Marina Afrikantova: “Chuev owes me a lot of money. The separation of Andrey Chuev and Marina Afrikantova Marina Afrikantova's real name

Native Muscovite Marina Afrikantova came to the television project House 2 in early summer 2014. The bright blonde immediately captivated all the inhabitants of the Glade with her beauty. And when the girl said that she had two higher education(an engineer in the metallurgical industry and a presenter on television), the participants’ admiration knew no bounds.

Despite her relatively young age, Marina has managed to achieve a lot in life, but she believes that this is far from the limit.

WITH youth the girl is fond of swimming and sports dancing, studies at the school of the famous teacher Alla Dukhova. In addition, Marina really likes photography, she finds it easy to study foreign languages(fluent in English and French).

Contrary to popular belief, Afrikantova is the girl’s real surname, which she received from her father, a man who has earned fame and recognition in the world of archeology.

As a child, Marina dreamed of becoming a TV presenter; over time, her aspirations came down to opening own salon beauty. However, in currently The blonde works as a model and takes an active part in beauty contests. By the way, in modeling business Afrikantova has quite an impressive experience, because she took her first steps on the catwalk back in school years. The young lady also achieved good results in various beauty competitions - she has several victories in competitions of all-Russian significance, and just a few days before appearing on the project, the girl became the winner of a competition held in New York.

Marina Afrikantova appeared on the perimeter of the reality show thanks to the efforts of Ruslan Kalganov. The bright blonde has been friends with the young man for a long time and, perhaps, took advantage of his help when passing the casting for House 2. At Lobnoye Mesto, the girl confidently stated that she had come to build a relationship with. As it turned out, she has felt sympathy for the brave officer for quite some time - from the first day of his appearance on the air of the television project.

Cherkasov, who had just broken up with Anna Kruchinina, had great difficulty in controlling himself. Of course, he was chosen by such a beauty. The couple quickly announced their relationship and moved into a separate room.

However, the charming, modest girl could not get along with Andrei Cherkasov. The officer was accustomed to wooing the opposite sex, but Afrikantova presented herself to him “on a silver platter,” which discouraged the revolutionary from continuing further communication.

After parting with the officer, Marina quickly found solace in the arms of Bogdan Lenchuk, who had just returned to the project. The guys also quickly moved into City apartments and began to build love in front of a huge number of spectators. It is worth noting that the relationship between Marina and Bogdan was quite strange and from the outside it was very noticeable that the guys did not trust each other. Meanwhile, the young man increasingly started talking about family and children. This circumstance gave fans reason to draw conclusions about the seriousness of his intentions. But over time, this relationship also became obsolete. The guys made a lot of claims against each other and eventually decided to break up.

It is worth noting that at this moment Marina Afrikantova was already actively courted. The guy presented the beauty queen with bouquets of roses and arranged romantic dates. However, the girl reacted to him exclusively as a friend. A serious shift in relations occurred after Kholyavin became the leader of the contenders for going to Love Island. Having declared herself a couple with this young man, Marina also received a trip to the Seychelles. But staying together in the tropics not only did not bring the couple closer, but also completely quarreled. Yegor allowed himself rude remarks towards Marina and humiliated her in every possible way. As a result, the girl got ready to go home, and upon returning to Polyana, she announced that she was leaving the project.

Marina Afrikantova. Born on October 14, 1987 in Moscow. Model, participant in the show “Dom-2”.

Marina Afrikantova's height: 177 centimeters.

Marina Afrikantova by zodiac sign: Scales.

Is this a real surname? big question. There is reason to believe that this is a sonorous stage name for PR and good memorization by the public.

Father - Alexander - archaeologist and historian.

Mother - Tatyana Vladimirovna, also became a participant in the show "Dom-2".

Has two brothers: Afrikantov Andrey Alexandrovich (09/20/1981) and Afrikantov Denis Alexandrovich (06/04/1978).

She has a niece, Yana, the daughter of her brother Denis, although at one time Marina’s parents passed her off as their youngest daughter.

As a child, I was fond of sports dancing and swimming. Knows two foreign languages ​​- French and English.

She has two higher educations: metallurgical engineer and TV presenter.

