Invented fairy tales about animals. How to come up with a short fairy tale about animals? Good fairy tales written by children How to write fairy tales at home

Do you want to be surrounded by miracles? Are you willing to create magic yourself? Then become a good storyteller! And if you don’t know how to write a fairy tale, this article was created especially for you!

Where to start a fairy tale

Come up with characters for your fairy tale: good and evil, main characters and minor ones. Think over their features, their “zest”. There are no halftones in a fairy tale: the world is divided into black and white, good and bad. And the main character should definitely evoke sympathy, even if he is a fool, like Ivan, or a lazy person, like Emelya. And anyone and anything can become a hero - there is complete scope for imagination. Remember your first fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba the Hen”, “Turnip”. The characters can be more intricate, as in modern fairy tales. You can create your own hero, unlike anyone else! Actually, it is with its definition, a certain characteristic, that the plot of a fairy tale begins. “Who, where, when lived” - you can follow this scheme.

Calm notes give way to intriguing ones: some unexpected event happens, from which bright, incredible adventures with miracles, transformations, and magical objects begin for the main character! The main part of the tale is devoted to this story. The hero completes tasks and overcomes obstacles. And his friends help him with this - magical assistants (a classic example is the Little Humpbacked Horse). But a fairy tale can also be calmer, while remaining instructive and wise. For example, in the children's fairy tale "Teremok", in fact, no adventures occur. But the fairy tale teaches us friendship, help, responsiveness, and also hard work: together we can move mountains or build a new tower. But if you want your fairy tale to be listened to with your mouth open, get ready for an intricate plot with a chase and miracles. At some point it becomes scary, and then it becomes fun. The hero may be on the verge of death, but living water will come to the rescue or a faithful assistant will be right there: a fairy-tale hero does not burn in fire and does not drown in water.

In order to correctly write a fairy tale, use stylistic devices: triple repetitions, exaggerations (hyperbole), oppositions (antithesis: “big and small”, “thick and thin”) and, of course, decorating definitions (epithets: “wise”, “beautiful” "). This creates a traditional fairy-tale atmosphere and allows you to characterize the characters.

The fairy tale is not written in the same words, in the same syllable as an ordinary essay. And that is why it is read in one breath. And it’s also easy to remember!

Stress point

In any fairy tale, sooner or later the most intense moment occurs - the climax, when good and evil directly collide or when the hero faces the most serious test. But no matter what befalls him, good invariably triumphs over evil. This is perhaps the most important fairy tale law. This is stated in the denouement: “And they began to live and live well and make good things” or “And they lived happily ever after” - traditional happy fairy tale endings. You don’t have to put an end to your fairy tale (an open ending), let everyone speculate on how it might end. Or maybe your fairy tale will have a continuation?

We hope you have decided how to write an essay - a fairy tale, and will soon be able to delight your little readers with a new story. And if you can still create illustrations and design your creation, your fairy tale will have no price! I wish you creative success and inspiration!

If you noticed, we really love to compose fairy tales, for example, we recently composed musical fairy tales about and.

I say “we” because I, as a mother, also put my efforts into this and help, correct what I come up with.

In general, it is necessary to develop this writing skill in a child, because even if he does not become a famous writer in your future, then in any case it will be useful to him in school in reading lessons, literature, history, geography and simply wherever necessary explain or tell something.

Let's try it together with you today.

In general, a fairy tale is the same story, only all the events in it are fabulous, magical. Therefore, to compose any fairy tale, you need to use certain rules and a special plan.

The first thing to do is to determine the topic, that is, what our story (fairy tale) will be about.

Secondly, be sure to formulate the main idea of ​​the future story, that is, why, for what purpose are you writing it, what it should teach listeners.

And third, directly construct the story according to the following scheme:

  1. Exposition (who, where, when, what did)
  2. The beginning of the action (how it all began)
  3. Development of action
  4. Climax (the most important moments)
  5. Decay of action
  6. Denouement (how it all ended)
  7. Ending

Do not be afraid to name such complex concepts as “exposition” and “culmination” to your preschooler. Even if he doesn’t remember them now, he will definitely learn the principle of construction and will be able to apply it in the future.

According to exactly the same rules, stories are compiled and essays are written at school, so this material can be safely used by schoolchildren.

So, let's now move directly to inventing a fairy tale.

Here is the fairy tale “The Journey of the Ball,” which Seraphim composed when he was 5 years old. And using her example, we will see how to compose a fairy tale.

To compose a fairy tale, you can expand the algorithm a little to make it easier for your child to navigate.

