"School" fairy tale. Island of Dreams (pedagogical play-fairy tale in verse). Fairy tale “In the school kingdom-state” A story of fairy-tale characters on a school theme

A fairy tale about school, teachers and students. What could be better for Teacher's Day or any other school event!
Tale for Teacher's Day can also be successfully used at a school graduation, New Year's concert, congratulations to teachers on March 8 and for many other occasions. A short, funny skit about school. Or a miniature play - it’s not a matter of genre, but the fact that skits on a school theme and performances for teachers, staged by students, are always successful and popular.Characters:

- Tsar's Diary;

- Minister of education;

- guard;

- reader;

- 1st Col;

- 2nd Col;

- Two;

- 1st Troyak;

- 2nd Troyak;

- Four;

- 1st Five;

- 2nd Five .

In the center of the stage is a throne for the king, near which stands a guard; There is a geographical map hanging on the wall.

In a certain school state
Tsar Diary sat on the throne.
And one morning early
Visit other countries
The king had an idea. And the decree
He scribbled it right away.
(Unrolls the scroll, reads the decree.)
"To complete the visit
I need a retinue like this
To the far side
I shouldn't embarrass myself.
To have visitors
Not fools, not troublemakers,
Not lazy, not flatterers,
And as it should be - well done!
I order everyone to come to me,
So that everyone can distinguish themselves,
Show your intelligence and stuff.
Everyone to appear before the royal eyes!”

The reader leaves. The king enters and sits on the throne. The Minister of Education appears behind him.

Minister (to the king).
I, the Minister of Education,
I announce with glee:
At your apartment
The first two candidates.
The first two? Well, great!
I'll talk to them personally.
Come in, gentlemen!

Two Colas enter.

1st Col.
We came here
To bow at your feet
And ask to go to the embassy.

They bow to the king.
What should we call you, eagles?
2nd Col.
We are Father Kola.
We are Koly Kolovy.
1st Col.
We are both healthy
Both are not hunchbacks,
Noble and rich.
2nd Col.
And we want, so to speak,
Our kingdom to represent
Together with Father the Tsar
Behind an unknown hill.
Well, are you friendly with literacy?
1st Col.
We don't need science.
Not according to Kolam status
Bend the spine in half,
Study the calculator, the primer.
2nd Col.
Why do we need this, king?
What?! Shame on you,
Uncouth Kolam,
Come to my room
And ask to go abroad?!
Let's go! What a disgrace!
Guard, lead Kolov into the courtyard,
Give me a kick without delay
To give them speed!

The guard takes Kolov by the collar and leads them out.

King, some girl
He also asks to go into the bright room,
So that you appreciate her
And he invited me to the embassy.
Let's see what kind of girl she is.
Maybe it would be good for a retinue.
I will conduct the exam -
If I don't find any flaws,
Then he will go abroad.
Invite the girl here.

The Minister leaves and returns with Deuce.

I bow low to the king
And at the same time I say,
That I’m ready, so to speak,
Our kingdom to represent
On the foreign side -
This mission is for me.
Well, what's your name?
Everyone calls them two, lovingly.
As I walk down the street -
Everyone admires me.
All the handkerchiefs are taken out
And tears flow from happiness.
Are you good with grammar?
Reading, math?
Why does the beautiful maiden
Study mathematics?
After all, the servants are next to me -
They will count if necessary.
I don't even know the letters.
I am a pillar noblewoman,
Not a slave's certificates!
This is just a shame!
You, my dear, are arrogant
And an inveterate lazy girl.
Not being able to read is a shame!
All! Conversation over!
You're good for nothing.
No need for a retinue either!
I tell you, girl,
Leave the chambers.

The king turns away. Deuce shrugs and leaves.

King, to your apartment
Two contenders are competing.
It seems that they are not loafers,
They sharpen their lasses in Spanish:
"Oh, boyfriend, monsieur, bonjour,
Guten morgen, lampshade!”
Invite them to a reception
Let's see what it costs here.

The minister leaves and returns with two Troyaks.

1st Troyak.
Guten morgen, hende hoch!
Every friend of us is not bad!

2nd Troyak.
We wish you a cordon,
Fuck Paris and fuck London.
Well, what is your name, friends?
1st Troyak.
I am a Troyak and he is a Troyak!
We are in terms of languages ​​-
Guten Morgen, be healthy!
2nd Troyak.
In general, a complete fantasy!

The king gets up from the throne and approaches the map.

Where are London and Paris?

The triplets randomly point their fingers at the map.