She worked as a model. She took part in the Miss Moscow 2012 competition and received the title of 3rd vice miss. In the “Beauty of Russia” competition she became the winner in the category “Beauty of the Central Federal District" She was a participant in the “Miss Style” photo contest from “ Komsomolskaya Pravda" She took part in the “World Russian Beauty” competition and won a prize.

Before joining the Dom-2 show, I had known Rustam Solntsev, one of the then participants in the project, for 2 years. There were rumors that she appeared in the project under his patronage. There was also talk about a rich sponsor who paid for the girl to get on the show to promote herself.

She herself said that since 2007 she had been a fan of “House-2” and, in particular, its participant Andrei Cherkasov. It was to him that she came to the project on June 6, 2014.

According to Cherkasov's first reaction, he was glad to see new girlfriend. The blonde herself believed that she and Andrey were ideally suited to each other according to their horoscope - he is Aquarius, and she is Libra. However, the couple’s relationship did not last long - a week later Andrei suggested that Marina break up. She had no choice but to accept his decision.

Soon Marina Afrikantova began dating Bogdan Lenchuk, with whom she moved into a city apartment. However, this couple also quickly broke up.

On November 12, 2014 (broadcast on November 17), Marina Afrikantova made a long-awaited announcement that made Yegor Kholyavin happy: she is free. Yegor stopped hiding his feelings and even promised to pay for Afrikantova’s trip to the Seychelles.

Although everyone was sure that Marina would return to Lenchuk, Afrikantova not only put an end to her relationship with Bogdan forever, but also agreed to Kholyavin’s proposal.

Their romance lasted until the couple ended up in the Seychelles. On the Island, the couple's relationship deteriorated. Marina gained weight, became depressed, and soon Afrikantova left the project altogether.

However, on June 24, 2015, having sharply lost weight (by 10 kg) and significantly prettier, Marina returned to the show again.

Marina Afrikantova before and after losing weight

Afrikantova said the following about why she gained weight and how she managed to lose weight:

“Men are to blame for everything! You know that my breakup with Andrei Cherkasov was very painful. We really suited each other. But it didn’t work out... on the contrary, I began to gain weight due to the fact that our relationship began to quickly deteriorate. quarrels, scandals break out... And like many women, I stupidly ate my stress. And considering that I am generally inclined to be overweight, my weight began to grow rapidly... For several months I was still worried. But then I pulled myself together. I decided to return to the project. But I really understood that with such weight, and I weighed 91 kg, there was nothing for me to do on the project... I tried a bunch of diets. I have now become such an expert on them that at least write a book or host a Diet program. by blood, no carbohydrates, separate meals, mono diet, protein, kefir, fasting, all kinds of teas for weight loss... Before opening next season There was only a little time left in DOM-2 in the Seychelles, and I was still sitting there with my 90 kg! At least cry! ...the special calorie blocker for weight loss PBK-20 helped me lose weight. It was developed by the Swiss pharmaceutical company Hofmann L.R. It is completely natural. It is used by athletes during the drying period, and few would deny its effectiveness in the fight against fat. It reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and promotes increased fat metabolism,” Marina shared.

After returning to the project, she began to build a relationship with Andrey Chuev.

In the “Person of the Year 2015” competition, the victory went to Marina’s boyfriend, Andrei Chuev, which she was very happy about.

Relations with Chuyev developed in a “one-way” way - Afrikantova valued Andrei, but he did not value her. He often allowed himself to insult and humiliate the girl. But she attributed everything to his complex character.

The couple planned to get married several times, but once the celebration took place. However, that rather exciting day for Marina turned out to be cruel prank. Andrey planned and staged a fake wedding. But the girl forgave him for this too, despite all the persuasion from her mother, Tatyana Vladimirovna.

The eldest Afrikantova came to the project as support for Chuev, however, while with the couple in the Seychelles, she quickly changed her mind about her future son-in-law. Tatyana became convinced that Andrei did not value her daughter at all and constantly offended her. By the way, at that time Chuev was still married to ex-wife, Tatyana Kiosei. The Afrikantovs achieved his divorce, but the wedding of Marina and Andrei never took place.

The couple returned to Moscow to the clearing, as Andrei began construction of the residential complexes promised during the “Person of the Year 2015” competition. At this stage, the couple began to have new problems. Chuev didn’t have enough to build Money Based on this, the man turned to Afrikantova for help. Only Marina refused, which became another reason for the couple’s separation. The last straw for their breakup was Tatyana Vladimirovna’s return to the project.

