Spelling of prefixes. Collection of exercises "spelling prefixes" Exercise on the topic of spelling prefixes

Exercise 1 . Rewrite by inserting the missing letters; designate the prefixes.

P...to sow rye, to...abandon the enemy, to...build a house, to...glue a map, to...experience troubles, to...pass exams, a difficult stop...to ...to confirm the decision, to...give instructions, to...work carefully, to...submit documents, to...take notes on the article,...to keep the promise, from. ..send correspondence, select...pictures, go...to...everywhere, new employee, my great...grandfather.

Exercise 2 . Indicate prefixes for adjectives and emphasize similar prepositions for nouns; explain the spelling.

1) I noticed a letter in the slightly open box. We sleep with the window open. 2) This time we did without an explanatory dictionary. I have never met such a clueless person. 3) You weren’t allowed into the carriage without a boarding pass. Made a non-stop flight. 4) There is no roadside dust here. He works as a worker at a road workshop. 5) The scenery was changed with the curtain raised. I was in high spirits.

Exercise 3 . Make sentences with words.

Vapid - without content, without strong - powerless, without protective - defenseless, without useful - useless, without character - characterless.

Exercise 4 . Replace nouns with prepositions with adjectives with prefixes.

Speech without communication, a passenger without a ticket, a singer without a voice, work without control, vacation without a deadline, life without light, work without a shift, space without air, a peasant without land, winter without snow.

Exercise 5 . Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. Select the console With-.

...a collection of songs, ...a condensed presentation, an ancient...giving, ...to lend, ...to burn the rubble, ...to thicken the paint, ...to save energy, ...to iron out contradictions, . ..perish forever, ...cheap climate, ...good thoughts, proclaim...dravitsa, a ticket to...dravitsa, ...good payment.

Exercise 6 . Form and write words with the given prefixes. Select the prefix.

Without- or demon-(urgent, controversial, tasty, integral, verbal, useful, sleepy, responsible, valuable);

once- or dis-(form, spend, call, burn, ask, count, melt, draw);

WHO- or re-(click, hold, call, produce, create, reward);

from- or is-(draw, try, spend, follow, give, know).

Exercise 7 . Insert the missing letters in the prefixes and distribute the words into three groups: 1) with prefixes that do not change in the letter; 2) with prefixes ending in -z, -With; 3) with attachment With-.

Confirmed facts, without a trace and...disappearing, ...keeping your word, accurate calculation, strange occurrence, Ministry of Education, obvious pre... respect, short inter...peace, trusted person, put...at risk, p...send an application, ...park the car, get too...too...excited, .. .make a statement, be...reasonably offended,...protect the population, conduct an investigation, and...donor activities, and...an election campaign, calculate...income, emergency incident, investigate the causes of the accident, ...concise presentation, ...thicken the colors, ...sewn dress.

Exercise 8 . Make up phrases or sentences with these words.

Painting, dissolution, draw, search, pouring (special), pouring, receipt, schedule, dissolve, draw, find, pour.

Exercise 9 . Insert the missing letters.

Inactivity, mis...information, well...known, post...impressionist, look...up, previous, over...refined, sport.. .gra, since...long ago, since...zmala, financial...inspector, without...initiative, ob...edged, disinfection...infection, sports...equipment.

Exercise 10 . Add a prefix to these verbs ending in a consonant. Write down phrases with these verbs.

Look for the criminal, play chess, look for the key, summarize the result.

Exercise 11 . To these adjectives, add a prefix ending in a consonant, which would change the meaning of the word to the opposite. Write down word combinations with the resulting words.

Famous sculptor, interesting work, proactive employee, skillful game, ideological position, final report.

All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence “Educational cards”

Russian language card

"Spelling of prefixes"

Prepared by: Tsybanova I.V.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU - Chemernovskaya secondary school.


Explanatory note

Discipline: Russian language


Subject:"Spelling of prefixes"

Class: 9-11 grades

Age of intended audience: 15-17 years

Knowledge and skills required for the job:

knowledge of the concepts of “changeable” and “immutable” prefixes;

ability to work with tables;

the ability to determine the meaning of words (word-forming prefixes);

the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, voiced consonant sounds from voiceless consonants;

the ability to select words with the same root to determine the morphemic composition of words.

