Wishes for Happy Television Day in prose. Universal news in the form of video birthday greetings

[in prose]

Congratulations on Television Day in your own words

TV is a window into the “other world”, into the third dimension, into hearts and souls. It doesn’t just teach – it inspires, educates, helps. Today, television is more than just a cold glass screen and studio lights. This is a conductor of honesty and sincerity, a mirror that truthfully reflects all reality. And you are involved in this magic. Be wise, honest, reliable. Give truth and charm to others. I wish you well-being, cordiality and a creative environment!

TV is now in every home; it opens a window into a new and unknown world. But it’s you who makes it interesting for everyone, and today I want to congratulate you on Television Day. Thank you for the educational and entertaining programs, thank you for your efforts and efficiency in obtaining news, thank you for working 24 hours a day to make the viewer happy!

On Television Day, please accept my sincere congratulations! Your team gives people wonderful leisure time! Today it’s hard to imagine without television modern life, so may you have plenty interesting ideas and plans that management will appreciate! I wish your career prosperity, inspiration and unconditional success! They say that no one is irreplaceable, but I believe that you will become that irreplaceable person in your business! I wish you happiness and progress!

Happy Television Day! Every day the TV screen lights up in my apartment - I can’t imagine my life without news, concerts, shows and TV series for a long time! Thank you for your work! I wish you good luck in everything, inspiration and interesting television projects! And may all your dreams come true quickly and easily!

Please accept my sincere congratulations! Every day, billions of people happily look into the magical window called TV. There they find everything they are looking for: love and fun, fights and chases, news and discussions... And you give them this opportunity! Even if what is happening on the screen is actually an illusion - you make your wishes come true! So happy holiday to you! Happy Television Day!

You work in television. This means that you are involved in what is called the eyes and ears of the country - wonderful world media.
Today you and all TV people professional holiday- television day. And on this day I wish you that you never give up, your heart always burns, and only good news is always shown on TV!

The miracle of television was discovered to humanity a long time ago, but it still surprises and delights us with its capabilities. Today, I cannot help but congratulate you, as part of this miracle. I wish you a life as magical and bright as it is on the screen, love as bright and pure as in the movies, and the course of life as thoughtful and correct as a blockbuster script. Happiness, health, good luck and unforgettable adventures, happy holiday!

It’s difficult, yes, it’s difficult - almost impossible, to imagine life modern society no television. Dear creators of news releases, fiction and documentaries, information and entertainment television programs, talk shows, today we congratulate you on your professional day and wish you great creative success and new interesting projects!

Everyone has a calling, everyone has a talent -
A waiter serves a dish to a guest in a restaurant,
On the mountain the miner gives out tired black coal,
In a store, a saleswoman sells bread to someone...

Dear TV man, you are handsome and you are good,
You serve an information product to every home, like a dish,
You offer any and all programs to taste
And you help us keep abreast of all events every day!

Today you are celebrating your professional holiday,
You accept congratulations and accept gifts,
So accept gratitude for your needed by people work
And may only ups and victories await you in life!

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Congratulations #3593

Today I suddenly remembered
What holiday my friend celebrates,
No, he is not a carpenter or a racer,
A super TV guy!
And I, having thrown away everything,
I’ll tell you, my friend: - Praise!
Become the happiest person in this world
And be a star on TV!

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Congratulations #3592

I want to say that in the TV business
You are no better, indeed!
Your TV post
It’s both very important and not easy!
I want to wish you
To shine in your profession,
In a career - to reach the skies,
Become a TV star!

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Congratulations #3591

Television worker, you are a god in your work,
There is no mission that you cannot fulfill,
You're hidden on the other side of the screen, dear,
And I’m sitting, as usual, on the other side!
But now I don’t give a damn about conventions...
Let's switch! I'll jump off the couch
I'll jump on TV, I'll jump on air,
I congratulate you on your holiday to the whole wide world!

Official text of congratulations on World Television Day

Happy holiday, television employee!

greeting card

You found your calling in television,
Your whole life is like a vivid report.
I wish on this holiday that recognition comes
For all your efforts, for “aerobatics”.

Let your dreams and ideas come true,
Your ideas will appear on the screen,
I wish you success on television day,
Continue to give us a magical world. ©

Happy Television Day
Let me today, dear friend,
Send a stream of words to you
Souls and hearts are a quiet sound.
Success, joy in work,
You are our informant, dear,
Live in pleasant care
About the woman you love.
Let love rock you
With happiness in our arms together,
And every day gives smiles,
What is reflected in the eyes!

Television is truly a collective effort, uniting numerous engineering, technical and creative workers, as well as a large number of people of various specialties. Happy television holiday to everyone who has chosen one of the most interesting and modern, one of the most difficult and responsible professions!

To the one who created televisions,
It's time to erect a monument
After all, our life without TV
It's impossible to imagine a long time ago!

