Salvador collected personal. Biography of El Salvador collected. Three interesting facts about you

On May 14, the name of the winner of the 62nd Eurovision Song Contest in Kyiv became known, it was the singer Salvador Sobral, who represented Portugal with the song “Amar pelos dois”.

Early in the morning of May 14, the whole of Europe found out who won Eurovision 2017.
The singer Salvador Sobral from Portugal won the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 by performing the touching ballad "Amar pelos dois".
It was an exciting evening at the International Exhibition Centre, where in front of thousands of people in the arena and millions of people on TV, Salvador from Portugal won Europe's favorite TV show - Eurovision 2017 with the song "Amar pelos dois"!
So, I would like to immediately sincerely congratulate the winner Salvador Sobral and his sister Louise, as well as the Portuguese delegation on their victory at the 62nd Eurovision Song Contest 2017.

The winning song "Amar pelos dois" was performed in the most professional manner.
She conveyed to the viewer the whole atmosphere with which Salvador presented the song; his performance was touching and sensual.
And the song itself seemed to transport the viewer somewhere far away... far into the beginning of the 20th century.
The performer's vocals and manner of performance are very unusual, which was clearly conveyed to both the jury and the audience.

His victory came as a surprise to many, but after his performance in the semi-finals, bookmakers predicted a high place for Portugal.
During the voting, a very tense atmosphere reigned in the IEC, and when at the very end the presenters named Salvador Sobral as the winner of Eurovision 2017, the public joyfully accepted this fact.
The winners are not judged, and Portugal was named the winner of the competition, this country receiving the highest score from both the jury members and television viewers.

For a long time The main contender for victory in the current competition was considered the 34-year-old Italian, winner of the competition in San Remo, Francesco Gabbani.
However, literally on the eve of the final, bookmakers changed the forecast.
They favored 27-year-old Portuguese representative Salvador Sobral with his soulful jazz ballad in Portuguese "Amar pelos dois".

In this song, the representative of Portugal sings about a heart that, according to the lyrics, “will endure everything and can love for two.” AND appearance performer, and his performance style is radically different from the Eurovision numbers.
Salvador abandoned fancy decorations and ballet on stage.
The performance itself was simple, without any show or costumes - just Salvador and a microphone.
But that is why there is nothing to distract about the sensual song and the soulful performer.
Perhaps the performance with a small number of movements is also dictated by the Portuguese’s state of health.
Touching, aesthetic and in a good way an old-fashioned ballad in Portuguese provokes polar opinions.
For some, this is a song of a level higher than Eurovision itself, for others it is unworthy modern competition naphthalene.
One thing is certain: Salvador showed best result over the past extremely unsuccessful years for Portugal.

This year there was new system voting, where professional jury members first gave their scores, and at the very end the presenters announced the results of the audience voting.
As a result, according to the jury and TV viewers, it was the representative of Portugal, Salvador Sobral, who received the highest scores.
As an encore, he performed the winning song together with his sister Louise Sobral, who is the author of this composition.

26 wonderful performers sang their songs with soul and heart, competing for Grand Prize- “Crystal Microphone” and the title of winner of Eurovision 2017.
However, there can only be one winner and that is Salvador from Portugal, who won with a total score of 758 points.

In second place was the singer Christian Kostov from Bulgaria with the stunning composition “Beautiful Mess” with a score of 615 points.
In third place is the Moldovan group Sunstroke Project with the song "Hey Mamma" with 374 points.

Europe decided this way, and next year the Eurovision Song Contest will go to Portugal.

Eurovision 2018 will take place in Portugal!
Presumably the competition will take place in the capital - Lisbon.

Eurovision 2017 winner Salvador Sobral will take the crystal microphone to Portugal. Hromadske reveals 5 main facts about the musician who celebrated in Kyiv.

Salvador and family

Salvador Vilar Braamkamp Sobral is no ordinary Portuguese. He is a descendant of the noble da Silva family, whose roots go back to the mid-17th century. Salvador has a sister, Luisa, also a singer. It was she who wrote the song “Amar pelos dois”, which the musician performed at Eurovision. Interestingly, after the result was announced, Salvador performed an encore song with his sister.

Salvador and Pop Idol

In his homeland, Salvador has been known since 2009, when he took part in the third season of the Portuguese equivalent of the British show Pop Idol. True, he did not become a winner, but was content with only seventh place. His sister Louise turned out to be the best at this - in 2007 she took third place in the first season of the same competition.

El Salvador and music

After the Pop Idol show, Salvador did not remain in the music industry, but continued to study psychology. True, not for long. Over time, the music outweighed and the guy entered the prestigious music school Taller of Musics in Barcelona, ​​where he graduated in 2014, after which he began to actively perform. IN next year Sobral appeared at the Vodafone Mexefest and EDP Cool Jazz festivals. In 2016 he released his debut album Exuse Me.