Expected results:

ability to write correctly:

unchangeable prefixes;

variable prefixes to -З, -С;

variable prefixes RAZ - / RAS-, ROZ - / ROS -;

prefixes PRE-, PRI-;

Instructions for completing the card

Rules for working with the card

1. The card consists of 3 sections: “Need to know”, “Training exercises”, “Self-control. Control test."

You are given 45 minutes to complete the training work in the Russian language.

Write down your answers to each question in the space provided. If you want to

change the answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks,

grammar reference books, spelling dictionaries.

time, skip a task that cannot be completed immediately, and move on

to the next. If after completing all the work you still have time, you can

return to missed tasks.

Options for working with the card

Depending on the student’s level of preparation, work with the first section is organized.

If the student has a solid knowledge base on the topic of the card, then he can skip the assignment of this rubric and begin doing the training exercises (otherwise, the student should work through the reference material in the “Need to Know” rubric). If difficulties arise while completing the assignments, the student can refer to the first section. After finishing work with the second section, you can begin to complete the control part of the card.

The amount of time allotted to complete the card is 45 minutes.

We wish you success!

Card "Spelling of prefixes"

1. Study the “Need to Know” section


Immutable prefixes

Changeable prefixes to -Z,


Variable prefixes RAZ - / RAS-,

ROZ - / ROS -

They are always written the same way, regardless of the sound.

Before voiced ones

consonants, vowels - Z,

before voiceless consonants - C

Spelling depends on stress

O-: pollinate


The foreign language prefix A- is equivalent in meaning to the prefix NOT-: A moral = Not moral



VZ- (VS-)

IZ- (IS-)






Carefree - unscrupulous;

destroy - become generous;

1. Under stress it is written A, without stress - O: razvalni - fall apart, painting - paint


roses yskOy (from the word “wanted”)

BEFORE-: swim

UNDER-: overlook

PO-: cover

PRO-: bite through


the prefix PRA- is written if the word has the meaning:

1) “primordial, original, ancient” great language,

2) “degree of relationship”: great grandmother,

3) “relating to ancestors”: great mother.

Remember the words!




U-: cover

Foreign language prefixes DEZ-, DEZ- written before vowels and before Kommersant: des infection, diz conjunction

PRA-: great-grandfather

YOU - : wash

PRE-: preset

OVER-: swim across

The foreign language prefix DIS- is written before consonants: dis balance, dis function

NA-: play

PRO-: pick up

NAI-: best

OT- (OTO-): fight off, move away

OB-(OBO-): grab, go around

V- (VO-): drive in, enter

S - (SO-): go, get off

OVER-(NADO-): break, tear

UNDER- (UNDER-): trim, approach

For your information!

Deafened in front of the deaf:


Voiced before voiced ones: S-, OT-

Sometimes the prefix C- comes after the prefix NOT-: not With talkative

In words HELLO, HERE, BUILDING, HEALTH, HERE, NO OIL visible letter Z not a prefix

Spelling of prefixes depending on their meaning



1) spatial proximity, adjacency: coastal

2) addition, approximation, accession: draw, glue, fly in

3) incomplete action: sit down, open slightly

4) bringing an action to the end, to a certain result: find, accustom, finish off

5) performing an action in one’s own interests, enhanced manifestation of the action: dress up, take a closer look

6) accompanying action: chorus, whistle

1) the highest degree of action, quality that exceeds any measure (= VERY, EXTREMELY): very cheerful (= very cheerful)

2) PRE-=PERE: barrier (= block)

For your information!

