The shape of the nose will tell the whole truth about your character. Character according to facial features: thin lips will betray a gossip, a hooked nose - an egoist. Types of noses in girls

Specialists in physiognomy argue that the shape of the nose can determine the character of a person. Such a statement is not accidental, because this part of the body occupies a central place on our face and serves not only as a conductor of oxygen to our lungs, but also is a fulcrum for assessing the balance and proportionality of the entire face. So, what can his nose tell about a person?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the shape of the nose.

A long nose have those who are inclined to different talents. Long-nosed people have the ability to art and science. They strive for spiritual self-realization. They should not engage in commerce and business, because, according to experts, in these areas of activity they will face a complete failure. The thing is that people with long noses, as a rule, have conservative views on life and are very cautious about any innovations. The destiny of such people is a calm and measured way of life.

short nose- this is a sign of a certain limitation and superficial attitude of life. Such people are not inclined to burden themselves with obligations. They live only for themselves, and often neglect the moral principles of society.

Upturned nose endows its owner with frivolity, for the most part in relations with the opposite sex. The owners of such noses do not strive for a serious relationship and prefer to remain free for a long time. In their work, they also do not show much responsibility. Such people value their freedom and independence.

snub nose betrays a person generous, good-natured and wasteful in relation to money. People with such noses, as a rule, live one day and do not want to think about the future. They enjoy life and appreciate what they have.

Thin, bony and high nose speaks of arrogance and pride. The owners of such noses usually seek to subjugate everyone around them to their will. At heart, they are real tyrants.

Aquiline nose indicates ambition and activity. The owners of such noses do not build illusions and live in reality. They set a specific goal and strive to achieve it. As a rule, people with such noses quickly achieve career heights and success in the love field.

The shape of the nose is not the only thing that can tell about a person's character. It is worth paying attention to the tip of this part of the face. Particular attention should be paid to two types of nose - with a convex, full tip and with a forked tip.

Convex tip of the nose speaks of the kindness of its owner, generosity and spiritual kindness. A person with such a nose is always open for communication and ready to help in difficult times.

split tip nose indicates a doubting, indecisive and closed nature. As a rule, people with such a nose have a hard time in life. On the one hand, they are very smart, talented and capable. But because of their modesty and insecurity, they cannot realize all their talents and succeed.

Career growth and success in life can be judged by the wings of the nose. If the nostrils are large and wide, then this is a sign of ambition and even obsession with one's business. Such people go ahead to their goal and quickly achieve success.

small nostrils also talk about career success. Luck favors such people.

flat nostrils give out a person with weak energy. The owners of such nostrils, as a rule, fail in relation to money and work. They are very susceptible to the circumstances and opinions of other people.

So, the shape of the nose, its location and general appearance can tell a lot about the character and talents of a person. However, if you look at the face as a whole, you will discover a lot of useful information for yourself and you will be well versed in physiognomy, which will allow you to quickly and better recognize a person. Liked the article? Then be sure to put

23.09.2013 11:16

What do you notice when you first meet someone? Probably something more...

A person's face is a kind of open book. It says literally everything - the mouth and eyes, eyebrows and forehead, nose and any of the wrinkles. Of course, each of us face changes with age. However, its most basic features remain unchanged. According to them, according to Chinese physiognomists, one can always read even the fate of a person. At the same time, they highlight the five most important features. These include eyebrows and eyes, nose and mouth. Ears are included in this list.

Nevertheless, physiognomists assign a special role to the nose. This part of the face is in its central place and is a certain fulcrum in assessing the balance of symmetry and proportionality of all features.

Experts who are able to determine the character of a person by his appearance argue that it is the nose that is the main source of information about its owner. After all, this is one of the most expressive characteristic features of the face, which indicates that its owner belongs to one or another type of personality.


Looking at himself in the mirror, a person sees only the external nose, which can have a different external shape. However, inside this part of the body has the same structure for all people.

