Russian culture of the 18th century test. Control test on the history of Russia on the topic Culture of Russia in the 18th century (grade 7). The opening of the Russian Academy of Sciences took place in

Cultural life of the region

In the 18th century Russian culture developed under the influence of Peter's reforms and their consequences. The main thing was that there was a transition to a secular and European culture, which coincided with the Age of Enlightenment. Education made a qualitative leap, domestic science was created, literature, art and architecture began to flourish, public theater, periodicals and journalism were born.

Changes in the culture of the region were not so significant. At the same time, certain changes have occurred in it. The cultural life of the region was marked by a number of new phenomena. Cultural communication between Tatars and Russians has intensified.

With the loss of statehood, the Tatar people and their culture found themselves in a completely new historical situation. There was no state of its own, which largely determined the development of culture. The power, influence and size of the feudal class among the Tatars sharply decreased.
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He was forced to break away from the development of culture, ceased to be the main social customer and the main consumer cultural values. The eviction of the Tatars from the cities led to the fact that they lost their urban stratum and urban culture. Negative influence The policy of Christianization influenced Tatar culture.

However, the Tatar culture was exclusively difficult conditions. The natural consequence was the strengthening of the religious principle in life Tatar people as a spiritual factor in preserving their identity. The role of cultural force was assumed by the Muslim clergy. Islam was persecuted, but this only increased its attractiveness to the people.

Due to the fact that the development of Tatar culture in the XVII-XVIII centuries. was mainly in the hands of the Muslim clergy, cultural life were characterized by one-sided features. Tatar culture of that time went only in one direction, developing only religious motives, leaving aside secular ones. The plots were exclusively religious fiction, historical thought mainly considered the history of religion, social thought was reduced, in the end, to theological disputes.

That's why at this time there was almost no bright personalities who left a deep mark on the cultural progress of the people. The most famous poet late XVIIearly XVIII centuries was Mavlya Kolyi. He was born, presumably, in the village of Chita, Kazan district, and received his theological education there in the 1760s. lived in the area former city Bulgar, later - in the village of Ishtiryak (now Leninogorsk region). All poems by M. Kolya, preserved in the handwritten collection ʼʼ Wise sayingsʼʼ (ʼʼHikmatlerʼʼ), are permeated with religious and philosophical reflections on life and death, calls for moral purity and religious perfection.

Peter's reforms introduced new features into Tatar culture and social thought in the second half of the 18th century. Among the Muslim-educated part of Tatar society, interest in secular sciences, literature, and education is growing. The ideas of enlightened absolutism are gaining currency. Thus, the leader of the Tatar-Bashkir uprising of 1775 placed hopes on the rule of law, personified by a reasonable, fair, merciful tsar. Batyrsha.

The impetus for change in Tatar culture was the emergence of new Tatars social groups- merchants, owners of factories.
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The previous state of this culture, its exclusively religious content, no longer suited the new classes. Culture now had to reflect social changes. New cultural needs were expressed in their creativity and activities by G. Utyz Imyani (1756-1834), T. Yalchygul (1768-1838), A Kursavi (1776-1812). They called on their compatriots to master secular knowledge, practical sciences, the Russian language as their tool, and to have a sound view of the canons of Islam. It is noteworthy that these figures saw the support of transformations in Tatar society in the stratum of traders and entrepreneurs.

Culture Russia XVIII century. Option 1.

1. Moscow University was founded in:

1) 1755 2) 1687 3) 1725 4) 1762

3. Which of the following individuals were outstanding portrait artists of the 18th century?

1) F. Rokotov, R. Levitsky

2) V. Bazhenov, M. Kazakov

3) V. Rastrelli, I. Starov

4) V. Trediakovsky, A. Sumarokov

4. Kamchatka expeditions in the first half of the 18th century, which paved the eastern sea ​​route from Russia to North America, headed by:

1) V. Bering: 2) S. Khabarov; 3) S. Dezhnev; 4) V. Atlasov.

