Simple and easy to prepare soups. Simple soup recipes. How to make delicious soup from simple ingredients

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Quick Soup Recipes

I suggest you learn how to make zucchini and potato soup - an excellent vegetarian recipe will add variety to your dishes and benefit you directly! Don't be lazy to cook.

I cook lean and healthy celery root soup when I want to relieve the body and fill it with vitamins. There is no meat in it, not even meat broth, only vegetables. My friend is especially happy with this soup.

Somehow I came across a simple recipe for bean soup. I prepared it in half an hour. The soup turned out new and very tasty. My nephews really liked the bean soup. And, since the children love it, that means it’s a test!

I cook the soup from the mushrooms according to the recipe for Hungarian mushroom soup. It differs from ordinary mushroom soup in that it contains paprika and milk. Volnushka soup is very tasty and satisfying.

Umbrella soup is prepared according to a very simple recipe. Yes, and it cooks very quickly. Based on this recipe, you can cook soup from any mushrooms. I serve this soup of umbrellas with pies (with mushrooms).

Shiitake and tofu soup is very easy and quick to prepare. It can be served for a light lunch. In the summer I also eat it for dinner. By the way, I advise everyone who wants to not stress about their figure to eat soups. Forward!

Mushroom soup from boletus is very easy to prepare. You can cook it with or without meat. My simple mushroom soup recipe - no meat. Add potatoes, carrots, onions, some herbs and the soup is ready!

Japanese traditional miso soup with shiitake is prepared in half an hour. Ginger, tofu, vegetables and, of course, miso are added to it. Shiitake is a source of vitamin D, so the soup is both tasty and healthy.

Gruzdyanka is a soup made from milk mushrooms, traditional for Russian cuisine. Milk mushrooms are not at all difficult to prepare: you will only spend about half an hour preparing it, using a minimum of ingredients.

Thick tomato puree soup is perfect for a light lunch. This soup will restore strength after a fun evening (and night!), will become the highlight of a family meal and a godsend for the tomato season. Forward!

Light vegetable soups are good in summer. They do not burden the stomach and are very useful. Moreover, in the summer there are plenty of fresh vegetables and vegetable soup with bell peppers can be cooked with new ingredients every time.

Okroshka with whey is an exclusively summer dish that not only satisfies hunger well, but also perfectly refreshes, so the soup should always be thoroughly cooled in the refrigerator before serving.

Dietary celery soup will help burn extra pounds and cleanse the body of toxins. I recommend eating this soup for at least a week. Cook the soup in half an hour! Be healthy and love yourself!

Chanterelle soup with beans is my lifesaver. A very tasty, satisfying and beautiful soup that can be prepared in just 25 minutes. It's very easy to prepare. Meet us!

Cheese soup with honey mushrooms is a surprisingly tender, almost creamy soup made from fairly simple ingredients. The cooking recipe was invented by me personally and tested dozens of times - it always turns out great.

You were promised a hearty lunch, but time is running out? Don’t despair, I advise you how to cook borscht in the microwave - it only takes half an hour, and no one will notice the substitution, it will be just as satisfying and rich :)

For lovers of fermented milk dishes, I advise you to prepare okroshka with citric acid. Cold, fresh soup with sourness is perfect in the summer. Let's also add garlic to it for piquancy and more herbs.

Perhaps the most unusual version of okroshka is with sprat in tomato. When you want something quick and easy, this okroshka is a good option. Take a can of canned food, one or two - and you're done!

When I want something spicy, I cook okroshka with mustard. In addition to this spicy component, I add fresh mint. The taste is wonderful! I highly recommend trying my okrosheka!

I like “Baltic okroshka” - made with kefir and beets. The sweetness of beets and the sourness of kefir create a unique combination. I always want more! This soup is very good for your appetite!

During Lent and for relief, my family and I eat Lenten okroshka with mushrooms. It goes with any mushrooms you have at home or buy. The simple version is with champignons, the royal version is with white ones.

What to cook in hot weather? In my family they would answer you in unison - okroshka! I recommend a light version of the soup, and add vinegar for sourness. We prepare okroshka in water with the addition of vinegar - you will love it!