What causes differences in the shape of the external nose? The appearance of this part protruding above the face depends on the location of cartilage and soft tissue, as well as bones. At the same time, they distinguish:

1. The bridge of the nose, which is the root of the nose. This is the outer section, located between the eyebrows. The bridge of the nose is of two types: wide and narrow.
2. The back of the nose. This part is formed by two side surfaces. These are the faces of the nose converging with each other.
3. Side surfaces. These are parts of the back of the nose, passing into the wings and forming the nostrils.
4. Tip or apex of the nose. This is the part located between the nostrils, that is, the place where the back begins.

perfect nose

How does modern physiognomy relate to this detail of the human face? Experts in this field believe that the nose is at the epicenter of the three zones, serving as a fulcrum in assessing the balance. That is why this parameter is of particular importance when reading a face.

(see photo below) is described in ancient Chinese manuscripts. According to the ancient physiognomists, this detail of the face should be distinguished by beautifully shaped wings and a straight back.

A perfect nose is also impossible without a well rounded, that is, not particularly upturned, tip that closes the openings of the nostrils. And what should be the height and length of this parameter? Ancient Chinese manuscripts state that the ideal nose has a streamlined shape along its entire length, from the bridge of the nose to the tip. In addition, it does not tilt either to the left or to the right side of the face. In addition, the perfect nose harmonizes perfectly with other features. In addition, the perfect organ of respiration and smell is well rooted in its base, that is, it has a small area between the eyes and eyebrows. This is possible only if there is a strong bone base.

By its nature, the owner of an ideal, or "lion" nose, is a person of unsurpassed courage and a passionate strong nature. He easily succeeds in many endeavors, being a very gifted person. Such people are more likely to occupy a high and responsible position in society.

However, physiognomists emphasize that the fate of a person and his character cannot be finally determined only by the nose. This detail of the face should be studied in conjunction with other features. But it is interesting that of all the five most important parameters, the nose has the largest list of deviations from the ideal shape described above. After all, there are few perfect in the world. In addition, the perfect nose is not for everyone. The beauty of the face does not depend on each individual part of it, but on their harmonious combination with each other. For example, a slightly upturned nose is suitable for short women. And for tall people, in this case, the nostrils will be too visible, which will not make the lady attractive. On a large face, the size will look good. With small features, everything should be the other way around.

Feature of Caucasians

Surely many of you know that, as a rule, residents of mountainous regions have a very outstanding olfactory organ. They have high noses with a prominent hump on the back. On flat terrain, the picture is quite different. Most of the population here is snub-nosed and flat-nosed.

There is a theory according to which a high nose is formed in people living high above sea level. Here, with rarefied air, it is convenient to have such a respiratory organ.

Greece and Rome

The difference between many indigenous people of these two countries also lies in the shape of the nose. This detail rises high above the face and has a piquant hump. For example, in addition to its inherent loftiness, it has refined and elongated shapes, ending with a curved tip. Such a nose symbolizes militancy and courage, the ability to attack and repel attacks. No wonder the Roman soldiers were considered very brave. They have always bravely defended their possessions. We can see the Roman face in profile on the bas-reliefs of that time. They depict men who are clearly ready to answer the challenge thrown to them, get involved in a fierce battle and become conquerors of enemy territories.

The Greeks also have high noses. However, unlike the Roman ones, they have an almost straight or slightly curved transition line between the forehead and nose. In other words, the Greeks almost completely lack the nose bridge. Unlike the Roman one, such a nose (see photo below) looks good on a woman's face.

This is confirmed by the sculpture of Aphrodite, created in the days of the ancient Hellenes. Her graceful face still serves as a model of harmony and beauty.

Despite the fact that they are often compared with the standard, physiognomists believe that the owners of such an organ of smell often become gigolos, they like to cheat, lie and cheat. At the same time, they are distinguished by notorious cowardice.

Types of high noses

What does bulge on the nose mean? This can be told based on its type, namely:

Small, with a high bulge;
- sloping;
- elongated.