1st Troyak.
London is here, Paris is over there.
2nd Troyak.
Near Panama City.
In geography - we are gut!
Yes, you are not gutt, but kaput!
I'll ask them both to leave!
Goodbye, sorry!
(To the guard)
Bring them to the gate
Show me where the turn is.
(To the Minister)
You are the Minister of Education!
What kind of talent is this?!
All oak trees,
Unmannered, rude!
Answer me, little cat,
Where are our literate people?
Is it really in the great kingdom,
Our school state
Is there anyone smarter?
King, allow me to answer.
There are the smartest girls
Three good sisters
I sent messengers to them.
Where are they, after all?

Three girls with briefcases enter and bow to the king.

Hello, our wise king,
Our learned sovereign!
Come on, come on, what kind of birds are they?
What smart girls are these?
How beautiful and neat
Pleasant to the royal eye!
I could take everyone to the embassy.
What is your name, beauties?
1st Five.
I am Five.
2nd Five.
I am Five.
And I am the youngest Four.
Are you friendly with science?
1st Five.
All items are important to us!
2nd Five.
There are no secondary sciences!
You definitely need to know them.
What about subject notebooks?
I hope everything is fine with them?

The girls take notebooks out of their briefcases and hand them to the king.

Look for yourself, sir.
And take mine, king.

The king looks at the notebooks with a satisfied look.

No mistakes, no flaw,
I take you all into my retinue!
Tomorrow to distant shores
The brig will rush us along the waves.
The first point is Germany.
(To the hall) Thank you for your attention!

General bow, curtain.

Sketch “Mama's Boy” (mother, son, narrator) _-Mom, I won’t go to school today, I have a headache, and the weather is not good. Cold!.- What are you talking about, son, you have a test today, you can’t miss it!- And you write a note that I felt bad, I’ll give it to the head teacher Irina Viktorovna.- It’s not good to lie, son. Get ready, get ready quickly.- Well... I don’t want to do that.- You took all the notebooks, and the books? Check it in your briefcase. Faster, faster, Otherwise you'll be late, Glebushka. Well, why don’t you want to go, because the lessons are so interesting...- Yes, it’s good for you to talk. And these lessons always give me a headache. You know how they shout in class, you can’t hear anything!- Don’t pay attention, work for yourself, that’s all!-Yes, don't worry. Koltsov teases, calls him a pancake, and Petrenko and Ivanenko recently put buttons on the chair and hid the notebooks. And Buyanov...! Oh, I don’t want to talk!- Tell them to your class teacher.- Yes, I said so. Even parents are afraid of this Koltsov!- Well, okay, I’ll go to school myself, I’ll talk to the director, the head teacher. And you, Glebushka, get ready quickly. It's almost the end of the quarter, and your salary is due today. Go to work, my friend.Gleb Egorovich Zinoviev, a young foreign language teacher, sighed, took a briefcase with notebooks and plans, put on glasses and a hat and sadly trudged to work. The only thing that consoled him was the close end of the school year and today's salary.
Poems about mom .
    The eighth of March is a special day,
Our mothers' favorite holiday. He is the most gentle, the kindest And that is why he is dear to us.
    No one like a mother will regret
In sadness like her, no one will understand us Everywhere and everywhere - both in joy and sorrow - We always miss mommy.
    And in our mothers there is gravity
The hearth is family and birthplace. In them our lives are in eternal motion Dear mother, you are the basis of all foundations.
    This word is wonderful - mother.
Everything on earth is from mother's hands. She makes us disobedient and stubborn, She taught goodness - the highest of sciences.Mom answered me: “Be in harmony with the truth, Don't let the young and old get into trouble. Be the first to lead by example in every case, Use an accurate eye when attacking a target.
    I asked my mother: “What is happiness?”
Mom answered me: “Build every day, To remain long in human memory. Live peacefully with your neighbor, despise scandal, He will feed lunch to those who are tired on the road.
    I asked my mother: “What is happiness?”
Mom answered me: “With a young mind Comprehend science on your way. Believe in humanity when trouble comes. Always show sensitivity and cordiality.
    I love you, mom, why I don’t know
Probably because I live and dream, And I rejoice in the sun, and every day. This is why I love you, dear. For the sky, for the wind, for the air around I love you, mom You're the best friend!


    We are funny friends
We dance and sing And now we will tell you How my mothers and I live.
    Olya washed the floors, Katya helped
It's just a pity - mom again I washed everything.
    Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped with math We then decided with my mother Something he couldn't decide.
    Smoky pan
Lena cleaned with sand, Two hours in Lenu's trough Mommy washed it later.
    To mom in the morning, our Mila
Gave me two candies I barely had time to give it, She immediately ate them herself.
    We sang to you as best we could,
We're just children, But we know that our mothers - The best in the world.
    Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers, We are for everything, for everything, dear ones, We say: “Thank you!”

Poems about grandmother.

