If you hurry, you will make people laugh - Polish folk tale. Dreamers A story on the topic of making people laugh in a hurry

students of grade 2 "B"

After studying proverbs in the 2nd grade literary reading course, the guys and I read “The ABC” by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. The guys noticed that the great writer often used proverbs and sayings in the titles of his stories. The children themselves came up with a creative task for themselves: choose a proverb and come up with a story for it. And this is what happened.

By the way, I later used these texts to organize group work on text editing (speech development).



Essays on proverbs

2nd class "B"

October 2011

Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.

There lived a girl Nadya, and she had a friend Vera. They loved to play with dolls. But they often quarreled and took offense at each other. They couldn't divide the dolls. And they couldn’t be apart for long. They are real girlfriends. Mom said: “Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.” The girls thought.

There is time for business, an hour for fun.

The girl studied in 3 "B". At school, the teacher gave me an assignment: to prepare for a dictation. And the girl, instead of studying, played with dolls all day. In the morning at the lesson she received a “two” for dictation. Time for business, time for fun.

Parshikova Irina

If you like to ride, you also like to carry a sled.

One day Ira started playing and scattered all her toys. She got tired of playing, and she went to ask her mother for permission to go for a walk. And her mother told her: “First, clean your room, and then you will go outside. If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.”

Chizhikova Veronica

Business before pleasure.

Masha came home from school, decided to chat with her friend on the phone, then played with her favorite kitten and watched cartoons on TV. Mom comes home from work.

Masha, have you done your homework?

Oh, I forgot...

Mom said: “There is time for work, but there is an hour for fun.”

Mazurina Ekaterina

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

The guys were playing in the yard. Mom asked Vasya to take the milk home. Vasya took the bag of milk and ran to quickly return to the game. He was in such a hurry that he did not notice the stone on the road. Vasya tripped and fell. The guys laughed, and mom said: “If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.”

Bulanov Alexander

The timid even fears the shadow.

Once upon a time there lived a hunter. One evening he went into the forest. He came to the forest, and the moon had already risen. The hunter heard a terrible howl. He saw big long ears and a fluffy long tail. What kind of animal? The hunter got scared and ran away.

And these were a hare and a fox.

Yanida Valley

Fear has big eyes.

Once upon a time there lived a hare. One day he went to pick berries. And a hedgehog runs towards him. “Where are you running?” - asks the hare. “I’m going to a clearing to an old oak tree, they say there’s a monster sitting behind a raspberry tree,” the hedgehog answers. “Let's go there together!” - said the hare. They came to a raspberry patch, and there a little bear was picking berries. "Fear has big eyes!" - said the hare.

Mozgolina Maria

Seven do not wait for one.

During the summer holidays, 2nd grade “B” went outdoors. All the children arrived on time, only one was late. The bus departed at the appointed time without a latecomer. And when he came to school on September 1, he was offended by everyone. At the last lesson, the teacher came up to him and said: “Seven do not wait for one.”

Yastrebova Valentina

Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.

Two boys were traveling on a train and playing. But they couldn’t share the toys and started quarreling. Their mothers took them to different places. They sit in different places and get bored. So it turns out that together it’s crowded, but apart it’s boring.

Dmitrieva Evgenia

You do one thing, don’t spoil another.

Dad made a desk for two brothers, selected materials, and painted the boards. The boys sat down at the table to make crafts. They drilled and made a hole in the table. You do one thing, don’t spoil another.

Shakin Vyacheslav

Who does not work shall not eat.

Once upon a time there lived a cockerel and a piglet. The cockerel suggested planting a vegetable garden. The cockerel got up in the morning, called the piglet, and the piglet was lying in a puddle, basking in the sun. The cockerel dug up the ground, sowed the seeds, and the piglet basked in a puddle.

All summer the cockerel worked: watered, weeded, looked after the garden, and the piglet rested between the beds.

Autumn came. The cockerel called the piglet to harvest the crops, and he feasted on acorns. The cockerel collected a rich harvest of vegetables.

