Congratulatory letter from Santa Claus template. Letter from Santa Claus and certificate of commendation

New Year and Christmas are coming soon. All children write letters to Santa Claus and then look forward to gifts. Along with the gift comes a letter from Santa Claus.

Here are examples of letters of congratulations from the very residence of Grandfather Frost! With all my heartfelt wishes for a good holiday.

A letter from Santa Claus - texts and templates

Hello Emil.

I received your letter and am sending you a gift. I also found out that you will go to school next year. I wish you excellent and good grades, good friends. Now all the kids play the phone a lot. I advise you to walk more in nature. Sledding, skating, skiing. I will try to have a lot of snow and ice. I wish you and your parents good health and success in all your endeavors. Happy New Year. Your Grandfather Frost.

Hello my most obedient boy! On this magical night, when all dreams come true, I wish you a Happy New Year. Always be obedient and joyful. Smart and beautiful. Help mom and dad. Grow big and strong. Be sure to listen to your elders. Don't hurt the little ones. Be an example in everything and always. And then, every year on New Year’s Eve, I will definitely come to you with gifts. I travel the earth on my sleigh. I distribute gifts to all obedient children of the world. Happy New Year to you and your family. With new happiness! Smiles, happiness and a merry holiday.

Hello my dear kids. Grandfather Frost is writing to you!
I want to wish you goodness and happiness. Congratulations to our littlest friends. Our cute and obedient babies. Every year, I sit on a sleigh and fly around the globe. To congratulate all the guys. I'm distributing the gifts that are waiting for you under the New Year's tree. Be happy and healthy. And may you also behave well this New Year. I wish you a successful and happy New Year. Congratulations, your Grandfather Frost!

With wishes of goodness and happiness from Grandfather Frost.
My dear guys! Happy New Year. I've been watching you closely. You made me friendly and happy. My granddaughter and I prepared toys and gifts. I sent everyone gifts that are under the tree. And on this New Year's Eve, I wish everyone good and happiness. Congratulations and good luck to you. Grow big and strong. Be healthy and obedient. My gifts are for those who behaved well this year. I know you all were great! And I wish each of you happiness and health. Happy New Year.

A letter from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden from the North Pole.
Hello, Alena! I hasten to wish you a Happy New Year! I've been watching you all year. I rejoiced at all your successes. You were very obedient. She behaved well. I ate porridge and listened to mom and dad. Helped my grandparents around the house. I know that you were expecting gifts from me. I sent you gifts by mail. You've probably already found them under the tree. As always, I will be keeping an eye on you. I know that you will definitely be good next year. Help your elders. Be a good girl. I wish you a Happy New Year.

Hello dear kids! Grandfather Frost is writing to you!
I sent you gifts from my residence. All year, my granddaughter Snegurochka and I have been watching you. You were obedient children. You listened to your parents and grandparents. You were well behaved. Therefore, I want to wish you a Happy New Year. I want to give each of you my special gifts. Be just as obedient. Help your loved ones. Don't be naughty. My granddaughter and I will keep an eye on you, just like this year. All the kids in the world who behave well receive my gifts. Those who listen to adults. Be healthy. Happy new year. Goodness and happiness. With best wishes, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

A congratulatory letter from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden himself!
Dear Baby, I have been watching you all year. I am very glad that you were a very smart and well-mannered boy. Every day, until next year, I prepare toys to please all the little ones in the world. I hasten to wish Happy New Year to such a wonderful child like you! I wish you to continue to be the same baby. Behave yourself next year too. My granddaughter and I have already sent your gift. My granddaughter and I’s gifts for you are waiting for you under the Christmas tree. I really hope that you will also please me with your behavior. Happy New Year! Joy, happiness and smiles! Congratulations to your Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Hello, Angelina!
Grandfather Frost is writing to you! I congratulate you on the most joyful and long-awaited holiday of the year. You were the smartest, kindest and funniest girl this year. You and I will definitely meet at the Christmas tree. My congratulatory letters are awaited in all corners of the world. Every year I write a letter to each child. And I read all the letters that I receive from children. My granddaughter and I are preparing special gifts. You behaved well. This makes me very happy. Well done! Stay as smart as you are. Listen to your parents. Grow big and healthy. My magical gifts are waiting for you under the decorated Christmas tree. Happy New Year! Happiness, a merry holiday and fulfillment of desires! With best wishes, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

In the modern world, when children have become more pragmatic and learn to use all sorts of gadgets faster than to walk or talk, there is still always a place for believing in miracles. Especially on New Year's Eve, when the kind Grandfather gives gifts that children so dream of!

