Scenario for the school-wide celebration “initiation of fifth-graders.” Celebration of dedication to fifth graders

Event: Initiation to fifth-graders" on the topic "My fifth-grade family!"

Form of celebration: holiday.
Target: rallying the class team and facilitating the successful adaptation process of fifth-graders.

- develop students’ interest in activities, desire to participate in class events;
- create a favorable emotional background for cooperation between children and adults;
- cultivate the moral qualities of the individual.

Equipment: computer, attributes for games and competitions, five-colored fives cut out of paper, signs with qualities written on paper.

Hall decoration: the scene is decorated with the number five made from photographs of children, a drawn briefcase, and balloons.

Preliminary work: everyone present at the holiday is given a five upon arrival.

Parents are invited to the celebration; Deputy Director for VR.

Progress of the event.

(no children in the room)
Presenter 1:
Fifth grade, we say hello to you!
Fifth grade, it’s your holiday today!
Guests, parents, teachers!
Happy holiday, friends!

Presenter 2: So that our holiday can begin now
Let the class teacher give the floor.

"Business card"
(Words by the class leader - presentation of students, children enter one by one, sit on chairs)
Presenter 1: You once came to school, on the first holiday of September, everything was new to you there - from the doors to the ABC book.

Presenter 2: The teacher was the first to meet you and along the difficult path he led you along the right path, walking ahead himself.

Presenter 1: You have matured a little, you have become a little wiser. And on the new carousel you continued your journey.

Presenter 2: And a whole regiment of teachers appeared before you, and science, like a tsunami, swirled around you faster.

Presenter 1: And today is an important holiday, the heart beats in a small chest,
You are no longer a naughty person or a prankster - all your fun is behind you.

Presenter 2: This is a new road in life, a long and sometimes difficult path, there will be so many bright holidays, just don’t forget this holiday.

(the storyteller reads, the actors perform actions according to the text)
Like a river on the edge
There lived a goat in a hut.
Both beautiful and sweet.
The mother was a goat.
She had children growing up -
Very cute little goats.
Mom loved the kids
Took me to school every day
The kids studied there
Four years slowly
The mother praised the children
Mom told the children:

Mom goat:
You are my little goats, my dears!
They all grew up and became very big.
Primary school is now behind us.
New knowledge awaits you ahead.
I have cultivated diligence and patience in you
Great friendship in all respects

We studied, we tried
Good qualities were gained
We have only one road ahead
It's time to go to fifth grade
(music: little goats go in circles to school)

I lived in a dense forest
Gloomy gray wolf with a tail.
He lived alone, without his mother.
At night he often howled loudly.
Rarely attended school
He didn't make it to fifth grade.
And he missed... In the forest he
One was sad:

- U-U-U, U-U-U...
Oh, how sad it is to be alone...

Once a wolf was walking in the forest
And I saw little goats.
Little goats were coming from school,
Fives in a notebook:

1st kid:
We are smart guys
Everything is in order in the briefcase.

2nd kid:
Mom helps us learn all our homework
And without her, we probably wouldn’t be able to live.
We're just awesome goats
Mom loves us very much!

The wolf sat behind the tree
And he looked with all his eyes...
He couldn't contain himself
He started shouting loudly:

Your mother raised you, developed you,
Family values ​​were instilled in you.
And I was alone and became very angry,
I didn’t develop any good qualities in myself.
I didn't make it to fifth grade
They say he has become a fool.
And I won’t let you in on the fifth,
Right now I’ll take it and drag it away.

The wolf quickly ran into the yard
And tied the little goats
Everyone to the same rope,
And he took him home.
Here he is walking through the forest,
He leads everyone behind him.

Oh, save us friends!
We are one family!

Mom, mom, help me,
Mom, save mommy!

And if you want to save the kids,
And go to fifth grade with them,
You must find me good qualities.
After all, to become a real fifth-grader
You need to cultivate good qualities in yourself.
Here is my empty briefcase -
I'll take it to school with me
You collect it according to its positive quality for me,
And only then do you get the kids.
And don't forget guys,
We carry out tasks as a single family.

Let's guys help the kids.
And everything is friendly then
Let's hurry the kids to fifth grade.

Presenter 1: We can save the kids only when we collect positive character traits for the wolf, such as friendliness, mutual understanding, cooperation, which are simply necessary for a real fifth-grader. We hope that our parents will help us with this. At the beginning of the event, we gave everyone a five of different colors, a total of seven colors, that’s exactly how many qualities we need to collect. Each color will correspond to a task and character quality. The first to compete with us is the team with the red fives. We will put each quality earned by the team in the wolf’s briefcase (on the wall in the design).

Game "Friendly"(Red color)
- A lot of literary heroes became friends, so close that
remembering one, we cannot help but remember the other.
Assignment: we have literary heroes scattered on our table. You take turns reaching the table and pairing each literary pair.
Winnie-the-Pooh (Piglet), Baby (Carlson), Thumbelina (Swallow), Chip (Dale), Scarecrow (Tin Woodman), Cheburashka (Crocodile Gena), Pinocchio (Pierrot), Alice the Fox (Basilio the Cat), Kesha the Parrot (Vovka) , Ellie (Totoshka), Mowgli (Baloo, Bagheera), Kai (Gerda), Sherlock Holmes (Doctor Watson), Don Quixote (Sanché Panse).

Game "Mutual Understanding"(Orange color)
Task: All participants stand in a circle, holding a toothpick in their teeth. You need to pass the ring around, throwing it from toothpick to toothpick.

Game "Cooperation"(yellow)
Assignment: everyone stands in a column with their backs turned. The first player is shown a punctuation mark and the second player is asked to draw this sign in the air. The second player shows the third player the outline of this sign on the floor. The third player draws a sign on whatman paper or a piece of paper.

