Reality and fantasy in the fairy tale The Snow Queen. H.k. Andersen. fairy tale "The Snow Queen" reality and fantasy. "The Snow Queen" real and fantastic in a fairy tale

I really love reading fairy tales, because there is magic and miracles, surprises and the most incredible adventures. The real and the fantastic are so intertwined in fairy tales that sometimes you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins. Here, for example, is the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen “The Snow Queen”. The main characters of the fairy tale are an ordinary boy and girl. They love to play and keep secrets, sledding and growing flowers. And their grandmother is an ordinary old woman, worried about her grandchildren and loving them endlessly. But then there was a whiff of cold,

And the Snow Queen looked through the window - mysterious, emotionless, beautiful. But the troll’s disgraceful disciples broke the devil’s mirror, and the insidious fragments fall into the eyes and hearts of good and honest people all over the earth, making them cruel, evil, heartless. A little robber, a princess and a prince, talking animals - these are just some of the wonders that fill this wonderful fairy-tale story about the power of love and friendship, hope and fidelity.
We so want to believe that magic and amazing adventures are found not only in fairy tales, but also in real life, and “The Snow Queen” by H. C. Andersen helps us hope to meet these miracles.

The main idea of ​​Andersen's fairy tale “The Snow Queen” is love.

The main idea is that a real feeling can help overcome the impossible, it can even create a miracle. Devotion, friendship and selflessness overcome all obstacles and can melt even the coldest heart.

Why is the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” called that?

The fairy tale is called “The Snow Queen” because the main event on which the plot is based is the kidnapping of Kai by the Snow Queen. The fairy tale consists of seven stories.

Girl Gerda and boy Kai. They lived in neighboring houses and loved each other like brother and sister. They visited each other on the roof and loved to play on the bench under the roses that grew in boxes on the gutters.

"The Snow Queen" real and fantastic in a fairy tale

With his fairy tale, Andersen tells the reader that if a person wants to achieve something, if this person is kind and warm-hearted, then both nature and people will help him, the person will definitely achieve his goal.

Gerda was helped in the palace of the Snow Queen by faith in God, prayer, loyalty to her love, courage, fidelity. Her hot tears melted Kai's icy heart, he came to life and remembered Gerda. Kai was helped by the pieces of ice: they danced and then formed the word “eternity” themselves.

By the ending, the author wants to say that evil will exhaust its strength just as winter ends. Spring will come, the person will return to his home, but his spiritual experience will become richer. A person will grow up, and it is good if an adult remains as pure in heart and soul as a child.

There are probably no people in the world who, as children (and many as adults), would not love to read fairy tales and would not admire the strength, dexterity, and resourcefulness of undaunted and invincible heroes. However, we are accustomed to the fact that a mighty hero, a prince in love, or, at worst, a quick-witted Ivanushka the Fool, wins, fighting against evil, risking his own life. But here we have before us the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen “The Snow Queen”. So what do we see? The main character is a small, gentle, fragile girl who turned out to be capable

Not only to resist the charms of the cold and beautiful Snow Queen, but also to destroy her palace, rescuing his sworn brother Kai from trouble.

What trials did Gerda face, what obstacles did she overcome during her long and dangerous travels? This tireless traveler could overcome any difficulties, because faith, hope and love lived in her heart. She managed to pass where, perhaps, even a famous knight would have retreated. I think this fairy tale teaches us that even the small and weak will always be able to achieve their goal if they believe in their strength and the fidelity of their chosen goals.

I really like to read fairy tales, because there is magic and miracles, surprises and the most incredible adventures. The real and the fantastic are so intertwined in fairy tales that sometimes you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins. Here, for example, is the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen “The Snow Queen”. The main characters of the fairy tale are an ordinary boy and girl. They love to play and keep secrets, sledding and growing flowers. And their grandmother is an ordinary old woman, worried about her grandchildren and loving them endlessly. But then there was a whiff of cold, and the Snow Queen looked in through the window - mysterious, emotionless, beautiful. But the troll’s disgraceful disciples broke the devil’s mirror, and the insidious fragments fall into the eyes and hearts of good and honest people all over the earth, making them cruel, evil, heartless. A little robber, a princess and a prince, talking animals - these are just some of the wonders that fill this wonderful fairy-tale story about the power of love and friendship, hope and fidelity.

We so want to believe that magic and amazing adventures are found not only in fairy tales, but also in real life, and “The Snow Queen” by H. C. Andersen helps us hope to meet these miracles.