In order to tell about their most cherished desires, many children, preparing for the holidays, write a letter to Santa Claus.

Benefits of writing a letter to Santa Claus:

  • It’s a great time to find out what your child really wants and what worries him, perhaps he will share with his kind Grandfather what he won’t tell mom and dad;
  • beautiful and touching, and if adults join in the process of writing the letter, it will turn out to be a whole family tradition;
  • the baby will learn to pay more attention to his actions and evaluate them, because when writing a letter you need to think about what you did good and bad over the past year,

Of course, the child himself can take the initiative and write a letter secretly. In this case, you will not know what gift he dreams of and there is a possibility that the baby will be very disappointed. Therefore, it is best to start a conversation with your child in advance about the upcoming holidays.

Tell us a little about Santa Claus. Say that this is a kind wizard who miraculously appears on New Year's holidays with a large bag of gifts for children. Of course, you cannot avoid additional questions.

The child's expected questions about Santa Claus and possible answers to them.

Be prepared for counter questions. Here are some of them:

-Where does Santa Claus live?

In Russia, Father Frost lives in Veliky Ustyug. You can write letters there.

- Does he have a wife and children?

Of course have. They are waiting for him at home. And Grandfather is traveling with his granddaughter Snegurochka, she is his main assistant in New Year's affairs.

- How does he manage to see all the children in one New Year’s Eve?

He has a magic sleigh that propels him at great speed.

- How does he enter houses unnoticed?

He's a wizard. It can be invisible, it can fly into a window or into a chimney when everyone is sleeping. He will leave gifts under the tree and move on to other children.

- How to ask Santa Claus for what I want?

Of course, write him a letter before the New Year.

- Why doesn’t he always bring the gifts I asked for?

Santa Claus always watches how children behave and what will be good for them. He will never give you anything dangerous or harmful. In addition, Grandfather needs to give gifts to many children, including those who do not have a mother or father - so he cannot always give everyone a big and expensive gift. But he definitely prepares surprises for everyone. In the end, he simply could have confused something or forgotten - after all, there are so many children, and very little pre-New Year time.

– Maybe Santa Claus will give you a magic wand?

Santa Claus does not give children magic wands, because fairy-tale creatures should do magic, and not all people. A teacher works with children, a salesperson works in a store, a teacher works in a school, and a wizard makes wishes come true; each has his own profession. In order to fulfill our wishes, we write letters to Grandfather.

- Why are there so many Santa Clauses, and why are they different at children's matinees and Christmas trees?

These are the assistants of the real Santa Claus. There are people - actors - who help him congratulate the children and give gifts. They dress up as Father Frost and Snow Maiden and come to children's parties on the instructions of the real Father.

- And one boy said that there is no such thing as Santa Claus.

Ask a counter question: “What do you think?”, “What would you like?” And if from the answers you understand that the child is clearly not ready to part with the fairy tale, then let Santa Claus continue to exist. In the end, you can always tell in a confidential whisper that Grandfather comes only to those who believe in him.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus.

Tell your child that Santa Claus watches children all year - how they behave and what they do. He knows the whole truth and does not like deceivers.

Invite your child to remember all the good and bad deeds he has done in the past year. It will be useful for the baby to analyze them.

And so you chose an evening, rearranged all your affairs, lit the table lamp, creating a mysterious mood, and began to write a letter to Santa Claus.

Before writing the letter, tell your child that grandfather needs to give away a million gifts on New Year's Eve and you need to take pity on his sleigh. Let the baby choose only the gift that he really really wants to receive. Or, he will write a list of three gifts, with the condition that Santa Claus will choose one of them. At the same time, you will insure yourself in case the gift turns out to be very expensive or difficult to get.

Invite your child to give Santa Claus a return gift with his own hands. This could be a drawing, a craft, or some kind of treat. Just don’t forget to put away such an offering on New Year’s Eve as evidence that Grandfather Frost really came to the baby.