Game "Industriousness"" (green color)
Task: build a “School Ornament”
Ornament is a pattern consisting of rhythmically ordered elements and used to decorate architectural structures or any objects. Imagine that our school began a major renovation, and they wanted to decorate all the rooms with ornaments. For each room, it was decided to create its own ornament, reflecting the specifics of this room. Help the school staff and draw a sketch of an ornament that could decorate: (everyone has an office, we draw on an easel)
- gym;
- mathematics classroom;
- wardrobe;
- Russian language classroom;
- dining room.

Game "Neatness"(blue)
Task: players stand in threes, two hold hands, the third lies on their hands, everyone is blindfolded, the task is to clean up, that is, collect as much garbage as possible from the floor.

Game "Eloquence"(Blue colour)
Task: Make a new word from the first syllables of these words:
Ear, mouth, vase; (cow)
Milk, spawning, cockroach; (coin)
Cora, lotto, boxer; (gingerbread man)
Ram, wound, bathhouse attendant; (drum)
Coin, horse, cow. (milk)

Game "Organization"(purple)
Assignment: “Our teachers” You are asked to match the names of teachers, photographs of teachers and the names of the subjects they teach.

1st kid:
Our dear gray wolf
We know that you will be useful
Take your qualities
Feel free to go to fifth grade

I didn't mean to offend you
I wanted to see you more often
I want to be friends with you
We go to fifth grade together.
After all, in my empty house
It's very boring to be alone.

3rd kid:
Okay, gray, we forgive...
We invite you to visit our house,
Let's introduce our mother,
We'll have a festive dinner!

The gray wolf smiled!
The gray wolf laughed!
He found some friends
It will be more fun with them!
And also, most importantly
He has a family too!

Presenter 2.
Well, it's time to end,
It's time for us to make a decision -
Admit children to fifth graders,
You just need to take an oath!

So, right here, in front of everyone, in a formal atmosphere, I ask you to take the oath of allegiance to the school - the Oath of FIFTH GRADES! At the end of each quatrain we all say together: “I swear! I swear!”

(on the school magazine)
OATH for fifth graders
Presenter 2.
We swear! Never go to school...with lessons unlearned. We swear!
We swear! Never wear spare the same bag with sandwiches. We swear!
We swear! Never solve problems by...copying them from your neighbor. We swear!
We swear! Never open textbooks...with dirty hands. We swear!
We swear! Never finish a quarter...with bad grades. We swear!
We have chosen the path of learning,
Bless us, our Rus'!
The granite of science is undoubtedly
I'll chew it! I SWEAR! I SWEAR!

And, like the great Lomonosov,
I will achieve the teacher's love.
From the science of marble cliffs
I won't lose my temper! I SWEAR! I SWEAR!

I won’t forget about the code of honor,
After all, he is the basis of all foundations,
I will be decent and honest,
Always ready! I SWEAR! I SWEAR!

We swear here three times:
Treasure the honor of the school!
We swear sincerely and honestly
Be her pride and glory!

Presenter 1.
This oath is not a trifle,
It will be like this and only like this!

Presenter 2: Guys, your class teacher will be with you to learn the basics of science in the fifth grade, but now we’ll find out if she’s ready for the fifth grade. We will give her an exam.

EXAM for class teacher
There are tickets and cheat sheets for them on the table. The examinee takes a question, reads it out loud, then takes and reads any answer card.
- Will you write notes to parents about their children’s bad behavior?
- Will there be class favorites soon?
- Will you wake up a student who has fallen asleep in your lesson?
- Will you call parents to school?
- Will you tell jokes from time to time in class?
- Will you often be late for classes?
- Will you allow the use of cheat sheets?
-Are you going to use the pointer as a bladed weapon?
- No way!
- I never even thought about this!
- May be. I'll think about this some more.
- You can’t wait!
- Look what you want!
- Yes! I've been dreaming about this for a long time.
- Maybe. It will depend on my mood.
- Why not? Some people can, but I can’t!

Presenter 1: Guys, I think... I passed the test with honor and passed the exam with flying colors. We are handing over your 5th grade class to you (it would be nice to make a collage, a pot of flowers on the table with photos of the children).

Presenter 1:
Guys, your friendship is strong
Take it to 5th grade
And for many years
Save everyone!
As always “one for all”
Be responsible
Then everyone will tell you:
All artists (together): These are the kids!

(All artists sing the final song)
Motif “Hijacker”
There are a lot of different schools around,
Only yours is different from everyone else,
The student here is a friend to the teacher,
And when they meet, they smile.

Fifth grader, go ahead
On the difficult road to knowledge,
All barriers ahead will collapse
From the sea of ​​your charm,

Let your hearts always beat to the beat
And wishes come true
We are very glad to see you,
Let our friendship begin!
Gathered in this hall now,
On a beautiful, magical holiday,
This holiday is for you today,
He is for you only fifth graders!

Holiday script "Dedication to fifth graders" (2014)

Good afternoon dear teachers and parents!

Hello, dear guys!
Today is a holiday at our school - Initiation into fifth graders.

How bright and radiant the day is today,
He greets you today, student!

Leading: You are a storehouse of wisdom and inspiration,
The source of genius, intelligence, patience.

Presenter: On September 1, you moved from primary school to secondary school without knowing its rules and laws.

You plunged into the sea of ​​knowledge, experienced the first difficulties, and most importantly, did not flinch -

you can be called real fifth graders.

Leading : The right to open the holiday is given to our fifth graders
(song plays)
Students sing the song “It’s Cool You’re in the Fifth Grade”

Every morning at our school
People gather:
There are such kids here -
Constant round dance!
Discipline among the people
If you want to laugh, if you want to cry!
Everyone has the most important task -
Stop those running at a gallop!
Tell all the guys
Let them remember forever:
It's very difficult in fifth grade
Get a score of two!
So, our first teacher
It was not in vain that I suffered so much,
We all ended up in fifth grade:
I got it and you got it.

