A message about Russian craftsmen - a modern left-hander. Presentation for the project "Modern left-handers". Inventions that changed lives



6th grade collective project

Head Agarkova E.A.

Why did we choose this topic?

Everyone knows the story about the hero of the writer Leskov - the blacksmith Lefty, who forged a metal flea. Whether this is a legend or a real event is still not known for sure. We were interested in whether it is possible to shoe a flea in real life.

Goal of the work

Learn more about microminiature artists and their work


The Lefty-savvy flea is not Leskov’s invention - in real life there are craftsmen who create models that cannot be seen with the naked eye.


  • Find and study material about masters involved in microminiatures;
  • view information on the Internet on the topic;
  • write a paper, select illustrations;
  • prepare a presentation for speaking at a conference.

Modern Lefties

All over the world, only 18 people are involved in the art of microminiatures, 12 of whom are Russians. The most famous “lefties”: Vladimir Aniskin, Anatoly Konenko, Eduard Kazaryan, Andrey Rykovanov, Yuri Deulin, Valery Dvoryanov. The cost of their work ranges from 50,000 to 300,000 euros.

The 33-year-old scientist, who works at the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Arts (Tyumen), in addition to his main work, has been interested in creating microminiatures since 1998. Vladimir says that it takes him from one month to six months to create one microminiature.

Over the course of many years, he learned to control his breathing and heartbeat: all movements must be precise and clear. He has to do the main jewelry work in between heartbeats, which gives him about half a second to make a controlled movement before his hand trembles and the whole work has to start from the very beginning.

To create miniatures, Aniskin uses hand-made tools and several powerful microscopes. You can also evaluate the master’s work only with the help of a microscope, since the dimensions of some of them are measured in microns.

A flea shod on two jumping legs. Horseshoes are made of dye, cloves are made of steel. The width of the horseshoes is 50 microns (0.05 mm).

On a poppy seed

Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka

placed on the cut of a poppy seed

The height of Cheburashka is 0.6 mm, Genes is 1.4 mm.

The frog princess sits on a swamp hummock, placing one paw on a stuck arrow. The arrow, leaves and stalks of reeds are made of ordinary dust particles. The composition is located on a cut of a poppy seed. The frog size is 0.3 mm.

Camel caravan

Eight tired camels wander sadly in the desert against the backdrop of the setting sun. The camels are housed inside a hollow horsehair. The hair is drilled and polished inside and out. The diameter of the hair is 120 microns (0.12 mm), the height of camels is 70-80 microns (0.07-0.08 mm). Material - platinum.

Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore

Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore are located on a cut of a poppy seed. It was quite difficult to complete this work: the figures are tiny, Heel’s neck is thin, the ladybug is tiny. The idea of ​​creating a flower and a ladybug on it was born only after all three characters were made. The fact is that when the fairy-tale characters were made and preliminarily placed on a cut of a poppy seed, it turned out that almost half of the seed was empty and free. That’s when the idea of ​​a flower and a bug on it was born.

On a cut grain of rice

there are Orders of Glory of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees. The size of the orders is 0.8 mm. Material: gold, tin

2 verses and a chorus of the children's song “Smile” were written

Chess table

Made from walnut shell. The surface of the table is engraved and inlaid. Table length 3.5 mm, width 2.5 mm, height 2 mm. Chess pieces ranging from 0.15 mm to 0.3 mm in height are carved from silver and gold.

You can notice the silver inlay of the chessboard markings (i.e. letters and numbers). On the surface of the table there are chess pieces made of silver and gold. The arrangement of the figures is arbitrary.

Anatoly Ivanovich Konenko was born on February 23, 1954 in the city of Orsk, Orenburg region. He graduated from the Omsk Construction College with a degree in Architectural Technician. In 1982 he graduated from the art and graphic department of the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute named after. A.M. Gorky. In 1981, he was the first in Siberia to begin practicing the art of microminiatures. His first job was a shod flea. Today the master already has a large, truly unique collection.

