Entertainment in the senior group “National Unity Day. Scenario of an event in kindergarten on National Unity Day. Light holiday at the gate.

Summary of direct educational activities.

Subject: "Day of National Unity".

Target : To consolidate preschoolers’ ideas about the history of the holiday and its significance for Russia. Foster a sense of patriotism.

Objectives: Cognition: Deepen and clarify children's ideas about the Motherland - Russia, about public holidays; basic information about the history of your native country.

Consolidate knowledge about the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia.

Expand ideas about Moscow - the main city, the capital of Russia.

Communication : Continue work to expand the social science vocabulary. Practice intonation expressiveness of speech.

Reading fiction:Develop sensitivity to the poetic word. Improve artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems.

Music: To consolidate knowledge of the melody of the anthem of the Russian Federation. Strengthen practical skills in expressive song performance.


Educator: Children, there are many kind and good words in the Russian language, and among them there are words that always make us feel proud and love.

"Home", "Fatherland", "Russia"

Yes, "native side"...

Who will tell you what they mean

Those big words?

Children, what do the concepts of Russia and Motherland mean to you?

Children: This is the region where we were born, where we live, this is our home, this is everything that surrounds us.

Wheat field, and mountains, and forest,

And the hot sun from the high skies,

The birch trees bowed to the ground -

We proudly call all this Russia.

Educator: We live in the largest and most beautiful country in the world, in Russia. On November 4, our country celebrates the holiday “National Unity Day”is a holiday of unity and mutual assistance of all Russian peoples.

Children read a poem:

  1. There is one state when the people are one.

When with great power he moves forward.

  1. He defeats the enemy

Rising as one to fight,

And Rus' liberates.

And sacrifices himself.

  1. For the glory of those heroes

We live by one destiny.

And together Unity Day

We celebrate with you.

The teacher and children sing a song

"Where the Motherland Begins" (words by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Basner).

Educator: Children, let's remember Russian history. A long time ago, Russians lived on our land. They lived honestly, worked, raised children. But then a bad day and hour came, and troubles - misfortunes - fell upon our Russian land - enemies attacked. But, a good fellow was found on Russian soil - Kozma Minin. He began to collect strength and funds for the liberation of the Fatherland. The whole people understood that they were tightly bound by one misfortune. Now it was necessary to choose a governor. So that he would lead the army against the enemy. They chose a governor - Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. It was hard for the Russian soldiers, but the Russian army still won. The enemy became exhausted and surrendered.

Later, in memory of the heroes - defenders of Rus', a monument to Kozma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was erected in the capital of Russia - Moscow, using funds raised by the people.

Years pass, centuries flow by, but their feat is not forgotten.

And in honor of this historical event, a holiday was established - National Unity Day.

Children read the poem:

  1. A good monument has been erected

To two heroes throughout the country

As a sign that he was delivered

From dishonor the native land.

  1. It is marked with a year, a day

And inscribed on it:

"Citizen Minin and

Prince Pozharsky -

Grateful Russia."

Educator hands out several photographs of Moscow sights to each child and asks them to find a photograph of the monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky.

Educator: Each country has its own state symbols: flag, coat of arms and anthem.

What is Russia's flag?

Children: Tricolor, it consists of three stripes - white, blue, red.

Educator: What do they mean?

Children: White is the color of the world. He says that our country is peace-loving, it does not attack anyone.

Blue color is faith, fidelity. The people love their country, protect it, and are loyal to it.

Red is the color of power. This is blood shed for the Motherland.

"Collect the Russian flag."

Educator: What is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? What do you see in the center? Children: Orla.

Educator: Tell us about him, what is he like?

Children: With two heads, with raised wings.

Educator: Why is an eagle depicted on the coat of arms of Russia?

Children: The eagle on the coat of arms denotes strength, which means that the state whose coat of arms depicts an eagle is strong and invincible.

Educator: But why does the eagle have two heads?

Children: The Russian state is very large, and the heads of the eagle look to the west and east, as if showing that the state is large, but united. People of different nationalities live in Russia, not just Russians.

Educator: Is anything familiar about this coat of arms?

Children: Yes, the coat of arms of Moscow is depicted in the center, since Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.

A didactic game is being played"Collect the coat of arms of Russia."

Educator: Each state must have its own anthem.

Children: An anthem is a solemn song. It is performed on the most solemn occasions - during holidays and other important events.

During the performance of the anthem, everyone must stand up, and men take off their hats.

Educator: I invite everyone to stand and listen to the Russian anthem.

Listening to the Russian anthem.

Educator: A person has one natural mother, and he has one Motherland.

The people love her deeply. He wrote a lot of proverbs and sayings about her. Let's remember them.