The first of these types of noses is similar in shape to the beak of a parrot. This is especially noticeable when such a face is viewed in profile. A vivid example of this is Gennady Khazanov.

A high nose with a protruding back belongs, as a rule, to people with an artistic nature. They have all the necessary inclinations to occupy leadership positions, in which they will demand from their subordinates the ideal performance of the duties assigned to them. However, the leaders themselves will not be able to boast of outstanding results. People with such noses prefer to lead a secluded lifestyle. At the same time, they never have a strong desire to start a family. In addition, a high and sharp nose in a person can also mean that when his mistress appears, his wife and children will fade into the background.

The second type of nose has a sloping mound and medium size. It is noted that people with such an organ of smell have a high voice. The sloping high nose indicates the sentimentality of its owner, but one should not expect much tenderness from him.

The one whom nature endowed with a high long nose always remains a child in his soul. Such people are very constrained in the new team and are very critical when choosing friends. A person with a high long nose constantly has a fear of being deceived. In addition, it is always difficult for him to part with his savings.

High noses can differ in many other ways, which will also indicate to us the nature of their owner. And in this case, physiognomists carefully consider the length of the respiratory and olfactory organ, its shape, etc. All these details will allow the specialist to draw up a clear picture of the life and behavior of a person.


The size of the nose, that is, the distance from the bridge of the nose to its tip, does not always approach the ideal.

This determines the type of this face detail. So, physiognomists distinguish:

1. This part of the face is characteristic of a conservative person, often arrogant and capable of technical, artistic or intellectual achievements. These people cannot make a career in the commercial world.
2. Extra long nose. The person who has it is endowed with all the traits described above, but most likely has a more spiritual nature. People with very long noses are often speculative, capricious and unrealistic. However, in this case, you should carefully consider other parameters. So, if the length of the nasal bone is large, but at the same time it is wide, then this indicates a calm person with a stable character and a very calm temperament. Such people are able to live a good life.
3. Fairly long nose. If it is remarkably balanced with the chin and eyes, and also in proportion to the mouth, on both sides of which there are two deep lines, then it can be safely classified as ideal. People with this combination of elements are honest, have a good temperament and great authority. In addition, they are active, active and proud.
4. Short nose. Such a detail indicates a friendly and optimistic person with an open character. These people do not exchange for trifles and carry out the work entrusted to them thanks to their own emotional impulses.


What can this parameter of the most important face detail tell about a person? To determine the character by the shape of the nose is also not a problem for physiognomists. For example, what can be said about the owner of a skinny and bony nose? This person has a low ability to concentrate. A high nose of this type speaks of its owner as a proud and arrogant person who is rather difficult to communicate. Such a person, if he is in power, has invariable problems with subordinates. Most of the time these people are lonely. But in any case, a bony high nose belongs to a proud and stubborn person. In addition, this individual can be very determined and aggressive.

What else can you tell about a person who has a very bony high nose on his face? Such people most often lead a closed life. But if a high nose is only slightly bony, but has a pointed tip, and looks rather flat and full, then it may belong to a very enterprising person. Another character trait of such a person is explosive impulsiveness, capable of pushing close people and friends.

"Root of the Mountain"

This name has a small area located between the eyes. It is the root of the nose. When reading facial features, physiognomists pay special attention to this area. The fact is that the "root of the mountain" is associated with the possibility of success in life of its owner. If the platform is high enough, then it indicates the loyal character of a person who has close family ties. Also, this type of root of the nose speaks of the long life of its owner. A flat and at the same time full platform indicates a sincere person who has a warm heart and is happy in marriage.

Well, if the “root of the mountain” has a kink with a hollow and from it there are horizontal lines that cross the back of the nose, then this indicates the poor health of its owner and his possible early death. A low platform, combined with eyebrows hanging over the eyes, and the bridge of the nose deviated to the side, indicates either a deterioration in health in middle years, or the involvement of an individual in criminal activity.

