The problem of fathers and children is moral priorities. The problem of “fathers” and “sons” in modern society. Problems of raising children in the family

(362 words)

Time gives rise to contradictions. And it doesn’t matter what century it is, the nineteenth or the twenty-first. The problem of “fathers” and “sons” is eternal. The generational conflict persists in the 19th century, but has its own distinctive feature. What events gave rise to the “new” conflict?

May 20, 1859. Turgenev chose this date not by chance: the country was preparing to adopt a reform to abolish serfdom. The question of which “path” the country’s development would take after the reform worried many troubled minds. Opinions in society were divided: the fathers wanted to leave everything the same, the children wanted radical changes.

A prominent representative of the revolutionary-democratic camp (“children”) in the novel is Yevgeny Bazarov. He denies the very foundations of the existing world order, while offering nothing in return. He is not interested in what happens next. “First we need to clear the place,” the hero confidently declares. Bazarov is a pragmatist. He refers to “romanticism” in all its manifestations as “nonsense and rot.” Evgeniy Vasilyevich undergoes tests of love, and then death, from which he “comes out victorious”, admitting his mistake - the extreme radicalism of his views.

The fathers could not accept his point of view, since Eugene was too categorical and denied everything that formed the basis of the worldview of the older generation. However, this senile stubbornness and reluctance to understand new trends can be interpreted as a desire to slow down progress. The fathers have done nothing in their lifetime, have not helped the people in any way, but they want to prevent others from changing something.

The Kirsanov brothers represent the liberal nobility (“fathers”) in the novel. Nikolai Petrovich is afraid of losing his spiritual connection with his son. He tries to “keep up with the times” in order to warn Arkady from mistakes. However, Pavel Petrovich sharply rejects the changes. The inveterate serf owner values ​​the people for their obedience and does not want to free them. If Arkady's father himself is ready to recognize equality with the peasants by falling in love with a serf girl and marrying her, then his brother is indignant and denies the possibility of a misalliance.

Although fathers do not understand the need for change, they still carry a lot of useful experience with them. Their heritage cannot be abandoned, so the Bazarovs need to learn tact; this will not harm the future either. New people also do not yet understand the people and their needs, and have also done nothing, but they have a chance to correct the mistakes of the older generation. How can you do this if you don’t listen to him and don’t know him? Nothing. The author proves this to us by showing that the progressive Eugene is the double of the conservative Pavel Petrovich, who repeats his unfortunate fate, only making it even more tragic.

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(489 words) Fathers and sons are two sides of an eternal confrontation. Each generation is different from the previous one, so disagreements arise from time to time, again and again. These differences are due to the difference in eras, the difference in worldviews, and therefore they can be called natural. The dispute between young people and representatives of the older generation has already become the norm. That is why the problem of fathers and children is called “eternal.” I will explain my idea using examples from Russian literature.

The conflict between fathers and children is described in his work by I. S. Turgenev. The novel “Fathers and Sons” begins with the arrival of Arkady and Evgeny to visit Kirsanov’s father and uncle. This event turns the peaceful and quiet life of the estate into a cycle of disputes, skirmishes and disagreements. Young people disagree with old people in everything: they don’t need art, science is above all, and love is now empty romanticism. Representatives of the older generation are perplexed how this could happen, that in ten years the worldview of young people has changed so radically. Nikolai Petrovich diligently delves into all the subtleties of the guest’s experiments and theories in order to better understand his son, and Pavel Petrovich completely declares war on new views. Of course, the departure and death of Bazarov, the marriage of Arkady somehow reconcile the two warring camps, but the author allows us to speculate what awaits the second son of Nikolai Petrovich? He will also go to university and will also bring home new views on the world, even more radical than the previous ones. This is the eternal destiny of fathers and sons: to overcome the historical gap and strive to understand each other.

