Download a program for making games in Russian. Gamemaker's Toolkit. We select a set of free programs for game development

The computer games industry is one of the most dynamically developing segments of the IT sector. How difficult is it to learn how to create games or at least individual elements of them? Can the user cope with such tasks alone? How do professionals create computer games?

What do you need to start creating games?

First of all, you need to be involved in the industry as a player. Without knowing how games work from the inside and the psychology of gamers, observing how computer graphics work in real use, and not in theory, it is very difficult to achieve success in releasing your own games. If a game is created with an eye toward commercial sales (or at least with the goal of promoting the personal brand of its developer), then it must be competitive and reflect the current needs of the gaming community. To release a product without following the “trend” is to waste time. Therefore, it is important to be not just an amateur gamer, but also to study the market, be able to install new games on your computer, and test them. And this means that the developer will also need very And here we move on to the second main condition for success in the gaming industry. We are talking about hardware components - hardware.

It is known that (from among PCs, of course, we are not talking about industrial computers) - gaming ones. They include hardware components (processor, video card, memory, chipset) that are much more technologically advanced than PCs for office and home needs. Externally, of course, computers of different classes may hardly differ, but from the point of view of electronic “stuffing” the difference is significant. A gaming PC can cost 5-10 times more than an office or home PC. It is possible that even some individual component (for example, the same processor) will have a price higher than the entire finished PC for the office. By the way, powerful hardware will be needed not only for testing gaming products. High-performance components are also required by specialized programs for computer games. Those with the help of which masterpieces of the industry will be created.

The third component of success in releasing great games is, as experts in the “gaming workshop” say, a special type of thinking. It must combine two seemingly completely different principles: logic and creativity. The first is necessary in order to have a good understanding of the construction of scripts, scripts and various kinds of dependencies embedded in the product concept, to decide how to write a game in a structure that future users will understand and accept. The second is to give your product unique features that distinguish it from similar or competing solutions.

Game Creation Methods

How are games created for a computer? Experts identify three main ways to develop gaming products: using construction kits, using game engines, and writing from scratch. The first is the simplest, the third is the most difficult. Therefore, if we are new to the field of creating games, then it makes sense for us to pay attention to the possibility of using construction sets. However, it will be useful to consider the features of each of the tools.

Game constructors

A constructor is a set of templates that have a programmed behavior model. The closest analogy that can be given to explain how to create a game using such a solution is “Lego” parts. Just as children construct, by reading a manual or improvising, houses, cars and other interesting masterpieces made of plastic.

The user has relatively great freedom in managing templates and setting scenarios for their operation. It is unlikely, of course, that with the help of a designer, even an experienced game developer will be able to produce a product that will create a sensation on the world market. Such programs are, rather, educational in nature, allowing novice gaming industry enthusiasts to understand how games are created on a computer. However, even this kind of task assigned to designers is important from the point of view of industry development.

Game engines

Creating games using engines is a process in which the user has at his disposal a disproportionately wider range of tools than in the case of designers. It is quite realistic to say that through the interfaces supplied by the manufacturers of such solutions, it is possible to create solutions that are competitive even at the global level - arcades, 3D action games, simulation games. Engines can be installed on a computer without problems and are almost always accompanied by a convenient interface for using them. As a rule, also high-quality help and training systems.

What is an engine? This is, in fact, just a set of commands (albeit a very complex one, consisting of hundreds of thousands of algorithms) that allow you to launch individual game processes. The number of templates, similar to those found in constructors, is usually kept to a minimum. And those that exist are very easy to modify or replace with those developed by the user himself. Using engines requires, of course, more qualifications than working with designers. If we are talking about creating a serious game, then the user will most likely have to involve someone else to help (we will look at the structure of a typical development team below). But once a person has mastered the engine interfaces, he will subsequently be able to adapt his existing knowledge and skills to create almost any gaming product.

Game from scratch

If a user has outgrown the capabilities of game engines, not to mention designers, has learned several programming languages, and studied in detail the principles of creating 3D graphics, then it’s time for him to master the most complex tool for creating games - writing a gaming masterpiece from scratch. The stages of releasing a new product will most likely include the development of its own engine - it is rare for a game to do without it, especially one that claims to be recognized in the community.

