Dostoevsky's great-grandson spoke about the writer's bad habits. Dmitry Dostoevsky: “I was healed and baptized in Staraya Russa Who was born in the same year as Dostoevsky

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky(1821–1881) was born in Moscow into a family of nobles. In 1837, his mother died, and he was sent by his father to St. Petersburg, where he entered the Main Engineering School. In 1842, Dostoevsky graduated from college and was enlisted as an engineer-second lieutenant in the St. Petersburg engineering team, but already in the early summer of 1844, having decided to devote himself to literature, he resigned.
In 1845, Dostoevsky, as an equal, was accepted into Belinsky’s circle. In 1846, his first work, “Poor People,” was published, highly appreciated by other members of the circle. However, already in the winter of 1847, the writer finally broke up with Belinsky and began attending Petrashevsky’s “Fridays.” At these meetings, which were political in nature, the problems of peasant liberation, court reform and censorship were discussed, and treatises of French socialists were read. Shortly after the publication of White Nights in 1849, Dostoevsky was arrested in connection with the Petrashevsky case. The court found him guilty. On December 22, at the Semyonovsky parade ground, the Petrashevites were sentenced to death, but in last moment The convicts were given a pardon and sentenced to hard labor. On the way to hard labor in Tobolsk, Dostoevsky and other prisoners had a secret meeting with the wives of the Decembrists, who blessed everyone in new way and everyone was given the Gospel. This Gospel, which accompanied the writer everywhere, played a decisive role in the spiritual revolution that happened to him in hard labor.
The period of imprisonment and military service was a turning point in Dostoevsky’s life: from a “seeker of truth in man” who had not yet decided in life, he turned into a deeply religious person, whose only ideal for the rest of his life was Christ. The purpose of the writer’s work was primarily missionary work - preaching Christianity among his non-believing contemporaries. During his exile in 1857, Dostoevsky married Maria Isaeva, the widow of the official A.I. Isaeva. In December 1859, he and his family came to St. Petersburg and, together with his brother Mikhail, began publishing the magazines “Time”, then “Epoch”, combining editorial work with authorship. In September 1860, the printing of “Notes from the House of the Dead” began, and at the beginning of 1861 the novel “The Humiliated and Insulted” was published. On April 15, 1864, Dostoevsky's wife died of consumption, and although they were not happy in their marriage, he took the loss hard.
Because of the heavy financial situation the writer was forced to stop publishing the Epoch magazine. In 1866, he wrote two novels at once - “The Gambler” and “Crime and Punishment.” That same year, he married Anna Snitkina, who took over the publication of her husband’s works. They had four children, two of whom died in early childhood. In 1867–1868 Dostoevsky worked on the novel "The Idiot".
For the last 8 years the writer lived in the city of Staraya Russa, Novgorod province. These years of life were very fruitful: 1872 - "Demons", 1873 - the beginning of the "Diary of a Writer" (a series of feuilletons, essays, polemical notes and passionate journalistic notes on the topic of the day), 1875 - "Teenager", 1876 - "Meek", 1879 –1880 – “The Brothers Karamazov”, the writer’s final novel, in which many of the ideas of his work received artistic embodiment.
January 28, 1881 F.M. Dostoevsky died. The writer was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

As you know, the author of The Brothers Karamazov had four children, two of whom - Sonya and Alyosha - died in infancy. Daughter Lyuba was childless, so all the heirs living today are descendants from the line of his son Fedor. Fyodor Fedorovich Dostoevsky had two sons, one of whom - also Fyodor - passed away very young, dying of hunger already in the 20s. Until recently, there were five heirs of the great writer in a direct line: great-grandson Dmitry Andreevich, his son Alexey and three granddaughters - Anna, Vera and Maria. They all live in St. Petersburg.

The son of Dostoevsky, Fyodor became a specialist in horse breeding and reached the same dizzying heights in it as his father in the field of literature

Russian researchers of the work and life of Dostoevsky were worried that the name of the great writer might disappear over time. Therefore, when the long-awaited heir was born in St. Petersburg in the family of the writer’s only great-great-grandson, it was considered an event of great importance. Moreover, they named the boy Fedor. It is curious that the parents initially intended to name the boy Ivan. And this would also be symbolic - the grandfather, father and son would have names, like the main characters of the novel "The Brothers Karamazov". However, providence decided everything. The boy was born on September 5, and according to the calendar, the name Fedor falls at this time.