However, the effect of a depression or a break must be compared with other parameters. So, if the general features of the face have straight and long contours, and the internal energy of a person is strong enough, then the difficulties described above will not be too serious.


This parameter is important in determining the artistry of a person. Ideally, it should be a high nose with a straight and smooth back. In addition, such parameters portend a long life.

If the back of a person's nose is full and well rounded, then he is very artistic. In addition, his marriage is sure to be happy.

If a person has a high, but at the same time narrow nose that looks like an edge of meat, then his life is likely to be filled with hard, exhausting work. With a large and flat back of this respiratory organ, one can speak of a cold, prudent nature.

Having met a person who has a high bridge of the nose, but at the same time low and weak cheekbones, know that he was probably born in a family with a high social position. However, in middle age such people are often faced with disasters, and in later years - with deprivation.

nose tip

This detail of the respiratory and olfactory organ can also have a different shape, and therefore physiognomists are carefully looking at it. So, experts call the most favorable tip of the nose a “hanging gall”. It hangs down like an ink nut (gall). If such a tip is round, then it indicates a prosperous person who firmly occupies a high position in society. Well, if this detail hangs like a piece of meat? For a specialist, this means that the owner of such a respiratory organ is a supersexual nature. The tip of the nose may be slightly pointed. Such a person should beware. Faces say that he has a treacherous and treacherous nature. But a sharp nose, like an eagle's beak, speaks of a vindictive personality. This type of people maniacally believes that all people get in their way.

The shape of the tip of the nose can be convex and have a fairly large size. This speaks of a kind, warm and sincere person, ready for self-sacrifice.
A hanging nose covering part of the upper lip speaks of a person who is ready for betrayal. But this is only if the tip of this face detail is skinny and pointed.

An upturned nose, in which, due to its position, even the openings of the nostrils are visible, belongs to a person who, as a rule, is not able to keep secrets. In addition, it can be said about such an individual that he prefers wealth and does not think about what lies ahead for him, thoughtlessly spending his financial savings. An upturned nose speaks of a loving nature that does not count on a stable relationship. According to physiognomists, such a person will marry more than once if he considers it necessary to bind himself by family ties.

Wings of the nostrils

These parts of the nose support and balance the tip, located on the right and left of it. If the wings of the nostrils are proportional and devoid of defects, then they indicate a person who succeeds in life. And if they are flat or located too close to the back of the respiratory organ? Then physiognomists claim that their master is not able to make money or keep what he has acquired.

Wings diverging at the tip of the nose indicate a strong person who can leave poverty and ascend to wealth. Such facial features are also a sign of sensitivity.

female character

A lot can be said by physiognomists when reading the faces of the weaker half of humanity. So, a high nose in women, which is not balanced by low cheekbones, speaks of a period of need, lasting up to thirty years.

Such a lady is able to compete with the strong half of humanity for a high position. The high nose of the girl indicates that its owner will marry very early. However, if this does not happen, then the creation of a family will have to be postponed for a period after thirty-five years. But at the same time, the marriage is unlikely to be happy.

Physiognomy emphasizes the shape of the nose as a very significant aspect of reading a person's character traits. The disadvantage of such a diagnosis, and a very serious one, may be the fact of rhinoplasty among people. In this case, we can be very wrong. Although men do such operations much less often, therefore, the features of reading a person’s character in this way will still be useful to you.

To start, let's talk about perfect nose, which is also called the lion. This is of medium length, well-shaped wings of the nose, rounded tip, not too wide bridge of the nose. Such people are courageous, passionate and assertive. Especially if the nostrils are a little larger than necessary.

A big nose betrays courageous, rather conflicting personalities. Such people will not go into their pocket for a word and will defend their own. Such people strive to take a leadership position, they need to be organizers, they always want to make a great contribution to the cause, to steer the process.

A long nose It is considered a sign of high intelligence, a pronounced individuality, although it is also often a sign of conservatism. Such a nose indicates a desire to control everything, to set the rhythm. If the nose is super long, then this is a sign not only of intellectual achievement, but also of capriciousness. A long and wide nose speaks of a stable character and a generally calm temperament.