Okroshka with kvass is a classic dish that, I think, every housewife should be able to prepare. Most often I cook okroshka using my homemade kvass. It will turn out very tasty!

This simple recipe for okroshka with mayonnaise is easy to remember. It will take you about 20 minutes to prepare. It’s good to add ice to the finished okroshka! Take care of fresh vegetables, preferably from the garden.

Okroshka is a light, nutritious, vitamin-packed soup that also helps you lose weight. I love okroshka and in early spring I always go on an okroshka diet. By bikini season I lose 3-4 kg.

Soup with sorrel and egg is a traditional and well-known soup of Russian home cooking. The ingredients are inexpensive, the cooking process is simple, and the soup is hearty, rich and tasty. Let's cook!

Sorrel puree soup is another incredibly tasty dish made from this healthy vegetable. It is prepared simply, quickly and from affordable budget ingredients, but the taste and appearance of the dish are of restaurant quality.

Cold cucumber soup is a great lunch on a hot summer day. The recipe for cold cucumber soup is based on natural yogurt and vegetable broth. Suitable for vegetarians.

Light, healthy, satisfying, aromatic, tasty - the advantages of this wonderful and simple sorrel soup in a slow cooker can be listed for a long time. But it’s better to see for yourself, isn’t it? :)

Curd soup "Friendship"

Eh, who among us doesn’t remember the taste of this soup?.. Once upon a time it was a real lifesaver for our mothers and grandmothers. But even today, a simple recipe for soup from Druzhba cheese (or any other processed cheese) can become a help for a modern housewife who often has to cook something “quickly”.

It's mid-September, the kitchen is filled with homemade tomatoes and pumpkins. Well, we prepare delicious dishes by recycling excess food. Tomato soup with pumpkin - welcome!

Broccoli soup recipe. The soup is very quick to prepare and tastes simply excellent. And thanks to a vegetable like broccoli, this dish becomes very nutritious and healthy.

If you don't know what to cook with tomatoes, try Moroccan tomato soup. This is an easy-to-prepare, very spicy and original soup made from simple ingredients that are understandable to Russian people.

Lenten rassolnik is a very easy to prepare and hearty homemade soup. There are no frills - Lenten pickle is prepared only from simple and affordable ingredients. Just what you need for Lent.

Very tasty and aromatic pumpkin soup. I advise you to prepare it for your children as the soup is very healthy.

Classic Mediterranean garlic cream soup is a dish that is better to try once than to hear about it a hundred times. It's very easy to prepare.

A simple and delicious recipe for canned soup. Smoked saury in oil goes very well with this dish.

Recipe for making solyanka with sausage, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, pickles and olives.

Lithuanian cold borscht "Šaltibarščey"

Recipe for a traditional Lithuanian dish. Cold borscht is served in the summer. Everyone should try this soup, it’s simply delicious!

Milk soup with buckwheat is very easy to prepare and will not take much effort and time. Buckwheat is used in both adult and baby food.

Creamy spinach soup with celery and cabbage is a light, tasty soup with a beautiful emerald color.

Cherry soup - it may sound crazy, but it is the Hungarian national dish. And I must say, it’s quite tasty :)

Vegetarian okroshka is a cold summer soup, without eggs or sausage. Also, this okroshka is prepared not with kvass, but with kefir.

Chanterelle soup is a very light, tasty and aromatic mushroom soup. Suitable for vegetarians and dieters.

French puree soup is an exquisite, but very simple in composition dish. I think that every housewife can easily find all the necessary ingredients in her refrigerator to prepare this soup.

Vegetarian vegetable miso soup is a delicious and very healthy soup. Japanese cuisine is based on fish, but we will prepare a soup without fish, but nevertheless full of vitamins and nutrients!

If you don’t know what to cook from zucchini, I recommend pureed zucchini soup. The dish is not only very healthy, but also very tasty and refreshing on a summer day.

Bell pepper soup is an original and very tasty yellow cream soup! It doesn’t take much effort or money to prepare it, which makes it even more attractive!

A recipe for making Thai soup made from chicken broth, coconut milk, shrimp, mushrooms, lemon, chili, garlic and ginger. Tom KXA soup is the hallmark of Asian cuisine.