Cool, you made it to fifth grade
You are a star, you are a star
Come on, go to the fifth!
Cool, you made it to fifth grade
You are a star, you are a star
Look forward boldly!

We were in fourth grade
Everything was clear to us:
How to write and solve problems:
Everyone could do everything themselves!
We fell in love with each other
Our friendship is strong!
Our friendship is with us
I moved on to fifth grade!
Now we are fifth graders
and everyone is together in class here
we pass the tests,

Let us defend both intelligence and honor!
and perseverance will help us

in any tests,

And the whole school will proudly say:

“Look at the cool ones!”

Presenter: The word of congratulations goes to the director of our school

Presenter: Now let us turn
To those who continue to study in the 5th grade

Leading : We congratulate you, fifth graders,
We wish you excellent success in your studies

Presenter: And also find your new friends
And spend many happy days here

Leading : Be friends with the school and teachers
And soon you will become graduates

Autumn has come again
And behind her is hope,
Only luck and happiness
The future awaits us all:
In our school again, as before, as before
A new academic year is rushing by

To be a fifth grader
You should value friendship
Think and read more
Do homework assignments
Don't download them on the Internet,
Achieve everything with your mind.
Can you do all this?
We'll find out now.

Presenter: Guys! Today we will check if you can bear this proud title

“fifth grader.” You are given the opportunity to defend the proud title of fifth grader.

To do this, you need to demonstrate all your abilities and knowledge in various subjects.

Leading: Each competition corresponds to the letters in the word FIFTH GRADER, having completed it,

you will receive the corresponding letters. By the end of the event you must collect the word


Leading: Guys, so that you don't get bored, we will arrange a short exam for you.

Let's check what knowledge you have gained over the years of primary school and first

Quarters in 5th grade? We will ask you questions that need to be answered very quickly and clearly


1. An institution that admits illiterate people. (School)

2. The white pebble melted and left marks on the board. (Chalk)

3. Letters constructed for roll call. (Alphabet)

4. The best, but very short time in the life of teachers and students. (Holidays)

5. Time interval between lessons. (Turn)

6. The most desirable, satisfying place in school during recess? (dining room)

7.The most important person in school? (director)

Leading: Well done! You have completed the task and are rewarded with

The first letter of the treasured word “Fifth-grader.” "P"

The second test is book love.
(a boy in the form of a book enters to the music)

All my friends recognized me
After all, we’ve already met more than once,
But today is not easy
I came to your party!
I have a task for you,
It's not easy, otherwise
To be in the fifth grade,
You need to solve it!
But the task is not easy, it is full of magic.

Let's check how you know fairy tales

1. Astrid Lindgren - the main character loved jam and he had a propeller

(“Carlson, who lives on the roof”);

2. Nikolai Nosov - the main character did not like to study

(“The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”);

3. Charles Perrault - the heroine of this fairy tale was rewarded for her hard work


4. Alexei Tolstoy - the hero of this fairy tale loved to poke his long nose everywhere

(“The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”);

5. Pyotr Ershov - the main character of this fairy tale had the smallest horse

("The Little Humpbacked Horse").

6. Eduard Uspensky - the main characters of this fairy tale were very independent and lived in the village

with milk name

(Uncle Fyodor and the cat Matroskin)

Book: Well done, you completed the tasks and earned the right to receive a second letter


Book: Goodbye guys, I wish you good luck! I hope we will meet with you often

(goes to music)

Leading: And now, in order to get to know our fifth-graders better, we

We give them the floor. They prepared their business card.
5 “A” are invited to the stage

5 “B” are invited to the stage

5 “B” are invited to the stage

Presenter: What an interesting business card the 5th grade students turned out to have, now we know more about you.

And, of course, each of you earned one letter (T, I, K,)

Leading: Next test
Musical competition “Keep the melody going.” Guys, the music is about to start, sing along,

when the music stops you must continue.

1.- “True friend”
2.- – “If you go on a journey with a friend”
3. – “Smile”
4. – “It’s fun to walk together”

5. – “Young horse”

Presenter: Well done, you defended the right to the letter “L, A, S, S”

Leading: And now you have the “New Schedule” Competition
Our school has a designated person who makes the schedule.

This year she was so tired of this boring schedule that she decided to

old names of school lessons should be renamed. So in the school schedule

instead of “reading” there will be “letter writing”, and instead of “drawing” - “smearing”.
Help her come up with new names for the lessons.

1 person per class is invited to the stage.

Mathematics (digital addition)
Russian language (lettering)
Literature (book flipping)
Physical education (jogging)
technology (girls - patchwork, boys - stick nailing)
OBZH (survival theory)
English (foreign saying)
Natural history (life history)

Presenter: Well done! You receive the last letters “N, I, K” of the majestic title

"fifth grader"

Leading: Guys! You were able to protect all the letters of the word “FIFTH GRADER”
This means that you really deserve to bear the title “Fifth Grader”.

Now listen to the song “Dream” performed by students of class 7A

Presenter: Is it time to end?
It's time for us to make a decision -
Admit to 5th graders,
You just need to take an oath!
(Fanfares sound)

Leading: Guys, the solemn moment has come! To become real 5th grade students,

It is necessary to say the words of the oath of fifth-graders.
We ask everyone to stand up and loudly and unanimously repeat the word after us - we swear!

Presenter: 1. We swear! Running to school for the first lesson with burning lights

Curiosity through the eyes. We swear!

Leading: 2. We swear! Absorb all knowledge with a voracious appetite. We swear!

Presenter: 3. We swear! Keep the fire of love and respect for teachers and administration alive.

We swear!

Leading: 4. We swear! Be friendly and proactive. We swear!

Presenter: 5 . We swear! don’t be lazy for an hour and have fun
study! We swear! We swear! We swear!

Leading: Wait, what about our parents! I think it would be nice of you

Dear parents, make promises. If you agree with us, say the word “yes.”