It is worth noting, however, that it is very difficult to cope with the release of a product from scratch alone (although the history of the gaming industry knows such precedents). But it is quite possible for one user to go through some stages of game development (such as, for example, creating characters, drawing graphic elements) in order to then involve other people by assembling a team.

Professional developers

If we talk about game development as a separate market segment, then the main role here is played by professional studios that have the financial and human resources to release commercially competitive products.

Creating top-level games costs hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars, and dozens of specialists from various fields are involved in their release. There are, of course, small and medium-sized development companies whose budgets for the release of gaming products can fit into the amount of 8-10 thousand “green”, but this is a very specific segment.

Structure of a professional game studio

Continuing the conversation about professional development, it will be useful to study the structure of the average development company. Who should work for a company that claims to create a global gaming bestseller? How do people who do this on a professional basis create games on a computer?

The development team must include designers and artists. Without their talent, computer graphics will not impress users. Graphics are, according to many experts, a key factor in the success of a game. In some cases, positions of this type are divided by function. For example, a team of game creators may have separate 2-D and 3D designers, as well as so-called concept artists who offer sketches of future graphic elements to their colleagues and the company’s management for approval.

The next group of specialists are “modelers”. Befitting the name of their position, they create prototypes of the game characters, as well as the artifacts, equipment, and buildings surrounding them, and “model” the future virtual world. In some cases, specialists in this category are assisted by animators (in cases where particularly complex character movements have to be modeled).

In most cases, programmers themselves are involved in creating games. This happens most often when the development company uses its own engine, but it is necessary to periodically coordinate the scripts written in it with the features of the game animation laid down by the artists. If the engine is supplied by a third-party developer, then, as a rule, no changes to the program code are required.

A serious gaming product cannot be made without an art director. This person is called upon to consolidate the efforts of artists and designers within a single concept. He will also be responsible for the efficiency of work, organizing processes so that the game is released on time.

We create games ourselves: a review of programs

How to create a game with only general knowledge of how programs for developing gaming products work? There are many tools that allow even an amateur to create his own game. Let us give examples of the types of solutions that we discussed above.

Game Maker

This program makes it possible to create a game even for those users who do not speak programming languages. This, however, is not about developing three-dimensional masterpieces. The program allows you to create only 2D games, but in a wide variety of genres. You can make very simple action games. The menu available to the user contains a large number of ready-made templates. All that essentially remains to be done is to come up with your own game scenario.

The program contains fairly detailed instructions and a good quality help system. Having mastered the capabilities of Game Maker at a basic level, the user can move on to learning the built-in language of this program - Game Maker Language. Using its capabilities, you can go beyond the templates built into the software and create games almost from scratch.


The Construct-2 product is recognized by experts as one of the most functional solutions in its class for creating games by users who do not speak programming languages. The huge advantage of this solution is that it can be used to produce games for most platforms used today - Windows, iOS, Android, create them in HTML5 and applications for Facebook (having understood how to make programs to run on this social network, the user will learn how to create a game on VK and show it to friends). Users of Construct-2 note the simplicity and clarity of its interface. You can work mainly according to templates, but there are a lot of them, and therefore there is almost anyone that will fit into the scenario invented by the user. The nice thing is that Conustruct-2 is free.

Unity 3D

The two programs listed above are designed for creating games in 2D mode. Unity allows you to work using 3D graphics capabilities. The opportunities that the program provides are huge. Just as in the case of Construct 2, there is multiplatform (there is even support for consoles - Xbox, PlayStation, Wii).

The program includes one of the best game engines in the world, according to experts (it is also called Unity). Therefore, this solution, without any exaggeration, allows us to create world-class gaming masterpieces (if, of course, we manage to assemble a team comparable in personnel to at least the average development studio). It will be possible to release very serious games on the computer. Shooting games - definitely, strategies - also quite possible, racing, simulators - easy.

This article will talk about free programs for creating 2D and 3D games. This article is aimed not only at beginners, but also for more experienced ones.

Programs will be described that can be used to create both primitive 2D games and more complex 3D games using physics, high graphics, writing scripts and algorithms. The top will feature engines and programs on which anyone can create games, since for this you do not need to know and write special complex scripts, as well as master programming languages.

This top can also be useful for people who are involved in creating games and have experience in programming, working with frameworks and libraries.

The article will help those who want to make their debut in this field and are now choosing the optimal engine for themselves. The top will describe all the advantages and benefits of the presented engines.

