Potap and Nastya are they married? Nastya Kamensky's lover spoke about his relationship with the star. Own YouTube channel

Over the five years of activity in show business, the Kamenskys were credited with many novels. However, Kamensky reacts negatively to all questions about his personal life, reports vz.ua. But there is one romance she cannot deny. A young man from Nikolaev named Vladimir Dyatlov is the only boyfriend with whom the singer has been seen so far. They are not together now.


Nastya and Vova met as students, when Kamenskikh was not yet working with. The guys studied in the same group, mastered foreign economic activity at the faculty of the Ukrainian-American Humanitarian Institute, Wisconsin International University (USA) in Kyiv. They fell in love at first sight and started dating.

Due to life circumstances, Vova transferred from the capital’s university to the National University of Shipbuilding named after. Makarov in Nikolaev. And the couple had to continue their relationship at a distance of 500 km. Nastya, living with her parents in Kyiv, tried to visit her boyfriend in Nikolaev as often as possible. He, in turn, came to see her every weekend. There was even a moment when Vova packed his bags and wanted to move in with his beloved forever. But this never happened.

Kamenskikh later admitted that despite the rumors, she never cheated on her Vova: “While I was in a relationship with the Nikolaev guy, I was faithful only to him. This, of course, was not easy. I constantly threw hysterics, until one day he came up to me father with the words: “Madam, for God’s sake, could you find yourself a man in Kyiv?! Because mom and I can’t stand it anymore!”

Instead of searching for a man, Nastya threw herself into working with Potap. Years later, Dyatlov first spoke on this topic. He admitted in an interview that the relationship with Kamensky fizzled out on its own and grew from love to friendship. And he refutes rumors about his excessive jealousy: “All the information that is in the press about me and Nastya is only 30% true, the rest is the fabrication of journalists. We parted as friends, we still keep in touch and remain very close people to each other.” friend. We are like brother and sister. this moment!"


Currently, Dyatlov holds the position of director of an agricultural enterprise in the city of Voznesensk (Nikolaev region). The guy decided to get serious about politics and became one of the youngest leaders of the Party of Regions. At 26 years old, Vladimir Dyatlov is the head of the Party of Regions faction in the Voznesensky District Council.

She announced her separation from Dyatlov in 2009. But despite this, they meet annually on June 8th. Sad occasion: anniversary tragic death Vova's relatives. In 2006, Nastya, Vova, his two younger sisters and parents were traveling from Kyiv to Nikolaev to celebrate the guy’s 19th birthday there. The plans ended in an instant... On the highway, the Dyatlov family’s jeep turned over several times and caught fire. The culprit of the incident was a trailer - a motor home that was attached to a car: a passing truck turned over the trailer with a stream of air, and it pulled the car behind it.

Official group of Potap and Nastya VKontakte

Nastya received a concussion and serious injury: the scar is still visible on the singer’s leg. The guy performed artificial respiration on Sister Sonya, which saved her life. They only managed to take my father to the intensive care unit, where he died. Mom died nine days after the incident. Nine days later, sister Masha’s heart stopped. So 19-year-old Vova became an orphan.

Remember the good old saying: “If you want to hide something (someone), put it on display”? Many fans of Alexey and Anastasia shake their heads affirmatively, confirming the inquisitive guesses of the show business crowd: this phrase perfectly characterizes the romantic relationship in which the duet halves of “Potap and Nastya” have been suspected for countless years.

We have chosen 5 arguments in favor of the fact that in addition to the working relationship, Potap and Nastya also have a strong love connection.

Potap finally decided to talk about divorce

Isn’t this what you do when very significant changes are coming in your life - for example, getting engaged to your beloved? And the fact that the personal life of both Potap and his ex-wife Irina Gorova is in full swing is evidenced by their “testimonies” to journalists of the magazine “Rest.”

"We have personal lives separate from each other. I would like our new halves to also find mutual language" - as Potap confesses in spirit.

