Proper nutrition - where to start? How to eat healthy: advice from a nutritionist. Proper nutrition from A to Z. Basics of proper nutrition Information about healthy human nutrition

The wording “proper nutrition” means a diet that ensures the normal development and functioning of all systems of the human body, helps strengthen his immunity, health, helps him fight negative environmental factors and helps prevent various types of diseases. There are quite a lot of nutritional systems that fall under this formulation (in other words, diets). Some of them have the desired effect, but it should be noted that all nutrition programs and diets must be selected strictly individually. Don’t think that if a certain nutrition program helped one person, then it will definitely be useful for you.

However, do not be discouraged by the seeming difficulty of the question. After all, many people reading these lines now have the thought that it is difficult to choose a suitable nutrition program. It's not all that complicated. All of these programs have basic basic principles and rules that are common to most of them. These postulates can be called the basics of proper nutrition. Read about the benefits of dried apricots here - dried apricot benefits

Basic principles of proper nutrition

  1. The energy value of foods consumed must coincide with the energy needs of the body.
    One of the most frequently violated conditions. The diet of most people contains flour, potatoes, and sweets in abundance. And the energy expenditure of the body is minimal. The result is obesity.
  2. The ingredient (chemical) composition of products must correspond to the physiological needs of the body. With food, the body must receive at least 60 substances not synthesized by the body during the day for its normal functioning and regeneration. That is, the diet should be as varied as possible.
  3. Meal regimen. Regularity, frequency and alternation of meals in accordance with the calorie content of the product consumed, the person’s age, time of year and physical activity.

Basic rules of healthy eating

Eating vegetables and fruits

You should eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, and more preference should be given to vegetables, since fruits have a fairly high sucrose content. When eating fruits, preference should be given to pineapples and citrus fruits. Vegetables are an integral part of a balanced and proper diet. They are rich in minerals, fiber and vitamins.

Correct drinking regime

It is necessary to drink as much fluid as possible, but you should not get carried away too much. Since this can cause swelling. The daily fluid intake is two liters. The ideal option is mineral water without gas. Various sweet drinks such as Pepsi-Cola should be excluded. Their chemical composition is not always useful, and sometimes even harmful. Plain water will improve the functioning of the digestive system and have a beneficial effect on body functions and the condition of the skin.

Reducing your consumption of sweets

You should minimize the consumption of buns, cakes, sweets, pies, and pastries. Of course, you shouldn’t completely give up sweets, because glucose is a catalyst for many processes in the body, including mental ones. But you can limit flour without any significant losses for the body.

We have cereal for breakfast

There is a misconception that eating cereals contributes to weight gain. This is far from true. After all, you can cook porridge in water with the addition of honey or raisins, or with a small amount of onions and carrots fried in olive oil. Cereals are useful because, unlike flour, they contain “long” carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed by the body and supply it with energy for a long time, without forming fat deposits.

Eat right

When eating, you need to focus only on eating and nothing else. Reading a book while eating, or watching an interesting movie distracts the mind from the process. The brain receives the signal of saturation at the wrong time. The result is overeating, consuming more calories than necessary.

Move more

This primarily applies to those whose work is not related to physical activity. To activate digestion processes, physical activity is necessary. Aerobics, swimming pool, fitness, disco will be good in this regard. It is also possible to replace the route to your place of work, which you usually take by bus or taxi, by walking. Walking before bed will help you digest food faster.

Replacing products with healthier ones

The principle of this approach is to replace harmful and excessively high-calorie foods with more beneficial ones for the body. If you like meat, then pork can be replaced with chicken or beef. Replace vegetable oil with olive oil. Yogurt is a great substitute for cream. Instead of sugar, you can use sugar substitutes or honey. At first it will be difficult for the body to perceive such changes, but then it will get used to it.

Minimizing alcohol consumption

Of course, no one is calling on you to radically and irrevocably give up all types of alcohol. You just need to know that alcohol-containing drinks, in addition to sugars, also contain significant amounts of their own calories. Vodka is considered especially high in calories, which, among other things, has an extremely negative effect on the brain and tissue metabolism. In addition, during feasts, a person is not able to control the amount of food he eats under the influence of drinking, since alcohol increases appetite.

Reducing portions

It is necessary to accustom the stomach to a reduced portion size. A standard portion should be approximately half of what you eat when you are hungry. When buying groceries in a store, it is better to buy smaller quantities, but benefit from usefulness and quality. It is also not recommended to go to the store on an empty stomach. In this case, there is a risk of buying too much, which you will then have to eat, since greed does not allow you to throw away the excess. And as a result, overeating leads to weight gain.

Constant change of diet

The menu should be varied to more fully saturate the body with useful substances. Create and use new recipes daily, alternating vegetables, seafood and meat with cereals, fruits and dairy products.

Proper dinner

Ideally, you should make it a rule to limit your food intake to 19.00. But due to the individual characteristics of each person’s work schedule, if dinner is necessary, it should be as light as possible. Low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, as well as fruit, are perfect for dinner.

