Scenario for the New Year of the Dog for a cheerful company of guests. New Year's tale about a dog. Read and listen Costume greetings for the New Year of the Dog

The New Year's fairy tale about a dog is an incredible story that might not have had a happy ending, but, to the delight of everyone, it ended well. And all thanks to the sensitive and intelligent dog Vetka and her friends. There are so many unpredictable events that happen around the New Year! It so happened that Santa Claus himself was bewitched!..

Listen to a fairy tale (5min32sec)

New Year's tale about a dog

No one really knew where Santa Claus lived. Someone said that he lived in a far, far away city, someone believed that his home was located behind a huge ice mountain at the North Pole. But be that as it may, Santa Claus always appeared on time for the New Year. Handsome, with a white beard and in a good mood.

And then one day, just before the New Year, Santa Claus appeared in the Azure Forest. In a pearl-colored fur coat, a high hat and a silver staff.

At first, Santa Claus behaved as usual. I came up with New Year's riddles for the children and composed new songs. But when it came time to collect gifts for the children, it was as if Santa Claus had been replaced. Instead of chocolates, stuffed dogs and New Year's lanterns, he began putting old cones, pieces of bark and gray stones into a bag of gifts.

The magpie Kumushka saw this, gasped and flew to the dog Vetka.

— Vetka, something happened to Santa Claus! He collects strange gifts for children: old cones, bark, and gray stones, and I also noticed that he has a different staff. Looks like his staff was replaced! He appeared in the forest with an old staff, and now he walks around with a new one - and he’s not himself! Who replaced the staff? Whose tricks are these, I wonder?

And Santa Claus is just walking by. Strange! He greeted Kumushka and Vetka, but looked somehow unkindly.

“We need to do something urgently,” said the dog Vetka to the magpie. – Otherwise, Santa Claus will come to the children angry and angry. And no one needs such gifts.

The dog Vetka thought. I consulted with the mongrel Topa, and with the guard Buran too. Everyone advised something different.

That night the dog Vetka couldn’t sleep. She slowly left her home.

“A dog is a man’s friend,” Vetka reasoned to herself. “And I need to help people.” They should not see the evil Santa Claus. It is clear that someone replaced his staff, and thereby bewitched Santa Claus himself!

The dog headed towards the forest. Soon she saw Santa Claus. He looked at the starry sky. His staff stood near a large spreading spruce tree. The branch silently approached the staff and sniffed it. The smell seemed familiar to Vetka. But she couldn’t remember who it belonged to. How to be?

But after taking a few steps, Vetka remembered. It was the smell of Kikimora swamp. Once upon a time, Vetka was hunting near a swamp, and met Kikimora there. The dog was sensitive to her scent and remembered it.

— Kikimora, out of spite, decided to ruin the New Year for the children. She replaced Santa Claus' staff! - Vetka the dog guessed.

Vetka called her friends, the dogs, and they went to Kikimora.

— Return Santa Claus his staff! – demanded Vetka. - Otherwise...

And all the dogs growled at once.

Kikimora got scared and gave the dogs the real staff of Santa Claus.

And Vetka and her friends came to Santa Claus and told him what happened to his staff. Santa Claus took his favorite staff in his hands and stroked it. And the enchanted staff instantly disappeared.

Santa Claus collected real gifts for the children, sat in the sleigh, and the dogs themselves took him to the children. And there the holiday soon began. And the children danced, and Santa Claus danced, and the magpie Kumushka and his dog friends too. And the dog Vetka danced the most fun of all!

It was a wonderful holiday!

No wonder they say: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” To make your holiday interesting and fun, think over a program with games and competitions, stage short skits with a trick for the New Year of the Dog 2018, and select appropriate musical accompaniment.

We offer funny scenes for the New Year of the Dog for adults, which can be performed at corporate events and at home parties.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden will congratulate those gathered on the holiday.
– Do you know, dear guests, what New Year we are celebrating? - asks Santa Claus. - That's right, the year of the dog.