    Me with my grandmother
I've been friends for a long time. She is at the same time with me in all my undertakings. I don't know boredom with her, I like everything about her And grandma's hands I love everything more than anything.
    Our grandmothers are funny
They can sing, read poetry, Well, if necessary, And dance “Gypsy Girl”.
    Cakes, bagels, cheesecakes
We all love from the heart. If you like pies, Ask your grandmother to cook.
    Who came to me this morning?
Who said: “It’s time to get up”? Who managed to cook the porridge? Who managed to water the flowers? Who set the table for dinner? Who poured the tea into the cup?
    Who braided my hair?
Sweeped the whole house alone? Who told me a fairy tale? Who kissed me? Which grandchildren love laughter? Who is the best in the world? GRANDMOTHER!
    On your holiday so welcome
What else can we say? Allow grandmas I wish you good health. Do not be ill! Don't get old! Never grumble! Stay this young forever. Sketch “Scholarly Grandma” ».
Two old women meet.
    Hello, my dear! Let's sit and chat! What are you talking about, I haven’t done my homework yet... Which lessons? Have you relapsed into childhood? It’s been a hundred years since you graduated from school! Yes? What about the grandchildren? Nowadays it’s very fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren! Who will help them besides us? Is it true? You're the one spoiling them! I?! I'm not spoiling! I'm very strict with them. Once I do my homework, they always copy it out for me. Yes! It's really strict. So if anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience! Check it out - I have a poem... “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree; golden chain on that oak tree..." So good! “...Both day and night the learned wolf...” Stop! What wolf? Well, I don’t know, either steppe, or forest, or something else…. Yes, not a wolf, but a learned cat! Are you crazy, how can a wolf be smart? As far as I remember, Pushkin had a CAT!! Ahh, I get it, I get it. Then I’ll start all over again: “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree, a golden chain on that oak tree, and day and night a learned cat howls at the stars with a rooster! What, what? With what rooster? To which stars? Where did you read that? Oh, what a bore you are! Well, I got it a little mixed up! After all, I have so many lessons! My head is spinning! Mathematics, Russian, geography, history... You won’t remember it right away! Listen, assistant! What are the grandchildren doing? What are they doing? They are learning smart games! Computer! I don't understand computers yet! What do you think, if I continue to study so hard, maybe they will erect a monument in my honor? It's already installed! How? Where? When? Look in your granddaughter's diary. A wonderful monument... It's called KOL. Monument to grandmothers who do homework for their grandchildren.

The fairy tale “The Magic Deuces” is an instructive tale. Magic twos seem to be cute, with a swan neck, round and beautiful - but they are always so inappropriate! You don’t expect them, swans, you don’t favor them, but sometimes they come uninvited...

Fairy tale "Magic Deuces"

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful magical couple. They knew how to wonderfully arch their swan necks, and their tails were so cute. You may ask why the deuces were magical? Because they knew how to turn into, for example, fives.

But the twos didn’t want to become fives, they liked being twos so much. Why? Because those who had twos lived a wonderful life, and the lives of the twos themselves were also wonderful.

Gosha Shtuchkin had a lot of magical twos. He lived happily ever after: he didn’t study anything, didn’t solve problems, didn’t complete examples, didn’t write an essay. Beauty!

But Gosha’s parents were not happy. My son grew up ignorant, and without knowledge it would be difficult in life. The parents dreamed that their son’s magical twos would turn into fives, but they didn’t know how to do this.

We’ll tell you a secret that Gosha Shtuchkin, a notorious loser, was always jealous of Varya Pyaterochkina. What can I say! Pyaterochkina was a cool girl: cheerful and smart. Gosha had long wanted to make friends with her. But the magic twos did not allow this to be done. Who wants to be friends with a loser?

But then one day... Do you think that some event happened? No. Gosha just decided to say goodbye to the deuces. He thought: what if he becomes a famous astronaut or designer, and then everyone will find out that he was a poor student at school.

And Gosha decided to do this (we’ll tell you in advance that Varya Pyaterochkina helped him with this) - he decided to get rid of the deuces.

Gosha started studying! And the magic pen of teacher Maria Ivanovna put magic fives in the magazine. Gosha studied with such diligence that Maria Ivanovna was surprised.

Twos stopped appearing in Gosha Shtuchkin’s diary. It was a painful defeat for the two. Moreover, Gosha began to correct the old magic twos and they turned into fives.

It was a real victory!

Gosha Shtuchkin continued to study with excellent marks. He was friends with Varya Pyaterochkina and... with magical grades - A's.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale “The Magic Deuces”

Who looks more attractive: a two or a five?

Do you think the life of a poor student or an excellent student is more interesting?

What color would you use to paint the magic twos?

If you were a teacher, what would you do to ensure that all the students in your class do well?

Gorbunova Natalya Efimovna,
mathematic teacher
GBOU Secondary School No. 1245, Moscow.