1. Beloved homeland, like a dear mother.

2. If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

3. On the other side, like a nightingale without a song.

4. Live - serve the Motherland.

5. Do not spare your strength or life for your Motherland.

6. Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Educator: And now I invite you to join hands.

(Children stand in a circle and join hands.)

Educator: We are all united by a sense of pride for our country - Russia, for its history. And on National Unity Day, we feel with particular strength that we are one powerful Russian people, we have one Fatherland - Russia! And we love our Motherland dearly.

Children reading a poem V. Mayakovsky:

" You hear the song of the stream - this is your homeland!

You see the stars of the Kremlin - this is your Motherland!

The house where your friends live is your homeland!

Your mother's hands, the sound of branches and the sound of rain

And in the forest, currants are also the Motherland!”

for children of the preparatory group.

Winner of the all-Russian competition "The most popular article of the month" NOVEMBER 2017

Program content:

1. Expand children’s understanding of their home country, public holidays, deepen

and clarify ideas about the Motherland-Russia.

2. Consolidate knowledge related to the events of 1612, maintain interest in studying the history of your country.

3. Foster a sense of pride in the achievements of your country, respect for people of different nationalities and their customs.

4. Involving parents in active cooperation.

Methods and techniques: surprise moment, literary expression, conversation with children, expressive performance of musical accompaniment, examination of paintings, illustrations, individual work, game techniques with the introduction of toys, attributes, and the introduction of living characters in costumes.

Vocabulary work: enrichment and activation of the dictionary - national unity, consent, power, people's militia; use in speech - St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square, monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

Preliminary work:

  1. Introduce children to the national holiday and the historical events of 1612.
  2. Organize an excursion to the children's library to see the exhibition "Historical monuments of Ancient Rus'" watching a video "Our compatriots: the people's militia" .
  3. Listening to a piece of music “Get up, Russian people!” from the opera by M. P. Mussorgsky "Khovanshchina" performed by male and female choirs.
  4. Learn musical and literary material.
  5. Strengthen dance and gaming skills.
  6. Preparation of costumes and attributes.

Equipment: flags with Russian symbols according to the number of children, didactic board game "Guess and make up a word" , children's costumes: Russian, Belarusian, Tatar, Uzbek, Ukrainian.

Decorations: a house, a screen, folk utensils, fake turnips, decoration of the hall with Russian symbols and attributes of other nationalities.


Presenters – teachers and music director

Russians are children of the preparatory group.

Guests from Belarus are children of the preparatory group.

Guests from Tatarstan are children of the preparatory group.

Guests from Uzbekistan are children of the preparatory group.

Guests from Ukraine are children of the preparatory group.

A border guard, a policeman, a sailor, a doctor, a cook are children of the preparatory group.

Celebration progress:

To the music "Military March" G. Sviridov, children with flags with Russian symbols solemnly enter the hall and stand in a semicircle, facing the guests.

Educator: Today is our Motherland Day,
There is nothing sweeter than her in the world.
In unity is the strength of all nations,
And the whole secret is in strong friendship!

Educator: We are celebrating an important holiday,
The whole country is ready for it
We greet friends with smiles
And we wish everyone well!

1 child: My big Motherland
Russian country
All over the vast earth
You are the only one.

Child 2: How big is my land
How wide are the spaces!
Lakes, rivers and fields,
Forests and steppe and mountains

My country has spread
From north to south.
We live in a joyful land
And we must know it.

Your Russian country.
Your beloved bright land.

3rd child: May our Motherland bloom,
Favorite country!
All over the vast earth
You are the only one!

Performed "Anthem of the Russian Federation" - music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by S. Mikhalkov.

Educator: Word "WE" stronger than "I"
We are family and we are friends
WE are the people, and we are ONE.
Together we are INVICTABLE!!!

To the music "Military March" G. Sviridov children march around the hall and sit on chairs.

Educator: On November 4th, our entire country celebrates a holiday - National Unity Day. Do you know what events this holiday was established to commemorate? (children's answers).

Host: That's right, children. This holiday was established in memory of the events of November 4, 1612, when, in a single spiritual and military impulse, the people's militia under the leadership of the elder Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from its enemies. At all times, Russian people loved their homeland. They composed songs, proverbs and poems about her, and performed feats in the name of their native land.

1 child: I have a homeland - Russia
This happiness is my life.
This is my future strength
This is my friendly family!

Child 2: If they ask me
Who is more important to me?
I have an answer ready:
Mom, dad, grandma, grandfather.

If they ask me again:
What is the basis of your soul?
I will answer them, friends:
This is my homeland!