The nose is bony and long- an indicator of pride, sometimes even arrogance and quarrelsomeness.

And here is the nose long, large with hanging tip speaks of the insight of the owner. Such a person keeps other people's secrets and knows the skeletons in the closet. Loves money.

aquiline nose indicates vanity and ambition.

Nose long and straight speaks of the logic, consistency of the owner. Such a person plans well and sees the future.

narrow nose talks about independence. Such people are accustomed to relying only on themselves in life, to work hard. We are sure that nothing is given free of charge and they will always think how much any of your proposals costs.

If nose short, then it speaks of responsibility and diligence. Such people are not afraid to work, they bring everything to the end and often do meticulous work. Also, a short nose is a sign of optimism and good nature.

At all small nose testifies to jealousy and pettiness.

And here snub nose betrays an emotional, often creative nature. They really want others to recognize merit and support. A snub nose, as well as a short one, speaks of optimism, sociability, and gullibility.

Aquiline nose betrays people who are creative, active and practical. Such people seek to control others, consider themselves experts in many ways. They love innovative ideas.

Bony hooked nose shows that the owner is stubborn, often arrogant, proud, but at the same time decisive and even aggressive.

The hump generally says a lot. First of all, self-control.

If hump located closer to the tip of the nose, this indicates the ability to quickly mobilize, to self-defense, to constantly strengthen their positions.

Hump ​​in the central part of the nose indicates a desire to protect others and heroism. Such people are noble, protect the weak.

The hump is closer to the bridge of the nose speaks of an aggressive and cocky character. Such a person is always ready to fight back.

The ridge of the nose says a lot about a person - its upper part under the bridge of the nose.

If no spine at all, that is, a flat place under the bridge of the nose, or completely depressed, then this is a sign of a team player. Such a person always works better in a team, but it’s hard to work alone - there is always a need for communication.

But if nose with a high spine when the nose protrudes strongly from above, in the bridge of the nose, a person is used to working alone, on his own. He is responsible, he chooses the rhythm of work, assertive, does not tolerate strong control. At the same time, it is efficient and durable.

Nose with a high and wide ridge, as a direct continuation of the forehead, without notch. Such a nose is also called Greek when there is no nose bridge. People with such a nose are determined, have an iron will. They are stubborn, purposeful, with pronounced leadership qualities.

The nostrils are also a serious indicator that always corrects the first impression of the shape of the nose.

small nostrils talk about conservatism and thrift. Such a person may even turn out to be a miser, he appreciates the energy of money very much. No matter how many there are, they will always be few.

Small nostrils with a rounded tip noses speak of gullibility, conformism and a tendency to show off.

And here big nostrils on the contrary, they speak of generosity and ingenuity. Such a person is bold and desperate, often takes risks.

Long and narrow nostrils testify to the emotional generosity of the owner. He provides moral support, likes to share advice.

Huge, flared nostrils talk about energy, self-confidence, even extravagance. Life energy is overflowing. A person considers himself a winner, has creative potential. Such a person takes on excessive responsibility, goes from one extreme to another. Not always sustained.

Large nostrils, widely opened say that a person has been working all his life to increase wealth, for him the material aspect is the most important. He loves money, believes that they are the key to a happy life.

Nostrils are rectangular they talk about conservatism in spending: a person does not waste money, but he does not particularly value it either. Calm attitude to financial resources.

Triangular and small nostrils indicate excessive thrift and stinginess. A person is very afraid that there will not be enough money.

Nostrils round talk about generosity and high dedication.

The tip of the nose is characterized by two aspects: the angle of inclination and its shape.

The angle of inclination is the degree of trust. The more strongly the tip of the nose is inclined, the less trusting the person is.

The tip of the nose is turned up betrays curiosity, gullibility and impressionability. A very upturned nose indicates a strong curiosity and attention to the secrets of others. At the same time, it is difficult for such people to keep other people's secrets.