Konenko has in his arsenal a grasshopper playing the violin. The length of the violin is 12 millimeters. All the details are real.

He created a railway on a human hair along which a train moves.

The Siberian “left-hander” is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the person who made the smallest book in the world. Its dimensions are amazing: 0.8 x 0.8 mm!

His works are in museums in the USA, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Spain, Japan, China, as well as in private collections and libraries.

Golden boat

Height - 0.25 mm. placed inside the bottle on the mast of a glass sailboat with a height of 34.0 mm. through a 3 mm hole.

Eiffel Tower

there is a mosquito on the proboscis Metal. Height 3.2 mm. (Located in the Museum of World Miniatures in Montelimar, France)


The smallest

bass guitar model


size 9.9 mm

made of human hair, the domes are carved from walnut, the crosses on 22 domes are made of gold.

Church of the Transfiguration (Kizhi)

made of human hair, the domes are carved from walnut, the crosses on 22 domes are made of gold. The height of the cathedral model is 9.1 mm

Lock and key on an ant's leg The details of the lock and key are made from the thinnest gold plate. Key length - 0.24 mm, ring diameter - 0.1 mm. The lock is 0.24 mm high, the shackle is 0.012 mm thick. The height of the key hole is 0.04 mm, the width is 0.018 mm. House ant, red. Its length is 2mm.

Miniature library

Microbooks are perhaps the author’s greatest pride. He managed to publish about 200 microbooks. All of them are made in compliance with the rules of real printing.

In 1997, a unique edition was published in 50 copies in Russian and English: Chekhov’s “Chameleon,” which can only be examined under a microscope. The book size is 0.9x0.9 mm, it contains 30 pages and 3 color illustrations. For this book in 2002, the master’s name was included in the Guinness Book of Records. But in recent years, the author has managed to create smaller samples - books measuring 0.3x0.3 mm - these are books by Pushkin, Lermontov, Koltsov. And even 0.1x0.1 mm - just to see it, you need special equipment. Anatoly Konenko is currently working on a shelving unit for a unique library. It will fit 300 microbooks, and the rack itself is in a poppy seed

Library in a poppy seed

Glass bowl

The Siberian craftsman never ceases to amaze fans of his work. Especially for the New Year, Konenko made a unique glass ball just one millimeter in size. The numbers for the coming year - 2016 - are painted in red on the bright yellow toy. The ball is decorated with a silver fastener and a loop made of pure gold. You can only examine a toy that fits inside a grain of rice under a microscope.

Library in a poppy seed

Mini-composition “Lesson of the World”

The globe, 6.2 mm in diameter, is carved from mammoth ivory. It shows all the continents and their names in Russian. Parallels and meridians are drawn. The sculpture of a boy is carved from mammoth bone and has a height of 20 mm.

Yuri Deulin

Since childhood, Yuri Deulin from Yekaterinburg dreamed of doing microminiatures after reading Leskov’s story about Lefty. While still at school, he carved a balalaika from bone, attached strings to it and placed it inside a poppy seed. None of the school museum employees believed Deulin when he showed them his tiny product.

Yuri Deulin

Over the years, Yuri's hobby became a profession. Today this master has more than a dozen exhibits. Many surprise with their uniqueness and originality.

Over the years of work, Yuri Deulin has made dozens of unique creations. In the eye of a needle he contains the Statue of Liberty, a locomotive, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, the signs of the zodiac, on a cut of a poppy seed there is a gold watch, the hands and divisions of which are made of cobwebs cut along the length. The dimensions of such products are calculated in microns. He has paintings that are 1 millimeter in size. Portraits of Peter I, Nicholas II, Pope...

Yuri was able to make a copy of the Faberge egg; the artist made it 5 millimeters in size (diameter). And recently Deulin made a box from a black pearl, and placed a car inside, the length of which is 3.7 millimeters.