The writer's wife, Anna Grigorievna, lived until 1918. In April 1917, she decided to go to her small estate near Adler to wait for the unrest to subside. But the revolutionary storm also reached the Black Sea coast. A former gardener on Dostoevskaya’s estate who deserted from the front declared that he, the proletarian, should be the true owner of the estate. Anna Grigorievna fled to Yalta. In the Yalta hell of 1918, when the city was changing hands, she spent the last months of her life and died of hunger in complete solitude and terrible agony in a Yalta hotel. There was even no one there to bury her, until six months later her son Fyodor Fedorovich Dostoevsky arrived from Moscow. By some miracle, he made his way to Crimea at the height of the Civil War, but did not find his mother alive. She asked in her will to be buried in her husband's grave, but went Civil War, and it was impossible to do this, they buried her in the crypt of the Aut Church. In 1928, the temple was blown up, and her grandson Andrei learns from a letter that “her bones are lying on the ground.” He goes to Yalta and, in the presence of a policeman, reburies them in the corner of the cemetery. Only in 1968, with the help of the Writers' Union, did he manage to bury Anna Grigorievna's ashes in her husband's grave.

According to the memoirs of the writer’s grandson, Andrei Fedorovich Dostoevsky, when Fyodor Fedorovich was taking Dostoevsky’s archive, left after the death of Anna Grigorievna, from Crimea to Moscow, he was almost shot by security officers on suspicion of profiteering - they thought that he was transporting contraband in baskets.

Anna Snitkina with her daughter Lyubov and son Fedor

Dostoevsky's son, Fyodor (1871-1921), graduated from two faculties of the University of Dorpat - law and science, became an expert in horse breeding, a famous horse breeder, passionately devoted himself to his favorite work and reached the same dizzying heights in it as his father did in the field of literature. He was proud and vain, striving to be the first everywhere. He tried to prove himself in the literary field, but was disappointed in his abilities. He lived and died in Simferopol. They buried him with money Historical Museum on Vagankovskoe cemetery. “I tried to find his grave in the eighties based on descriptions, but it turned out that it was dug up in the thirties,” says the writer’s great-grandson.

Dostoevsky’s beloved daughter Lyubov, Lyubochka (1868-1926), according to the memoirs of contemporaries, “was arrogant, arrogant, and simply quarrelsome. She did not help her mother perpetuate the glory of Dostoevsky, creating her image as a daughter famous writer, subsequently separated from Anna Grigorievna altogether.” In 1913, after another trip abroad for treatment, she remained there forever (abroad she became “Emma”). “I thought that I could become a writer, I wrote stories and novels, but no one read her...” She wrote an unsuccessful book, “Dostoevsky in the Memoirs of his Daughter.” Her personal life did not work out. She died in 1926 from leukemia in Italian city Bolzano. She was buried solemnly, but according to the Catholic rite due to lack of Orthodox priest. When the old cemetery in Bolzano was closed, the ashes of Lyubov Dostoevskaya were transferred to the new one and a huge porphyry vase was placed over the grave; the Italians raised money for it. Once I met the actor Oleg Borisov, and, having learned that he was going to those parts, I asked him to sprinkle her grave with soil from Optina Pustyn, which I took from Dostoevsky’s house there.”

The writer's nephew, Andrei Andreevich Dostoevsky (1863-1933), the son of his younger brother, was an amazingly modest and devoted person to the memory of Fyodor Mikhailovich. Following the example of his father, he became a historiographer of the family. Andrei Andreevich was 66 years old when he was sent to the White Sea Canal...Six months after his release, he died.

Dmitry Andreevich Dostoevsky.

Dostoevsky’s beloved daughter Lyubov, Lyubochka, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, “was arrogant, arrogant, and simply quarrelsome”

Dostoevsky's great-grandson, Dmitry Andreevich, born in 1945, lives in St. Petersburg. He is a tram driver by profession and has worked on route No. 34 all his life. In one of his interviews, he says: “In my youth I hid the fact that I am the only direct descendant of Dostoevsky in the male line. Now I say this with pride.” Grandson of Andrei Fedorovich Dostoevsky, engineer, front-line soldier, creator of the F.M. Dostoevsky Museum in Leningrad. This is what his son says about him.