Snow Maiden:
– People domesticated the wild ancestor of the dog several thousand years ago. Apparently it was a wolf or its smaller, weaker and cowardly relative, the jackal. In any case, it is known for sure that a dog is one of the very first domestic animals. (A quiet bark is heard from behind the stage.)

“It looks like the symbol of the New Year has come to us,” notes Santa Claus.

– I wonder what breed this dog is? Let’s try to guess,” Snegurochka suggests.

Then, in this scene for the 2018 New Year of the Dog, Santa Claus begins to ask the guests riddles:
– Blonde beauty
From ears to tail.
Loves to kick ass
On the ottoman, among the pillows.
He declares very loudly,
What's her name... (lapdog).

After that, in this funny New Year's scene, a clown appears and begins to interfere in the conversation between Santa Claus and his granddaughter.
– And why do we need a lap dog? he asks. “She’s no use in housekeeping, she just sleeps on pillows and barks to no avail.” What kind of year awaits us all?

The Snow Maiden, trying not to pay attention to the clown, continues to read riddles:
- This nice, kind dog
Amuses children to tears:
Dashingly clicks tasks
Tumbles and jumps.
Received a strudel as a reward
Our circus performer, curly…. (poodle).

The clown waves his arms and roars with laughter.
- Poodle!... From the circus!... Oh, and you and he are tumbling around, it won’t seem like much.

The Snow Maiden reads the following riddle:
– Curious long nose
Fumbling around like a vacuum cleaner.
Let the paws be short,
But they row like two shovels.
The tail is erect, there is wax on the muzzle...
Get to know this... (dachshund).

Santa Claus, who is unhappy that the clown is interfering with the performance, tries to drive him away. They run after each other in circles. Meanwhile, the Snow Maiden in this comic scene for the New Year of the Dog 2018 reads the following riddle:
- This good giant -
From distant overseas countries.
He's ready to dive into the abyss
If there is a reason for it.
After all, the lifeguard is top class
Our brave... (diver).

The dog barking offstage continues. The clown stops and, clutching his head with his hands, says syllable by syllable:
- Vo-do-laz?!! Dive into the abyss? Wow, a dog... This is just what we needed!

A cool New Year's skit for adults for 2018 The Year of the Dog continues, and the Snow Maiden, looking warily at the clown, reads the following poem:
- Despite the formidable appearance,
He's not the least bit angry
But at the same time you are protected
Without the slightest flaw.
Winner of many exhibitions -
Our illustrious... (boxer).

- Boxer?!!! This is just what we needed! - exclaims the clown and faints, and Santa Claus begins to revive him, fanning him with a handkerchief.

Snow Maiden:
- Well, yes, boxer, so what? There are different types of dogs... There are more than 400 dog breeds all over the world. They are usually divided into service, hunting and decorative.

Service dogs help guard the border. By their behavior, border guards learn about the approach of infiltrators. These dogs also help people by serving in the police, customs, and army, helping to find victims after natural disasters and disasters.

The clown comes to his senses and remarks:
– And there are also hunting dogs, herding dogs, sled dogs, and guide dogs. Dogs have even been to space!

Then, in this miniature dedicated to the meeting of the Year of the Dog, Santa Claus takes the floor and, tired of arguing with the clown, fans himself with a handkerchief:
– By the way, did you know that the most monuments among animals are dedicated to dogs? This is a monument in Paris to St. Bernard Barry, who helped save 40 people during snowdrifts in the Alps; monument to I. Pavlov’s dog serving science; monuments to Belka and Strelka who visited space and others.

The Snow Maiden continues the cheerful scene for the New Year 2018:
– Dogs are our smart, kind four-legged friends and wonderful helpers! Their wool treats colds. And when a person pets a dog, his blood pressure decreases.

– And dogs can be angry and can bite painfully! - the clown interrupts her.

The Snow Maiden begins to argue with him. They are interrupted by Santa Claus:
- Stop, my friends! - he says. – The character of the symbol of the coming year, the Dog, is truly complex. On the one hand, she is characterized by honesty, nobility, friendliness and perseverance in achieving her goals. Its other qualities make the Dog not the most predictable sign. However, as always, a lot depends on you and me.

