The biggest lottery winnings in Russia: list and interesting facts. Lottery winnings: which one is realistic to win in Russia and in the world, tax, list of winners and their fate, the biggest jackpot

At the end of last year, Voronezh pensioner Natalya Vlasova won half a billion rubles in the lottery. Congratulations to the lucky winner in the media became excellent advertising for the lottery company. Under only one New Year's draw it collected over 2 billion rubles from the population. We decided to find out whether it is possible to win the lottery. And is it worth buying tickets in the hope of luck? In short, there is no point.


The Stoloto company occupies more than 90% Russian market lotteries Monopolist. All the most famous draws go to the cash desk of this company. Her slogans are painfully simple: “They win with us” and “State lotteries.” But few people know that a private company operates under the state brand. According to the Kontur.Focus system, it is owned by entrepreneur Vahan Gevorkyan.

— People trust the state. They think it won’t deceive, but a private company takes advantage of it,” says video blogger Alexander Dvizhnov, whose video “Exposing Stoloto is a state-scale scam” has received 1.5 million views on YouTube.

There is no deception here. As the Ministry of Finance explained, according to the Law “On Lotteries”, only state lotteries can be held in Russia. Stoloto is a distributor. And 5% of the proceeds of all lotteries it conducts actually goes to finance sports, that is, for state purposes. But this is only 5%. And for some reason these pennies do not go directly to the budget, but to private companies (more on this in the next part of our investigation).

— The Ministry of Finance issues licenses for this type of activity. But control is weak. There are still establishments in Russia that pretend to be lottery clubs. There are monitors with screens hanging there, cherries and monkeys jumping on them. These are the same ones slot machines which were banned many years ago, says Pavel Sychev, a member of the council under the Chairman of the Federation Council for interaction with civil society institutions.

The Stoloto company did not respond to repeated requests.


The lottery business operates the same way all over the world. The company collects 100 rubles from the population. Of these, 50 rubles. goes to winnings, and the remaining 50 rubles. - to the organizer's box office. From this money he covers current expenses (advertising, rent of offices and studios, employee salaries, taxes, etc.) and receives net profit.

A lottery (like a financial pyramid, by the way) needs to give part of the profits to the participants. Otherwise they won't play. According to the official financial statements for 2016, TH Stoloto received revenue in the amount of 10 billion rubles, and net profit - 560 million rubles. But what share of the remaining more than 9 billion rubles. spent on the maintenance of the structure itself is unknown.

At the same time, it is impossible to check how much money is given to the winners. There are a lot of scandals. A couple of years ago, a resident of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Evgeny Lapyrev, was denied payment of winnings of almost 6 million rubles. The company said this was a “technical error.” Lapyrev contacted investigative committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but did not achieve the truth.

— In Russia, in fact, only one company is engaged in lotteries. She can do anything. The business is opaque,” ​​says Igor Kolpakov, creator of the portal. — Large companies there should be more in the lottery business. Then there will be competition. And there are fewer incentives to cheat.


Talk to any mathematician. Playing the lottery is a losing strategy. This is proven by the experience of avid players. Conditionally: you spent 100 thousand rubles on tickets, but won a total of no more than 50 thousand rubles. Theory large numbers rarely makes mistakes.

In fact, the real percentage is even lower. Not all operators honestly allow the agreed percentage of the collected money to be used for winnings. And without major winnings, recoup many years of “investment” in lottery tickets impossible. The chance of winning the jackpot is one in a million.

— I would advise you not to look for dashing luck in lottery clubs. And spend the money on something useful, says Pavel Sychev.


Where's half a billion?

Winnings of 506 million rubles. Stoloto promised to pay Natalya Vlasova from the village of Panino, Voronezh region, after New Year's holidays. But whether the money was paid and how much is unknown. According to her daughter, some money began to arrive. But she didn’t say how much. The Stoloto company itself did not answer the question about paying Vlasova’s winnings. All this looks strange: if the lottery organizer fulfills its obligations, then why hide it? By the way, the day before there was another lucky one - from Nizhny Novgorod— for the first time this year, he hit the jackpot in “6 out of 45” for 267.5 million rubles. "


Online sweepstakes are thimbles

It is not clear who authorized Stoloto to conduct online lotteries (there is no mention of this in the law), but on their website you can participate in virtual draws. They pass almost every five minutes. The winnings are determined by a random number generator.

