Cool and funny SMS congratulations for Forgiveness Sunday. Congratulations on Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday. Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday.


I apologize from the bottom of my heart
And I forgive you in return,
After all, a hidden load of grievances
It weighs so much on my soul...
Let never in your life
There will be no disappointments!
Happy last Maslenitsa day -
Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

1:864 1:869

2:1373 2:1378

Dear, today is Sunday,
The last day of Maslenitsa,
I want to ask for forgiveness
And your soul will feel better.
I advise you the same
Today you can forgive everything,
There is no person dearer to me
Who could I love so much!



3:508 3:513

Forgiven Sunday has come,
And today I want to ask
My friend to forgive me
For all the bad things, sincerely forgive.
There were disagreements between us,
But please forgive me
May all worries, troubles and bad weather
You, friend, will not be led astray!

3:980 3:985

4:1489 4:1494

On this bright Sunday day I
I ask for your forgiveness,
For the grievances caused -
And I'll tell you one thing:
I forgive you with all my heart,
And believe me, I don’t hold any grudges!
I’ll hear “God forgives” too
I will say “God will forgive” in response!



5:508 5:513

For everything I did and didn't do,
I want to ask for forgiveness
After all, on this day, today, boldly
We must forgive everyone.
May our good Lord now
He will forgive and forgive sins,
On this day we will forget pride,
For which the Lord will reward!

5:949 5:954

6:1458 6:1463

My favourite sister,
I wish you happiness with all my soul,
I also ask you to forgive me,
I want you to be like this.
On Sunday, forgive me
I wish you good luck
I want to go forward
And everything will come true, I know!



7:508 7:513

On Forgiveness Sunday
I want forgiveness with all my heart
Ask my mother
To be the calmest.
Sorry for the unkind word -
Believe me, I don't wish anything bad.
Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
Speedy salvation from your soul!

7:921 7:926

8:1430 8:1435

Sunday is a bright day
You ask for forgiveness
Only everyone who is not too lazy,
You will forgive with your own heart!
Let light shine in your soul,
I sincerely wish you
To hear in response:
God forgives and I forgive!

8:1804 8:4

9:508 9:513

On Forgiveness Sunday
Today I want to ask
My husband's native forgiveness,
Dare to forgive me, my dear.
I know, believe me, my beloved,
You deserve only the best
My most beautiful and sweetest,
You are just the man of my dreams!

9:902 9:907

10:1411 10:1416

Today with each other
Everyone asks for forgiveness.
It’s not for nothing that this day is called
Forgiveness resurrection.
And I ask you to forgive
Me for the disagreements
For grief, grievances -
And always live in harmony!



11:508 11:513

Forgiveness Sunday is near,
I ask my husband for forgiveness
I want it so without any risk,
You managed to forgive me, dear.
Yes, I am often unkind
And sometimes we fight
Forgive me, honey, I know -
Loved you forever!

11:927 11:932

12:1436 12:1441

Wife, on Forgiveness Sunday,
I want to ask for forgiveness with all my heart,
When I offended you with a rude word,
When, my dear, I didn’t help you.
I want to wish you health and happiness,
And always avoid any bad weather.
You are smart, brave, irreplaceable,
And the most tender, the sweetest!


12:4 12:7 12:12

I apologize for everything
On the day of Holy Resurrection!
Forgive me for everything
Let me find peace.

12:192 12:197

13:701 13:706

This Forgiveness Sunday
The great day has long been called:
Everyone in the world asks for forgiveness,
And in this they will find joy.
I forgive you today
Please forgive me!
And on this day I wish you
Get some peace of mind!

13:1084 13:1089



I ask your forgiveness
If you did something wrong.
Grant me purification,
Let me take a step towards you.
I forgive you with all my heart,
There may be nothing to forgive.
I wish you happiness, joy,
Never lose heart!

14:357 14:362

15:866 15:871

I ask my sister for forgiveness,
I forgive you for everything with all my heart
On Forgiveness Sunday
Let everyone with a pure soul
Finds peace in the heart,
And always smiles
I wish you luck
Everything else is nonsense!

15:1241 15:1246

16:1750 16:4

I forgive you, and you forgive me,
For everything I did sometimes wrong,
Please don’t blame me for anything -
I didn't mean to offend you in any way.