Pointed and upturned nose, in addition to curiosity, it also speaks of extravagance in financial affairs and the difficulty of accumulation.

Nose horizontal when there is no inclination either up or down, it gives out a reliable person, very practical and thorough. He moderately trusts others, but it is extremely difficult to deceive him.

Nose looks like it's bent down betrays strong suspicion and skepticism. The person is prudent, rarely believes in a word, as a rule, he manages finances well.

If the nose is bent down and has a pointed form indicates selfishness and even cruelty.

The tip of the nose reminds eagle beak speaks of vindictiveness and cunning.

If the tip of the nose is completely down, almost to the upper lip, then experts regard this as a tendency to betrayal and treachery.

The tip of the nose sags like a piece of meat: the owner is often obsessed with sex issues.

And here meaty nose (potatoes) speaks of the kindness of the owner. At the same time, such a person attaches great importance to financial success, manages finances well, loves comfort around, often collects something. At the same time, she loves life and knows how to have fun, loves company.

If you notice a groove (or fossa) at the tip of your nose, your nose seems to forked. This person often searches for himself, often changes activities, as he needs work to bring emotional satisfaction. It also speaks of suspicion, shyness, although contact with people and communication is very important to him.

round nose tip(like a small ball) talk about the aesthetics of the owner. A person has an artistic taste, is drawn to elegant things, an esthete.

Nose narrow, as if squeezed from the sides does not save money and easily part with them. At the same time, such a person perfectly understands their price, while treating financial resources as a tool, a means for acquiring something. This is especially true if the tip is thin and the nostrils are wide.

Sharp tip of the nose betrays musical ability and self-control, as well as a tendency to manipulation.

Heart-shaped tip of the nose speaks of stinginess.

As you could already understand from such a significant description, the nose is a very important element in physiognomy and in the competent reading of a person. The nose, as the most protruding part of the face, can tell a lot of interesting things about the interlocutor. However, it is worth noting that the diagnosis should always be complex, in combination with other facial features. We will talk about this in subsequent notes.

Vadim Sokolov

Incredible Facts

Without exaggeration, the nose is the most prominent part of our face.

It is this part of the body that is a key element of our face, which plays a very important role in determining the appearance of a person as a whole.

The nose can both decorate us and spoil our appearance.

nose shape

© undrey / Getty Images

Noses are different: long, short, with a hump or in the shape of a potato.

Each nose shape is unique and different and can reveal a lot about our personality. The shape of the nose reveals a bizarre understanding of our inner self.

Well, you see, it is very interesting, having studied your own nose, to analyze what he says about character traits and other aspects of life.

So, find your nose type in the descriptions below and see how accurate the analysis of your personality is!

The character of the shape of the nose

small nose

© Northern Land / Getty Images

A small and neat nose should not be misleading. Yes, as a rule, the owners of this nose shape have a light and cheerful disposition.

But sometimes this friendliness can disappear, and others are faced with a real beast. Ease and kindness is their nature, but sometimes they can lose their temper and then they become truly insane.

In other words, despite their seeming calmness and peacefulness, the owners of neat noses are terrible in anger. In addition, their partners should be aware of their very unusual preferences in bed.

A long nose

© romanwhite/Getty Images

If you are the owner of a long straight nose, this means the following: you are someone who was born to be a leader.

You have an excellent sense of business activity, innate high ambitions, a sharp instinct and a developed instinct to conquer heights. You easily forge your own path to success.

The biggest problems often happen to you precisely because you are a strong and independent person.

A big nose

© ajr_images/Getty Images

The bridge of this nose shape can be both short and long. However, the nostrils tend to be wide on large noses.

The size of the nose is directly related to the feeling of strength, drive, leadership, one's own ego and the desire to work.