“He was dominated by Lenin’s famous statement about the “arch-nasty Dostoevsky.” When Dostoevsky was thrown off the “ship of modernity” at the first Congress Soviet writers, the father exclaimed: “Well, I’m no longer the grandson of the Russian classic!” He was born in Simferopol. After high school, already in Soviet time, entered the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute. He was drawn to all kinds of hardware; I know that he was almost the first in the south to become interested in radio. But he was expelled from the institute, he said, for refusing to take off his student cap. Then they fought against any class affiliation. In fact, the reason was different; I managed to find it out in the FSB archives. He visited the house of a professor who was later arrested.

Alexey Dmitrievich Dostoevsky

Andrei Fedorovich Dostoevsky

After being expelled, he goes to Leningrad to visit his uncle Andrei Andreevich.

Here he graduates from the Polytechnic Institute and becomes a forestry specialist. The uncle was soon arrested in the “Academic Case”. This case was invented by the security officers themselves. Seven academicians were arrested and another 128 people were added to them, forty of whom were employees of the Pushkin House, where Andrei Andreevich worked.

He was given five years in prison and sent to build the White Sea-Baltic Canal. He was 64 years old, and perhaps age had an effect, perhaps Lunacharsky’s intercession, but he was released. He died two years later, having managed to publish a book of his father's memoirs. Dostoevists value this book; it describes the childhood years of Fyodor Mikhailovich, and this is very important in understanding a person.

Soon after his death, my father was arrested again, again accused of having “counter-revolutionary” conversations with a professor from Novocherkassk. He was kept in prison for a month big house and released due to insufficient evidence. Mom said that from then on he was very afraid...”

It must be said that both the grandson and great-grandson of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky did to open the writer’s museum in St. Petersburg. Our family donated furniture to the museum that belonged to the writer’s nephew Andrei. It must be said that the townspeople very actively responded to the museum’s call to donate furniture from that era. But! Let's listen to F.M.'s great-grandson, Dostoevsky: “The museum opened in 1971, after my father’s death I began to take part in its work. Many years have passed and, of course, a lot has changed in the museum. I don't support everything that has changed. Has faded away scientific work museum, it became an ordinary collection of exhibits. The exhibition itself has also changed, last change I was upset. The memorial part, the writer’s apartment itself, never acquired the spirit of the family that lived in it, but this was, according to the writer himself, the happiest time of his life.”

And again Fyodor Dostoevsky is the successor of the great family.


Russian writer. Fyodor Mikhailovich, the second son in the family, was born on November 11 (Old Style - October 30) 1821 in Moscow, in the building of the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, where his father served as a stacker. In 1828, Dostoevsky's father received hereditary nobility, in 1831 he acquired the village of Darovoye, Kashira district, Tula province, and in 1833 - the neighboring village of Chermoshnya. Dostoevsky's mother, née Nechaeva, came from the Moscow merchant class. Seven children were raised according to the traditions of antiquity in fear and obedience, rarely leaving the walls of the hospital building. Summer months the family spent time on a small estate purchased in the Kashira district of the Tula province in 1831. The children enjoyed almost complete freedom, because They usually spent time without their father. Fyodor Dostoevsky began to study quite early: his mother taught him the alphabet, French- half board N.I. Drashusova. In 1834 he and his brother Mikhail entered the famous boarding school of Chermak, where the brothers were especially fond of literature lessons. At the age of 16, Dostoevsky lost his mother and was soon named one of the best educational institutions that time - the St. Petersburg Engineering School, where he acquired a reputation as an “unsociable eccentric.” I had to live in cramped circumstances, because... Dostoevsky was not accepted into the school at public expense.