Presenter: . We will always help children in their studies so that the school is proud of the children! Yes?

Leading: . We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks; remembering formulas is nonsense for us! Yes?

Presenter: . We will be calm, like the water in a river, we will be wise, like a star in the sky! Yes?

Leading: Thank you dear parents!

Now you are real fifth graders!

Leading: In confirmation of the title of fifth grader, Deputy Director for Educational Work

Presents you with the relevant certificates today

And with this our holiday came to an end. Thanks everyone for your attention. See you soon!

Celebration "Initiation into fifth graders."

    To promote the development of logical thinking skills, communication skills, and the ability to defend one’s point of view.

    Foster feelings of collectivism and involvement in the life of the class.

    Create an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding.


We welcome guests

Dear teachers.

All acquaintances, strangers

Both serious and cheerful -

Fifth grade, fifth grade

I invited you to the holiday

When is born

Baby - very interesting -

Scientist, sculptor and poet

Came into the world.

But it is unknown who he will become.

Open to him

Roads to acquiring knowledge.

Leading: Yes, the years fly by like birds. 4 years ago these guys crossed the threshold of school, and today we gathered to initiate them into high school students. Being a high school student is responsible and difficult. Are our fifth graders ready for this?

Class presentation.

There is a tower in Taishet, a tower,

He is light and tall and tall.

Svetlana Vladimirovna approached the tower.

Classroom teacher: Who, who lives in the little house?

Who lives in such a bright place?

Leading: She went up to the porch,

There is silence in the little house.

I began to live and live in that mansion

It's good to make money.

Everything was tidied up with taste

And I planted flowers.

But sometimes in autumn suddenly

Svetlana Vladimirovna hears a knock.


Who, who lives in the little house?

Who lives in a beautiful place?

Classroom teacher: It’s me, Svetlana Vladimirovna, and who are you?

Drummers. We are all not too lazy to work,

We can study all day long.

There are only A's in the diaries,

They are rarely visited by fours.

Won't you take us with you?

We won't leave you in trouble!

Classroom teacher: of course, I'm very glad to see you

For me, you are all a reward!

Come in, don't be shy

Sit in the mansion.

Leading: They began to live very friendly,

Divide joy and sorrow in half.

Only very soon suddenly

There is a knock on the window.


Who, who lives in the little house?

Who lives in a comfortable place?


We are all smart guys.

And Svetlana Vladimirovna.


Will you let us in?

We will cheer you up in trouble:

I'll eat very well,

We know different dances -

Folk, pop.

Classroom teacher: yes guys, come on in

Teach everyone to dance.

Leading: Soon a knock is heard on the window again


Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in a cheerful place?


There are quite a few of us here in the mansion

Smart men and women,

Dancers and our mother.


We are daring guys

We do sports.

Even though they are still young.

We consider them promising.

Can you take us to your place?

We will protect you in trouble!

Classroom teacher: Come on in. don't be embarrassed

Sit in the mansion.


The knock on the window is heard again,

Who's walking along the path?

Hard workers:

We are real boys

in life we ​​will find ourselves!

and we work bravely,

and we dig and sweep -

we won't get lost anywhere!

Classroom teacher: This is how we live as a big family -

It would be boring for me alone.

Our class is very, very friendly, that’s what makes us different.

Everyone in the class is very necessary, we need everyone.

We are all mischievous boys, just super fighting.

And the girls are beautiful, everyone likes the boys.

We love to study, and sing, and work,

And play, relax, draw, sing songs in chorus

We have now told everything about ourselves, about us

Now it is known without embellishment... that we are super class guys!

To parents.

Without you, our dads, without you, our moms,

We wouldn't have studies, but drama.

Without you, the hardest learning process

He would have lost interest for us a long time ago.

Our parents teach us patience

So that our learning does not become torment.

You force us to study at school -

We simply must be proud of you!

You tolerate our whims and laziness,

You worry about us every day,

You study lessons with us until you sweat.....

Thank you all for your warmth and care!

Leading: Our fifth-graders studied for a whole quarter, learned a lot, learned a lot, and got to know the high school students better. I would like to ask them: what kind of high school students are they?

(children's answers)

That's right, they are strong, dexterous, brave. Everyone can do it

They are hardworking, diligent,

Neat and attentive.

Ved. So the high school students decided to test you to see if you can bear the title of high school students.


First test conducted by 8th grade students, they will test your ingenuity and intelligence.

While raising his poor son, dad wears out two trouser belts a year. How many belts has dad worn if his son is now in 7th grade? (14)

Kolya buried his diary with twos to a depth of 5 m, and Tolya buried his diary to a depth of 12 m. How many meters deeper did Tolya bury his diary? (7)

After Sasha, while cleaning his room, swept 12 kg out of it. The garbage, my mother took up the broom and swept out twice as much garbage from the same room. How much trash was swept out of Sasha’s room? (36)

Pupils have 3 "a" Cl. 56 ears, and their teacher Elena Fedorovna has 54 fewer ears. How many ears can you count during a lesson in 3 “a” Class. (58).

Seryozha pulled Masha’s pigtail 10 times, Dasha 5 times, Klava 7 times, and 1 time, by mistake, the head teacher Margarita Bagrationovna. The question is: how many times did Seryozha pull his pigtails and what will happen to him for this? (23)

Wise riddles. (Joke questions):

How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (hay)

What baby is born with a mustache? (kitty)

Who has a hat without a head, a foot without a boot? (at the mushroom)

A person has one, a raven has two, and a bear has none? (letter "o").

How do day and night end? (soft sign).

Moscow was started, what was the first nail they hammered into? (in a hat)

Presenter: 7th grade students prepared their assignments.

Continue Proverbs and sayings about the teaching:

Whoever is good at reading and writing, don't fall into ruin.

Without flour there is no Sciences.