Another example was described by V. G. Rasputin in his work “Farewell to Matera.” The author examined the problem of fathers and children, focusing on the peculiarities of the worldview of representatives of different generations. Daria, an elderly woman, is very conservative and confined to her place of residence. She is afraid of the city, afraid of changes in life. The heroine looks not forward, but back, her gaze is directed to the past, where her happy youth remains. Therefore, she perceives the demolition of the cemetery as a personal insult. She remembers many people who are now buried there. But her son Pavel is distinguished by progressive thinking. He understands the need to build a power plant, and also pragmatically takes into account all the advantages of city life. His wife Sonya is of the same opinion and really likes the idea of ​​moving. And Daria’s grandson also approves of him, because he wants to make a career at a large construction site. They all look to the future, assess the prospects. Due to the difference in the direction of view, the characters do not understand each other and will not be able to understand. These are the age-related characteristics of people: with the onset of old age, they increasingly dream about the past and less often observe the present time. And they stop thinking about the future altogether, because age is taking its toll, and they don’t have long to live. There is no way to stop these changes, so the conflict between fathers and children will be repeated every time.

Thus, the problem of fathers and children will always be relevant, because generations differ from each other, and these differences cannot be eradicated, since they are embedded in the depths of the people’s psyche, as well as in the nature of time itself. Everything around is changing, taking on new forms, and only those who have not seen a different order, who do not remember the past and are not tied to it by the bonds of memory, can keep up with this process. In such conditions, parents and children will always be on opposite sides of the barricades, so the problem of their confrontation is eternal.

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In the second half of the 18th century, a special interest in the genre of educational novel appeared in European literature. In the 19th century, both in Europe and in Russia, this interest did not weaken, but on the contrary, the problem of family, relationships between adults and children, became a favorite theme of many writers, it seemed to break out of the circle of everyday life and became central in the works of Goethe and Dickens , Hugo, Pushkin, Balzac. Dostoevsky was well acquainted with the work of these writers; echoes of their works can be heard in the novels, stories, stories and journalism of the writer.

All authors approach the problem of “fathers and sons” differently. In addition to the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons", the very name of which shows that this theme is the most important in the novel; this problem exists in almost all works: in some it is presented more vividly, in others it appears only as hints for a more complete disclosure of the image of the hero. It is difficult to say who first raised the problem of fathers and children. It is so vital that it seems to have always existed on the pages of literary works.

Turgenev personally encountered this problem in the Sovremennik magazine. The new worldviews of Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky were alien to the writer. Turgenev had to leave the editorial office of the magazine.

In the novel "Fathers and Sons" the main opponents and antagonists are Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. The conflict between them is considered from the point of view of the problem of “fathers and sons”, from the position of their social, political and social differences. It must be said that Bazarov and Kirsanov differ in their social origins, which affected their formation of views. Bazarov's ancestors were serfs. Everything he achieved was the result of hard mental work. Evgeniy became interested in medicine and natural sciences, conducted experiments, collected various beetles and insects.

Pavel Petrovich grew up in an atmosphere of prosperity and prosperity. At eighteen he was assigned to the page corps, and at twenty-eight he received the rank of captain. Having moved to the village to live with his brother, Kirsanov maintained social decency here too. Pavel Petrovich attached great importance to appearance. He was always well shaven and wore heavily starched collars, which Bazarov ironically ridicules: “Nails, nails, at least send them to an exhibition!..”. Evgeniy doesn’t care at all about his appearance or what people think of him. Bazarov was a great materialist. For him, the only thing that mattered was what he could touch with his hands, put on his tongue. The nihilist denied all spiritual pleasures, not understanding that people get pleasure when they admire the beauties of nature, listen to music, read Pushkin, and admire the paintings of Raphael. Bazarov only said: “Raphael is not worth a penny...”. Pavel Petrovich, of course, did not accept such nihilist views. Kirsanov was fond of poetry and considered it his duty to uphold noble traditions.