The owners of a large nose are endowed with an independent and strong mind. It is difficult for such people to obey someone. Therefore, it is much easier for them to work for themselves. In addition, they hate small, pointless conversations.

button nose

© Valua Vitaly

A button (or button) nose is the cutest and cutest nose shape possible.

Button-nosed women tend to be imaginative. They are usually proud of the shape of their nose. These are caring, loving, optimistic and kind natures.

However, not everything is so smooth in their character. People with this nose shape are also known to be emotionally unstable. Usually they are suppressed by people with a stronger and more developed willpower and domineering character.

Large fleshy nose

© Photodisc / Photo Images

Under this definition fall mainly noses having a narrow base, and gradually widening towards the tip.

The owners of this nose shape are usually people who are very fast in everything they do. They think fast and act even faster!

These are active people who do not spend a lot of time thinking about something, but immediately start implementing plans. Sometimes they seem to others too aggressive.

But they are also caring and sensitive partners towards their soul mates.

Greek nose

© Jack Hollingsworth / Photo Images

The Greek nose is a perfectly straight nose that has fairly narrow nostrils.

People with the so-called Greek profile are very intelligent and developed natures, guided primarily by their own logic.

By nature, they are very intelligent and therefore reliable. You can fully count on the fact that they will always provide a reliable shoulder and help you out in any difficult situation.

Roman nose

© adrianstewart / Getty Images

This is a nose that has a slight hump that attracts the attention of others. People with this nose shape tend to be especially stubborn and ambitious in their personality.

They can influence others even with simple words and they do it very well. The organizational skills and leadership qualities of the holders of the Roman profile certainly deserve attention!

Nubian nose shape

© Syda Productions

Like a long nose, the Nubian nose has a wide base that makes it stand out.

A classic example of the owner of this nose shape is former US President Barack Obama.

These people are usually emotional, bright and very inquisitive. They are attractive and charismatic, they have an open mind, they are excellent communicators and easily cope with the problems that arise.

Heavenly nose

© JoeGough/Getty Images

The so-called celestial nose is characterized by a slight indentation in the middle of the bridge of the nose, with an inverted tip. This is one of the most attractive types of noses.

People with this nose shape are usually lively, optimistic natures with an unbridled desire to live and strive for something.

Their warm and sincere nature makes them excellent and loyal friends, and they readily take on all the blows of fate.

A little note: Sky nose owners are very adventurous in bed, they like to experiment.

Roman nose

© Laureni Fochetto / Getty Images

Remember what the beak of a hawk or eagle looks like? The so-called aquiline nose in humans is very similar to that of a bird.

It is slightly bent in the center, with sharply defined edges, this nose shape can be easily recognized among other types.

The owners of the aquiline nose are confident in themselves and their abilities, they never ask for anything, preferring to achieve everything on their own. They believe in life, in the opportunities that it provides them.

These people always stand out among their peers both in appearance and in their character.

Modern experimental psychology treats physiognomy as a pseudoscience, but everyone decides for himself what to believe. Hypotheses not yet confirmed today may become scientific breakthroughs tomorrow.

Physiognomic studies claim that somatic changes indicate mental characteristics, so the character of a person and his emotional state can be determined by facial features and body movements, if you have certain knowledge.

Psychosomatics considers the proven relationship between the state of the psyche and the disease that has arisen, and physiognomy studies similar processes, only in a healthy person. According to physiognomy, the shape of the nose and the character of a person are closely related.

How are the shape of the nose and the character of a person related?

Even Galen and Hippocrates argued that individual facial features can give an impression of the character and lifestyle without resorting to personal communication.

In ancient Greece, there was an opinion about the existence of a relationship between the bodily and the spiritual, but no specific evidence was given. Therefore, most people considered this science to be a chimerical art, and in the modern sense, this is another esoteric teaching.

Psychosomatics is a promising direction in medicine, proving the relationship between the state of the psyche and the external structure.

For example, the nose of newborns is approximately the same shape, but over time it transforms and acquires individual characteristics.