5. The creator of the first Russian professional theater was

1) D.I. Fonvizin 2) F.P. Shubin 3) F.G. Volkov 4) V.I Bazhenov

6. The publisher of the satirical magazines “Truten” and “Zhivopiets” was:

  1. Catherine II
  2. E. R. Dashkova
  3. A.N. Radishchev
  4. N.I. Novikov

7. Match:

  1. Lomonosov A) theater
  2. Kulibin B) science
  3. Borovikovsky V) architecture
  4. Rastrelli D) technique

D) painting

8. Which building does not belong to classicism:

  1. Moscow University building
  2. Pashkov's house
  3. Tauride Palace
  4. Smolny Monastery

9. The initiator of the creation of Moscow University was (a)...

1) Empress Catherine II

2) E.R. Vorontsova-Dashkova

3) M.V. Lomonosov

4) G.A. Potemkin

10. Please select the correct match

Architectural monument

1) Winter Palace a) V. Bazhenov

2) Tauride Palace b) V. Rastrelli

3) Ladies of the Noble Assembly in Moscow c) D. Ukhtomsky

4) Pashkov House d) M. Kazakov

11. About whom we're talking about?

A self-taught mechanic, whom G. R. Derzhavin called the “Archimedes of our days.” Catherine P appointed him a mechanic at the Academy of Sciences. Under his leadership, various machines, devices, and tools were manufactured in the mechanical workshop. He did especially a lot for the royal court. Thus, his “egg figure” clock, which is kept in the St. Petersburg Hermitage, presents a striking sight. The clock mechanism is still fixed

D. S. Bortnyansky, V. A. Pashkevich, E. I. Fomin

13. What is extra in the row?

Buildings erected according to the designs of M. V. Kazakov: Senate in the Moscow Kremlin, Moscow University, Golitsyn and Pavlovsk hospitals, Tauride Palace, house of princes Dolgoruky

Culture of Russia in the 18th century. Option 2.

1. The Academy of Sciences in Russia was founded in:

  1. 1755 2)1725 3) 1757 4) 1762

1) V. I. Bazhenov; 2) V.V. Rastrelli; 3) M. F. Kazakov; 4) I. E. Starov.

3. Russian architects of the 18th century:

  1. Tatishchev, Shcherbatov
  2. Kazakov, Bazhenov
  3. Shubin, Argunov
  4. Kulibin, Polzunov
  1. Bering
  2. Chirikov
  3. Krasheninnikov
  4. Atlasov

5. Which of the representatives of the Russian nobility had the famous serf theater:

  1. Menshikovs
  2. Sheremetyevs
  3. Dolgoruky
  4. Osterman

6. “A rebel worse than Pugachev” Catherine II called

  1. Biron 2) Radishchev 3) Novikov 4) Bazhenova

7. Match:

  1. Derzhavin A) theater
  2. Rokotov B) painting
  3. Bazhenov V) technology
  4. Polzunov G) literature

D) architecture

8. Whose literary creativity belongs to the direction of sentimentalism:

  1. Trediakovsky
  2. Derzhavina
  3. Karamzin
  4. Fonvizina

9. The creation of Moscow University is connected with the activities:

  1. N.I. Novikov and Catherine II
  2. F. Prokopovich Peter I
  3. M.V. Lomonosov and I.I. Shuvalova
  4. A. T. Bolotova and E. R. Dashkova

10. Match:

  1. Tatishchev A) “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”
  2. Radishchev B) “Russian History”
  3. Levitsky V) Painting “Catherine the Lawgiver”
  4. Bazhenov G) comedy “Minor”

D) Pashkov’s house

11. Who are we talking about?

To whom A.S. Pushkin dedicated these lines: “Combining extraordinary willpower with the extraordinary power of concepts, he embraced all branches of education. The thirst for science was the strongest passion of this soul, filled with passions. Historian, rhetorician, mechanic, chemist, mineralogist, artist and poet, he experienced everything and penetrated everything...”

12. By what principle is the series formed?

Literacy schools, gymnasiums, closed educational institutions, vocational schools.

13. What (who) is extra in the series?

Portrait artists A. P. Antropov, N. I. Argunov, F. I. Shubin, F. S. Rokotov, D. G. Levitsky, V. L. Borovikovsky

18th century culture test.

1. Match artists and types of art:

A) V.L. Borovikovsky

B) V.I. Bazhenov

B) F.G. Volkov

D) Full name Shubin

D) D.S. Bortnyansky

E) M.F. Kazakov

1. sculpture

3. painting

5. architecture

2. Arrange the following representatives of art in the columns of the table:

1. Architecture

2. Sculpture

3. Artists


V.A. Borovikovsky

I.P. Argunov

V. Rastrelli

V. I. Bazhenov

F.S. Rokotov

D.G. Levitsky


3. Pashkov’s house in Moscow was built:

A) V. Rastrelli

B) M.F. Kazakov

B) I.P. Argunov

D) D.G. Levitsky

D) V.I. Bazhenov

4. Sculptural bust of M.V. Lomonosov was created:

A) I.P. Argunov

B) V.L. Borovikovsky

B) Full name Shubin

D) F.S. Rokotov

D) A.P. Antropov

5. The current in literature and art, art is different increased attention to disclosure state of mind, the experiences of the heroes -...?...