Counting calories

We are all living people and sometimes you can treat yourself to flour or sweets to lift your spirits. But you need to take into account the number of calories consumed. If, for example, you ate a cake, then the energy consumed must be spent. Work out longer at the gym, walk more, and make your next meal low in calories. The energy requirement of the average person per day is 1200 calories. Try not to go beyond this figure.

Non-perception of stressful situations

Everyone has long known that stress, as a destructive emotion, does nothing good for the human body. In addition, many of us often have the habit of “eating” stress, thereby compensating for the stressful situation by enjoying food. With prolonged stress, this process can take on a pathological form and become a deviation in eating behavior, which can ultimately lead to obesity.

Proper food consumption and food combinations

Drink a glass of warm water immediately after waking up. This will start the digestive system. Breakfast is necessary when the body itself asks for it, that is, a feeling of slight hunger arises. Breakfast should consist of light cereals or fruits. They are quickly digested by the body and fill it with energy. After 12:00 and before 14:00 you can eat heavily. After lunch you need to rest a little. This has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Around 19:00 - a light dinner consisting of protein foods and vegetables. This will allow you to avoid overloading your digestive tract at night. The correct combination of products is also important. For example, when eating protein foods, you should not eat foods that contain starch. If you eat starchy foods, you should supplement them with vegetables. Products containing starch. do not combine well with other products or with each other. For example, bread and potatoes are digested completely differently. If you eat them together, they will interfere with each other during digestion. Fruits, despite their apparent neutrality, also have a number of features in their use. They are also not recommended to be combined with foods containing starch. It is recommended to eat fruit half an hour before meals. The best fruits to combine are those that ripen in the same season and in the same climate zone.

What is proper nutrition /video/

Rules for proper nutrition

How to start eating right

10 principles of proper nutrition

Basics of proper nutrition and digestion

How not to lose your temper


Proper nutrition is not a temporary panacea for solving excess weight problems. Proper nutrition should be applied throughout a person’s life and become its style, way of existence. By eating right, you can keep your body in shape, make your life more harmonious and enjoyable, and simply be healthy.

Healthy food is an essential component of a fulfilling life. A proper diet ensures excellent health, strengthens the nervous and immune systems, and at the same time helps maintain optimal weight. Many products of plant origin have amazing properties and have a comprehensive effect on our body. And if you want to slightly adjust your menu, we will try to help you with this today.

Daily diet: what should it be?

Everything is extremely simple. Add plant-based products to your menu. Whole grains, unprocessed vegetables, fresh fruits, greens - thanks to them, the body gains strength and vitality, and the figure becomes slim. Such nutrition is useful both for improving the functioning of internal organs and for the skin. Therefore, a balanced diet will be the first step not only to good health, but also to natural beauty. And the whole secret is hidden behind the natural composition of plant products!

  • Beta carotene. Carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes are rich in them. This substance normalizes metabolism, takes an active part in the production of collagen and takes care of cellular growth.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Their sources include flax, walnuts and some green vegetables. Such products are endowed with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vitamins C and E. These are powerful natural antioxidants that ensure normal cell interaction and rejuvenate our body. The first can be obtained from citrus fruits, currants, fennel, bell peppers, broccoli and kiwi, the second - from avocado, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds and almonds.
  • Probiotics. These substances will take care of the microflora and the functioning of the digestive organs. With normal absorption of beneficial and nutritional components, the immune system is strengthened, and the body receives additional resources to protect against bacteria and viruses.

And, of course, such nutrition should be accompanied by the consumption of sufficient fluid. Drink purified water, and replace ready-made drinks and tea with freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks. This will restore a healthy balance and support the normal functioning of all systems.

Where to begin?

Switching to the right diet does not have any special secrets. A healthy diet includes affordable foods, but only fresh and natural ones. And if some of them require heat treatment, it is desirable that it be minimal. The best way is to use a double boiler. With this preparation, it is possible to preserve the maximum of biologically active substances.

The diet should be varied and include all food groups. Beans and vegetable oils, fruits, herbs and vegetables - you can adjust their ratio in the menu yourself, based on your own preferences. But remember that you need to cover the entire spectrum, since only in this case the body will receive all the vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for its normal functioning.

Try to eat regularly, consuming small portions, maintaining precision in time. This habit brings only positive results:

  • sleep becomes sound and healthy;
  • the functioning of the nervous system is regulated;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • the condition of blood vessels improves.

Plus, fractional meals ensure uninterrupted functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Snacks are also worth paying attention to. It is better to put cookies, buns, cakes and sweets aside. Learn to control yourself, and it won’t require any special effort. It's simple: put a box of nuts or dried fruits in your pocket; in the summer you can take a handful of fresh berries, apples, pears and even young peeled carrots to work. They quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger and bring exceptional benefits to the body. In terms of taste, some of them can not only compare, but even surpass many of the products that you used for snacking earlier. You just have to try it and you will certainly see that healthy food has a positive effect on your well-being.