The disputes between Bazarov and Kirsanov play a huge role in revealing the main contradictions of the era. In them we see many directions and issues on which representatives of the younger and older generations do not agree. A.A. Faustov "Philological Notes", Bulletin of Literary Studies and Linguistics, issue 23, Voronezh, 2005

The disagreements that have arisen between our heroes are serious. Bazarov, whose life is built on “denial of everything,” cannot understand Pavel Petrovich. The latter cannot understand Evgeniy. The culmination of their personal hostility and differences of opinion was a duel. But the main reason for the duel is not the contradictions between Kirsanov and Bazarov, but the unfriendly relations that arose between them at the very beginning of their acquaintance with each other.

Therefore, the problem of “fathers and sons” lies in personal bias towards each other, because it can be solved peacefully, without resorting to extreme measures, if the older generation is more tolerant of the younger generation, somewhere, perhaps, agreeing with them, and the generation of “children” will show more respect for their elders.

Turgenev studied the eternal problem of “fathers and sons” from the perspective of his time, his life. He himself belonged to the galaxy of “fathers” and, although the author’s sympathies were on the side of Bazarov, he advocated philanthropy and the development of the spiritual principle in people. Having included a description of nature in the narrative, testing Bazarov with love, the author imperceptibly gets involved in a dispute with his hero, disagreeing with him in many respects.

A.S. Griboyedov, having described the struggle between the “present century” and the “past century” in the comedy “Woe from Wit,” did not ignore the complex problem of “fathers and sons.” The very idea of ​​the work - the struggle between the old and the new - is the same problem, taken more broadly. In addition, Famusov’s relationship with his daughter Sophia is also traced here. Famusov, of course, loves his daughter and wishes her happiness. But he understands happiness in his own way: happiness for him is money. He accustoms his daughter to the idea of ​​profit and thereby commits a real crime, because Sophia can become like Molchalin, who adopted only one principle from her father: to seek profit wherever possible. The fathers tried to teach their children about life, in their instructions they conveyed to them what was most important and significant for themselves. As a result, for Chichikov, the “penny” has become the meaning of life, and in order to “preserve and save” it, he is ready for any meanness, betrayal, flattery and humiliation. And Pyotr Grinev, following his father’s instructions, remained an honest and noble man in all situations in which he had to find himself; honor and conscience remained above all else for him throughout his life. How can one not remember the proverb: “Like the father, so are the children.” literature writer youth family

But while this proverb is often true, sometimes the opposite is true. Then the problem of misunderstanding arises. Parents do not understand children, and children do not understand parents. Parents impose their morals and principles of life on their children (not always worthy of imitation), and children do not want to accept them, but they cannot and do not always want to resist. This is the Kabanikha from Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm". She imposes her opinion on the children (and not only them), orders them to act only as she wants. Kabanikha considers herself the keeper of ancient customs, without which the whole world would collapse. This is the real embodiment of the “past century”! And her children, although they do not at all like their mother’s attitude towards them, do not want to correct the situation. And here, sad as it may be, the “past century,” with all its prejudices, triumphs over the new.

One of the most important facets of the “fathers and sons” problem is gratitude. Are children grateful to their parents who love them, raised them and raised them? The topic of gratitude is raised in the story by A.S. Pushkin "Station Warden". The tragedy of a father who dearly loved his only daughter appears before us in this story. Of course, Dunya has not forgotten her father, she loves him and feels guilty before him, but still, the fact that she left, leaving her father alone, turned out to be a big blow for him, so strong that he could not withstand it. The old caretaker forgave his daughter, he does not see her guilt in what happened, he loves his daughter so much that he wishes her to die rather than endure the shame that may await her. And Dunya feels both gratitude and guilt before her father, she comes to him, but no longer finds him alive. Only at her father's grave do all her feelings burst out. "She lay down here and lay there for a long time."

Another problem is raised in many works, the problem of upbringing and education.