In 1841 Dostoevsky was promoted to officer. In 1843, upon completion of the course at the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School, he was enlisted in the service of the St. Petersburg engineering team and sent to the drawing engineering department. In the fall of 1844 he resigned, deciding to live only literary work and “work like hell.” The first attempt at independent creativity, the dramas “Boris Godunov” and “Mary Stuart” that have not reached us, dates back to the early 40s. In 1846, in the “Petersburg Collection” N.A. Nekrasov, published his first essay - the story "Poor People". As one of equals, Dostoevsky was accepted into V.G.’s circle. Belinsky, who warmly welcomed the newly minted writer as one of the future great artists of the Gogol school, but a good relationship the circle soon went bad, because... members of the circle did not know how to spare Dostoevsky’s painful pride and often laughed at him. He still continued to meet with Belinsky, but he was very offended by the bad reviews of new works, which Belinsky called “nervous nonsense.” Before the arrest, on the night of April 23 (old style) 1849, 10 stories were written. Due to his involvement in the Petrashevsky case, Dostoevsky was imprisoned in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress, where he stayed for 8 months. He was sentenced to death, but the sovereign replaced it with hard labor for 4 years, followed by assignment to the rank and file. On December 22 (old style) Dostoevsky was brought to Semenovsky Parade Ground, where a ceremony was held over him to announce the death penalty by firing squad, and only at the last moment the real sentence was announced to the convicts, as a special mercy. On the night of December 24-25 (old style), 1849, he was shackled and sent to Siberia. He served his sentence in Omsk, in " House of the Dead"During hard labor, Dostoevsky's epileptic seizures, to which he was predisposed, intensified.

On February 15, 1854, at the end of his term of hard labor, he was assigned as a private to the Siberian linear 7th battalion in Semipalatinsk, where he stayed until 1859 and where Baron A.E. took him under his protection. Wrangel. On February 6, 1857, in Kuznetsk, he married Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva, the widow of a tavern supervisor, whom he fell in love with during the life of her first husband. The marriage increased Dostoevsky's financial needs, because... He took care of his stepson for the rest of his life; he more often turned for help to friends and his brother Mikhail, who at that time headed a cigarette factory. On April 18, 1857, Dostoevsky was restored to his former rights and on August 15 received the rank of ensign (according to other sources, he was promoted to ensign on October 1, 1855). He soon submitted his resignation and was fired on March 18, 1859, with permission to live in Tver, but soon received permission to live in the capital. In 1861, together with his brother Mikhail, he began publishing the magazines “Time” (banned in 1863) and “Epoch” (1864 - 1865). In the summer of 1862 he visited Paris, London, and Geneva. Soon the magazine "Vremya" was closed for an innocent article by N. Strakhov, but at the beginning of 64 "Epoch" began to appear. On April 16, 1864, his wife died, having suffered from consumption for more than 4 years, and on June 10, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s brother, Mikhail, unexpectedly died. Blow after blow and a mass of debts finally upset the business, and at the beginning of 1865 “Epoch” was closed. Dostoevsky was left with 15,000 rubles in debt and a moral obligation to support the family of his late brother and his wife’s son from her first husband. In November 1865 he sold his copyright to Stellovsky.

In the fall of 1866, Anna Grigorievna Snitkina was invited to take shorthand notes for “The Player,” and on February 15, 1867, she became Dostoevsky’s wife. In order to get married and leave, he borrowed 3,000 rubles from Katkov for the novel he had planned (“The Idiot”). But of these 3000 rub. hardly even a third of them moved abroad with him: after all, the son of his first wife and the widow of his brother with their children remain in his care in St. Petersburg. Two months later, having escaped from creditors, they went abroad, where they stayed for more than 4 years (until July 1871). Heading to Switzerland, he stopped in Baden-Baden, where he lost everything: money, his suit, and even his wife’s dresses. I lived in Geneva for almost a year, sometimes needing the bare necessities. Here his first child was born, who lived only 3 months. Dostoevsky lives in Vienna and Milan. In 1869, in Dresden, a daughter, Lyubov, was born. The brightest period in life begins upon returning to St. Petersburg, when the smart and energetic Anna Grigorievna took financial affairs into her own hands. Here, in 1871, son Fedor was born. From 1873, Dostoevsky became the editor of Grazhdanin with a salary of 250 rubles per month, in addition to the fee for articles, but in 1874 he left Grazhdanin. 1877 - Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In recent years, the writer suffered from emphysema. On the night of January 25-26 (old style) 1881, the pulmonary artery ruptured, and was followed by an attack of his usual illness - epilepsy. Dostoevsky died on February 9 (according to the old style - January 28) 1881 at 8:38 pm. The writer’s funeral, which took place on January 31 (according to other sources, February 2 according to the old style) was a real event for St. Petersburg: in funeral procession 72 deputations took part, and 67 wreaths were brought to the Church of the Holy Spirit in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. He was buried in the Necropolis of Masters of Arts of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The monument was erected in 1883 (sculptor N. A. Lavretsky, architect Kh. K. Vasiliev).