The bird is red with feathers, and the man skill.

Learning is light, but ignorance dark.

Without studying and bast shoes you can't gossip.

Exercise: There are letters on the table, make words from them. (knowledge is power).

Second test.

11th grade students: we want to test your dexterity and dexterity.

Timed task: quickly build according to height; stand in pairs (boy-girl).

11th grade: and in order to keep up with the times, improving both spiritually and physically, we offer you gymnastics complex man of the future. (to rhythmic music).

Every morning, straightening up to our full height, we remember:

I am human!

Always ready to stand next to you

Lend a helping hand

Help the small and weak

Submit your shoulders to the weight of worries or worries

Turn to the stragglers

Reach your dreams

Jump over fatigue and pain

Rise after failure

Carry friendship and love throughout your life

Fight your own laziness

Just sigh for the unfulfilled...

And repeat the whole complex from the beginning until victory.

Baba Yaga:

Look, they came up with a “teaching”!

And they gathered all the people.

Better brothers, entertainment

Move forward!

I didn't go to school,

But so far I'm happy with everything.

Got used to living beautifully

And I walk without problems.

Well, why do you need studying?

It's truly torture.

Leading : Well, forgive me for that,

We don't need this.

We meet by clothes,

Let's see you off wisely!

Yaga: Calm down, brothers, sha!

I have homies here!

Boredom, laziness and sloppiness -

That's all my farming

Now they're coming -

They will quickly wipe your eyes!

(boredom, laziness and sloppiness come out with a whistle)

- Hello, girls and boys! Why did you take the books with you?

-What, did you want to study? What are you guys? Are you yourself?

Yaga: Let's go with us

You will gain a lot.

Yes, you will clash with our stupidity,

By the time you get old, you'll go completely crazy!

Oops, I got a line wrong.

Behavior rules:

Well-mannered student:

- will not come to class unprepared, and will always bring with him chewing gum or apple

-doesn’t litter under his desk,but only under someone else's ,

-never sleeps in class, he will always find something to chat with neighbor,

-doesn’t squeal like crazy during recess, but yells loudly to normal in a human voice.

Attention! Attention! We open only for 5th grade "Bureau of Good Offices"

We make an anonymous call to the school about a bomb planting during a test (3 rubles per student),

We distribute disappearing red ink among school teachers (10 rubles per refill),

We will arrange for parents’ broken phone (payment by the hour),

Virtual lessons where you are only an excellent student (50 rubles - per lesson, diary of an excellent student - for a fee),

A story about the life of your class in the programs “Time”, “News - Sports”, “In the Animal World”, “Scandals and Disasters of the Week”. (The fee is high, we don’t say it out loud).

Come! We are always at your service!

Yaga : and in general, let’s all climb onto our desks and dance and scream...

Classroom teacher : Hey Yaga, don't be a bully here,

This is not a dark forest for you.

Let's call our athletes

Yes, with a gun to the advantage!

Yaga: Yes, they don’t want to do bad things,

I keep wondering where you got these guys from?

Classroom teacher : parents raised me, teachers taught me wisdom.

Yaga: Okay, we give up, let's go to another school.

Leading : Let the fairy tale be fiction and a lie,

But read between the lines here,

That you will enter life confidently

Only through the school threshold you.

Third test.

Host: How friendly and cheerful are you? (performance of the song)

Ved. You showed skill and knowledge.

So the tests are over.

The jury's word.


We. Boys and girls, we swear!

Always be obedient

Cheerful, not boring!

Help mom and dad

Don't hurt kids!

Always be diligent

Faithful in our friendship!

Open the way to the land of knowledge,

Serve for the good of the Motherland!

We swear! We swear! We swear!

Give me your hands, we will take them and warm them,

We will go through life together together.

We will overcome all obstacles in school life.

We will survive all adversities.


Presenter: Attention, new high school students are congratulated:

The floor is given________________________________________________

The floor is given to the winner of the Student of the Year 2006 competition, Ulyana Prkopieva.

I give the sun as a souvenir,

To keep you warmer.

Let it warm you

Affection, light and kindness!

Never leaves

Your home is always a joy.

Helps you through life

Have fun, walk more vigorously,

Because in this world

There are also difficult ways.

The floor is given to high school students:

Take a piece of sunshine,

Pin it to your heart.

Give people good light!

This is our covenant.

Leading: Well, now the way is open for you,

The world of knowledge beckons you,

The sun is shining in the sky,

Lights your way.

We wish you on your way

Find a good friend

So that together through the worries

And dangers to pass

To be fair

And wise in decisions.

You will be kind to people

People will be kind to you.

So that the doctor does not frown,

So that I can be calm for you,

For good health

You had a lot of stock!

We wish that with you

People had more fun.

To kind eyes

you looked at people.

So that you love school and your teachers

So that you don’t forget your school days, the best days!

Postman Pechkin:

Who's having a holiday here?

And... these fifth graders became high school students.

Please accept congratulations.

Telegram from the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Telegram: I’m very happy for you guys that you became high school students. Study only well and excellently. I'll definitely come visit. Vladimir Putin.

Postcard from the governor of the Irkutsk region.

Congratulations on joining the friendly family of high school students. Be friendly, kind, achieve success in everything. Maybe one of you, when you grow up, will become the governor of the Irkutsk region.

And look how many letters I have….to everyone from the most dear, close, loved ones……

From parents. Receive congratulatory letters from your parents.

Presenter: The floor is given to parents of 5th grade._________________________________

Presenter: 6th grade speaks with congratulations (song “We wish you happiness”)

Additional material.

Riddles about school:

    Smart Ivashka, red shirt, wherever it passes, it touches, there a trace remains. (pencil)

    She speaks silently, but clearly and not boringly.

If you talk to her more often, you will become four times smarter. (book)

    How boring it is, brothers,

Ride on someone else's back!