16:240 16:245

17:749 17:754

On the Lord's holiday, Sunday,
I have a lot to say
And ask for forgiveness for everything,
Admit your wrongness.
And with your sincere forgiveness
I will be pleased and flattered,
Don't forget on Sunday:
The one who has forgiven is also forgiven!

17:1173 17:1178



Forgiveness Sunday has come to us,
And we are looking for salvation from our grievances.
Today I want to wish my brother
Don’t forget to forgive offenders.
May you, my brother, have better luck,
Good luck and great happiness awaits,
Let, illuminating the world with goodness and love,
You will be happy. Warmth and health!

18:509 18:514

19:1018 19:1023

Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday,
And today I wish to forgive everyone,
Forgiveness is transformation
And, of course, striving for the better.
Forgive everyone, forgive me, my friend,
So as not to walk in a vicious circle,
May you always be lucky in everything,
May your heart find happiness!



20:508 20:513

I want your forgiveness
Ask for mistakes
After all, today is Sunday,
And it's time to forget
About grievances, disagreements.
Let's remember the good!
Let the bad weather go away
There will be peace throughout the whole earth!

20:868 20:873

21:1377 21:1382

God forgives and I forgive
Well, forgive me
I wish my mother this day
I won't go astray
Be healthy and happy
Never be discouraged
And patience and strength,
And rest more often!



22:508 22:513

Let your soul be easy,
When you ask for forgiveness,
You look to the root, deep
On the day of Golden Sunday.
And I ask for forgiveness
You for what was bad.
I hope I deserve it -
After all, we are all equal before God!

22:898 22:903

23:1407 23:1412

I ask you to
I sincerely forgive you
And, keeping love in my soul,
I forgot about the bad stuff.

23:1561 23:4

24:508 24:513

On Forgiveness Sunday
I sincerely wish you
Ask everyone for forgiveness
Without forgetting the main thing:
Goodbye to those who love
Who gives warmth, smiles,
After all, we are all just people,
And we make mistakes.

24:883 24:888

25:1392 25:1397

Forgiveness is Sunday
It’s not called that for nothing.
Today we ask for forgiveness,
And we forgive everyone who asked!
For everything I did and didn't do,
For the pain I caused you,
Please forgive me, dear,
After all, this is very important to me.



26:508 26:513

I want it without any doubt
I wish you with all my heart
Ask your loved ones for forgiveness,
Say kind words to them.
After all, on this day everything is forgiven to us,
If we sincerely ask,
Nature itself smiles
Keeping us safe from the darkness.

26:914 26:919

27:1423 27:1428

Show wisdom and patience,
To forgive all those who asked you.
Who will ask for sincere forgiveness -
He truly deserved it.
Show meekness of repentance,
To ask for forgiveness ourselves,
After all, their wishes come true,
Who knows how to believe and love!



28:508 28:513

Today is Forgiveness Sunday,
For everything, father, I ask you to forgive me,
And sincerely, from the heart, forgiveness,
What a fabulous gift to give.
And I forgive you for everything too,
So that there are no hard feelings between us,
Let nothing disturb you,
Be healthy, rich and famous!

28:976 28:981

29:1485 29:1490

It seems that I didn’t sin much -
I still apologize!
Everyone deserves it
This day is Sunday!



30:508 30:513

Sunday Forgiven Again
It has come to wash souls,
And forgiveness to all Christians
It can give!
And you me on this clear day
For everything I'm guilty of, forgive me!
I apologize passionately
To find peace in your heart.

30:914 30:919

31:1423 31:1428

You can make the world a better place
With just your forgiveness,
And don’t torment your heart -
Let the doubts go away
Farewell and you will be forgiven!
Forget about your grievances
You will forget your sorrows,
And this is all within your power!

31:1805 31:4

32:508 32:513

Please forgive me,
For everything I did wrong.
Fill your heart with joy
So that I know love!

32:695 32:700

33:1204 33:1209

Forgive me for all the bad things
What I once did.
Your forgiveness will calm me down
And he will put you on a pedestal!