And don't forget about the evening. Dinner is an indicator of how you will sleep and in what mood you will wake up. At this time of day, light foods should be present on the plate. Let it be a green salad seasoned with any vegetable oil, or steamed vegetables.

It is important to remember that a sudden transition to healthy foods can be stressful for the body. It is important to observe gradualism and restraint here. If you previously ate mainly fried foods and semi-finished products, then it is advisable to switch to a new diet carefully. Replace one product with another every day. In the first stages, make it a habit to prepare a healthy breakfast, then switch to proper snacks, and so on. This way, the body will have time to readjust and begin to quickly work in a new mode.

How to find the right balance?

Some people believe that healthy eating is just a list of certain foods. But in reality, everything is not quite like that. The diet should not only be balanced, but also supplemented with appropriate physical activity. This is elementary - walking in the fresh air or playing sports as a hobby will help you adjust your lifestyle. You don’t need to exhaust yourself by spending many hours in the gym, but you shouldn’t constantly lie on the couch after eating an apple either. Everything should be in moderation and pleasure. The benefits of proper nutrition will only be complete if you are doing normal physical activity.

Plus, don't give up foods that you think are unpalatable. Try cooking them differently. This will allow you to diversify your menu. Don't you like beans in borscht? Then use a double boiler or simmer it in the oven along with tomatoes and carrots. Add nuts, herbs and other aromatic ingredients, experiment, because in fact the whole secret is hidden in the cooking methods. Vegetable fats provide energy, proteins improve all metabolic processes occurring in the body, and carbohydrates give endurance.

  • Morning - at this time the body needs light, but at the same time sufficiently high-calorie food. An excellent choice would be oatmeal, vegetable stew and a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Lunch – it should be complete. For the first course you can prepare vegetable soup, for the second - stewed potatoes with onions and mushrooms, and as an addition use cabbage and celery salad.
  • Dinner – vegetable salad with olive or flaxseed oil or a small portion of buckwheat porridge.

For snacks and afternoon snacks, prepare bananas, mixed nuts, and berry juice. And try to eat different foods every day. The choice of plant foods is so large that with its help you can create a fairly varied menu. In winter, it is advisable to add a slightly larger amount of cold-pressed natural oils to your diet. They will help strengthen the body's defenses and maintain immunity at the proper level.

Such nutrition will certainly affect your well-being and lifestyle. You will feel lightness and a surge of strength, as a result your performance will increase. You will be open to new achievements and understand that being healthy and cheerful is extremely simple and pleasant!

To start eating healthy food you don't need anything other than desire. There is an opinion among people that you can only eat healthy food with expensive products. It's a big mistake to think like that. You don't have to be an oligarch to switch to healthy and nutritious food. You just need to follow some rules.

Are we what we eat?

Actually, yes. The more a person consumes fatty, carbohydrate and sweet foods, the more he provokes his body to develop diseases. Everything that is tasty, but so harmful, except for momentary pleasure, will bring with it diabetes mellitus or atherosclerosis. With an excess of harmful substances, your health, appearance deteriorate and, of course, weight problems appear.

How to switch to healthy food and live happily ever after? You just need to follow the principles of healthy eating.

Principles of proper nutrition

If you adhere to them, the transition from a regular diet to a healthy one will be as painless and quick as possible. We will consider each of the principles separately.

Frequent meals

Experts have long advised switching to fractional meals. This style of eating does not harm the stomach, because in rare meals the portion is very large. Six meals a day will ensure a constant feeling of fullness and lightness.

Late dinner

No matter how healthy the food is, you don’t need to eat heavily first and then go to bed. The best option would be to have dinner no later than three hours before bedtime. This way the body will already digest the food and feel light.

Time period

The period from breakfast to dinner should not exceed twelve hours. But the most dense ones should be only three meals. These include breakfast, dinner and lunch. Snacks should not be very nutritious, because then more important meals will have to be reduced or eliminated altogether.


Healthy foods include fruits and vegetables; they should make up at least forty percent of your total daily food. They bring only benefits to the body thanks to the vitamins and minerals contained in them. Fiber also helps digestion.

Cereals are also necessary in the diet of any person. After all, these are unique filters that cleanse the body.

Nuts and seeds can provide your daily intake of potassium and dietary fiber.

Milk and dairy products are mentioned in many books about tasty and healthy food. They have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Meat and fish products are the best carriers of protein. The latter is necessary for building muscles and cells of the human body. Those who do not eat meat can turn their attention to legumes, as well as peas, broccoli, and mushrooms.


You need to drink at least two liters of pure still water per day. All this is necessary in order to maintain a normal water-salt balance. It must be remembered that tea, coffee, mineral water and other drinks are not equal to water and you should not try to reach your daily requirement with them.