Recipe for making soup from peas, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomato sauce and spices. Lenten pea soup is no less tasty than meat soup.

Croutons will enhance the flavor of any soup. Dried in the oven or fried in butter, rubbed with garlic or soaked in lemon juice. Prepare croutons for your soup and see for yourself.

Vermicelli soup is very easy to prepare, light and tasty. It is prepared with chicken, beef and vegetable broth. Today we offer you noodle soup with meatballs.

The recipe for this soup will come in very handy when you need to prepare dinner and are sorely short of time. It cooks very quickly, and the soup turns out very tasty.

White soup is any creamy soup that uses processed cheese in its preparation.

Chicken noodles are one of the most popular homemade soups. It always turns out very tender and tasty. This is a very light soup, which is also very quick and easy to prepare.

Bonn soup is the basis of the appropriately named diet, based on statistics that people who prefer soups make up the majority of thin people.

Recipe for making potato soup with dumplings.

Recipe for making borscht with beets, squid, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, onions and herbs.

For many, milk soup is associated either with milk rice porridge or with exotic dishes from France and Sweden. How about a simple and healthy vegetable soup made with milk? Useful and great!

This dish may seem unusual to our eaters, because the soup does not contain traditional potatoes. The main ingredient here is onion. However, once you taste the soup properly, you will love it. Recipe from Dumas the Elder.

Fragrant tea with ginger is a popular drink among people who appreciate the unusual spicy taste of this plant. In addition to its unique aroma, ginger has many beneficial properties. It is rich in vitamins A, B and C, and contains a large number of beneficial amino acids, minerals and essential oils.

Ginger tea is especially relevant in winter due to its warming effect. This drink is used...

Mushroom salad will easily decorate any holiday table! This amazing appetizer allows you to pleasantly diversify the menu. The beauty of mushroom salads is that they can be prepared throughout the year. In summer, fried chanterelles, honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, milk mushrooms or Polish mushrooms are popular. In winter, you can use preparations for salad: pickled, salted or dried mushrooms...

The lack of a pronounced taste in zucchini does not make the vegetable less popular and in demand. Zucchini is light and easy to prepare and opens up impressive culinary prospects. It is used to prepare both first and second courses, as well as pickled salads for the winter, including the famous finger-licking salad, Korean salad and caviar.

Vegetables stuffed with meat or baked with cheese and potatoes are no less tasty...

Summer is a time of sunny days and a dizzying abundance of fruits and berries. Among the many seasonal fruits, cherries especially stand out for their beneficial qualities and amazing taste. It is not for nothing that it is actively used in cooking and valued in folk medicine.

Cherry contains vitamins B1, B6, B15, PP, E, as well as a complex of minerals - iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, cobalt, nickel, rubidium. The berry has...

September pleases us with a rich harvest of vegetables, a special place among which is occupied by young pumpkin. This delicious vegetable is not only aesthetically beautiful, it is also a source of invaluable vitamins and minerals for its health benefits. The composition of the “sunny berry” includes vitamins PP, B1, B2, C and E. They are necessary for maintaining immunity, vigor and high vitality. Extremely rich pumpkin...

Even several thousand years ago, people awarded the title of a natural universal healer to the “wine berry” - the fig. The beautiful Cleopatra preferred figs to many delicacies, knowing that they contributed to her beauty and health like nothing else. Experts recommend eating fresh figs regularly. This recommendation is easy, and most importantly pleasant, to follow: after all, dishes with figs are varied and always...

A nutritious, easy-to-prepare dish that goes with any side dish, and the ingredients for its preparation are always affordable... Today we have prepared a collection with recipes for liver cutlets and pancakes. Juicy cutlets or spicy liver pancakes have a pleasant, slightly sweet taste. This dish is not uncommon in many families. Delicious liver pancakes with carrots and golden onions...

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How much time would you like to spend making delicious soup? How much time do you actually have to create this dish on a weekday? If sometimes you have almost no time to cook, and your family is waiting for a set meal that includes an amazing soup, then you should take note of one of these quick soup recipes! No doubt about it, these instant soups turn out very...

