A strong challenge Bassoon: your loved one will rush to the ends of the earth! Black call bassoon

Nowadays there are many mythical rituals and love spells. Bassoon is considered one of the most popular among girls. Many people perform this challenge on their own and are satisfied with the result. Therefore further we'll talk about this ritual.

First, I would like to discuss a little the ritual itself, which is called the Bassoon challenge. Reviews about it are contradictory and also worthy of discussion. This ritual does not have the function of a love spell; it will only make the chosen person on whom the challenge is made yearn for the citizen performing the ritual.

Calling Bassoon will not make the “victim” languish with love and tenderness. But after the ritual is performed, the object of the call will become nervous and absent-minded until he meets the person who made his call.

And so, the Bassoon challenge is traditionally carried out at night; experienced people also recommend choosing nights full moon, that is, perform the ritual on the full moon. This promises faster results.

For the ritual you will need a text of the ritual and a candle, preferably black or red wax. Take church candles You can’t, it’s best to buy equipment at a hardware store. You will also need an image of the person you intend to call.

It is necessary to memorize the text of the ritual before calling Fagot, since reading from a piece of paper will not work. The text is pronounced looking at the flame, and the only lighting in the room will be a candle. You need to repeat the text 1, 3 or 7 times, keeping your gaze either on the candle flame or on the photograph of the person being called.

After all the words have been spoken, you must wait until the candle burns out. At this time, you need to think about the object of the call. The maximum number of days for the ceremony is 7, but usually the right person appears in the next 48 hours.

The call must be carried out in a room with tight closed door, where no one will disturb a person. The window or window must be kept open during the ritual; this is important, because Bassoon is translated as wind and for the ritual to work, you must strictly follow the instructions.

And further. We must not forget about the ransom. If the person being called appears earlier than 7 days, then as soon as the object appears, you must take 13 coins and a small bottle of vodka to the intersection. If a person does not appear within a week, then after the last, seventh day of the ritual has passed, the ransom must also be taken to the crossroads.

The most classic version call Bassoon, modern magicians and sorcerers periodically make some changes, but it is difficult to talk about how effective such innovations are.

If we talk about the Bassoon challenge, reviews about this ritual are mixed. Many experienced magicians they say that the effectiveness of the ritual will depend on the energy and strength of the person who makes the call. But still, the majority of citizens who have done the Bassoon challenge talk about the excellent effect.

The person on whom the ritual is performed appears within a week. He will feel restless and need to meet. And it doesn’t matter how long people haven’t communicated before.

The object can call, write an SMS message, show up at in social networks. In general, any of possible ways will get in touch. Moreover, it is not necessary that the citizen will appear of his own free will.

As one girl writes on the forum, she received a call from the person she called at the request of her mother, who needed something from the girl. But still in in this case it is believed that the call worked, because the person appeared in the life of the caller.

By the way, experts say that calling Bassoon on the same person is not worth it, since the object may develop immunity. And the citizen will not react to the ritual in any way.

As a conclusion, we can say that to successfully call Bassoon, you need to believe that everything will work out. The power of faith in this ritual has no last place. And, naturally, correct execution all instructions are also important.

The study of magical rituals has made it possible to preserve many rituals that allow you not only to bewitch a loved one, to quarrel with your rival, but also to attract his attention. For these purposes, many magicians turn to various spirits and demons for help.

Bassoon - wind demon, master of the elements, which helps to attract one person to another. People turn to him if there is a quarrel, there is no opportunity to see a loved one or a person who, for some reason, is hiding and avoiding meetings.

The bassoon will help you meet, will help the person write or send news about himself to a short time. His task is to guide the person being called, but not to cause him certain feelings or emotions from a meeting. What to do next is up to you. You can repeatedly resort to the help of the spirit, calling it again and again, or you can come to terms with the situation. However, you should not constantly resort to the help of a demon, since the dates he arranges are unwanted, and this can negatively affect both parties.

Call rules

Before performing the ceremony, you should evaluate your capabilities and think again whether the intervention of otherworldly forces is really required.