Next, in this scene, the artist appears in the costume of the Yellow Earth Dog - the symbol of 2018. He reads out the horoscope:
– The Yellow Earth Dog is overly hardworking, so the whole year will be spent in fruitful work, which will bring good profits to many of us. The symbol of the Earth gives the patron of 2018 solidity. And the bright yellow color will give the Dog wisdom.

At the end of this funny New Year's miniature for 2018, the Dogs Santa Claus, Snegurochka and the clown take turns reading poetry:
– Everyone knows the dog’s properties –
And intelligence, and honesty, and heroism,
Love, and loyalty, and... deceit,

And disgusting lordship.
And complete obedience,
But this is all from upbringing.

And if anyone is friends with a dog,
That's why the dog serves him well!
And a faithful dog is a good friend -
Depends on good hands.

– Happy New Year, friends! And may it be prosperous for all of us!

Well, winter is approaching and very soon our favorite holiday is New Year. All people are preparing for the event and want this night to be fun and memorable for everyone. Have you already figured out how to entertain your guests and yourself? Try new scenes for the New Year 2018 0 everyone will definitely like them. Funny, modern and relevant - with such scenes the holiday will become brighter, and guests will get real pleasure. So, let's see what we offer you.

Scene - New Year's signs.

People can be superstitious and non-superstitious. But everyone still believes in omens, and even more so in New Year’s omens.
A presenter or two presenters come out and read out signs that often come true on the eve of the New Year and after it. At the same time, you can comment on the laughter and behavior of guests who react to certain statements.

Dear friends! The chimes are approaching and very soon we will “get” into the new year 2018. And so that we don’t get into an unpleasant situation on January 1, here are some signs that will help us control ourselves and our festive mood.

Sign 1.
If in May a traffic police inspector stops you for speeding, and you tell him that you are in a hurry to see your wife because you were staying late with friends for the New Year, then you have great friends!

Sign 2.
If you look forward to summer from January to June, and the new year from July to December, then you are a real Russian person!

Sign 3.
If, when you go to the store to buy alcohol for the New Year, you always come home empty-handed and drunk, then you are a bad taster.

Sign 4.
If you didn’t manage to start a new life this year, don’t be upset, next year you will definitely start it.

Sign 5.
The more expensive you celebrate the New Year, the more you save in January.

Sign 6.
If on New Year's Eve your boss comes up to you and asks you the following riddle: he neither drinks nor smokes, is he on duty for the New Year? That means you... everything is clear here.

Sign 7.
If by January 7th you threw away most of the Olivier, it means you made too much of it.

Sign 8.
If you feel bad on January 1, then try not eating mayonnaise on New Year's Eve. If you feel bad next January 1, then give up tangerines. If a year later on January 1 you feel bad again, then don’t eat snacks with caviar... try it, because something is making you feel bad!

Sign 9.
If you have come up with an awesome gift for yourself for the New Year, then you definitely need to figure out who will give it to you.

There are many signs in the world and everyone has their own signs. But I know for sure that if you have a tear-off calendar hanging on your wall and each sheet there is a five thousand ruble bill, then you are in a dream. Happy New Year!

Scene - dog breeds.

Many people can name 4 or more dog breeds right off the bat. But almost no one knows that new breeds of dogs were introduced in a secret laboratory. And on the eve of this new year, scientists and intelligence agencies declassified their data.
Meet the list of new dog breeds!

Scene - three girls under the window.

Another funny and interesting New Year's scene. It is made in the form of a fairy tale and guests will like it.
The skit is designed so that the actors do not speak the words, but instead a suitable song is played. This makes everything funnier and more interesting. Let's look:

The scene is a symbol of the year.

Not a secret. That 2018 will be the year of the dog. And knowing this, many buy these animals for themselves. But not everyone knows about dogs, so you want to show off to your friends!

Four friends meet and each has a dog on a leash.

Friend 1:
Oh, hi! What doggies!

Friend 2:
Great! Listen, did you buy a dog?! What breed is it?

