System of lessons on Eugene Onegin with presentation. Introductory lesson on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” “Collection of motley chapters. Turned away and yawned

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Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

The history of the creation of “Eugene Onegin” “Onegin” is Pushkin’s most sincere work, the most beloved child of his imagination” V. G. Belinsky * The novel was created from 1823 to 1831. (Pushkin worked on the novel for 7 years 4 months 17 days) * Published in 1833. * Covers events from 1819-1825. (during the reign of Alexander I)

Mirror composition Part I: Tatyana writes a letter to Onegin with a declaration of love and receives a rebuke. Part II: Onegin writes a letter to Tatyana with a declaration of love and receives a rebuke.

Plot features: 2 features

At the center of the novel is a love affair, the eternal problem of feeling and duty. Genre "Onegin" stanza The author chose an intermediate form that combines epic and lyric poetry. Genre – novel in verse It consists of 14 lines of iambic tetrameter. The general scheme appears clear and simple: it consists of 3 quatrains and couplets: 1 (abab), 2 (vvgg), 3 (deed), 4 (zhzh), i.e. cross rhyme, double rhyme, ring rhyme and final couplet.

The system of images in the novel “Eugene Onegin” The image of Tatiana is the pinnacle of psychological realism of Pushkin’s poetry. And the novel itself begins the history of the Russian realistic novel.

The novel “Eugene Onegin” is “an encyclopedia of Russian life.” From the pages of the novel we learn: About raising children in a noble family; About fashion in high society; About education; About culture, theater repertoire; About the high society of St. Petersburg; About patriarchal Moscow; About the life of provincial landowners; About the details of everyday life.

The main character of the novel. Evgeny Onegin “Friends of Lyudmila and Ruslan! With the hero of my novel Without preamble, this very hour Let me introduce you...” A young nobleman, an aristocrat by birth and upbringing; Appearance similar to “windy Venus”; Egoist and skeptic with a sharp and evil tongue; according to the world, “smart and very nice”; He quickly became disillusioned with the bustle of social life, with people, with himself; An expert in the “science of tender passion,” but he managed to discern in Tatyana her depth, her difference from others; There is a complex interweaving of “old” and “new” in him: he is afraid of the “opinion of the world,” which he himself so despised.

Onegin and Lensky - “wave and stone”, “ice and fire” “He listened to Lensky with a smile, The poet’s passionate conversation, And his mind, still unsteady in judgment, And his eternally inspired gaze - Everything was new to Onegin; He tried to keep the cooling word in his mouth and thought: it’s stupid for me to interfere with His momentary bliss...”

Duel of Onegin and Lensky The absurdity of the duel (it was clear to everyone except Lensky that the matter was a misunderstanding); There was a violation of the rules of the duel (Zaretsky was the only second and behaved like an interested person, Onegin was more than an hour late); Onegin did not refuse to shoot for fear of being funny or becoming the subject of gossip

Tatiana's "sweet ideal"

Her world is based on folk culture. Intuition, insight, natural intelligence. Before us is a discreet, sad, but deep nature with a rich inner world. So, her name was Tatyana. Neither with her sister's beauty, nor with her rosy freshness, would she have attracted the eyes... Wild, sad, silent, Like a forest deer, timid, She seemed like a stranger in her own family, She did not know how to caress herself To her father or her mother; The child herself, in a crowd of children, did not want to play and jump, and often sat alone all day silently by the window.

Tatyana Larina in love “I’m writing to you - what more? What more can I say? Now, I know, it is in your will to punish me with contempt, But you, for my unfortunate lot, even if you keep a drop of pity, you will not leave me..."

Onegin and Tatyana “Your sincerity is dear to me, It brought into excitement long-silent feelings. Learn to control yourself; Not everyone, like me, will understand you: inexperience leads to trouble...”

Lyrical digressions in the novel Autobiographical (real facts from the poet’s biography are recreated); Encyclopedic (we learn about the life of secular youth, local nobles and many other details); Landscape sketches of the Central Russian strip of Russia (all seasons of the year pass before the readers; helps to reveal the characters of the heroes of the novel); Philosophical reflections (about life, its transience, about friendship, about love, about theater, about literary creativity, about the inevitability of death, about the repetition of events and destinies, etc.); Historical (the author makes excursions into Russian history (about Moscow, about the Patriotic War of 1812); Author's assessments (the author is present in all scenes of the novel, comments on them, gives his explanations, judgments, assessments)

Features and significance of the novel “Eugene Onegin” A unique work that has no genre analogues either in Russian or in world literature; The first realistic novel in Russian literature; The phenomenon is exceptional in its breadth of coverage of Russian reality in the first decades of the 19th century; A deeply national novel in terms of historical fidelity and completeness of characters; A deeply lyrical work. This is a diary novel, from which we learn no less about Pushkin than about his heroes; The lyrical and epic are equal here (the plot is epic, and the author’s attitude to the plot, characters, and reader is lyrical). His images and individual details can be used by both a historian and a researcher of Russian life to characterize the era.