Let's be honest: in the last year such passions have swirled around the persons of Alexei Potapenko, Irina Gorova and Nastya Kamensky that it was no longer possible to hide the singer and producer's divorce from his current business partner.

Journalists were perplexed why it was impossible to indicate in the materials that Irina is “Potap’s wife” (much less call her “beloved”), and they only shrugged their shoulders when they heard the press service’s explanation - they say that we are building the image of Irina Gorova as a businesswoman. lady and we want to move away from the cliche that she is only Potap’s wife (Gorovaya runs the production center MOZGI Entertainment together with the singer).

Alexey and Irina are also in last years dodged awkward questions from media representatives, who without fail asked them “family-related” questions in every interview.

For example, when “KP” in Ukraine” asked the artist about how he spoiled his beloved on her birthday, Alexey replied: “It’s customary for us to give each other attention and time, not gifts. I completely organized her birthday celebration!"

And when, at the opening of the MOZGI restaurant, we asked Irina what dishes she pampers her husband at home, Gorovaya replied that she prefers to order restaurant food at home, but sometimes makes exceptions and arranges romantic dinners.

In a word - for a long time in this mode of dodging the press ex-spouses We definitely wouldn’t be able to live! And, as it turned out, Irina Gorovaya and Potap have not lived under the same roof for 5 years (!), and they signed divorce papers 2 years ago, which was reported in magazine interview.

According to Potap, they did not advertise the separation because they worked a lot: they put the “Time and Glass” group on their feet, developed the “Potap and Nastya” group, and created the Mozgi group.

“We have such a strong friendly love! Although we separated a long time ago, we never really parted, as we worked together,” says Potap in an interview with the publication.

The singers vacationed together in Cuba in 2013

Three years ago, Potap and Nastya were “caught” kissing on one of the most beautiful beaches in Cuba. Pictures and videos of a guy and a girl, whose appearance is very reminiscent of artists, walking along the edge of the sea, tenderly hugging and kissing each other, spread all over the Internet.

It is difficult to identify the faces in the video, but “Potapo-nasteved” claim that it is Potapenko and Kamenskikh who are walking on the hot sand. (The hotel where the couple was seen is located 10 kilometers from the resort town of Varadero, overnight stay – 300 euros).

When the press bombarded Nastya with questions, the girl admitted that she really was basking in the Cuban sun at that time, but fiercely argued that she was resting in splendid isolation.

But Irina Gorovaya did not even deny that on the Caribbean coast Alexey vacationed with his duet “half” and even kissed Nastya in public. “I would be more upset if Lesha kissed a man,” Gorovaya said ironically then. And she added: “This is not a reason to start family squabbles!”

By that time, Irina’s Facebook page already had the status “ Open relationship". About a year after.

Wedding ring Nastya with a weighty "brulik"

As we wrote earlier, the whole intrigue with Nastya’s ring is that gold decoration with a massive diamond, the singer placed it on her ring finger right hand. This is exactly what young ladies do with rings encrusted with large-caliber diamonds, who received jewelry from their chosen ones as a sign.

So what does it turn out to be - after closely observing one of the most popular Ukrainian artists for so many years, not a single shark of a pen, not a single paparazzi with a trained radar eye has ever captured the beauty with her secret admirer, who is theoretically going to lead our Nastya down the aisle ?! It's a mess, gentlemen.

The fact is that everything secret in Ukrainian show business becomes clear a maximum of six months after the creation of this very secret, and in the case of Nastya, who is in the company of Potap almost every day - rehearsing, touring, filming photo shoots - you can guess that the artist’s working life is closely linked to her personal life.

Just for fun, take a closer look at the joint photos of Nastya and Potap on Instagram: almost every photo shows a tender hug. There are photographs in which Alexey carries Nastya in his arms. Yes, yes, all this can be attributed to “staged” shots, but these shots look too family-like and unpretentiously idyllic from the outside.

We set common goals and achieved them together

When Nastya started her own blog and actively began sharing the secrets of losing weight with subscribers, meticulously describing the loss excess weight and peppering his video blog with sexy photos, Potap also began to lose weight.