When a person switches to proper nutrition, his daily caloric intake automatically decreases. This is because there are fewer cholesterol and carbohydrate foods in the diet, and more healthy ones. Accordingly, the caloric content of a healthy diet should not exceed two thousand calories per day.


Even small children know that fast food, soda, snacks, smoked foods, deep-fried foods, canned goods, baked goods and white bread cannot be called healthy food for every day. It is best to replace all the treats with healthier foods. For example, soda can be successfully replaced with fruit drink or compote, and white bread with whole grain or rye.

We’ve sorted out the principles, now let’s figure out what healthy food is.

Food pyramid

At the very top of the pyramid are foods that should be consumed to a minimum. There are sweets, fast carbohydrates, cholesterol products and so on.

Following them are dairy products and cheeses. Yes, these products are useful, but they should not be abused.

In the middle are unprocessed cereals, foods with a low glycemic index, animal proteins, and vegetable fats. Vegetables and fruits that contain fiber are also in the middle.

At the base of the pyramid are the same vegetables, fruits, clean water and physical activity.

Healthy eating

There are many books about delicious and healthy food, but in order to eat healthy, you don’t have to follow only them. You need to use your imagination and experiment.

The most effective way to switch to proper nutrition is considered to be thinking through the menu. To avoid the temptation to eat something that is bad, you need to plan all your meals in advance.

Breakfast options

Breakfast should be hearty so that the energy charge lasts for a long time and you don’t feel hungry after an hour. The ideal option would be porridge with fruits or nuts and honey. When you are tired of porridge and want something new, you can cook oatmeal pancakes. This is one healthy food recipe that turns out different every time. You can put anything inside, from broccoli to banana and cottage cheese. Omelette with filling or cottage cheese with toppings in the form of jam, honey, condensed milk should not be forgotten, they are perfectly filling.

What to cook for lunch?

It is best to choose foods that contain a lot of dietary fiber. The latter have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to dietary fiber, you need to eat protein at lunch. A great option would be a piece of meat or fish with vegetables and cereal on the side. Vegetable casserole with meat will also perfectly fill you up and give you a boost of energy.

Last meal

Most healthy dinner recipes offer very low-calorie options, and that's not entirely true. If dinner is too light, you may feel the urge to eat later. Therefore, the last meal should be of medium density, but consist mainly of proteins. Natural yogurt, cottage cheese or omelet will best satisfy the body's need for protein.

It is important to remember that it is still better to limit simple carbohydrates in the evening, as consuming them later can lead to weight gain.


Surely no one at work eats healthy food during snack time. They usually eat according to the principle of “what’s easier to buy and faster to eat.” And this is fundamentally wrong. Preparing healthy food doesn't take much time and you can take it with you to work. You can make healthy sandwiches with whole grain bread and chicken and salad. Or you can make cheesecakes or salty muffins. There are a lot of options, you just need to not be afraid to experiment.

To make it easier to understand what is useful and what is not, let’s study the list.

The healthiest foods

Food prepared from these ingredients will provide the most benefits.

  1. First up is the carrot. It has antioxidant properties and improves blood composition.
  2. Cabbage. Of all the types, the most useful are broccoli and cabbage. It contains a lot of not only minerals and vitamins, but also fiber. Both types of cabbage help the body remove cholesterol, prevent the development of cancer, and strengthen the immune system. The vegetable is great for people who want to lose weight.
  3. Onion and garlic. They contain a huge amount of phytoncides that increase immunity. Those who consume these vegetables are protected from all bacteria and viruses.
  4. Tomatoes. Another strong antioxidant, which, moreover, has a positive effect on vision.
  5. Apples. Apples have a lot of pectin, fiber, and iron. They help remove bad cholesterol and toxins. In addition, apples are great for helping you lose weight and stimulating your intestines.
  6. Banana. Fruits are rich in potassium, fructose and carbohydrates. They saturate well and do not cause allergies.
  7. Avocado. A very healthy product, rich in fats, vitamins and microelements. Eating avocados prolongs youth and prevents cancer.
  8. Berries. Many properties are the same as fruits, but this does not mean that they are not healthy. If you eat a handful of berries every day, you can speed up your metabolism, improve your mood and strengthen your immune system. You need to pay attention to cloudberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, sea buckthorn, blueberries, grapes, black currants, bird cherry, cranberries.
  9. Legumes. Consist of vegetable protein, fiber, microelements and vitamins. There are no bad fats in them; the body only benefits from consuming them. Prevents the formation of oncology, helps solve the problem of constipation. Legumes can be used to make many healthy vegetarian dishes. The latter are very fond of legumes for replenishing the protein requirement in the diet.
  10. Nuts. They contain chromium, zinc, carbohydrates, B vitamins, as well as A and E. They have a rich taste and give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. But you need to be careful with them, because nuts are a very high-calorie product. The healthiest ones are almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, chestnuts, peanuts and walnuts.
  11. Honey. Everything useful is present in honey. This has an antibacterial effect, increases immunity, strengthens the body, and has an invigorating effect. Honey will help if you have problems with digestion of food, blood vessels or anemia.
  12. Green tea. A natural antioxidant rich in vitamin C, minerals and polyphenols. If you drink it constantly, the functioning of the heart and kidneys is normalized. It also reduces the risk of cancer and liver problems. But it also has contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using it.
  13. Fish. Any of the species is a storehouse of vitamins, but salmon are considered the most useful. The content of omega acids, protein, phosphorus and other beneficial substances in fish affects the body. For example, the quality of blood with systematic use may change, and cholesterol will return to normal.
  14. Olive oil. Another helper against bad cholesterol. It is an excellent prevention against cancer, and all thanks to the content of linoleic acid, vitamins K, E, D, trace elements and oleic acid.
  15. Wholemeal flour. This is an ideal option for those losing weight, because all carbohydrates in it are complex. There is bread made from such flour, baked goods. It prevents diabetes, problems with blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract.