Sometimes the similarity of the prefixes PRE- and PERE- can be explained by synonymous words:



give meaning

close the door

bend the branch to the ground

get down to business

arrive somewhere

receiver (device)

coming (who comes)

to look after (give shelter)

chapel of the temple

get used to it (get used to it)

gatekeeper (watchman, guard)

betray a friend

make your dream come true

bow before someone

break the law

to stay (to be somewhere)

successor (follower)

transient (temporary)

despise (disrespect)

limit of desires

suffer hardships

perverse (changing)


Private, privatization, picky, fastidious, adherent, ghost, privilege, handsome, picky, decency, prima donna, primitive, priority, oath, regret, deplorable, claim, whimsical, impartial, reason, unvarnished, increase, dislike, time, joke , present, diligent, pleasant, suitable.

Preamble, present, president, presidium, advantage, rebuke, prelude, premiere, neglect, disdain, drug, altercation, obstacle, prerogative, notorious, grovel, prestige, throne, contender, claim, precedent.

2. Do training exercises

Exercise 1. Insert spellings and explain (graphically) the spelling of prefixes.

Priceless, unceremonious, inhumane, formless, finite, numberless, tasteless, senseless, illiterate, purposeless, giftless, restless, noisy, senseless, painful.

To_fly, to_frantic, to_sleep, to_anxious. To_give birth, to_act, to_come, to_call, world_view, beloved, to_soar, to_obstruct.

And_expulsion, and_fulfillment, and_run, and_frightened, and_waste, and_scoop, and_fry, and_scratch, and_hold, and_long, and_under the brows. Ra_sold, re_doubled, ra_combed, ra_generous, ra_beg, ra_spread, ra_lok, ra_read, ra_porol, ra_draws, ra_twists, ra_beg, ra_valni, ra_spis. Excessively, excessively.

Dacha, _giving, _deal, _here, _run, _give, _forage, _throw, _health, _hold on, _move, _hot, _dravnitsa, _beat, _perish, not visible, _tug, _burn.

rush, pr_decorate, endure, pass, pro_lunar, pr_unpleasant, overcome, pr_kind, pr_jump, pr_cut, fitful, pr_funny, pr_glue, pr_funny, knit, drag, pr_hail, pr_crawl, to be, to be like a dove, to be (in captivity), to be superior, to be bad, pr_station, pr_land, pr_powder, pr_school, criminal, pr_sidium, view, pr_close, advantage, stay (at the station), pr_privilege, view (beggars).

Task 2. Complete test tasks

1. From sentences 7-11, write down the word in which the spelling consoles is determined by its meaning - “approximation”.

7) She no longer thinks about herself, she thinks about how to soften the undeserved offense in order to ease the blow. (8) She remembers how difficult it was for Khokholok to buy a bicycle and with what triumph he rode it for the first time. (9) “Now I will take you for a ride every Sunday!” - he said then. (10) And since then, already the second summer, every Sunday he was sure to rush her somewhere.

(11) Just the memory of this unbearably tormented Dinka; she saw familiar eyes in front of her and knew well: these smart eyes read in her soul...

2. From sentences 25-29, write down the word in which the spelling consoles depends on the deafness - the sonority of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix.

25) The founding of the village belongs, of course, to ancient history, but I was not able to find any antiquities.

(26) Unfortunately, nothing came of it with the average story. (27) Grandfather Savva, whom I pestered with questions, waved it off:

- (28) What a damn story our village has! (29) They lived in poverty in this thicket - that’s the whole story.

Answer: ___________________________

3. From sentences 45-51, write down the word in which the spelling consoles is determined by its meaning - “incompleteness of action”.

45)Verochka understands his condition. (46) And she doesn’t like that Gosha talks down to her. (47) Verochka’s face becomes thoughtful. (48) She tilts her head to the side and squints. (49) Before, three years ago, with such an expression, Verochka rushed to fight (and fought worse than the boys). (50) Now she doesn’t fight. (51) There are other ways.

Answer: ___________________________

3. Self-control. Control test

1. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write down these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr_funny, pr_stupid

un_honest, un_literate

wrong, ra_chet

merciless, merciless

follow, sew

Answer: ___________________________

2. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write down these words by inserting the missing letter.

to shame, continuously

and_roaming, snow_walking

packaged, washed

fastidious, right

and_far, taciturn

Answer: ___________________________

3. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write down these words by inserting the missing letter.

and_distort, lifeless

pr_wise, pr_educate

coastal, short

walking, reckless

reprimand, walk...