Moreover, she did not return alone; her husband Alexander and granddaughter Yana, whom they passed off as their youngest daughter, came with her to Dom-2.

After breaking up with Chuev, Marina began to accept courtship from another participant, Ivan Barzikov. He began to woo the girl through romantic dates. And already on the second date the first kiss took place. They seemed to have started a relationship.

But as soon as Ivan failed to support Marina several times, the girl ran away from the TV project. And after some time she returned to “Dom-2”... accompanied by Chuev!

Returning from a joint “vacation,” Marina and Andrei announced their reconciliation. In the team, the couple was met with aggression and accusations of a planned scenario for Marina’s victory in the “Person of the Year 2016” competition. But despite Afrikantova’s absence at one stage of the competition, the presenters still allowed the girl to participate in the fight for the coveted apartment.

In 2017, Marina Afrikantova finally broke up with Chuev and started an affair with Roman Kapakly. She even reported on social networks that she and Roman had a “mini-family.” But later she admitted that they were unable to create a couple.

At the beginning of 2018 it was announced that . She was hired after the blogger left the television set.

According to the blonde, she herself did not expect such a turn of events: “This news was unexpectedly pleasant for me. I am very happy with my new role. During the shooting, by the way, I was praised for my endeavors. They said that gestures and looseness will come with experience, a little difficulty is that we are working with a prompter, where the text runs very quickly, and the hands simply do not have time to connect. Yes, the news is recorded so quickly that I didn’t even have time to get excited, or maybe I stopped being afraid of anything at all?”

In May 2018, together with the actress, she became the host of a TNT channel program called “Style in 90 Seconds.”

Marina Afrikantova is one of the most bright participants rating project “Dom-2” on TNT, since 2018 he has been leading the news block of the TV show.

Marina was born in October 1987 in Moscow into the family of an archaeologist and historian. Afrikantova’s remarkable surname is a real one, inherited from her father. The girl probably inherited her striking model appearance from her mother.

Marina Afrikantova is a multifaceted person. As a child, she became interested in sports and dancing. At one time I attended the Todes dance school.

However, the girl seemed to have time to study and loved it. Afrikantova showed interest in learning foreign languages. Marina is fluent in English and French.

After graduating from school, the daughter, at the insistence of her parents, became a student at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, receiving a serious “male” specialty: metallurgical engineer for non-ferrous and rare earth metals. But the love of communication and bright appearance should not be wasted. This is probably what the Muscovite decided and received another higher education: she graduated High school"Ostankino" and became the owner of a second diploma in the specialty "host of television and radio programs."

In the modeling business, Afrikantova also managed to achieve heights. Marina participated in the Miss Moscow 2012 competition, where she received the title " Best model"and became the third vice-miss of the capital.

Since then, the girl has repeatedly appeared in modeling competitions and castings. In 2014, the beauty received the Grand Prix at the World Russian Beauty beauty contest in New York.

"House 2"

Marina Afrikantova came to the Dom-2 project in early summer 2014. According to some reports, a friend brought her, although the participant herself claims that she got here, like everyone else, through all the castings and selections. The girl has wanted to come to the project for a long time: since 2007, Marina has been closely, with interest, watching the participants and events on the TV show.

Marina Afrikantova and Rustam Solntsev

Upon arrival at the project, the participant immediately declared her sympathy for. According to her, they were ideal for each other based on the compatibility of their zodiac signs: Aquarius and Libra. Andrey also liked the beauty. But this couple failed to “build love.”

Soon, Cherkasov’s place was taken by another participant in the show, Bogdan Lenchuk. The Muscovite settled with him in a city apartment, outside the perimeter. But even here the relationship did not work out. Afrikantova began to willingly accept the advances of the charming Yegor Kholyavin. He found the way to the beauty’s heart with the help of simple romantic tricks: luxurious bouquets, limousine rides around the capital in the evening and other pleasant surprises for any girl.

When the couple found themselves in one of the most romantic places on the planet - the Seychelles, it became clear that the romance had dried up. The relationship has deteriorated greatly. According to Marina, in addition to all this, she began to have health problems. The combination of troubles became the reason why the participant left the project.