Yuri Deulin

By the way, Yuri Deulin is the only microminiature artist in the world who creates three-dimensional mechanical miniatures: the doors of a car placed in a pearl open, and a golden flea, when you start it with a small key, moves its legs.

Yuri Deulin figurines in the eye of a needle

Yuri Deulin

“Ballerina” pearl diameter 5mm, material – gold, platinum, turquoise

"Plane in a pearl." Pearl diameter 5mm

Nikolay Aldunin

Nikolai Sergeevich Aldunin was born in the village of South Lamovatka, Voroshilovgrad region on September 1, 1956.

He worked as a mechanic and then as a turner at industrial enterprises.

Currently he deals only with microminiatures.

He makes all his work from gold under a microscope. And it was he who managed to shoe the flea

Nikolay Aldunin

This is what the master himself said about his flea: “Their legs are empty on the inside and hairy on the outside. I waxed my paws, trimmed my nails, gave them a pedicure, so to speak, and then just started shoeing. I calculated that two and a half thousand pieces could fit on one match head of these horseshoes.” At the very tips of four of the six flea legs sparkle golden horseshoes. Each contains three carnations. One Aldunin flea horseshoe weighs 0.00000004419 grams.

One gram of gold will yield 22,629,544 horseshoes. That is, you can shoe more than 5 million fleas. The width of each horseshoe is 40 microns, the length is 50, the diameter of the nail heads is 5 (there are 1000 microns in 1 millimeter).

Nikolay Aldunin

The microminiaturist considers the T34/85 tank to be his most difficult job. Case length - 2 mm. Number of parts - 257. Material - 999.9 gold. A microminiature is located on a longitudinal section of an apple grain. “I made the tank for six months for the 60th anniversary of the Victory. I almost never left the house, only going to the store for food.

Nikolay Aldunin

On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the Ostankino TV tower, a craftsman made an exact copy of it, only 850 thousand times smaller.

The Ostankino TV tower is located on an apple grain, its height is 6.3 mm.

Nikolay Aldunin

Machine. Length - 1.625 mm. Consists of 34 parts. Material - 585 and 999.9 gold. Manufacturing time - 6 months.

Bicycle on a sewing needle. Length - 2 mm

Eduard Kazaryan

The world-famous miniaturist Eduard Kazaryan is considered the founder of a unique art - microminiatures. In 1950, the European press was simply surprised by an Armenian who declared that he created such small forms of art, smaller than even the eye of a needle. One of the readers of one of the German newspapers had doubts about this fact and wrote a letter in which he expressed his disbelief in the artist. A week later, he received an answer, handwritten on a human hair. Eduard Kazaryan presented his first works, invisible to the naked eye, more than half a century ago. He created about six hundred similar miniatures and presented some of them as friendly keychains to famous people of various states - Honecker, Elizabeth 2, Khrushchev, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, Rockefeller and many others. His exhibitions have taken place all over the world....

Eduard Kazaryan

Edward is a man of phenomenal abilities. He was born in Yerevan, where he received higher musical education and for many years was one of the leading musicians of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia. In addition to his micro-art and musical talents, Edward was a renowned musical innovator, musical sculptor and caricaturist. Now his violins are owned by famous musicians. ...

The smallest backgammon board built on the edges of rice. The board is made of obsidian and gold....

Eduard Kazaryan

Stone flowers. Made from Armenian stones of various colors. Each bouquet of roses is a hundred times thinner than a hair...

A golden figurine of Paganini placed inside the eye of a needle. The musician's face is 50 times smaller than a grain...

Eduard Kazaryan

Sculpture of Venus de Milo. Made of marble, thinner than a human hair....

Image of a zoo on a horse's hair. All types of animals are placed in twelve cells and made of Armenian stones....