Dream Island. "School" fairy tale.

1. Mary Ivanna, experienced teacher.
2. Petrovich, her husband.
3. Storyteller.
4. Queen.
5. Minister of Education.
6. Yaga Kostyanovna, methodologist.
7. First Ambassador.
8. Second Ambassador.
9. Third Ambassador.
10. Nanny.
11. Koschey Bessmertovich, substitute teacher.
12. Ivan, student.
13. Emelya, student.
14. Vasilisa the Wise, student.
15. Princess Nesmeyana, student.
16. Voice from Dream Island.

Dedicated to the memory of Leonid Alekseevich Filatov.


In some kingdom
famous state
We lived modestly
In a huge room
Mary Ivanna, experienced teacher,
She gave lessons in aerobatics;
Petrovich, husband,
The computer scientist was, they say, ideological.
There was a queen and there were ministers,
There were teachers and methodologists...
We won’t detain you with an introduction,
Let's quickly begin the true story!

Scene 1.

Crazy like an alarm clock
My cell phone rang in the morning.
Mary Ivanna grab the phone,
To run to the kitchen,
And from the receiver there is a menacing voice,
It’s impossible not to recognize him!

The queen's voice on the phone:
Here is the royal decree for you:
Report to class right away!
Today the house is full of guests -
Ambassadors-teachers of all areas.
So you'll bleed
Prepare a lesson for us!
If you can't, who's to blame? –
I must execute you.
State affair,
Are you catching the thread?..

Maria Ivanovna:
There's something I don't understand
In my mind?
Tea, I slurp cabbage soup without bast shoes,
I can figure out what's what.
It turns out that it's on me
All politics in the country:
If I don’t prepare a lesson -
There will definitely be war.

Queen's voice:
Let's not make jokes,
Get ready and look
Modern give me a lesson
To amaze the guests so that you can!
To use ICT,
I didn’t forget about visibility.
With sense, with humor, with intelligence...
In general, you know what it costs!
If I understood the order -
Do it this very hour!

Maria Ivanovna:
Don't hesitate to doubt
Tea, it's not the first time!
Maria Ivanovna is bending over her notebook. Petrovich enters.

The husband trudged in - he wanted to eat,
And the wife is busy...
She's over the notebook
Full of creative thoughts.

To you, my soul,
For a century I would watch without breathing,
Only breakfast, the heart feels,
There's no chance for me!
My father-in-law said it right:
“You put up with such a wife -
Clever beauty,
Can handle any class!
She has to work all day
From morning to night there is no laziness.
You can’t crawl to the stove -
It's you, my dear, keep in mind.
If you don't want to go on a diet
Stay for three weeks
You recipes on the Internet
Culinary look!
If you don't find it, put it in your mouth
Just a regular sandwich.”

Maria Ivanovna (without looking up from her notebook):
Don't freak out and don't whine!
There will be a table and there will be game!
I'll have a look in the freezer myself,
If you find a chicken, fry it.


Maria Ivanovna (holds out a piece of paper):
Look here!
I wrote down: one, two, three.
Point four – “salt”.
Yes, and don't forget to wash!
Don't distract me
Read everything in the instructions.
Petrovich sighs and leaves with instructions in hand.

Scene 2.

And the queen with the main ambassador
They are already sitting at the round table.
Behind you, look, there’s a nanny advisor.
On the side are two more overseas ambassadors
(Oh, the hard one brought them).
A little further away is the Minister of Education,
Ready to give his own interpretations to everything,
“Brush everyone with the same brush”
For the benefit, supposedly, of an abstract child.
Against the first ambassador, in an official manner,
Yaga Kostyanovna, methodologist,
Specialist for all questions.

First Ambassador:
Causes antiresis
Your technical progress:
You booted up the computer
Under license or without?


Second Ambassador:
Causes antiresis
Educational process:
You keep a cool watch
According to the system or without?

Queen, Nanny and Yaga (in unison):


Third Ambassador:
Causes antiresis
And this is another cut:
Your children go to school
With joy or without?

Queen, Nanny and Yaga (in unison):

We cannot solve all problems!
Let's not rush.
Let's listen to different opinions
All doubts will go away.
Our minister prepared a speech...
Speak up, or else your head will be off your shoulders!

I'll be brief, gentlemen.
Please take a look here:
Even from a fair distance
An increase in the quality of education is visible!
And the percentages say -
We raise smart kids!
With gratitude to Yaga (nods in her direction)
We are now taking the Unified State Exam.
And we all cry with happiness -
It can't be otherwise!
Congratulations to all of you, colleagues,
If the report is on time.
I'm not afraid of loud phrases:
The state loves you!
Even appreciates, respects,
Raises wages a little...
Let's just be honest -
You owe him everything!
Schedule every hour
To keep you busy:
Here is advice, there is a seminar,
Let the mosquito not sharpen your nose.
How do you hand over all the magazines?
Then go to sleep.