In June 2015, the biography of Marina Afrikantova was again associated with “House-2”. The prettier and noticeably slimmer girl came to the show again. They started talking about plastic surgery, which Marina allegedly resorted to. Afrikantova before and after the operation - this topic has been discussed more than once by fans of the TV show.

Fans of the TV show were also interested in Marina’s method of losing weight, thanks to which the girl lost 20 kg and began to weigh 55 kg with a height of 169 cm. Afrikantova’s followers wondered what the participant in the TV show did to achieve such a result. Marina was credited with using goji berries, a special spray for weight loss, but the method turned out to be simple. The girl adjusted her nutrition system and stuck to a diet. Afrikantova reduced her calorie intake, started the habit of eating small meals, spent 20 minutes on a treadmill and drank 2 liters of water per day.

Changed in better side The Muscovite immediately found a new couple: he could not resist her charm.

Personal life

It seems that the second visit to the project was more successful than the first. The personal life of the prettier Marina Afrikantova and Andrei Chuev began to develop successfully. In early autumn 2016, Chuev proposed, which the beauty accepted. The young people were preparing for the wedding, visited the United Arab Emirates, about which a message appeared on the Dom-2 website.

Marina Afrikantova’s Instagram was regularly updated with new photos together with the chosen one, in which the couple looked happy. True, even then, observant fans were saying that not everything was so rosy for the young people.

The fact is that Chuev, after winning the “Person of the Year 2015” competition, having received a prize from the creators of the project - an apartment in Moscow, decided to sell it and invest money in Building bussiness. But Marina, although she congratulated her beloved on the start of an interesting and profitable business, did not intend to invest her own savings in it. And this even became the cause of serious disagreements between Chuev and Afrikantova.

At the beginning of 2017, young people failed to become winners of the “Wedding for a Million” competition, and already in March Chuev announced his resignation from the project. The news came as a surprise to Marina, but the girl did not follow the perimeter. Over the course of the year, Afrikantova repeatedly sued her ex-fiancé for 200 thousand rubles, which she borrowed from Andrey against a receipt. But the debt remained unpaid.

Marina Afrikantova now

The Dom-2 project still occupies a central place in the life of Marina Afrikantova. Since the beginning of 2018, the girl has become a TV presenter of the show's news block, replacing. Some fans of the television project noted that Marina Afrikantova. However, the girl continues to improve her skills as a TV presenter. For the Dom-2 magazine, Marina even starred in a candid photo shoot, appearing in front of the cameras almost naked in outfits that excite the imagination of her fans.

Now the lovers are in an idyll again, and at the beginning of April Marina also received an expensive present. In a competition in which 8 couples participated, she won a ring worth 1 million rubles. The jewelry is made of white gold with a ruby ​​and 38 diamonds.

The point of the competition was to stay last person, who did not let go of the cube. TV presenters and others created obstacles for the participants. The contestants were scared with snakes and cockroaches, the young people were given sports exercises, and even had their hair cut off. After a while, the last ones left standing near the cube were Marina Afrikantova and Olga Zharikova, but the latter could not stand the squat test.

Marina is a native Muscovite. Date of birth: October 18, 1987. Before joining the project, she worked as a model. Many people wonder if her last name is real. Fans of the project came to the conclusion that this is a stage name that is quite easy to remember and beautiful in its sound.

Father, Alexander, works as an archaeologist and a historian by profession. Marina's mom, that's enough bright woman, Tatyana Vladimirovna, soon after Marina Afrikantova’s arrival at “House 2” also became its full participant. By the way, her charisma also influenced the success, so to speak, of the Afrikantov family.

At a young age, the girl was interested in swimming and dancing. Marina also has two higher educations. Before the “House 2” project, Marina Afrikantova was familiar with Rustam Solntsev, who at that time was still a participant in the project. It was rumored that it was thanks to Solntsev that the girl came to the project. There were also rumors about a secret admirer of the girl who was able to pay for her appearance on the show.

Marina Afrikantova carefully hid her age, constantly reducing the actual number. Her real age became known to fans of the show only recently.

Marina on the project

Initially, Marina came to the project with Andrei Cherkasov and expressed her desire to build a relationship with him. But the couple did not last long, and Andrei left the modest Marina for Victoria Romanets. TV viewers did not particularly remember this relationship.

After Andrei Cherkasov, Bogdan Lenchuk began to court the girl. The couple was even able to move into city apartments. It also did not last long. The guys separated a few months later.