Among the works are stories and novels: “Poor People” (1846, novel), “Double” (1846, story), “Prokharchin” (1846, story), “Weak Heart” (1848, story), “Someone else’s Wife” ( 1848, story), "Novel in 9 letters" (1847, story), "Mistress" (1847, story), " Jealous husband" (1848, story), "Honest Thief", (1848, story published under the title "Stories of an Experienced Man"), "Christmas Tree and Wedding" (1848, story), "White Nights" (1848, story), "Netochka Nezvanova "(1849, story)" Uncle's dream"(1859, story), "The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" (1859, story), "Humiliated and Insulted" (1861, novel), "Notes from the House of the Dead" (1861-1862), "Winter notes about summer impressions"(1863), "Notes from the Underground" (1864), "Crime and Punishment" (1866, novel), "The Idiot" (1868, novel), "Demons" (1871 - 1872, novel), "Teenager" (1875 , novel), "The Diary of a Writer" (1877), "The Brothers Karamazov" (1879 - 1880, novel), "The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree", "The Meek One", "Dream" funny man".

In the USA, the first translation of Dostoevsky into English (“Notes from dead house") appeared in 1881 thanks to the publisher H. Holt; in 1886, a translation of the novel “Crime and Punishment” was published in the USA. The attitude towards Dostoevsky in the USA was much more restrained than, for example, towards I.S. Turgenev or L.N. Tolstoy, many prominent American writers did not understand and did not accept his work. In the USA, interest in him increased after his publication. English language 12-volume collected works (1912 - 1920), however characteristic feature statements of many American writers, which included E. Sinclair and V.V. Nabokov, the rejection remains. Dostoevsky's work was highly appreciated by Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Eugene O'Neill, Arthur Miller, Robert Penn Warren, Mario Puzo Puzo).

Information sources:

In 1821 the popular domestic writer- Fedor Dostoevsky. He spent his youth in a large noble family. His father was a rude and hot-tempered man. Everything in the house was adjusted to the father. In 1837, Dostoevsky’s mother and Alexander Pushkin, who meant a lot to young Fyodor, suddenly passed away.

After this, Fyodor Dostoevsky begins to live in St. Petersburg. There he enters engineering school. At that time it was considered one of the best educational institutions in Russia. This was also indicated by the fact that among Dostoevsky’s classmates there were many talented people who became famous in the future. During his studies, he also read numerous works, including foreign authors. He preferred reading to the noisy company of his classmates. This was one of his favorite activities. Many contemporaries were surprised at Fyodor Mikhailovich’s erudition.

In 1844, Dostoevsky begins his long career as a writer. One of his first serious creations was Poor People. This novel was positively assessed by critics and brings fame to its creator. After 5 years, something happens in the writer’s life crucial moment. He is sentenced to death, but at the last moment it is replaced with hard labor. The writer understands a lot in a new way.

Around 1860, Dostoevsky began to write a huge number of works. He published a two-volume collection of his works. Contemporaries did not appreciate Dostoevsky's works, although modern critics his work was highly appreciated.

Dostoevsky's texts literally stunned readers who had never personally experienced the horrors of hard labor.

In 1861. The Dostoevsky brothers began creating their own magazine, which was called “Time”.

Dostoevsky died in 1881 from bronchitis and tuberculosis. Gone great writer at 59 years old.

Option 2

On November 11, 1821, the great classic, writer and thinker Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born. Since childhood future writer suffered from epilepsy. There were 7 children in the family, Fedor was born second, he had 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Mother Maria Feodorovna dies of tuberculosis in 1837. After her death, her father sent his two children Fyodor and Mikhail to study at the St. Petersburg School with a military engineering profile. In 1839 the father dies.