Valery Dvoryanov

Music teacher at the Cherepovets School of Arts and Crafts Valery Dvoryanov works real miracles. In his hands, ordinary things take on an unexpected meaning and appearance. Most often, people put granulated sugar in tea, boil rice, and flavor baked goods with poppy seeds.

Valery Dvoryanov was born in 1947 in Krasnodar. His father, a man passionate about creativity, created unique examples of miniature weapons, so it was not by chance that Valery showed interest in miniatures.

Valery Dvoryanov

And for the Cherepovets master this is the main material for creativity. The unique microminiatures created by Valery Dvoryany are worthy of the fame of the famous Lefty.

Weapon miniatures occupy a special place in the master’s work. Over the course of several decades, the master created a large collection of bladed weapons and firearms of various systems, historical periods and states.

The high level of execution has earned the attention of specialists, who note the striking similarity with the original items of the collection, which have a small but functioning mechanism inside. These works can only be appreciated with high magnification. The master’s imagination never ceases to amaze and captivate the viewer: daggers, a Cossack saber, an arquebus, a serf arquebus, a hammer, and pliers are inserted into the ears of sewing needles. And all this is no more than 2 millimeters!

Valery Dvoryanov

The next step on the path to improvement was miniature engravings and drawings made on extremely small forms - rice and poppy grains, horsehair, bone plates with an area of ​​no more than 1 mm2. The collection of works includes both individual exhibits and thematic collections - “My Pushkin”, “Coats of Arms, Flags, Political Figures”, “Cartoon Characters”, “Believe it or not” and others. The miniatures were made under a microscope without the help of special technical equipment, literally by hand.

Andrey Rykovanov

Rykovanov Andrey Leonidovich - master of artistic microminiatures, publisher of miniature books. Andrey Rykovanov was born on September 11, 1965 in Omsk. By education, he is a specialist in industrial and civil construction. The art of microminiatures has been his hobby since childhood.

By the way, Andrey is actually left-handed. With his left hand, under a microscope, armed with a special micro-painting brush made from just one hair, he paints grains of rice, creating the world's tiniest paintings.

Andrey Rykovanov

A copy of a self-portrait of A.S. Pushkin with the text of his work “Talisman” on a cut of a grain of rice

The icon "Almighty" with the text of the prayer "Our Father" is made on two halves of a poppy seed using the micro-painting technique, in color. The smallest icon in the world. Figure area 0.8 mm, letter height 0.025 mm, line thickness 0.0002 mm

Andrey Rykovanov

17 portraits of kings and queens of the Romanov Dynasty on sections of poppy seeds

Composition "BUTTERFLY" on amber. The area of ​​the work is 1x2mm.

Nikolay Syadristy

The famous master of microminiatures Nikolai Sergeevich Syadristy was born in 1937 in the village of Kolosnikovka in the Kharkov region. He studied at the Kharkov Art School. A man of varied interests, M. Syadristy has been creating microminiatures for more than 40 years. All miniatures are made only by hand, using its own unique technology for each work.

Nikolay Syadristy

A blooming rose is placed in a case made of human hair, drilled to length and polished to transparency (bud diameter - 0.05 mm, stem diameter - 0.005 mm). The petals and leaves of the flower are made from flakes of a layer of paint that were removed from an old painting during its restoration.

Nikolay Syadristy

The length of the frigate is 3.5 mm, the thickness of the equipment is 0.003 mm (which in cross section is 400 times thinner than a human hair). The model consists of 337 parts.

Nikolay Syadristy

Composition of gold on a grain of sugar.

Caravan. The composition is made of gold and placed in the eye of an ordinary needle.

Nikolay Syadristy

The model of the brewery made of gold and platinum consists of 137 parts. Placed on half a barley grain

The smallest violin in the world - its length is 3.45 mm


We found out that Leskovsky Lefty has modern prototypes - folk craftsmen who create real miniature miracles.