— If the process occurs only in electronic format, rely on big wins and the organizers' honesty is not worth it. It’s reminiscent of thimble games from the 90s,” says Pavel Sychev. — We have too sad experience. If the electronic machine is programmed by the state controller, that’s one thing. And if it is a private company, only the owner benefits.


The lottery operator Stoloto owns more than 90% of the market. Namely: lotteries “Gosloto 7 out of 49”, “Gosloto 6 out of 45”, “Gosloto 5 out of 36”, “Top-3”, “Rapido”, “12/24”, “KENO-Sportloto”, “Prikup” , “Duel”, “Sportloto 6 of 49”, “ Russian lotto», « Housing lottery», « Golden horseshoe", "6 out of 36", "Gosloto 4 out of 20".


A man bought a dead donkey for 1 ruble and played it in the lottery. I sold 200 tickets for a ruble and determined the winner. And he presented: they say, it’s a dead donkey...

“Then let me give you back the money for the ticket,” the man was not taken aback.

That's what they agreed on.

Moral: the guy made a lot of money out of the blue. Everyone is happy, even the one who won the dead donkey. And those who were deceived did not even know about the deception. They just thought they were unlucky.

Who hasn’t dreamed of getting a cash trophy without really straining? But someone, as in that joke, asks God to win without bothering to buy a lottery ticket, and someone takes a risk with the hope of luck and as a result becomes the owner large sum.

As a rule, newly-minted rich people prefer to remain anonymous and spend money on sales own desires or to help loved ones (most often for the purchase of cars, apartments, business promotion). Money makes some people happy, while others are upset that they couldn’t make good use of their chance.

How to spend 29 million rubles in 5 years?

As an example of the fact that big money is an obvious way to quickly become poor (the idea belongs to Veselin Georgiev), we can cite a family from Ufa. The unemployed Mukhametzyanov spouses were lucky.

Having made a spontaneous bet in the Bingo Show lottery in 2001, Nadezhda and Rustem instantly became millionaires. It seemed that here was a chance to make life better. However, the editors of uznayvse.rf sadly report that in 5 years, of the 29 million, except for the purchased apartment, there was nothing left. Nadezhda fell ill and died. The tragedy was preceded by long-term alcohol abuse.

The money “catch” was invested in fishing

Muscovite Evgeniy Sidorov decided to spend the 35 million rubles he won in Gosloto on fish farming - carp breeding. In 2009, the former mechanic went with his family to implement his plans. countryside. The happy transformation of a mechanic into a goldfish maker took place thanks to a bet of 560 rubles.

47 million – for the dreams of loved ones

The 42-year-old Voronezh resident, whose bet of 120 rubles in Stoloto made him a millionaire, for the most part He shared his winnings with his relatives and spent the rest on home renovations and solving other everyday issues. The man hopes that he will be lucky again.

Instead of moving overseas - debts

In 2009, fortune brought fortune on a “golden platter” to a 36-year-old resident Leningrad region 100 million rubles. Having successfully guessed 6 numbers out of 45 in the Gosloto game, Albert Begrakyan began to change his life. I bought several apartments in St. Petersburg, expensive cars mobiles, bought a plot for the construction of a hotel.

He lent an impressive amount - 12 million - to friends, who, however, were in no hurry to return what they had borrowed. As a result, after two years, the money won evaporated, and the debt to the state amounted to 4.5 million rubles. for not paying on time the tax on the winnings remained. According to Albert, if he had another chance, he would spend the money on traveling overseas.

Housing on the Mediterranean Sea

The super prize - 121.8 million rubles - was shared in June 2013 by Volgograd resident Olga, who received 61.5 million rubles, the rest of the amount went to Valery from Perm. Both lucky people decided to spend the money on buying real estate.

