The biggest scandals in programs involving the refurbishment of star apartments. Vitaly Gogunsky is simply furious with the renovations that the federal channel did for him! Repair at Vitaly Gogunsky's housing issue

When they saw the renovated nursery, they almost fainted. Vitaly says that all the furniture was of low quality, the wallpaper was peeling off and the baseboards were falling to the floor. Milana, when she saw hers future room, then immediately burst into tears. Even the little one didn't like the new room. As we know: through the mouth of a baby the truth speaks.

But most of all, Irina and Vitaly were hurt by the fact that the specialists replaced the expensive wooden frames, which they bought for $15 thousand, with ordinary plastic ones. The producers didn’t even want to return the old furniture to the spouses. Irina and Vitaly promised that they would never take part in such shows again.

Natalia Filippova and “Dachny Otvet”

An ardent summer resident Natalia and her betrothed Evgeniy took part in the TV program “Dachny Answer” in 2010. The designers decided that it was necessary to make a gazebo on the summer cottage.

Professionals built an open gazebo - a veranda, the name of which was given to the “white ship”.

Filippova, seeing the design, did not know what to say, she was speechless. “Steamboat” certainly attracted everyone’s attention, but Natalya didn’t like it White color gazebos, all the furniture and even pillows. The floor immediately became dirty as soon as they walked on it. Why was there a white floor on the dacha plot? Returning home, she was even more upset. She regretted that she contacted the program.

“The repairs took almost two months. All this time, a team of seven people lived in our dacha. The new wood floors in the house have turned into old dirty planks. Just like in the sauna, in which people washed for some reason. The humidity turned up all the floors in the steam room. And the shower stall was broken,”- Natalia shouted.

Filippova later said that the program director contacted her and helped resolve the situation.

Evgeny Kachalov and “Housing Question”

Evgeny and Tamara Kachalov from Moscow themselves came to the project because they wanted a cozy bedroom to be made from an old, outdated room. They expressed their wishes that there be as few different decorative items as possible, and that everything be done in dark colors.

The wishes of Evgeniy and Tamara were taken into account, but Evgeniy did not like anything, he became furious. Evgeniy did not skimp on his emotions and angrily discussed the work of the specialists; he saw all the blemishes in the interior.

“I was determined that it would be a surprise, and I have to admit: that surprise was a success after all,” Evgeniy told the press. “I can’t say he was pleasant, but he was.” The man says that the furniture that the Housing Issue specialists brought turned out to be bad; the legs of the bed fell off within a week.

On the program’s website, Evgeniy’s first impression is written as follows: “There is no complete disappointment from the resulting interior, but it does not cause delight either.”

Irina Muravyova

Irina Muravyova and her husband, director Leonid Eidlin, became participants in the renovation program. They wanted their kitchen to have a modern look. “Don’t listen to anyone, do as you know, you can do it well”- Leonid said. But when they saw the remodeled kitchen, they felt bad. The couple expected something completely different.

“Dear mother, what is this?”- asked the owners of the apartment. It seemed to the actress that the kitchen had become smaller, and the audience also agreed with Muravyova.

"I'm scared to be here"- said Irina Muravyova. She didn't like the kitchen at all.

True, after a while, professionals, in order not to lose their popularity, remodeled Irina Muravyova’s kitchen. Look how elegant it turned out, couldn’t it have been done this way right away?

We are all accustomed to the fact that professionals will do any job better than us. As practice shows, this is not always the case.

Has it ever happened to you that you turned to specialists, but you didn’t like the result?

There are many programs on TV about the renovation of private houses, apartments and summer cottages. Participants talk about their preferences in repairs, but do not see the process itself. Sometimes designers prepare...

There are many programs on TV about the renovation of private houses, apartments and summer cottages. Participants talk about their preferences in repairs, but do not see the process itself. Sometimes designers prepare something special, some people like it, but others don’t. literally shocked by this word. There are issues in which the result did not meet expectations at all.

Vitaly Gogunsky

Vitaly Gogunsky, actor of the TV series “Univer,” was a participant in the renovation show. His wife famous model, Irina Mairko, with whom they are raising their daughter Milana. Milana is only 7 years old. The young people did not apply for repairs, one federal channel he himself made a tempting offer. IN new apartment they needed to renovate the children's room, so they agreed to such an experiment. While the designers were renovating the nursery, the family moved to Vacation home.

When they saw the renovated nursery, they almost fainted. Vitaly says that all the furniture was of low quality, the wallpaper was peeling off and the baseboards were falling to the floor. When Milana saw her future room, she immediately burst into tears. Even the little one didn't like the new room. As we know: through the mouth of a baby the truth speaks.

But most of all, Irina and Vitaly were hurt by the fact that the specialists replaced the expensive wooden frames, which they bought for $15 thousand, with ordinary plastic ones. The producers didn’t even want to return the old furniture to the spouses. Irina and Vitaly promised that they would never take part in such shows again.

Natalia Filippova and “Dachny Otvet”

An ardent summer resident Natalia and her betrothed Evgeniy took part in the TV program “Dachny Answer” in 2010. The designers decided that it was necessary to make a gazebo on the summer cottage.

Professionals built an open gazebo - a veranda, the name of which was given to the “white ship”.