Poor Frenchman

So that the child does not get tired,

I taught him everything jokingly,

I didn’t bother you with strict morals,

Lightly scolded for pranks

And he took me for a walk to the Summer Garden,” wrote A.S. Pushkin about the education of the main character of his novel “Eugene Onegin”, and then remarked:

We all learned a little bit

Something and somehow

So upbringing, thank God,

It's no wonder for us to shine.

All the children learned “something” and “somehow” in different works. But why and how? This mainly depended on the attitude towards education of their parents. Some of them, recognizing the need for education only from the point of view of fashion and prestige, had a generally negative attitude towards it, such as Famusov from Woe from Wit and Mrs. Prostakova from Minor. But Sophia, unlike Mitrofanushka, still received some kind of education, but Mitrofanushka did not receive any knowledge, and he did not want to receive it. The attitude of Famusov and Prostakova themselves to education is expressed in their own words. Famusov says: “If you stop evil, you would take away all the books and burn them,” and also: “Learning is a plague.” And Prostakova: “It’s only torment for you, but everything, I see, is emptiness.”

But not all heroes of the works of Russian classics consider education to be “emptiness”. A striking example of this is Prince Volkonsky from “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy. Bolkonsky believed in the need for education. Being an educated and well-read man, he himself taught his daughter, Princess Maria. Bolkonsky’s views are completely opposite to the opinions of Famusov and Prostakova. Education cannot be a tribute to fashion, and Bolkonsky is absolutely right about this.

The problem of “fathers and sons” is relevant at all times, because it is a deeply moral problem. Everything that is sacred for a person is passed on to him by his parents. The progress of society, its development, gives rise to disagreements between the older and younger generations, disagreements that are so well known to us from “Woe from Wit” or from “Fathers and Sons.”

The problem of fathers and children is one of the most important problems in Russian classics. Very often in literary works the new, younger generation turns out to be more moral than the older ones. It sweeps away the old morality, replacing it with a new one. But we still don’t need to become Ivans who don’t remember kinship; it’s terrible when the younger generation is less moral than the previous one. Therefore, the problem of “fathers and sons” lives on today, taking on a slightly different direction.

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Parents and children are an eternal conflict, how can one learn to build trusting relationships with children? Is the problem of fathers and sons obsolete today? This problem will always be relevant and at all times it will seem that right now it is especially acute. Socrates also noted: “Today’s youth love only luxury. Her distinguishing feature is her bad manners. She despises authority and willingly argues with her parents.”

The problem of fathers and children

What could be more terrible than misunderstanding between parents and children. This moment comes in every family, mainly during puberty. A teenager develops his own views and vision of the world, which are often very different from those of his parents. Subsequently, respect for parents and the perception of them as an authority are lost. Sometimes, children feel hatred towards their parents and then friends become teachers and authorities in their lives.

The problem between fathers and sons is the large gap between generations. These problems can be present not only in adolescence, but throughout life.

That is why psychologists have identified the main age stages of misunderstanding between parents and children:

  1. Infancy stage. The problem of development and education during this period is that the baby also strives for freedom. He wants to explore the world, but mom and dad, as commandants, either prohibit everything or tell him what to do. Many parents go too far with control. You need to be patient with kids - this will be the key to good relationships in the future.
  2. Schoolchildren are experiencing a school age crisis; they are learning new social roles. During this period, parents should not abruptly release their child into the world of independence. They become capricious, intractable, and do not fulfill requests. Parents think that children behave this way on purpose. In fact, it’s the stress of the sudden transition from control to independence that takes its toll.
  3. The difficulty of parenting during adolescence lies in the teenager’s desire to be independent. During this period, they defend their opinions and strive to live their own lives. A lot of conflicts arise, often children leave home to prove their independence. This is a very difficult period. It is important for parents to understand that no matter how aggressively a teenager behaves, he still needs help and support.
  4. Relationships between parents and children often remain problematic during adolescence. Children try to escape from their parents' nest as quickly as possible, and parents feel the need to communicate with them on equal terms. This is where the conflict arises. Parents still want to participate in the life of their child, give advice, help, but children no longer need this. The conflict most often ends when children reach the age of 30 with a wealth of experience behind them, and parents finally begin to understand that they have grown up.