On winter nights, when the moon shines brightly in the sky, and the wind howls and whistles outside, bringing confusion into the white swarm of swirling sparkling snowflakes, the Snow Queen from the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen often looks into my window. Her face presses for a moment to the window glass, covered with amazing patterns, and now you can hear the royal sleigh leaving, jingling its crystal bells. And I feel uncomfortable and somehow cool even under a warm camel blanket. No, I’m not afraid, because I know the secret that the icy beauty is so zealously trying to keep, but which the little fragile girl Gerda, who fearlessly set out in search of her adopted brother, was able to reveal. The name of this secret is Love, and I am glad that from Gerda’s hot words, Kai’s frozen heart thawed, a fragment of the devil’s mirror fell out of his eye, and adults and children all over the world learned about the most important weapon against deceit and insensitivity.

I love my parents and grandparents very much, I have many real friends, so I’m not afraid of the Snow Queen’s charms, no matter how much she looks into my window at night.

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March 04 2011

There are probably no people in the world who, as children (and many as adults), would not love to read, who would not admire the strength, dexterity, and resourcefulness of undaunted and invincible heroes. However, we are accustomed to the fact that a mighty hero, a prince in love, or, at worst, a quick-witted Ivanushka the Fool, wins, fighting against evil, risking his own life. But here we have before us H. K. Andersen "". So what do we see? The main one is a small, gentle, fragile girl who turned out to be able not only to resist the spell of the cold and beautiful, but also to destroy her palace, rescuing her sworn brother Kai from trouble. What trials did Gerda face, what obstacles did she overcome during her long and dangerous travels? This tireless traveler could overcome any difficulties, because faith, hope and love lived in her heart. She managed to pass where, perhaps, even a famous knight would have retreated. I think this fairy tale teaches us that even the small and weak will always be able to achieve their goal if they believe in their strength and the fidelity of their chosen goals.

I really love reading fairy tales, because there is magic and miracles, surprises and the most incredible adventures. The real and the fantastic are so intertwined in fairy tales that sometimes you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins. Here, for example, is the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen “The Snow Queen”. The main characters of the fairy tale are an ordinary boy and girl. They love to play and keep secrets, sledding and growing flowers. And their grandmother is an ordinary old woman, worried about her grandchildren and loving them endlessly. But then there was a whiff of cold, and the Snow Queen looked in through the window - mysterious, emotionless, beautiful. But the troll’s disgraceful disciples broke the devil’s mirror, and the insidious fragments fall into the eyes and hearts of good and honest people all over the earth, making them cruel, evil, heartless. A little robber, a princess and a prince, talking animals - these are just some of the wonders that fill this wonderful fairy tale about the power of love and friendship, hope and fidelity.
We so want to believe that magic and amazing adventures are found not only in fairy tales, but also in real life, and “The Snow Queen” by H. C. Andersen helps us hope to meet these miracles.

On winter nights, when the moon shines brightly in the sky, and the wind howls and whistles outside, bringing confusion into the white swarm of swirling sparkling snowflakes, the Snow Queen from the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen often looks into my window. Her face presses for a moment to the window glass, covered with amazing patterns, and now you can hear the royal sleigh leaving, jingling its crystal bells. And I feel uncomfortable and somehow cool even under a warm camel blanket... No, I’m not afraid, because I know the secret that the icy beauty is so zealously trying to keep, but which the little fragile girl Gerda managed to reveal, fearlessly setting out in search of her named brother The name of this secret is Love, and I am glad that from Gerda’s hot words, Kai’s frozen heart thawed, a fragment of the devil’s mirror fell out of his eye, and adults and children all over the world learned about the most important weapon against deceit and insensitivity.

Place of work, position: - Municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Industrialny, Ekaterinovsky district, Saratov region.

Region: — Saratov region

Characteristics of the lesson (session) Level of education: - basic general education

Target audience: — Teacher (teacher)

Grade(s): – 5th grade

Subject(s): — Literature

Objective of the lesson: - Objectives of the lesson: To develop skills in analyzing a work of art, to develop the skill of thoughtful reading; Deepen and enrich moral concepts. To promote the formation of an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world around us; To promote the development of fantasy, imagination, and creativity in students. Goals focused on the development of the student’s personality: Create conditions for the development of the ability to formulate one’s own point of view, express and argue one’s opinion. Promote the development of the ability to communicate with each other, help students realize the value of joint activities, and develop the ability to work in a group. Contribute to the formation of various competencies (cognitive, personal, social, communicative, etc.)