Educator: Guys, what do you think the holiday calls us to do? "Day of National Unity" ?

Children: Towards the unity of Russians.

Educator: That's right, because the strength of Russia lies in the unity of the people.

Educator: They don’t argue with history,
Live with history
She unites
For feat and for work

One state
When the people are united
When great power
He moves forward.

He defeats the enemy
United in battle
And Rus' liberates
And sacrifices himself.

For the glory of those heroes
We live by one destiny,
Today is Unity Day
We celebrate with you.

1 child: Take care of Russia
We can't live without her.
Take care of her
To be her forever.

Our truth and strength
With all our destiny
Take care of Russia
There is no other Russia.

Child 2: What kind of rainbow is in the sky?
Red, blue, white color –
This is the flag of my Russia
There is no more beautiful flag!

Below, red is the color of Victory.
In the middle - blue
This is the color of great rivers,
What flows in Russia.

Well, on top it’s white.
Everyone knows this
What spiritual purity
Rus' welcomes guests.

Educator: What beautiful words can you choose for the word Motherland?

Children: Nice, strong, rich, beloved, wonderful; Russia, power, unity.

Educator: You mentioned a lot of beautiful and correct words. And now I suggest you play a game "Guess and make up a word" . (Children are divided into four teams, the teacher asks riddles, and the children make up answers from letters).

The game is being played "Guess and make up a word" .

Riddle 1: There is one melody,
The whole country is subject to her
Citizen, throwing everything away
Stoya listens to her. (answer: Anthem)

Riddle 2: You were born here, you live here,
You leave - you miss
What is the name of this place, do you know? (answer: Motherland)
Riddle 3: It has many names:

Tricolor, tricolor banner
The wind drives worries away
White - blue - red... (answer: Flag)
Riddle 4: It complements the anthem and the flag,

This is the main sign of any country.
Russia has a special one,
Try to name him. (answer: Coat of Arms)

1 team makes a word "Hymn" , 2 – "Motherland" , 3 – "Flag" , 4 – "Coat of arms" .

Educator: Our Motherland is Russia, a huge, beautiful and friendly country. People live in it

different nationalities with their own traditions, language and culture. Guys, what nationalities of people living on the territory of the Russian Federation do you know? (children call). That’s right, children, and today we have representatives of such nations at our holiday. Let's welcome our guests.

2 children perform to Russian folk music (boy and girl) in Russian folk costumes, they walk around the hall in a round dance. They greet everyone in Russian, congratulate them on Unity Day, talk about national clothing and demonstrate it. Similarly to the Slavic brothers, 2 children each enter the music hall: Belarusians, Ukrainians, Tatars and Uzbeks. They also present their culture: music, dance movements, costumes, after which they read poetry one by one:

  1. couple: Different peoples have lived in Russia for a long time.
  2. couple: Some like the taiga, others like the expanse of the steppe.
  3. couple: Each people has its own language and dress.
  4. couple: One wears a Circassian coat, the other put on a robe.
  5. couple: One is a fisherman from birth, the other is a reindeer herder.
  6. couple: One prepares kumiss, the other prepares honey.
  7. couple: Some love autumn, others love spring.

All in chorus: And we all have one Motherland, Russia!

Educator: Thank you to our guys for such wonderful words, and now take your seats to thunderous applause.

Dew consists of dewdrops, fog is made of droplets of steam,

Sand and the smallest grains of sand, Russia - from Russians.

The main thing is together! The main thing is to be friendly!

The main thing is with a heart burning in your chest!

We don't need indifference!

In unity there is strength, drive away intolerance!

Educator: Russia is a very large country...

From edge to edge...

And everywhere the children live and play.

Different guys have different games.

And the guys go to the same kindergarten.

Game played: Russian round dance “Oh, yes, turnip!”

Educator: Guys, today on National Unity Day I would like to remember that people are different

nationalities work in different professions and provide each other with different assistance and share experiences.

Children dressed as sailors, border guards, police officers, doctors, and cooks come out into the middle of the hall and talk about their professions.

Border Guard: Border Guard on duty
Looks vigilantly into the darkness.
The country is behind him
Immersed in a peaceful sleep

The night on the border is alarming
At night anything is possible
But the sentry is calm
Because behind my back

Our army stands
Protects people's work and sleep,
That is rich and strong
Our peaceful country.

Policeman: Policeman protects
Our honor and our peace,
And he enters the service
At one hour during the day and at one hour at night.

Sailor: They are leaving, leaving for the sea
Submarines, destroyers, battleships.
What do I guys secretly dream about?
About becoming a sailor.

Doctor: If suddenly there is a problem with your health,
People in white coats will always help,
Cars with a red cross are racing along the roads,
For good doctors, all patients are the same...