The nanny holds out her hand. The queen waves her away with displeasure.

Hey, stop buzzing there,
You can't sit until evening.
Don't pull your hand, nanny.
Speak already, take a risk.

Our minister is not our enemy,
Everything is said as it is without lying.
I'm just hesitating -
Is this how he wants to live?
So as not to know rest,
Fall asleep over your notes,
Wasting energy, spoiling nerves,
Yes, get a penny...
So let him go
Taught at least one lesson
And I'll stand at the door,
While he checks the notebooks.
If he doesn’t check, let him drag it home.
Then my dove will sing!

Sit down quickly and shut up -
Your place is by the stove.
From you - only bedlam,
I am ashamed, an embarrassment to the ambassadors!
I have been anti-resisting for a long time,
Aren't you sent to us?

Maria Ivanovna enters with a decisive step with a pointer and a magazine.

Maria Ivanovna:
Hello, welcome to class
It's time for my lesson...

Queen (picks up):
Look, rate,
Yes, write an article about us.
Words like that... two hundred,
And let's rejoice together!
Everyone leaves.

Scene 3.

Let the guests learn from the experience
Our methods are mind-boggling...
Look: already an hour and another pass,
But the ambassadors sit and never come out.
But no, he came out alone,
Such a gloomy and important gentleman.
Apparently, I need to call him urgently.
Now we will find out everything specifically and accurately!

First Ambassador (speaking on a cell phone):
I wish you good health, it's me,
I’m ready to report everything without hiding.
I carried out the reconnaissance as you ordered.
To achieve our goal.

First Ambassador:
Well, I'll give you a straight answer:
Anti-response, no doubt.
It's not bad for the children here,
The teachers are simply wonderful.
Among them there are such
You can't take your eyes off it!
This is how children are taught
It's like your heart is being irradiated.
There is silence in the class:
You can hear a mosquito flying.
Well, you yourself are patient
And modest, kind, beautiful.
And how they say it!
Everything will be shown and explained...
It is fair to say -
This miracle is so wonderful!

I wish I could lure them here,
But everyone needs to be fed!
Choose one for now
Bring it to my country.
You can't persuade
You can fail the experiment!
State affair,
Are you catching the thread?..

Well, here the ambassador became despondent...
He was a sent-out Cossack!
He sighed, scratched his head,
An action plan...quickly sketched out.
He briskly approaches Mary Ivanna,
Yes, he takes her aside.
She only thinks about one thing:
I wish I could go home now and fall asleep!

First Ambassador:
You charmed me -
It’s amazing how they taught it!
And I’ll tell you without embellishment:
I just fell in love with you.
Why, my dear,
Are you that tired?
You probably didn't sleep last night!
Can I help?

Maria Ivanovna:
Well, you noticed correctly.
Apparently I look bad...
So tired, I have no urine,
And also the teachers’ council,
Yes, a mountain of notebooks at home!
Is all this unfamiliar to you?
I only dream about
So that I can work during the day,
Go home in the evening
Not with a heavy bag,
Go to bed at night,
Don't check notebooks!

First Ambassador (mysteriously):
I see you can’t find a place for yourself,
And your parameters suit us very well.
Tell me, beauty, do you want
Come with me to Dream Island?
Imagine: there will be no playful children there,
Parents, harmful and careless,
There will be no lessons, no notebooks at all -
You will get rid of many problems at once!
You will change your profession and, without shedding tears,
You will shout with joy: “Hurray! Now I
I won't be a teacher! From now on forever
I, like everyone else, am a WHITE MAN!”

Mary Ivanna shrugged,
She sparkled with mischievous eyes,
She glanced slightly at the classroom door,
She exhaled and... agreed!
The Ambassador and Maria Ivanovna leave arm in arm.

Scene 4.

Morning has come again
The sun illuminated the Earth.
And we are with you this time
We go straight to class.
And here are the students.

Working on the report all day
I sat there like a tree stump.
Not a single serious thought
It's all complete rubbish!

Don't be so upset
You Ivan are not a fool!
Blow the report off the Internet
It will definitely be a quarter.
Don't break down and don't be afraid...

What about you?

Yes, I'm lazy...
Still, studying is boring.
That's what it's like, my pike!
Instantly according to my desire
Easily promotes learning.
As Emelya orders her,
So she will tell him.

Vasilisa the Wise:
You, Emelya, spread softly,
May you neither sow nor reap!
You talk a lot with your tongue -
It became unbearable to listen.

There's something I don't understand:
You, the Wise One, why
She did the upbringing
Not according to our minds?