In any family, the problem of “fathers and children” is relevant and absolutely everyone goes through these stages of misunderstanding. Some people go through them calmly, others turn to a psychologist, and others “go crazy.”

Young parents often do not understand how to raise a child, especially if it is their first child. Therefore, mistakes are often made in parenting that affect relationships in the future. This manifests itself in causeless panic, excessive control, inconsistent parenting, showdowns in front of children, and often in self-neglect.

Responsibility for raising children

Absolutely all parents instill in their children that they are responsible for their actions and words. But very often parents themselves try to shift the responsibility for raising their children to teachers or the children themselves.

Some people do not understand what “Parental Responsibility for Education” means:

  1. Responsibility for their upbringing and behavior;
  2. Caring for health, moral and spiritual development;
  3. Ensuring the safety of the child. In addition, parents do not have the right to cause harm to the mental, physical and moral health of the child;
  4. Parents are responsible for maintaining their children until they reach adulthood.

Parents are obliged to explain to their children the rules of behavior and the difference between a prank and a crime. From the age of 14, a child can by law be called to criminal liability - this can result in a banal fight in the school yard.

How to raise creative children?

All children are born with the desire to create; the task of parents of creative children is not to nip this desire in the bud. What mistakes do parents make when killing their children's creativity?

  1. If parents are afraid of painted walls or unnecessary cleaning, then they forbid the child to create. We need to provide them with an alternative. Let the baby have a huge Whatman paper on the wall, or a drawing board, and finger paints. Hair in plasticine and butt in paints is normal! This is the development of creativity!
  2. Don't stop your children from imagining. Many parents say: “What are you making up? Better get busy." But fantasy develops creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. Plunge with your child into his fairy tale.
  3. Often, mom and dad praise the child only for achievements and victories and at the slightest mistake they reject him, sometimes they stop talking to him. “You must be an excellent student,” “You must win.” By saying such phrases, parents develop self-doubt and neuroticism. Children should know that they are loved not for their achievements, but for the fact that he is your son or daughter.
  4. By ordering or constantly commanding every step, parents are raising a robot who, in adulthood, will be unable to make independent decisions and look for a mentor who will give instructions on how to live. Let's give you the opportunity to make your own decisions. Ask him: “What will happen if you do this?” He himself must understand the possible consequences, draw conclusions and make a decision.
  5. Parents often identify themselves with their children. “We have a fever!” - say mothers. I would like to ask which of you. You need to understand that a child is a separate person with his own needs, thoughts and desires.

It is necessary to encourage children's creative abilities, support their imagination and creative thinking. Then they will grow into interesting, creative, independent individuals.

Problems of raising children in the family

Is the problem of fathers and sons obsolete today? It will never become obsolete as long as families continue to make the same mistakes in education. Yes, society has changed, children are born differently. There are more and more indigo children who need a special approach and completely different upbringing measures. Children began to grow up faster; in the information age, they know much more than we knew. Is it good or bad? This is the reality and parents need to adapt to these changes. Of course, you can try to educate the child the old fashioned way, prohibit him from playing computer games, and limit access to the Internet. But the question arises, how then can such a person survive in the modern world? Parents must keep up with the times!

What are the main problems in raising children in the modern world?