Eating healthy is not that difficult. The main thing is to understand all the nuances and limitations. There is no need to try to change yourself alone; it is better to cook healthy food for the whole family. This will both improve the health of your family and support you in the early stages.

Is proper nutrition a diet? Not at all, a diet is a short-term course of severe food restriction in order to lose a certain number of kilograms. Associations with it are not the most pleasant: a constant feeling of hunger, dizziness, poor skin and hair condition. In addition, when the course ends (or is interrupted due to a breakdown), all the pounds lost with difficulty return to their place. It is difficult to call this method of combating excess weight rational. No, proper nutrition is a new way of life that is not uncomfortable and short-term. Changing your eating habits leads to normalization of metabolism, which means your weight will gradually return to normal.

How to train yourself to eat right

Let's give an approximate definition of the concept in question in order to better navigate the topic of the article. So, proper nutrition is a complete and balanced diet, consisting of natural and high-quality products that provide the body with a full range of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, that is, they satisfy all its needs and benefit it.

To analyze your menu and switch to a healthy diet, you need to understand a few rules:

We are what we eat

Indeed, it is very difficult to perceive such an abstract concept as proper nutrition. “Menu for the day” sounds much simpler. We will definitely get to a detailed consideration of your diet, but for now let's look at the features of the structure. It is based on the principle of dividing all products into groups that will allow you to create an optimal diet throughout the day.

You need to look at the pyramid from the bottom up. The base is those foods that need to be eaten daily in sufficient quantities. These are whole grain bread, oatmeal, rice and pasta made from durum wheat. This is the foundation without which it is impossible for the day to include foods that provide the body with complex carbohydrates, i.e., an important source of energy. Whole grain foods provide the body with the necessary fiber and B vitamins. Many people believe that eating bread leads to weight gain, but in fact this is not true unless you add large quantities of butter, salt, fatty sauces or cheese.

The next block of the pyramid includes vegetables. It is a source of fiber and vitamins, many of which provide protein to the body. The complete absence of fat allows you to consume these products with virtually no restrictions. By the way, potatoes are also very beneficial for the body, as they contain the maximum amount of nutrients. It is very important to consume vegetable juices. Fruits are on the same line with vegetables. It’s hard to imagine proper nutrition for girls without these tasty and healthy products. Fruits are a source of vitamins and microelements, without which it is difficult to have beautiful skin, healthy hair and nails. Fruits in any form are healthy. You can eat fresh or frozen, dried or canned.

The next block is the most important component of the diet, since protein is responsible for a large number of metabolic processes occurring in the body. Proper nutrition for girls must include meat and fish, nuts and eggs, beans and beans. They are also essential sources of iron, zinc, and B vitamins. This block includes another large group - milk and fermented milk products - an essential source of calcium, protein and vitamin B12. It should be borne in mind that you should choose low-fat varieties, as they contain a minimum of calories and a maximum of nutrients. Don't forget that we are discussing proper nutrition. Dinner in particular should contain a minimum of high-calorie foods.

Finally, the top of our pyramid is fats, oils and sweets. High calorie and highly nutritious foods. There should be the least amount of them in the diet, although you shouldn’t refuse them at all.

Daily diet

To make the conversation about proper nutrition more substantive, let's give an example that you can follow every day, of course, with adjustments. The first rule of healthy eating is to have a hearty breakfast. An excellent way to start the day would be a small piece of meat, a portion of rice and a cup (200 g) of vegetable salad. You can finish your meal with a cup and some other fruit. You can offer another option: chicken breast with cheese, boiled potatoes and tea with fruit.

An orange or grapefruit or a handful of nuts can be a snack between breakfast and lunch. But lunch is a full meal that should not be skipped. As an option, you can offer a couple of bread toasts with baked fish and green salad. The second option could be a serving of brown rice with steamed vegetables. You can choose mint tea or still water. A conversation about proper nutrition necessarily touches on the regularity of food intake. Indeed, the more carefully the regime is followed, the faster the metabolism is restored, which means there will be no problems with excess weight. Therefore, you should also not skip the afternoon snack. At the same time, this snack should not be heavy. Kefir or yogurt is perfect for an afternoon snack.