The top 5 engines for creating games will be formed, starting with the most primitive and simple ones, ending with the more complex ones. This top was formed taking into account the use of completely free and accessible engines, as well as the relevance and support of these programs.

The engines selected and described in this article will not be the best, they are simply the most suitable for performing the tasks of novice game creators.

A little background.

Previously, all games were created manually for each platform. Each time the entire game was written from scratch. Then game developers noticed that when creating games, there are many routine tasks that are easier to automate, write such solutions once and then simply access them from code.

Thus, libraries, frameworks and then full-fledged engines appeared.

5 Place

Stencyl is a game designer that will help you create games of different genres in 2D format, for platforms such as Android, IOS, Windows, as well as games in Flash and HTML 5 format.

The constructor is a ready-made selection of event blocks, a basket of remote actions, blocks of predefined actions, and much more. At the same time, the developers of this constructor provide the opportunity to create your own events and reactions. This engine has a large set of tools and the ability to work with a visual designer.

Simplicity and a wide range of simple tools do not in any way reduce the capabilities of this designer for the work of professionals. The engine allows you to write code in ActionScript 3.0.

Using this engine, you can create online games, so-called flash games, in Flash and HTML 5 formats that can be launched in a browser and posted on websites.

The Stencyl constructor provides a very useful and interesting opportunity to develop a game in a team while being remote from each other using a common network interface, chat and support, which are provided free of charge on the official website.

In this designer, it is worth noting that there is a store where you can download ready-made scripts, graphics and much more.

An example of how the engine works is the many online flash games that are abundant on the Internet.

· Ease of operation.

· A large number of video lessons and instructions, as well as support on the official website.

· The designer is completely free.

· Possibility of team work on the game.

· Ability to use your own scripts in ActionScript 3.0.

· Development of games for different platforms.

· English interface.

· The interface is not immediately clear.

4 Place

Kodu Game Lab is a visual editor that allows you to create 3D games without any knowledge of programming languages. This engine makes it possible to create game worlds, maps and place characters in them, for which you can then create tasks or scenarios.

All this can be done without writing any scripts or knowledge of programming languages.

Kodu Game Lab has many features and you can create any genre of games on its basis. Due to the fact that the program interface is very simple, anyone can create the most primitive game with their own scenario and world.

· A large number of tools.

· Ease of operation.

· Creation of absolutely any genre of games.

· Russian-language interface.

· No powerful computer required.

· Poor optimization.

· Poor game creation capabilities.

· Impossibility of creating a distribution kit for further installation on another computer.

· Inability to create your own textures and add your own materials.

3rd place

Unity is a powerful engine for creating games. This engine is cross-platform and allows you to create games for popular operating systems such as Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, IOS, as well as for Xbox and Wii game consoles.

This game engine is very popular among novice developers, as it is free, functional and provides the opportunity to develop games for all popular platforms.

By installing special plugins (possibly paid ones), you can create a primitive game without writing special scripts or algorithms. Thus, even a person far from programming will be able to create a simple game and try out this engine.

The free version of Unity has enough tools and features for beginners in this field. If you are already an experienced game creator, then most likely you will not have enough tools that are present in the free version. In order to more finely tune the graphics of the games you create, I advise you to use the Pro version.

The main programming languages ​​you need to create simple games are C# and JavaScript.

It is worth noting the presence of a store for skins, textures and much more, as well as the ability to use your own created materials in the Unity engine.

It should be noted that most of the popular games for PCs and Smartphones were created on this engine, so you should understand how much of a functional and powerful platform it is for creating games.

To understand all the capabilities of this engine, I advise you to familiarize yourself with popular video games that were entirely created in Unity - these are Cities Skylines, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, Rust, Firewatch, Superhot, Kerbal Space Program.

· Roughly clear interface.

· Creation of absolutely any genre of games.

· Cross-platform.

· Optimization.

· A large number of video lessons and instructions.

· The engine is completely free.

· No powerful computer required.

· Not suitable for beginners.

· Closed source.

· Outdated graphics.

Undoubtedly, this engine is many times better and more functional than the previous ones, but if you look at it from the perspective of more professional game creation, then you should understand that Unity is becoming outdated.