We find out on TV
About what happened in the world
For a tiny TV remote control
There is a war going on in any apartment!

You, TV worker,
We congratulate you this autumn!
Show us on TV
If we ask nicely?

Congratulations to a friend

Our world is very difficult to imagine
Sometimes without TV.
How nice and cozy it is
Turn it on when you get home.

And you are the ruler, our friend,
The expanses of these unearthly
Happy Television Day, let them shine
Your ideas on TV screens.

Good luck, happiness and luck,
Huge affectionate victories,
To make the mood last longer
And success awaited you in everything!

Voice congratulations on Television Day

TV has long been like a drug - poetry

(Parody of Zelensky) Congratulations from the handsome comedian!

Even though the people lived without you for a long time -
Almost 2 thousand years,
However, the release of the first televisions
Showed us information flourishing.

A television worker is held in high esteem,
After all, he is responsible to all of us.
We wish you fresh reports,
And exciting news and reports!

Today we can’t imagine life without him,
The blue screen is like air and water to us!
We often criticize television
But if he shuts up, it’s a complete disaster!

We walk around the planet with television
Let's look into the future, into past centuries
We are traveling in a carriage on the screen,
Sometimes we fly into space in a rocket.

We want more positivity
More plays about true love
If only there were more heroes, internally beautiful,
This is what we want to see on TV.

Our main friend and loyal family man
He has a passport, like any citizen.
Know-it-all, toastmaster and polyglot,
Ready to work all day long
“Not a day without news!” chose as his motto
Hero of the occasion, maestro TV!
TV guys are great guys
They work for honor, not for pay!
And that's why on blue screens
Full of TV fans!

World Television day!
And we are not too lazy to congratulate him again
Into the magical off-screen world of presenters
Artists, cameramen, presenters,

Editors and managers - still
They also create programs
Producers - people are fed up with them
There are millions of “bucks” for your channels!

From morning to night we feel so good
Screens - games, series, shows.
The world's correspondents are rushing everywhere...
The baby shouts: “And I will be the same!”

You opened up worlds for us, countries,
And titles and prizes, medals
It’s not in vain, friends, that on holidays they give you -
The people dote on you and the President.

So be on the wave of optimism
In good spirits, full of love and happiness,
Healthy, so that the day and hour are on the program
The people saw you again with a smile!

Congratulations to the TV people today,
We sincerely, with love, from the heart!
Happy life and we wish you success,
And a creative, talented destiny!

We travel the world together with you,
And everyone knows latest news.
For us, you are all family, you are idols,
We love you and look forward to your visit soon!

It was evening, there was nothing...
I turned on the TV - on the TV screen
Marilyn Monroe sits smiling with us.
Who brings us news and TV series?

Will he heal everyone, will he heal, and will football show?
Well, of course, TV will tell us everything.
I can’t imagine where we would be without him,
And I sincerely wish health to all editors-in-chief.

To all presenters, doctors, all actors and singers,
Cameramen, make-up artists, journalists and special correspondents
More glorious news, interesting ideas,
Happiness in the house, and of course - grateful spectators.

When we are bored or sad
Or I want to run away,
When your soul is a little empty
We turn on the magic box.

And there is a movie in it, then the weather -
The whole huge world fits in,
Cartoon, politics and fashion,
And who married whom when...

If you are planning to settle down
On an island with no name,
You will need a TV -
Learn about our strange world.

But for a wonderful friend to work,
The blue spark did not go out,
People are decent and honest
He worked tirelessly.

I wrote, filmed, searched and ran,
After all, journalists are fed by their feet,
He did not sleep in the dawn bliss,
He spent his nights on the road.

And even if it's rainy outside,
It's time, friends, for us all to get drunk -
Happy television day
A long time ago there was a knock on our door.

May we be lucky in a happy place
To be at a fortunate moment,
Let us not lose our honor,
And we won’t get tired of smiling.

Good day! In 1996, the UN General Assembly proclaimed November 21 as World Television Day to commemorate the date of the first World Television Forum at the United Nations in 1996.

Congratulations on World Television Day in verse

Congratulations on TV Day,

Be happy in everything
I wish you an explosion in creativity,
So that everything goes well!

Behind an entertaining picture

On a bright blue screen,
Dozens of people work
With all my heart, sometimes “on the brink”.

On holiday we will thank you
For every time you go on air,
We wish you creative success,
Let the whole world submit to you.

You found yours in television


Your whole life is like a vivid report.
I wish on this holiday that recognition comes
For all your efforts, for “aerobatics”.

Let your dreams and ideas come true,
Your ideas will appear on the screen,
I wish you success on television day,
Continue to give us a magical world.

Happy Television Day

Let me today, dear friend,
Send a stream of words to you
Souls and hearts are a quiet sound.

Success, joy in work,
You are our informant, dear,
Live in pleasant care
About the woman you love.