If the ritual is done correctly, then Bassoon is able to attract a loved one almost instantly. The positive aspect of this ritual is that it gives confidence to the most timid and indecisive person who cannot take the first step on his own.

There are several ways to summon Bassoon. The spirit will call the right person and make him make himself known. When turning to otherworldly forces for help, you should know that this ritual is not a love spell. It will only make you think about you or look for a meeting, but will not evoke any feelings. The person you are calling will be able to calm down only after meeting you.

To conduct the ceremony correctly, you should prepare nine wax candles, photo of the person being called, text of the invitation. It is advisable to memorize the contents of the conspiracy. The ritual can be performed at any time of the day, regardless of the phase of the moon.

During the ceremony you should be in complete solitude. Shouldn't be around strangers and pets. Main condition - no one should interfere.

The ceremony can be performed on outdoors or in a room where there is a draft. An important condition is the presence of wind or moving air. Only in this case will Fagot hear the request, and the ritual will be valid. If the ritual is performed outdoors, it is better to choose a place with an elevation in the form of a hill or a small hillock. It has been repeatedly noted that Fagot hears much better in the mountains.

Before the ceremony begins, candles should be lit and placed in a circle. Candles should be lit clockwise. After this you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

Bassoon, burn the heart, body and soul, blood and mind, spirit with earth, sky, fire, rainbow, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter. In the name of all devils, take possession of soul and body until he comes to fulfill my desires and orders. Don’t let him sleep, stand still, do anything, eat, talk to anyone, until he comes to be my slave.

While reading words You can’t stammer or pause, since this will affect the result of the ritual. The text of the invocation Fagot should be read 9 times. After the plot is read, you must remain in the circle of candles until they burn out completely.

If during the ritual the candles begin to fade, it should not be continued. This suggests that Fagot refuses to help, and it will not be possible to call the right person.

You should not tell anyone that the ceremony will be performed or has already been performed.

If the ritual is performed at home, you should open the window, calm down and tune in to the ritual. You should think about the person you are going to call. Then put his photo in front of you and imagine that he is already nearby.

If the ritual of calling Bassoon is not carried out for the first time. or there is confidence that the ceremony will be carried out successfully, the invocation can be read once. But as a rule, magic words count from three to seven times for seven days.

It is necessary to believe that The bassoon will hear the appeal and will fulfill the request. The spirit can also act through dreams. The demon will enter dreams and point to the one who wishes to meet. Bassoon has great opportunities, but you should not abuse its help, since rituals lose their power over time, and the person being called stops responding to it.

Ways to pay off

After the ritual, a ransom should be carried out. It has some differences and is not limited to coins left at the intersection.

To pay off the demon, you should go to the crossroads 7 days after the call and put there a loaf of bread and an open bottle of vodka. Then turn your back to the intersection and say the following words:

"I'm paying for a service."

After that, go home without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way. If you don’t pay off or talk to other people along the way, Fagot can punish you for this.

Consequences of the call

This ritual, like others magical rituals, has its consequences, even if it is not the most terrible ritual. It should not be considered completely safe for both parties.

Consequences for the person making the call may not occur if all actions were carried out correctly. If the ritual was performed unsuccessfully, disastrous consequences will occur if:

The demon never harms people, but can punish. A person who has violated the rules once can:

Reviews about the ritual

I had a very strong emotional upsurge, because I knew about this ritual well. The ceremony was performed at night. She addressed Fagot spontaneously, in her own words. The action came after two days of reading. Was very strong wind. After the conspiracy, I felt a gust of wind in my face.

I read the challenge for five days, but I was distracted. I interrupted the ceremony, but took the ransom. A week later I met a man I really wanted to see. Maybe it was a conspiracy, or it was just the circumstances.

Today there is a huge variety love spells which are actively used by women different countries peace. One of these is the bassoon call. In this magical way, you can influence a person, but without harming him. Naturally, this ritual affects the consciousness of a particular person, but not as much as in the case of other black rites to attract the attention of a loved one, in which resa is often used.