Lesson type: — Lesson on studying and initially consolidating new knowledge

Students in class (audience): - 21

Textbooks and teaching aids used: -

G.S. Merkin "Literature. 5th grade"

Methodological literature used: —

Equipment used: -

 Technical equipment (musical and visual);  Multimedia product;  Task cards

Used DSOs: —


Brief description: — Lesson – a journey using competency-based approach technology

1. Teacher's opening remarks:

Hello guys! My name is Natalia Viktorovna. Today I will give you a literature lesson. You know, guys, despite the fact that we barely know each other, we probably have a lot in common. I like singing. And you? draw, read poetry, am computer friendly, and just love fairy tales. Surprisingly, I have never met so many creative people before. And today, I think, we will have the opportunity to show our talents in creative groups at our creative table. And I also want to tell you that I really love traveling. And you? Well then, today we will succeed and I invite you to go with me to the distant beautiful country of Denmark. Do you know anything about this country?

It is located on the Jutland Peninsula. This is a maritime country. From any place on land to the sea coast no more than 60 km. And the eastern coast is literally indented with bays and bays. And this is the capital of Denmark - Copenhagen, one of the oldest European cities, it is more than 800 years old. This is the largest commercial port. We are approaching the city center. Here, in the city center, opposite the city hall, there is a monument to the great storyteller H. C. Andersen. Have you heard anything about him?

2. Updating knowledge.

Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in the old Danish town of Odense. His father was a simple shoemaker, his mother a laundress. The family lived very poorly, but for little Andersen everything turned into a miracle. He cut out figures from paper and played theater with them. He knew how to enjoy everything: dry moss scattering emerald pollen from its little jars, a simple plantain flower, every blade of grass filled with fragrant juice, and he loved flowers, especially roses. But the most interesting and important things in Andersen’s life were the stories and fairy tales that the elders told in the evenings. Sooner or later, talent, kindness, strength, courage will win. Even if the people who have them were born into poverty. This happened with Andersen, and after going through all the thorns of life, he became a great storyteller, known throughout the world. Did you know that Andersen wrote more than 170 fairy tales during his life? Surely many of his tales are familiar to you. Try to name them. “What is a fairy tale? A real fairy tale? — little Andersen once asked his father a question. He answered him: “If the fairy tale is real, it perfectly combines real life and the one we strive for.” In other words, this is a connection between the real world and the fantastic. How do you understand the word fantastic? Fantastic means magical, imaginary, it is a world of fairy-tale dreams, a world of sea monsters, sirens and mermaids. What does the real world mean? This is the world we live in.

3. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

To what extent Andersen managed to fulfill his father’s behest and connect the seemingly incompatible, we will find out today by opening the page of one of his most famous fairy tales, “The Snow Queen.” So, let's move our clocks to winter time. Like this. Do you see? It is snowing. A snow whirlwind picked up the snowflakes and swirled them in its dance. Perhaps, among these snowflakes, fragments of the evil Troll’s mirror are flying through the air... How? Haven't you heard this story? Then let's listen to her. But before I introduce you to this story, 1 group will go to the creative table - masters of words. Today they will learn how to create syncwine. The instructions are on your desk. Study it carefully and get to work.

4. Working with text

4.1.Reading the text by the teacher.

4.2.Text analysis.

Questions: - Who is the main character in this story? Troll is a giant (in German - Scandinavian mythology). They live inside the mountains where they store their treasures. Trolls, as a rule, harm people, steal their livestock, and turn out to be cannibals.

But what can we say about the troll in Andersen’s fairy tale? Is a troll a devil, an evil spirit, Satan, the absolute embodiment of evil? How do you imagine him? Describe it. What colors would you use to paint his portrait? How did our creative team draw the troll? Tell us what you created? — What does the troll teach his students? - see only the worst and ugliest in the world around you and in people.

—What means did the devil choose to achieve his goal? (read)…He made such a mirror…. A mirror is a means of disfiguring the true appearance of a person. “Soon there will not be a single country, not a single person left that will not be reflectedin it in a distorted form." What kind of people did they become who fell under the power of the troll? (they began to see only the bad sides of life and became mocking, angry, heartless, callous, selfish, indifferent, envious, greedy. Look how many epithets we have picked up. But we won’t find them in author. How do we know about these human qualities? Yes, guys, unfortunately, these qualities are found not only in fairy tales, but also in the real world.

Do you know people who still carry fragments of a mirror in their hearts? Or maybe it is they who trample flowers, break trees, torture animals, cause harm and insults to people, call them names and insult them? Or maybe some of you got shards of the evil troll's mirror in your heart? I'm very happy about this. — Guys, why do you think the mirror broke? It jumped out of the hands of the troll's servants at the moment when he wanted to laugh at the creator himself. The author did not allow them to do this. Why? Yes, because for Andersen, as a Christian, the creator, God, embodies absolute goodness, which the mirror could not contain and distort. This means that even a powerful troll cannot do real good! If we wanted to draw goodness, how would we depict it? - this is the task for our artists and another creative group is sent to the creative table.

