Ramzan Kadyrov calls for a ban on the screening of the film Matilda. Alexey Uchitel - about a new turn in the story with “Matilda Ramzan Kadyrov about the film Matilda

MOSCOW, August 10 – RIA Novosti. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, is confident that residents of the republic will not waste time watching Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda.” He stated this on his page in Instagram, commenting on reports that the film received a distribution certificate.

Previously, Kadyrov asked the Ministry of Culture not to show “Matilda” in Chechnya. However, on Thursday it became known that the ministry had issued the film a distribution certificate, assigning it the 16+ category. At the same time, the Ministry of Culture explained that regions can independently limit the rental of the film on their territory.

“There will be no ban! Do you know why? It’s very simple! In Chechnya, they won’t waste time watching a film that is immoral, unspiritual and immoral in relation to their homeland. I’m sure that the film won’t find an audience in other regions either,” he wrote Kadyrov.

According to the head of Chechnya, “there are topics that in the interests of society, for the sake of higher interests, cannot be touched, much less thrown mud at.” At the same time, he reproached the Ministry of Culture for financing films with age restrictions for viewing.

“Imagine what spiritual, moral, ethical, patriotic values ​​the picture is filled with if persons under 16 years of age are not allowed into the hall,” Kadyrov asked.

“This is how they raise the young generation, for whom patriotism, Motherland, duty, love for the Fatherland do not exist. It is not surprising if the Ministry of Culture supports lack of culture in “creativity”. But not everything depends on this ministry and on its distribution certificate,” concluded He.

First Deputy Minister of Culture Vladimir Aristarkhov, in turn, called “Matilda” a good and strong film about the dignity of a woman and the responsibility of a man. He noted that the plot of the film has nothing to do with the execution of the royal family in 1918, which is why Nicholas II was recognized as a martyr. According to Aristarkhov, demands to refuse to comprehend the events associated with the life of the last Russian emperor are absolutely absurd.

At the same time, the deputy minister is confident that many of those who are now criticizing “Matilda” will change their minds after watching the film.

The film by Alexei Uchitel is dedicated to the fate of the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, with whom the future Emperor Nicholas II was in love. The premiere is scheduled for October 6 at the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater, and the film should be released in wide release on October 25.

Representatives of the social movement “Royal Cross” called “Matilda” an “anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation,” and Natalya Poklonskaya asked the Prosecutor General’s Office to check the film. According to her, an examination of the film’s materials showed that the image of Nicholas II created in it does not correspond to the image of the emperor canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Kadyrov called for a ban on the screening of “Matilda”, Poklonskaya supported it, the Ministry of Culture promised to take into account the request

Ramzan Kadyrov, in an official letter to Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, called for a ban on the screening of the scandalous film in the Chechen Republic.

“Tens of thousands of people of different faiths are asking not to allow the public release of the film in the Russian Federation due to the fact that they regard it as a deliberate mockery of the feelings of believers, an insult to their religious feelings and a humiliation of human dignity, as well as desecration of shrines and the centuries-old history of the peoples of Russia.” , - KP.ru quotes Kadyrov’s words about the controversial film directed by Alexei Uchitel.

The head of the Chechen Republic emphasized that during the First World War, “the Caucasian Cavalry Division, the “Wild Division,” one of the reliable military units and the pride of the Russian army, covered itself with immortal feats.”

“The division consisted of residents of the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Muslims who voluntarily took the oath to Tsar Nicholas II and pledged to defend the Russian Empire from the enemy at the cost of their lives. Until the end of its existence, the division remained faithful to the tsar and the tsarist army,” Ramzan Kadyrov said in his address.

As a result, he called for the Chechen Republic not to be included in the screening plans.

“To live with honor, we must remember our history, be proud and honor those who fought for us. This memory is sacred and noble. We, the descendants of the victors, must not only sacredly honor the memory of the defenders of the Motherland, but also educate the younger generation in the spirit of respect for our history,” the head of Chechnya concluded.