Now we move on to the meal, around which there is a lot of controversy, however, dinner does not cancel out proper nutrition. Another thing is that the calorie content of foods consumed in the evening should not be too high. An excellent option would be with toast or 150-200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Please note that this is a diet for the average person. It can be supplemented with vegetables and fruits, nuts and berries. But if your goal is weight loss, then your diet should be adjusted depending on your goals. Because healthy eating and losing weight are not synonymous, as many are accustomed to think.

and weight loss

What is the connection between proper nutrition and weight loss? In fact, a healthy diet involves the full functioning of the body and the prevention of excess weight gain, but there are separate systems for losing weight. However, many people confirm that sticking to it is easy and pleasant) suggests eliminating fatty and unhealthy foods, such as fast food, soda and many others that contribute to the development of obesity. Eliminating these foods and replacing them with fruits and vegetables will lead to gradual weight loss.

That is, proper nutrition is not a system for losing weight, but you should not give up on it and look on the Internet for new-fangled diets that promise rapid weight loss. Because they all violate the main rule. For lasting results, you need not a short-term diet, but a new lifestyle. Therefore, the principles of healthy eating that we cited above should also be present in the weight loss system. There should be only one difference: to lose weight, you need to reduce the calorie content of your daily diet.

It is more or less clear what proper nutrition is. Reviews from people who have completely restructured their diet in accordance with its principles say that their well-being has improved significantly, and they don’t have to suffer from a lack of interesting dishes, since you can come up with a lot of amazing snacks, desserts and other goodies from foods that are healthy and necessary for the body.

What you need to know if you are planning to lose weight

It is very important to set goals and priorities right away. It’s better to make a written contract with yourself, over what period of time and how many kilograms you want to lose weight. Based on this, we formulate a diet, not forgetting about proper nutrition. A photo taken before the start of the course will help you stay on track with your goal. Calculate the maximum calorie intake using the following formula:

For men: 66 + (13.7 x body weight) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years).

For a woman, the formula is slightly different: 655 + (9.6 x body weight) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years).

You get a number that reflects your actual metabolism. Now you need to multiply the result by a coefficient equal to the level of physical activity. With a sedentary lifestyle, it is equal to 1.2, but if you do light exercise 1-3 times a week, then multiply by 1.375. Intense exercise 3-5 times a week equals a coefficient of 1.55, and daily heavy physical activity equals 1.725. The resulting figure is the number of calories your body burns per day. If you need to lose weight, then this amount must be reduced along with an increase in the level of physical activity.

When choosing a diet for yourself, be sure to consult a nutritionist, and, of course, do not forget about proper nutrition. Before and after photos will be a great incentive to continue sticking with it. But, despite the strong desire to lose weight, you should monitor the slightest change in how you feel. If you began to sleep poorly, irritability or headaches appeared, your health and skin condition sharply worsened - these are all sure signs that your diet is not balanced. This means that you are depriving yourself of the necessary elements. Only a doctor can create the optimal diet for the day. It is easy to stick to proper nutrition; such a diet does not cause deterioration in your health and does not leave you feeling that you are limiting yourself in anything.

Approximate diet for a woman

To lose weight, you will have to limit your calorie intake, which means tightening your belts a little. But what is proper nutrition without a varied and balanced diet? It is best to start the day with porridge; oatmeal or millet porridge cooked in water is excellent. An apple and coffee with milk will complement your morning meal. Don't skip second breakfast, it's necessary to avoid overeating at lunch. In addition, the body gets used to the fact that food comes often and stops storing fats in bins, as happens with severe restrictions and long breaks between meals. A glass of kefir and a couple of apricots or other fruits are suitable for lunch.

Lunch is no less important. Be sure to steam a piece of fish or meat. A cup of coleslaw or one baked potato can be added. For an afternoon snack, it is best to give preference to a vegetable salad, for example, grated carrots and olives. Finally, dinner: don't skip protein foods. Stewed chicken breast with vegetables will come in handy.

We consolidate the result. The main thing is the system

Indeed, organizing proper nutrition is not a difficult task, the main thing is to continue to adhere to it constantly. The most important thing here is to adhere to the regime every day, despite work, study and other matters. You cannot force the body to starve or accustom it to the feeling of hunger, since in such conditions it will put away any extra piece in reserve. Remember the feeling of fatigue when dieting. This is the result of the fact that a frightened body tries to save all useful substances by slowing down metabolism. By eating 4-6 times a day, you let your instincts know that everything is in order, with this regime your metabolism and weight are normalized. You can create an approximate proper diet for yourself and adjust it along the way.

It is imperative to drink water

The key to proper nutrition is your desire to be healthy and beautiful. But many people forget about the need to consume enough liquid. Try to keep tea and coffee to a minimum and instead drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. However, you don’t need to try to drink the entire amount at once. It is better to carry a bottle with you at all times and drink as you become thirsty.