The exhibits have to be examined through a microscope. There are, of course, a number of works that can be seen with a magnifying glass; their organizers jokingly call them “giant” in comparison with those that are visible only under a microscope.

The materials for making the smallest creations are poppy, rice, barley and other grains, insects, needle eyes, hair and other unusual objects, such as apricot kernels, marble chips and even mammoth bones.

“A Lesson According to Leskov” - The premiere of the opera “The Enchanted Wanderer” took place at the Mariinsky Theater. Ivan Severyanovich and Grushenka Fragment of the monument to N. Leskov in Orel. But the main definition of “enchanted” is bewitched, under the influence of an evil spell. Illustrations by Ilya Glazunov. This is the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” (1873).

“Leskov Lefty” - Many places in Russia are associated with the name of Leskov. Linguistic features of N.S. Leskov’s tale “Lefty”. "Soborians" -. KUKRYNIKSY "The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea." 1974. N.S. Leskov. He called it “a microscope of the entire Russian land.” A grain of rice contains 2027 letters in 22 lines.

“Leskov the Enchanted Wanderer” - A.I. Solzhenitsyn: “Matryonin’s yard.” It seems to me that a righteous person is not necessarily a person devoted to God. Have I answered the question? The question naturally arises: are righteous people needed in our time? After talking with a student at the Theological Seminary, I received an answer to my question. N.V. Kuzmin “The Enchanted Wanderer”, 1952.

“Biography of Leskov” - Biography pages. “Condescension to evil very closely borders on indifference to good.” “True love is modest and bashful.” “Work is a sacred thing, it befits everyone.” Main works: With the move to St. Petersburg in 1861, Leskov’s intensive work in periodicals began. Leskov Nikolai Semenovich. "... Christianity is a teaching of life."

“Lefty Leskov” - History of creation. Proverbs and sayings play a special role in Leskov’s work. In the second half of the 60s - early 70s. anti-hilistic novels “Nowhere” and “On Knives” appear. In 1881, the famous “Lefty” was presented to readers. The Tula people shoed the flea, causing surprise and admiration among the English craftsmen.

“The Tale “Lefty”” - Illustrations by Kukryniksy for the tale “Lefty.” Illustrations for the tale “Lefty”. Tale "Lefty". Creativity of N.S. Leskov. I did not study the people from conversations with St. Petersburg cab drivers, but I grew up among the people. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov and his tale. The tale of the Tula oblique left-hander and the steel flea. Illustrations by M. Dobuzhinsky for the tale “Lefty”.

There are 29 presentations in total

Master of microminiature Aldunin Nikolai Sergeevich was born on September 1, 1956 in the village of South Lamovatka, Voroshilovgrad region.

Of all the natural and artificial materials, since childhood I fell in love with metals and metal products. Working as a mechanic and then as a turner at industrial enterprises, I learned all the secrets of metalworking.

With some kind of inner instinct, he immediately unmistakably selected the metal cutting mode, this made it possible to increase the number of products, increasing their quality.

Nikolay considers the existing “metal technology” to be imperfect. Several years ago he came up with the idea of ​​shoeing a flea. I wanted to prove that it was not in vain that N. Leskov sang and glorified the Tula Masters throughout the world.

I prepared for two years, and then sat down at the microscope. Three months later, when I finished the work, I realized that I had “found myself” in a microminiature. He quit his job and decided to seriously take up this very difficult and interesting craft. Believes that a person’s achievement of goals in life depends on desire: the higher the goal, the greater the desire should be.