Since ancient times it was believed that the bassoon is the demon of all winds. This is an entity that carries little energy. It is this demon that helps carry out all the rituals to the wind. Any ritual in which the bassoon is used is black magic. If you don’t give this entity a ransom in time, it will take someone very dear and close from you. As a rule, these are relatives or close friends.

A full-fledged bassoon challenge - how to make the person you love think about you?

It should be noted that calling a bassoon is not a love spell. The fact is that this magical intervention does not make a man fall in love with a woman. It only awakens a feeling of longing for you. Reviews about this ritual are very different. For some, the conspiracy helped, but for others it became completely ineffective. The purpose of such a ritual is to induce melancholy on the object of the love spell. It will not subside until he is close to this person. For the ritual to be effective, it is worth preparing the following items:

  • church large wax candle;
  • photographs of the man or woman who will be targeted Magic force;
  • plot text on paper. It would be ideal if you knew it by heart.

You can do the ritual on any day, time of day and phase of the moon. Other similar love spells, unlike the bassoon, require special conditions. The most important thing is that in a particular room where the plot will be read, there is no one but you. It is important that no one knows that you have decided to carry out such a ritual, otherwise the effect will be zero.

Once you are 100 percent sure that you are ready to read magical conspiracy, you can begin the ritual. First you need to open the window wide. This simple procedure will help you attract your loved one as quickly as possible. After this, you should light a candle and place it in front of you. At this moment, you need to concentrate on the energy of the person for whom the ritual is being performed. You need to place a photograph near the candle so that it can be clearly seen.

Looking at the photo, you need to imagine that this young man is with you now. As soon as you can feel this, you need to read the text of the conspiracy:

“Dear bassoon, burn the heart, soul, body, mind and consciousness of (name) with fire, water, earth and other planets. Make profitable connections with other devils and become the owner of this person’s thoughts until he comes to me. Let him carry out all my orders and wishes. Make sure that he will not be able to live normally until he turns into my slave.”

Important aspects

If you have already performed similar rituals and are convinced of their effectiveness, it is enough to say the prayer only once. If this is the first time such a magical intervention is taking place for you, do not be lazy and cast the spell at least 3, maximum 7 times. In order for your ritual to have an effect on the charmed character, you must believe in it. If you are not convinced that the wind demon will quickly transfer your desires to a person, then the effect of this will be zero.

After what time the magical object appears to you depends directly on you. The stronger your energy, the faster your loved one will come. If you are weak energetically, you should not be upset, you just need to wait a little. After the plot is read, the bassoon should show you the image of your loved one in the candle flame.

There is no need to put out the candle. You should wait until it burns completely. In order for the challenge to be as effective as possible, you should peer into the candle flame for as long as possible. Well, it is very important that no one enters your house until the candle is completely burned out. Even if someone came, it is strictly forbidden to let him in. Now you know how to properly perform a full bassoon call.

Calling the bassoon - how to properly pay off?

So that Fagot doesn't get angry with you and you don't become a victim negative influence this demon, you need to know how to properly pay him off. For this, there is a special procedure that should be implemented strictly according to the instructions.

This entity does not accept the typical bribe that involves leaving gold-colored coins at an intersection. In this case, on the seventh night after magical ritual, you should go to the intersection of 2 roads that are closest to your home. It is important that such an alley be more or less calm, especially at the time of the sale. After arriving at such a place, you should place a full bottle or jar of water in the middle of the road intersection. It needs to be opened so that the water comes into contact with the air. Near the bottle you need to put a good piece of yesterday's rye bread. After this, it is recommended to turn to the intersection facing over your left shoulder and say the text of the conspiracy:

“I am paying in full for my service.”

After all of the above is done, you need to turn away as quickly as possible and run towards your home. It is very important not to turn around. On the way home, you cannot start a conversation with anyone until you are home. If you violate the rules of the ransom, it is likely that the bassoon will direct its negativity at you. Therefore, it is better to act strictly according to the instructions. Such a ritual should be performed solely to appease the demon. This is not a challenge, but just retribution for your sin.