A childhood dream come true

In May 2015, the fortune of a 37-year-old resident of the Kaliningrad region increased by 126.9 million rubles. An engineer by profession made a rich ticket for 800 rubles, purchased at the salon mobile communications. The winner said that he had played the lottery since childhood and dreamed of gaining fame thanks to a “lucky” ticket.

To warmer climes

184 million rubles - this lottery prize went to a builder from Omsk. Winning ticket cost the 48-year-old father of three children 810 rubles. The editors of the site clarify that a man named Valery decided to spend the acquired capital on buying a home by the sea.

Months of shock

In August 2014, 45-year-old resident of Nizhny Novgorod Mikhail F. got rich by 202.4 million rubles. The father of two children received the cash prize a month after the drawing, since he had been in a state of shock all this time. Its owner decided not to share his plans for spending his million-dollar fortune with the public.

Build a business in Moscow

A resident of Novosibirsk, who took second place in the site's ranking in terms of the amount of cash prize, guessed 6 numbers out of 45 in Gosloto. This happened in February 2016. The lucky one did not immediately apply for his 358 million rubles. Having read the news about the super prize, the man at first did not understand that he himself had become the hero of these messages.

He compared the number combination on his ticket with the winning one several times before he was sure that fortune was on his side. 47-year-old doctor lucky bet made locally retail outlet, cost 1800 rubles. He took part in the lottery for two years in a row. The winner said that the money will be used to buy a house in the capital and develop a business.

Contribution to the party treasury

"Palm of the Championship" in amount lottery winnings is held by a resident of Sochi named Hasmik. She became the lucky winner of the record prize in May 2017. A fabulous 364 million rubles was brought to her by a bet of 700 rubles, paid with the help of mobile application, in the Gosloto lottery. The newly made millionaire, who worked in the cultural sector, planned to contribute a third of the winnings to the election fund of one of the Russian political parties.

The largest lottery win in Russian history

In the fall of 2017, the largest winnings in the Stoloto lottery in Russia were registered - in the amount of 506 million rubles. It is noteworthy that the winner - a 63-year-old resident of the Voronezh region named Natalya Petrovna - at first did not believe in her luck, and the organizers of the draw had to look for the owner huge money in two weeks. After the lucky girl finally came to Moscow to receive the certificate, she said that she was going to give part of the money to charity.

In any case, money is a temptation, but a very pleasant and desirable one. And, perhaps, we should agree with the opinion of Robert Orben, who believed that the phrase “money can’t buy happiness” is most often uttered by those who have neither happiness nor money. Often, rich people - especially the children of businessmen, who inherited luxury by birthright - believe that everything is allowed to them and that the law is not written. We invite you to read stories about rich young criminals.
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An incredible story with elements of thriller, paradox and frustration is now unfolding in New Hampshire. As Time writes, one of the residents of this God-saved American state(in legal documents it goes under typical similar cases named Jane Doe) in early January 2018, bought a ticket for the widely popular Powerball lottery in the town of Merrimack (they are sold in 44 US states, and the drawings are often sensational).

The laws of the genre require that we now spend a whole paragraph, waving our arms, waving our ears and spewing flame, to describe how she, realizing that she had won no less than 559.7 million dollars, could hardly believe her luck. But have pity on us, will you? Today we still have to drown kittens, and we will need all our skills, so let's get straight to the point.

Having carefully read the rules, the citizen clearly fulfilled all the requirements for receiving the jackpot: she wrote her real name, place of residence and the amount due on the back of the ticket, put it in a safe place and contacted a lawyer. The paradox is that the laws in New Hampshire are wolfish: on the one hand, money is not given to anonymous people, on the other hand, any inquisitive subject can get information about where the lucky winner lives and how much he won; for this you just need to fill out the appropriate form .

The lawyer explained to the client that it is possible to maintain confidentiality and take the money if you indicate not your name, but a trusted person, who will formally receive the winnings. However, the train left: you cannot change your name on the ticket, otherwise it will be cancelled.

The frustrated darling of fortune said she made a “colossal mistake” by putting her privacy and security, and sued the lottery operator, the New Hampshire Lottery Commission, demanding that her personal information not be disclosed to the public. According to lawyers, she is ready to donate part of the money to charity, and she herself is going to continue to live quietly and peacefully in hometown. It is noteworthy that the plaintiff has not yet given the ticket to the lottery operators.