Friend 1:
This is a famous and valuable breed - a police dog!

Friend 3:
He doesn't look like a policeman.

Friend 1:
He's from the secret police...

Friend 2:
What is your breed?

Friend 3:
Port winery!

Friend 4:
How is that?!

Friend 3:
He brings me port wine in the morning and always finds it, no matter where his wife hides the bottle!

Friend 1:
And when I bought the dog, they gave me its family tree!

Friend 2:
For what? Mine, over there, uses any tree!

Friend 3:
And when I was choosing a dog, I immediately chose this one, without really thinking!

Friend 4:
What - so purebred?

Friend 3:
No, she just reminds me of our taxman: she’s always digging for something, looking at me with dull eyes, and can’t explain anything!

Friend 2:
Listen, well, the new year is coming soon - the year of the dog. It turns out that we will live healthy all year, because the symbol of the year lives with us.

Friend 1:
No, it turns out that we will spend money not only on our wife, but also on the dog.

Friend 4:
And we will also spend time on her, and not on football and the bathhouse.

Friend 3:
Listen, listen. But a dog is a man’s friend! Yes, port?

Friend 3 takes out four glasses, and from the dog’s bag he takes out a bottle of port wine. All friends rejoice and shout:
- That's for sure. Yes, a true friend! It's better to spend time and money on a dog. She's so smart and caring!

New Year's 2018 skits for children with cartoon characters Barboskin and Prostokvashino

Children love cartoons very much and sometimes imitate their favorite characters from the screens. And if so, then the scenes for the New Year 2018 for children should be such that they like them. This is easy to do: you need to use cartoon characters in the scenes. 2018 is the year of the dog, so in our ideas and miniatures we used the characters from the cartoon Barboskina and the cartoon Prostokvashino, which also features a dog. Look how fun it all turned out, and the children will be happy to see their favorite characters at their favorite holiday.

Sketch - “Gifts for everyone”

The first scene with the participation of actors from the cartoon Prostokvashino. Santa Claus also takes part in it and gives gifts.

Persons involved:
Sharik, Matroskin, postman Pechkin, Santa Claus

Pechkin: And I have a package for you from Santa Claus. But I won’t give it to you.

Pechkin: Because gifts are given only to small children. And you are not children.

Matroskin (indignantly): How are these not children? The little ball just got out of diapers, he can’t even go hunting normally, the prey itself drags him home!

Sharik (offended): I already said that this was not hunting, but underwater fishing!

Matroskin: Well, yes, but the beaver was just swimming by?

The ball turned away.

Matroskin: And who actually chased a hare for half a day to take a photo, and then ran after it for another half a day to give the photo back?

Ball: You just don’t understand anything about the real profession of photography!

Matroskin: But I see you understand everything! Especially when choosing shoes for the winter!

Ball: Yes, the shoes are mine, why didn’t you like them?

Matroskin: Something! Who buys sneakers in winter?! What were you going to do with them: chase hares through the forest? So they still can’t leave after your “professional photography”! They still stutter!

Ball: Well, who knew that they knew nothing about such a wonderful thing as a photo gun?

Matroskin: By the way, you also didn’t know anything about it until Uncle Fyodor gave it to you!

Pechkin: Well, stop swearing. I still won't give you anything.

Ball: Why did you bring it then, if you are not going to give it back?

Pechkin: And then that the new year is coming soon. And it needs to be put under the tree. And I look at your Christmas tree, and it’s not even there.

Matroskin: How is it not? There he stands (points to the Christmas tree), look what it is!

Pechkin (considering): Yeah, she's beautiful. You can put more than one such gift under it.

Ball: So put it down!

Pechkin (holding the box with the gift closer to himself): Yeah, so you can open it later? Well, I do not. I’d rather come later, just before the New Year, and put it under the tree.

Matroskin: And what's next?

Pechkin: Then I'll pick it up.

Ball: Where?

Matroskin: For what?

Pechkin: Well, you don't need it anyway.

Sharik and Matroskin at the same time: How is it not needed?

Pechkin: Well, I said that gifts are given to children. And you are animals.