Letter templates for Santa Claus.

If your child finds it difficult, due to age or some other reason, to draw up and write a letter himself, we offer several templates to choose from:

1. For kids who do not yet know how to write words, this is a suitable template for a letter to Santa Claus:

2. If a child knows letters and can already write simple words, then a template in which part of the test is already pre-filled will suit him:

3.Another option is a coloring letter:

4.For guys who can write a letter on their own, a template with a nice festive design:

Father Frost's address.

Official postal address of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug:
162340, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, house of Father Frost

Moscow residence of Father Frost (letters from the capital will arrive here much faster):
109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Grandfather Frost

Letter from Santa Claus to a child.

In order to further enhance the effect of miracles on New Year's Eve, adults also need to try a little. Prepare and place, on New Year's Eve, along with a gift, under the tree, a response letter from Santa Claus to the baby. The child will surely be happy to receive it!

Sample text and templates for preparing a letter:

  • Universal letter from Santa Claus

Hello my dear friend!

I've been watching you closely all year. I am very glad that you were (were) this year, an obedient, smart and well-mannered child. I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish you the most joyful, kind and warm next year! Under the magical New Year's tree you will find your most long-awaited gift. I hope that you will continue to delight everyone with your successes and achievements.Your friend, Santa Claus!

  • Letter for a girl from Santa Claus A

Greetings, (child's name)!
I want to wish you a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas! The wind, with its breath, brought me the news that you were expecting a letter from me. Therefore, I decided to write to you. I have been watching you for a whole year, and I want to say that I am very happy about all your successes. You've been a particularly good girl this year. Parents are very proud that such a little princess is growing up with them. After all, you are great, because you fulfill all your duties very diligently. Not only your mom and dad praise you, but also all the people close to you. I also really like that you are a sincere, kind and sympathetic girl, so you have many friends who really love to play with you.
Next year I wish you good health, success in all your endeavors and many smiles! Always be in a good mood and make your loved ones, and me happy. All the best to you!

Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

  • Letter for a boy from Santa Claus

Hello, dear (child's name)!
Please accept my congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!Over the past year, you have become more mature and are becoming a real man who is always smart and strong. I learned this from the stories of the birds that see you every day. They also told me that last year you were very diligent in all your classes and learned a lot of rhymes. I know that you are a good boy and have many friends. The birds sang to me that you obeyed and helped your parents. There were, of course, a few moments when you upset me, I'm sure you know what I mean... but I think that this will not happen again. It is so?
I wish you joyful holidays, good mood, please your parents, never get sick, be a cheerful and happy boy. I left a gift for you under the New Year's tree! Look! I know you deserve it!
Believe in miracles and remember that dreams come true! Say hi to your parents from me! And remember that they love you very much!

Your friend Santa Claus.

Letter template from Santa Claus to a child.

Of course, all adults understand that miracles do not happen. Unfortunately, Santa Claus from the fairy tale will not arrive on a magic sleigh and will not give your child gifts made by elves in the forest workshop. But how can you explain to kids that their favorite characters don’t exist, because fairy tales teach them morals and correct standards of behavior in the future. Therefore, you need to resort to tricks, among which a special place is occupied by a hand-made letter from Santa Claus.

Where can I download a beautiful letter?

Nowadays, on the Internet, including the website, you can find and print many colorful sources. They are divided into two types:

  1. for Photoshop and other graphic editors (in PSD format);
  2. for printing on inkjet/laser/LED/photo printers and printing devices.

The first option is good because each graphic element can be edited to your taste, including creating text with handwritten fonts. The second type are templates that must be filled out manually. Both are good, but you will need a special envelope with the logo of Father Frost's estate and a return address. You also need to write the letter correctly so that the child believes in its authenticity.