1. Beginning (for example, once upon a time there was rain, a flower, sunshine, etc.)

2. Commencement (one day, one day he went or decided to do it, etc.)

3. Development of action (met someone, for example)

  • passed the first test
  • passed the second test

4. Climax (the third test after which she or he turns into someone or something)

5. Decline of action (someone does something so that our hero regains his original appearance)

6. Denouement (since then or since then)

7. Ending (and they began to live as before or he did not go anywhere else, etc.)

Once upon a time there was a boy, Alyosha, who had a balloon. And one day, when Alyosha fell asleep, he decided to go for a walk.

The ball flies and flies, and a rainbow meets it.

- Why are you flying here? Where is your home? You might get lost or burst!

And the ball answers her:

“I want to see the world and show myself.”

It flies and flies, and a cloud meets it.

- How did you end up here? There are so many dangers all around!

And the ball answers:

- Do not disturb me! I want to see the world and show myself. And he flew on.

It flies and flies, and the wind meets it.

- Why are you walking here? You might burst!

But the ball again did not listen to the elders. And then the wise wind decided to teach him a lesson.

“Uh-uh-uh,” the wind blew.

The ball flew in the opposite direction with great speed and caught on a branch. And his thread untied, and he hung on the branch like a rag.

And at this very time our boy Alyosha was walking along the path. He was picking mushrooms in the forest and suddenly he saw a rag hanging on a branch. He looks and this is his balloon. The boy was very happy, took the balloon home and inflated it again.

And the ball at home told Alyosha about his adventures and never went for a walk without Alyosha again.

Such interesting tasks, for example, are given to children in her lessons by a wonderful teacher, teacher of Russian language and literature - Nadezhda Ivanovna Popova. Huge thanks to her!!!

Having learned before school to correctly compose fairy tales, stories, and retell short texts, at school you will be able to retell, write summaries and essays without any problems. Therefore, don’t be lazy and start doing this with your child before school.

Well, so that the baby can see his result clearly, as they say, you can write down your fairy tales there, which is what you and I will do tomorrow.

Already in the second grade, children in literary reading lessons receive the following assignment: come up with a fairy tale. Younger schoolchildren love to write fairy tales. But how to come up with a fairy tale, where to start?

On our website we offer you a sample of a fairy tale invented by children. Based on the children's fairy tale text, students will be able to fantasize themselves and come up with those fairy tale characters that they like and remember best.

The main thing is not to stop children from fantasizing. And you will see what your children are capable of. They can draw pictures for their fairy tales, and you will help them neatly and beautifully design their essays. Perhaps your child will not stop at one piece. All students in grades 2-4 like to write fairy tales.

Fairy tales invented by children in grades 2 - 4.

Magical forest

Once upon a time there lived a family: mom, dad and their children: Masha and Vanya. One day the guys went into the forest to pick mushrooms. They walk through the forest, and Masha asks Vanya: “Do you think a candy forest exists?” And Vanya answered her: “Maybe, but I’ve never seen him.”

The children picked mushrooms and wandered deep into the forest. The guys saw that in front of them was a fabulous candy forest. The trees are like candy, the clouds are made of cotton candy, and instead of berries there are chocolates. The children picked up a whole basket of sweets. Masha and Vanya came home and cooked mushroom soup and baked a cake from sweets. The whole family was very happy about this dinner.

The Tale of a Dandelion

Once upon a time there lived a dandelion. He was very handsome: green and slender, with a yellow cap. He was so proud of himself. But days passed after days, and the usual bright hat began to fade. And soon the dandelion became completely gray. At first he is very upset that he is not so handsome now.

And he once said to his neighbor, the maple tree: “Oh, I was so beautiful, and now I’m all gray-haired, nondescript, I’m so upset.” Dandelion, you are upset in vain, your cap is seeds, the wind will spread them across the earth and next year many dandelions will grow from them - your children.

As soon as the maple said this, the breeze blew, picked up the fluff - umbrellas from the dandelion - and they flew far, far away. The wind died down. The fluffy seeds smoothly sank to the ground. And the next spring, new, young dandelions grew from them, as beautiful as their parent.

Once upon a time there lived a parrot and his name was Kesha. One day Kesha decided to travel around the world. Flying through the jungle, he sat down on a branch to eat a kiwi.

But suddenly, a net was thrown at him. It was the robbers who caught Kesha, put him in a cage and went to bed. The parrot gnawed two twigs with its strong beak and ran away.

After escaping, he flew around the whole world, but since then he was very careful, many incredible stories happened to him, he found best friends, he was almost eaten by a cat, he fought with a crow and all this time he was looking for a home and owner.

One day he was flying past a house and saw a boy doing his homework. Kesha sat down on the windowsill and knocked on the window with his beak. The window opened a little and the boy took Kesha home. And since then the parrot has had a home and a family.