Let love rock you
With happiness in our arms together,
And every day gives smiles,
What is reflected in the eyes!

Beautiful and funny wishes for Television Day

Life without television
We can’t imagine now
It will show us everything
And it will give new impressions,
Today the holiday is celebrated
Those who are so closely connected with TV,
We wish them good luck
Only interesting broadcasts!

TV people

To transfer
Were the highest class
To make life a success
Made you happy!

So that love incentive
Was on top
For everyone to marvel
Your beauty!

Television has its own world day

When we glorify its creators,
When we give up everything, work, laziness
And we tirelessly flip through all the channels,
“Look through” to find a good movie
Or indulge in a world of stormy news,
May television live for centuries to come,
Lives and dispels the boredom of our days!

World Television Day SMS congratulations

Today is World Television Day. Nowadays, every family has a TV, or even more than one. Every person finds a lot of interesting, educational, entertaining and relaxing things to do when watching television. We wish everyone involved in television prosperity and health!

For many people, TV is their best friend.
It’s always incredibly interesting with him,
But still, breathe more air,
And this factor is known to everyone.

And watch it in the evening before going to bed
Favorite programs and cartoons,
TV series, news, advertising,
Beautiful and kind films.

Today is World Television Day. On this day I would like to wish all TV viewers to always enjoy their loved ones entertainment channels, knowledge - from popular science, information - from news broadcasts. Let pleasant music, laughter and joy always sound in your homes.

Television is progress
It's hard to imagine without him
At least one ordinary day
It will be boring, sad, boring.

Gear variety
Always makes us all happy
Let the information be true
Let the programs please our eyes!

Nowadays, everyone has a TV in their home. Every day, from morning to night, a huge number of people perform different and incredibly important work so that on our blue television screens we see interesting, educational and useful programs. We wish all these people prosperity and success in their work!

It's hard to imagine without TV
Any room and even the kitchen,
The program or music always plays,
And it will be sad if it goes out.

We wish you not to spoil your eyesight,
Watch programs and get enlightened,
We wish you to receive only positive things,
Laugh and smile!

Happy World Television Day
I want to congratulate you now,
Let them broadcast on all channels
Our congratulations are short for you.
Television enlightens us
Brings us information
And we should say thank you
To all the workers who work there.

Congratulations on World Day television. From the bottom of my heart I wish you pleasant TV shows, wise advice from the screen and wonderful movies, as well as funny cartoons, intriguing advertisements and entertaining shows.

Television around the world celebrates

The celebration is yours and only yours.
For which I congratulate you,
Let everything be fine on TV.

May it only flourish
Filling your heart with warmth.
Charges us all with positivity,
So that there is no end to the smiles.

Congratulations on World Television Day in prose

TV is a window into the “other world”, into the third dimension, into hearts and souls. It doesn’t just teach – it inspires, educates, helps. Today, television is more than just a cold glass screen and studio lights. This is a conductor of honesty and sincerity, a mirror that truthfully reflects all reality. And you are involved in this magic. Be wise, honest, reliable. Give truth and charm to others. We wish you well-being, cordiality and a creative environment

TV is now in every home; it opens a window into a new and unknown world. But it’s you who makes it interesting for everyone, and today I want to congratulate you on Television Day. Thank you for the educational and entertaining programs, thank you for your efforts and efficiency in obtaining news, thank you for working 24 hours a day to make the viewer happy!

On Television Day, please accept my sincere congratulations! Your team gives people wonderful leisure time! Today it is difficult to imagine modern life without television, so let you have many interesting ideas and plans that your bosses will appreciate! I wish your career prosperity, inspiration and unconditional success! They say that no one is irreplaceable, but I believe that you will become that irreplaceable person in your business! I wish you happiness and progress!

Happy Television Day! Every day the TV screen lights up in my apartment - I can’t imagine my life without news, concerts, shows and TV series for a long time! Thank you for your work! I wish you good luck in everything, inspiration and interesting television projects! And may all your dreams come true quickly and easily!

Please accept my sincere congratulations! Every day, billions of people happily look into the magical window called TV. There they find everything they are looking for: love and fun, fights and chases, news and discussions... And you give them this opportunity! Even if what is happening on the screen is actually an illusion - you make your wishes come true! So happy holiday to you! Happy Television Day!

Television in modern world- This important tool transmission of information, education and entertainment. There is no point in trying to deny it, because all people, one way or another, watch television. That is why World Television Day is truly a universal holiday. Let's celebrate him in front of the screens!

There is probably no person in the world who has never watched TV. We congratulate everyone on World Television Day and wish that they always show on their favorite channels interesting programs so that commercial breaks do not drag on and news reports are informative.

Congratulations on World Television Day and I sincerely wish you good advice from the screen and funny stories, exciting films and good cartoons, interesting TV shows and wonderful presenters, good mood and good news.