Someone would give me a pair of legs,

So that I can run on my own,

I would do a dance like this!

Yes, you can’t, I’m a school student... (satchel)

    The white pebble melted

He left marks on the board. (chalk).

    Black birds on every page

They remain silent, waiting for someone to figure them out. (letters).


What is closer to us - the Moon or Australia? - the teacher asked the fifth grader in class.

“Moon,” answered the student.

Why do you think so?

Because we see the Moon, but not Australia.

The teacher warns the students:

You should never kiss animals. This threatens various diseases. Who can give an example?

“I,” the red-haired boy stood up. “My aunt kissed her cat all the time...

And the cat died.

Tongue Twisters.

The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.

Good beavers go into the forests.

Buy a pile of spades.


    Class hours in high school: Practical guide. Sgibneva E.P. - 3rd ed.-M.: Iris - press, 2006.-160 p.

    A great time both jokingly and seriously. Malkova N.G., Gonchukova O.P. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006 - 144 p.

    “Last Call” 2000 No. 4

    “Last Call” 2000 No. 5

    “Last Call” 2005 No. 5

Initiation to fifth graders

The holiday is held in the first quarter of the school year in the school assembly hall. The venue for the holiday must be decorated accordingly, everything necessary for holding competitions must be prepared (see text) and there must be places for participants and guests of the event. Students of grades 5 and 11, teachers, and parents are invited to the celebration. A large role in preparing and holding the holiday is given to 11th grade students. The holiday involves a small official part (presentation of 5th graders and 11th graders) and the holding of competitions by 11th graders - “entrance exams” - for 5th graders (the results of the “exam” are assessed by an “examination committee” of several graduates, which awards based on the results of each competition evaluation). Some competitions require home preparation (see text). In my opinion, it is necessary to distribute fifth graders in advance to participate in various competitions with the goal that all children are involved in the holiday. If possible, you can end the holiday with a joint tea party for all those present.

11th grade presenter: Good afternoon, dear children, dear parents, teachers and guests! Today we gathered for the celebration of the initiation of yesterday's elementary school students into fifth graders.

11th grade presenter: A worthy replacement has come to us. Among the elementary school graduates there are excellent students (names).

11th grade presenter: ___ students study at “4” and “5”. And in the first weeks of school in the fifth grade, the children showed themselves to be smart and talented children. Let's welcome them!

5th graders go on stage and sing (to the tune of a song from the film magazine “Yeralash”):

Boys and girls

And also their parents,

Would you like to hear a funny story?

We'll tell you a funny story now,

A true story about the school and us!

Presenter 5th grade: Welcome to 5th grade!

All: Friendly form!

5th grade presenter: Our motto:

All: What one cannot do alone,

Easy for the whole class to do!

Presenter 5th grade: Our class is 11 girls and 11 boys.

5th grade presenter: Our average age is 11 years, the total is 242 years!

5th grade presenter: The average weight of each is 40 kg, the total is one ton!

5th grade presenter: Average height - 140 cm, total - 3 km 80 m!

Presenter 5th grade: Each person’s education is 4 grades, and the general education is 5 higher and 1 secondary!

We have our own class hour, this is it!

Yes! And our class teacher is even worth two!

We have excellent students

There are five of them in stock!

And there are countless good people!

There are C students too!

Well, of course, as always,

No Denis, no Peter!

Well, there are violators too,

We can't count their tricks!

We have people who like to write,

While looking at someone else's notebook!

What's that noise? What kind of scream?

Vanya forgot our diary.

And we also have fashionistas!

There are so many “outfits” to count.

Again the noise, again the roar,

Isn't there a herd of cows there?

No, it's not a cow there,

This is our roar!

Cries, bursts into tears,

He wipes it with a notebook!

And our Andryushka,

Eyes like forget-me-nots!

Golden curls,

Just like in a field of daisies!

Cheeks like poppies,

Not Andryushka, but a bouquet!

And there are athletes in the class,

Glory to them, honor to them!

There are also dancers and singers,

All the girls and boys are great!

Presenter 5th grade: We have now introduced our entire friendly fifth grade!

Presenter 5th grade: We can say with confidence, this has been tested by time:

All 5 grades: We need different children! Children are all important!

Leading 5th grade: Yes! We are all very different, but we all really enjoy studying at our favorite school!

11th grade presenter: Thank you, guys! We are very glad to welcome you!

11th grade presenter: And here are our eleventh grade graduates! Let's meet!

11th graders take the stage, march and say a chant:

Who walks together in a row?

Future graduate squad!

Who in your briefcase brings you a lot of jokes and witticisms?

The one who knows best:

There is no better school than ours!

11th grade presenter: Sing a song! (P howl to the tune of the song “We need one victory”):

The birds don't sing here,

They don't give gifts

We work hard year after year

We gnaw on the granite of science.

Storming school subjects,

And during the tests we tremble.

We need one win in our studies!

One for all, we won’t stand behind the price! (2 rubles)

11th graders and 5th graders say in turns (addressing each other):

11th graders: Year after year went by imperceptibly

And the boys all became adults.

Now it's time

Call us graduates!

11th graders: Look at us, just recently

We were just like you!

We came to the fifth grade, it was difficult for all of us,

But now we are strong and slim!

5th graders: And this girl with big eyes

Were you a girl too?

I don’t believe it, judge for yourself

How did you manage to grow up like that?

5th graders: Can you imagine, this guy?

He was just like me!

Soon he will move from that desk, the desk will be mine!

11th grade presenter: We, as the oldest students, have been entrusted with holding the “Initiation into Fifth-Graders” holiday for yesterday’s fourth-graders.

11th grade presenter: Primary school graduates worked hard for four years. And today we, future graduates, will conduct exams for the “new” fifth-graders and test their knowledge in basic school subjects.