Matroskin (angry): And what, in your opinion, animals should not receive gifts? Why are we worse than children? Because we have a mustache and a tail?

Ball: Or the fact that we might bite you? (growls and steps on Pechkin)

Matroskin: And scratch? (also hisses and slowly walks towards Pechkin)

Pechkin (backing away in fear from the cat and dog, who hiss and growl at him): S-somebody, h-help. Hooligans take away your sight!

Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost: What's happened? What is all the screaming, noise and commotion?

Pechkin: D-grandfather, help. These animals want to bite and scratch me.

Santa Claus (addressing Sharik and Matroskin): And why do you want to offend the postman Pechkin? You are kind and good.

Matroskin: We are good, but your postman Pechkin is not.

Father Frost: Why?

Sharik (plaintively): Yes, because he doesn’t give us a gift from you!

Santa Claus (already addressing Pechkin): How is this possible?

Pechkin (confused): So... this... They give gifts to children, and they...

Father Frost: Eh, you, Pechkin-Pechkin? Gifts for the New Year are given to absolutely everyone! For children, adults, and even Sharik and Matroskin! Because this holiday is for everyone! For both children and animals!

Pechkin (giving a gift containing a bone for Sharik and a goldfish for Matroskin): Excuse me. I won't be harmful anymore. Now I will be kind! Why was I harmful? Because I didn’t know that there are New Year’s gifts for everyone. And now I know...

Santa Claus (nods gratefully and takes a hat out of the bag for Pechkin and gives it to him. He rejoices at the gift): New Year is a magical holiday. And it is magical because it is on the New Year that all dreams come true. (addresses the children) So let your dreams come true, guys! Happy New Year!

Children's New Year's performance: Morozko.

The next scene is a whole performance based on the famous fairy tale by Morozko. All the roles are performed by children from kindergarten and they do it so well that you can’t take your eyes off the performance. Let's see!

Scene with the Barboskins - “Outfit for the Christmas tree”

Barboskins is a favorite cartoon among children. That's why we came up with a scene with these characters. Read, rehearse and make your children happy.

Characters: Lisa, Baby, Rose, Buddy, Gena.

Lisa comes out and screams joyfully.

Lisa: Hurrah, hurrah. New Years is soon!

Next comes the Kid.

Baby: Lisa, what is this: New Year?

Lisa: Well... this is... when they have fun, they give gifts!

Baby: A! It's like a birthday!

Lisa: No, it's not a birthday. This is... when they decorate the Christmas tree!

Baby: Christmas tree? What kind of tree?

Lisa: Ordinary! Tall, green and fluffy!

Baby: Where are such trees found?

Lisa: In the forest!

Baby: So we'll go into the forest?

Lisa: No. Dad will bring the Christmas tree home himself.

Baby: Wow, how cool! We will have a Christmas tree and we will decorate it! And... why dress her up? Does she wear clothes?

Lisa: No, they decorate the Christmas tree not with clothes, but with toys!

Baby: How can you dress up in toys? They won't climb on her.

Lisa (already angry): They just hang them on the Christmas tree!

Baby: What for?

Lisa: May it be beautiful!

Baby: A…

Lisa: No, I can't do this anymore! Rose!!

Rose appears with two dresses in her hands.

Rose (dissatisfied): Well, what do you want? Don't you see, I'm choosing an outfit for the New Year. What do you think: pink or yellow?

Baby: Let's dress up the Christmas tree in a dress too! And she will be as beautiful as Rose.

Rose: Baby, how small you are! Dresses are not worn on the Christmas tree. Toys are hung on it.

Lisa: And that’s what I’m telling him!

Baby: But the toys will not hang beautifully, but the dress will look beautiful. You'll see!

Rose: No! I won't give you my dresses!

Kid (upset): But the Christmas tree also wants to be beautiful.

Lisa: She will be beautiful anyway.

At this moment, Druzhok runs in, playing with a ball (or just with a ball in his hands).

Friend: What's all the noise and no fight?

Baby: My friend, Lisa and Rosa don’t want our Christmas tree to be beautiful.