“We, citizen,” responded New Hampshire Lottery Commission Executive Director Charlie McIntyre, in consultation with the state Attorney General, “on the one hand, we perfectly understand your desire to maintain anonymity: winning Powerball is a life-changing event and so on blah blah blah . But the law is the law, the lottery rules are the same for everyone, so we will process your ticket on a general basis.” In general, the trial is on February 21 - we'll see how everything turns out.

Time notes in parentheses that Mrs. Doe has two options for receiving prize money (if, of course, there is something to receive): take a chump immediately, but a significantly smaller amount, a measly 358.5 million dollars, or get eight million in your hands immediately, and the rest - for 30 years in small doses, which will increase every year (and this does not include taxes!). Meanwhile, the publication calculated, without letting the ticket proceed, the lady loses 50 thousand dollars every day (based on a 5 percent rate).

“It would be better not to win!”, “The devil’s jackpot!” - Oddly enough, the fate of many lottery winners was not very successful. Some drank, others could not cope with the pressure and became recluses, but this is the dream of millions! How often do we imagine what will happen if a huge amount of money falls on us and we fly away happy to a corner of paradise. What would you spend millions of rubles on?!
As a rule, the winners are people who regularly buy lottery tickets and spend no more than 1,500 rubles on one bet.

1. In Tula, a family won 3 million rubles

Natalya, the mother of the family, regularly bought tickets for the “6 out of 36” lottery, and one day one of them turned out to be lucky. She accepted the win emotionally: “I’m laughing, tears are running down my cheeks, I can’t really explain anything. Somehow I say that we are now millionaires.”
The family lives in the Tula region, so they will use the winnings to celebrate their children’s weddings and buy them separate apartments.

2. Stoloto regularly publish information about who won and how much, as well as stories from the winners

3. Albert Begrakyan won 100 million rubles in 2009

And as usually happens with people who are not used to living luxuriously, he began to waste money. He bought an apartment in St. Petersburg, which he had long dreamed of, a Lexus of the latest model at that time, the desire to stop doing small business led to the fact that he decided to build a hotel in the Krasnodar Territory and bought a plot there, lent almost 10 million to acquaintances and friends, and also went on vacation with my family.
A few years later, nothing remained of the large sum; moreover, Albert owed the state almost 5 million rubles, because he never fully paid taxes on the winnings.

Today he is prohibited from traveling abroad. Albert believes that if fate gave him a second chance, he would use the money wisely.

He is still invited to various shows and interviewed, it’s probably a shame to repeatedly admit that he made a mistake with his choice

4. Omsk resident Valery won another record amount in 2014 - almost 190 million rubles in Gosloto

This struck the 48-year-old resident of Omsk so much that he did not leave his apartment for several days; the organizers could not contact him, whom he categorically forbade to disclose his data or publish photos. On happy ticket he spent 800 rubles.
Almost nothing is known about the winner, only that he lived all his life in Siberia and has three children. After the victory, he moved his family from the cold city closer to the south, to the sea.

5. Mikhail from Nizhny Novgorod won a record amount of 202,441,116 rubles

The man came to claim his winnings only a few months later and disappeared from the media radar. The organizers were unable to find out anything about the winner.

6. Do you refuse conductors who offer to take part in the lottery while they are handing out underwear? But Margarita won as much as 10 million

At that time, her husband left the woman and abandoned her with her two children. Financial problems began to haunt me one after another. The husband sued Margarita for an apartment, in order to unwind and not go crazy, the woman went to her friend by train. There, along with my underwear, I bought a ticket.
She later checked the company's website and discovered that she had accidentally won a large amount money.
“Now we will have housing, a car,” said Margarita, receiving the winnings, “ Ex-husband We can keep everything to ourselves, we can handle it ourselves.”

7. Evgeny Sidorov won 35 million rubles

He lived with his family in Moscow, but after the victory he left for his native Lipetsk region, where he began to develop farming, build roads, and erect cowsheds. He also created a koi pond for paid fishing.