2nd place

Unreal Engine is a fairly powerful engine for creating games. This platform makes it possible to create 2D and 3D games. An integral part of such modern and powerful engines is cross-platform, and Unreal Engine does it quite well. You can create games for all popular platforms, both for smartphones (Android, IOS) and for computers (Windows, MacOS).

For this engine, there is quite a lot of documentation and information about working with it on the official website and on the Internet. Therefore, if you are unfamiliar with Unreal Engine, you can easily find all the information you need to get started, and if any problems arise during development, you can contact the form and discuss or find a solution to the problem.

Unreal Engine is a completely free game creation engine that you can download from the official website.

It is very important that if you are a professional developer and are planning to create a fairly complex and large project, then you should pay attention to this platform, as it is completely open source and has very well optimized, modern graphics. As for writing scripts, the engine uses the C++ programming language. Open source will allow you to add your own libraries and frameworks from the engine, which gives you almost unlimited possibilities in creating games.

I would like to note that if you are not experienced in the field of creating games, and also if you do not know the basics of programming in C++, then you should not start getting acquainted with game development with this engine. Since Unreal Engine is a professional tool for creating games.

To understand the full power and capabilities of the engine, you can look at popular projects already created on it, such as Gears of War 4, We Happy Few, Final Fantasy VII, Dead Island 2, Taken 7 and a long list of examples of capabilities.

· A huge number of tools.

· Creation of absolutely any genre of games.

· Cross-platform.

· Optimization.

· A large number of video lessons and instructions.

· Own forums, discussions in game development.

· The engine is completely free.

· Built-in add-on store.

· Ability to create a multi-player in games.

· High level of graphics.

· Open source

· Not suitable for beginners.

· Complex interface.

1 place

CryEngine was put in first place, although it is very similar to Unreal Engine, but still it is now more popular for creating modern games, and is developing more and more every day. CryEngine is the most popular engine among developers of complex and modern games using the best graphics, physics, etc.

CryEngine is a powerful engine for creating modern games in any genre for all possible platforms. It is also cross-platform and allows you to create games for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, IOS.

It is very suitable for team work on projects and allows you to create games using the latest knowledge and capabilities. The engine is also open source, which gives unlimited opportunities to refine the engine and create games that no one has ever created before.

Even though the engine is powerful and allows you to run and create high graphics games, it also makes it possible to create 2D games that not only look beautiful.

Here are some projects implemented on CryEngine: CrySis, Star Citizen, Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, Ryse: Son of Rome, Warface, the first part of FarCry and many others.

· A huge number of tools.

· Creation of absolutely any genre of games.

· Cross-platform.

· Optimization.

· A large number of video lessons and instructions.

· Own forums, discussions in game development.

· The engine is completely free.

· Built-in add-on store.

· Ability to create a multi-player in games.

· High level of graphics.

· Almost unlimited possibilities in creating games.

· Open source

· Not suitable for beginners.

· Quite demanding on the computer.

· Complex interface.


The article describes the most popular and, in my opinion, the best engines and designers for creating both primitive 2D games and for developing the most advanced new video games.

If you want to start developing games but don't know any programming languages, then you should apply your attention to 5th and 4th place. Such engines will help you create simple games without knowledge of programming languages ​​or scripting. To create your own game, the usual visual editors of these engines will suffice

If you are already a fairly experienced game creator and want to debut with your project, then you should take a look at the top three leaders in this top and decide which project and for which platform you are going to implement.

If you have decided on the engine and what project you will implement, then you can safely begin, and the forums, documentation and developer communities for these platforms will help with this.

The program is designed to create two-dimensional games without using programming languages. Instead of lines of code, ready-made actions of game characters are substituted. The user can only create game objects, provide them with two-dimensional sprites or animation, create rules for interaction between objects, and arrange objects on levels. You can draw graphics and animation directly in Game Maker without using third-party programs.

This program excels at top-down games and side-view platformers.

“Game Maker” will also be of interest to advanced programmers; there is also the opportunity to add your own program code.

The free version of the program does not limit ordinary users in any way, compared to the paid version of Game Maker Pro. The paid version provides access to complex software modules that are of interest only to real professional programmers.

A very simple 2D game designer. Knowledge of programming languages ​​is not required.

Unlike Game Maker, Construct 2 can create games for iOS, Android, Facebook, Chrome Web Store, Desktop Windows, Windows 8 Apps, Web (HTML5), Kongregate and many other platforms.

