Sasha Shpak and the terribly beautiful life of one skin-visual man. Who is Alexander Shpak, what is he famous for? Why does he look like this, what about his appearance and orientation?

One of the shocking musclemen is considered to be Bo -dibuilder Sasha Shpak. Pumped up figure, lip and eye adjustments, female breast implants. Is Pisyun even there?

The son of a military man and a teacher, Sasha, was once an ordinary, handsome boy. It's in form. But in terms of content...

Not everyone has such luck - the presence of a visual vector - 5% of people. What to do with innate wealth?
Sasha Shpak. Anal-cutaneous-muscular with vision. The mental core is the skin-visual boy.

Everything in the world is in opposites. And in vision too. Sasha naively believes that showing off will save you.

Never listen to what people say about themselves - lies! They can approximately pronounce: what did you eat, where were you, what did you see and buy?, but know nothing about their unconscious. All their talking to themselves is stupid rationalization.

Here is Sanya, engaged in explanations, justifying fears and presenting, from the hole of the visual vector, a supposedly “fulfilled worldview” - the terribly beautiful life of a skin-visual man.

Paint yourself with aggressive portraits, show off your prominent fangs, and pump up your mass. Target? He will do PR - this is, they say, self-expression. We see an unconscious desire - to intimidate.

and the eyes are so kind, kind... and with eyeliner, so feminine, feminine....
Intimidate who?!

No, bro, where are you going to put the animal smell? Pheromones and species role are innate.

In the wild, predators look modest, they have no need for showing off, and the weakest individuals, on the contrary, try to spread their wings and scare them away. With small predatory fish, sometimes it goes away, but a real beast follows the scent and AM!

There is such an interesting guy, a brain researcher, Professor S. Savelyev. He proved that in a person with a visual vector, the lobes of the brain responsible for the visual analyzer are 40 times larger than in an ordinary person. Tortuosity too, it will be steeper.

Can you imagine, right? A machine of intellect and sensuality! But it's potential.
Given does not mean guaranteed. Continue on your own, if you know how?!

However, at the root of the visual vector is the fear of the dark and the fear of being eaten.

In the primitive flock they ate exclusively boys with skin-visual characteristics. They are not warriors or hunters. Moreover, they do not have the smell of a woman, so they also have a gap in reproduction.

In our two primal urges: sex and murder, they are useless.

Bo- dibil- There was no ding or male striptease then, but they were too sweet...AM!
How were they determined? By smell.

Thanks to them, the flock survived during hungry days. And this is also the best way to remove hostility: eat this as a group, get some endorphins, sing a song by the fire and life is good!

Do you think something has changed?

Man is a creature of a hostile type - a cannibal. Today we do not eat each other - naturally. Zarathustra does not command, in the sense of a layer of culture. But psychologically constantly...AM!

Hostility towards those near and far, scandals, showdowns on the roads, mud-smearing on the RuNet... people are increasingly fighting with each other. They realize the hidden desire to eat their neighbor, but do it in a ritual form.

Three days of collective hunger and everything will be for real. Some, by the way, will breathe a sigh of relief, finally!
Who will we eat first? Skin-visuals in fear!
If the human body has adrenaline, it gives an unconscious message - I'm allowed!

War tattoos, frightening fangs, testosterone and anabolic steroids running through your veins. There is no smell on the Internet and on TV, so this foolish thing will work.

But at the level of natural contact, the smell of ranking-attraction, i.e. the first signal system, our animal essence perceives a person as he is.

So it will turn out like in that joke: Oh one man fed five canniballs.

It was an educational program for the skin-visual.
But in our world everything is on opposites. And in the visual vector too.

Fear of the dark - fear of being eaten - is when emotions are inside, which means destructive adrenaline is a minus.

Exactly the opposite - this is empathy, compassion and love - outward sensuality and absolute fearlessness...

In the archetypal state: transvestites and transsexuals, gigolos and victims of oral cannibals.

In its implementation: artists, teachers, performers, singers and pop stars. What do you think: Brad Pitt, our E. Plushenko and D. Bilan? Realized skin-visual beauties.

The bottom line is:

When visual men choose a similar and constantly shocking form for themselves and merge their sensual and creative potential into "I'm not a boy, I'm a girl", they get the worst fate in this. Maybe not right away, but it unfolds as the play progresses...

While the skin-visual is young, you can festival and earn money with your body, but years will pass and all these anabolic steroids, hormones and plastic surgeries with implants will come out - it will be a complete star!

In short, a fool got a smart head. Would you like to object?

Understand and realize who you really are, and then realize your ideal form. And parents can immediately determine what kind of miracle they have and engage in proper upbringing.

A person has only two important events. The first is when he was born and the second, when he gained clarity for what.