El Salvador and citizenship

Collected actively interested political life and closely monitors refugee issues. He came to the press conference of the semi-final winners wearing an “S. O. S. Refugees" ("Help Refugees"). He declared:

"If I'm here and Europe is looking at me, then the least I can do is a humanitarian message. People arrive in Europe on plastic boats and they are asked for documents to get into the country. These are not emigrants, they are refugees who are fleeing from death. Make no mistakes. There is a lot of bureaucracy in the Greek, Turkish and Italian refugee camps and we must create legal and safe routes from these countries to their final destinations."

El Salvador and Eurovision

Portugal missed Eurovision in 2016. El Salvador won the national selection, however, through chronic problems with his heart (he has had a heart defect since childhood), he didn’t know until recently whether he would be able to take part in the final competition. The Eurovision organizers made an exception for the musician and he was able to skip the semi-final rehearsals. Sobral successfully completed the qualification, after which he scored a victorious 758 points, beating the Bulgarian performer.

Eurovision, together with Salvador Sobral, flies to Portugal.


Salvador Sobral Portugal

Born in Lisbon, but spent his childhood in the USA and Barcelona. Salvador Sobral comes from an old Portuguese noble family. His father is Salvador Luis Cabral Bramkamp Sobral (Lisbon, Santos o Velho, May 21, 1955), his mother is Luisa Maria Cabral Posser Vilar (Setubal, Nossa Senhora da Anunciada, August 25, 1960). He has an older sister - Louise Vilar Bramkamp Sobral (September 18, 1987)

Salvador Sobral is a singer who manages to achieve a unique musical sensuality and magnetism on stage. In Kyiv he will represent Portugal with the song “ Amar Pelos Dois, written by his sister Louise.

Salvador studied psychology, but his powerful passion for music took over and he became one of the most promising performers in Portuguese and Spanish. music scene. He lived in the USA and Barcelona, ​​where he studied at a prestigious institution Taller where Musics. Salvador did some interesting things there musical projects: wrote music for himself and at the same time organized daring performances, drawing inspiration from Chet Baker, participated in the project Bosa Nova.


At that time, his music absorbed the sweet sonority Latin America. His voice, over which he has impeccable control, and his magnetism, with which he attracts the attention of the audience, helped Salvador to gather best reviews from specialized publications, colleagues and, most importantly, from their main judges - listeners. His debut album "Excuse Me" ( 2016) was released in collaboration with Júlio Resende and Leonardo Aldrey.

It is known that Salvador Sobral has been seriously ill since birth - the 27-year-old performer has a heart defect. Therefore, the artist cannot take part in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 at general principles. Salvador will miss the semi-final rehearsals and arrive in Kyiv for the final run-through and the start of the semi-final. He will be replaced at press conferences and in case of unplanned situations. Native sister and the author of his song Amar Pelos Dois Luisa. Eurovision changed the rules for the sake of seriously ill artist Sobral.

It is also known that the relatives of the representative of Portugal, Salvador Sobral, warned the management of the Eurovision Song Contest in advance about the artist’s health situation, and they met Salvador’s relatives halfway, allowing him to appear at the competition in Kyiv only literally at the very last moment.

Unfortunately, not everyone was so happy about the exception to the rule. Some Eurovision fans are discussing the "excessive flexibility" of the main music competition Europe and even wonder why it was necessary to send such a sick musician to the competition. However, the majority still generously worries about Salvador Sobral.

In his song, Salvador sings about a heart that, according to the lyrics, “will endure everything and be able to love for two.”

Three main aspects of a speech?

Simplicity, emotion and spontaneity.

Three interesting facts about you?

I am frank, real and emotional.

Is there a ritual before going on stage?

No, I'm just preparing for the performance with all my heart.

Why is Eurovision important to you?

It could be good for my career if people outside of Portugal get to know my work and my work is recognized.

The final Eurovision 2017 Salvador Collected: watch online performance Portugal:

Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois (Portugal)

The whole of Europe is discussing the Eurovision 2017 final (watch the video on the website) and, of course, the top topic: the Portuguese Salador Sobral. The guy amazed everyone with his sensual composition and soulful performance of the song (watch). We publish the main facts from the biography of last night’s triumphant.

Literally on the last night before the final, Salvador managed to switch the Italian Francesco Gabbani from the camp to his side. Even before the start of the final Euro race, Salvador Sobral received the Marcel Besançon Award. Many noted the purity and sincerity of both his songs and his performance. The lyrics with elements of Latin American sound captivated the audience, as did the completely intimate, soulful song.

Salvador Sobral is short for Salvador Vilar Bramkamp Sobral.


There is information that Sobral has noble roots Portuguese aristocrats. Salvador is a descendant of the noble da Silva family, whose roots go back to the mid-17th century.

Sobral's sister will become no less famous than Sobral, since it was she who wrote the winning song Amar pelos dois, and eventually performed it with her brother as an encore after the announcement at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017.

Studied at the Lisbon Higher Institute of Applied Psychology. Then Salvador decided to leave his studies at the institute, enrolling in the prestigious music school Taller of Musics in Barcelona.