Cook: Chefs know the secrets
Cooking delicious dishes.
Let's thank them for this
Being a chef is not an easy job.

Educator: It’s a wonderful day, and the sun is shining,
And the city is blooming with flags!
Today is a holiday - children are happy,
People are noisy on the streets.

The kindergarten is decorated with flags,
We welcome and invite guests.
And our festive song
We sing loudly and joyfully!

A song is being performed “Hello, my Motherland!” - words by K. Ibryaev, music by Y. Chichkov.

Educator: Guys, remember: we need to stick together, help each other, be able to forgive, forget grievances.

The main thing is together!
The main thing is to be friendly!
The main thing is with your heart burning in your chest!
We don't need indifferent people in our lives!

Drive away anger and resentment from childhood!!!

Children, together with their parents and guests, perform "Round Dance of Friends" - music by M. Kuzmina.


The holiday ends with a friendly tea party in the group.

Sorokina O.N., senior teacher of MBDOU "Combined kindergarten No. 20" , Snezhinsk city

Tamara Stepanenko


Raising patriotic feelings: love for the Motherland, native land, tolerance for people of all nationalities living in our country.


Summarize and systematize knowledge children about the holiday« National Unity Day» .

Develop vocabulary ( unity, patriot, imagination, aesthetic taste, interest in the history of Russia, in the history of one’s native land;

Consolidate knowledge about the symbols of Russia.

Children enter the hall while singing “Where the Motherland Begins”, stand in a semicircle.


Kind day, Dear guests! All Russia celebrates November 4th National Unity Day. Motherland and Unity. There is a deep meaning in this holiday. Russia has been tested many times and has more than once experienced difficult, turbulent times of war and hostility. A time of troubles was then approaching for Russia.

The years passed into history, the kings changed and peoples,

But times are troubled, Rus' will never forget adversity!

This holiday of patriotism, mutual assistance and unity of all Russian peoples. It is connected with the events of 1612. It was on November 4, 1612 that the militia of Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky rushed into battle with the Poles for Moscow. There were battles on the streets of Moscow, the city was burning. But the warriors of Minin and Pozharsky fought to win. And we won! We must not forget the lessons stories: Russia is strong only when it united! That is why in our country there is such an important holiday - National Unity Day.

There's no arguing with history

Live with history

She unites.

To feat and to work!

One state,

When one people,

When great power

He moves forward.

He defeats the enemy

United in battle,

And Rus' liberates

And sacrifices himself.

For the glory of those heroes.

We live by one destiny

Today Unity Day

We celebrate with you!

IN day reconciliation and harmony

We congratulate all people.

And we sincerely wish you happiness

Holy Rus' for many days.

Ah, my Russia, where can I find words?

So that in my song about you tell:

About daisies, lakes, endless forests,

About fields, about open spaces, about bright dreams!

And about how it was strengthened while the trouble was

And about how proud I was of my sons always.

Sound like this, my song, sound quickly,

About Russia, about my dear Motherland.

I. Song "Serve Russia"


There is a big Motherland - Russia. And there is a small Motherland... This is the land where we were born, where we live. Every person has a place where he was born and which is very dear to him!

At every leaf, at every stream,

There is the most important thing in the world, there is your own homeland.

And where we were born, where we live joyfully.

We call our native lands home.

And how many beautiful poems have been written about this:

1 child:

My homeland is endless Russia.

And Siberia, and the Volga, and the Urals...

All places are holy for Russians,

Wherever you are in Russia.

Every birch tree, every bush,

Fields dozing in the snow -

Everything will remind me of the most important thing -

Only here is our native land!

And wherever fate takes you,

We are not allowed to forget about one:

This beloved Russia -

Eat our only father's house!

2 child:

There are a lot of words in the world, like snowflakes in winter.

But let's take for example these: word "I" and the word "We".

"I" it's lonely in the world, "I" not much use.

It is difficult for one or the other to cope with adversity.

Word "We" stronger than "I".

We are family and we are friends.

We - people, And we - united.

Together we are invincible!

3 child:

What do we call Motherland?

The land in which we grow

And the birch trees along which

We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside.

What do we call Motherland?

Everything we cherish in our hearts

And under the sky is blue - blue

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

II. Dance "Native places"


Guys, you know that each state has its own coat of arms and flag. Russian flag is tricolor. Each color has its own meaning.

White color signifies peace and purity of soul.

The color blue represents loyalty and truth.

Red color – courage, love and beauty.

1 child:

Multicolored native flag

You and I are proud of him.

All the children recognize him

The best flag in the world!

White color - birch trees,

Blue is the color of the sky,

Red stripe - solar dawn.