How to write a letter correctly

First of all, you must take into account that a child is not so easy to fool. He can recognize familiar expressions, addresses, and even mom or dad's handwriting. Therefore, we suggest using our tips:

  1. Greetings. You don't need to address your baby the way you do in everyday life. It is best to use your first and last name to add a touch of formality and solemnity. But further, excessive familiarity is not welcome. Use no more than 2 - 3 diminutive words.
  2. The significance of the New Year. Write that this holiday and winter season is very important for health, physical fitness and good spirits. Grandfather did everything so that the baby would harden, gain strength and have fun playing snowballs, hockey, sledding, skating and skiing.
  3. Congratulations and wishes. Laconic, restrained and brief. The main thing is not to use poetry, as your child may doubt the sincerity of Santa Claus. The recommended wish is success in school, obeying parents, educators and teachers.
  4. Main text. All year, the fairy-tale character watches the child and sees everything. Next, you need to indicate successes and praise for your efforts. It is also necessary to note the shortcomings and express hope that they will be corrected next year. Despite the flaws, Grandfather decided to fulfill the child’s wish and give the gift. Mention that he will continue to closely monitor the baby's behavior. If he behaves well, he will receive a new present for the next holiday.
  5. Completion. Be sure to say hello from the Snow Maiden and a brief congratulations.

Important! Focus on the shortcomings, but not too intrusively, so as not to spoil the positive effect of the letter. Include specific problems that need to be corrected next year, such as not fighting, improving your spelling scores, etc.

Now let's try to combine all the useful tips into real text. Let's see what we can come up with.

Example for girls and boys

Greetings: Hello dear First Name Last Name!
Significance of NG: Yesterday I rode a magic sled around your city to check if everything was ready for the holiday. I brought some snow with me so that you can have a lot of fun with your friends, skiing, skating and sledding.
Congratulation: I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish that this holiday becomes a real fairy tale for you! I also wish you smiles, happiness, health, success in your studies, obeying adults and lots and lots of joy! May your life be filled with miracles, and may your winter fairy tale fulfill all your wishes!
Main text: I know how you spent/spent the whole year. My assistants, the forest birds, were watching you. They recently flew to Veliky Ustyug to talk about your interesting life. I am glad that you have become a better student, listen to your parents, draw beautifully, and recently took pity on a stray kitten and brought it home. I'm very proud of your success! But my winged friends told me that you fight at school and are bad at math, and finished this quarter with C grades. Snegurochka and I thought for a long time whether you deserved a gift from or not. Despite minor shortcomings, we decided that there were more good things to do and we are giving you what you have been dreaming of for a long time. We hope you improve next year. By the way, I know that you helped your mother decorate the Christmas tree. Do you know that 2018 is the year of the Dog? Be sure to make a dog figurine yourself and hang it on the Christmas tree. She will fulfill all your cherished desires!
Completion: And now we will say goodbye. I’m waiting for you to visit me at my estate in Veliky Ustyug. I will be very glad to meet you. A huge greeting to you from the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden. She hugs you tightly and wishes you all the best. Your Grandfather Frost!

Letter templates 2018 from Santa Claus

And now we offer you to download colorful templates. Download links are below the posters.

PSD for Photoshop

05/07/2017 08/17/2017 by Detki-malavki

Any child who writes a letter to Santa Claus dreams of receiving an answer and a hidden gift. But in order for his wish to come true, and his faith in the fairy tale to remain unshakable, parents must help correctly formulate a message containing not only a request, but also good wishes.

And also after giving the baby a gift and a reply letter, which Grandfather, unfortunately, could not bring himself, due to the high workload on the eve of the New Year.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus: address and address

There are no specific forms of writing a letter to the main wizard of the country. The main thing is that the child introduces himself in the letter, writes his request, leaves his wishes and indicates the return address. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it is written on plain paper, cardboard or a postcard; what is more important is sincerity, honesty and the price of the gift. After all, in order to give gifts to all the children, you often have to save money so as not to deprive anyone.

Important! Address: index 162390, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus.

Well, so that parents do not spend money on buying expensive postcards, below you can print ready-made templates that only need to be filled out (see photo below).

Example of a fairy tale letter

Dear Grandfather Frost, hello! My name is Lyubasha, I am 6 years old. I live with my mom and dad in the city of Samara. This coming year I will go to first grade and will study well. And so that I remember everything faster, I ask you to give me the educational computer game “Learning to Count.”

Does the wizard read letters?

It is difficult for Grandfather to read the letter of each boy and girl, so the Snow Maiden and the Snowman help him in reading. They answer almost all letters, with the exception of those that get lost along the way. However, if the child behaved well throughout the year, listened to mom and dad, he will receive a gift without any letter, since he is on the list of obedient children.