He positions himself as a singer in the genres of alternative rock, soul, and jazz. Salvador was a member of the indie pop group Noki Woi, from which he left in 2016. Sobral released it in 2016 under the title Excuse me. The album ranked 10th on the Portuguese charts. Interestingly, Sobral sang for some time in Mallorca (Spain) in local bars.

Like many Eurovision 2017 participants, Salvado “trained” in a talent show. In 2009, he took part in the third season of the Portuguese version of the British Pop Idol, but only took 7th place.

Watch online video Eurovision 2017 winner: interesting facts about the life and music of Salvador Sobral

Eurovision 2017 winner: what we know about him. The most interesting thing about the winner of Eurovision 2017, Salvador Sobral. Biography and facts from life 315 560 2017-05-14T14:04:55+02:00 https://site/images/articles/75815_0.jpg T2H1M0S

Interestingly, his sister, Louise Sobral, was ahead of her brother in vocal art: she took third place in the first season of the same competition.

Salvador Sobral took part in the Eurovision Song Contest special conditions due to congenital heart disease. Now fans are very worried about the news about what is on their hearts.

from the rest: due to illness, the singer’s number was limited in light and sound, which is why the performance was so intimate. The singer also had to miss all rehearsals.

At the press conference of the semi-final winners, Salvador appeared in an “S. O. S. Refugees" (“Help Refugees”) and made the following statement:

If I am here and Europe is looking at me, then the least I can do is a humanitarian message. People arrive in Europe on plastic boats and are required to provide documents to enter the country. These are not emigrants, they are refugees fleeing death. Don't make mistakes. There is a lot of bureaucracy in the Greek, Turkish and Italian refugee camps and we must create legal and safe routes from these countries to their final destinations.

Salvador Sobral is a young Portuguese singer who, despite a congenital heart defect, took part in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 and became its winner.

Childhood and adolescence

The future Eurovision winner was born and spent his childhood in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon. His ancestors belonged to the old noble family of Da Silva, which dates back to the mid-eighteenth century.

Salvador has an older sister, Louise, who played huge role in his creative destiny- she wrote a song with which young man was destined to win Eurovision.

The boy was born with a severe congenital heart defect, so ordinary children's entertainment was not available to him. Deprived of active games, he early years became seriously interested in music, and has already been a member for 10 years music festival Bravo Bravíssimo.

In high school, Salvador became “sick” with psychology and even decided to devote his passion to this hobby. later life– wanted to become a sports psychologist, thus uniting his passion for solving human psyche and love for football.

After school, he entered the Faculty of Applied Psychology at the University of Lisbon, and studied for some time in the USA under a student exchange program. However, his love for music won, and the young man left university and entered a famous music school in Barcelona, ​​which he successfully graduated in 2014.

In 2009, he took seventh place in the popular POP IDOL competition in Portugal, and four years later he organized his own group, Noki Woi. The team existed for two years, released their debut album, performed in bars and at youth parties, but broke up without achieving success.

Salvador Collected at Eurovision

Soon Salvador decided to start solo career. In 2016, his album Excuse me was released, some of the songs for which were written by his sister Louise, already a well-known composer in Portugal by that time. It was she who actively supported her brother’s idea to take part in the Eurovision selection and became his lucky ticket V new life, writing the romantic ballad “Amar pelos dois” (“Love of two”) for him literally in one night.

The organizers took into account the health status of the Portuguese performer and did everything possible to make the performance as comfortable as possible for the seriously ill singer. He missed the first rehearsals, in which his sister replaced him, and took part only in the general “run-through” of the concert. His performance took place on a small stage, and the spotlights were dimmed as much as possible so as not to provoke an undesirable stressful situation for the body.

Eurovision 2017: Salvador Sobral – Amar Pelos Dois

Until this time, representatives of Portugal had never even made it into the top ten in the entire history of the competition, so Salvador’s victory came as a complete surprise both to the audience and to the artist himself. The song Amar pelos dois performed by El Salvador scored the maximum number of points in the history of the competition, and Portugal became the host of the next song festival, which will take place in 2018.

Standing on stage with the treasured crystal microphone in his hands, the singer wholeheartedly thanked his sister for her invaluable help and support and advised other performers to buy her songs.

Personal life of Salvador Sobral

Whether the Portuguese singer has a girlfriend is unknown.

El Salvador is very concerned about the migration crisis in Europe and is trying in every possible way to attract public attention to this problem. At the press conference of the performers who qualified for Eurovision, he appeared in a sweater with the inscription “Help refugees.”

“People are sailing to the shores of Europe on boats made from plastic waste. They are not migrants - they are refugees fleeing death. Don't make mistakes. We need to help these people assimilate,” he said in an interview, causing a standing ovation from the public.

However, the competition organizers decided that his sweater contained a “political message” and banned him from wearing it until the end of Eurovision, citing the event’s set of rules. The singer insisted that his message was not political, but social.

Salvador Collected now

Returning to his homeland in triumph, Salvador announced that he was preparing to release a new album by 2018. Unlike the English-language album "Excuse Me", it will be recorded in Portuguese.