Here is Princess Nesmeyana,
I will tell you without deception,
Always dissatisfied with everything
No thoughts - just water!
Roars over tasks
The essays are completely torn up,
Then he throws them into the fire...
Even spurs don't help!

Well, you are all harmful,
(Vasilisa) Even you in all your glory!
Neither understand nor regret!
You must have a heart!

Stop quarreling, friends!
I'll tell you without hiding,
(whispers) There was a call a long time ago.
Mary Ivanna... no, it’s on time!

It's necessary, I'm late!
And yesterday she scolded me:
I didn’t want to get off the stove -
Prove the theorem.

Princess (whines):
What should we all do now?
We were completely abandoned!
I will now cry with grief...

Vasilisa (with a grin):
There will definitely be a sea of ​​tears here!

Maybe you'll be lucky today:
Mary Ivanna won't come?!
Then we'll go to the movies!
Are you with me?

Pupils (in chorus):
They run away.

Scene 5.

Meanwhile the queen is angry,
He just can’t find a place for himself:
Mary Ivanna can’t be reached by phone,
Nobody answers the phone!
The queen began to think:
Who should she turn to for help?
I remembered in my spare time about an old friend -
Yage Bone Leg.

Hello, Yagusya, it's me!
Hello, my dear!
Help me solve the problem -
Mary Ivanovna replacement.
Disappeared in an unknown direction,
Without even leaving a statement.

Don't joke like that anymore
It’s time to conduct an investigation!
Maybe Mary Ivanna children
Did you manage to finish it?

You offend our children -
The best in the whole wide world!

Maybe you need to check
Is the team not very friendly?

No, I will give a guarantee:
We are all one family here!

Maybe she doesn't have enough money?
Tea, the salary was not enough?

Our Mary Ivanovna is a patriot:
He loves his job and doesn’t take bribes!

Well, then I’ll say it out of friendship,
The special services were at work here!
Well, I'll take control
And I'll send you a replacement.

Poor, poor children!
What are they responsible for?
Yaga Kostyanovna did not make a mistake,
Mary Ivanovna conjured a dashing replacement!

Scene 6.

The bell rang in the morning,
The lesson begins...
Schoolchildren sit and wait:
“Well, when will they come to them?”
One minute passes, another passes...
Koschey Bessmertnovich comes into class!
Angry at the children in advance,
He immediately gives the task.

You are lazy, parasites,
Boobies and fidgets!
Know that there is no mercy for you,
You have to answer for everything!
In a minute this verse
Learn from now to now!
Who doesn't learn at all,
I'll eat that, guys!
That is, I wanted to say
That he is ready to punish you!
So it's better to keep quiet
Yes, sit and teach!
Ivan and Vasilisa delve into the book. Princess Nesmeyana wipes away her tears with a handkerchief, and Emelya leans over the bucket in which he has a pike and whispers something to her. Koschey turns around sharply and snatches the bucket.
You won't fool me
“Count” you, you vigorous louse!
Write in your notebook two hundred times:
"I won't lie anymore."
He looks menacingly at the crying Princess.
Well, why are you crying?
You'll soon rot alive!
Go to the problem book and solve it,
Count a hundred examples.
Approaches Ivan and Vasilisa.
Somehow you have united...
Or were they united in evil intent?
Well, run around the corners,
Just sit there quietly!
Ivan and Vasilisa run away in fear in different directions. The bell rings.
I'll go for a little walk
And I don’t say goodbye to you, kids!
He leaves, taking a bucket of pike. The children look after him in bewilderment.

What kind of miracle is this?
Was it sent to us and from where?
If he comes again,
Then Kondraty is enough for me!

Mary Ivanna loved us,
She taught and scolded.
Even if I instructed
I never insulted you!

We didn't know how to appreciate!
There's no point in blaming yourself...
It's better to think together
What should we do, what should we do?

Yes, my pike is missing!
Apparently, I will have science...
Well, it's time to get off the stove,
Look for Mary Ivanovna!

Scene 7.

Without hesitation, the children gathered...
Where to look? They were confused.
We went out into the corridor, and then look:
A kind nanny hurries to their aid.

You're not happy,
Heads hung!
I know your sadness,
The reason for your sorrows.

Be our friend, tell us
Yes, tell the whole truth.
Mary Ivanna for us
Where to look, in what region?

I'll tell you a secret,
I'll give you an answer to your question.
Mary Ivanna is far away,
It's not easy to get to!

Beyond the seas, beyond the forests,
Behind the high mountains
There is an island in Okiyan
And there are countless miracles on it!

There's a scientific institute there
Learns light work:
To bring joy
And I didn’t waste much effort.

People are listened to in advance
And all wishes are taken into account.
The program is then compiled
It is sent to the computer.