How to write a letter from Santa Claus? Download the template and useful tips

If parents decide to write to their child on behalf of Grandfather Frost, they must adhere to a few simple rules.

2) You can only address the child by name, and not by the pet nickname that parents are used to calling their pet. Otherwise, the little baby will realize that the message that came to him was not written by a fairy-tale hero.

3) In the letter you can write about the child’s good behavior and that the Snow Maiden and the Snowman are proud of his success in studying, drawing, dancing or other activities.

4) There is no need to write about love for the child, send him kisses and greetings to the parents.

5) A gift from Santa Claus should not be expensive, but only a sign of attention. Otherwise, the baby may have doubts or even ask for the impossible next time.

Gift options, list:

  • machine of a government organization (post office, police, ambulance, fire department or
  • gas service);
  • Barbie doll or small doll;
  • doll furniture;
  • Board games;
  • sports attributes and uniform;
  • sweet gifts from confectionery products;
  • a disk with your favorite cartoon;
  • children's fairy tale or educational book;
  • children's cosmetics.

Appeal: Expensive...!

You might be surprised, but Santa Claus also sometimes writes letters. And the kindest, most diligent, hardworking boys and girls receive them. I am very pleased that you are one of them.

I wish you a Happy New Year with all my heart! I am sure that this is your favorite holiday, for which you have been preparing for a long time: you studied diligently, actively participated in olympiads and competitions, and helped adults. During the year you learned a lot of new things, did many useful and good deeds. That is why I wish you to have fun from the heart, and to have a good rest during the holidays: walk a lot (even if I pinch your nose), sculpt snowmen, ski, skate, sled, play with friends, read interesting books and watch funny cartoons.

May all your dreams come true in the New Year!

good girl

Appeal: Expensive...!

You might be surprised, but Santa Claus also sometimes writes letters. And the kindest, most diligent, hardworking girls and boys receive them. I am very pleased that you are one of them.

I wish you a Happy New Year with all my heart! I am sure that this is your favorite holiday, for which you have been preparing for a long time: you studied diligently, actively participated in olympiads and competitions, and helped adults. That is why I wish you to have fun from the heart, and to have a good rest during the holidays: walk a lot (even if I pinch your nose), sculpt snowmen, ski, skate, sled, play with friends, read interesting books and watch funny cartoons.

Let the beautiful snowflakes take you to a magical fairy tale where all your wishes will come true!

To the strongest

Appeal: Hello, dear friend!

Thanks to my many assistants, I learned about your successes. You're a big lad! Over the course of the year, you achieved incredible results in studies and sports, you tried to overcome difficulties, you were brave and dexterous. I am very glad that you have many friends, that your classmates love and respect you, that adults are proud of you.

I give only such strong, purposeful and sympathetic guys the Most Important New Year's Assignment: to find and protect people who need help. I am sure that you will cope with this task better than anyone!

I know that you have many glorious victories ahead, that a brilliant New Year and great gifts await you. But your main success (trust me!) will be the gratitude of those you helped!

Creative personality

Appeal: Hello, dear friend!

The real Santa Claus is writing to you from the real Russian North. Although you live very far from my home, I closely follow your progress. I really like your creative work. You put so much imagination, effort, soul and talent into them that it turns out incredibly well. When I sometimes feel sad, I look at your work, and my heart becomes light and joyful.

Develop your talent, compose, create, give joy to your family and friends! And you will see: the coming New Year will bring you many pleasant surprises, give you attention and love, and fulfill your most cherished dreams. I wish you creative inspiration and great happiness!!!

To the young wizard

Appeal: Hello baby!

Let me call you exactly that, although over the past year you have matured a lot and become quite an adult. But for Grandfather Frost, all the children remain kids, no matter how old they become. Once upon a time, your mom and dad, like you, wrote letters to me and expected a miracle from me, and then they learned to do miracles themselves. So you are already a magician - you just need to really believe in it! And then you will succeed in whatever you set your mind to - study well, win competitions, travel the world and discover new things... What are you saying? Is it already working? Here you see!

I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! Be always healthy, successful, cheerful! Please convey my congratulations to your parents and be sure to tell them that I believe in them.