However, THE SHARDS CAUSED MORE TROUBLE THAN THE MIRROR ITSELF. Which of these disasters do you consider the most terrible? Why? (“For some people, shrapnel fell directly into the heart. And this was the worst of all: the heart turned into a piece of ice.”) Why does the heart that gets hit by a shrapnel become icy (and not iron, not stone)? How do you understand the epithet icy heart? (cold, devoid of warmth, life). Then what do we call a heart that can come to the aid of a friend, that can be compassionate? - Hot. U Which of the fairy tale heroes had an icy heart? Who's hot?

Now, guys, let's think about whether this introduction to the fairy tale is accidental. After all, the main action has not yet begun. Can we tell what the main action will be about? About the icy and hot heart, about good and evil and how tenacious they are in the real world. And before we get to know the main characters, we’ll give a task to a group of “analysts,” that is, people who want to think about it. Are there such among us? Then I ask for the creative table. You have a task outlined on your card. You must complete it. I wish you success!

Story 2. —Who are Kai and Gerda? What is their wealth? (love for each other, rose bush.) - How did the children treat each other before the misfortune with Kai? (They loved each other like brother and sister.) They felt happy. Examples from the text. — Why were roses the only flowers growing in the children’s house? Choose the correct statement.

a. They just loved roses

b. Because these are parents' favorite flowers

c. The house is just very cramped

d. Rose is a symbol of love and devotion.

What did the children learn about the Snow Queen from their grandmother's story? Does she somehow characterize the Snow Queen? Describe the Snow Queen through the eyes of Kai, who looks at her from the window. —

What was Kai afraid of when he first saw the Snow Queen? He is afraid of her cold eyes. — Explain why for the first time the Snow Queen came not to Gerda, but to Kai? - after all, the fragment has not yet entered his heart. Let us remind you that Kai still does not know anything about the Snow Queen, whether she is good or evil, but he is already saying: “I will put her on a warm stove, and she will melt.” With what intonation did he pronounce these words? How do these words characterize Kai? Why does the grandmother interrupt him? (She doesn’t like something in her grandson’s words, maybe the intonation is too angry? Maybe there’s a too hasty desire to harm another?)

— Is it possible to assume that the Snow Queen felt something kindred in Kai, understood that in his heart there was a place for tiny, but evil? Is Snezhnaya taking revenge on him?queen or treats him as one of her own? Can you imagine that a fragment of the mirror would fall into Gerda's heart? Why do you think so? Her sincere love and kindness are not subject to evil forces. Does this always happen in life? What if evil turns out to be stronger? (You have to fight) After the kiss of the Snow Queen, Kai became different. Prove it. Our analysts will prove this. Find examples in the text. Is there anything we can add? - why does the author say “Poor Kai” about him? (Before us is another boy: rude. Angry, cruel. Both close and strangers become the subject of ridicule for Kai.. he is no longer pleased with the warmth, the colors of the world around him. He likes cold snowflakes, but not because they were very beautiful or looked like luxurious flowers. Now they seem much more interesting to Kai. He is attracted by the fact that they are well made. “And not a single crooked line!” in your opinion, are roses or snowflakes more beautiful? (precision of lines and shapes and naturalness) A person who does not see beauty in people, nature, and does not know how to love is a person with cold feelings, a cold heart. This is how Kai becomes seen. Now the Snow Queen is for him too. - Why is he not afraid of her cold eyes now, her icy gaze?

What do you think can save Kai from this cold captivity? Of course, Gerda's love. But you will learn about this in the next lesson. If you had a unique opportunity to write a letter to Kai, in which you can tell him everything that you now think about him. What would you write to him about?


So, guys, our journey through fabulous Denmark is coming to an end. It's time to summarize and fill out the table. What new did you learn today?, where did you go? what have we learned, what have we learned? What did Andersen’s fairy tale help us understand and see in our now real world? (That evil still exists in its various manifestations, and we must fight it, and for this we must first of all get rid of callousness, selfishness, anger, and the desire to laugh at someone and be more moral, purer, kinder ourselves."

Don't think the cold lasts forever

The warmth of hearts will melt him.

Humanity will triumph in the world,

Love and kindness are the crown of everything!

(I move the arrows to spring. Flowers are blooming).

Flowers of smiles bloom brightly.

A cherished dream comes true.

And the ice of misunderstanding will melt

Human warmth will melt them.

Our lesson is coming to an end. I want to thank you all for your active work in class and for the excellent atmosphere of cooperation. I also want to confess something to you. I’ll tell you the truth, frankly: now you are all my friends! Homework to choose from:

Draw good, evil, happiness. How do you imagine them?

Compose syncwines “Gerda”, “Snow Queen”

Find proverbs about good and evil and write them down in your notebook.

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