Listen to yourself

Even if a nutritionist has developed detailed proper nutrition for you for a month, this does not eliminate the need to listen to your body’s signals. We are used to eating because the food is aromatic and attractive, that is, eating itself is a pleasure. But in fact, the body knows what it needs now. If you have an unbearable craving for sweets, perhaps at this very moment there is a great need for energy. But at the same time, it’s better to allow yourself a piece of chocolate in the morning instead of a fatty cake.

The simpler the better

Remember what our grandparents ate. These were mainly soups and cereals, vegetables, fish or meat. Today we are accustomed to complex, multi-ingredient dishes, salads, and sauces. In such a leapfrog of tastes, it is difficult to determine the calorie content of a dish. If you break down a lunch consisting of Olivier salad, fish with cheese sauce with potatoes and chocolate pie with tea, you will get more than 20 of them, and each of them requires its own enzymes to break down. This is what the doctor pays special attention to when preparing proper nutrition for girls. The menu should be as simple as possible, and the dishes should be as light as possible. For example, there is no need to additionally pour mayonnaise on the chicken breast and cover it with cheese - this way you reduce the beneficial properties of both protein products. It is much better to divide them into two different meals. This also applies to the calorie content of foods: if possible, it is always better to avoid adding oil to a dish, and try to choose milk with a low fat content. Of course, the body also requires fats, but in very small quantities. A small piece of butter at breakfast will completely cover your daily requirement.

Pay attention not only to quantity, but also to quality

Indeed, one of the rules of a healthy diet states that the body must receive a full range of essential substances, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and microelements. For this to be possible, the food must be fresh and natural. Pay attention to the presence of preservatives in foods, and soon you will return to the diet familiar to our ancestors. Everything that is sold in supermarkets, packaged in beautiful boxes, contains more or less amounts of additives, stabilizers and other unnecessary and even harmful components. Therefore, give preference to products that contain minimal amounts or none at all. By following this rule, you will save your budget, because fresh vegetables and fruits are much cheaper than canned ones, the same applies to meat and sausages. Healthy foods will quickly saturate the body with the necessary substances, which means you will not be bothered by the feeling of hunger just because your diet was missing some important element.

Small concessions

Proper nutrition is not a diet, which means it is not limited in time. Therefore, strict dietary requirements (not eating bread or sweets at all) do not work here. The only limitation is the consumption of fast food, very fatty, excessively sweet and salty foods. At the same time, the body needs bread, sugar, and even lard, which also has beneficial properties, in reasonable quantities. That’s why we brought to your attention the food pyramid at the beginning of the article. The basis of nutrition should be the most useful ingredients, and all the rest can serve as a small addition. By following this principle, you will save yourself from torment and unnecessary restrictions, and playing sports will completely neutralize these excesses.

Sticking to a healthy diet may seem difficult at first. There is not enough ketchup and mayonnaise, soda and sausage, the food seems bland. But then you begin to feel lightness, good health comes and complete indifference to the harmful excesses that you initially lacked. Be healthy and beautiful!

Eating right will help you stay healthy. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, which must be supplied with food, are important for our body.

You should start taking care of your body, its youth and health by changing your lifestyle. Get rid of the smoking habit, do not abuse alcohol, improve your work, rest and sleep patterns, start doing exercises and physical activity on a daily basis, and most importantly, review your diet. At this stage, you will have a question, what is proper nutrition, what foods can you eat and what are the rules for eating?

IMPORTANT: A well-balanced diet turns out to be several times better than eating fried and other improperly prepared foods. This will help not only improve your body health, but also make you healthy for life.

Food pyramid for good health

Nutritionists around the world have a certain method of successfully presenting recommendations to people who want to eat healthy. The Food Pyramid for Good Health is an illustration of the ratio of food items that should be present in the daily diet. Many years of research have proven that presenting such information is well received. In our country, nutritionists use a pyramid, in other countries: a rainbow, a plate or a pie chart. The essence does not change depending on the way this information is presented.

IMPORTANT: A healthy diet is dominated by grain products, vegetables and fruits. A small share is given to meat, and a small part to fatty and sweet foods.

Floors of the pyramid: base of the food pyramid

1. First floor. Grain products containing fiber, minerals and vitamins - cereals, rice and pasta made from wholemeal flour. It is a mistake to include here bakery products made from premium flour, buns and croissants - these are products for the very top floor, the consumption of which should be minimal.

2. Second floor. Vegetables and fruits help provide the body with vitamins, minerals and fiber. You may think that it is impossible to eat so many vegetables and fruits in a day, but supporters of this pyramid are confident that these figures are even underestimated and a person must eat more of them. Five servings of green vegetables and fruits per day is the minimum norm. Freshly squeezed juice in the morning, one apple for lunch and afternoon snack, and two servings of vegetable salad for lunch and dinner.