But there are persistent rumors:
Computers are dying like flies.
All professions have been tested,
And the teachers stood up together!

So they kidnapped your Mary Ivanna,
So that we can clear up this mess!
They probably promised to let her rest,
And they themselves intend to drag you into the experience!

Well, I do not! (bumps with fist)
This will be our answer!
What is the name of the island, do you know?

Yes, that’s what it’s called – Dream Island!

The children run away. The nanny waves after them.

Scene 8.

But Mary Ivanna lives and doesn’t know
That they were seriously watching her.
She comes home early
And he finds time to relax.
Looks fresh and cheerful
My thoughts are not at all occupied with school.
Do not disturb lessons, calls
And truant students.
Just heavenly life has arrived!

But a week and another passes...
Mary Ivanna is tormented by melancholy.

Maria Ivanovna:
How are my children, how is the class?
Who is replacing me now?
What kind of knowledge does it give children?
And will they pass the test?

Don't be executed, because you wanted to
Relax …. So what's the deal?
She said: labor is shocking
And not at all grateful!
Now what? Does your conscience bother you?
Calm down my darling!
And let him continue to teach them
Better someone else!

Mary Ivanna was horrified...

Maria Ivanovna:
How – different?

And suddenly... I woke up!

Maria Ivanovna:
My God, this is a dream!
How strange is he...

Instantly, straightening my strands,
She collected the notebooks
Having swallowed a cup of coffee,
Having quickly fed my husband,
I left the house cheerfully,
Where everything is simple and familiar.
There was a wonderful day ahead,
Difficult, but interesting!

Students (in chorus)

... - it sounded nearby,
My heart immediately started beating...
Sees: next to the road in a row
Her schoolchildren are standing.

Maria Ivanovna, we understand ourselves,
That we are not sugar, that we are a noisy class,
What is very difficult for you sometimes happens to us,
But it’s probably even more difficult without us?!

We are restless and sometimes lazy,
We don’t listen to simple and wise phrases,
Thank you for being patient with us,
What do you believe and hope for in us!

We understand that this is not easy -
Living in a whirlwind of daily bustle.
But who knows where it is, this Island?
Such a wonderful, righteous Dream?!

Maria Ivanovna:
I had a wonderful dream yesterday:
Anxiously counting the days until the leaves fall

Now I'm not a teacher, I'm free
From endless school problems,
And life flows so decorously, nobly,
Without unsolved topics and theorems.

Imagine: these eternal notebooks
From now on they are not meant for me,
And I can dream about the surface of the water,
About the prince on the silver horse.

I can go to the pool at my leisure,
I can bake a pie for the whole family,
And not talk about school with a friend,
And tell about your joys.

Other people's children do not disturb the soul,
There is no series of lessons, changes...
But somehow I'm not getting any younger
I miss the cute school walls!

Yes, I think I miss them now
Without children's eyes, without noise, fuss...
After all, children give me their hearts
Like bouquets of wondrous beauty!

I had a terrible dream yesterday:
I'm not a teacher, I don't need it anymore
Excitedly count the days until the leaves fall
And go to school every day in the morning...

Blots tend to creep into school notebooks. They do not sleep, they wait for the moment. Often, blots are hidden somewhere and then come out. Sometimes blots wander freely through our notebooks...

The Tale of Blot

Once upon a time there were blots. They did not have their own distant kingdom, the thirtieth state. They lived in school notebooks and were constantly hiding. Some blots were hidden all my life and never came out. This happened mainly in the notebooks of honors students. And some blots lived freely, walked wherever they wanted. This was observed, as a rule, in the notebooks of C students.

Vasya Metelkin fought a real battle with blots. He wanted to know where they came from.

...So he slowly begins to write, writes one word, then another... Then - bang! - he starts to rush, makes a mistake, and there it is, a blot, ready, right there.

One day Vasya even cried out of frustration. Suddenly he hears someone say to him:

-Are you crying because of me?

Vasya looked up. There was no one around. He pinched his hand and stopped crying.

And then he realized that Blot herself was talking to him.

- This is where you come from, why do all my dictations have blots? - Vasya shouted.

“And it’s your own fault,” said Blot. “You start fussing, jumping up, getting angry at someone you don’t know, biting your nails, in general, doing whatever you want, except calmly writing a dictation.”

Vasya thought about it. Or maybe it’s really his own fault?

During the school holidays, Vasya conducted an experiment. He sat down at the table and took out his watch. When they showed 9 o'clock, the dictation began. The grandmother dictated, and the boy wrote. At first he had a lot of marks, and even more disturbing thoughts in his head:

- Oh, dictation! How exciting! This is a test after all. And I always worry during tests.