In an interview with KP, the singer said: “I admire Nastya, how smart she is - she goes for a run in any weather in the morning! I felt ashamed, and I also decided to take care of myself.”

So, by encouraging each other and setting a common goal, Nastya and Potap managed to achieve amazing results and lost more than 15 kg each.

Potap's mother's frank confession

Potap’s mother, Lyusya Potapenko, dotted all the i’s regarding the special relationship between Potap and Nastya in an interview with KP. She said that “Nastya is her son’s muse in life” and even let slip that this woman is always “nearby”:

But who Lesha takes as an example is Nastya. The woman who is nearby probably didn’t tell him either, like, go ahead, lose weight. She simply did her job, got into the great shape she dreamed of and became an example for him. He is not a fool either - he understood that it was impossible to do otherwise and took care of himself.

Nastya is his muse in every sense of the word. Not only creatively, but also in life. She wonderful person. You know, I bought apples from an old grandmother and asked her: “They’re so beautiful, but are they delicious?” - “Remember this, child, like an animal, like one in the middle.” So Nastya is the same: she is as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. She is an integral and fair girl, smart, real woman. And most importantly, she has a beautiful soul...

It seemed to us that the mother was pleased with her son’s choice.

Kamenskikh Anastasia Alekseevna is a Ukrainian singer, sexy soloist of the popular duet “Potap and Nastya”.

In addition to her vocal abilities, she has a bright appearance, impulsiveness and a difficult character.

Recognized as the most beautiful and sexy woman in Ukraine.

Childhood and youth

Nastya Kamenskikh is a native of Ukraine. Born in Kyiv, 05/04/1987. She came into a family of professional musicians.

Mom - Lidia Petrovna sang in the national academic choir. G. Ropes.

Father - Alexey Iosifovich served in the same choir concert director.

Nastya in childhood

He also led the Dynamo volleyball team. From an early age, the girl was instilled with an interest in music.

In addition, the mother tried to raise her daughter in many ways and give her as much knowledge as possible.

From the age of 5, the little girl began to participate in the international child exchange program in Ukraine.

First, mom sends Nastya to France, but the girl didn’t like it there.

She begins to ask to return and soon returns to her native Kyiv. At the age of 6 the girl went to music school.

I started learning to play the piano. Nastya also attends tennis classes and ballet class.

The girl also managed to study in a regular school thanks to strict discipline and control from her parents.

IN school age the future singer is sent to Italy. There she began to spend 6 months annually over the next 7 years.

Nastya lived with an Italian family and attended a local school in Naples. The singer remembers this period as very important and exciting.

Then she acquired not only Italian “brothers” and “sisters”, but also second parents.

In Naples, a black-haired girl with curly hair was often mistaken for a local beauty.

Towards the end high school Nastya, thanks to the child exchange program, spoke several languages ​​perfectly.

However, she decides to master another language. She enters the American-Ukrainian Institute, where all training took place in English.

The girl chooses a serious profession - a specialist in foreign economic activity.

Along with serious lectures on economics and finance, Nastya Kamenskikh manages to pay attention to her vocals.

In 2004 he took part in the Black Sea Games competition and won the main prize.

A year later, she became the winner of the English UBN Awards “Discovery of the Year”.

Creative career

The first step towards Nastya Kamenskikh’s musical future was the recording of a video for the song “What’s the Difference” in 2006.

It was filmed with the support of the production company Music-Motors. It was at this time that fate pitted Nastya against Alexey Potapenko (Potap).

As a test, they decided to sing a duet. Their collaboration resulted in the professional duet “Potap and Nastya”.

With Alexey Potapenko

In 2007, they became the undisputed winners of the Five Stars competition in sunny Sochi.

However, as soon as they started recording other songs in the studio, Potap was faced with the girl’s tough and difficult temperament.

During the first years, Nastya and Potap had to get used to and adapt to each other. Initially, not a day passed without the duo quarreling to smithereens.

But personal relationships had no effect on creativity. The duo consistently produced hit after hit.