Answer: ___________________________

4. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write down these words by inserting the missing letter.

ra...wakened, be...boundary

not...felt, slacker

pr...buy, pr...red

to...mature, n...write

pr...abort, pr_wonderful

Answer: ___________________________

written with the letter z before vowels and before voiced consonants (b, v, g, d, zh, z, l, m, n, r) and with the letter s before voiceless consonants (k, p, s, t, f, x , c, h, w, sh). For example: voiceless - classless, excitement - memory, run up - turn up, expel - spoil, bring down - descend, distribute - waste, excessive - saddler.
  1. In the prefix raz- (ras-) - roz- (ros-) you write without emphasis;; a, under the accent - o. For example: distribute - distributed.
  2. The prefix s- is written both before voiceless and voiced consonants. For example: hide - run away, push - do.
Exercise 158. Fill in the missing letters.
Without...voice, without...baked, without...tasty, without...paid, without...selfish, without...merciful, without...road, without...ceremonious, without. ..characteristic, serene...rebellious, be...moral, be...intelligent, sinless, be...vital, be...numberless, be...noisy, resigned, be...ultimate, white...leafy.
Exercise 159. Form words with the following prefixes:
cart war- (obstruct, glorify, give, demand, be proud, praise, become, burn);
from is- (live, chill, dry, wither, pour, scratch,
times dis- (think, call, prick, flog, ask, bloom,
scratch, move).
Exercise 160. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.
1. Just as this lamp pales before the clear entrance of the dawn, so false wisdom flickers and smolders before the immortal sun of the mind (P.). 2. In a crowded street, you can hear two or three people talking to each other a mile away (Gonch.). 3. Spring has come, everything has become green, blossomed, blossomed (Ax.). 4. The pre-dawn wind blew, and the crimson sun floated quietly in... (T.). 5. ...Ilyusha’s pursed lips did not move, ...the raised eyebrows did not ... move (T.). 6. The ferret didn’t tell everything, he himself asked me about a lot (T.). 7. I mercilessly drove the exhausted horse (L.). 8. Looking at the stars, Hadji Murat read that it was already past midnight (L. T.). 9. No...- no endless reeds stretched all the way to the mountains (L.T.). 10. In a dream, even a strong person seems un...protected and un...helpful (M. G.). I. The flame wavered, trembled, as if silently talking about something (M. G.). 12. Occasionally the sun’s rays fell into the clearing, and a summer-like blue patch of sky puffed in (Shol.). 13. On good terms...the cook was friends with the dark-skinned pitcher (I.O.).
  1. The sensible and serious sailor patiently listened to all the stories about life (N.O.). 15. Alexey’s hand ran over whatman paper, drawing a long outline with a pencil (Already).
Reference. The difference in spellings calculation - calculate is due to the rule: before - even one s is written (except for the word uncountable), before - chit two s.
Exercise 161. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters; put emphasis.
R...play, r...play, r...write-off, r...write-off, r...lower, r...descent, r...collapse, r...collapse, r. ..search, r...search, r...tell, r...tale, r...list, r...list, r...sprinkle, r...sprinkle.
Exercise 162. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters; Highlight the roots in the words below.
No... no, NOW..., develop, ... do, ... giving, ... dacha, ... wealth, ... dear, ... bend, not visible ni...gi, so...give, ...make friends, ra...be friends, ...burn, ...health, ...reap, ra...reap, ...double, ra ...to double, ...to live.

More on topic 1. Prefixes with z- and prefix with-:

  1. § 36. Prefixes and their role in the formation of perfective forms according to the teachings of A.A. Shakhmatov
  2. § 41. Perfective prefixes with real time and quantitative values
  3. § 36. Prefixes and their role in the formation of perfect forms according to the teachings of A. A. Shakhmatov

Exercise 39.