But gradually Vasya accustomed himself to the idea that he should write calmly and drive away disturbing thoughts. The boy cultivated his willpower. He learned to write almost without blots. And this was his victory!

One day, Blot appeared to the boy, but he was not happy to see her. But Pomarka, not paying attention to the boy’s bad mood, told him:

- Let's see each other at school as little as possible, and only meet at home, in drafts. Let's chat about this and that, and then you will continue to study, and I will hide, as usual. Because the more I hide, the better.

...Vasya sometimes talks to Pomarka, only at home. While no one sees.

But Vasya knows that with the Blots you have to keep your eyes open!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

Where do blots live?

Why did Vasya write dictations with blots?

How did Vasya meet the talking Pomarka?

How did Vasya train his willpower?

Draw a Blot.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale?

The main victory is victory over yourself.
Hurry to do a good thing, the bad thing won’t keep up with you.
Tie the problem up with a string.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that if you have some kind of problem, then you need to take time to solve this problem, look for ways to get rid of it. Vasya found time during the holidays, attracted his grandmother, and entered into a real battle with the blots. He wanted to write dictations without mistakes, and he achieved great success!


Little Bull dreamed of school from early childhood. Many of his friends were older than the hedgehog, so he often had to be bored alone, waiting for them from class. At such moments, he really wanted to grow up faster and also go to school. School seemed like an exciting adventure to him, especially since his friends often told funny stories that happened to them during classes. Hedgehog Bull loved listening to these funny stories about school, and was looking forward to the day when he would pick up his briefcase and meet his first teacher.

A story about school: what was the hedgehog afraid of?

And such a day did not take long to arrive. One day the hedgehog's mother said that tomorrow he would go to school. Buhl was in seventh heaven. The next morning he took a large bouquet for the teacher and hurried to school. Everything there was new and unusual for him, but Buhl was not afraid at all, he froze in anticipation of interesting adventures and funny stories. But when he entered the classroom, he saw guys completely unfamiliar to him, sitting calmly at their desks. This embarrassed him a little, but still the Hedgehog was waiting for the teacher to come in and the fun to begin.

Imagine his surprise when the teacher, instead of telling funny stories, began to explain to them that they needed to be quiet and calm at school. Children must listen carefully to her assignments, read, write and draw, but they are prohibited from running and shouting. Buhl did not like this, and when they began to copy the task from the board, he was completely confused. The little hedgehog did not do well, and he was very afraid that the teacher would scold him. In addition, Buhl did not fully understand the task, and was embarrassed to ask anyone.
After school, the hedgehog returned home upset and scared. The school turned out to be completely different from what it seemed. He barely spoke at dinner and went to bed very early. The whole night he was tormented by nightmares. He dreamed that his mother forgot to pick him up from school, that there was a monster hiding in his locker, and that he forgot to learn his homework.
In the morning, Buhl woke up in tears.
- I do not want to go to school! I'm still very young. – the hedgehog cried, surprising his mother. It was completely incomprehensible to her why the attitude of the child, who just yesterday was joyfully running to class, changed so quickly.
- Why, Bull? Aren't you interested in gaining new knowledge and meeting new friends?
- No, it’s not interesting at all, it’s scary. Don't let me go to school, please, I want to stay at home, play and read funny stories about school for children. – the hedgehog faltered at these words. Indeed, such stories were his favorite. He dreamed so much about school, but now he is afraid of it. This discrepancy made him very bitter. The baby buried his nose in the pillow and began to sob.
But the smart mother understood everything without words: her hedgehog was not afraid of school, but of a new way of life.
“Baby, there’s no need to cry.” It is natural to be afraid of the new and unknown. Even adults feel awkward when they find themselves in unusual conditions.
Hearing this, Buhl calmed down a little:
- So they won’t scold me for not doing everything well?
- Of course not. Everyone can make mistakes. That's why you went to school - to learn. Don’t be afraid to ask about everything you don’t understand, and you will definitely succeed!
“And if I give you a bad grade, won’t you stop loving me?”
- What nonsense! After all, dad and I love you not for any merits, but simply because you are our baby. In addition, some people know mathematics better, while others are good at writing essays. The main thing in school is not grades, but new knowledge!

Buhl was already happy and wanted to go to school again, but just in case he decided to clarify one more question:
– But running and playing is absolutely, absolutely impossible, right?
Mom smiled:
– It’s possible, but only during breaks. And in class you need to listen carefully to the teacher so as not to miss anything interesting. After all, you want to know why the seasons change?
- Want Want!
Today the hedgehog ran to school even faster than yesterday. He was no longer afraid and understood how important it was to speak openly with his parents about his experiences. And a cheerful and funny story awaited him, and more than one. Do you like going to school?

Do you want to make a hedgehog with your own hands? Here are some ideas for a fun evening. Crafts "Hedgehog".