As Russian Spring previously reported, ex-prosecutor of Crimea and now State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya condemned the film “Matilda” and called it unacceptable to show the trailer of this film in cinemas.

Natalya Poklonskaya said that Kadyrov stood up for all believers

On Tuesday evening, after information appeared in the media about the head of Chechnya’s appeal to the Ministry of Culture, Poklonskaya said that through his actions Ramzan Kadyrov stood up for all believers.

In addition, Natalya Poklonskaya admitted that she had long known about Kadyrov’s letter to Vladimir Medinsky.

“And not only Ramzan Akhmatovich addressed such a letter to the Minister of Culture, but also the heads of other regions prepared the same letters<...>The people ask that no one infringe or offend the feelings of believers. People are asking that the film not be released. After all, he insults Orthodox shrines and brings discord in society. And Ramzan Kadyrov, speaking out for banning the film, stood up for all the people who went out to pray on August 1,” KP.ru quotes the State Duma deputy as saying.

She also recalled that the “Wild Division” was formed in the Caucasus, which remained loyal to the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

Poklonskaya emphasized that Kadyrov’s letter says that in Chechnya they remember the exploits of their ancestors and remain heirs of the “Wild Division”.

The Ministry of Culture promised to take into account Kadyrov’s request

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation has promised to take into account the request of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, to ban the screening of the scandalous film by A. Uchitel in the republic, RIA Novosti reports, citing a statement from the department’s press service.

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, appealed to Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky with a request to ban the screening of the film “Matilda” directed by Alexei Uchitel in the republic, Izvestia reports.

“Tens of thousands of people of different faiths are asking not to allow the public release of the film in the Russian Federation due to the fact that they regard it as a deliberate mockery of the feelings of believers and a humiliation of human dignity, as well as desecration of shrines and the centuries-old history of the peoples of Russia,” the letter says Kadyrov.

The head of Chechnya notes that it is necessary to educate the younger generation by respecting history, and not distorting it.

“We must educate the younger generation in the spirit of respect for our history. I ask you to exclude the Chechen Republic from the distribution certificate for the screening of the film “Matilda,” Kadyrov concluded.

As Ramzan Kadyrov explained, he familiarized himself with the information provided by State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya about the presence of thousands of statements from Orthodox Christians and Muslims who claim that the plot of the film offends their religious feelings. The head of the Chechen Republic emphasized that residents of the region honor the behests of their ancestors and respect the centuries-old history of Russia.

The press service of the Ministry of Culture told RIA Novosti that they had received the document and would take the request into account.

State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya called the decision of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, strong and courageous.

“Banning a blasphemous film on the territory of the republic that insults our history and faith is not a decision for everyone! Honor the behests of our ancestors! This is not for the faint of heart. To do this, you need to be brave and respectful of the feelings of others. Ramzan Akhmatovich’s decision is extremely courageous and worthy of our common history and the exploits of our ancestors!” — Poklonskaya wrote on her Facebook page.

In turn, Vakhtang Kipshidze, deputy head of the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society and the Media, believes that the appeal of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, with a request not to show the film “Matilda” in the republic is “an important signal about the need to build a deeper and more engaged dialogue between the religious communities of Russia and the creative community."

“We proceed from the undoubted value for society and the individual of both freedom of creativity and the dignity of believers, which can be called into question by the indelicate treatment of a shrine in a particular work of art,” V. Kipshidze told an Interfax-Religion correspondent.

A representative of the Synodal Department noted that members of the Interreligious Council of Russia “always demonstrated unity when Orthodox, Muslim or Jewish shrines became the object of unsuccessful creative experiments,” be it the exhibition “Caution: Religion!”, caricatures of the founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, or the memory of victims of the Holocaust.