The article was written using training materials on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Who is Sasha Shpak

Real name

Hometown- Saint Petersburg

Height — 176

Weight— 90 kg

Activity— Blogger, bodybuilder, model, freak

Alexander Shpak biography

Alexander Shpak is a bodybuilder, a freak and, recently, a very popular blogger. Sasha gained popularity thanks to his shocking appearance.

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Alexander Shpak before surgery

Alexander Shpak grew up as an ordinary boy, born into the family of a teacher and a military man; because of his father’s profession, the family often moved. Since Sasha’s father was a military man, he instilled a love of sports in his son. At the age of 12, Shpak joined the gym for the first time, and after a short time he began to achieve some success.

At the age of fifteen, Alexander entered St. Petersburg State University of Economics to study as a “Financial Manager”; after graduation, Sasha realized that a higher education was not enough for him, and decided to enroll in the correspondence department, to become a “Securities Specialist”. Thus, Alexander Shpak has two higher educations, despite his provocative appearance.

Before plastic surgery and changes in appearance, Sasha looked like quite a handsome guy, with well-developed muscles. He was a very kind “shirt guy” who would always come to the rescue, but in appearance he looked very faded and gray, which prompted him to change his appearance. The main task was to weed out a huge number of unnecessary people who pay attention only to a person’s appearance, which I later did not regret at all.

Plastic surgery and tattoos by Sasha Shpak

Alexander got his first tattoo as a teenager, but didn’t stop there. Tattoos occupy 90% of the entire body; according to Sasha, he spent about five million rubles on this “decoration”.

He also managed to undergo more than 15 operations, ranging from pumping out fat to completely changing the shape of his face.

He had silicone implants inserted into his chest and buttocks, but later had them removed.

Well, how could we not mention the extended fangs, like a vampire’s, for which he also paid a considerable amount of money.

Alexander Shpak always looks inimitable, because he also has in his arsenal: tattooed eyebrows, painted and enlarged lips, bright hairstyles, and of course, painted eyes and nails. One can only guess how much time Shpak spends daily on creating his image.

Throughout his life, Sasha was constantly engaged in bodybuilding, building his body, which later developed into working as a fitness trainer.

Alexander Shpak is a very popular trainer, helping many people both live in the gym and conducting consultations via the Internet.

Previously, he was engaged in the sale of anabolic steroids, which attracted the attention of the police and was sentenced to three years probation.

Shpak Instagram

Alexander Shpak has a very popular Instagram account; he currently has more than 1 million subscribers.

The blogger daily pleases his Instagram subscribers with new photos, videos, stories, Sasha also has several columns, for example “get your butt off the couch” - where Alexander shows physical exercises that can be done at home, “Cooking with Shpak”, where Sasha and his wife Masya prepares various dishes; Masya also has her own Instagram account with an equally large audience of subscribers.

Sasha also has an official YouTube channel, where he posts various recordings of TV programs with his participation, recordings of live broadcasts from Instagram, and vlogs.

Personal life

Despite Shpak’s appearance, he is in great demand among girls, proof of this is that he was married more than 5 times, even such a process as marriage Alexander managed to make insanely discussed, because right at the wedding he was practically naked, photographs of this action were included and instantly spread across the internet.

At the moment, Shpak is legally married to Irina Meshchanskaya, the couple conducts all videos on YouTube and live broadcasts together. The couple admits that they have absolutely the same outlook on life, they want to live life for themselves, and do not plan to have children in the near future, as husband Alexander has proven excellently. Alexander affectionately calls his wife Masya.

The lovers periodically take part in candid photo shoots, which fuels discussions around their personalities.

Alexander Shpak is a regular on all kinds of television programs, where he often succumbs to public condemnation, but as soon as you bring the person condemning him into dialogue, he instantly begins to look at Alexander with a different look, because behind his shocking appearance hides a very smart, psychologically savvy and educated person.

Had in the Homeric era and later, until the 2nd century. BC, of ​​little significance. The very fact that the god Pan was depicted as half-man - half-goat (a relic of totemism) indicates the antiquity of this god. Initially Pan - god of the forest, god of shepherds, guardian of flocks. Even in Arcadia and Argos, where Pan was more revered, he was not included among the Olympian gods. But gradually the god Pan loses his original character and becomes the patron god of all nature.

Among the retinue of Dionysus one could often see the god Pan. When the great Pan was born, his mother, the nymph Dryope, looked at her son and fled in horror. He was born with goat legs and horns and a long beard. But his father, Hermes, was delighted at the birth of his son, he took him in his arms and carried him to bright Olympus to the gods. All the gods rejoiced loudly at the birth of Pan and laughed as they looked at him.