Having conquered the Ukrainian public, Nastya and Potap decide to expand the territory of their popularity.

Soon, throughout Russia, their dance songs “Not a Couple” and “On the Area” were heard in every club and from every window.

In just a couple of years of joint creativity, they received a lot music awards. They were recognized as the most touring musical duo.

In 2008, their first album “Not a Couple” was released. A year later, the public was presented with the next collection of hits, “Don’t Love My Brains.”

Fans had to wait 4 years for the next album. “Everything in a Bundle” goes on sale in 2013.

2 years later, the duo, preparing their next album, recorded joint song c – “Doggy Style”. A video for this song will be shot soon.

For this filming, the singer dropped overweight doing individual training with a choreographer.

In addition to music, Nastya Kamenskikh actively participates in various television projects.

She tries herself as an actress and TV presenter. She performs main role in the musical film "Little Red Riding Hood".

The singer also has experience in professional photo shoots for glossy magazines. Her candid photos can be seen on the pages of “XXL”, “MAXIM” and “Playboy”.

Working on television

In 2008, together with Garik Kharlamov, she participated in the central channel show “Two Stars”. She dropped out of it based on the results of the audience vote.

She also tried her hand at the Ukrainian dance project “I Dance for You.”

Nastya had to leave the project ahead of time due to the tour of the duet “Potap and Nastya”.

In 2010, N. Kamenskikh appeared on the show “Zirka+Zirka” on channel 1+1. Maria Berseneva kept her company. The girl only reached the 10th broadcast.

She was a presenter on the morning channel M1 entertainment program"Guten Morgen!" In 2014, she tried herself as a radio presenter.

In 2016, Nastya came to channel 1+1 as the host of the children's version of the program “Make the Comedian Laugh.”

Personal life

First serious relationship Nastya Kamenskikh had problems with student years. Her classmate, Volodya Dyatlov, became her lover.

At first they were just friends, and later platonic feelings grew into something more. However, their love was overshadowed by a terrible car tragedy.

Nastya was going to celebrate the birthday of Volodya’s younger sister, Marusya.

With friend Volodya

In the car were the young man himself, his parents and 2 sisters, including the birthday girl.

Their car was thrown into a ditch. Nastya woke up next to a mangled car with a mutilated and torn leg.

The doctors who arrived at the scene of the accident were unable to save the parents of Volodya Dyatlov and Marusya. Nastya has a long scar all over her leg from this trip.

Because of the tragedy young man I had to transfer to study in another city.

However, Nastya’s career has taken off and she is gaining popularity. And Volodya begins to be jealous, which leads to constant conflicts and quarrels.

Nastya and Volodya make a joint decision to part ways as friends. Since 2009, the girl, who was having a hard time with the breakup, has gone completely into creativity.

However, the young people did not stop communicating completely. They meet once a year on the day of the June 8 tragedy to remember the victims.

Since then, Nastya has been trying not to talk about her relationship. You can often read information in the media about love relationships singers with her duet partner Potap.

More than ten years have passed since the moment when the dark-haired girl with curvaceous and in a wonderful voice quickly conquered the Ukrainian stage. In a duet with Alexey Potapenko (“Potap”), she sings simple, funny songs, the words of which instantly become catchphrases.

On May 4, 1987, a girl was born into the family of Lydia Kamensky and Alexei Zhmur, whom her parents named Anastasia. When the girl grows up and starts a singing career, she decides to take maiden name mother. Since the surname “Zhmur” was not very suitable for the stage.

From childhood, Nastya grew up to the sounds of songs and music. Mom sang in the famous choir named after G. Verevka. My father played professional volleyball for some time, but then held administrative positions in the same choir where his wife performed.

Nastya's family was not wealthy. So, Kamenskikh recalled that sometimes she was not able to wear new clothes. However, the parents were able to “place” their daughter in a foreign child exchange program. Therefore, Anastasia went abroad for the first time at the age of five. First she lived in France. But most of all she liked living in Naples, Italy. She quickly learned to speak Italian and even the locals accepted her as one of their own. Nastya lived for some six months with an Italian family, for others with her parents.