  1. The biggest and most important problem is lack of attention. Parents are always at work. The child grows up either in kindergarten or with grandparents. Previously, the fathers worked in the family, and the children were with their mother. Nowadays, both parents working is a necessity.
    The problem with education is its lack. Mom comes home tired from work and all she has the strength to do is feed, wash, learn homework and put her to bed. You definitely need to find time to talk with your little one, find out how his day went, what worries him. Hugs and kisses are sacred. There is never too much love.
    2. They try to compensate for the lack of attention with gifts, trips to the cinema or cafe. They are allowed to spend hours on gadgets, thus losing communication skills with children.
    3. Children are sometimes perceived as an obstacle to personal and career growth.
    4. Sometimes too stringent demands are placed on children, they expect things from them that they themselves would not be able to do at their age. Yes, modern children are very developed and talented, but it is also necessary to take into account their individuality and inclinations. And also his desire to do what is required of him.
    5. Parents' impatience leads to the fact that they deprive their children of the opportunity to do anything themselves. Often mothers say: “It’s better if I do it myself, it will be faster.” Children cannot cope with all tasks as quickly as adults. You just need to be patient.
    6. A serious problem is when parents reproach their children for spending too much effort and money on them, in return demanding that they follow all their orders. They believe that they can decide with whom their children communicate, where to go, and how to think.

The most terrible problem in the relationship between children and parents in the family is the unpreparedness of mom and dad to be parents. In this case, children are treated as a toy, a fun toy that can be played with and then put aside when not needed. Family is every day painstaking work into which you need to invest all of yourself and at the same time understand that children do not owe anything in return.

Parents must show understanding towards their child. Try to at least understand their feelings and desires. A child is not a copy of his parents, but a personality with his own character. He should not repeat the life of his parents, meet their expectations. Parents can explain how they understand, see and feel this life, but not impose their worldview. It is necessary to recognize the right to the existence of his own “I” and support him on his life’s path. This is exactly how parents who are morally mature enough to be moms and dads raise their children. Failure to understand your own children leads to serious consequences; it cripples the soul and deprives them of a happy future. Since childhood, he feels unloved, superfluous, misunderstood. This is reflected in his self-confidence and building relationships, creating a family.

As for the problem of children's relationship with their parents, first of all, mom and dad need to look for a problem in their upbringing. If a person does not respect his parents, does not help, does not respect their opinion, and especially their life experience and old age, look for a gap in upbringing.

Trust plays an important role in relationships. Mom and dad must always keep their word and tell only the truth. From infancy, children should know that they have support, that mom and dad are always there and can be trusted. The trust of children and parents during adolescence is especially important. The more a teenager can open up and talk about his problems and experiences, the more chances parents have to prevent many of the mistakes that are made at this age.

The family shapes the personality; the relationships in the family determine what kind of person he will grow up to be and how he will build relationships with others. For children, parents are support, support, role models, authority, best friends and advisers. This is how it is by nature and only the parents themselves can ruin everything with their attitude.

What are the main methods of raising teenagers?

  1. All decisions regarding the teenager are made by the parents. This leads to the fact that the child stops trusting his parents and hides a lot in order to decide something for himself.
  2. Decisions are made by parents and children together.
  3. The teenager has the final say. Then you need to contact a psychologist who will explain that parents have more life experience and can foresee some consequences. You need to listen to them, and not just stupidly stand your ground.
  4. Mixed method.

You must try to find a compromise in any situation. In adulthood, a teenager will greatly benefit from the ability to listen to the opinions and take into account the interests of others.

Parents and children: parents are very worried about their children, afraid of misfortunes and dangers that may happen to them. For this reason, it is often prohibited to go somewhere or go with friends. They worry if children stay out late. Children should treat this with understanding. Return home on time or call back.

Often conflicts arise due to the fact that the older generation does not understand modern fashion and culture. It's hard to accept if a teenager walks around with a nose ring or a tattoo. It is important to be able to calmly discuss these issues and justify your decision.

There will always be a conflict between different generations and views on life. The problem of “fathers and sons” will be relevant at all times. The main thing is that parents are prepared for the birth and upbringing of children, understand their responsibility and do not consider them a burden. Children who grow up in a family where they are loved, valued and understood will treat their parents with respect and love. Problems and conflicts cannot be avoided, but they must be treated with wisdom and understand that this is part of the process of becoming a person.