If you haven’t planned your everyday menu in advance, and your loved ones are bored with the usual simple dishes, try implementing one of the ideas from this collection. Appetizing meatballs are a simple but very tasty dish reminiscent of cutlets. Indeed, meatballs are not much different from cutlets, but there is a difference between them. The meatballs are prepared mainly from finely chopped meat, and they have a round shape,...

Buns, sausages and a couple of spicy sauces to suit your taste. Combine all the ingredients and the hot dogs are ready! It’s easy to prepare and tastes like nothing special, but creating a hot dog isn’t limited to these simple steps! There are several recipes on how to cook hot dogs at home in a new way and many ideas on how to diversify this dish, giving it new piquant...

Among the many delicacies, some will always choose the fluffy chicken soufflé! Chicken soufflé is a very delicate tasting dish, so pleasant in texture, airy, as if weightless. Little children love the souffle that their mother prepares for them; many people prepare it for a dinner party, for the arrival of guests or for holidays; Well, lovers of culinary delights appreciate it for its amazing taste. This delicacy is a welcome dish...

Soups are an important component of every person's diet. They help you feel full and restore strength. They began to cook about 400 years ago, from the time dishes appeared. However, you should not think that the cooking process was the same as it is now. The cooking method began to be used much later.

First courses began to become widespread only at the end of the 17th century. In Russian cuisine, liquid dishes were usually called stews. The name “soup” began to be used only under Peter I.

Today there are about 150 options, each of which is divided into another thousand types, and also in several variations.

They can be hot - borscht, rassolniki, solyanka, cabbage soup, with various types of meat, fish, vegetables or cereals. Cold liquid dishes are good in the summer heat and are prepared mainly with light broth, water, kvass, and fermented milk products (okroshka, kholodnik, tarator).

However, what they all have in common is that 50% is liquid, the other half is various fillings. The ingredients are a wide variety of products: vegetables, cereals, pasta, fruits, herbs, spices, meat products. It is impossible to say which one is better. Everyone chooses according to their taste, preference and even lifestyle.

On our website you will find simple and understandable recipes for soups both for every day and for the holiday table. Each dish is described step by step with a photo with a detailed set of ingredients, so even a novice housewife will understand everything.

The question that worries many women is how to prepare soup so that it is tasty, healthy, and, of course, does not harm the figure. At the same time, it is necessary that all household members like it.

We have collected a large selection of recipes: Ukrainian borscht, Georgian kharcho, with cheese and crackers, with noodles, mushrooms, various types of fish, seafood - you can’t count it all.

In order for the food to be successful, you must follow the unspoken rules:

  • vegetable soups are boiled in a small volume of liquid;
  • meat, especially with smoked meats, will turn out tastier if you cook them in earthenware, porcelain or enamel dishes;
  • Don’t cook too much - maximum number of servings for 6 people at the rate of 200-400 ml of liquid per serving;
  • spices, as well as tomato paste, are added at the very end of cooking;
  • In borscht, potatoes are cut into cubes, in noodle soups - into strips.

If you are watching your weight, then you will probably like vegetarian dishes. Dietary, healthy food is prepared without frying vegetables or adding fatty meats or fish. To make it more filling, cereals or legumes are added to it, and greens are added for flavor.

Only a real housewife can prepare real Ukrainian borscht, but thanks to the detailed description, step-by-step photos and exact recipe, you can easily master this art and delight your loved ones with its rich, unique taste.

It is especially worth highlighting the first courses for children. Every mother has to rack her brains about what to cook so that her baby eats with pleasure. With us this problem will solve itself. On the pages of our website you will find pureed soups for your beloved child from 6 months. As a rule, they are prepared from vegetables, with the addition of cream or milk.

Don't be afraid to experiment, choose new recipes on our website. Your loved ones will certainly appreciate your efforts, because now even the simplest broth will become a masterpiece from the chef.

On the pages of our website you will find other, no less interesting recipes.

Soup is an important dish on every person's menu. After all, it will be no secret to anyone that you need to eat liquid boiled food, helping your digestive system work better. But often preparing this dish can take a long time. This article will talk about how to cook a “quick” soup from a small amount of ingredients.