When the girl was at home, she had no free time: regular school, music school, ballet and tennis lessons. As the singer herself says, such a busy schedule taught her to discipline and proper distribution of the working day. In 2004, she graduated from school and entered the university to receive a diploma in economics. But fate and the help of her parents made her a star of Ukrainian show business.

Nastya Kamenskikh: the beginning of a career

The first success was participation in the Black Sea Games 2004 festival. Moreover, the young performer not only sang the song, she became the winner of the festival’s Grand Prix. Nastya stood on the same stage with her idols - Eurovision winner Ruslana and the Okean Elzy group. A year later, Kamenskikh became the “discovery of the year” at the UBN Awards. To receive it, she went to the capital of the United Kingdom.

But the most important year was 2006. That year, young and ambitious Alexey Potapenko decided to create a new direction in music. He called it either “folk” or “collective farm r’n’b”. For his project, Potap was looking for a beautiful and preferably vocal vocalist. Friends advised him to pay attention to 18-year-old Nastya Kamenskikh, who had just released her first video for the song “What’s the Difference.”

When they met and talked better, they realized that their duet would make a great project.

Potap was responsible for almost everything. He wrote poetry, music, organized the shooting of videos. Nastya had to sing and dance effectively. This simple distribution of roles made them stars.

The first collaboration was the song and video “Without Your Love.” A shocking couple: gangster Potap and glamorous girl Nastya instantly climbed onto top places in all charts of Ukraine. Already a year later song competition, where Joseph Kobzon, Larisa Dolina and Igor Matvienko sat on the jury, the duo won the grand prix.

In 2008 and 2009, Potap and Nastya’s first two albums, “Not a Couple” and “Don’t Love My Brains,” were released one after another. Success and popularity literally fell on the singers. Tours began in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries. At this time, videos were shot for the songs “In Nature”, “Die Hard”, “Why” and others. And the video “In Our Country” receives truly national fame.

Almost every song they made was a real blast. They were played on all radio stations, videos were played on all TV channels, and in clubs throughout the post-Soviet space people danced to their songs. Nastya and Potap are invited to star in New Year's musical films. Curvy Nastya appears on the pages of the most fashion magazines– “Playboy”, “Maxim” and others. Kamenskikh and Potapenko try themselves as TV presenters.

That is why we had to wait four whole years for the third album of the duet “Potap and Nastya”. At the same time, rumors appeared that each participant would go further on a solo path. However, the singers soon proved the opposite. “All in a Bunch,” which hit record store shelves in 2013, did not disappoint fans. The group has not lost its enthusiasm, drive and sense of humor. The top charts of the music charts are again occupied by “Nastya and Potap”.

IN next year Nastya begins to host her own program on the radio. In addition, one of the characters in the cartoon “The Seventh Dwarf” speaks in her Russian voice. Since 2015, Kamenskikh has been the coach of one of the children's song talent shows.

Also in 2015, preparing for the release of the album “Shield and Sword”, Nastya, Potap and Belarusian singer Bianca recorded a video “Doggy Style”. The clip came out very provocative. In order to prepare for the video, Anastasia studied with a choreographer for almost a year.

After the release of their fourth album, the singers decided to take up solo projects for a while. However, they immediately explained that the duo does not cease to exist. In 2017, Nastya released her own video “#this is my night.” By the way, the words to the song were written by Potapenko. TO Catholic Christmas In 2017, the singer recorded a small album with Christmas songs from different countries.

Now Anastasia continues to participate in various television projects: “X-Factor”, “Make the Comedian Laugh.” Children". Kamenskikh runs his own channel about healthy way life on YouTube. Here she shares the secrets of how she lost weight. The singer also launched her own sportswear line, NKsport.

Personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh

Kamenskikh has been recognized more than once as one of the most beautiful representatives of domestic show business. Therefore, it is not surprising that special attention is paid to her personal life. However, if you star in erotic photo shoot Kamenskikh does not refuse to share his secrets privacy the singer is in no hurry.