God Pan did not stay to live with the gods on Olympus. He went into the shady forests, into the mountains. There he grazes his flocks, playing a sonorous pipe. As soon as the nymphs hear the wonderful sounds of Pan’s pipe, they rush to him in crowds, surround him, and soon a merry round dance moves along the green, secluded valley, to the sounds of Pan’s music. Pan himself loves to take part in the dances of the nymphs. When Pan is cheerful, then a cheerful noise rises in the forests along the mountain slopes. Nymphs and satyrs frolic merrily along with the noisy goat-footed Pan. When the hot afternoon comes, Pan retires to the dense thicket of the forest or to a cool grotto and rests there. It is dangerous to disturb Pan then; he is quick-tempered, he can send a heavy oppressive sleep in anger, he can, unexpectedly appearing, frighten the traveler who disturbed him. Finally, he can also send panic fear, such horror when a person rushes headlong to run, without making out the road, through forests, through mountains, along the edges of abysses, not noticing that flight threatens him with death every minute. It happened that Pan inspired such fear in an entire army, and it turned into an uncontrollable flight. You should not irritate Pan - when he flares up, he is formidable. But if Pan is not angry, then he is merciful and good-natured. He sends many blessings to the shepherds. The great Pan, a cheerful participant in the dances of frantic maenads, a frequent companion of the god of wine Dionysus, protects and cares for the herds of the Greeks.

Pan and Syringa

And the arrows of the golden-winged Eros did not escape the great Pan. He fell in love with the beautiful nymph Syringa. The nymph was proud and rejected the love of everyone. As for the daughter of Latona, the great Artemis, so for Syringa, hunting was a favorite pastime. Syringa was often even mistaken for Artemis, so beautiful was the young nymph in her short clothes, with a quiver over her shoulders and a bow in her hands. Like two drops of water, she then resembled Artemis, only her bow was made of horn, and not golden, like that of the great goddess.

Pan once saw Syringa and wanted to approach her. The nymph looked at Pan and fled in fear. Pan could barely keep up with her, trying to catch up with her. But the path was blocked by a river. Where should the nymph run? Siringa stretched out her hands to the river and began to pray to the god of the river to save her. The river god heeded the nymph's pleas and turned her into a reed. Pan ran up and wanted to hug Syringa, but he only hugged the flexible, quietly rustling reed. Pan stands, sighing sadly, and in the gentle rustling of the reeds he hears the farewell greetings of the beautiful Syringa. Pan cut several reeds and made a sweet-sounding pipe out of them, fastening the unequal ends of the reed with wax. Pan named the pipe Syringa in memory of the nymph. Since then, the great Pan loves to play the syringa pipe in the solitude of the forests, resounding with its gentle sounds in the surrounding mountains.

Contest between Pan and Apollo

Pan was proud of his flute playing. One day he challenged Apollo himself to a competition. It was on the slopes of Mount Tmola. The judge was the god of this mountain. In a purple cloak, with a golden cithara in his hands and a laurel wreath, Apollo appeared at the competition. Pan was the first to start the competition. The simple sounds of his shepherd's pipe were heard, they gently rushed along the slopes of Tmol. Pan finished. When the echoes of his pipe fell silent, Apollo struck the golden strings of his cithara. The majestic sounds of divine music poured out. Everyone standing around, enchanted, listened to Apollo’s music. The golden strings of the cithara thundered solemnly, all nature plunged into deep silence, and in the midst of the silence a melody full of wondrous beauty flowed in a wide wave. Apollo finished; the last sounds of his cithara died away. The god of Mount Tmola awarded Apollo victory. Everyone praised the great kifared god. Only Midas did not admire the game of Apollo, but praised the simple game of Pan. Apollo became angry, grabbed Midas by the ears and pulled them out. Since then, Midas has donkey ears, which he diligently hides under a large turban. And the saddened Pan, defeated by Apollo, retreated deeper into the thicket of the forests; The tender sounds of his pipe are often heard there, full of sadness, and young nymphs listen to them with love.

Nikolai Kun. Legends and myths of Ancient Greece

Herodotus also describes the religion of the Scythians. “They were pagans and worshiped many gods: first of all Hestia, then Zeus and Heya. These gods are recognized by all Scythians, and the so-called royal Scythians also make sacrifices to Poseidon. In the Scythian language, Hestia is called Tabiti, Zeus is called Papai, Gaia is called Api.”


The Scythians revered this deity “most of all.” The oath to this goddess was considered the most important, and those who violated it were executed. The cult of Tabiti, like the cult of the Greek goddess Hestia, was associated with fire and the hearth, which were revered. Tabiti was also considered a giver of food and prosperity.