This is a higher quality program, but also more greedy for money. The program is free until you want to sell your game. In this case, you will need to buy a licensed version. There is also a special store on the developers’ website where you can buy building resources for your game: sound sets, music, detailed instructions.

We recommend the training course “TDS from A to Z” (creating a game in the “Top-down shooter” genre).

Programs for creating 3D games (Website)

"3D Rad" is the cheapest option among 3D game engines. The program can be used completely free of charge, and by paying $5 you get the latest updates on the day they are released (in the free version, updates appear only after three months). Most often, this engine is used to create racing games.

The program has a simple and clear interface, not burdened with trifles.

"3D Rad" supports the installation of individual plugins, has pre-installed AI models, shadow and texture maps. It is possible to create online games.

NeoAxis Game Engine SDK

An excellent game engine with a simple interface and high-quality graphics. Designed to create games in almost any genre.

Created based on the Ogre3D engine. The programming language used is C# and C++ and the .NET platform, but it is possible to do without programming thanks to special libraries of ready-made actions. The engine has various add-ons and extensions developed by third-party users. It is possible to export for 3dsMax and Maya, Autodesk Softimage and Blender. PSSM (Parallel-Split Shadow Map) shaders, lighting and shadows are supported.

NeoAxis Engine is distributed under 4 license types: Non-commercial – free for non-commercial projects; Indie license – $95/$295 (single/team); Commercial – $395/995 (single/team); Source license - from $9,800.

The main advantage of this game engine is maximum convenience and simplicity. In addition, the engine was developed by domestic programmers, which is why it has Russian as the default language. When you purchase a licensed version, you receive high-quality technical support in your native language.

A comprehensive tool containing everything you might need to create a game. The Unity 3D package includes a graphics engine that fully utilizes the capabilities of DirectX and OpenGL, a built-in 3D model editor, separate programs for creating and processing shaders, shadows, landscapes, physics and sounds, as well as rich script libraries. With Unity 3D you can completely forget about third-party programs, or reduce their use to a minimum.

Unity 3D is suitable for creating games of any genre. The platforms supported are regular computers (Windows XP/Vista/7, OSX), mobile devices (Android, iOS, Blackberry), game consoles (Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox), Internet browsers (Flash, Web Player).

There is a special collaborative development system - Asset Server, which allows you to develop a game as part of an entire team directly via the Internet.

The only negative is that to use Unity 3D you need to know computer programming at least at an intermediate level. Despite the rich library of ready-made practical software solutions and a powerful scripting engine with instant compilation, some of the code will have to be written independently in JavaScript or C#.

Unreal Development Kit (UDK)

One of the most popular game engines among professional game developers. Games such as the Unreal Tournament series, the Mass Effect series, XCOM, Borderlands 2, DmC: Devil May Cry and dozens and hundreds of smaller games were created on the Unreal Engine.

"UDK" supports the following platforms: PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Android.

This engine was originally designed for creating 3D shooters, but it also has the ability to create games of related genres: slashers, adventures, MMO games.

The game engine perfectly creates facial animations, complex building architecture, and processes complex physical objects. UDK contains all the necessary tools for creating animations, textures, sounds, levels, models, and software scripts. There is a built-in library containing more than 1000 structures, other 3D models, standard textures and sounds. It is possible to program in a special language “Unreal Script” (created based on C++).

You can use UDK completely free of charge until you decide to officially publish your game created on this engine. In this case, you will have to fork out for an expensive license.


"CryENGINE 3" is the pinnacle of modern game engines, delivering photorealistic graphics with support for DirectX 11 and third generation shaders. The third version of the engine was created in 2009. The Far Cry and Crysis series of games, the online game Aion, as well as dozens of lesser-known computer games were created on this engine.

The Crytek company decided to distribute this already popular game engine for free. But the free version only lasts until you want to officially release a game created on this engine. The licensed version is more expensive than all similar programs, but it is worth the money.

On "CryENGINE 3" you can create games for the platforms: PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

You can import textures from graphics programs “3ds max”, “Maya”, as well as from previous versions of the engine.

The CryENGINE 3 engine turned out to be very popular, it has a whole Russian-speaking community, thanks to this you can easily find all kinds of training materials, as well as answers to specific questions.