2 child:

Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,

So that to the west, to the east

He could have looked right away.

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is Russia's free spirit.


But besides this, each state has the main music of the country, what is it called? (Russian anthem.) We hear the melody of the Anthem on the radio every morning at 6 o'clock. Begins with the sounds of the Anthem our Motherland day. This is a solemn song unites and brings together citizens throughout the country. When the anthem is played, everyone present listens to it while standing. By doing this they express respect and respect for the country. Let's listen to him standing.

III. The Anthem of the Russian Federation sounds, verse 1 (children and guests sing along)


Russia also has other symbols that are unique to our country. This is a Russian birch, Russian folk toy - matryoshka.

Outdoor game "Collect a matryoshka doll"


Russia! This is our home, this is everything that surrounds us. Russia... What a beautiful word! Listen - RUSSIA! Here there is dew, and strength, and blue expanses... Only in our country there is the polar zone, and the tundra, and the taiga, and the steppe, and the tropics.

1 child:

Go beyond the seas - oceans.

You have to fly across the entire earth:

There are different countries in the world,

But you won’t find one like ours.

2 child:

There is no more beautiful land in the world,

There is no homeland in the brighter world.

Russia, Russia, Russia!

What could be dearer to the heart?


There are a lot of big and small cities, villages and villages in our country. They are all beautiful in their own way. But the largest city is Moscow. Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. Here is the Kremlin, where the most important person in our country, the president, works. He runs the country.

Moscow is Red Square, Moscow is the Kremlin towers,

Moscow is the heart of Russia, which loves you!

IY. Dance with flags to the song "Moscow - the bells are ringing!"


People of various nationalities live in Russia (Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Tatars, Chuvashs, Tajiks, Bashkirs, Udmurts and many, many others), but the majority of Russians are Russians.

Russia - united, powerful, endless, hospitable - extends the hand of friendship and opens its arms to everyone peoples and neighbors, to everyone who wants to live peacefully on earth!

1 child:

IN unity day we will be there,

We'll be together forever

All Russian nationalities

In distant villages and cities.

2 child:

Live, work, build together,

Sow bread, grow children,

Create, love and argue,

Protect people's peace.

3 child:

Our friendship, our faith.

Will be with us forever,

Our strength, our will.

Will never die!

4 child:

And while in this world

The sun is shining after us,

We wish all Russians

Be united forever!

5 child:

To honor our ancestors, to remember their deeds,

Avoid wars and conflicts,

To fill your life with happiness,

To sleep under a peaceful sky.

Y. Song "About the World"


Dear friends! Our festive the program has come to an end. We wish you peace, goodness and prosperity. Once again with holiday - Happy National Unity Day. All of us unites Russia, and may our love for the Fatherland serve the common good! We wish everyone good health, happiness, success in business. WITH holiday!

Celebration scenario for National Unity Day

“Glory to Rus' - my Fatherland!”

For children of the preparatory group.

Target. To foster patriotic feelings: love for the Motherland, native land, tolerance for people of all nationalities living in our country. To develop children's interest in the history of Russia, in the history of their native land.

The hall is decorated with balloons in the colors of the Russian flag, the flag of Russia, and on the side wall there is an exhibition of dolls in national costumes.

The song “In My Russia” is playing in the recording - minus (music by G. Struve).

Children in Russian folk costumes enter the hall and sit in a semicircle on chairs, facing the central wall.

Presenter. Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! On November 4, all of Russia will celebrate National Unity Day. This is a holiday of patriotism, mutual assistance and unity of all Russian peoples, this is the day of saving Russia from the greatest danger that has ever threatened it.

Guys, how do you understand what unity is? (Unity is when all people are together.)

Who are the patriots? (These are people who love their Motherland and are always ready to defend it.)

Two children come out and read a poem“Day of National Unity” N. Maidanik.

Children (one by one).They don’t argue with history, they live with history,

It unites for heroism and work.

There is one state when there is one people,

When with great power he moves forward.

He defeats the enemy, standing up as one to fight,

And Rus' liberates and sacrifices itself.

For the glory of those heroes we live by the same destiny,

Today we celebrate Unity Day with you.

Presenter. Please listen to what beautiful lines Yulia Drunina wrote about Russia:

Oh, Russia!

A country with a difficult fate...

I have you, Russia,

Like a heart, alone.

I'll tell my friend too

I will tell the enemy too -

Without you,

Like without a heart

I can't live...

“At my Russia”, music. G. Struve lyrics N. Solovyova/DeraskinaL.

Presenter. Guys, love for Russia for everyone and for us begins with love for the places where you were born and live. Tell me, please, what is the name of our small homeland?