Thank you for your attention!

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Introductory lesson on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” The sun is one, but it is reflected differently in different drops of dew and rain. The titanic image of Pushkin is perceived differently by every soul, every person. And just as a rainbow is made from billions of sun rays refracted by drops in the sky, so, one might think, the universal human idea of ​​the greatest of our geniuses forms a multi-colored and beautiful image of him throughout the centuries. L. Uspensky “Collection of motley chapters”

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Odessa. 1823 Southern link. From A.S. Pushkin’s letters to Vyazemsky “I am now writing not a novel, but a novel in verse - a devilish difference. I am writing it with ecstasy that it has not been with me for a long time... I don’t know whether this poor Onegin will be allowed into the heavenly kingdom of printing. I would like to…"

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“Different opinions” about the novel A. Bestuzhev reproached the novel for its “lightness” N. Raevsky found “satire and cynicism” in the novel V. Zhukovsky and K. Ryleev did not understand the intention of the “funny novel” Ple

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Pletnev is delighted 1ch. : “Your Onegin will be a pocket mirror of the youth of St. Petersburg” V. G. Belinsky: “...encyclopedia of Russian life” A. Delvig: “I am eager to read its continuation... . I kiss the wings of your GENIUS...”

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The hero of the novel, according to criticism, Onegin, is a “suffering egoist” who is stifled by “the inactivity and vulgarity of life.” V.G. Belinsky Onegin is a “smart uselessness”, a hero of the time, whom you constantly find near you or in yourself. A.I. Herzen Onegin - “Mitrofanushka Prostakov of the new formation.” ON THE. Dobrolyubov

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Work on the novel lasted 7 years 4 months 17 days; it began in Chisinau, Odessa, 1823. ending – Boldino, 1830.

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The longed-for moment has come: my long-term work is over. Why is this incomprehensible sadness secretly disturbing me? Or, having accomplished my feat, do I stand like an unnecessary day laborer, having accepted his wages, alien to the work of others? Or do I feel sorry for labor, the silent companion of the night, Friend of the golden Aurora, friend of the penates of the saints? 1830 LABOR A. S. Pushkin.

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System of artistic images ONEGIN TATYANA LENSKY PRE D S T A V L Y T ​​O P R E D E L E N N U Y U C A T E G O R I U ABOUT SOCIETY “HIGH LIGHT” »Patriarchal nobility of the nobility are examples of a certain moral, spiritual, literary type“ Extra ideal “Romantic person” of the “Russian soul” Consciousness are united by the author = the actor

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Plot and compositional features of the first Russian novel Feature I Plot Onegin-Tatyana Serves to develop the main conflict of the novel Does not develop, helps Tatyana understand Onegin Lensky - Olga

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II feature The main character is the narrator = = lyrical digressions are an integral part of the plot Onegin's companion Antipode of Lensky - the poet Defender of "Tatyana dear"

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III feature Patriarchal nobility “Encyclopedia of Russian life” High society Patriarchal nobility Nobility Serf peasantry

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“Onegin stanza” 14 lines We all learned a little, Something and somehow. With such upbringing, thank God, it’s no wonder for us to shine. Onegin was, in the opinion of many (decisive and strict judges), a learned fellow, but a pedant. He had the lucky talent Without coercion in conversation To touch everything lightly, With the learned air of an expert To remain silent in an important dispute And to arouse ladies’ smiles With the fire of unexpected epigrams Rhymes Cross a b a b Paired a a b b Encircling a b b a Paired a a

Target: conduct a comparative analysis of letters from Tatiana and Evgeniy.


  • through the motivation of the characters’ actions, consider the reasons for the drama of failed love;
  • develop skills in analyzing a lyrical work, teach how to draw generalizing conclusions;
  • find out how letters help reveal the character of the characters in the novel.

The lesson is conducted in a classroom equipped with a PC and a projector.

During the classes

1. The teacher greets the students.

2. The topic of the lesson, goal, and objectives are announced.

3. A cluster research module is being compiled:

4. Conversation on questions:

Is it easy to say I love you?

Why do heroes choose the epistolary genre to declare their love? (This is a genre of literary work expressed in the form of personal letters).

Why were letters popular in the early 19th century? (Tribute to fashion that came from France).

5. Let us turn to the letters of Pushkin himself, who was in love with Natalya Goncharova:

“How much torment awaited me upon my return. Your silence, your coldness, that absent-mindedness and the indifference with which Mlle Natalie received me. I didn’t have the courage to explain myself - I left for St. Petersburg in complete despair...”