Russian language exam

Game "Telegram"

The players “pull out” cards with letters (5-10 different letters, except b, b, ы, j). These letters must be used as initial letters in the words of the telegram, and in the order in which they are given. All letters must be used. For example, to my friends, fifth graders. I wish you good studies.

Literature exam

Game "Reincarnation"

Fifth-graders “pull out” role cards (for example, fox, crow) from some famous literary work (for example, I. Krylov’s fable “The Crow and the Fox”). Props are prepared in advance (crow's beak, fox tail, etc.). The presenter reads the work, and the participants accompany the reading with appropriate movements.

If the participants have coped with their roles, the exam is considered passed.

Math exam

Joke problems

1. One old man was asked how old he was. He replied that he was 100 years old and a few months old, but he only had 25 birthdays. How could this be?

(answer: this person was born on February 29, i.e. His birthday comes once every four years)

    The miller came to the mill. In each of the four corners he saw three bags, on each bag sat three cats, and each cat had three kittens with it.

How many legs were there in the mill?

(answer: two legs, because cats and kittens have paws, not legs)

    How many movements does it take to put a hippopotamus in the refrigerator?

(answer: three movements - open the refrigerator, put the hippopotamus in, close the refrigerator)

    What happens to the crow when she turns 7 years old?

(answer: will be entering his eighth year)

Biology exam

Competition "Lion Hunt"

Task: fill in the missing letters in the cells.





















    This LION is a barn for livestock.

2. This LION is the sharp edge of the knife (blade).

3. This LION is a slow arboreal animal (sloth).

4. This LION rules the state (queen).

5. This LION helps against diseases (medicine).

Music exam


Fifth graders sing school ditties (you can perform them in different ways if the children wish).

We made a little noise

The glass in the windows rattled.

We said: "Silence"

The wall at the school was cracked.

Letters in Machine's notebook

They don’t stand like they’re on parade,

The letters jump and dance

They wag their tails.

I let you cheat on a test

All tasks for Kolechka,

And now in our notebooks

Both have twos!

Vova is spinning around in the buffet,

Pushes forward -

Have pity on Vova, children,

Give Vova a sandwich.

The new uniform is put on,

White shirt.

Admire me

What a fifth grader I am!

Once upon a time, teacher Sveta

He explained that knowledge is light.

Sveta went to bed in the light,

I got up in the morning - there was no knowledge.

Reason for being late

Vasya will compose instantly -

Then he fell under an avalanche,

I found a meteorite.

Zhenya shook his backpack for a long time,

To find notebooks,

But notebooks every time

They play hide and seek with him.

Tanya's name is "copier" -

Everyone knows this:

Gossip news she

Reproduces quickly.

Elders can be interrupted

Disturb the conversation.

Oh, how bearish

Classmate Fedya.

When Petya comes to visit,

He asks his question:

“And when do you have guests?

Is food served here?

Labor Training Exam

Competition "Cinderella"

Fifth grade girls need to sort the cereal as quickly and efficiently as possible - separate the peas from the millet (the cereals are taken in equal parts and mixed).

Competition "Fishermen"

Fifth grade boys are given fishing rods (with a magnet at the end), and at their disposal is a “reservoir” (a hoop with magnet fish “swimming” inside). The task is to use fishing rods to “catch” all the fish in the pond as quickly as possible and put them in a bucket.

Physical Education Exam

The children are asked to “get ready for school” within a certain time - put all their school supplies in a briefcase. The briefcase is placed on a chair at a short distance from the students. Also, at a short distance from the students and from the chair with the briefcase, there is another chair (on it are school supplies - textbooks, notebooks, etc.). Fifth-graders take turns running up to a chair with accessories, taking one item, running up to a chair with a briefcase, putting the item in the briefcase and, returning to the team, passing the baton to the next participant.

The participants’ task is to manage to “assemble a portfolio” within a certain time.

Fine Arts Exam

5th graders present their class logo, which they had to draw on their own in advance (as homework).

Life Safety Exam

Competition "Fire Shield"

Fifth-graders are offered a set of cards on which various tools and accessories are depicted and labeled (axe, hook, crowbar, fire extinguisher, sand, shovel, water, pitchfork, dustpan, saw, etc.). The task is to “assemble” a fire shield from the proposed items, explaining why this or that item is needed(the fire shield should contain: an axe, a hook, a crowbar, a fire extinguisher, sand, a shovel, and water).

11th grade presenter: Well done, guys, you successfully passed the entrance exams to the fifth grade and proved to everyone that you are smart, resourceful and diligent children. You really know and can do a lot!

11th graders sing (to the tune of the song by the Lyube group “Come on for...”):

Long exams like a black cloud

They attacked you with inevitable darkness,

But you broke through in all directions,

Even without tanks or artillery fire.

Finally, all the tickets have been sold,

All theorems have been successfully proven.

And all the mistakes that were made were corrected,

And all the “fives” were put on the protocol!

Let's go to the school porch,

After all, a worthy change has come to us.

And from the bottom of our hearts we would like to say now:

“We are very glad to see you, our new fifth grade!”

11th grade presenter: Congratulations, guys! You are now real fifth graders!

5th graders make a solemn promise:

We promise to study with “five” marks!

We promise to remember and know everything!

We promise to learn science,

And immediately become academicians!

11th grade presenter: And we, as real graduates, promise to help you both in business and in your studies!

11th graders say, addressing teachers: and fifth graders:

Teachers! We ask you not to forget:

A child can’t just cram!

We need time to go for a walk and play!

I need to run and draw!

Jump with a rubber band, play football!

Everyone wants to watch a movie together,

We just don’t know how to manage everything!

What if you still sign up for clubs?!

And practice in them every day?!

No matter how you schedule the day minute by minute,

A normal day will never be enough.

Yes, you don’t have to be lazy!

And, of course, there is time for everything!

5th graders speak in turns, addressing 11th graders:

And to these adult uncles and aunts,

Whom you call graduates,

This is the order we give today:

Be an example to us in everything!