WITH youth the future classic was interested writing skills, constantly read the works of Pushkin, Shakespeare, Lermontov, Schiller, Corneille, Gogol, Balzac, Gogol. In 1843, Fyodor Mikhailovich was so impressed by the work “Eugene Grande” by O. Balzac that he undertook its translation.

The years 1844-1845 are considered to be the beginning of the writer’s creative career. The work “Poor People” is the writer’s very first work. After the publication of the novel, the writer gained fame and popularity. Belinsky V.G. and Nekrasov N.A. highly appreciated the work of the aspiring writer.

The second work of Fyodor Mikhailovich, work on which lasted from 1845 to 1846, is the story “The Double,” which was subjected to severe criticism by many writers, as well as readers literary magazine. At the beginning of his creative career, all of the writer’s works were published only in his brother’s magazine.

The year 1849 becomes a crisis year for the writer; a court sentenced him to death for participating in a circle with a revolutionary mood. Soon the punishment was replaced by hard labor for a period of 4 years in the Omsk fortress. After the end of his punishment, the writer is sent to military service as a soldier. After the events he experienced at hard labor and during his service, the young writer’s worldview completely changed, he became more devout. While serving, the writer meets Maria Isaeva, the wife of a former official, and a romance begins between them. After the death of her husband, Maria married Fyodor Mikhailovich in 1857. Soon the young family moved to live in the city of St. Petersburg to work with his brother Mikhail in the magazines “Time” and “Epoch”.

The year 1864 becomes very tragic for the classic, his wife and brother die. After these losses, Fyodor Mikhailovich begins to play roulette and accumulates numerous debts. During this difficult period of his life, he worked on the novel “Crime and Punishment”, then on the novel “The Player”, for which he hired stenographer Anna Sinitkina, who soon became his wife.

The second wife Anna was 25 years younger than her husband. After the wedding, he entrusted her with all his financial affairs. In their marriage they had 4 children. In 1869, the writer finished working on the novel “The Idiot”; in one of Prince Myshkin’s monologues, previously experienced emotions before the death penalty are displayed. The period from 1871 to 1881 is considered the most fruitful for the writer’s work, he wrote the following works: “Demons”, “A Writer’s Diary”, “Bobok”, “Teenager”, “The Dream of a Funny Man”, “The Collapse of Baimakov’s Office”, “The Brothers Karamazov” and other.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is a great writer, classic of literature, philosopher, innovator, thinker, publicist, translator, representative of personalism and romanticism.

Born on October 30, 1821 in Moscow at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor of the Moscow Orphanage. Father is a writer, mother Maria Nechaeva is the daughter of a merchant. We lived in the specified hospital.

The family had a patriarchal life, everything was according to the will and order of the father. The boy was raised by his nanny Alena Frolova, whom he loved and mentioned in the novel “Demons.”

The writer was taught literature by his parents from childhood. By the age of 10 he knew history, and by the age of 4 he was already reading. Father put a lot of effort into Fedor's education.

1834 entered one of the best educational institutions in Moscow. At the age of 16 he moved to St. Petersburg to enter the Main Engineering School. During this period I decided to become a writer.

1843 becomes a second lieutenant engineer, but soon resigns and goes into literature.

During his studies (1840-1842), he began his dramas “Maria Steward” and “Boris Godunov”; in 1844 he finished the drama “Jew Yankel” and at the same time translated foreign novels and wrote “Poor People”. Thanks to his works, Dostoevsky becomes famous and enters the circle of other popular writers.

Delves into different genres: humorous “Novel in 9 Letters”, essay “Petersburg Chronicles”, tragedies “Someone else’s Wife” and “Jealous Husband”, Christmas poem “Christmas Trees and Wedding”, stories “Mistress”, “Weak Heart” and many others.

On November 13, 1849, he was sentenced to death for supporting Belinsky’s literature, after which he was exchanged for 4 years and military service, while he survived a mock execution. While in hard labor he continued to create his masterpieces in secret.

1854 sent to the service, where he met Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva and got married in 1957. In the same year he was pardoned.

The marriage with Isaeva lasted 7 years, there were no children. With his second wife Anna Grigorievna, 4 children were born.

01/28/1881 died of pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis. Buried in St. Petersburg.