Only one romance of the singer is known for sure. Kamenskikh met a guy named Vladimir Dyatlov while still a student. The couple broke up after the young man transferred from the capital to a Nikolaev university. Nastya and Vladimir are still friends and were even godparents to one child - the daughter of their mutual friends.

At the moment, Nastya’s heart is free. However, throughout the twelve years of joint work, both journalists and fans suspected that there was a connection between Kamensky and Potapenko that was greater than just friendship. The rumors especially intensified after Potap broke up with his wife. Alexey’s mother also added fuel to the fire, saying that Nastya is a real muse for her son.

In 2016 at ring finger Journalists saw a ring on the star's left hand. Then they decided that the singers were already engaged. Everyone was waiting for loud announcements about the future wedding. But none of the duo said anything like that. Nastya is prone to being overweight. Therefore, every time she gained weight, fans believed that Kamensky was pregnant. And each time the singer denied the information.

Anastasia Alekseevna Kamenskikh. Born on May 4, 1987 in Kyiv. Ukrainian singer, member of the duet “Potap and Nastya”.

Mother - Lydia Petrovna Kamenskikh, singer of the National Academic folk choir named after G. Verevka.

Father - Alexey Iosifovich Zhmur, an athlete and musician, was the captain of the Dynamo volleyball team, then the concert director of the G. Verevka choir.

At the age of 5, she went to France under a child exchange program, but she stayed there only for a short time and soon returned to her homeland. Then she lived and studied in Italy for seven years, also under a child exchange program.

Nastya herself spoke about her childhood: “My mother is a singer, and from childhood I was privy to the intricacies of music. At the age of three I didn’t even get to the piano, but I already knew musical notation. She sang songs before she learned to speak. I had the childhood of a travel frog. Since my birth, my mother tried to give me as much knowledge and skills as possible. From the age of five I lived in France. But I didn’t like it there, and my mother sent me to Italy. Then, for seven years, I lived in Naples every year for six months. This period of life is very important for me. I found my second parents, brothers and sisters."

She studied alternately in Italy and in Kyiv. In Naples, she was mistaken for an Italian - because she was dark and curly with brown eyes. In addition, she is very expressive and emotional by temperament. “Sometimes, to prove that I was not Italian, I had to speak several succinct phrases in Ukrainian or Russian. I got so used to their customs and conversations that, returning home, I continued to talk and swear like an Italian,” she recalled.

According to Nastya, her family did not live well: “When I was in the second or third grade, there were financial problems in the family. I remember in the winter I had nothing to buy a jacket with, and my relatives gave warm clothes to the boy, which were also too big for me. And the children are very cruel, they became laugh at me!".

WITH early childhood under the influence of her parents, she began to study vocals, at the age of 6 she went to music school to study piano, which she graduated at the age of 14. Her first piece on the piano was the song “A Grasshopper Sat in the Grass.”

Music lessons took place under the close supervision of my mother. “I realized that if my mother had not forced me to study, now no one would know about Nastya Kamensky. Therefore, I am very grateful to her for all my mother’s work,” said Nastya.

In 1994 I went to school No. 56 in Kiev. After graduating from school - as they say, not without the patronage of her parents - in 2004 she entered the Ukrainian-American humanitarian Institute"Wisconsin International University (USA) in Ukraine" at the Faculty of Foreign Economic Activity.

In 2004 she won the Grand Prix of the Black Sea Games festival.

In 2005, she received the UBN Awards “Discovery of the Year” in London.

Nastya Kamenskikh and Alexey Potapenko (Potap)

Discography of Nastya Kamensky and Potap:

2008 - “Not a couple”
2009 - “Don’t love my brains”
2013 - “Everything in a Bundle”
2015 - “Shield and Ball”.

Filmography of Nastya Kamensky:

2009 - Little Red Riding Hood - Little Red Riding Hood
2013 - 1+1 houses - cameo