Fairy tale friendship with Bolsheukh

Once upon a time there lived a wolf cub, he helped everyone day and night. One night he was looking at the stars and heard a sound. It was someone saying something and the wolf cub heard a voice telling him:

- Hello what is your name?

“I don’t know, but what’s your name,” answered the wolf cub.

- My name is Big Ear.

The wolf cub was scared when he heard this name. Uh said:

- Do you want to come out of the darkness?

- No, be patient for now.

- I can't wait any longer, I'm going out.

Uh came out. The wolf cub closed his eyes and thought: “I wonder how big he is?” The wolf opened his eyes, looked around, saw no one and asked: “Where are you?”

The wolf cub looked down and saw a little man. The wolf cub did not understand why such a little man was called Big Ear.

“They call me that because I hear very well,” explained Big Ears.

“And what are you hearing now?” - asked Volchok.

“Oh,” cried Big Ear, “I hear a hawk trying to destroy the raven’s nest. There are little crows there."

“Let’s quickly run there,” said the Wolf Cub. “We’ll help.”

The friends ran as fast as they could to save the crows.

At a large oak tree they saw a Hawk, he was circling over the raven's house. The wolf cub was not afraid: he grabbed a handful of acorns and threw them at the big bird. She flapped her wings in surprise and flew away.

Raven thanked Big Ear and Little Wolf and wished them strong friendship for many years to come.

A tale of kindness and friendship.

Once upon a time there was a little fox, his name was Bim. One day he was invited to a birthday party in a nearby forest with his cousin Boom. Bum loved to play football, so Bim decided to give him a soccer ball.

So he walks through the forest and reaches a river. The river was so wide that it was impossible to jump over it, but only on a bridge. But the bridge, for some reason, was broken and he didn't know what to do. Luckily, at that time, his beaver friend, whose name was Dobrovich, was swimming past. And Bim says to the beaver:

- Hello, Dobrovich, help me cross the river, otherwise I’m late for my cousin’s birthday.

“Okay, Bim, I’ll think of something now,” the beaver said and swam to the shore.

He knocked down a tree, which fell over the river and turned into an excellent bridge. The little fox thanked his friend the beaver and happily ran further across the new bridge.

Soon the little fox encountered a new danger on his way. In front of him was a steep cliff that he could not get over himself. And then the little fox remembered that his friend Mikhalych the bear lived nearby. When Bim told Mikhalych that he could not get over the ravine, Mikhalych gave him a rope, with the help of which the little fox could overcome a new obstacle. The little fox took the rope, tied it to a tree and easily descended and ran on joyfully. And now the neighboring forest was already visible.

Soon Bim ran to his cousin’s house, congratulated him on his birthday and gave him a soccer ball. Boom was very happy.

Magic fairy tale “The Hare is a Braggart”

Two hares lived in the forest. One is a braggart, the other is a hard worker. One day, while walking through the forest, they met their friends, the hares. The braggart immediately began to brag: “Can you imagine, last night I saw a bear, no, even three bears. They started biting me. I knocked down one bear with my right paw, another with my left, and a third with my foot. The bears got scared of me and ran away. »

The hares shouted: “You’re all lying!” The Worker Hare said: “Don’t believe him, you know what a braggart he is.” The hares did not want to walk with him and ran away.

The braggart thought for a long time why no one wanted to be friends with him. Then the bunny heard the wolf growl. “What a plump bunny!” the wolf growled and licked his lips. The Boastful Hare did not wait long, but ran away as fast as he could. The wolf rushed after him. The braggart ran without looking back. Out of fear, he closed his eyes and fell into the hole. The wolf didn't notice him.

Only in the evening his friends the hares found him. The worker said: “Don’t brag anymore and then everyone will be friends with you.”

Wolf - fireman

In one forest there lived a wolf. One day he was walking through the forest and smelled smoke. He followed the smell and saw a fire!

The wolf grabbed a fire extinguisher and began to put out the fire. To his surprise, pies began to fall from the fire extinguisher. The wolf managed to put out the fire. And he became a real forest fireman.

Children's writer Sergei Kolovorotny will teach us how to write fairy tales.

In one of my past articles, I shared my experience as a children's writer and gave some advice that a child can have.

One of these recommendations was quite original, namely, to write a book for your child yourself. However, the most unexpected was the reaction of parents who read the material. Letters poured in to me asking me to tell me how to do this practically? What does this require? How to approach such a responsible, but very interesting and creative task? Is it possible for ordinary people - fathers and mothers, grandparents who want to surprise their children and grandchildren?

Of course, writing a children's book is not easy. This requires not only a good knowledge of child psychology, but also literary talent, imagination, and a rich imagination. It is these qualities that are inherent in a professional children's writer, a person who loves children and treats them very kindly, with warmth and kindness.