Arch..quickly, arch..rogue, on..higher, on..slope, r..search, r..seek, pr..fatherly, pr..incident, pr..furrow, r..run, c..thank, b..alcoholic, d..Petrine era (era), g..glorify, pr..American, ultra..sound, p..dry, pr..mother, pr..utterance, pr..image, light..per..perceptible, with..sound, k..ingenious, with..resistance, first..to..weapon, sup..arbiter, r..weapon.

Exercise 40. Fill in the missing vowels And or e. Pay attention to the meaning of the words. Distribute the words into columns depending on the meaning of the prefix.

Pr..Amursky, pr..dance, pr..boutka, pr..vadit, pr..fastidious, pr..kick out, pr..advancement, pr..rushnik, pr..match, pr..stoyny, pr..passion, pr..slay, pr..tit, pr..madonna, pr..mat, pr..mitivny, pr..vatny, pr..vat-docent, pr..vatization, pr.. privilege, pr..priority, pr..sit, pr..lie down, pr..added, pr..close, pr..breezy, pr..lie, pr..frozen, pr..dress up, pr.. lower, pr..higher, pr..wise, pr..huge, pr..tear, pr..succeed, pr..burn, pr..drive, pr..cart, pr..feed, pr.. roll, pr..speak, pr..entrusted, pr..present, pr..follow, pr..calm, pr..Volzhsky, pr..lake, pr..aim, pr..enough, pr.. scoundrel, pr..tale, pr..powdered, pr..stand, pr..touch, pr..opened, pr..turn, pr..sin, pr..giver, pr..chairman, pr.. property, pr..red, do not fail to answer, pr..underworld, pr..speak, pr..cut, pr..flatter, pr..depict, pr..obstruction, pr..notorious, pr ..close, pr..table, pr..tit, pr..sidium, pr..sident, pr..mier, pr..miera, pr..ludia, pr..valiate, pr..ventive, pr ..zentation, pr..zentabelny, pr..presumption of innocence, pr..list, pr..lat, pr..parat, pr..rogative, pr..stige, pr..tendent, pr..tension, pr..fect, pr..cedent, pr..puffy, pr..couple, pr..quiet, pr..break, pr..bring, pr..serve, pr..strange, pr..torn, pr..follow, pr..feast, pr..settlement, pr..given (lesson), pr..bring, pr..bow your head to the pillow, pr..wonderful, pr..borderline, pr..step to the point, pr..incoming circumstances, pr..knead, pr..bend, pr..hunt, pr..stomp, pr..great, pr..teach, pr..teach, pr..search.

Exercise 41. Fill in the missing vowels And or e. Pay attention to the meaning of the words.

Don’t give any importance, give a friend, give in to fruitless dreams, an old tradition, a bride’s pledge, a church tradition, a dream, a great speed , unlimited possibilities, shelter for sick dogs, M.Yu. Lermontov - successor A.S. Pushkin, hospitable host, continuity, direct understanding, old pr..gatekeeper, pr..being of a train, being in a city, pr..creating a door, pr..creating a dream in life, pr..creator, pr..creative fun, pr..pushing the door with a stick, pr..pushing with my father, I will not tolerate any pr..piracy, pr..pushing against the wall, pr..seeing and warming the wretched, treat with s..sight, house of s..sight, s..sighted smile, look at dangers, pass..be on time, pass..nanny, pass..incoming circumstances, pass..passing difficulties, etc. ..passing joys, passing circumstances, pr..go to work, pr..step the law, crime, impregnable fortress, criminal..criminal, pr..make efforts, un..false truth, apply to the hand of the priest, an unimpeachable law, slightly pr..reduce his merits, clearly pr..reduce the significance of the discovery, pr..put a ladder to the fence, holy pr..is placed, light..position , indispensable rules, indispensable condition, to look for a place..shelter, constant troubles, advanced age, inflexible character, pr..bow to the pillow, pr..bow before the poet , pr..bow the knees, pr..tolerate inconveniences, pr..endure many sorrows, pr..'s views have undergone changes, pr..be filled with respect, an irresistible desire, pr..humble, pr..meek, pr..giver, stumbling stone.