We will watch you closely,

And diligently imitate you in everything!

11th graders and 5th graders sing (to the melody of N. Koroleva’s song “Little Country”):

We call our school a small country,

Here people have kind eyes, here life is full of knowledge.

Here children can learn everything, there is no evil or grief here.

Here they do not allow us all to be lazy and give us the light of knowledge!

Chorus: Small country, small country,

Where the soul is light and clear, where it is always spring! - 2 times.

In preparing the script, we used our own developments, as well as materials from the newspaper “Last Call”.

Scenario of the holiday "Initiation into fifth graders

Annotation: The holiday is held at the end of the first or beginning of the second quarter, when children are a little accustomed to new teachers and working conditions. This is a general scenario that includes individual class performances (business cards), competitions, and an oath for fifth-graders. Such an event promotes team cohesion, adaptation, helps students open up, show themselves, their skills, abilities, interests. For the class teacher of the 5th grade, this holiday allows him to get to know children who are new to him, get to know them better, find out their interests, hobbies, helps to unite the team, and attract parents.
Target: 1) Help students adapt to new conditions and requirements in the 5th grade.
2) Introduce students to the rules of high school and awaken students’ interest in further studies.
2) Develop children's communication skills and create a festive atmosphere.
3) Cultivate kindness, mutual assistance, and respectful attitude towards the teacher and your classmates.
1. Organize meaningful leisure time for children;
2.Create a positive attitude;
3. Contribute to the formation of aesthetic taste;
4. Foster a culture of behavior in public places.

Initiation to fifth graders

(music sounds)
Presenter 1 . Lesson - change, lesson - change...
And the day at sunset and sunrise again.
The school days pass gradually,
The educational process is slowly progressing.
Presenter 2 .- Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome everyone to our holiday1 Let's all greet the hero of the occasion together! Let's meet! (students of the 5th grade with their class teachers enter the hall to the music and take their seats in the hall)
5A class (class of hands.....)
Grade 5B (hand class…..)
5B class (class of hands....)

Presenter 1 .Today we all gathered
Congratulations, friends!
And so you came to us here,
Believe me, it’s not in vain!
Presenter 2 . The path in life to you yourself
We'll have to choose.
And to be lucky in life,
It's a must try!
/CHANTS 5A, 5B, 5B/
Presenter 1 .- At our holiday, each of you will be able to show your talents, resourcefulness, ingenuity, and demonstrate everything that you managed to learn at school.
Presenter 2 .- Let's see what you like. I ask questions, and you will answer “I” if this is inherent in you, and “be silent” if this does not suit you.
Presenter 1 . -Who loves chocolate?
Presenter 2 .- Who loves marmalade?
Presenter 1 .-Who loves pears?
Presenter 2 .- Who washes their ears?
Presenter 1 .-Who loves pomegranate?
Presenter 2 .-Who are the grapes?
Presenter 1 .- Who loves the lesson?
Presenter 2 .- Who doesn’t wash their hands?

Presenter 1 .- We have one doubt...
Is the surroundings worthy?
What can they do? What do they live on?
Let this be presented.
Presenter 1 To be a fifth grader
You should value friendship
Think and read more
Do homework assignments
Don't download them on the Internet
Achieve everything with your mind...
Presenter 2. - Can you do all this?
We will find out now...
/COMPETITION “VICTIM OF SPORTS”. 3 people from the class are invited to the stage, they need to depict the situation/
A weightlifter who did not have time to jump away from the barbell;
The skydiver who forgot what to pull;
A skier who did not have time to escape from an avalanche.
/While the participants are preparing, a competition is held with spectators/
Presenter 1 .- I ask questions, and you answer: “It’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends” or “be silent”

-Who walks to school in a cheerful band every day?
- Which of you comes to class an hour late?
- which of you keeps books, pens and notebooks in order?
- Who completes their homework on time?
- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

One person per class. Sing in the image of: an opera singer, a military man, a three-year-old baby
Presenter 2. - On the eve of the New Year we sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
Presenter 1 If you go on a journey with a friend, the journey is more fun.
Without friends I am a little bit, but with friends I am a lot...
/COMPETITION “FRIENDLY CLASS” / The class needs to depict: a train, an orchestra, a centipede, a zoo, and the rest of the students from other classes must guess what they are depicting/
Presenter 1 .- All trials are over,
And all of you are WELL DONE!
And we want to congratulate you
From all our hearts!
Presenter 2. Well, it's time to end,
It's time for us to make a decision -
Admit to fifth graders
You just need to take an oath!
Presenter 1. - So, right here, in front of everyone, in a formal atmosphere, I ask you to take an oath of allegiance to the school - the Oath of FIFTH-GRADES! At the end of each quatrain we all say together: “I swear! I swear!”
Presenter 2. We have chosen the path of learning,
Bless us, our Rus'!
The granite of science is undoubtedly
I'll chew it! I SWEAR! I SWEAR!
Presenter 1 . And, like the great Lomonosov,
I will achieve the teacher's love.
From the science of marble cliffs
I won't lose my temper! I SWEAR! I SWEAR!
Presenter 2. I won’t forget about the code of honor,
After all, he is the basis of all foundations,
I will be decent and honest,
Always ready! I SWEAR! I SWEAR!
Presenter 1 . We swear here three times:
Treasure the honor of the school!
We swear sincerely and honestly
Be her pride and glory!
Presenter 2. This oath is not a trifle,
It will be like this and only like this!
Presenter 1. - Guys, your friendship is strong
Take it to 5th grade
And for many years
Save everyone!
Presenter 2. As always, “one for all”
Be responsible
Then everyone will tell you:
These are the kids!!!
Presenter 1. Our holiday is coming to an end,
We are all equal now friends!
You are called fifth-graders!
And we are all a friendly family! (together)