What is the best way to summon a demon?

You can count at least several ways to invite Bassoon. In order for the ritual to be successful and correct, you need to open maximum amount windows and doors so that at least a small draft sweeps through the room. If you decide to call on fresh air, not at home, you need to choose a place where there is a strong wind. Usually these are open steppes and fields. In this case, you will be heard, and your request will come true. If the ritual will be carried out in an open area, then you should climb to a hill closer to heaven.

It is in such a place that the ritual will become most effective and the result will not be long in coming. The difference between performing this ritual outdoors and at home is that it is not necessary to use a candle outdoors, since it will still go out. However, more often the ceremony is performed at home. And the most effective challenge involves purchasing 7 candles. They need to be placed in 1 row. First, the outermost candle on the left is lit. And only then, gradually from left to right, the rest are set on fire in a chain. After this, you should bend over each candle and read a magical spell next to each one.

“Bassoon, I challenge you. Fly to my beloved (name), and pierce his heart with an arrow of longing. Let all his desires disappear and only the desire to see me as quickly as possible appear. Let him not imagine his life without me and visit me as quickly as possible.”

It is important to memorize the text so that you can peer into the candles. You need to perform the ritual over each candle in turn until they burn completely. This is the bassoon call that is considered the most correct and effective.

Likely consequences of the conspiracy

Every powerful magical ritual carries with it whole line consequences. Full Wind Demon Summoning is no exception. But since such a ritual does not fall into the category of conspiracies, the consequences will also be different. Bassoon is a rather cruel demon that can bring a person a lot of trouble. However, if the procedure is carried out correctly, then most likely there will be no consequences.

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The victim of magical intervention will feel as before. Still, he will notice some changes in his feelings. At times he will be overcome by incredible longing for you. He may also not understand what magical force prompted him to come to you.

Typically, such a ritual is used to awaken certain feelings in a person. For example, very modest people will be able to overcome this feeling. That is why the only thing that can threaten the victim is some kind of fear and misunderstanding of what could provoke him to carry out this or that action. Calling a bassoon is a truly serious magical intervention, but still, if you do not achieve your goal in any other way, you can use it.

A challenge that has become a classic - Bassoon:

There are two options. Since Bassoon is a demon of the winds, it is recommended to read the challenge through an open window or in an open space in windy weather. But there is another option - to read, resting your hands on the door frames.

As for the number of readings, there are options here too. You can read the following plot 3 times for 7 days in a row, i.e., in total - 21 times in 7 days. Or read this plot only 7 times, but at least 2-3 days, i.e., not in one day.

"Bassoon, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind (name)
fire, sky, earth, rainbow, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter,
Feppe, Feppe, Feppe, Elera and in the name of all Devils.
Bassoon, take possession, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind of (name) until
until he comes to fulfill all my desires and orders.
Go like lightning, ashes, storm, SANTAS, QUISOR, CARRACOS, ARNE.
Turn him over so that he can neither sleep nor stand still, cannot do anything,
neither eat, nor cross a river, nor sit on a horse, nor with a man, nor with a woman,
I shouldn’t talk to the girl until he comes to fulfill all my desires and

QUISOR, CARRACOS, ARNE read S´antas, Qu´isor, Carr´akos, ´Arne

Feppe and Elera - accents - F´eppe, El´era
Payback - after the last reading or after the person has made contact.

The Bassoon challenge has now become very popular. The fact is that this ritual can influence a person, but it is not a love spell at all. A person’s energy, of course, changes, but not in such a radical way as with a black love spell.

Let's start from the very beginning. Bassoon is a demon of the winds. He belongs to otherworldly low-energy entities. It is he who helps to cast a love spell on the wind. This means that the ritual of summoning him belongs to black magic. This means that Fagot will take something valuable from you if you don’t give him a ransom.

What is the Bassoon call used for?

The bassoon is called to force the person you are interested in to come to you (call, send a letter, message, etc.). They also say: “call your loved one.” That is, the meaning of the ritual is to force (against your will) it to “light up” on your horizon.