Exercise 42. Fill in the missing consonants d or T. Highlight prefixes in words.

O..strain, on..plant, o..load, o..hook, on..fasten, o..squeeze, o..dry, o..pulling, o..give, on..connect, pre..sent, pre..acceptance, o..deal, o..rattle, by..tale, pre..starting, to..watch, pre..festive, to..jump, to..sew.

Exercise 43. Fill in the missing consonants h or With. Highlight prefixes in words.

And..burn, and..wither, neither..overthrow, nor..sent, nor..coming, splitting, and..burning, near..sitting, descending..walking, extreme..extraordinary, too..too much, ..giving, be..guilty, be..time, be..interruptible, ni..gi, ..agree, pass..transfer, and..pinch, nor..verification, both. .rest, incident..progress, incident..flowing, through..stripe, and..black-blue, not..dobrovat, through..saddler, ..beaten, excessive..dravnitsa,.. balanced, ..approximation, ..liquefied, breathless, ..hot, ..load, un..planned, un..written, un..intelligent, in..news, in..scold, .. happen, in..flame, in..burned, in..awakening, ..abandoned, ..to complain, be..interruptible, be..culture, be..silent, be..fertility, ..behind, . .to be friends, ..to blow, ..to give, ..thickened, without..class, without..compromise, and..led, and..to stroke, and..to inform, and..to cripple, and..to cave, and..mennik, and..from time to time (centuries), and..Poland, ra..sprinkle, ra..branched, ra..graph, ra..form, ra..color, ra..quarter, ra. .praise, ra..piska, ra..price, ra..reap, ra..comb, flaming..scorched, be..jawless, be..taste, and..chese, and..subtish, and. .under the brows, and..wheeling, entering..entry.

Exercise 44. Insert double consonants where necessary. Highlight roots and prefixes in words.

Without..vulno, ob..lavit, served..given (Russia), served..given (salad for dinner), pre..thesis, (plywood) cooled..cooled, new..edition, from..organize , through..weekend, remove..stain, spread..ask, light..dispersal, throw..get (from the train), pour..dump (grain from three cans into one), s..fish (criminal ), with..fish (for money to a friend), with..cut dry tree branches, with..cut (with rods), quarrel..quarrel, quarrel, with..uda, without..landless, without.. named, dumb..unbalanced, re..united, rebellion..rising, proclamation, glorify, rise..rise, rise..recite, declassified, ras..olnik, ras.. read, calculated..calculated, ras..handsome, ras..adoriat, ras..display, sort..sort, ras..fall apart, ras..praise, ros..painting, ros..executions, ros.. ypi, calculated..calculated, un..even, about..upholstery (for chairs), to un..chew, (folk) crafts..trees, to support..hold (a bill), to un..to eat (mouth), change (friend), kept (things), falsify (passport).

Exercise 45. Fill in the missing letters where necessary.