“We call for the dialogue of religious communities with the creative community to be based on respect for the inviolability of the sacred, with which the majority of believers associate their human dignity. And if such a dialogue is sincere, then this will mean there is no need to act using the method of prohibitions,” concluded V. Kipshidze.

And the ballerinas “Matilda” are asking to cancel not only Orthodox Christians, but also Muslims. In his letter, Kadyrov reports that he has become familiar with the information received from deputy Natalya Poklonskaya about the presence of thousands of applications from citizens, mostly Orthodox (40 thousand signatures), as well as Muslims of Russia (muftis of Dagestan, Crimea).

“Tens of thousands of people of different faiths are asking not to allow the public release of the film in the Russian Federation due to the fact that they regard it as a deliberate mockery of the feelings of believers, an insult to their religious feelings and a humiliation of human dignity, as well as desecration of shrines and the centuries-old history of the peoples of Russia.” , explains the head of the region in a letter published on the website KP.ru.

According to the author of the letter, the conclusions of complex psycholinguistic, cultural and historical research, as well as publicly available materials for “Matilda” and the script approved for filming fully confirm the applicants’ arguments. In this regard, Kadyrov points out that on December 5, 2016, the President of Russia, by his decree, approved the Doctrine of Information Security of the country, which, among the threats, in particular, mentions the increase in information influence on the population of Russia, and mainly on youth, in order to erode traditional Russian spiritual -moral values.

“On the territory of Chechnya, they honor and keep the behests of their ancestors, and respect the centuries-old history of our Motherland. To live with honor, we must remember our history, be proud and honor those who fought for us. This memory is sacred and noble. We, the descendants of the victors, must not only sacredly honor the memory of the defenders of the Motherland, but also educate the younger generation in the spirit of respect for our history. I ask you to exclude the Chechen Republic from the distribution certificate for the film “Matilda,” the letter summarizes.

Today it became known that the Simferopol prosecutor's office warned local cinemas about the inadmissibility of renting Matilda trailers. This was reported by the film’s director’s lawyer, Konstantin Dobrynin; the attorney has already challenged this ban in the Prosecutor General’s Office.

As Dobrynin said, he had at his disposal a copy of the “Warning on the inadmissibility of violating the legislation regulating the procedure for public demonstration of film and video products, on countering extremist activities, on advertising,” dated August 2. The document is addressed to the acting director of the Cinema named after. T.G. Shevchenko." According to the lawyer, the warning was signed by Deputy Prosecutor of Simferopol Alexander Shkitov. From the text of the document it follows that the supervisory authority considered Natalya Poklonskaya’s appeal about showing Matilda trailers in city cinemas, the content of which “grossly offends the feelings of believers.”

At the same time, Poklonskaya herself promised to initiate such warnings throughout Russia, since, according to her, not only ordinary citizens, but also regional leaders are against the film. also called on Medinsky to respond to appeals from opponents of the film.

“Of course, I will initiate it in other regions. Not only warnings, there are official letters addressed to the Minister of Culture, who for some reason is silent and does not tell anyone about this. And we receive requests from the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a request to exclude the territories of their constituent entities from the rental certificate, if it is issued. Let him talk about it,” the deputy said.

The parliamentarian also expressed confidence that Medinsky should hear the voice of the authorities if he does not hear the appeals of ordinary people, NSN reports.

“Not only prosecutors hear people, but also heads of constituent entities. I am sure that the Minister of Culture will hear people, because his responsible decision will be looked at by the people at whose expense this film was made, at the expense of taxpayers. And this will be a mirror image of the attitude of the relevant ministry towards these people. Whether he respects the position of ordinary people or not,” Poklonskaya explained.

By the way, after receiving a warning from the prosecutor's office, Simferopol cinemas refused to show the Matilda trailer. According to a representative of the Shevchenko Cinema, she visited, where she signed for a warning, and then reported this to her director. The cinema, located in the Meganom shopping and entertainment center, also refused to show the film’s trailer.