3. Third floor. Meat, milk, low-fat sour cream, kefir, eggs, nuts. Meat no more than 200 grams per day. Don't forget about fish. A glass of milk, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese. Nuts no more than 30 grams per day, and if you are losing weight, then introduce restrictions to 10 grams per day, since nuts contain a lot of fat.

4. Top floor. Fats, oils and sweets. Eating excess trans fats increases cholesterol. Simple sugars in the form of candies and other sweets are associated with diabetes, obesity, headaches, clogged blood vessels and bad teeth. There is no benefit from these foods, only extra calories, fats and unhealthy sugar.

Try to consume proteins and healthy carbohydrates during the day in the form of boiled chicken or fish, cereals, supplementing your diet with seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Proteins are a source of amino acids

Protein products are divided into two types: animal And vegetable origin. All proteins coming from food are used as a source amino acid t. Thanks to the amino acid, the protein’s own structure is synthesized, and it also acts as a transport for other important substances for the body. Ordinary people may not know this, but nutritionists and doctors are confident that animal and plant proteins are a source of amino acids. The daily need for these substances depends on a person’s type of activity, his profession, age, working conditions and climate where he lives.

IMPORTANT: An adult needs to consume at least 100-120 grams of pure protein per day.

IMPORTANT: If a person completely refuses protein foods, irreversible metabolic disorders occur in the body and the death of the body inevitably occurs.

A negative nitrogen balance develops, the body is depleted, growth stops and the functions of the central nervous system of the central nervous system are disrupted. Children may develop kwashiorkor disease due to insufficient protein in the body.

Plant based proteins

In addition to meat products - proteins of animal origin, our body needs proteins of plant origin. Such substances do not contain cholesterol molecules and saturated fat molecules. Plant-based protein is complete and contains essential nutrients and amino acids. It can be eaten every day, unlike red meat (pork, beef), which can be eaten no more than 2 or 3 times a week.

Numerous studies have shown that people who eat mostly plant-based protein develop cancer much less often than people who eat meat every day.

IMPORTANT: In addition to protein, the diet should contain carbohydrates and fats.

Carbohydrates are the body's source of energy.

These substances are divided into simple and complex carbohydrates. The first type includes sugars, which in large quantities are harmful to the body. The second type includes polysaccharides. Such carbohydrates include cereals, potatoes, fruits, and vegetables.

Our body cannot store glucose for a long time, so it needs constant consumption. But this doesn't mean you need to eat sugar. It is useful to eat food that contains a complex carbohydrate compound. Carbohydrates are the body's source of energy.

IMPORTANT: All foods containing complex carbohydrates are rich in vitamins, fiber and microelements.

Fats: excess and deficiency

All substances in our body must be in the required quantities, including fats. Young and beautiful skin, good vitamin metabolism, energy during the cold season - fats help the body get all this.

IMPORTANT: Excess and deficiency of these substances can lead to unwanted abnormalities in the body.

What are the consequences of a lack of fat?

  • the skin will become dry;
  • in winter the body will quickly become hypothermic;
  • rapid loss of body weight will occur;
  • there will be no opportunity to engage in energy-intensive types of work;
  • poor water and vitamin metabolism. Fats are involved in transporting fat-soluble vitamins in our body.

What are the consequences of excess fat?

  • accumulation of visceral fat. Leads to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, liver and pancreas diseases;
  • poor blood counts. Leads to early atherosclerosis. Proteins, vitamins, magnesium and calcium are poorly absorbed. The elasticity of blood vessels is impaired, and the body becomes susceptible to infectious diseases.

The role of vitamins and microelements in the human body

In a balanced diet, it is important not only to eat healthy foods, but also to prepare them correctly. This must be done so that there is no loss of vitamins and microelements during the cooking process.

IMPORTANT: Food products must be boiled or steamed.

The role of vitamins and microelements in the human body is very great. Without them, health deteriorates and there is no regulation of the flow of chemical reactions in the digestive tract. They release the energy contained in food.

IMPORTANT: Without vitamins and microelements, a person will die of hunger.

Salts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron in the human body

Minerals do not supply energy like other important substances, but without them the body cannot exist. Salts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron take part in the metabolism of any human tissue. Hemoglobin is formed and the vital functions of all body systems are supported.

Phytonutrients – protection against disease

Live food is a source of phytonutrients. These are biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the health of our body. Phytonutrients protect against disease; they are antioxidants that prevent our body from aging.

The role of water in the human body

A middle-aged person is 70 percent water. Therefore, you need to understand the role of water in the human body. Scientists say that for every 1 calorie consumed there should be at least 1 gram of water. It follows from this that with a daily food intake of 1500 calories, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

IMPORTANT: Water helps process accumulated fat and allow nutrients to enter the body.

In custody It should be noted that a balanced diet is important for a person. This concept includes not only the hours of food intake and its volume. Food products taken by a person must be rich in vitamins and microelements, since without them the digestibility of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is reduced.

Video: Rules of proper nutrition