6. The largest Russian scientist and encyclopedist: A. Shein M.I. B. Lomonosov M.V. V.Rikhman G.V. G. Bruce P.Ya.

7. The work, which, after reading it, Catherine II characterized: “it was harmfully characterized by intellectualism that destroys the peace ... of society, and belittles respect for authority” * A. “Minor.” *B. "Felitsa." * V. “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow.” * G. “Dmitry the Pretender.”

8. State the correct statement. A. gymnasiums were the main educational institutions B. nobles and peasants wore European clothes C. numbering of houses along the streets appeared for the first time.

9. “The odd one out.” Argunov, Shubin, Rokotov, Levitsky.

10. The opening of Moscow University took place in A. 1745. B.1750 B.1755 G.1762

11. In the 2nd half. XVIII century V artistic creativity leading place occupied the style of A. baroque B. classicism C. rococo D. romanticism.

12. Founder of the first Russian professional theater: A. Volkov F.G. B. Fonvizin D.I. V. Ugryumov G.I. G. Derzhavin G.R.

13. Who are we talking about? A self-taught mechanic, whom Derzhavin called “the Archimedes of our days,” and Catherine II appointed him a mechanic at the Academy of Sciences.

14. Fill in the blanks. “The largest architect of the 18th century. in Russia ...?... He was the author of the largest palace ensembles built in St. Petersburg and its suburbs: ...?... palace, Stroganov palace, ...?... monastery, Grand Palace in ...?..., ...?... in Tsarskoye Selo.

15. By what principle is the series formed? D. Bortnyansky, V. Pashkevich, E. Fomin. D. Bortnyansky V. Pashkevich E. Fomin

16. Extra in a row. According to the designs of M. Kazakov, the following were built: the Senate in the Moscow Kremlin, Moscow University, the Tauride Palace, and the Golitsyn Hospital.

17. The monument to Peter I was created by the sculptor A.V.Shubin B.E.Falcone V.C.Rastrelli G.M.Kozlovsky.

19. M. Kazakov, I. Starov, V. Bazhenov are A. Russian historians B. architects C. composers D. sculptors.

Culture of Russia in the 18th century. Option 1.
1. Moscow University was founded in:
1) 1755 2) 1687 3) 1725 4) 1762
2. The name of the architect who designed the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg and the Bolshoi Palace Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo:

3. Which of the following people were outstanding portrait artists of the 18th century?
1) F. Rokotov, R. Levitsky
2) V. Bazhenov, M. Kazakov
3) V. Rastrelli, I. Starov
4) V. Trediakovsky, A. Sumarokov
4. Kamchatka expeditions in the first half of the 18th century, which paved the eastern sea route from Russia to North America, were led by:
1) V. Bering: 2) S. Khabarov; 3) S. Dezhnev; 4) V. Atlasov.

5. The creator of the first Russian professional theater was
1) D.I. Fonvizin 2) F.P. Shubin 3) F.G. Volkov 4) V.I Bazhenov
6. The publisher of the satirical magazines “Truten” and “Zhivopiets” was:
Catherine II
E. R. Dashkova
A.N. Radishchev
N.I. Novikov
7. Match:
Lomonosov A) theater
Kulibin B) science
Borovikovsky V) architecture
Rastrelli D) technique
D) painting
8. Which building does not belong to classicism:
Moscow University building
Pashkov's house
Tauride Palace
Smolny Monastery
9. The initiator of the creation of Moscow University was (a)...
1) Empress Catherine II
2) E.R. Vorontsova-Dashkova
3) M.V. Lomonosov
4) G.A. Potemkin
10. Specify the correct match
architectural monument architect
1) Winter Palace a) V. Bazhenov
2) Tauride Palace b) V. Rastrelli
3) Ladies of the Noble Assembly in Moscow c) D. Ukhtomsky
4) Pashkov House d) M. Kazakov
11. Who are we talking about?
A self-taught mechanic, whom G. R. Derzhavin called the “Archimedes of our days.” Catherine P appointed him a mechanic at the Academy of Sciences. Under his leadership, various machines, devices, and tools were manufactured in the mechanical workshop. He did especially a lot for the royal court. Thus, his “egg figure” clock, which is kept in the St. Petersburg Hermitage, presents a striking sight. The clock mechanism is still fixed

D. S. Bortnyansky, V. A. Pashkevich, E. I. Fomin
13. What is extra in the row?
Buildings erected according to the designs of M. V. Kazakov: Senate in the Moscow Kremlin, Moscow University, Golitsyn and Pavlovsk hospitals, Tauride Palace, house of princes Dolgoruky