Master of microminiature Nikolai Sergeevich Aldunin was born in 1956. in the Voroshilovgrad region (USSR).
Of all the natural and artificial materials, I fell in love with metals and metal products since childhood. Working as a mechanic and turner at industrial enterprises, he learned all the secrets of metalworking.
And as a metal master he proved that it was not in vain that the writer N. Leskov sang and glorified the Tula Masters throughout the world.
I prepared for two years, and then sat down at the microscope.
And three months later, when I finished the first work, I realized that I had “found myself” in a microminiature. Seriously took up this very difficult and interesting craft,
BUT he did “shod a flea” with golden horseshoes (this was his first job!),
and also created a whole gallery of wonderful microminiature works.
His works of microminiatures can be viewed here:
A microminiature is an elegantly executed work of microscopic dimensions.
Moreover, all of his work is done by hand, without the use of any machines or mechanisms, but only with tools of his own making.
And, for example, the miniature “caravan of camels in the eye of a needle” is simply the height of skill.
Unfortunately, in September 2009 Nikolai Aldunin died suddenly (he was only 53 years old), BUT his unique miniature works remained and, of course, should be exhibited at various exhibitions, incl. and abroad.
This is also a good example to young people that there are and will definitely be followers of such world-class Masters in Russia!

P.S. I suggest that moderators create a special section (blog) on ​​this site, for example, under the title “There are real masters in Russia”,
where information could be posted about similar unique works of individual craftsmen (“new Faberge” - jewelers, watchmakers, creators of some unique tools, devices, gift weapons for hunting, new inventions already created in “metal”, etc.).
And also examples of how Russian masters restored old and military equipment,
creation of exact copies of old cars, restoration and restoration of various architectural monuments in Russian cities (for example, recently, as new and in its original form - the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow), restoration by craftsmen and launch of various production facilities using ancient technologies (for inquisitive tourists), etc. .
There were already examples here that would be worth moving... and collecting in such a special section on the site - “Made by us!”
After all, it’s worth knowing not only politicians, athletes, scientists... and all sorts of “show business” figures, BUT also real world-class masters of their craft in your country!

Now I will tell you about a meeting with Lefty that impressed me more. It happened in a museum. Yes, yes, a museum is not always something boring with caretakers dozing on chairs in the corners of large or small halls!

This museum is called the Museum of Microminiatures “Russian Lefty” and is located in St. Petersburg on Italianskaya Street at number 35. The museum premises are small, but somehow very cozy, warm... They greet you warmly, talk about the master and his works with pride and admiration . We too were imbued with these feelings. Patience and painstaking, well-done work evokes great respect.

This museum has approximately forty microminiature exhibits made by Novosibirsk physicist, senior researcher, candidate of sciences Vladimir Aniskin. His first handmade product was earrings, made as a birthday present for his mother. Then Vladimir was 25 years old, and he himself was born in 1973. You are amazed when you see these products under a microscope; they are masterpieces!

The surface for writing and images is a grain of rice (there are more than 2000 characters on it, all clear, easy to read under a microscope!). Or a cut of an apple seed, a poppy seed or a hair serves as a stand or platform for an object... Here is a New Year’s composition placed on a cut of horsehair...

The material for production is sometimes dust particles... For example, a rose branch with leaves placed inside a piece of hair.

Of course, among the exhibits there is also a shod flea, and there are carnations in the horseshoes...

Fantastic! I can imagine how this craftsman’s mother feels!

A visit to the museum filled my heart with a feeling of pride for Russian craftsmen, for the fact that you also belong to this nation. It became somehow joyful and fun. I look around and see the reflection of my emotions on the faces of museum visitors, regardless of whether it is the face of a child or an adult. I highly recommend everyone to visit there. This is especially important right now, when science, production, technology - everything has become, as it were, secondary, not the main thing in our country. No matter who you talk to, there are only managers around (in the Russian sense of the meaning of this word), that is, traders. They trade in imports and promote imported goods and inventions of foreign masters. But we Russians are only consumers?

Although I have absolutely no objection to foreign innovative products. Moreover, I gratefully use these amazing inventions. I mean massage beds, foot massagers, tourmanium ceramics. As soon as a country gives its “lefties”, its craftsmen, the opportunity to realize their ideas, then all of humanity wins, no matter what it concerns: science, medicine, technology, space...