Friend: That is, how do they not want to? Lisa, Rose, what are you doing?

Lisa: But nothing.

Rose: The baby wants to decorate the Christmas tree with my dresses!

Baby: Well, she must be beautiful. And Rose always has beautiful clothes!

Friend (laughing): A nail in my sneakers! Well, Baby, you give it! You really need to think of dressing the Christmas tree in a dress!

Kid (offended): What should I dress her up in then?

Lisa, Rose and Buddy at the same time: In ig-rush-ki!

Baby: But…

Then Gena comes in with a flask in his hand.

Gena: Why are you shouting? I almost ruined my experiment!

Baby: Gena, Gena! (runs up to him) Why doesn’t everyone want to make the Christmas tree beautiful? After all, she will be more beautiful in a dress than in toys!

Gena: Okay, Baby, wait. What Christmas tree, what dresses?

Friend: Can you imagine, the baby wants to dress up the New Year tree in Rozkina’s dresses!

Rose: I won't give it up! I need them myself!

Gena: Baby, why does the Christmas tree need a dress? She's already beautiful. And to make it even better, lights and toys are hung on it.

Baby: Why toys? They're not beautiful!

Gena: Well why not? These toys are beautiful. Special. For the Christmas tree. Just as there are beautiful outfits for Rose, so there are beautiful toys for the Christmas tree. Come on, I'll show them to you. And you will see for yourself that they will look much better on the Christmas tree than Rose’s dress.

Gena and Baby leave.

Lisa (wiping sweat from her forehead): Phew, it's gone.

Rose: It’s easy for you to say, but I almost sacrificed my most beautiful dresses.

Friend: Come on, Rozka, are you sorry or something?

Rose leaves offended. The friend shrugs and leaves laughing too.

Lisa: So, why am I standing? I also need to get ready!

And then everyone goes out together and looks at the decorated Christmas tree.

Baby: Wow! She's really very beautiful!

Rose: You see now. And you're done, dress-dress.

Lisa: Yes she is very beautiful!

Friend: And the best thing is you know what?

Lisa, Rose, Baby and Gena: What?

Friend: That under such a beautiful Christmas tree lie the best gifts!

Together: Hurray, gifts! (and then turning to the guys) Happy New Year!!

We present to your attention a modern New Year's scenario with fun competitions and incredible adventures designed for preschool children, which can be played out with pleasure both in kindergarten and in a narrow family circle.


Golden comb cockerel - as a symbol of the passing year; The dog is a symbol of the New Year; Snow Maiden; Santa Claus and all the guys.

The children enter the hall where the Cockerel sits on a throne near the Christmas tree.


I'm very glad to see you
We'll be friends now!
I've been sitting on the throne for a whole year,
In a gilded crown,

And annoying enemies
I will not give up my kingdom!
So New Year guys
I will meet you!

Something got a bit boring
We need to invite guests!

Oh, who will come to visit us first today? Let's figure it out.


Our Santa Claus has a granddaughter
Not Tanya, not Lena, and not even Rose!
Not Valya, not Sveta, not Shurochka,
Her name is just...

The children answer in unison - Snow Maiden!


This is the correct answer!
There is only one secret!
May the holiday be good
Everyone needs to clap their hands,
Everyone stand together in a round dance
And call the Snow Maiden!

Children get up in a round dance and call the Snow Maiden

The door opens, the Snow Maiden comes in

Snow Maiden:

Hello, hello, Petya!
Hello, friends!
Did you know, children?
Who am I?

The children say together: Yes!


Hello Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden:

My path was long
I walked for many days!
Cheeks flushed
The fur coat is all white!

To catch fire
Lights now
To keep everyone warm
Let's start dancing!

Children, together with Cockerel and Snow Maiden, dance and sing the song “Ay Yes the Christmas Tree” Words and music by L. Mochalova


Oh yes Christmas tree,
good, good
Oh yes Christmas tree
She came to visit us!

Clap-clap hands
More friends, more friends
Top-top with legs
Let's dance more fun

Oh yes Christmas tree
High, high
Oh yes Christmas tree
Reaches to the ceiling!