Culture of Russia in the 18th century. Option 2.
1. The Academy of Sciences in Russia was founded in:
1755 2)1725 3) 1757 4) 1762
2. Name of the architect - author of the projects for the Senate in the Kremlin, Moscow University:
1) V. I. Bazhenov; 2) V.V. Rastrelli; 3M. F. Kazakov; 4) I. E. Starov.
3. Russian architects of the 18th century:
Tatishchev, Shcherbatov
Kazakov, Bazhenov
Shubin, Argunov
Kulibin, Polzunov
4. Author of “Description of the Kamchatka Land”:
5. Which of the representatives of the Russian nobility had the famous serf theater:
6. “A rebel worse than Pugachev” Catherine II called
Biron 2) Radishchev 3) Novikov 4) Bazhenova
7. Match:
Derzhavin A) theater
Rokotov B) painting
Bazhenov V) technology
Polzunov G) literature
D) architecture
8. Whose literary work belongs to the direction of sentimentalism:
9. The creation of Moscow University is associated with the activities of:
N.I. Novikov and Catherine II
F. Prokopovich Peter I
M.V. Lomonosov and I.I. Shuvalova
A. T. Bolotova and E. R. Dashkova
10. Match:
Tatishchev A) “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”
Radishchev B) “Russian History”
Levitsky V) Painting “Catherine the Lawgiver”
Bazhenov G) comedy “Minor”
D) Pashkov’s house
11. Who are we talking about?
To whom A.S. Pushkin dedicated these lines: “Combining extraordinary willpower with the extraordinary power of concepts, he embraced all branches of education. The thirst for science was the strongest passion of this soul, filled with passions. Historian, rhetorician, mechanic, chemist, mineralogist, artist and poet, he experienced everything and penetrated everything...”
12. By what principle is the series formed?
Literacy schools, gymnasiums, closed educational institutions, vocational schools.
13. What (who) is extra in the series?
Portrait artists A. P. Antropov, N. I. Argunov, F. I. Shubin, F. S. Rokotov, D. G. Levitsky, V. L. Borovikovsky

History test Changes in culture and life in the first quarter XVIII century for 7th grade students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each option consists of 2 parts (part A, part B).

1 option

A1. The appearance in Russia is associated with the reforms of Peter the Great

1) lyceums
2) Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy
3) assemblies
4) Moscow University

A2. Created under Peter I, the Kunstkamera was the first Russian

1) archive
2) a museum
3) theater
4) university

1) Ya.V. Bruce
2) A.K. Nartov
3) A.F. Zubov
4) L.F. Magnitsky

A4. What characterizes development artistic culture in Russia under Peter I?

1) weak ties with Western European culture
2) the emergence and development of new genres - engraving and portraiture
3) strict adherence in art to the canons of the Russian Orthodox Church
4) dominance in the architecture of the tent style

A5. Which of the listed architectural monuments was created under Peter I?

1) the building of the Twelve Colleges
2) St. Basil's Cathedral
3) Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye
4) Chamber of Facets in the Moscow Kremlin

IN 1. Below is a list of terms. All of them, except one, appeared in Russia under Peter I. Find and write down serial number, which refers to a term whose appearance in Russia dates back to a different historical period.

1) Academy of Sciences
2) Navigation school
3) engraving
4) parsuna
5) observatory

Option 2

A1. Which of the listed Italian architects worked in Russia during the reign of Peter I?

1) Mark Ruffo
2) Aristotle Fioravanti
3) Domenico Trezinn
4) Aleviz New

A2. What characterizes the education system under Peter I?

1) admission to educational institutions of representatives of all classes, including serfs
2) the emergence of the first specialized educational institutions for girls
3) the creation in large Russian cities of universities modeled on Western European ones
4) the beginning of the formation of vocational education

A3. What was the name of the first printed newspaper that began to be published under Peter I?

1) Chimes
2) Gazette
3) Moscow news
4) Government Gazette

A4. The founder of the Navigation School and the first observatory in Russia was an associate of Peter I

1) J. Bruce
2) A. Vinius
3) P. Gordon
4) F. Lefort

A5. What moralizing book was published during the reign of Peter I?

1) Domostroy
2) An honest mirror of youth
3) A Word about Law and Grace
4) The Tale of Misfortune

IN 1. Below is a list of terms. The phenomena they designate, except for one, appeared in Russia under Peter I. Find and write down the serial number under which the term appears, the appearance of which in Russia belongs to a different historical period.

1) Museum
2) civil alphabet
3) engraving
4) assembly
5) court theater

Answers to a history test Changes in culture and life in the first quarter of the 18th century
1 option
Option 2