33:1395 33:1400

On Forgiveness Sunday, as you know, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness from all relatives and friends. However, it is not always so easy to say these words if the relationship is very complex and confusing. We suggest sending SMS congratulations on Maslenitsa and asking for forgiveness in verse.

19:21 21.02.2015

Previously, on Forgiveness Sunday, everyone asked each other for forgiveness for all offenses and said: “Forgive me, what I am guilty of or sinned against you,” and they had to answer: “May God forgive you, and I forgive.” But the main thing, of course, is to truly forgive in your soul and let go of grievances. Try your best.

SMS congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday

Maslenitsa has passed
I drove away all the troubles and sorrows.
On Forgiveness Sunday
I apologize for everything.

They are baking pancakes... There is a cheerful child...
On Maslenitsa there is breaking of fast everywhere!
Today in Rus', as they say,
Forgiveness Holy Sunday!
And so, in the name of such a day,
If you've done something wrong,
Please forgive me!
And I forgive you for everything!

Asking for forgiveness on Sunday
This is how it is in Rus',
Forgive me if I have sinned
And I forgave you a long time ago.

Come on Sunday -
We will ask for forgiveness
To remove all sins from the soul,
Meet Lent with a pure heart.
Let's seal our friendship with a kiss,
Even though we're not fighting anyway:
After all, on Maslenitsa you need
Strengthen friendship with love.

SMS congratulations on Maslenitsa

I wish you to sit down at the table,
To eat pancakes with caviar,
Burn the woman, spend the winter,
On the day of forgiveness, forgive me.

Like on Shrovetide
Pancakes were flying out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve everyone some pancakes.
In the heat of the moment, take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

We congratulate you on the tender Maslenitsa,
The time has come for pies to reign.
The winter farewell cannot be enjoyed without pancakes,
We invite you to song, to jokes, to joy!

Let it be with baked pancakes
Prosperity will come to your home,
To achieve everything yourself,
May you be lucky in life.

The holiday is famous for its merry round dance,
All honest people sing and laugh.
Maslena the beauty welcomes spring.
Goodbye winter, see you in a year!

Let the fragrant pancake smell
The sun will awaken from sleep,
Maslenitsa is already on the doorstep,
And spring will soon come to us!

Damn in the sky, damn on the platter -
This is how people greet spring!

Forgiveness (forgiven) Sunday, a beautiful, humane Russian custom. Before the strict days of Great Lent, cleanse your soul, submit, ask all honest people, as the Lord said: “For if you forgive people their sins, then our Heavenly Father will also forgive you, and if you do not forgive people their sins, then the Father will also forgive you.” yours will not forgive you your sins" (Matthew 6:14-15).
And most importantly, forgive everyone yourself: “I forgive all sinners, forgive me, a sinner!” For the same purpose, on Forgiveness Sunday they went to the cemetery, left pancakes on the graves, prayed and worshiped the ashes of their relatives.

There was and now is a custom in Russia when on the last day of Maslenitsa they ask each other for forgiveness.
They go to ask for absolution from their priests and then go to the graves of their relatives and friends. Families did not go to bed without making peace with each other: children asked for forgiveness from their parents, and for servants from their masters. The gentlemen themselves not only did not consider it a shame to ask forgiveness from their servants on Forgiveness Sunday, but even considered it a sacred duty. This custom was widespread in Russia.

The proverb “Maslenitsa is not all for the cat” comes from the fact that after Maslenitsa fasting begins, and with it a strictly abstinent life. From the first day of fasting, many do not even drink water until they have heard matins. For the first three days they don’t cook anything: they eat only dry foods, pickles, mushrooms, sauerkraut, horseradish and radishes, etc. From Thursday they cook a vegetable dish without vegetable oil.
Maslenitsa is over, Lent and Easter are ahead.

Forgiveness Sunday is the last day before Lent.
On this day, all Orthodox Christians ask each other for forgiveness - in order to begin fasting with a good soul, to focus on spiritual life with a pure heart, to celebrate Easter - the day of the Resurrection of Christ.
On this day, fast food is consumed for the last time.
In churches, after the evening service, the so-called rite of forgiveness is performed so that Lent begins peacefully, with a pure soul and a kind heart, without holding a grudge against anyone.