Oh yes Christmas tree
Don't shoot, don't shoot
Oh yes Christmas tree
Light up the lights!

There is a knock on the door. A loud woof-woof is heard!

The Snow Maiden opens the door and the Dog comes in.


I'm so glad to see you!
I came to you children
To have fun now
Let us all celebrate the holiday!

I am now the symbol of the year
And for you guys
I brought good luck
With joy to boot!

I will serve you!
I will give everyone friendship!

Snow Maiden:

Hello dear guest,
Make yourself at home with us!
Let's find out what your name is,
Let's get to know each other!

Guys, let's try to guess what our Dog's name is?

Children list nicknames they know

Snow Maiden:

Did you guess right or not?
Give us the correct answer.
What's your name, Dog?


Call me Bug!
I help people!
Remember the turnip, friends?

After all, if I, kids
Didn't intervene right away
Turnip in the garden
It would have stayed that way!

The dog goes to the throne. The cockerel flaps his wings and tries to peck her


Leave while you're still alive!
Why did you come here!?
I won't give the throne to you
I will reign myself!


The year is passing, your Petya!
New Year is rightfully mine!
Respect the custom
Give up the throne quickly!

The Cockerel flaps his wings at the Dog, the Dog growls

Snow Maiden:

Oh, don’t quarrel between Zhuchka and Petya
We need to cheer you up!
Will you help me children
Will their dispute be resolved peacefully?

The children answer unanimously - Yes!

Snow Maiden:

Why isn’t our Petenka happy?
Why did you get ruffled again?
You would sing us a better song
Snami came out to play!

We'll amuse you
To make peace
Come on, friends
Have fun together!

We will take the brushes in our hands
And as a gift to our Bug
Let's draw a portrait
There is only one secret!

To make it more fun to play,
You need to blindfold yourself!

We play the game "Blind Portrait". All children can participate

A game:

On a large sheet of whatman paper, the guys take turns, blindfolded, and begin to draw the Dog. The first is the torso, 2, 3, 4, the child is the paws, 5, 6, 7, etc. tail, head, ears, eyes, (you can add accessories: leash, collar, doghouse, etc.). When the portrait is finished, the children open their eyes and everyone can laugh at what happened.


You made me laugh!
I have fun with you!
It was not in vain that I came to visit you,
Let's become friends!

Cockerel (dissatisfied):

Oh oh oh!

Snow Maiden:

Our drawing is so good!
You won't find it more beautiful!
Petya stop being sad,
Let's dance better!

Let the bug dance with us
Let's dedicate our song to her!

The song is from the movie "Adventures of Electronics" lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by E. Krylatov "There is no creature more devoted to a dog!"

Children, Snow Maiden and Zhuchka dance and sing

At this time, Petya quietly unfastens Bug’s tail from the clothespin and hides it under the Christmas tree.

It's time to play a new game, or more precisely, a quest!

Dog (almost crying):

I have kids, woe
I will now live in shame!
My ponytail has disappeared, guys.
He disappeared somewhere!

I will become completely different
If I'm without a tail!
Help, find
Give me my ponytail back soon!

Cockerel (angrily):

Ha ha ha! No matter how it is!

Snow Maiden:

The bug danced with us
She wagged her tail
She frolicked so much, danced so much,
That she lost her ponytail!

And the prankster Cockerel
He was hidden under the guise!

So that we can find him
You have to go through a difficult path!
So listen up guys
My first riddle!

He's on a leash
The thread is held in the hand
Light, festive, funny
And it's inflatable to boot!

Children name the answer - a balloon

The Snow Maiden brings out balloons according to the number of children. You need to burst them by sitting on them. There is a note in one of the balloons

Snow Maiden (reads the note):

How many corners are there in the room?
Take so many steps

Children take steps and approach the dog’s footprints laid out on the floor. The tracks diverge left and right. In the middle there is a bottle (with a card), a box and a piggy bank.