Filippova, seeing the design, did not know what to say, she was speechless. The “steamboat” certainly attracted everyone’s attention, but Natalya did not like the white color of the gazebo, all the furniture and even the pillows. The floor immediately became dirty as soon as they walked on it. Why was there a white floor on the dacha plot? Returning home, she was even more upset. She regretted that she contacted the program.

“The repairs took almost two months. All this time, a team of seven people lived in our dacha. The new wood floors in the house have turned into old dirty planks. Just like in the sauna, in which people washed for some reason. The humidity turned up all the floors in the steam room. And the shower stall was broken,”- Natalia shouted.

Filippova later said that the program director contacted her and helped resolve the situation.

Evgeny Kachalov and “Housing Question”

Evgeny and Tamara Kachalov from Moscow themselves came to the project because they wanted a cozy bedroom to be made from an old, outdated room. They expressed their wishes that there be as few different decorative items as possible, and that everything be done in dark colors.

The wishes of Evgeniy and Tamara were taken into account, but Evgeniy did not like anything, he became furious. Evgeniy did not skimp on his emotions and angrily discussed the work of the specialists; he saw all the blemishes in the interior.

“I was determined that it would be a surprise, and I have to admit: that surprise was a success after all,” Evgeniy told the press. “I can’t say he was pleasant, but he was.” The man says that the furniture that the Housing Issue specialists brought turned out to be bad; the legs of the bed fell off within a week.

On the program’s website, Evgeniy’s first impression is written as follows: “There is no complete disappointment from the resulting interior, but it does not cause delight either.”

Irina Muravyova

Irina Muravyova and her husband, director Leonid Eidlin, became participants in the renovation program. They wanted their kitchen to have a modern look. “Don’t listen to anyone, do as you know, you can do it well”- Leonid said. But when they saw the remodeled kitchen, they felt bad. The couple expected something completely different.

“Dear mother, what is this?”- asked the owners of the apartment. It seemed to the actress that the kitchen had become smaller, and the audience also agreed with Muravyova.

"I'm scared to be here"- said Irina Muravyova. She didn't like the kitchen at all.

True, after a while, professionals, in order not to lose their popularity, remodeled Irina Muravyova’s kitchen. Look how elegant it turned out, couldn’t it have been done this way right away?

We are all accustomed to the fact that professionals will do any job better than us. As practice shows, this is not always the case.

Has it ever happened to you that you turned to specialists, but you didn’t like the result?

3 month ago

I looked at it 3 times from the place where the girls came. Firstly, 700 thousand for such a renovation? I don’t believe it! A bed with a terrible house! It would be better to put a corner sofa. Secondly, everything is faded and not interesting. The only plus is the dressing table, but and he’s not in the right place, behind the door! Thirdly, Milana didn’t say anything special. If she didn’t like it, did she have to pretend to be happy? And also keep in mind that she’s not an ordinary child, she was born and is growing up in great wealth. And for sure There are servants in the house, and more than one, so she clearly understands how and with whom to behave. She perceives these repairmen at the level of servants, and accordingly does not bother herself with ceremonies. And lastly, the impression was created that his wife does not particularly respect Gagunsky, and if it happens that he suddenly becomes impoverished, he will be left alone that same day. Okay, if I’m wrong, and yet... I’m ready to get married, but there are conditions! It’s more like a trade deal, not a marriage for love. but this, as they say, is none of our business. I’ll just say, I had no luck with the repairs! I would start redoing it.

Here are the professionals for you!

Not long ago, the star of the TV series “Univer” Vitaly Gogunsky played a luxurious wedding with his beloved Irina. After the wedding, one of the TV channels offered the newlyweds their help in renovating their apartment. The couple decided to surprise their daughter Milana and restore her room. The family moved to a country house and began to anticipate what the designers could surprise them with.

As soon as Vitaly, Irina and Milana crossed the threshold of the apartment, they were dumbfounded. According to them, the furniture in the children’s room was of poor quality, the wallpaper was kept “on its word of honor,” and the baseboards began to pull away from the walls. Despite the soft pink color, the bedroom hardly resembled a princess's room. The seven-year-old girl even burst into tears from resentment.

“I get nervous when I think about it,” Irina admitted. “Now the lawyer advised us to take two or three days to think about it.”

The last straw for Vitaly and Irina was that the workers replaced their good wooden windows with plastic ones. The couple does not understand why it was necessary to tear down the frames, which cost 15 thousand dollars. The Gogunskys' demands to return their old furniture were refused. This situation outraged the family, which is now preparing a lawsuit for one million rubles.

Vitaly and Irina Gogunsky were upset when they saw the child’s tears. For the sake of Milana’s happiness, they are ready to do anything - after all, it was she who reconciled mom and dad after separation. “I started spending a lot of time with her, we became more and more interesting together. One day I wanted to relax with my daughter, and she said: “I’m without myself.” best mom I will not go!" So we all flew to Sochi together, I looked, and Ira was so beautiful on the beach, she outshone everyone,” said Gogunsky.

Milana also played one of the key roles at her parents’ wedding. It was she who sang the song “Once Upon a Time in December,” to which the newlyweds danced their first dance. All those present were delighted with the talent of the girl, who decided to present such a gift to her parents. Irina and Vitaly were happy that the child made their celebration even more touching.