What is our city famous for?

- ………

You and I were on a sightseeing tour of the city, saw its sights, visited museums, the Khokhloma Painting factory, met talented people of our region, poetess Natalya Ostafeychuk, young singer Alexey Zadorin, artist mother came to visit us Sonya Sokolova. We invited WWII veterans - defenders of our homeland - to our meetings, we got acquainted with the work of Boris Kornilov, learned songs by local authors: “My Semyonov” by N. Senkova, “Semyonov Waltz” by I. Shesterikov.

Poem about Semenov

Children stand scattered in the center of the hall and sing a song

"Semyonovsky Waltz", music. I. Shesterikova

Child: If they say the word “Motherland”, it immediately comes to mind

An old house, currants in the garden, a thick poplar at the gate,

By the river there is a modest birch tree and a daisy hillock.

Or the steppe red with poppies, virgin soil golden...

Homeland can be different, but everyone has the same one! (3.Alexandrova)

Presenter: Guys, what is the name of the country we live in? (Russia.) Please name the main city of our country, the capital of Russia (Moscow)

Clip “Moscow, the bells are ringing”

Presenter: What a beautiful capital our motherland has!

Like all countries in the world that exist on earth, Russia has its own flag and coat of arms. (shows)

White color – birch.

Blue is the color of the sky.

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

The country's coat of arms is a double-headed eagle

Proudly spread his wings,

Holds the scepter and the orb,

He saved Russia

Confirms the ancient coat of arms

Country independence

For the peoples of all Russia

Our symbols are important.

The national flag is raised during ceremonial events and holidays, and at this time the anthem of the Russian Federation always sounds. Today is the holiday of our state, let us also listen to the solemn anthem of our Russia!

The anthem of the Russian Federation is played

A Russian folk melody (dudka-pyzhatka) sounds in the recording.

performed by the ensemble of ancient Russian music "Rusichi"

Alena and Kuzma enter the hall in Russian folk costumes.

Alyona. A long time ago, in ancient centuries, in ancient times, there lived on earth Russians, skilled craftsmen and craftswomen, hardworking farmers, brave, strong, noble warriors. They lived honestly and gloriously, built churches and towers, raised children and composed songs for the glory of the Fatherland.

Kuzma . But then a bad day and hour came, misfortunes and misfortunes fell upon the Russian land. A crop failure came, and behind it came a severe famine. Out of hunger and sadness, quarrels and discord began between people.

Alyona. And at this time a new trouble came. The enemies noticed that Rus' had weakened from strife and hunger, they were happy and set out on a campaign against Moscow. They planned to fight by deception - they brought the self-proclaimed king with them. The deceived peasants and townspeople willingly joined the army of the self-proclaimed tsar and opened their gates to him, as if before the real Russian tsar.

Kuzma. However, the impostor did not even think of protecting or saving the Russian people! Having seized Moscow, power, the throne and the royal crown, he began to feast and have fun! Mortal danger loomed over the Russian land - discord and desolation, grief and despair reigned everywhere!

Alyona. But on Russian soil, in the region of Nizhny Novgorod, a daring hero, a good fellow, Kozma Minin, was found. And he was not of heroic stature, but he had the fortitude of a real hero, an ardent heart and a sharp mind. The people of Nizhny Novgorod chose Kozma as their headman. Minin realized that he must not hide from adversity, but stand up for himself and his native land, and oppose the Pretender.

Kuzma. Kozma Minin began to collect forces and funds for the liberation of the Fatherland. The people of Nizhny Novgorod realized that they were all tightly bound by a single misfortune, a single hope. They gathered in the square in front of the holy church and began to give everything that they had accumulated during their lives to the militia.

Alena and Kuzma show the painting “Minin’s Appeal” by Makovsky (Minin on Nizhny Novgorod Square, calling on people to donate)

The children discuss what they saw.

Raising money is not the main thing. The main thing is to find warriors for the army and a worthy commander. The residents of Nizhny Novgorod chose Prince Dmitry Pozharsky - he had a good reputation throughout Rus'. The prince agreed to lead the army.

Kuzma. The governor has been found, and the army from all over Rus' has been assembled; all that remains is to arm it as it should be. Whether long or short, Nizhny Novgorod craftsmen made weapons and armor.

Slide show about heroic armor

Chain mail (shows) - ancient military armor in the form of a shirt made of metal rings.

Helmet (shows) - an ancient metal protective military headdress.

The sword (shows) is an ancient edged weapon with a long straight blade.

Alyona. And the people kept arriving in Nizhny Novgorod to defend Holy Rus'!

Kuzma. And then the day came when Nizhny saw off the warriors to battle. The brass bells rang out.