Cold weather set in and snow fell. A piglet came to the rooster and asked him for some food and answered: “I worked all spring and summer, and you rested, basked in the sun. In the fall I was harvesting, and you didn’t help me. Therefore: “He who does not work does not eat.”

Andreeva Veronica

There is time for business, an hour for fun.

School days began in the fall. In the morning I go to gymnastics, and in the afternoon I go to school. There is no time left for a walk. Mom said that it’s not for nothing that people say: “There is time for work, but there is an hour for fun.” Now I understand this proverb.

Tyutchik Ksenia

There is time for business, an hour for fun.

Mom got ready to go to the store. Sasha stayed at home. Mom asked Sasha to put away the toys, and she left. Sasha did nothing but went for a walk. Mom came and was upset: “There is time for work, but there is an hour for fun.” Sasha felt ashamed.

Moslyakova Alina

Among the many fairy tales, it is especially fascinating to read the fairy tale “If you hurry, you will make people laugh (Polish fairy tale)”; you can feel the love and wisdom of our people in it. The works often use diminutive descriptions of nature, thereby making the picture presented even more intense. Once again, re-reading this composition, you will certainly discover something new, useful, edifying, and essential. The inspiration of everyday objects and nature creates colorful and bewitching pictures of the surrounding world, making them mysterious and enigmatic. With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of the heroes are depicted, their appearance, rich inner world, they “breathe life” into the creation and the events taking place in it. Devotion, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome all that oppose them: anger, deceit, lies and hypocrisy. The plot is simple and as old as the world, but each new generation finds in it something relevant and useful. The fairy tale “If you hurry, you make people laugh (Polish fairy tale)” is worth reading for free online for everyone, there is deep wisdom, philosophy, and simplicity of the plot with a good ending.

Aunt Turtle decided to bake pies. Enough - no yeast.
- Wake up, Cherepakhovich, you've had enough sleep! Run to your godfather Hare and ask for yeast.
Cherepakhovich grumbled something sleepily, opened his sleepy eyes and asked displeasedly:
- What do you want?
- Run, I say, to your godfather Zaychikha for yeast...
“I haven’t run anywhere for a long time.” “I can go,” Cherepakhovich muttered.
He sat down, thought, scratched his lower back and, groaning, carefully climbed out of the stove.
- You should be quicker, my poor turtle! - Aunt Turtle hurried.
- Why such a rush? No wonder they say: “If you hurry, you will make people laugh.”
While he was getting down, while he put his feet into his felt boots, while he was putting on his zipun and putting his hat on his head, nothing happened for a week.
- Why are you trampling around! I would go faster, time is running out.
- Yes, I put the sash somewhere, I can’t find it.
- I knew it! - Aunt Turtle exclaimed and, together with Turtle, began to look for the loss.
And the turtle fuss is well known: while they were looking, another week had passed. Cherepakhovich raised his collar, raised his leg over the threshold, followed by the other... Things went well.
- Look, don’t hesitate, I invited guests for pies!
- I know I know…
-Did you capture the vessel?
- Eh, I’m completely out of my mind... Come here, I don’t want to come back.
- If only the Hare were here, he would quickly turn around! “And you keep marking time, like a bear at the apiary,” said Aunt Turtle, holding out a vessel for yeast.
- Just think, what a miracle - a Hare! Jump-sniff - that's all valor. But I am, after all, a wealthy owner: wherever I go, there is a roof over my head. You need to understand this!
Having adjusted the vessel more comfortably in his bosom, Cherepakhovich pulled his hat over his eyes and went to the Hare.
He left, and Aunt Turtle rejoiced: the guests will eat plenty of delicious, crispy pies, with cabbage, onions and mushrooms! And started preparing the filling.
It’s completely dark, it’s time for Cherepakhovich to come back, but he’s gone. The invited guests never got to taste the turtle pies. So the day has passed, another has come - there is no yeast, no Cherepakhovich. A year has passed, another and a third. Cherepakhovich disappeared like an ax in an ice hole.
“And where did he disappear? I wish I could send it far, otherwise it’s just a stone’s throw away...” thought Aunt Turtle.
Another four years passed.
“Let me,” thinks Aunt Turtle, “I’ll run to the outskirts and have a look.” She threw on a scarf and moved towards the door - lo and behold, Cherepakhovich was walking down the street, hurrying and hurrying, carrying yeast in a clay vessel, pressing it tightly to his chest - he wouldn’t drop it.
- Finally! Aunt Turtle was delighted.
Less than an hour later, Cherepakhovich turned into his yard, went to the door, and stopped at the threshold to rest.
Having caught his breath, he began to climb over the threshold. I dragged one leg safely, but caught myself with a torn felt boot and stretched out to my full height. The head is in the hut, and the feet are outside the door. The vessel shattered and yeast began to flow throughout the hut.
- Oh, you fast walker! I carried it for seven years and didn’t make it to the hut! I just wasted my time!
“Yessss...” Cherepakhovich grumbled. “I told you, don’t rush it, it will get worse.” And so it happened! It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.”

