clearly and correctly state the reason for your disagreement with the assessment in the fields.
  • It seems that the points for the visited objects are summed up incorrectly?
    Carefully study the section Calculating results. You are probably not taking into account one of the rules for adding points in the General Score.
  • uploaded photo confirmation for the wrong museum?
    After rejection of this photo You should upload this image instead, so we will consider the photo deleted.


  • will a museum open that is listed in the Museum Catalog as one that is “not currently accepting participants”?
    The Organizing Committee cannot provide such information to avoid misunderstandings. A museum is considered to be participating only if the museum has the appropriate status in the Museum Catalog.
  • Will registration for the Olympics close?
    March 15, 2019.
  • Will there be a final bonus game?
    One Saturday in May, date to be confirmed.
  • will my results for the objects visited appear?
    Results for parks appear within two weeks from the date responses are submitted. Results for museums and estates appear within two weeks from the date of visiting the museum. If your results have not been available for more than two weeks, please email the organizers.


  • How many museums, parks and estates do you need to visit?
    To be included in the overall standings, you must visit 4 museums and 1 park or 4 museums and 1 estate.
    The criteria for determining the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad, as well as the criteria for invitation to the prize game, have been published separately.
  • Do you need a traveling animal in photos from museums and estates?
    No, the traveler animal is not needed on photo evidence of visits. It is only needed in photographs that are answers to tasks in parks where you need to take a photograph.

If you have not found the answer to your question, then you can ask your question to the organizers by mail [email protected] .

Basic definitions used at the Olympics

What is meant by the word "participant"?

A participant is one or more schoolchildren (personal or team type of participation, respectively) with or without adult accompaniments.

  • Important! The accompanying person is not part of the team.

What is a “Museum Invitation” and where can I get one?

In essence, this is a pass to an in-person tour of the main stage of the Olympics in a museum or estate (see the section “Stages of the Olympics”). The invitation can be downloaded via Personal Area in the Unified Registration System (the link to download the invitation can be found on the page of each museum). Each participant must have a printed invitation with them when visiting a museum or estate. It must be presented at the entrance to the Museum and returned after viewing the exhibition, along with completed answers to the questions of the in-person tour.

  • Important! Invitations to parks with tasks are posted on the page of a particular park. Answers to questions should be uploaded through a special form on the Olympiad website (the link is on the page of each park).

Trips to various establishments - necessary condition For cultural life. They are also necessary for a person to develop personally and spiritually. The idea that for comprehensive personal growth it is enough to obtain information from the Internet is very erroneous. Even though today you can visit museums without leaving your home, via the Internet, even though any exhibits can be viewed on a monitor screen, this still never bears any comparison with a real trip to a museum. Mother Nature gave people five senses, not just vision, for a reason - they need them to better assimilate available information. Museum smells, the guide’s speech, the atmospheric silence of the museum - all of the above is not at all superfluous in order to better get acquainted with everything that is on display.

Everyone knows that going to a museum allows you to develop your imagination a little better. It is for this reason that museums are especially popular among those with a lively and creative imagination. Must-sees in the Louvre.

Looking at everything that is exhibited in a “natural” museum, a person in his head compares himself with what he is looking at. Considering historical items, he seems to be going into a time long past. Looking at works of art, it is as if one unites with the spirit of the manufacturer, living his life, experiencing what he experienced while creating this object.

This is precisely the reason why visiting museums brings greatest benefit children: they are good for instilling in them an aesthetic sense, in order to accustom them to study the history of their people, region, city. Of course, now schools have compulsory programs for visiting a variety of museums. But it would be a good idea for school mentors to create an atmosphere that is most suitable to not make this a mere formality, and also to prevent mockery, which is very popular among modern schoolchildren.

It should also be noted that sometimes the things that the museum uses to preserve its exhibits become outdated and may even become unusable. But all those exhibits that are exhibited in museums are always unique, it simply cannot be otherwise, so there will be absolutely no excuses if they are lost one after another. That is why all adults and responsible people should notice the current state of museums, and also teach young people to do the same. Especially when you consider that science has now given every chance of using the best means of protecting exhibits from the influence of time in museums.

Without culture, society inevitably slides downwards, so it should be kept in mind that at least, one thing: there must always be patrons of the arts who support and develop, to the best of their ability and money, the cultural level of their native people.

Today, a person living in a city has many opportunities to spend free time outside the walls of the house. Cultural and entertainment institutions will help not only to get distracted, but also to gain new knowledge in any area. Museums and galleries that offer their visitors magnificent displays and exhibitions on completely different topics are worthy of special attention.

Types of modern museums

Of course, with the help of the Internet today you can get almost any information without even leaving your apartment. This distance learning is very mobile and universal. However, the image does not give a complete picture of a particular object of art. Only real exhibitions can completely immerse you in the study of an object, provide full information about him. You won't find this on websites. Modern museums divided into groups, each of which is designed for a category of people with a specific range of interests. Historical, artistic, literary, military, biological, technical - this is just a small list of existing museums. Located in Penza a large number of thematic museums. A list is provided on the website along with the necessary contact information.

Each museum is located like permanent exhibitions, and temporary exhibitions. The latter are notable for the fact that they are brought from other cities and countries. Rare collections, interesting pieces of art can be collected together in one place. Usually, information about a new exhibition becomes known thanks to special posters not only on the streets, but also on virtual portals. Visiting the exhibition is a great way to spend quality time with family or friends. In addition to the entertainment side, museums are in demand among students and researchers engaged in writing papers or simply among those who want to spend time usefully.

Peculiarities art salons

You should also pay attention to. IN Lately such galleries are becoming increasingly popular among those who love culture and art. The salons are a real treasury with valuable paintings and sculptures. Thanks to constant updating At the exhibition you can see rare and valuable paintings. Salons are not limited to simple exhibitions. Here you can purchase your favorite piece of art. Some art salons offer for sale materials for creative activities from well-known and trusted manufacturers.

By becoming culturally enriched, a person changes his worldview, establishes new frameworks and principles. This is a great opportunity to grow spiritually and involve loved ones in this. Going to a museum or art salon is an excellent solution that allows you to usefully spend your free time.

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