Afrikantova before plastic surgery

Marina Afrikantova before and after plastic surgery - these are completely two different people. Every TV viewer will confirm this.

Marina Afrikantova had enough before plastic surgery thin lips which she didn't like. The girl solved this problem through surgery.

Also, experts, looking at Marina’s photo, came to the conclusion that she also had rhinoplasty. Because the shape of the nose is very different from early photographs. Before plastic surgery, Marina Afrikantova had completely different facial features, which were visible to the naked eye.

The girl also resorted to breast surgery. For what reasons she did this is unknown. If you look at Marina Afrikantova before breast surgery and compare it with photographs after, the difference is noticeable.

Marina Afrikantova and Ivan Barzikov

The relationship between Marina and Vanya clearly cannot be called ideal. They did not declare themselves a couple, but the guys had a memorable flirtation, Ivan looked after the girl very beautifully, which, of course, she appreciated.

The relationship between the young people began during a quarrel between Andrei Chuev and Marina; at that moment Barzikov strongly supported Marina and won the girl’s attention precisely with his support.

Marina Afrikantova and Andrey Chuev

This relationship was able to last quite a long time. The couple often argued and broke up many times. From the outside, this couple looked beautiful, Andrey is a rather powerful person, and Marina, in turn, is a quiet and reserved girl who was able to completely obey Andrey. The couple broke up after a fairly long affair.

When Andrei decided to leave the project, Marina refused to follow him, facing the truth and realizing that she would not be happy with Andrei. He, in turn, regarded this as a betrayal and left the perimeter without Marina. There was no more information about their relationship.

Marina Afrikantova and Egor Kholyavin

The relationship between Marina and Yegor was also remembered by many fans of the show. The relationship began when Marina first came to the project. Yegor practically idolized the girl, but she refused all attempts at a relationship. Ultimately, they declared themselves a couple, as many thought was fictitious.

The relationship between the young people lasted until their arrival in the Seychelles. There they broke up, after which Marina became depressed and gained weight. After all this, Marina left the project, promising to return prettier.

Marina's weight loss

Marina Afrikantova came to the project as a very beautiful, slender girl with a model appearance. But soon health problems began, from which she gained a lot of weight. The girl decided to leave the project to change herself.

Before losing weight, Marina Afrikantov weighed 90 kg and had a clearly unpresentable figure. appearance. After leaving the project, she was able to lose the weight she had gained and regain her former shape. After her transformation outside the perimeter walls, she returned to the television set.

On this moment the girl is building a relationship with Roman Kapakly. A guy with a very handsome appearance quickly won her heart. A couple is enough for a long time already together. Just like everyone else, they go through quarrels and breakups. Marina attributes everything to the young age of her chosen one; he is much younger than Marina. Roma is only 18 years old.

Let's hope that the couple Marina and Roma will be able to build strong beautiful relationship and find peace and love, as together they look very organic.

Before the Dom-2 project and before plastic surgery, Muscovite Marina Afrikantova was an enviable bride. Two higher educations (engineer and TV presenter), successful career models in Russia and America and the spectacular appearance of a slender blonde could do honor to any man.

She even participated in the World Russian Beauty beauty contests (received the Grand Prix) and Miss Moscow (became third runner-up). However, for some reason the girl’s relationship with none of the participants worked out on the project, although her beauty had many fans.

When she came to the show in June 2014, she immediately stated that she wanted to build love with Andrei Cherkasov. He was just free and was delighted at the opportunity to have an affair with an attractive model. But close communication lasted only a couple of weeks, after which the young people fled. And instead of the fair-haired Marina, Cherkasov went over to the sizzling brunette Victoria Romanets.

Afrikantova’s relationship with Bogdan Lynchuk lasted a little longer. They even began to live under the same roof and started talking about marriage, but this romance did not end with a happy ending.

Having played enough with fillers, Marina returned to naturalness and now gives no reason to be accused of being overly enthusiastic about cosmetic procedures. True, sometimes complexes make themselves felt: Marina recently visited plastic surgeon and tried it on new breasts. A participant in “House-2” thought about increasing her bust by two sizes after talking with her neighbors on the set, who became the owners of gorgeous busts. While the star is thinking about mammoplasty, she is collecting information about the intervention.