Popeye is the progenitor of the Scythians and Scythian kings. His name is of Iranian origin and means “father”, “protector”. Popeye is the personification of the sky, the creator of the world and people.
Api was considered Popeye's wife. In Scythian mythology, she was represented as the serpentine, “earth-born maiden,” the ancestor of the Scythians. Her image is also associated with water that feeds the earth, underground waters. Quite a lot of images of Api-serpent were found in the Kuban - in the Bolshaya Bliznitsa mounds on the Taman Peninsula, near the village of Ivanovskaya and Ust-Labinsk. On a golden plaque from the village of Ivanovskaya, which adorned a wooden bowl, a winged goddess is depicted in a tunic, the folds of which end with the heads of snakes and griffins. On the goddess's head is a high headdress, in her hand is a man's head. It is interesting that in the same burial golden plaques (clothing decorations) with images of Hercules were found.


Herodotus does not give his Scythian name. But he is close to the image of Targitai - the first man of Scythian mythology, the conqueror of monsters, the father of Lipoksai, Arpoksai and Kolaksai, who became the ancestors of the Scythian tribes. Hercules-Targitai is both a man and a god, the creator of the world order, the personification of strength and valor. Unlike Popeye-Zeus, his image is closer to people and therefore was very popular in the Bosporus and among barbarian tribes. On the rhyton from the Karagodeuashkh mound he is depicted as a horseman in the scene of the divine transfer of power. The popularity of Targitai’s image is evidenced by the use of his name. Thus, the famous Meotian queen bore the name Tirgatao.
Other Scythian gods are also associated with the Greek ones: Argimpasa - with the Greek Aphrodite Urania (Heavenly). She was revered as a fertility deity, intercessor and patroness.


Ares is close to the Greek god of war Ares. Altars were built in his honor, and sacrifices to him were particularly pompous and cruel. “In each Scythian region, shrines to Ares were erected in districts: mountains of brushwood were piled one on top of the other... A quadrangular platform was built at the top. On each such hill there is an ancient iron sword. This is the idol of Ares. Horses and cattle are sacrificed to this sword every year...”

Tagimasad - Poseidon

The Scythians deeply revered Tagimasad - Poseidon, the god of fruitful water (seas, rivers) and patron of horses.
Herodotus's information about Scythian cults and sanctuaries is confirmed by archaeological finds.

Alexander Shpak was born on April 1, 1979 in Russia in St. Petersburg. Sasha was raised by her mother and father. Alexander’s mother is a school teacher, and her father is a military man. Due to his father's work, Alexander's family often changed their place of residence. In 1985, Alexander went to first grade. At school, Sasha Shpak always achieved good grades; he paid special attention to the subjects of literature, biology and chemistry. At the age of 14, Alexander began to play sports, he went to the gym.

In 1997, after graduating from school, Sasha entered the St. Petersburg State University of Economics with a degree in Financial Manager. After Shpak received his higher education, he decided to study further. Sasha received his second higher education in absentia, majoring in “Securities Specialist.” During his entire studies, Alexander Shpak went in for sports. In 2002, Alexander began to actively engage in bodybuilding.

Plastic surgery and tattoos of Alexander Shpak

It is worth noting that Alexander was a very handsome young man before plastic surgery. In one of his interviews, Shpak said that he did all the operations and tattoos intentionally in order to change himself beyond recognition. He always wanted and strived for people to pay attention not to his appearance, but to his inner world.

Sasha got his first tattoo on his arm at the age of 19. Now Alexander's entire body is covered with tattoos. On the “We Talk and Show” program, Alexander Shpak admitted that he spent more than 4.8 million rubles on all his tattoos. Alexander Shpak performed plastic surgery more than 14 times. He completely changed his face, grew fangs and got implants in his buttocks and chest. As Alexander himself states, it is not enough to make implants for yourself, you need to maintain their shape with the help of physical activity. This is what Shpak himself does.

Alexander Shpak on Instagram

Alexander registered Instagram in 2014. Initially, Sasha occasionally posted photos on his Instagram profile, but in the period from 2016 to 2017, Alexander devotes a large amount of time to the social network. He posts daily cooking notes, photos with his wife, as well as funny videos from training in the gym. Alexander and his wife often conduct online broadcasts in which they answer questions from subscribers. Now Alexander Shpak has more than 1.3 million followers on Instagram.

Personal life

On Instagram, Shpak puts his personal life on display. He regularly posts small videos with his wife. Alexander and Irina call each other Mom and Masya. Alexander said in one of his interviews that he had 5 ex-wives. Despite this, in every marriage Shpak was a faithful husband. Sasha often says that family is not the most important thing in life for him. He and Irina are not thinking about children anytime soon.

Alexander Shpak and his wife often take part in television programs. In one of the “Let Them Talk” programs, Irina Meshchanskaya admitted to TV viewers that she does not want to have children because of her selfishness. Irina does not want to share the love of her husband Alexander with anyone.

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