But why not try? And for those who are ready to take risks and “go out to the open sea under their own sail” - this article is intended.

The first question to answer is: what exactly would you like to receive, or what to achieve, with this work? Will it just be an entertaining story, or do you want to convey some specific meaning to it? It depends on this, for example, who the heroes of your book will be - fairy-tale characters, fictional heroes or... Yes, yes, you can make your own children a hero too! A book in which the child himself is the main character is doubly useful. Psychologists say that seeing a positive image of himself, a child tries to match it in life. And the book will, in this case, be the best gift, both for him and for you.

It is from the book that a child can learn about what is good and what is bad, what friendship is, and what rash actions can lead to. How to treat other people - family and friends, neighbors, friends, schoolmates. And, of course, to the animals!

Psychologists say that seeing a positive image of himself, a child tries to match it in life.

If you can instill in your child from childhood a love of animals, feelings of empathy, and care, you can be sure that this greatly increases the chances that in adulthood your child will be a patient, tolerant person, attentive to other people. Including to you. It is love for “our smaller brothers” that will help cultivate such good feelings in him!

Thus, even your pets can become the heroes of your books - a cat, a dog, a parrot... For example, I can recommend reading the story from my latest book - “”, about a cat that was abandoned by its owners, and about the touching care that was shown to He has two boys - Slavik and Pavlik. What did they not do to find a home for a stray cat who, moreover, was not averse to a little mischief! Find out for yourself how this story ends. By the way, this story was also published in the wonderful children's magazine “Young Naturalist” in Moscow, and one wonderful artist was even inspired to create a whole painting, which she also called “Kotovasia”.

Do not immediately aim for a work that is grandiose in form. Namely, write a big novel at once. Especially if you have little idea of ​​what will be in this book on the second page. Believe me, writing this kind of work is a titanic mental work. Start with small, short stories.

For example, describe some incident that happened to you in reality, or to your child. Embellish it a little, add humor, and try to retell it so that the child is interested in listening. Next, you can try to write it down on paper.

Don’t pay too much attention to spelling errors, not everyone has a philological education! Any school teacher you know will help you correct them. Another important thing is the style of presentation. It should be as simple and easy as possible, and this is not easy to achieve. This is the paradox - it is much easier to write complex sentences than simple and short ones...

Pay attention to the vocabulary (words) you use to write your pieces. You should not use a lot of “colloquial”, although it can bring perception closer to reality, but also try not to overdo it with literary vocabulary. The same goes for terms. Remember that your reader is your baby, not the professor!

As an option, take the child himself to help you. Start a plot and invite him to continue it, develop it, add his own characters. This is one of the best ways to develop his imagination and imagination. For life, these are simply extremely necessary qualities, since it is imagination that allows you to find non-standard solutions, invent something new, and generally live a full, extraordinary and not boring life!

You can even invite him to write down his thoughts and keep a diary. All the famous children's writers did this! Surely you remember such a famous children's writer Valery Medvedev, he wrote a book about the adventures of Yura Barankin - “Barankin, be a man!” and many others. Our meeting took place quite a long time ago, in the early 90s, when I was just beginning my literary career. And the first question he asked me was: do I keep my notes, diaries? And he immediately complained that he had not been able to preserve his own, and how it would have helped him in his literary work, and in general - how interesting it would be to plunge into his childhood experiences again!

Such “diaries” would help you better reveal the inner world of your child: how he lives, what he dreams about, what worries him. And help him figure it out. For your baby, such recordings would also play a very positive role. The ability to correctly express his thoughts will help him in the future in any profession, no matter who he becomes. And what a valuable quality this is in communicating with people - here, in general, any arguments are unnecessary!

If your child is still just a baby, and so far only perceives fairy tales best, you can use characters that he knows well from books - Cheburashka, Pinocchio, Thumbelina, Puss in Boots or Goldfish... If this book is in a single copy, that is, not is intended for sale, you can absolutely safely write something with the participation of these characters.

You can also publish a book if you wish. The number of publishing and printing services is now simply unlimited. To print a book in one copy, it is no longer necessary to go to a printing house - they publish books in large editions, and publishing one copy will be a rather expensive undertaking. There are other printing options; employees of publishing houses or small firms specializing in providing printing services will tell you about this. All you need is a manuscript.

Try writing a fairy tale to your child yourself, and you yourself will understand what your hidden potential is. It’s never too early and never too late to learn to write yourself. And if something doesn’t work out and you need advice from a children’s writer, don’t hesitate to write ( [email protected]), and I will try to answer your questions, and even help with writing a book!

There was a children's writer with you. See you again!