8. A man from Novosibirsk won a record amount of 358 million rubles

On that day, the media wrote and talked about the big win all day, but the man did not immediately understand that we're talking about about him, I was even a little jealous of that lucky guy from the news. He left his ticket somewhere, completely forgetting about it, and when he found it, a nervous smile crossed his face.
Of course, this is hard to believe. The Novosibirsk resident went to collect the winnings with best friend, wife and two children, but he did not tell them the purpose of the trip in order to stun them at the moment of receiving the prize.
I planned to spend the money on good deeds, and then move to Moscow, buy a house, and start a business.

9. A famous story that proves that fate offers a chance to make things right, but only a few can take advantage of it.

In 2001, the Mukhametzyanovs won a million dollars in the Bingo Show. Unemployed residents of the Ufa region were local drunkards, and in order to manage the winnings that fell on them, the organizers decided to assign a person to the couple who would monitor their financial affairs. The Mukhametzyanovs bought apartments in the center of Ufa, one of which burned down, and several expensive cars, which they managed to crash in a drunken stupor.

The couple had two children, they dropped out of school and began to lead a wild lifestyle. Vodka flowed like a river, and the parents had various strange acquaintances and non-existent relatives. As the neighbors of the spouses say, Nadezhda sometimes said in her hearts that it would be better if she had not won this million, life would have been easier...
Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova died in 2006 in complete poverty, having survived only 5 years of luxurious life...

The Russian Lotto lottery is one of the first Russian lotteries. Its first draw was held on October 16, 1994. At that time the lottery was broadcast on live for the entire central part Russian Federation, in other regions it was broadcast in recordings a week later. Currently, the “Russian Lotto Plus” program is filmed after 19-00 on Saturday, and airs at 14:00 on the NTV channel, starting from the Far East.

Many players are already familiar with the rules of this lottery, therefore, it is worth telling about them only briefly. The player's main task is to cross out a certain number of numbers.

In the 1st round – 5 numbers from any of the horizontal lines of the ticket.
In the 2nd round - all 15 numbers of one of the ticket cards.
In the 3rd round – all 30 numbers playing field ticket.

In some editions, an additional round is introduced - “Kubyshka”. In order to be the winner in the additional round, you need to identify all the missing numbers in the upper or lower field of the ticket.

IN holiday editions There are frequent cases of forced drawing of a Super Prize. This means that the quantity big prizes rises, and the game can go up to the 88th move. All details holiday drawings, as a rule, are voiced in advance by the constant presenter Mikhail Borisov or his lovely assistants.

Today's Jackpot

The organizer of the Russian Lotto, the Stoloto company, will organize a drawing of 1,233 draws on May 27, 2018, which will be held under the slogan “Outdoor recreation.” In the first round, an amount of 420 thousand rubles will be drawn, and then the drawing will begin for 80 summer cottages until all of them find their owners. The game will continue until the 86th move, which will result in every fourth ticket winning. The jackpot has a guaranteed size of 50 million rubles, if it remains in the game, in which case, perhaps its amount will grow.

"Stoloto" is a Russian company, one of the distributors state lotteries on the territory of the Russian Federation. The organizers of state lotteries in the Russian Federation are the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

Stoloto is owned by businessman Armen Sargsyan, who, according to Forbes magazine, is a monopolist in the lottery business.

The company was established in 2012, is a member of the European Lottery Association, and is also a member of the World Lottery Association (WLA). Federal commercial network has more than 60 thousand points of sale and unites all lotteries in Russia, including Russian Lotto, Gosloto, Sportloto, etc.

In December 2013, amendments to the Law “On Lotteries” were adopted, banning all private lotteries. In 2014, in the Russian Federation, only 7 draw and 10 non-draw state lotteries remained on the market, organized by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Sports. At departmental competitions, lottery operators were selected - the companies "Sportloto" and "State Sports Lotteries", the distributor of both - "Stoloto". Thus, Stoloto became the only distributor of lotteries in Russia.

By orders of May 6, 2015 No. 800-r, No. 801-r. deadline for holding all-Russian state lotteries in support of development physical culture and sports, elite sports and the sports reserve training system has been extended until 2029.