Today, developing virtual games has become not only an exciting hobby, but also a highly paid job. Find out what a good game should have and discover the interesting world of the entertainment industry.

Why making games is cool

  1. The freedom of action. Imagine that you have a blank sheet of paper in front of you, and everything that you draw on it begins to come to life and live its own life. You control every pixel of the virtual world and can bring absolutely any ideas to life. A real dream for creative people with good imagination!
  2. Self-development. Game development is great for developing intelligence. The creation process has many branches, and working alone, you will try yourself as a designer, sound engineer, screenwriter and programmer.
    For your first game, you don’t have to study all the specializations, it’s enough to gain practical knowledge. On the following projects, you can choose your favorite occupation and distribute the rest of the work.
  3. Good income. The gaming industry has already gathered 30% of the world's population under its banner. Income from game sales in 2015 amounted to $88.4 billion. Of course, the lion's share of this money was scattered among large development companies, but individual creators also skimmed the cream. Take, for example, the sandbox Minecraft, which brought its creator more than $100 million. And such jackpots are not uncommon in the gaming industry.

    A good idea, executed well, can become a rich gold mine.

How to make an interesting game

Idea. The first and most important step towards creating your own game is forming an idea. This step includes determining the genre, game mechanics, and design. Give your audience what they want.

Once the idea is formed in your head, it needs to be transferred to paper. Ask yourself questions: “What should happen?” and “How to do this?”. Write down all the little things and advantages that your game will have.
Thanks to the concept, you can clearly imagine your future game and save yourself a lot of time.

Scenario. A captivating story will always add fuel to the fire of excitement among gamers. The consumer must understand what he is spending his time on. By creating a simple script, you will spark interest in the player, and if you have the talent of a writer, you will even gather a club of fans. The main thing is not to split hairs, otherwise many will simply not understand your plan.

When the idea, concept and plot are ready, you can begin the most important thing - creating the game.

Choosing a game development program

Today, a huge number of game engines have been created. Among them there are both universal and highly specialized tools designed to work with a specific platform or, for example, only with two-dimensional graphics. It’s easy to get confused in such a variety, but we will help you make your choice.

To save our guests time, we have collected the best game engines in a single archive. A clear description, screenshots and video tutorials were added to each material. Choose the ideal tool based on user ratings and reviews. Download programs for creating games via torrent or file-sharing services (Yandex.Disk and MEGA).

Start an exciting creative journey through the magical world of the gaming industry. Become a professional and create truly cool virtual entertainment.

Sometimes players who often spend time playing various shooters, quests and other fictional worlds want to create their own universe. At the same time, if you use the work of people more knowledgeable in this matter, then creating a computer game is not so difficult.

Let's look at some programs that will allow you to do this without programming. These utilities are called engines.

The best programs for creating games

Game Maker

This is a game designer in Delphi. Supports both Windows and Macintosh. Advantages that designer is cross-platform, low price, integrated with Steam. TO shortcomings Game Maker is attributed to the fact that it is not convenient for creating large games, the 3D mode is not developing, the purpose of creating games for computers has been transformed into games for mobile platforms.

Construct 2

This is a constructor for 2D games. With its help, games are created for iPhones, Androids, Windows and other platforms. This game creation program free. If the creator wants to sell a game created using the utility, then he should buy a license.

In a special Construct 2 store, which is offered by the developers, creators can buy special resources for their virtual worlds. Music, sound sets, instructions - everything is in it.

Unity 3D

This utility contains everything you might need to create a great game. The program has a built-in engine that allows you to work with 3D graphics. On the plus side, it also has special programs for developing landscapes, sounds, and physics.

Minus Unity 3D is a necessity for computer programming training from the creator.

3D Rad

This utility is downloaded and free to use. It is the cheapest among all the others that use a 3D engine. In 3D Rad you will find an intuitive interface. It also has the ability to create online toys.

Game Editor

This utility from advantages has an excellent set of templates, and from shortcomings– cannot import layer-by-layer images, and if the user does not know how to program, then all his projects will be of the same type.

All applications created in Game Editor have open source. The utility is intended for those who have at least a little mastery of programming in C++.


This environment for creating computer games does not require any special knowledge in development and programming. All scenarios are presented in the form of blocks. Those who love Photoshop will also love Stencyl. Since it has functions that are very similar to this program.