Also on this day, Adam, our biblical ancestor, and his expulsion from paradise are remembered. What a wonderful life he had there and what a difficult life he received here, full of misfortunes and hardships for his disobedience. His story clearly shows how important selflessness is and how insignificant gluttony and base pleasures are.

Forgiveness Sunday, the history of the holiday.

But not everyone knows that the custom of asking for forgiveness came to us from Egypt. This country, about two thousand years ago, sheltered the holy family - Jesus and his mother Mary - from the persecution of Herod. Later, Christian monasteries appeared here.

Before Easter, the monks went into the desert for forty days to pray alone to our Lord, becoming even more spiritually purer in their thoughts and thereby preparing themselves to meet Christ on the day of his resurrection. But it is very difficult for a person to spend forty days alone in the desert.
Dangers lurk at every step. These are hungry animals, snakes, and poisonous spiders. The monks, leaving for the desert, knew that they might not return back, and that they might never see the people to whom they were saying goodbye. Therefore, when leaving, they asked everyone for forgiveness for everything, even for the bad thoughts that may have arisen in their heads.

Holy Sunday

Gradually this custom spread and took hold. Previously, in Rus', battles stopped on this day; opponents had to lay down their arms and ask each other for forgiveness. Even the king on this day asked for forgiveness from his subjects.

Until the last dawn, people went from house to house and asked for forgiveness from relatives, neighbors, and complete strangers. And it was necessary to forgive with a pure heart, because God forgives all of us our sins, but are we above God? We, too, must forgive and continue to live in peace and harmony, as Christ wanted.

Forgiveness Day

Some people think that they have nothing to ask for forgiveness for, because they live correctly, do not steal, do not kill, and do not do anything bad to anyone. Here it is useful to remember the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector.

The first one also lived correctly, prayed, fasted twice a week and considered himself better than others for this. He asked God for recognition of his merits. The publican collected taxes from the people while serving the invaders, so people for the most part hated him. He was clearly aware of his situation and all he asked from God was forgiveness.
God accepted the publican's request and refused the Pharisee, because he, blinded by his pride, tried to elevate himself and become on the same level with God.

We all, voluntarily or unwittingly, commit various major and minor sins - we swear (even if quite rightly!) over prices that are growing every day. Sometimes we argue in lines, we grumble when someone steps on our feet on a crowded bus, or when a neighbor suddenly decides to drive a hanger nail into the wall on Sunday morning.

You never know when and who we have offended over the past year with a deed or a carelessly dropped word! It is for all this that we must ask for forgiveness, not formally, of course, but quite consciously and try not to repeat these mistakes in the future (we won’t apologize for the same thing every time).

If everyone does this from the bottom of their hearts, our lives will definitely become better.

Poems for Forgiveness Sunday

Dear, today is Sunday,
The last day of Maslenitsa,
I want to ask for forgiveness
And your soul will feel better.
I advise you the same
Today you can forgive everything,
There is no person dearer to me
Who could I love so much!

I apologize from the bottom of my heart
And I forgive you in return,
After all, a hidden load of grievances
It weighs so much on my soul...
Let never in your life
There will be no disappointments!
Happy last Maslenitsa day -
Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

Forgiven Sunday has come,
And today I want to ask
My friend to forgive me
For all the bad things, sincerely forgive.
There were disagreements between us,
But please forgive me
May all worries, troubles and bad weather
You, friend, will not be led astray!

On this bright Sunday day I
I ask for your forgiveness,
For the grievances caused -
And I'll tell you one thing:
I forgive you with all my heart,
And believe me, I don’t hold any grudges!
I’ll hear “God forgives” too
I will say “God will forgive” in response!

For everything I did and didn't do,
I want to ask for forgiveness
After all, on this day, today, boldly
We must forgive everyone.
May our good Lord now
He will forgive and forgive sins,
On this day we will forget pride,
For which the Lord will reward!

My favourite sister,
I wish you happiness with all my soul,
I also ask you to forgive me,
I want you to be like this.
On Sunday, forgive me
I wish you good luck
I want to go forward
And everything will come true, I know!

On Forgiveness Sunday
I want forgiveness with all my heart
Ask my mother
To be the calmest.
Sorry for the unkind word -
Believe me, I don't wish anything bad.
Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
Speedy salvation from your soul!