This is how Pushkin himself appears in the letter, but how does this happen to the heroes of the novel?

6. Working with the table compiled in previous lessons (keywords are added in comments):

The teacher shows a video clip from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s opera “Eugene Onegin”.

(Video on the Internet or Electronic application “Literature Lessons of Cyril and Methodius. Grade 9”)

Letter from Tatiana.

Keywords Comments on them
"You won't leave me." Tatyana believes in Evgeniy's nobility.
"You are unsociable." The heroine does not fully understand Onegin.
“I would find a friend after my heart... Another! No, I wouldn’t give my heart to anyone in the world!” Tatyana's inconsistency.
"Punish me with contempt." Tatyana understands that her act goes beyond the bounds of decency.
“Invisible, you were already dear to me,” “You just walked in, I instantly recognized.” I fell in love with the ideal that I found in French romance novels.
“Perhaps this is all empty, a deception of an inexperienced soul.” Tatyana realizes that all this could be her idea.
"Nobody understands me". Seeks Onegin for understanding.
“But your honor is my guarantee, and I boldly entrust myself to it.” Submits himself to the power of Onegin.

An audio recording of Onegin's letter to Tatyana is played. Annex 1

Onegin's letter.

Keywords Comments on them
"What bitter contempt
Your proud look will show!"
Onegin does not believe that Tatyana will understand him.
“I didn’t want to lose my hateful freedom.” This is the only reason Onegin sees for his refusal to Tatyana 6 years ago.
"Lensky fell an unfortunate victim." Evgeniy does not understand his responsibility for Lensky's death.
“From everything that is dear to my heart, Then I tore my heart away.” Onegin is disingenuous, since the village has never been dear to him.
"To understand with your soul all your perfection." Evgeniy admits that Tatyana is highly moral.
“If only you knew how terrible it is to languish with a thirst for love.” Onegin doesn’t even think that Tatyana knew this already 6 years ago.
“Everything is decided: I am in your will And I surrender to my fate.” She gives herself over to the power of Tatiana, to the power of God.

Students and the teacher determine:

A) Compositional techniques: letters are presented in the form of an internal monologue, there is no “Onegin stanza”, symmetry in the construction of letters (the ending is separate 4 lines, a free statement of one’s feelings).

B) Artistic means: Gallicisms (borrowings from the French language), rhetorical questions, ellipses, the epistolary genre itself - help to reveal the inner experiences of the characters.

C) The state of the heroes is love, uncertainty in understanding, in the correctness of the action.

D) Ethical plan: Tatiana is the first to write a letter to a man, and Onegin writes a love confession to a married woman - a violation of moral standards.

Conclusion: Onegin sees himself first of all in love, Tatyana is naive and believes in ideal love. But in the letters, many of the characters’ feelings and experiences are very close.

7. Hero Defense: boys are invited to defend Tatiana, and girls - Onegin.

8. Intonation plan: Tatyana’s letter begins with moderate intonation, then there is an increase in emotionality, in conclusion the intonation subsides; Onegin's letter begins with an exclamation, with a storm of feelings, suddenly all this is replaced by a thoughtful narration, then again an increase in intonation and at the end a descending intonation,

Schematically it looks like this:

Letter from Tatiana.

Onegin's letter.

9. Bottom line: Two letters help to reveal the inner world of the heroes, the motivation of their actions, show the kinship of the souls of the heroes, and are also a way of contrasting the heroes.

10. Homework:

a) Learn by heart Onegin’s letter to Tatiana for boys, Tatiana’s letter to Onegin for girls;

b) Answer the question in writing: What role do two letters play in the development of the plot of the novel?

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A.S. Pushkin Novel “Eugene Onegin”

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Problems of the novel
Analyzing the novel, V. G. Belinsky pointed out that at the beginning of the 19th century. the educated nobility was the class “in which the progress of Russian society was almost exclusively expressed,” and that Pushkin in “Onegin” “decided to present to us the inner life of this class, and at the same time society in the form in which it was in the chosen era "

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The novel was written over 7 years (1823-1830). In 1832, A.S. Pushkin wrote chapter 8. According to the author's plan, the novel should have had 10 chapters. In 1830, in Boldin, Pushkin wrote chapter 10 (a chronicle of the pre-Decembrist era). But the author burned the manuscript of this chapter.
In 1833, in the first complete edition of the novel, Pushkin included, in addition to Chapter 8, “Excerpts from Onegin’s Journey.”

The history of the novel

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Pushkin created his work when poetry was gradually losing its dominance, and prose was moving towards its triumph. The author chose an intermediate form that combines epic and lyric poetry. Pushkin wrote to Pyotr Vyazemsky: “Now I’m not writing a novel, but a novel in verse - a devilish difference.”