The appearance of a person is laid at the gene level, and the psyche can be formed under the influence of external factors. Thus, modern science recognizes not only the influence of the external environment on the psyche, but also the relationship between the spiritual and the physical.

Physiognomy + photo

In medicine, it is believed that the proportional structure of the face - a marker of good health, good genes. If it is now possible to draw conclusions about the state of internal organs by the appearance of features, then personality, character traits, and mental characteristics can be determined by the shape and structure of facial features.

From the point of view of anatomy, the state of the natural openings on the face is due to the configuration of the muscles responsible for chewing and facial expressions, the ends of which are fixed near these openings.

Consequently, each nostril and nasal tip, even the bridge of the nose, carry information about the habits, inclinations and most frequent emotions of a person. With age, the face changes more and more, and each feature receives data that is very valuable for an experienced physiognomist.

Putting the signs together, the specialist draws conclusions.

The basic rule for the study of facial features take into account the totality of physiognomic data and the gender of a person, rely on their knowledge and experience.

Then any, even the most secretive nature will become accessible to understanding. The study of the photo makes it possible to examine the face without being influenced by impressions, charm, emotions. This is the purpose of the present study.

How to determine the character of the back of the nose?

The bridge of the nose is not the most informative area. Accept that the hump speaks of the extraordinary nature. But it can be a characteristic sign of ethnicity or the temper and dominance of nature.

A woman with a wide and high back of the nose is stubborn, distinguished by an iron will and a desire for leadership. By the convex back of the nose, others can guess about the working capacity and endurance of its owner.

Among other things, it testifies to the denial of authority and intolerance to orders.

What can the tip of the nose say about the personality

This is an eloquent feature that is usually judged arbitrarily:

  • "eagle's beak" can mean natural cunning or vindictiveness;
  • curved down and pointed tip will remind you of the necessary caution in dealing with its owner;
  • a small nose, turned up with the tip, speaks of impressionability, a tendency to make impulsive decisions;
  • a slightly curved tip indicates the prudence of the owner;
  • the owner of a pointed and raised tip is mercantile, wants to accumulate wealth, but such an achievement is beyond his power.


If they are large and round, then they can mean openness and generosity or ambition, along with arrogance and rancor. The owner of small nostrils is tight-fisted, money is the main thing for him, and success is measured by their number.

Love is an inaccessible feeling for the owners of narrow and long nostrils. Close people for them are a source of emotions, a means of nourishing their own soul, which is poor in feelings.

The character of a person by the length of the nose

There are several types of long nose, and in order to correctly decipher the character, you should pay attention to the tip and bridge of the nose.

direct form - evidence of logic and consistency, bony speaks of quarrelsomeness. A prominent tip indicates a tendency to secrecy.

Types of noses in girls

Despite the 14 types of noses identified by scientists, physiognomy considers only Roman, African, Greek, classical, aquiline, potato and snub-nosed to be typical in girls.

Judging a woman's character on the basis of a general type is a rash step. It is necessary to take into account both the features of the structure and the location in the general architectonics of the face.

Types of noses in men

In men, there are two types of long (sometimes three), snub-nosed and potato, two types of short nose and asymmetric. However, the matter of physiognomy is not classification according to type, but reading according to the totality of features.

The shape of the nostrils, wing, bridge of the nose (back) and tip should be taken into account. All together will say a lot to a person who can read from the face.

Proportions of the ideal nose + photo

Some calculations are required to determine the ideal shape. But even they will not give an idea of ​​perfection, because every race, ethnic community and culture has its own concepts of beauty.

The only common feature - symmetry in relation to the rest of the facial features and the exact location in the center.


A person, receiving at the genetic level the characteristic features of appearance, simultaneously inherits some features of the psyche. The owner of a nose of a certain shape automatically acquires specific features and attitudes towards others.

He is instilled with concepts peculiar to the nation or race in which he lives. However, experienced physiognomists believe that only the type of the external respiratory organ should not be considered. What matters is the architectonics of the face, the relative position of its components, harmony and the distance between them.