Sunday is a bright day
You ask for forgiveness
Only everyone who is not too lazy,
You will forgive with your own heart!
Let light shine in your soul,
I sincerely wish you
To hear in response:
God forgives and I forgive!

On Forgiveness Sunday
Today I want to ask
My husband's native forgiveness,
Dare to forgive me, my dear.
I know, believe me, my beloved,
You deserve only the best
My most beautiful and sweetest,
You are just the man of my dreams!

Today with each other
Everyone asks for forgiveness.
It’s not for nothing that this day is called
Forgiveness resurrection.
And I ask you to forgive
Me for the disagreements
For grief, grievances -
And always live in harmony!

Forgiveness Sunday is near,
I ask my husband for forgiveness
I want it so without any risk,
You managed to forgive me, dear.
Yes, I am often unkind
And sometimes we fight
Forgive me, honey, I know -
Loved you forever!

Wife, on Forgiveness Sunday,
I want to ask for forgiveness with all my heart,
When I offended you with a rude word,
When, my dear, I didn’t help you.
I want to wish you health and happiness,
And always avoid any bad weather.
You are smart, brave, irreplaceable,
And the most tender, the sweetest!

I apologize for everything
On the day of Holy Resurrection!
Forgive me for everything
Let me find peace.

This Forgiveness Sunday
The great day has long been called:
Everyone in the world asks for forgiveness,
And in this they will find joy.
I forgive you today
Please forgive me!
And on this day I wish you
Get some peace of mind!

I ask your forgiveness
If you did something wrong.
Grant me purification,
Let me take a step towards you.
I forgive you with all my heart,
There may be nothing to forgive.
I wish you happiness, joy,
Never lose heart!

I ask my sister for forgiveness,
I forgive you for everything with all my heart
On Forgiveness Sunday
Let everyone with a pure soul
Finds peace in the heart,
And always smiles
I wish you luck
Everything else is nonsense!

I forgive you, and you forgive me,
For everything I did sometimes wrong,
Please don't blame me for anything -
I didn't mean to offend you in any way.

On the Lord's holiday, Sunday,
I have a lot to say
And ask for forgiveness for everything,
Admit your wrongness.
And with your sincere forgiveness
I will be pleased and flattered,
Don't forget on Sunday:
The one who has forgiven is himself forgiven!

Forgiveness Sunday has come to us,
And we are looking for salvation from our grievances.
Today I want to wish my brother
Don’t forget to forgive offenders.
May you, my brother, have better luck,
Good luck and great happiness awaits,
Let, illuminating the world with goodness and love,
You will be happy. Warmth and health!

Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday,
And today I wish to forgive everyone,
Forgiveness is transformation
And, of course, striving for the better.
Forgive everyone, forgive me, my friend,
So as not to walk in a vicious circle,
May you always be lucky in everything,
May your heart find happiness!

I want your forgiveness
Ask for mistakes
After all, today is Sunday,
And it's time to forget
About grievances, disagreements.
Let's remember the good!
Let the bad weather go away
There will be peace throughout the whole earth!

God forgives and I forgive
Well, forgive me
I wish my mother this day
I won't go astray
Be healthy and happy
Never be discouraged
And patience and strength,
And rest more often!

Let your soul be easy,
When you ask for forgiveness,
You look to the root, deep
On the day of Golden Sunday.
And I ask for forgiveness
You for what was bad.
I hope I deserve it -
After all, we are all equal before God!

I ask you to
I sincerely forgive you
And, keeping love in my soul,
I forgot about the bad stuff.

On Forgiveness Sunday
I sincerely wish you
Ask everyone for forgiveness
Without forgetting the main thing:
Goodbye to those who love
Who gives warmth, smiles,
After all, we are all just people,
And we make mistakes.

Forgiveness is Sunday
It’s not called that for nothing.
Today we ask for forgiveness,
And we forgive everyone who asked!
For everything I did and didn't do,
For the pain I caused you,
Please forgive me, dear,
After all, this is very important to me.

I want it without any doubt
I wish you with all my heart
Ask your loved ones for forgiveness,
Say kind words to them.
After all, on this day everything is forgiven to us,
If we sincerely ask,
Nature itself smiles
Keeping us safe from the darkness.