1. The emptiness spread wide around me, resting in silent contemplation (Vs. Ivanov). 2. The commission is strict. He rejects evenly (Avdeev). 3. In the first days of August, his re..exams and final exams began (Chekhov). 4. I pretended to be asleep, but in fact I fell asleep when my mother fell asleep (Azhaev). 5. The entire past has been given over to oblivion (Chekhov). 6. In German literature there were no successors not only to Goethe, but even to Hoffmann (Chernyshevsky). 7. Listen to our fairy tales, dear knight (Blok). 8. Olga Pavlovna almost fainted, but fear gave her strength (Garshin). 9. Autumn severely disfigured the weedy clay soil, transforming it into a red resin that tenaciously grabs the legs (M. Gorky). 10. This woman looked at not only me, but also my mother and all the cutters, whom she considered creatures of a lower breed, unworthy even to come close to her porch (Gladkov). 11. Calculations of the most complex objects and structures. Tone...the finest, crystal work (Lugovskoy). 12. The sparrow..and opened their beaks widely and silently (Helemsky). 13. They stepped aside before him, and they stopped beating me (M. Gorky). 14. The hospitable hosts rose from the table (Efremov). 15. And this king did not demand from his followers either admiration or excessive...respect for himself (V. Goncharov). 16. Skvortsov dispersed and in the most merciless manner he ... punished the petitioner (Chekhov). 17. Endless..wars in..raised Napoleon; they overthrew him (Chernyshevsky). 18. His eyebrows...moved, wrinkles appeared on his forehead (A.N. Tolstoy). 19. He can’t move, he can’t shake hands (Turgenev). 20. Everything was scattered and in disarray, especially the children’s whites (Dostoevsky). 21. In the deepest darkness of the city, countless stars shone (Efremov). 22. The translator’s frantic voice continued to sound (Efremov). 23. He ra..st..bent the plan..sheet, took out a map, looked..looked for something to ra..st..lit it on (Chakovsky). 24. The field voltage became twice as high as calculated (Efremov). 25. I passionately..but wanted to talk..with her, to..ask her (Garshin). 26. Both ends of the street were fenced off...with moving carts (A.N. Tolstoy). 27. The nanny threw an angry, oppressive look at me and muttered something with her toothless, muttering mouth (Korolenko). 28. It is you, no person, who may be drinking, not me! (Dostoevsky) 29. She peered with concern into the fearful face of the mechanic (Rybakov). 30. The dead people screamed in the dim dawn (A.N. Tolstoy). 31. He is the keeper of university avenues. .danii (Chekhov). 32. D..cell..k pr..created the door (A.N. Tolstoy). 33. My entire two-hour stay in the vacant lot turned into real torture (Kataev). 34. At the walls of Leningrad, the military division multiplied its glory and became a guard (Chakovsky). 35. There is more brilliance in this, but it was passing.. (Block). 36. Belinsky’s modesty was unnatural and pure.. heart..on (Turgenev). 37. And then... I became humble and did not listen to him (Chekhov). 38. Countless lights..sparkled in the field where the troops were settled. 39. And no calculation, and no pity restrained the lonely hands (Isakovsky). 40. Ra..the judgments of this kid..amused her (Rybakov). 41. He didn’t accept gifts because he had nothing to give (Goncharov). 42. A man in a red shirt, standing in a boat, was pushing with his long sh.. from the shore (Gladkov). 43. I lay near the open doors of my father’s office (Sats). 44. And I won’t forget to remember again my first village town (Tvardovsky). 45. Let the spirit become younger from obstacles (Shefner). 46. ​​A car..bille (Avdeenko) drove into the stone gates of the receptionist's company. 47. From being in the water for a long time, Dymov and Kiryukha became purple (Chekhov). 48. Protection from dr..decay in advanced years - extra..extra..measured work (Kochetov). 49. Having heard them, the frisky couple humbled the birds, the dragonflies sat on the tr..s..nik, the flowers bowed down (A.N. Tolstoy). 50. But the artists overcame the cheerful mood in the hall (A.N. Tolstoy). 51. The sentry blocked his way (Sholokhov). 52. He willingly gave us the notorious as..sign and also willingly and even hurriedly, trying not to make it difficult for anyone, left the carriage (Paustovsky). 53. Suddenly, one fine day, the Baroness became convinced that life, in essence, is a very bad thing.. (Turgenev). 54. He does not want to use the rights of his foreign nationality (Leskov). 55. All living things lay down, huddled, hid, every point, every hole became a shield (A.N. Tolstoy). 56. Martha, looking at her, chuckled quietly (Goncharov).