(A bell rings in the recording)

Kuzma. Cannons struck from the walls, the princely banner of Dmitry Pozharsky turned around and fluttered in the wind. And so the opponents came together in a terrible battle. The earth groaned from a thousand hooves, swords rang, shots crackled.

The recording of the song “Our Heroic Strength” sounds

(music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov)

Alyona. It was hard for the Russian soldiers; the siege of the Moscow Kremlin lasted several days. Finally, the enemies became exhausted and surrendered to the army of Minin and Pozharsky. The people praised the liberators of the Russian land.

A fragment of the choir “Glory” sounds in the recording

from the opera “Ivan Susanin” by M. Glinka

Alyona. And most often the names of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kozma Minin were heard. Years pass, centuries flow, and each one brings forward its own heroes, but there are pages of history that cannot be crossed out or forgotten, just as one cannot forget the people who exalted their native land with their lives. This is how Dmitry Pozharsky and Kozma Minin were, and this is how they remained for centuries.

Six children come out and read a poem

“Our people will not forget the valor of our governors” N. Konchalovskaya.

1. A good monument has been erected

To two heroes throughout the country

As a sign that he was delivered

From dishonor the native land.

2. It is marked by year, day,

And inscribed on it:

"Citizen Minin

And to Prince Pozharsky -

Grateful Russia."

3. From the overthrow of the royal power

So many years in a row

Minin and Pozharsky are watching

To the ceremonial parade.

4. Pointing with a cast hand

To the majestic view

And to the young tribe,

Minin seems to say:

5. “Admire now, prince,

To the native country of business.

We couldn't even think

So that Rus' could be like this!

6. Marvel at their military

Extraordinary strength

And listen to these songs

And look at the faces...

Their deeds are even more wonderful

They are waiting ahead!

Kuzma. So we told you what happened in Rus' almost four hundred years ago, about how unity helped the Russians cope with the insidious enemy and get rid of the Polish invasion. Now you understand the name of the holiday - Russian Unity Day.

Presenter. Guys, who is a patriot? (He who loves his homeland protects it from enemies.)

Who glorified the land of Nizhny Novgorod? (Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin.)

What helped defeat the enemy? (Unity of the people.)

So how do you understand what unity is?

Child. Unity is all together

This means that everyone is as one.

This means we are all for our Russia

Like a family: some are daughters, some are sons.

And our family is very big,

And forever breathed freedom -

We must live in harmony and peace!

Presenter: And now I invite you, Alena and Kuzma, our guests, all the guys to stand up and hold hands tightly. (Everyone stands up and joins hands)

Dear friends, we are all united by a sense of pride in our country, in its glorious history.

And on this holiday we feel with particular strength that we are a united and mighty Russian people, and we have one Fatherland - Russia.

The presenter reads the poem, and everyone else picks up its “key words” in chorus. The main thing is together

The main thing is to be friendly!

Main - with a warm heart in my chest!

Don't we need indifferent people?

No need!

Drive away anger and resentment!(Everyone sit down)

Remember, guys, this feeling of unity and keep it for life. Be worthy of your ancestors.

Round dance "Rosinochka-Russia"

Three children come out and

reading the poem “Me and We” by V. Orlov.

  1. There are a lot of words in the world,

Like snowflakes in winter.

But let's take these for example:

The word "I" and the word "We".

  1. “I” am lonely in the world,

There is not much use in "I".

One or one

It's hard to cope with adversity.

  1. The word “We” is stronger than “I”.

We are family and we are friends.

We are the people, and we are united.

Together we are invincible.

Children sing the song “Big Round Dance” and sit down.

Presenter. People of other nationalities live on the territory of Russia. You and I have already talked about this in class, got acquainted with their national clothes and customs.

Child. How lucky you and I are:

We were born in such a country

Where all the people are - she is family:

Everywhere you look there are friends all around!

Child . Peoples are like one family,

Although their language is different,

All are daughters and sons

Your beautiful country!

Presenter . We are all different: we speak different languages, sing different songs, we have different national cultures and traditions, but we equally love the land on which we live, and for all of us Russia is the Motherland. We are all Russians.

Alyona. Take care of Russia -

There is no other Russia,

Take care of her peace and quiet,

This is the sky and the sun

This bread is on the table

And the dear window

In a forgotten village...

Kuzma. Take care of Russia,

We can't live without her.

Take care of her

To be her forever

With our truth and strength,

With all our destiny.

Take care of Russia -

There is no other Russia.

Presenter . Dear friends! Our holiday is ending.

Alyona . We wish you peace, goodness and prosperity.

Kuzma . Once again, happy holiday to you - National Unity Day!