This is done not only for the purpose of tying romantic relationships. Bassoon works even better for creating business connections and contacts, for repaying debt, etc. If you need to quickly borrow a certain amount, then Bassoon will bring you a person who has these funds and will be happy to share them with you. You just need to tell the Demon the name of your patron, and he himself will come to you.

Well, if you want to get attention from a person you like, then the conspiracy will work great here too. All you have to do is maintain the interest of the desired person after Fagot brings her to you. However, before using black magic, try a love spell to make the guy call - it is safer, although slightly less effective.

Description of the summoning ritual

Summoning Bassoon is not difficult. This is a demon of the winds, so it requires windy weather to summon it. It is very good to read the plot in an open space. For example, in the mountains. If you have such an opportunity, then climb to the top of the mountain, turn your face to the wind and read the plot seven times. If the wind is very strong, it will act almost instantly. In this case, the candle is not used. For city residents there is an option: climb to the roof of the building and read the plot there. There is no need to light a candle there either.

If such options do not suit you, then you can read the plot in the apartment. This will require more time and an amplifier. Such an amplifier is a wax candle. It must be purchased from the Church (others will not work). Please note that you will need a lot of time. You should not be interrupted or distracted. If the ritual is broken, it will have to start from the beginning. So, light a candle, open the window (window) and looking at the light, read the plot (seven times):

"Bassoon! I call, in my name (name) I conjure! Fly to (victim's name)! Stick it straight into the heart! Place passion in his body so that I can gain power over him! Let his (her) heart and mind burn with desire! Let all desires leave (name)! Only the desire to see (your name) will remain! There are no other intentions and desires in his thoughts! Be it my way! Ambi kkaso umdt! Dole crane praza! Bassoon! Dukhan zhebe flax! Topasi prices touri fak! Bassoon! Lead (name) to me. Let him have no peace until he fulfills my wishes! I conjure you! (name of the victim) will not be able to eat, drink, sleep, or rest until he comes to (his name), and will not be able to cope with his (her) tasks! Bassoon! I conjure! I command all winds!”

You need to read without taking your eyes off the fire (therefore, the spell should be learned by heart). While the candle is burning, you need to look at the flame and imagine how the desired person is exposed to the influence of Bassoon. The ritual ends only when the candle itself goes out. For people with high energy, it begins to work from the first day. If you are not sure that you can overcome the victim’s resistance, then it is recommended to repeat the ritual for three days in a row. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to create wind in the room. For example, you can turn on the fan. Just don’t direct the air flow towards the spark plug, otherwise it will go out.

If the candle itself goes out while reading the plot, this is a sign. Bassoon advises you to stop. He sees that contact with the desired person can bring you a lot of trouble.

About the consequences of contact with Fagot

Many people are concerned about the consequences of the ritual. It is impossible to answer it unequivocally. But it is not so strong as to significantly damage both the one who will perform it and the victim. The Demon just needs to be “paid” correctly for the work, then you will protect yourself from his dark forces. Bassoon is strong, but not particularly vindictive. He may punish you for empty worrying, but if you give him enough, he will peacefully fulfill your desire and forget about your existence.

The ransom for Fagot is made after the seventh day of the call, before dawn on the eighth. You need to take a cup of vodka and odd number coins of the same denomination (a handful). You can't talk to anyone when returning home. If the ransom is carried out correctly, there will be no consequences for the call.

The study of magical rituals has made it possible to preserve many rituals that allow you not only to bewitch a loved one, to quarrel with your rival, but also to attract his attention. For these purposes, many magicians turn to various spirits and demons for help.

Bassoon - wind demon, master of the elements, which helps to attract one person to another. People turn to him if there is a quarrel, there is no opportunity to see a loved one or a person who, for some reason, is hiding and avoiding meetings.