Spelling of prefixes
I. Insert the missing letters.
Z..run, in..inspire, p..drive, o..dacha, on..pull, r..count, n..watch, plantain, approach, chop..tear, n..chop, p ..chop, n...tear, over..tear, vestibule, oh..decrepit. and..give. z..getting, weapons, charging. ..pushing, pr..dealing, pr..winding, o...dealing, p..hurry, pr..running, pr..grandmother, pr..watching, pr...desire, pr..wake , pr..driver, pr..misdemeanor, p..quarrel, in..gathering.
II.Fill in the missing letters.
Pr..wet, pr..grandson, pr..roll, pr..homeland, pr..pr..granddaughter, pr..squeak, pr..spirit, pr.tour, pr..ride, pr.. eat (in the wall), pr..father's, pr..greens, pr..iski, pr..kol, pr..years, pr..log, pr..history, pr..image, pr..mother , pr..riv, pr..Slavic, pr..current, ancestor, pr..language.
Sh. Rewrite the words, inserting the missing letters. Place emphasis. Determine the dependence of the vowel spelling on the stress.
Tell, r..tell, r..play, r..play, r.dump, r..dump, r..pour, r..pour, r..write off, r..write, r..let down, r..descent, r..search, r..search. R. anger, p..spread, p..search.
IV. Insert the missing letters.
1. Ra..do, disturb, ..do, and.give, and. keep, and..giving, careless, neither... overthrow, nor..fall, ra..reap, ..reap, indulgent, ...sew, ra.sew, too..too much extremely
2. Not.sensual, not..tasty. careless, lifeless, verbal, angry, and drunk, and quiet, carelessly, unceremoniously, priceless, crowded, shapeless, ra ..to cover, infinitely, to..do, to..reward, to..cry, and..torture, and.beat, and.know, and. .draw, and..try, world.vision.
V. Choose the correct spelling
Be(s,ss)mental; ra(s,ss)chet; Ra(s, ss) to Ra(s, ss)vet; ra (s, ss) reading is not (s, ss) useful; be (s, ss) final ra (s, ss) requests; to (s, ss) establish a (s, ss) investigation; be(s,ss)terrible in(s,ss)those; not(s,ss)researched and(s,ss)precise; pre-(s, ss) vegetative stars; be(s,ss)causal, bezra(s,ss)udny (s,ss)ora; ra(s,ss)clear ra(s,ss)treasure; ra(s,ss)elin mountains; be (s, ss) merciful ra (s, se) rights; ra(s, ss) read ra(s, ss) standing; un(s, ss) mentally wasted (s, ss) time; ra (s, ss) clean the place of ra (s, ss) digging; be(s,ss)even.
VI. Insert the missing letters.
Pro..follow the enemy, pr..break the conversation, pr..move a chair, pr..open the window, pr..increase the speed, pr..station square, pr..go to work, pr..overcome the pr.. obstacle, etc. unpleasant news, etc. to block the road, etc.. sew a button, etc.. sleep peacefully, pr.. broken rays, pr.. Amur region, pr.. get up from the chair, pr.. turn into ice, heart connection, pr..empowerment, pr..water belt, pr..important appearance, pr..sea climate, pr..join the movement, pr..to reconcile disputants, pr..vile weather, pr. ..neglect danger, pr..dressed up guest, pr..bear fruits, pr..dangerous situation, pr..buy a ticket, pr..displayed edge, pr..stop halfway, pr..current generator.
VII. Insert the missing letters.
1. Pr..rotate, (signs) pr..kicks, pr..title, pr..sidium, pr...date, pr..miera, pr..unpleasant, pr..claim, pr..crime , pr..grad, pr..introduction, pr..sea, pr..satiation, pr..put, pr..tear, pr..personal, pr..measured, pr..old.
2. Pr..to give, (power) pr..holding, pr..pass, pr..priority, pr..portivity, id..deliverable, pr.decorate, pr.jury, pr..lower, pr. possess, pr..breezy, pr.ambula, pr..cedent, pr..stige, pr..position, pr..preserve.
3. Pr..mountain, pr..succeed, pr..privilege, pr.overcome, pr..advance, pr..mier, pr..hinder, pr..red, pr..Madonna, pr..interfere , pr. notorious, pr..close, pr.funny, pr.rushnik, not pr.passed (take advantage)
VIII. Insert the missing letters.
1. Arr..stay at the station, a..stay at the residence, a..g..give strength, a..give a comrade-in-arms, a..behold a coward, a..behold an orphan, a...bow before talent, etc.. bow to the ground, advanced age, passing success, passing cleaning lady, passing the law, passing the law, passing to work, passing bride, ancient tradition.