The Russian language is rich in proverbs - apt expressions that accurately, ironically and figuratively describe a person or his actions. Sometimes a well-timed proverb is enough to understand that you are doing wrong and need to stop, think and correct yourself.

We bought a beautiful, massive crystal vase as an anniversary gift. She was hidden in the room. The vase had to be presented to the hero of the day by a person who did not know where exactly the gift was taken. Just before the celebration, they began to explain to him where to find this vase. In response, he only stubbornly repeated: “Yes, I know, I know!”

And at the most solemn moment of congratulations, the guests turned to this man and said: “Now, please bring a gift.” He quickly ran into the room and returned, holding not a new vase, but some other, old one, belonging to the owner of this house.

And to the cheers of those gathered, he presented it to the birthday boy.

At first, the guests did not all understand what had happened. And those who understood laughed so hard that they almost fell off their chairs.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh!

Updated: 2017-03-25

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“If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh!”
There lived one boy named Igor. He was in a hurry all the time. At school, he solved examples quickly and incorrectly: 2+2 made him 5. And in Russian language class he wrote: “I have the most beautiful momo.” All the guys laughed for a long time, and then they came up with a proverb: “If you hurry, you make people laugh!” /Arkhishina Julia/

“Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!”
Once upon a time there was a boy. One day he went to the store, and there they asked him: “Why don’t you go out with your friends?” “And money is more important to me than friends,” the boy answered.
One day he went swimming and began to drown. The children came running and saved him. And then he realized that friends are more valuable than money. /Markeeva Katya/

"Talk a little, listen a lot, and even more to be smart"
Once upon a time there lived a poor student. During class he talked all the time. And the teacher gave him a bad grade. He came home and his mother said: “Show me the diary! I’ll give you a chocolate bar.” Mom saw the deuce and said: “You will get a chocolate bar when you correct the deuce.” And he went to correct the deuce. And now he will no longer receive bad marks... /Vika Azmanova/

"The smart one is rich without money"
Once upon a time there was a stupid boy, and he had a smart brother. The stupid one wanted to become a billionaire. He asked his brother what should be done for this? Smart replied:
- If I knew how to become a billionaire, I would tell you.
“I’ll achieve my goal anyway,” said the stupid one. He asked his question to the teacher.
- Finish school, college, serve in the army. You need to study well. In the meantime, go to the blackboard. What is 60 times 5?
- Two!
- So get 2!
And mom said:
- We need to learn the multiplication table. Your brother got an A+.
- You just have to be an excellent student, and then, lo and behold, you’ll become a billionaire! / Dima Serebryansky /

"They reward you not for your beard, but for your intelligence"
Once upon a time there were two sisters: the older one was beautiful, but stupid. The youngest read a lot and took care of the house.
One day they went to visit their uncle, and on the way they were captured by robbers.
“Let me go,” the eldest cried, “look: what a beautiful dress, shoes, and handbag I have!”
“Leave with your beauty,” the robbers got angry, “guess our three riddles, then we’ll let you go.”
The younger sister guessed all the riddles, and the robbers let them go. “They don’t reward you for your beard, but for your intelligence” / Alina Stepanova/