Snow Maiden:

To find the way
You must answer correctly!
Where does the wizard genie live?
There is a hint waiting for you

He settled:

A) In the piggy bank

B) In the box

B) In a bottle

Children guess the answer, find a map and follow the signs that lead them to a large New Year's card. On it, pictures with numbers encrypt the word: “Christmas tree”

1 - Yo
2 - Lisa
3 - Koshka
4 - A ist

Snow Maiden:

If we solve the code
Of course we'll find out
Where do we need to go
To find the bug's tail!

Children guess and find a tail under the Christmas tree


Oh thank you guys
You helped me a lot!
Solved all the riddles
They quickly found my tail!


Well, you defeated me
But I won’t give in!
Don't compare your strength with me
I'll get angry and shut it down!
And to peck someone,
It's a piece of cake for me!

The dog growls

Snow Maiden:

What should we do, guys?
So that everyone is happy?
Tell me what to do
To please us all
Don't annoy anyone
Should I reconcile the bug with Petya?

We need wise advice
Who can give us an answer?

Goes both winter and summer
He's wearing a red fur coat!
His beard is gray
There's a young girl with him
And this girl is me!
Have you guessed it, friends?

He gives gifts to children
Everyone seriously believes in him!
The best grandfather in the world

Children answer in unison - Grandfather Frost

Snow Maiden:

Well done!
I'll ask all the guys
Call your grandfather!
True, he became deaf,
Speak up!

Children call Santa Claus

The door opens, Santa Claus comes in

Father Frost:

Did you guys call me?
Were you guys waiting for me?
Well, meet me, here I am!
Hello my granddaughter!

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, we can't argue
There is no way to decide without you!
Can you give us some advice?
Who should give in?

Who will take the throne of honor?
Well, which one of them will leave?
Bug or Cockerel
Whose deadline is today?

Dog and Cockerel together:

Grandfather, judge!

Father Frost:

Every year has
Symbol and chapter!
There is an important rule
Bug, you're right!

The old year is ending
Having completed the cycle,
He says goodbye to us
Giving up my place!

So Petya the Cockerel
Listen to the advice:
We are really waiting for our friend
The answer is from you!

If you don't give in
The bug has its place,
The New Year will pass, alas,
Ours is not interesting!


I understand everything, I'm leaving,
I was wrong, children!
I will free the throne for the bug!


Goodbye, Petya


On me, my friends
Don't be too angry
Bug, I'm sorry,
That's all, goodbye!

Father Frost:

We don't want this holiday
We are not sad!
Let's cheer up the cockerel
We won't let you go gloomy!

And now for Petya,
Our favorite
Children will cook
Goodies for the long journey!

Children are divided into two teams. Beans and peas are scattered on the floor. Teams are given two bags


Petya's first command to the track
Collect a bag of delicious peas!

Snow Maiden (to the second team):

To have our Cockerel
Full and happy with everything
Collect it in a bag
Beans for him!

Children collect beans and peas in different bags


Thanks to all! I'm leaving
I'm on the road again!
I'll be there for you guys
My darlings miss you!

Everyone says goodbye to Cockerel, he leaves. The bug takes the throne.

Father Frost:

And now we begin
Competition for the best experts!
And we remember all the fairy tales
About dogs and puppies!

Children take turns naming cartoons and fairy tales in which there is a dog character, the strongest wins! Hints (Kitten Woof, Paw Patrol, Prostokvashino, Once upon a time there was a dog, Barboskins, Peppa Pig, Tom and Jerry, Goofy, 101 Dalmatians, Who said meow, Fox with a rolling pin, Turnip, Bunny's house, etc.)


Oh, what good guys!

Snow Maiden:

And of course Santa Claus,
For these successes,
I brought you gifts,
Dear children!

Father Frost:

Now the time is coming
For the gifts of the rich!
You are poems about the New Year
Do you guys know?

The children answer unanimously - Yes!

Father Frost:

Will you read me a poem
Loudly, with expression!
So that I open my bag
To everyone's surprise!

Children read poetry, Santa Claus distributes gifts. The heroes say goodbye to the guys and wish them a “Happy New Year!”