Biography of Dostoevsky by dates and interesting facts

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born in 1821 in Moscow. In the family of a doctor at a clinic for the poor, Mikhail Andreevich, who later received the title of nobleman. Mom's name was Maria Fedorovna. They had six children. At the age of 16, Fedor and his older brother entered a preparatory boarding house in St. Petersburg.

At the end of 1843, he served as a sub-lieutenant in the engineering team, and a year later he resigned and devoted his time entirely to literature.

The first novel to be written was “Poor People,” which was published in 1845 and was a significant success.

Afterwards, Dostoevsky participated in an underground printing house. He was arrested in 1849 and all his archives were destroyed. Dostoevsky expected execution, but Nicholas I replaced the punishment with 4 years of hard labor.

In 1857, Fedor married the widow Isaeva.

He released comedy stories: “Uncle’s Dream” and “The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Residents.”

1863, dramatic novels “The Player” and “The Idiot” were published.

In 1864 his wife died.

In 1866 he worked on love story“Crime and Punishment” and Dostoevsky’s second wedding.

IN last years life, he was elected member of correspondence of the Academy of Sciences.

In 1878, Dostoevsky's beloved son died.

The latest work is “The Brothers Karamazov”.

The famous writer died in early 1881.

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts. The most important.

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In October 1821, a second child was born into the family of nobleman Mikhail Dostoevsky, who worked in a hospital for the poor. The boy was named Fedor. This is how the future great writer, author was born immortal works"Idiot", "The Brothers Karamazov", "Crime and Punishment".

They say that Fyodor Dostoevsky’s father was distinguished by a very hot-tempered character, which to some extent was passed on to the future writer. The children’s nanny, Alena Frolovna, skillfully extinguished their emotional nature. Otherwise, the children were forced to grow up in an atmosphere of total fear and obedience, which, however, also had some impact on the future of the writer.

Studying in St. Petersburg and the beginning of a creative path

1837 turned out to be a difficult year for the Dostoevsky family. Mom passes away. The father, who has seven children left in his care, decides to send his eldest sons to a boarding school in St. Petersburg. So Fedor, together with his older brother, ends up in the northern capital. Here he goes to study at a military engineering school. A year before graduation, he begins translating. And in 1843 he published his own translation of Balzac’s work “Eugenie Grande”.

Own creative path The writer begins with the story “Poor People”. Tragedy described little man found worthy praise from the critic Belinsky and the already popular poet Nekrasov at that time. Dostoevsky enters the circle of writers and meets Turgenev.

Over the next three years, Fyodor Dostoevsky published the works “The Double,” “The Mistress,” “White Nights,” and “Netochka Nezvanova.” In all of them he made an attempt to get inside human soul, describing in detail the subtleties of the characters’ character. But these works were received very coolly by critics. Nekrasov and Turgenev, both revered by Dostoevsky, did not accept the innovation. This forced the writer to move away from his friends.

In exile

In 1849, the writer was sentenced to death. This was connected with the “Petrashevsky case”, for which sufficient evidence was collected. The writer prepared for the worst, but just before his execution his sentence was changed. At the last moment, the condemned are read a decree according to which they must go to hard labor. All the time that Dostoevsky spent awaiting execution, he tried to portray all his emotions and experiences in the image of the hero of the novel “The Idiot,” Prince Myshkin.

The writer spent four years in hard labor. Then he was pardoned for good behavior and sent to serve in the military battalion of Semipalatinsk. Immediately he found his destiny: in 1857 he married the widow of the official Isaev. It should be noted that during the same period, Fyodor Dostoevsky turned to religion, deeply idealizing the image of Christ.

In 1859, the writer moved to Tver, and then to St. Petersburg. Ten years of wandering through penal servitude and military service made him very sensitive to human suffering. The writer experienced a real revolution in his worldview.

European period

The beginning of the 60s was marked by stormy events in the writer’s personal life: he fell in love with Appolinaria Suslova, who fled abroad with someone else. Fyodor Dostoevsky followed his beloved to Europe and traveled with her for two months different countries. At the same time, he became addicted to playing roulette.

The year 1865 was marked by the writing of Crime and Punishment. After its publication, fame came to the writer. At the same time, appears in his life new love. She was the young stenographer Anna Snitkina, who became his faithful friend until her death. With her, he fled from Russia, hiding from large debts. Already in Europe he wrote the novel “The Idiot”.