Here you can add and change objects not only in 2D, but also in 3D space. CraftStudio makes game creation fun and interesting. The interface of this program is intuitive. There are no format incompatibilities or conversion problems here. For those who have in-depth knowledge of programming, there is a section - Lua Scripting. You can download the program for creating games from the official website.

Adventure Game Studio

The advantages of this utility include a built-in demo game and import of sound files. TO shortcomings include low quality graphics and the creation of a game of only one genre. The Adventure Game Studio interface is also not as simple as it might seem at first glance. But present lots of tips. There is no Russian version.

Arcade Game Studio

This is a clear and simple constructor. To work with Arcade Game Studio, you don't need to have programming knowledge to understand it. It was created for writing shooters, arcades, and runners. Here you can make a game dating back to the 80s or 90s. For many fans of the old-school genre, such toys will be quite suitable.

Clickteam Fusion

This the designer can read sensor readings and apply shader effects. Among the shortcomings It can be noted that the license is unavailable in many countries, and there is practically no documentation in Russian.

The main feature of Clickteam Fusion is that if a programmer creates a utility for a mobile phone, then it will be able to read readings from GPS devices. There is no Russian language, but you can download the Russian language file.


This constructor will be useful for novice programmers. You will find a simple and intuitive interface. The utility allows you to add many sound files and pictures. GameSalad is easily compatible with different platforms.

The program for creating games on a computer can be purchased for a trial period of half a month for free, and the purchase will cost twenty-five dollars.

Visionaire Studio

This program is suitable for those who love puzzles and quests. Feature of the utility is that you can work in a point and click style. Here you can choose which characters will participate in the plot, change them, write various commands, and answers to the riddles you created.

The only problem Visionaire Studio is that only the demo version is free.


This application was created for producing 3D animation and 3D graphics. This utility is absolutely distributed free of charge. It has a lot of tools and options. Therefore, it may take a lot of time to study it. But it's worth it. However, Blender does not have a Russian version. In order to translate it, it is recommended download crack.

Construct Classic

This program is designed for creating 3D and 2D applications. Games created on it can use technology Direct X. Here all actions are performed using visual design technology. Therefore, no programming knowledge is required.

Construct Classic allows you to add your own shaders. Supports Most plugins have a built-in Python interpreter.

Unreal Development Kit

This utility is most popular engine among game application developers. It supports X Box, PC, Play Station. Main feature the fact that the engine was created for making 3D shooters. Here can be processed complex architectures, facial animations, physical objects. It also has its own library.

The Unreal Development Kit is free to download and use. But when you want to officially release the game, you will need to buy a license.

NeoAxis 3D Engine

This designer, unlike others, has high-quality graphics and a relatively simple interface. Before you start recommended to master programming languages ​​C+, C++. But there are special libraries with prepared actions. NeoAxis supports shaders, shadows, lighting.

It is very convenient and easy to use. This engine was developed in our country. Russian language is set by default here.

CryENGINE 3 Free

This engine can be considered the best of all modern ones, which support photorealistic graphics, as well as Direct X technology. Far Cry and Crysis were made on it. And it also allows create games for platforms X Box, Play Station.

Textures can be taken directly from 3D Max. CryENGINE is very popular. You can find a large number of educational materials in Russian.

Kodu Game Lab

This engine allows you to work with many tools that can be used to produce 3D applications. Kodu Game Lab created companyMicrosoft. It has many templates, allows you to upload your own content, and has many built-in lessons on how to work with it.

Defold Game Engine

This designer is designed for 2D, but can also work with 3D graphics. It makes it easy for non-programmers to create games. Defold Game Engine is suitable for application development for mobile phones, HTML5, lua scripting.

Amazon Lumberyard

This is a new game constructor from Amazon. It is released as open source. Using this engine, you can develop applications for personal computers and mobile applications. Lumberyard free constructor. But if you want to add additional features, you will be asked to pay for them.

CryEngine 5

This is a game engine from the German company Crytec. Version CryEngine 5 is less demanding on your computer characteristics, but this does not make the graphics any worse. There is support Direct X 11 and 12.


This constructor is free version what we considered at the beginning of the review of programs for creating games. It allows you to create 2D worlds in a few hours. It is cross-platform. GameMaker: Studio makes it easy to create applications for mobile devices, personal computers, and Mac Os.