The problem of “fathers and sons” has long worried philosophers and simply thinking people. It occupied, if not central, then one of the main places in their thoughts. Perhaps the fire of this idea died out during the Middle Ages, when the thoughts of scientists were busy searching for the philosopher's stone, and their eyes burned with the flame of profit.

But during rapid changes in any area of ​​a person’s life, this problem arises with a vengeance: fathers are conservatives who are alien to any changes, and children are “engines of progress” seeking to overthrow foundations and traditions and bring their ideas to life. I take fathers and children in a broader sense than family ties.

"Fathers" and "sons" look at the world from different points of view. “Children,” according to the “fathers,” are leading humanity to disaster (cultural, environmental, etc.). But catastrophes, like utopias, were predicted by many, but so far there has been no catastrophe that threatens the existence of humanity. This is because the more dangers caused by progress, the more means of counteracting these dangers created by the same progress.

“Fathers,” according to “children,” are tors on the path of progress. But there is no mountain that cannot be overcome.

Over time, "children" become "fathers". There is a cyclical nature in this regard. The entire history of mankind consists of such cycles.

The confrontation between “fathers” and “children” has its own meaning: “fathers” hold back the progress caused by “children” so that the transition from old to new goes more smoothly.

In my opinion, there is no problem, but the phenomenon of “fathers and sons”.

This phenomenon may cause local conflicts, but overall it is an integral part of human existence.

The problem of fathers and children arises for loved ones belonging to different generations. Each of them has its own historical period. In this regard, views on life and its value system change from generation to generation, which any of us is ready to resolutely defend.

In former times, people revered the principles of their elders as the basis of their existence. However, quite often, children, having absorbed family experience, want to get out of the influence of adults. At the same time, they deny all the dogmas of the older generation. Children think that they can build their lives much better, brighter and more interesting. They want to resolve all issues on their own as quickly as possible.

The problem of fathers and children arises in almost all formations of human society: - in the family; - in the work team; - in general in the social formation. From the very birth of a child, parents teach. When he goes to kindergarten - the teachers. Schoolchild - teacher. At a certain time, a moment arises in this chain when all kinds of teachings begin to cause rejection. This usually occurs when the child begins to develop personal qualities, awareness of the right to make his own choice, as well as responsibility for it.

The problem of fathers and children in our time is quite complex. In some cases, the task of establishing a balance in the views of generations simply cannot be achieved. Some of us enter into open confrontation with representatives of another generation, while others, to enable peaceful coexistence, step aside, allowing themselves and others to gain freedom in the implementation of ideas and plans. The problem of fathers and children is very relevant these days. It is very acute for people belonging to different generations. However, it must be remembered that only mutual tolerance and respect for each other will prevent serious confrontation. The most important thing is love and understanding. Parental advice inherently serves as coercion or dictate. As a person develops a personality, the desire to obey becomes less and less likely. Parents need to realize this in time and shift the arrow of their relationship with their children to neutral ways of presenting their information. Otherwise, conflicts are inevitable. The most difficult thing for parents is that they must accept their child as he is, put up with all his shortcomings, as well as character traits. In addition, the older generation must forgive the insults and wrong actions of their children. It is also difficult to come to terms with the fact that the child will grow up and go into his adult life, which has its own worries and affairs. The problem of fathers and children has been raised quite often in literature. This issue has been addressed to one degree or another by many writers.

The most striking echo of a topic that is relevant at all times is the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". In addition to this work, the very name of which indicates its main theme, the relationship between generations was illuminated in many masterpieces of literature. It is difficult to say who first raised this issue. The problem is so vital at all times that its description has always existed on the pages of literary works. A.S. did not ignore the complex problem. Griboyedov in his comedy "Woe from Wit". L.N. also touched upon it. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace".