Draw a dandelion in the second younger group. Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Yellow Dandelion”

Svetlana Bykova




Subject: « Dandelion yellow »


Bykova S. L.

Technique drawing: "Finger painting"

Subject: « Dandelion yellow»

Program content:

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using your fingers.

Develop a sense of color, shape, composition.

Cause an emotional and aesthetic response to the topic classes.

Bring up careful attitude to nature.

Material: Landscape sheets, napkins, yellow and green gouache, drawing dandelion, butterflies.

Preliminary work: Looking at grass and flowers while walking.

Progress of the lesson:

V-l:- Guys, what time of year is it now?

Children:- Spring

V-l:- Well done, what changes in nature occur after winter?

Children:- leaves bloom on the trees, grass grows, flowers bloom.

V-l: -What kind of flower did you and I look at on our site?

Children:- Dandelion.

V-l:- Guys, listen, I’ll tell you a beautiful poem

“The sun dropped a golden ray.

Increased dandelion - first young!

It has a wonderful golden color,

He is a big sun, a small portrait!

Look at dandelion how handsome he is. What colour is he?

Children:- Yellow

V-l:- Here is the leg on which it stands, it’s called "stem". And these are the leaves, what color are the leaves and the stem?

Children:- Green.

V-l:- Guys, what about dandelion is like the sun?

Children:- Same round and yellow.

V-l:- Look, a butterfly came to visit us, she saw what we had in a dandelion appeared in the group, but she did not arrive alone, but with her butterfly friends.

V-l:- (brings butterflies) Guys, there are many butterflies, but one flower. What do you think we should do so that we have a lot dandelions?

Children:- Draw.

V-l:- Look, we have paints, but no brushes, what will we do? paint?

Children:- With fingers.

V-l:- We always have 10 brushes ready, which are always with us, of course, these are our fingers. And before we start finger painting, we'll play with them. Look at my fingers and do as I do

(finger play)

"Our hands are like flowers,

(show hands)

Fingers like petals

(movements with fingers, close into a fist)

The sun wakes up -

Flowers open

(open fists slowly)

In the dark they are again

They will sleep very soundly.

(slowly fingers gather into a fist)

V_l:- Well done guys, our fingers played, and now they will draw. Let's dial on the index finger yellow paint, put a bright dot in the middle of the sheet, and then there are many dots around it in a circle. (I accompany the explanation with an example).

This is how the flower turned out yellow and fluffy.

What else do you think we have forgotten? draw?

Children:- Stem and leaves.

V-l:- Let's take a napkin and wipe our finger from yellow paint . Let's draw a stem and a leaf green paint straight lines. Like this (show) We draw a stem from top to bottom of the flower, also put some green paint on our finger and add a leaf to the stem. Well, what did you do beautifully?

Children:- Yes!

V-l:- How wonderful they turned out dandelions, now put the flowers together - we get a golden meadow. Our butterflies will fly in, sit and admire our flowers. All the guys did their best, the butterflies are happy. Well done!

Summary of GCD for drawing in the second younger group"Dandelions in the Grass"
Purpose: To consolidate the techniques of painting with paints; ability to carefully rinse a brush. Arouse the desire to convey in the drawing the beauty of a flowering meadow, the shape of flowers. Develop aesthetic perception and creative imagination.
Preliminary work: Reading poems about flowers, looking at illustrations about flowers. Watching dandelions on a walk.
Material: Easel, sample drawing, illustration of a dandelion. Gouache, painting brush, bristle glue brush, napkins, cups of water, sheets of paper

The course of direct educational activities.
Educator: Listen to a poem about a flower and tell me what it is called:
The sun just warmed up,
Along the path, in a row,
Dressed up the flowers
Your sunny outfit.
Basking in the sun
Bathing in dew
Glow like stars
In the short grass.
Time flies and so does the flower,
Turned into a bubble!
Blowed softly on him
- And it’s not in the palm of your hand!
Children: Dandelion.
Educator: That's right, it's a dandelion. Our dandelion wears a yellow sundress. When he grows up, he dresses up in a white dress. Let's look at it in the picture. What dandelion?
Children: Beautiful, yellow, round.
Educator: Look how long and green its stem is. Dandelion also has leaves. What color are they?
Children: green
Educator: What does a dandelion have?
Children: stem, leaves, flower.
Educator: What are flowers for?
Children: To admire them.
Educator: Yes, to admire, but not only. Flowers are needed for insects. Flowers are a piece of nature. The food of winged gourmets is hidden in the bright corollas of flowers. There is a lot of flower pollen here, which some insects feed on. Here lie light drops of sweet juice - nectar.
Yellow dandelions look very beautiful in green grass. There are a lot of them, but you shouldn’t pick them. Dandelions will not stand in a vase; they will die immediately.
Today we will draw a dandelion in the grass. But before we draw, we’ll do some physical education. Dandelion, dandelion! (They squat, then slowly rise)
The stem is as thin as a finger. If the wind is fast, fast (They scatter in different directions)
It will fly into the clearing, everything around will rustle. (They say “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”)
Dandelion stamens will scatter in a round dance (They hold hands and walk in a circle)
And they will merge with the sky.
Educator: Now it's time to go to the workshop and draw a dandelion. What do we need for this?
Children: brush, paper, paints.
Educator: That's right, here's some paper and a brush next to you. Opening gouache yellow color and draw a dandelion cap with a dry brush. It's round. We then paint the stem with the tip of a paint brush. The stem is thin and green. What else did you forget to draw?
Children: leaves.
Educator: That's right, green leaves. They are long. Here they are (I show you how to draw).
Dandelions grow in the grass. Therefore, we will also draw grass. Look at your drawings. What beautiful dandelions you got. Let's make an exhibition out of the drawings. We will have a large dandelion meadow.
The colors suddenly became like flowers, Lighting up everything around! In a new yellow sundress, Dandelion Meadow.


Summary of GCD for drawing in the second junior group« Dandelions in the grass»

Target: Reinforce techniques painting with paints; the ability to carefully rinse a brush. Arouse the desire to convey in the drawing the beauty of a flowering meadow, the shape of flowers. Develop aesthetic perception and creative imagination.

Preliminary work: Reading poems about flowers, looking at illustrations about flowers. Observation of dandelions on a walk.

Material: Easel, sample drawing, illustration with image dandelion. Gouache, brush for drawing, bristle glue brush, napkins, cups of water, sheets of paper

The course of direct educational activities.

Educator: Listen to a poem about a flower and tell me how it is called:

The sun just warmed up,

Along the path, in a row,

Dressed up the flowers

Your sunny outfit.

Basking in the sun

Bathing in dew

Glow like stars

In the low grass.

Time flies and so does the flower,

Turned into a bubble!

Blowed softly on him

And it’s not in the palm of your hand!

Children: Dandelion.

Educator: That's right, that's dandelion. Our dandelion wears a yellow sundress. When he grows up, he dresses up in a white dress. Let's look at it in the picture. Which dandelion?

Children: Beautiful, yellow, round.

Educator: Look how long and green its stem is. And also dandelion has leaves. What color are they?

Children: green

Educator: What do you have? dandelion?

Children: stem, leaves, flower.

Educator: What are flowers for?

Children: To admire them.

Educator: Yes, to admire, but not only. Flowers are needed for insects. Flowers are a piece of nature. The food of winged gourmets is hidden in the bright corollas of flowers. There is a lot of flower pollen here, which some insects feed on. Here lie light drops of sweet juice - nectar.

In green yellow dandelions in the grass they look very nice. There are a lot of them, but you shouldn’t pick them. Dandelions will not stand in a vase, they will die immediately.

We will be with you today draw a dandelion in the grass. But before paint We'll do some physical education. Dandelion, dandelion!

(They squat, then slowly rise)

The stem is as thin as a finger.

If the wind is fast, fast

(They scatter in different directions)

It will fly into the clearing,

Everything around will rustle.

(They say "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh")

Dandelion stamens,

They'll scatter in a round dance

(Hold hands and walk in a circle)

And they will merge with the sky.

Educator: Now it’s time to go to the workshop and draw a dandelion. What do we need for this?

Children: brush, paper, paints.

Educator: That's right, here's some paper and a brush next to you. Open the yellow gouache and draw a cap with a dry brush dandelion. It's round. Then we draw the stem with the tip of the brush to drawing. The stem is thin and green. What else have you forgotten? draw?

Children: leaves.

Educator: That's right, green leaves. They are long. Like these ones (I show how paint) .

Dandelions grow in the grass. Therefore, we will also draw weed. Look at your drawings. So beautiful you got dandelions. Let's make an exhibition out of the drawings. We'll make it big dandelion meadow.

The colors suddenly became like flowers,

Lighted up everything around!

In a new yellow sundress

Dandelion meadow.

Publications on the topic:

The sun dropped a golden ray, The first dandelion grew, young, It has a wonderful golden color, It is a small portrait of the big sun.

Yellow head, pink leg. Dandelion - I’ll hold the sun in my palm. The sun appeared in the meadow in May, I admired it, it was very coastal.

Artistic creativity-drawing. "Yellow dandelions grow on the lawn." Objectives: 1. Strengthen children’s ability to independently and creatively.

Summary of GCD for drawing in the second junior group “Droplets” Notes on drawing in the second junior group "Droplets" Goal: to develop children's interest in finger painting. Develop the ability to lower.

Topic: "Dandelions". Goal: To introduce children to a new way unconventional drawing crumpled paper. Tasks: Continue to form.

Abstract GCD Drawing in an unconventional way, palms in the second younger group. Teamwork. Objectives: Educational: To introduce.

directly educational activities
By artistic creativity
"Meeting the Matryoshka"
Program content
Objectives by educational areas:
Cognition: introduce children to the folk toy - matryoshka, the history of the matryoshka, types of painting; develop children's interest in folk art, broaden the horizons of children.
Artistic creativity: make a flat toy - matryoshka; develop Creative skills children through familiarization with folk art and applied arts; continue to consolidate existing skills in the use of artistic materials, develop fine motor skills fingers, imagination.
Communication: enrich children's vocabulary: Matryoshka, Semenovskaya nesting doll, Zagorskaya nesting doll and Polkhov-Maidanskaya, embroidery, apron; practice children in agreeing nouns with adjectives in a sentence; develop emotional responsiveness to music folk character; cultivate a love for folk art.
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of nesting dolls, listening to Russian folk melodies, making and guessing riddles about nesting dolls, memorizing a poem.
Materials and equipment: musical accompaniment(song “Matryoshka”, Russian folk melodies recorded), illustrations depicting various types nesting dolls,
Direct educational activities
There are blank matryoshka dolls on the tables.
To the soundtrack of a Russian folk melody, children enter and sit on chairs.
Riddle about matryoshka
A scarlet silk scarf, A bright sundress with a flower. The hand rests on the wooden sides. And inside there are secrets: Maybe three, or maybe six. She’s a little flushed. This is Russian...
- Matryoshka.
- “That’s right, matryoshka!”
Bring in the matryoshka.
I’m a nesting doll, I’m round! I always smile, even when I’m friends with guys. I was born in the village and was a great success. My cheeks are chubby, I’m round myself, And on my head there’s a scarf like a bright flower.
Guys, where are her friends?
You need to open the nesting doll and get your girlfriends.
(The teacher opens the nesting doll and places all the nesting dolls on the table).
- “Guys, what do you know about such a Russian folk toy like a matryoshka?”
1 child:
All the nesting dolls love them very much. Multi-colored clothes: Always painted marvelously, Very bright and beautiful.
2nd child:
They are noble toys, foldable and nice. Matryoshka dolls are famous everywhere. We really like them.
- “Well done, guys! And now I will tell you a little about the history of the creation of the Russian nesting doll.
The first nesting doll appeared in Russia a long time ago, more than 100 years ago. Once a toy was brought from Japan - a large-headed wooden Japanese. You open it, and there is another toy of the same kind; you open a second one, and there is a third one. The Russian craftsmen really liked this toy. They dressed her in a Russian sundress with an apron, tied a bright scarf on her head, drew beautiful eyes on her and put a bright blush on her cheeks. And they called her by the old Russian name - Matryosha. The most famous are three types of nesting dolls: Semenovskaya nesting doll, Zagorskaya nesting doll and Polkhov-Maidanskaya nesting doll. Their names depend on the place where they are painted.
Let's take a close look at all three types of nesting dolls. In the city of Semyonov there is a center for painting nesting dolls. Hence the name - Semyonovskaya matryoshka. The peculiarity of painting this toy is that the entire apron of this nesting doll is occupied by bouquets of flowers. The most important color is...
Yellow, lemon, green, raspberry.
- “You noticed correctly”
The next matryoshka from the village of Zagorsk is Zagorskaya matryoshka. These nesting dolls are always in sundresses, they have a blouse with embroidery on their heads...
- “And on top of the sundress...”
- "Apron"
- “The scarf of nesting dolls is decorated with painting”
And the third nesting doll from the village of Polkhov - Maidan. These nesting dolls do not have a sundress or an apron. Instead, there is a conditional oval on a two-color field, on which there are many bright colors. On the head is a half shawl with flowers.
- “Let’s make our own, each one our own matryoshka. Children sit at tables on which there are blanks for making a flat matryoshka doll.
Our nesting dolls will be flat, and we will make them using plasticine, peas, and coffee beans. Let's get to work.
Recorded Russian folk melodies are heard.
- “So our nesting dolls are ready!”
- “And now, guys, I want to ask you, what new did you learn today?” (children's answers)
- “What did you and I do today?”
(Children's answers).

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