The bassoon will help you meet, will help the person write or send news about himself in a short time. His task is to guide the person being called, but not to evoke in him certain feelings or emotions from the meeting. What to do next is up to you. You can repeatedly resort to the help of the spirit, calling it again and again, or you can come to terms with the situation. However, you should not constantly resort to the help of a demon, since the dates he arranges are unwanted, and this can negatively affect both parties.

Call rules

Before performing the ceremony, you should evaluate your capabilities and think again whether the intervention of otherworldly forces is really required.

If the ritual is done correctly, then Bassoon is able to attract a loved one almost instantly. The positive aspect of this ritual is that it gives confidence to the most timid and indecisive person who cannot take the first step on his own.

There are several ways to summon Bassoon. The Spirit will call the right person and make him make himself known. When turning to otherworldly forces for help, you should know that this ritual is not a love spell. It will only make you think about you or look for a meeting, but will not evoke any feelings. The person you are calling will be able to calm down only after meeting you.

To conduct the ceremony correctly, you should prepare in advance nine wax candles, a photograph of the person being called, and the text of the invitation. It is advisable to memorize the contents of the conspiracy. The ritual can be performed at any time of the day, regardless of the phase of the moon.

During the ceremony you should be in complete solitude. There should be no strangers or pets around. Main condition - no one should interfere.

The ceremony can be performed outdoors or indoors where there is a draft. An important condition is the presence of wind or moving air. Only in this case will Fagot hear the request, and the ritual will be valid. If the ritual is performed outdoors, it is better to choose a place with an elevation in the form of a hill or a small hillock. It has been repeatedly noted that Fagot hears much better in the mountains.

Before the ceremony begins, candles should be lit and placed in a circle. Candles should be lit clockwise. After this you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

Bassoon, burn the heart, body and soul, blood and mind, spirit with earth, sky, fire, rainbow, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter. In the name of all devils, take possession of soul and body until he comes to fulfill my desires and orders. Don’t let him sleep, stand still, do anything, eat, talk to anyone, until he comes to be my slave.

While reading words You can’t stammer or pause, since this will affect the result of the ritual. The text of the invocation Fagot should be read 9 times. After the plot is read, you must remain in the circle of candles until they burn out completely.

If during the ritual the candles begin to fade, it should not be continued. This suggests that Fagot refuses to help, and it will not be possible to call the right person.

You should not tell anyone that the ceremony will be performed or has already been performed.

If the ritual is performed at home, you should open the window, calm down and tune in to the ritual. You should think about the person you are going to call. Then put his photo in front of you and imagine that he is already nearby.

If the ritual of calling Bassoon is not carried out for the first time. or there is confidence that the ceremony will be carried out successfully, the invocation can be read once. But as a rule, magic words are counted from three to seven times within seven days.

It is necessary to believe that The bassoon will hear the appeal and will fulfill the request. The spirit can also act through dreams. The demon will enter dreams and point to the one who wishes to meet. The bassoon has great capabilities, but you should not abuse its help, since rituals lose their power over time, and the person being called stops responding to it.

Ways to pay off

After the ritual, a ransom should be carried out. It has some differences and is not limited to coins left at the intersection.

To pay off the demon, you should go to the crossroads 7 days after the call and put there a loaf of bread and an open bottle of vodka. Then turn your back to the intersection and say the following words:

"I'm paying for a service."

After that, go home without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way. If you don’t pay off or talk to other people along the way, Fagot can punish you for this.

Consequences of the call

This ritual, like other magical rituals, has its consequences, even if it is not the most terrible ritual. It should not be considered completely safe for both parties.

Consequences for the person making the call may not occur if all actions were carried out correctly. If the ritual was performed unsuccessfully, disastrous consequences will occur if:

  • begin the ritual again;
  • seek help if you are constantly near this person;
  • do not make a ransom;
  • doubt the demon's power and mock him;
  • perform a ritual for fun;
  • demand from Fagot what he cannot fulfill;
  • perform a ritual out of revenge.

The demon never harms people, but can punish. A person who has violated the rules once can:

  • remain single for life;
  • not have children;
  • quarrel with loved ones;
  • lose material well-being, lose a job.