Alena and Kuzma give gifts to children (small flags - copies of the Russian flag)

Song "MY RUSSIA" music. S.Paradis

Photo session for memory

Alena and Kuzma say goodbye to the children and leave the hall to the sound of a Russian folk melody.

Children leave the hall to the sound of a recording of the song “My Russia” performed by gr. "Fidgets"

Anastasia Kirichenko
Entertainment “National Unity Day” in the senior group

Target: Introduce children to peoples of Russia, talk about their culture and customs.


1) Educational - to instill respect for their culture and customs.

2) Educational - new games of different peoples.

3)developing - vocabulary: symbols, coat of arms, anthem, nationality, unity.

Progress of the event:

"We we celebrate unity day. "

We we celebrate unity day,

Russia's young holiday,

And we wish everyone,

Be loyal to the country with all your heart!

A great power is strong

Their sons and daughters.

Russia's glory will not fade,

While we are together we united.

Guys, our whole country celebrates November 4th" National Unity Day"And today we will find out what kind of holiday this is.

At all times, people loved their homeland, were friends, helped each other, united, when trouble threatened the homeland, and together they defended it from enemies. In the name of their native country, feats were performed, songs, proverbs and poems were composed about it.

"What do we call Motherland?"

What do we call Motherland?

The land in which we grow

And birch trees along which

We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?

field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?

Everything that we cherish in our hearts,

and under the blue-blue sky,

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

(V. Stepanov)

Let us choose beautiful and gentle words for the word homeland.

We know a lot of songs about Russia, but we really like one. Let's sing it.

- "At my Russia" -

"Flag of Russia"

White color - birch,

Blue is the color of the sky,

Red stripe-

Sunny dawn.

"Coat of arms of Russia"

Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms features a double-headed eagle.

So that to the west and east

He could have looked right away.

He is strong, wise and proud

He is Russia's free spirit.

Guys, do you know that the state has not only a coat of arms and a flag, but the main music of the country? What is it called? That's right, the anthem.

Listening to the "Anthem of the Russian Federation" -

Russia did not immediately become a strong state; the country's power gradually grew. In severe trials and battles, the will was tempered and unity of the people.

"Different people live in Russia peoples"

Different people live in Russia peoples since ancient times.

Some people like the taiga,

For others - the steppe expanse,

Everyone has it the people have their own language and attire.

One wears a Circassian coat,

The other one put on a robe.

One is a fisherman with birth,

The other is a reindeer herder,

One is preparing kumiss,

The other one prepares honey.

one - autumn is sweeter,

For others, winter is dearer.

And my homeland is Russia

We all have one.

We live in Russia in the largest country on Earth. When children wake up at one end, they go to bed at the other; when trees bloom in one place of our country, it may snow in another. to cross our country you need to travel for a whole week by train or a whole day to fly on a plane.


They live there: Khanty, Mansi, Nenets, Buryats, Evenks, Chukchi and Yakuts.

Once a year they gather for the Reindeer Herders holiday. And I suggest you play the game.


You will need 2 teams of 6 children. The first pair is one - a deer, the other - a reindeer herder. The task is to go through the obstacle, go back and give the reindeer team, stand at the end. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

They live there: Circassians, Kumyks, Ossetians Legins, Dargins. This is a land of high mountains, wild rivers, and endless pastures. They possessed many virtues and exceptional qualities, including chivalry, self-respect, wisdom and intelligence. They were also famous for their bravery and horsemanship. National education ennobled their souls, tempered their moral spirit and taught them to endure the fatigue and difficulties of wars and long journeys. The sons of the Circassian nobility were required to be able to entertain guests, breed horses, sleep in the open air, where the saddle served as a pillow. They lived a simple, truly austere life, abstaining from all sensitivity. Thanks to this upbringing, they acquired moral immunity and resilience and could endure severe frosts and heat calmly. As a result, they became by the people, who possessed the best human qualities. and they have national games and we will play it now.


You need two children to play. One sits on a chair, the other moves five steps back from him, he is blindfolded and twirled, after which he is given the command to take five steps back and put a hat on the horseman. Then they change places.

We played great, but we need to learn more about our country.


In the past, once a year the Udmurts held a major holiday with prayer, for which residents of 10-12 villages of the district gathered. Thanks to this, the Udmurt’s social circle expanded significantly; he recognized many residents of these villages not only by sight, but also by name.

Everyday mutual visits of relatives of the same village and neighbors also played a major role in the traditional culture of communication. They came to each other without an invitation to consult about some specific matter, inquire about their health, or exchange village news.

The Udmurts used their own names little in everyday communication, since it was believed that frequent pronunciation weakened the protective function assigned to the name. Their game.