Option 1. With egg and vermicelli

This is a very simple but quite tasty soup that cooks very quickly. First you need to prepare the ingredients for the dish. First of all, you need to boil 4, cool them and cut them into cubes. Next, the onions are prepared: two fairly large onions need to be chopped to the desired state and fried in butter until a pleasant golden color. Next, the main part of the work begins - preparing the “quick” soup. First, as usual, you need to boil water in a saucepan (these proportions are designed for 3 liters of soup), then put the vermicelli there and cook until almost fully cooked. Now you need to put the fried onion in the water and cook the soup a little. At this stage, everything is salted to taste, you can add seasonings. The last stage is to place it in the dish, turn it off and leave it on the stove to cool under a closed lid. That's all, the desired dish is ready!

Option 2. Cheese

Another option is how you can prepare a “quick” soup so that it turns out very tasty. First you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients: potatoes are cut into cubes, onions - into half rings or simply chopped, carrots are grated, and processed cheese is also grated on a fine grater at the rate of 50 g per serving. First, the onion is slightly fried in a frying pan, then carrots are added there, everything is ready (you can skip this stage - put raw onions and carrots in the soup - and the soup will turn out to be simply lean, i.e. less fatty and rich). Now you need to boil water, put potatoes in it, bring it to a boil, skim off the foam. Next, the onion and carrot frying is added to the soup, everything is boiled a little until the potatoes are completely cooked. At this stage, grated processed cheese is added to the soup and everything is cooked until the cheese melts. And only after this is the dish salted or seasoned (after all, the cheese itself is salty, so this should be done so as not to oversalt the food). That's all, the soup is ready.

Option 3. With crab sticks

Another way to make a “quick” soup from a very small amount of ingredients. So, for this you need to cut the potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots, and chop the onion. They are also cut into small cubes. Everything is prepared according to the well-known principle: first, potatoes are placed in boiling water, again, everything is brought to a boil, the foam is removed. Next step: onions and carrots are placed in the water, which can be pre-fried if desired. When the soup is almost ready, crab sticks are added, everything is salted and seasoned to taste. One teaspoon of dill - dry herbs - will fit harmoniously into the soup. The soup is ready to eat!

Option 4. Fish (with canned food)

Another way to cook quick soup. However, it will not be made from fish, but from To do this, you need to cut the potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots, and chop the onion. You will also need two cans of canned food (it is better to choose sardines) to prepare 3-4 liters of soup. The potatoes are placed in boiling water, after boiling the foam is removed, and onions and carrots are added to the soup (if desired, fried in a frying pan in butter). Everything is cooked until the potatoes are almost completely cooked; now you just add the canned food, slightly crushed with a fork, with all the contents (water). At this stage, it is important not to forget to add salt and pepper to the soup, boil for another 4-5 minutes and turn off. The soup is ready to eat.

Option 5. Pea

Pea soup is a very tasty dish, but preparing it is a whole problem, because the main ingredient - peas - needs to be cooked for so long! And most housewives do not want to hang around the stove for half a day. Now we’ll tell you how you can cook pea soup quickly thanks to the special preparation of the main ingredient. So, cooking peas. First, you need to rinse it thoroughly (it should be chopped and polished), then everything is filled with cold water to about the thickness of a finger, and cooked until the water has almost completely boiled away. Next, cold water is again added to the peas on your finger, everything boils away. You need to do this three times, after which the main ingredient will be completely ready! And it took only fifteen minutes. Next, the peas are crushed and placed in boiling water. Pre-prepared potatoes, onions and carrots are added there one by one, everything is salted and seasoned to taste. The soup is cooked until the potatoes are completely cooked, then everything is turned off, closed with a lid and infused. The soup is ready to eat!

Simple secrets

Some ladies will be interested in knowing how to quickly prepare soup. To make it more rich, you can pre-cook the broth; you don’t have to do it all at once. This way it will take much less time to prepare the soup itself using ready-made broth. It is better to salt and season first courses closer to the end of the cooking process, so they will be tastier. A tip on how to quickly cook them is to add them to the dish almost at the very end. After all, if you add tomatoes earlier, they will significantly slow down the cooking process, and everything may take much longer. Well, the main nuance: you always need to remove the foam after boiling potatoes, because this boils down unnecessary substances that are better to remove from the dish first.