Show wisdom and patience,
To forgive all those who asked you.
Who will ask for sincere forgiveness -
He truly deserved it.
Show meekness of repentance,
To ask for forgiveness ourselves,
After all, their wishes come true,
Who knows how to believe and love!

Today is Forgiveness Sunday,
For everything, father, I ask you to forgive me,
And sincerely, from the heart, forgiveness,
What a fabulous gift to give.
And I forgive you for everything too,
So that there are no hard feelings between us,
Let nothing disturb you,
Be healthy, rich and famous!

It seems that I didn’t sin much -
I still apologize!
Everyone deserves it
This day is Sunday!

Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me -
I will repeat again two hundred times,
Forgive all my sins,
I love you, my dear, tenderly!

Sunday Forgiven Again
It has come to wash souls,
And forgiveness to all Christians
It can give!
And you me on this clear day
For everything I'm guilty of, forgive me!
I apologize passionately
To find peace in your heart.

You can make the world a better place
With just your forgiveness,
And don’t torment your heart -
Let the doubts go away
Farewell and you will be forgiven!
Forget about your grievances
You will forget your sorrows,
And this is all within your power!

Maslenitsa! The trio rushes.
Fly away, winter.
Something important will happen in life,
She will be bright.

Happy Forgiveness Sunday to you!
May the Lord understand and forgive.
Happiness and inspiration to you!
May fate be kind to you.

I ask you to forgive the insults,
All the sorrows and words.
All the heaviness, well, let it go,
And forgive me for everything!

On a big holiday - Sunday,
Let doubts be dispelled
Let your soul feel better
And everything bad will be left behind!

Congratulations on Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday! Please forgive me for everything and accept my best wishes for happiness, joy, prosperity and warmth. Let your heart not worry over trifles, let the spring of love and goodness come in your life.

Pour hot tea
And bake pancakes
Celebrate Maslenitsa
Very joyful!

And forgive me for everything
This Sunday
Then the sky will bring
Forgiveness to you too!

On a wonderful day - Sunday,
I want to ask for forgiveness
For sins, grievances, quarrels
And for other discord!

I want to ask for a request
Don't hold a grudge against me.
All the grievances, come on, drop them,
And don't think about it, armor!

All souls will be calm,
There will be peace and warmth in the house,
We will deserve better
Let everything be fine!

God Himself commanded us to forgive
And there is no point in arguing with this.
There's no need to close your heart
When it should pray...

May we all be forgiven for everything
And Maslenitsa will be delicious.
Forgive me for everything too,
Resentment destroys feelings.

Our Maslenitsa has passed:
Forgiveness Resurrection!
For everyone who is dear and important to you,
It's time to quickly ask for forgiveness!

You don’t hold grudges in your heart
And release them now!
Please forgive me for everything,
After all, I forgive you for everything!

Happy Maslenitsa to you
I send congratulations
Let the pancakes be rosy
They'll be a treat.

The sun on a plate -
Shines with gold
Together at Maslenitsa
We are welcoming spring.

With dances and songs,
With laughter and positivity
During the oil week
Every day is happy.

May Maslenitsa be joyful
He treats me to pancakes,
Forgiveness Sunday
All offenses are forgiven.

On Maslenitsa, Forgiven Day
Consolation to all of us!
We ask family and friends
Humble forgiveness!

Let's bake more pancakes
With cottage cheese, sour cream.
Lace, as thin as possible -
We will treat everyone.

I'm sorry, dears,
If something is wrong,
Live happily in the main thing -
With God in our hearts!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Hurry up and celebrate,
We must spend the winter
And ask for forgiveness.

Let the sun come out from behind the clouds,
The wind won't be so strong
Warmth on the street, in the hearts,
A smile on your lips.

I will add more happiness and joy,
Love will embrace you passionately,
Forgive me for everything, if anything,
I will congratulate you today!

The time has come to forgive everyone
And ask for forgiveness
To make life happier -
Forget all sorrows.

May you eat well all year long,
Don't skimp on pancakes
After all, during Shrovetide week
Everyone should be cheerful!

I wish you success
And the house is full of prosperity,
Lots of joy and laughter
Happiness on your earthly path!