"Don't rely on someone else's dinner, grandfather"
One boy was punished for getting bad marks - his mother did not cook him lunch. He went to visit a friend and had lunch there.
- Where have you been? - Mom asked.
- Away!
- If you want me to forgive you, sit down and think.
The boy thought and went to work on his mistakes. “To get good grades, you need to work hard” / Misha Kondrashov /

Once upon a time there lived a man. He decided to build a new house. And I was too lazy to clear the snow. When the snow melted, his new house fell apart. “You can’t even take a fish out of the pond without difficulty” / Daniil Bushuev /

"You can't take a fish out of a pond without difficulty"
One man was asked to paint a window brown. He was too lazy to go get brown paint. He painted the window black. People came and said: “How ugly it turned out!” The man felt ashamed, he bought good paint and corrected his mistake. /Osipova Sofia/

Aunt Turtle decided to bake pies. Enough - no yeast.

- Wake up, Cherepakhovich, you've had enough sleep! Run to your godfather Hare and ask for yeast.

Cherepakhovich grumbled something sleepily, opened his sleepy eyes and asked displeasedly:

- What do you want?

- Run, I say, to your godfather Zaychikha for yeast...

“I haven’t run anywhere for a long time.” “I can go,” Cherepakhovich muttered.

He sat down, thought, scratched his lower back and, groaning, carefully climbed out of the stove.

- You should be quicker, my poor turtle! - Aunt Turtle hurried.

- Why such a rush? No wonder they say: “If you hurry, you will make people laugh.”

While he was getting down, while he put his feet into his felt boots, while he was putting on his zipun and putting his hat on his head, nothing happened for a week.

- Why are you trampling around! I would go faster, time is running out.

- Yes, I put the sash somewhere, I can’t find it.

- I knew it! - Aunt Turtle exclaimed and, together with Turtle, began to look for the loss.

And the turtle fuss is well known: while they were looking, another week had passed. Cherepakhovich raised his collar, raised his leg over the threshold, followed by the other... Things went well.

- Look, don’t hesitate, I invited guests for pies!

- I know I know…

-Did you capture the vessel?

- Eh, I’m completely out of my mind... Come here, I don’t want to come back.

- If only the Hare were here, he would quickly turn around! “And you keep marking time, like a bear at the apiary,” said Aunt Turtle, holding out a vessel for yeast.

- Just think, what a miracle - a Hare! Jump-sniff - that's all valor. But I am, after all, a wealthy owner: wherever I go, there is a roof over my head. You need to understand this!

Having adjusted the vessel more comfortably in his bosom, Cherepakhovich pulled his hat over his eyes and went to the Hare.

He left, and Aunt Turtle rejoiced: the guests will eat plenty of delicious, crispy pies, with cabbage, onions and mushrooms! And started preparing the filling.

It’s completely dark, it’s time for Cherepakhovich to come back, but he’s gone. The invited guests never got to taste the turtle pies. So the day has passed, another has come - there is no yeast, no Cherepakhovich. A year has passed, another and a third. Cherepakhovich disappeared like an ax in an ice hole.

“And where did he disappear? I wish I could send it far, otherwise it’s just a stone’s throw away...” thought Aunt Turtle.

Another four years passed.

“Let me,” thinks Aunt Turtle, “I’ll run to the outskirts and have a look.” She threw on a scarf and moved towards the door - lo and behold, Cherepakhovich was walking down the street, hurrying and hurrying, carrying yeast in a clay vessel, pressing it tightly to his chest - he wouldn’t drop it.

- Finally! Aunt Turtle was delighted.

Less than an hour later, Cherepakhovich turned into his yard, went to the door, and stopped at the threshold to rest.

Having caught his breath, he began to climb over the threshold. I dragged one leg safely, but caught myself with a torn felt boot and stretched out to my full height. The head is in the hut, and the feet are outside the door. The vessel shattered and yeast began to flow throughout the hut.

- Oh, you fast walker! I carried it for seven years and didn’t make it to the hut! I just wasted my time!

“Yessss...” Cherepakhovich grumbled. “I told you, don’t rush it, it will get worse.” And so it happened! It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.”