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Plot and composition
Consideration of the issue of the composition of the novel deserves special attention.

Fate and Pushkin have prepared a meeting of two heroes: Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina. It is impossible not to notice that some episodes in the novel are repeated twice, but as if in a “mirror” reflection.

On the one hand, there is a storyline associated with the hero, Onegin, and on the other hand, with the heroine, Tatyana.

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The main characters of the novel are ordinary people. Not only the events in the lives of the characters change, their characters and way of thinking change. Heroes do not fit into a scheme; they are subject to time and circumstances. Before us are typical heroes in typical circumstances.
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A young nobleman, an aristocrat by birth and upbringing - “a child of fun and luxury.” Before us is a typical representative of his time. The author often compares himself with Onegin, his “good friend,” expresses sympathy, makes fun of him, but is “always... glad to notice the difference” between Onegin and himself.

Eugene Onegin

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"Young rake", an egoist and skeptic with a sharp and evil tongue. According to the norms accepted in the world, Onegin is “smart and very nice.” Being an intelligent and critical person, he quickly became disillusioned with the bustle of social life, with people, with himself.

At the beginning of the novel, he is a young man with the soul of an old man, appearing in living rooms “gloomy, languid.”

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An expert in the “science of tender passion,” he immediately saw in Tatyana her difference from others. Having received her declaration of love, Onegin did not take advantage of the girl’s naivety, but “showed direct nobility to the soul” - he behaved like a well-mannered and decent person.

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Onegin has a complex interweaving of “old” and “new”: he accepts Lensky’s challenge to a duel, realizing the absurdity of the duel. The fear of being funny and becoming the subject of gossip influences Onegin’s behavior during the duel. He was afraid of the “opinion of the world,” which he despised, and became the culprit of Lensky’s death.

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The appearance and character of the heroine are dear to the author. “Neither her sister’s beauty, / Nor her ruddy freshness, / would she have attracted the eyes. / Wild, sad, silent.” “She seemed like a stranger’s girl in her own family”: she preferred solitude to games, “since childhood she liked novels” and the nanny’s stories about antiquity.

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In love, Tatyana differs from secular girls: there is no coquetry or affectation. But there is naivety, poetry, dreaminess. Under the influence of novels, she creates in her imagination a romantic image of her lover. This is how Evgeny Onegin appeared before her. Tatiana shows determination and courage: with her writing she actually challenges secular conventions.

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Her world is based on folk culture. Tatyana has a keen sense of nature: her spiritual sensitivity makes her closer to the common people than to secular society. Even her name is more familiar among the people. It was the first time the heroine of the novel was named.

Before us is a discreet, sad, but deep and pure nature with a rich inner world.

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Social life only emphasizes the integrity of the heroine’s nature. Having become the general's wife, a respected lady, Tatyana remains the same. She does not change her spiritual values ​​for the sake of secular society, maintaining purity and sincerity in her soul. He considers social life “glitter, tinsel, the rags of a masquerade.” She is the embodiment of the ideal image of a Russian woman, Pushkin’s “sweet ideal”.

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Evgeny Onegin and Vladimir Lensky
These are the antipodes - “wave and stone”, “ice and fire”, “nothing to do, friends”...
Onegin received a traditional noble upbringing and education

Lensky studied in Germany. The result of such education is a romantic worldview

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Onegin feels tired of life, disappointed in it, for him there are no values ​​- he does not value love or friendship. “No: his feelings cooled down early / He was bored with the noise of the world.” And then the author “makes a “diagnosis” of his hero’s condition - “in short: the Russian melancholy took possession of him little by little...”
Having returned to his homeland, Lensky expects happiness and miracles from life - therefore his soul and heart are open to love, friendship and creativity: “The purpose of our life for him / Was a tempting riddle, / He puzzled over it and suspected miracles” “He is dear at heart was ignorant"

A quarrel at a ball, a duel - turning points in the lives of the heroes. Lensky's death caused major changes in Onegin.

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“Always modest, always obedient, Always cheerful like the morning, Like the life of a poet, simple-minded...” But this is an ordinary nature. Olga loves Lensky because she simply wants to love, she feels his love. Due to her mediocrity, she does not understand what fire she lit in the poet’s soul. And it is not surprising that, having mourned his death, she soon marries a lancer.

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Features and significance of the novel
*A unique work that has no genre analogues either in Russian or in world literature. *This is the first realistic novel in Russian literature. *The phenomenon is exceptional in terms of the breadth of coverage of Russian reality in the first decades of the 19th century. *A deeply national novel in terms of historical fidelity and completeness of characters. AND

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